// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifdef V8_RUNTIME_CALL_STATS #include "src/logging/runtime-call-stats.h" #include <iomanip> #include "src/tracing/tracing-category-observer.h" #include "src/utils/ostreams.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { base::TimeTicks (*RuntimeCallTimer::Now)() = &base::TimeTicks::Now; base::TimeTicks RuntimeCallTimer::NowCPUTime() { base::ThreadTicks ticks = base::ThreadTicks::Now(); return base::TimeTicks::FromInternalValue(ticks.ToInternalValue()); } class RuntimeCallStatEntries { public: void Print(std::ostream& os) { if (total_call_count_ == 0) return; std::sort(entries_.rbegin(), entries_.rend()); os << std::setw(50) << "Runtime Function/C++ Builtin" << std::setw(12) << "Time" << std::setw(18) << "Count" << std::endl << std::string(88, '=') << std::endl; for (Entry& entry : entries_) { entry.SetTotal(total_time_, total_call_count_); entry.Print(os); } os << std::string(88, '-') << std::endl; Entry("Total", total_time_, total_call_count_).Print(os); } // By default, the compiler will usually inline this, which results in a large // binary size increase: std::vector::push_back expands to a large amount of // instructions, and this function is invoked repeatedly by macros. V8_NOINLINE void Add(RuntimeCallCounter* counter) { if (counter->count() == 0) return; entries_.push_back( Entry(counter->name(), counter->time(), counter->count())); total_time_ += counter->time(); total_call_count_ += counter->count(); } private: class Entry { public: Entry(const char* name, base::TimeDelta time, uint64_t count) : name_(name), time_(time.InMicroseconds()), count_(count), time_percent_(100), count_percent_(100) {} bool operator<(const Entry& other) const { if (time_ < other.time_) return true; if (time_ > other.time_) return false; return count_ < other.count_; } V8_NOINLINE void Print(std::ostream& os) { os.precision(2); os << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2); os << std::setw(50) << name_; os << std::setw(10) << static_cast<double>(time_) / 1000 << "ms "; os << std::setw(6) << time_percent_ << "%"; os << std::setw(10) << count_ << " "; os << std::setw(6) << count_percent_ << "%"; os << std::endl; } V8_NOINLINE void SetTotal(base::TimeDelta total_time, uint64_t total_count) { if (total_time.InMicroseconds() == 0) { time_percent_ = 0; } else { time_percent_ = 100.0 * time_ / total_time.InMicroseconds(); } count_percent_ = 100.0 * count_ / total_count; } private: const char* name_; int64_t time_; uint64_t count_; double time_percent_; double count_percent_; }; uint64_t total_call_count_ = 0; base::TimeDelta total_time_; std::vector<Entry> entries_; }; void RuntimeCallCounter::Reset() { count_ = 0; time_ = 0; } void RuntimeCallCounter::Dump(v8::tracing::TracedValue* value) { value->BeginArray(name_); value->AppendDouble(count_); value->AppendDouble(time_); value->EndArray(); } void RuntimeCallCounter::Add(RuntimeCallCounter* other) { count_ += other->count(); time_ += other->time().InMicroseconds(); } void RuntimeCallTimer::Snapshot() { base::TimeTicks now = Now(); // Pause only / topmost timer in the timer stack. Pause(now); // Commit all the timer's elapsed time to the counters. RuntimeCallTimer* timer = this; while (timer != nullptr) { timer->CommitTimeToCounter(); timer = timer->parent(); } Resume(now); } RuntimeCallStats::RuntimeCallStats(ThreadType thread_type) : in_use_(false), thread_type_(thread_type) { static const char* const kNames[] = { #define CALL_BUILTIN_COUNTER(name) "GC_" #name, FOR_EACH_GC_COUNTER(CALL_BUILTIN_COUNTER) // #undef CALL_BUILTIN_COUNTER #define CALL_RUNTIME_COUNTER(name) #name, FOR_EACH_MANUAL_COUNTER(CALL_RUNTIME_COUNTER) // #undef CALL_RUNTIME_COUNTER #define CALL_RUNTIME_COUNTER(name, nargs, ressize) #name, FOR_EACH_INTRINSIC(CALL_RUNTIME_COUNTER) // #undef CALL_RUNTIME_COUNTER #define CALL_BUILTIN_COUNTER(name) #name, BUILTIN_LIST_C(CALL_BUILTIN_COUNTER) // #undef CALL_BUILTIN_COUNTER #define CALL_BUILTIN_COUNTER(name) "API_" #name, FOR_EACH_API_COUNTER(CALL_BUILTIN_COUNTER) // #undef CALL_BUILTIN_COUNTER #define CALL_BUILTIN_COUNTER(name) #name, FOR_EACH_HANDLER_COUNTER(CALL_BUILTIN_COUNTER) // #undef CALL_BUILTIN_COUNTER #define THREAD_SPECIFIC_COUNTER(name) #name, FOR_EACH_THREAD_SPECIFIC_COUNTER(THREAD_SPECIFIC_COUNTER) // #undef THREAD_SPECIFIC_COUNTER }; for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfCounters; i++) { this->counters_[i] = RuntimeCallCounter(kNames[i]); } if (FLAG_rcs_cpu_time) { CHECK(base::ThreadTicks::IsSupported()); base::ThreadTicks::WaitUntilInitialized(); RuntimeCallTimer::Now = &RuntimeCallTimer::NowCPUTime; } } namespace { constexpr RuntimeCallCounterId FirstCounter(RuntimeCallCounterId first, ...) { return first; } #define THREAD_SPECIFIC_COUNTER(name) k##name, constexpr RuntimeCallCounterId kFirstThreadVariantCounter = FirstCounter(FOR_EACH_THREAD_SPECIFIC_COUNTER(THREAD_SPECIFIC_COUNTER) 0); #undef THREAD_SPECIFIC_COUNTER #define THREAD_SPECIFIC_COUNTER(name) +1 constexpr int kThreadVariantCounterCount = 0 FOR_EACH_THREAD_SPECIFIC_COUNTER(THREAD_SPECIFIC_COUNTER); #undef THREAD_SPECIFIC_COUNTER constexpr auto kLastThreadVariantCounter = static_cast<RuntimeCallCounterId>( kFirstThreadVariantCounter + kThreadVariantCounterCount - 1); } // namespace bool RuntimeCallStats::HasThreadSpecificCounterVariants( RuntimeCallCounterId id) { // Check that it's in the range of the thread-specific variant counters and // also that it's one of the background counters. return id >= kFirstThreadVariantCounter && id <= kLastThreadVariantCounter; } bool RuntimeCallStats::IsBackgroundThreadSpecificVariant( RuntimeCallCounterId id) { return HasThreadSpecificCounterVariants(id) && (id - kFirstThreadVariantCounter) % 2 == 1; } void RuntimeCallStats::Enter(RuntimeCallTimer* timer, RuntimeCallCounterId counter_id) { DCHECK(IsCalledOnTheSameThread()); RuntimeCallCounter* counter = GetCounter(counter_id); DCHECK_NOT_NULL(counter->name()); timer->Start(counter, current_timer()); current_timer_.SetValue(timer); current_counter_.SetValue(counter); } void RuntimeCallStats::Leave(RuntimeCallTimer* timer) { DCHECK(IsCalledOnTheSameThread()); RuntimeCallTimer* stack_top = current_timer(); if (stack_top == nullptr) return; // Missing timer is a result of Reset(). CHECK(stack_top == timer); current_timer_.SetValue(timer->Stop()); RuntimeCallTimer* cur_timer = current_timer(); current_counter_.SetValue(cur_timer ? cur_timer->counter() : nullptr); } void RuntimeCallStats::Add(RuntimeCallStats* other) { for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfCounters; i++) { GetCounter(i)->Add(other->GetCounter(i)); } } // static void RuntimeCallStats::CorrectCurrentCounterId(RuntimeCallCounterId counter_id, CounterMode mode) { DCHECK(IsCalledOnTheSameThread()); if (mode == RuntimeCallStats::CounterMode::kThreadSpecific) { counter_id = CounterIdForThread(counter_id); } DCHECK(IsCounterAppropriateForThread(counter_id)); RuntimeCallTimer* timer = current_timer(); if (timer == nullptr) return; RuntimeCallCounter* counter = GetCounter(counter_id); timer->set_counter(counter); current_counter_.SetValue(counter); } bool RuntimeCallStats::IsCalledOnTheSameThread() { if (thread_id_.IsValid()) return thread_id_ == ThreadId::Current(); thread_id_ = ThreadId::Current(); return true; } void RuntimeCallStats::Print() { StdoutStream os; Print(os); } void RuntimeCallStats::Print(std::ostream& os) { RuntimeCallStatEntries entries; if (current_timer_.Value() != nullptr) { current_timer_.Value()->Snapshot(); } for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfCounters; i++) { entries.Add(GetCounter(i)); } entries.Print(os); } void RuntimeCallStats::Reset() { if (V8_LIKELY(!TracingFlags::is_runtime_stats_enabled())) return; // In tracing, we only what to trace the time spent on top level trace events, // if runtime counter stack is not empty, we should clear the whole runtime // counter stack, and then reset counters so that we can dump counters into // top level trace events accurately. while (current_timer_.Value()) { current_timer_.SetValue(current_timer_.Value()->Stop()); } for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfCounters; i++) { GetCounter(i)->Reset(); } in_use_ = true; } void RuntimeCallStats::Dump(v8::tracing::TracedValue* value) { for (int i = 0; i < kNumberOfCounters; i++) { if (GetCounter(i)->count() > 0) GetCounter(i)->Dump(value); } in_use_ = false; } WorkerThreadRuntimeCallStats::WorkerThreadRuntimeCallStats() : isolate_thread_id_(ThreadId::Current()) {} WorkerThreadRuntimeCallStats::~WorkerThreadRuntimeCallStats() { if (tls_key_) base::Thread::DeleteThreadLocalKey(*tls_key_); } base::Thread::LocalStorageKey WorkerThreadRuntimeCallStats::GetKey() { base::MutexGuard lock(&mutex_); DCHECK(TracingFlags::is_runtime_stats_enabled()); if (!tls_key_) tls_key_ = base::Thread::CreateThreadLocalKey(); return *tls_key_; } RuntimeCallStats* WorkerThreadRuntimeCallStats::NewTable() { DCHECK(TracingFlags::is_runtime_stats_enabled()); // Never create a new worker table on the isolate's main thread. DCHECK_NE(ThreadId::Current(), isolate_thread_id_); std::unique_ptr<RuntimeCallStats> new_table = std::make_unique<RuntimeCallStats>(RuntimeCallStats::kWorkerThread); RuntimeCallStats* result = new_table.get(); base::MutexGuard lock(&mutex_); tables_.push_back(std::move(new_table)); return result; } void WorkerThreadRuntimeCallStats::AddToMainTable( RuntimeCallStats* main_call_stats) { base::MutexGuard lock(&mutex_); for (auto& worker_stats : tables_) { DCHECK_NE(main_call_stats, worker_stats.get()); main_call_stats->Add(worker_stats.get()); worker_stats->Reset(); } } WorkerThreadRuntimeCallStatsScope::WorkerThreadRuntimeCallStatsScope( WorkerThreadRuntimeCallStats* worker_stats) { if (V8_LIKELY(!TracingFlags::is_runtime_stats_enabled())) return; table_ = reinterpret_cast<RuntimeCallStats*>( base::Thread::GetThreadLocal(worker_stats->GetKey())); if (table_ == nullptr) { table_ = worker_stats->NewTable(); base::Thread::SetThreadLocal(worker_stats->GetKey(), table_); } if ((TracingFlags::runtime_stats.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) & v8::tracing::TracingCategoryObserver::ENABLED_BY_TRACING)) { table_->Reset(); } } WorkerThreadRuntimeCallStatsScope::~WorkerThreadRuntimeCallStatsScope() { if (V8_LIKELY(table_ == nullptr)) return; if ((TracingFlags::runtime_stats.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) & v8::tracing::TracingCategoryObserver::ENABLED_BY_TRACING)) { auto value = v8::tracing::TracedValue::Create(); table_->Dump(value.get()); TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("v8.runtime_stats"), "V8.RuntimeStats", TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_THREAD, "runtime-call-stats", std::move(value)); } } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #endif // V8_RUNTIME_CALL_STATS