// Copyright 2010 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Flags: --allow-natives-syntax // Test array sort. // Test counter-intuitive default number sorting. function TestNumberSort() { var a = [ 200, 45, 7 ]; // Default sort converts each element to string and orders // lexicographically. a.sort(); assertArrayEquals([ 200, 45, 7 ], a); // Sort numbers by value using a compare functions. a.sort(function(x, y) { return x - y; }); assertArrayEquals([ 7, 45, 200 ], a); // Default sort on negative numbers. a = [-12345,-123,-1234,-123456]; a.sort(); assertArrayEquals([-123,-1234,-12345,-123456], a); // Default sort on negative and non-negative numbers. a = [123456,0,-12345,-123,123,1234,-1234,0,12345,-123456]; a.sort(); assertArrayEquals([-123,-1234,-12345,-123456,0,0,123,1234,12345,123456], a); // Tricky case avoiding integer overflow in Runtime_SmiLexicographicCompare. a = [9, 1000000000].sort(); assertArrayEquals([1000000000, 9], a); a = [1000000000, 1].sort(); assertArrayEquals([1, 1000000000], a); a = [1000000000, 0].sort(); assertArrayEquals([0, 1000000000], a); // One string is a prefix of the other. a = [1230, 123].sort(); assertArrayEquals([123, 1230], a); a = [1231, 123].sort(); assertArrayEquals([123, 1231], a); // Default sort on Smis and non-Smis. a = [1000000000, 10000000000, 1000000001, -1000000000, -10000000000, -1000000001]; a.sort(); assertArrayEquals([-1000000000, -10000000000, -1000000001, 1000000000, 10000000000, 1000000001], a); // Other cases are tested implicitly in TestSmiLexicographicCompare. } TestNumberSort(); // Test lexicographical string sorting. function TestStringSort() { var a = [ "cc", "c", "aa", "a", "bb", "b", "ab", "ac" ]; a.sort(); assertArrayEquals([ "a", "aa", "ab", "ac", "b", "bb", "c", "cc" ], a); } TestStringSort(); // Test object sorting. Calls toString on each element and sorts // lexicographically. function TestObjectSort() { var obj0 = { toString: function() { return "a"; } }; var obj1 = { toString: function() { return "b"; } }; var obj2 = { toString: function() { return "c"; } }; var a = [ obj2, obj0, obj1 ]; a.sort(); assertArrayEquals([ obj0, obj1, obj2 ], a); } TestObjectSort(); // Test array sorting with holes in the array. function TestArraySortingWithHoles() { var a = []; a[4] = "18"; a[10] = "12"; a.sort(); assertEquals(11, a.length); assertEquals("12", a[0]); assertEquals("18", a[1]); } TestArraySortingWithHoles(); // Test array sorting with undefined elemeents in the array. function TestArraySortingWithUndefined() { var a = [ 3, void 0, 2 ]; a.sort(); assertArrayEquals([ 2, 3, void 0 ], a); } TestArraySortingWithUndefined(); // Test that sorting using an unsound comparison function still gives a // sensible result, i.e. it terminates without error and retains the elements // in the array. function TestArraySortingWithUnsoundComparisonFunction() { var a = [ 3, void 0, 2 ]; a.sort(function(x, y) { return 1; }); a.sort(); assertArrayEquals([ 2, 3, void 0 ], a); } TestArraySortingWithUnsoundComparisonFunction(); function TestSparseNonArraySorting(length) { assertTrue(length > 101); var obj = {length: length}; obj[0] = 42; obj[10] = 37; obj[100] = undefined; obj[length - 1] = null; Array.prototype.sort.call(obj); assertEquals(length, obj.length, "objsort length unaffected"); assertEquals(37, obj[0], "objsort smallest number"); assertEquals(42, obj[1], "objsort largest number"); assertEquals(null, obj[2], "objsort null"); assertEquals(undefined, obj[3], "objsort undefined"); assertTrue(3 in obj, "objsort undefined retained"); assertFalse(4 in obj, "objsort non-existing retained"); } TestSparseNonArraySorting(1000); TestSparseNonArraySorting(5000); function TestArrayLongerLength(length) { var x = new Array(4); x[0] = 42; x[2] = 37; x.length = length; Array.prototype.sort.call(x); assertEquals(length, x.length, "longlength length"); assertEquals(37, x[0], "longlength first"); assertEquals(42, x[1], "longlength second"); assertFalse(2 in x,"longlength third"); } TestArrayLongerLength(4); TestArrayLongerLength(10); TestArrayLongerLength(1000); TestArrayLongerLength(5000); function TestNonArrayLongerLength(length) { var x = {}; x[0] = 42; x[2] = 37; x.length = length; Array.prototype.sort.call(x); assertEquals(length, x.length, "longlength length"); assertEquals(37, x[0], "longlength first"); assertEquals(42, x[1], "longlength second"); assertFalse(2 in x,"longlength third"); } TestNonArrayLongerLength(4); TestNonArrayLongerLength(10); TestNonArrayLongerLength(1000); TestNonArrayLongerLength(5000); function TestNonArrayWithAccessors() { // Regression test for issue 346, more info at URL // http://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=346 // Reported by nth10sd, test based on this report. var x = {}; x[0] = 42; x.__defineGetter__("1", function(){return this.foo;}); x.__defineSetter__("1", function(val){this.foo = val;}); x[1] = 49 x[3] = 37; x.length = 4; Array.prototype.sort.call(x); // Behavior of sort with accessors is undefined. This accessor is // well-behaved (acts like a normal property), so it should work. assertEquals(4, x.length, "sortaccessors length"); assertEquals(37, x[0], "sortaccessors first"); assertEquals(42, x[1], "sortaccessors second"); assertEquals(49, x[2], "sortaccessors third") assertFalse(3 in x, "sortaccessors fourth"); } TestNonArrayWithAccessors(); function TestInheritedElementSort(depth) { var length = depth * 2 + 3; var obj = {length: length}; obj[depth * 2 + 1] = 0; for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) { var newObj = {}; newObj.__proto__ = obj; obj[i] = undefined; obj[i + depth + 1] = depth - i; obj = newObj; } // expected (inherited) object: [undef1,...undefdepth,hole,1,...,depth,0,hole] Array.prototype.sort.call(obj, function(a,b) { return (b < a) - (a < b); }); // expected result: [0,1,...,depth,undef1,...,undefdepth,hole] var name = "SortInherit("+depth+")-"; assertEquals(length, obj.length, name+"length"); for (var i = 0; i <= depth; i++) { assertTrue(obj.hasOwnProperty(i), name + "hasvalue" + i); assertEquals(i, obj[i], name + "value" + i); } for (var i = depth + 1; i < depth * 2 + 1; i++) { assertEquals(undefined, obj[i], name + "undefined" + i); assertTrue(obj.hasOwnProperty(i), name + "hasundefined" + i); } assertFalse(obj.hasOwnProperty(depth * 2 + 1), name + "hashole") assertFalse(obj.hasOwnProperty(depth * 2 + 2), name + "hashole"); } TestInheritedElementSort(5); TestInheritedElementSort(15); function TestSparseInheritedElementSort(scale) { var length = scale * 10; var x = {length: length}; var y = {}; y.__proto__ = x; for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { x[i * 2 * scale] = 2 * (4 - i); y[(i * 2 + 1) * scale] = 2 * (4 - i) + 1; } var name = "SparseSortInherit(" + scale + ")-"; Array.prototype.sort.call(y); assertEquals(length, y.length, name +"length"); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { assertTrue(y.hasOwnProperty(i), name + "hasvalue" + i); assertEquals(i, y[i], name + "value" + i); } for (var i = 10; i < length; i++) { assertFalse(y.hasOwnProperty(i), name + "noundef" + i); if (x.hasOwnProperty(i)) { assertTrue(0 == i % (2 * scale), name + "new_x" + i); } } } TestSparseInheritedElementSort(10); TestSparseInheritedElementSort(100); TestSparseInheritedElementSort(1000); function TestSpecialCasesInheritedElementSort() { var x = { 1:"d1", 2:"c1", 3:"b1", 4: undefined, __proto__: { length: 10000, 1: "e2", 10: "a2", 100: "b2", 1000: "c2", 2000: undefined, 8000: "d2", 12000: "XX", __proto__: { 0: "e3", 1: "d3", 2: "c3", 3: "b3", 4: "f3", 5: "a3", 6: undefined, } } }; Array.prototype.sort.call(x); var name = "SpecialInherit-"; assertEquals(10000, x.length, name + "length"); var sorted = ["a2", "a3", "b1", "b2", "c1", "c2", "d1", "d2", "e3", undefined, undefined, undefined]; for (var i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++) { assertTrue(x.hasOwnProperty(i), name + "has" + i) assertEquals(sorted[i], x[i], name + i); } assertFalse(x.hasOwnProperty(sorted.length), name + "haspost"); assertFalse(sorted.length in x, name + "haspost2"); assertTrue(x.hasOwnProperty(10), name + "hasundefined10"); assertEquals(undefined, x[10], name + "undefined10"); assertFalse(x.hasOwnProperty(100), name + "hasno100"); assertEquals("b2", x[100], "inherits100"); assertFalse(x.hasOwnProperty(1000), name + "hasno1000"); assertEquals("c2", x[1000], "inherits1000"); assertFalse(x.hasOwnProperty(2000), name + "hasno2000"); assertEquals(undefined, x[2000], "inherits2000"); assertFalse(x.hasOwnProperty(8000), name + "hasno8000"); assertEquals("d2", x[8000], "inherits8000"); assertFalse(x.hasOwnProperty(12000), name + "has12000"); assertEquals("XX", x[12000], name + "XX12000"); } TestSpecialCasesInheritedElementSort(); // Test that sort calls compare function with global object as receiver, // and with only elements of the array as arguments. function o(v) { return {__proto__: o.prototype, val: v}; } var arr = [o(1), o(2), o(4), o(8), o(16), o(32), o(64), o(128), o(256), o(-0)]; var global = this; function cmpTest(a, b) { assertEquals(global, this); assertTrue(a instanceof o); assertTrue(b instanceof o); return a.val - b.val; } arr.sort(cmpTest); function TestSortDoesNotDependOnObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty() { Array.prototype.sort.call({ __proto__: { hasOwnProperty: null, 0: 1 }, length: 5 }); var arr = new Array(2); Object.defineProperty(arr, 0, { get: function() {}, set: function() {} }); arr.hasOwnProperty = null; arr.sort(); } TestSortDoesNotDependOnObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty(); function TestSortDoesNotDependOnArrayPrototypePush() { // InsertionSort is used for arrays which length <= 22 var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < 22; i++) arr[i] = {}; Array.prototype.push = function() { fail('Should not call push'); }; arr.sort(); // Quicksort is used for arrays which length > 22 // Arrays which length > 1000 guarantee GetThirdIndex is executed arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < 2000; ++i) arr[i] = {}; arr.sort(); } TestSortDoesNotDependOnArrayPrototypePush(); function TestSortDoesNotDependOnArrayPrototypeSort() { var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < 2000; i++) arr[i] = {}; var sortfn = Array.prototype.sort; Array.prototype.sort = function() { fail('Should not call sort'); }; sortfn.call(arr); // Restore for the next test Array.prototype.sort = sortfn; } TestSortDoesNotDependOnArrayPrototypeSort(); function TestSortToObject() { Number.prototype[0] = 5; Number.prototype[1] = 4; Number.prototype.length = 2; x = new Number(0); assertEquals(0, Number(Array.prototype.sort.call(x))); assertEquals(4, x[0]); assertEquals(5, x[1]); assertArrayEquals(["0", "1"], Object.getOwnPropertyNames(x)); // The following would throw if ToObject weren't called. assertEquals(0, Number(Array.prototype.sort.call(0))); } TestSortToObject(); function TestSortOnProxy() { { var p = new Proxy([2,1,3], {}); assertEquals([1,2,3], p.sort()); } { function f() { return arguments }; var a = f(2,1,3); a.__proto__ = new Proxy({}, {}); assertEquals([1,2,3], [...(Array.prototype.sort.apply(a))]); } } TestSortOnProxy(); function TestSortOnNonExtensible() { { var arr = [1,,2]; Object.preventExtensions(arr); assertThrows(() => arr.sort(), TypeError); assertEquals(arr, [1,,2]); } { var arr = [1,,undefined]; Object.preventExtensions(arr); assertThrows(() => arr.sort(), TypeError); assertFalse(arr.hasOwnProperty(1)); assertEquals(arr, [1,,undefined]); } { var arr = [1,undefined,2]; Object.preventExtensions(arr); arr.sort(); assertEquals(arr, [1,2,undefined]); } } TestSortOnNonExtensible(); function TestSortOnTypedArray() { var array = new Int8Array([10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]); Object.defineProperty(array, "length", {value: 5}); Array.prototype.sort.call(array); assertEquals(array, new Int8Array([10,6,7,8,9,5,4,3,2,1])); var array = new Int8Array([10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]); Object.defineProperty(array, "length", {value: 15}); Array.prototype.sort.call(array); assertEquals(array, new Int8Array([1,10,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])); } TestSortOnTypedArray(); // Test special prototypes (function testSortSpecialPrototypes() { function test(proto, length, expected) { var result = { length: length, __proto__: proto, }; Array.prototype.sort.call(result); assertEquals(expected.length, result.length, "result.length"); for (var i = 0; i<expected.length; i++) { assertEquals(expected[i], result[i], "result["+i+"]"); } } (function fast() { // Fast elements, non-empty test(arguments, 0, []); test(arguments, 1, [2]); test(arguments, 2, [1, 2]); test(arguments, 4, [1, 2, 3, 4]); delete arguments[0] // sort copies down the properties to the receiver, hence result[1] // is read on the arguments through the hole on the receiver. test(arguments, 2, [1, 1]); arguments[0] = undefined; test(arguments, 2, [1, undefined]); })(2, 1, 4, 3); (function fastSloppy(a) { // Fast sloppy test(arguments, 0, []); test(arguments, 1, [2]); test(arguments, 2, [1, 2]); delete arguments[0] test(arguments, 2, [1, 1]); arguments[0] = undefined; test(arguments, 2, [1, undefined]); })(2, 1); (function fastEmpty() { test(arguments, 0, []); test(arguments, 1, [undefined]); test(arguments, 2, [undefined, undefined]); })(); (function stringWrapper() { // cannot redefine string wrapper properties assertThrows(() => test(new String('cba'), 3, []), TypeError); })(); (function typedArrys() { test(new Int32Array(0), 0, []); test(new Int32Array(1), 1, [0]); var array = new Int32Array(3); array[0] = 2; array[1] = 1; array[2] = 3; test(array, 1, [2]); test(array, 2, [1, 2]); test(array, 3, [1, 2, 3]); })() })(); assertThrows(() => { Array.prototype.sort.call(undefined); }, TypeError); assertThrows(() => { Array.prototype.sort.call(null); }, TypeError); // This test ensures that RemoveArrayHoles does not shadow indices in the // prototype chain. There are multiple code paths, we force both and check that // they have the same behavior. function TestPrototypeHoles() { function test(forceGenericFallback) { let proto2 = { 7: 27, }; let proto1 = { __proto__: proto2, 8: 18, 9: 19, }; let xs = { __proto__: proto1, length: 10, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, }; if (forceGenericFallback) { Object.defineProperty(xs, "6", { get: () => this.foo, set: (val) => this.foo = val }); } xs[6] = 6; Array.prototype.sort.call(xs, (a, b) => a - b); assertEquals(10, xs.length); assertEquals(6, xs[0]); assertEquals(7, xs[1]); assertEquals(8, xs[2]); assertEquals(9, xs[3]); // Index 7,8,9 will get the prototype values. assertFalse(xs.hasOwnProperty(7)); assertEquals(27, xs[7]); assertFalse(xs.hasOwnProperty(8)); assertEquals(18, xs[8]); assertFalse(xs.hasOwnProperty(9)); assertEquals(19, xs[9]); } test(false); // Expect a TypeError when trying to delete the accessor. assertThrows(() => test(true), TypeError); } TestPrototypeHoles(); // The following test ensures that [[Delete]] is called and it throws. function TestArrayWithAccessorThrowsOnDelete() { let array = [5, 4, 1, /*hole*/, /*hole*/]; Object.defineProperty(array, '4', { get: () => array.foo, set: (val) => array.foo = val }); assertThrows(() => array.sort((a, b) => a - b), TypeError); } TestArrayWithAccessorThrowsOnDelete(); // The following test ensures that elements on the prototype are also copied // for JSArrays and not only JSObjects. function TestArrayPrototypeHasElements() { let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { delete array[i]; Object.prototype[i] = 42; } let comparator_called = false; array.sort(function (a, b) { if (a === 42 || b === 42) { comparator_called = true; } return a - b; }); assertTrue(comparator_called); } TestArrayPrototypeHasElements(); // The following Tests make sure that there is no crash when the element kind // or the array length changes. Since comparison functions like this are not // consistent, we do not have to make sure that the array is actually sorted // // The assertions for the element kinds are not there to ensure that a specific // action causes a specific element kind change, but rather that we have most // of the transitions covered. function cmp_smaller(a, b) { if (a < b) return -1; if (b < a) return 1; return 0; } function create_cmpfn(transformfn) { let cmp_count = 0; return (a, b) => { ++cmp_count; if (cmp_count == 2) { transformfn(); } return cmp_smaller(a, b); } } function HasPackedSmi(xs) { return %HasFastPackedElements(xs) && %HasSmiElements(xs); } function HasPackedDouble(xs) { return %HasFastPackedElements(xs) && %HasDoubleElements(xs); } function HasPackedObject(xs) { return %HasFastPackedElements(xs) && %HasObjectElements(xs); } function HasHoleySmi(xs) { return %HasHoleyElements(xs) && %HasSmiElements(xs); } function HasHoleyDouble(xs) { return %HasHoleyElements(xs) && %HasDoubleElements(xs); } function HasHoleyObject(xs) { return %HasHoleyElements(xs) && %HasObjectElements(xs); } function TestSortCmpPackedSmiToPackedDouble() { let xs = [2,1,4]; assertTrue(HasPackedSmi(xs)); xs.sort(create_cmpfn(() => xs[0] += 0.1)); assertTrue(HasPackedDouble(xs)); } TestSortCmpPackedSmiToPackedDouble(); function TestSortCmpPackedDoubleToPackedElement() { let xs = [2.1, 1.2, 4.4]; assertTrue(HasPackedDouble(xs)); xs.sort(create_cmpfn(() => xs[0] = 'a')); assertTrue(HasPackedObject(xs)); } TestSortCmpPackedDoubleToPackedElement(); function TestSortCmpPackedElementToDictionary() { let xs = ['a', 'b', 'c']; assertTrue(HasPackedObject(xs)); xs.sort(create_cmpfn(() => xs[%MaxSmi()] = 'd')); assertTrue(%HasDictionaryElements(xs)); } TestSortCmpPackedElementToDictionary(); function TestSortCmpHoleySmiToHoleyDouble() { let xs = [2, 1, 4]; xs[5] = 42; assertTrue(HasHoleySmi(xs)); xs.sort(create_cmpfn(() => xs[0] += 0.1)); assertTrue(HasHoleyDouble(xs)); } TestSortCmpHoleySmiToHoleyDouble(); function TestSortCmpHoleyDoubleToHoleyElement() { let xs = [2.1, 1.2, 4]; xs[5] = 42; assertTrue(HasHoleyDouble(xs)); xs.sort(create_cmpfn(() => xs[0] = 'a')); assertTrue(HasHoleyObject(xs)); } TestSortCmpHoleyDoubleToHoleyElement(); function TestSortCmpHoleyElementToDictionary() { let xs = ['b', 'a', 'd']; xs[5] = '42'; assertTrue(HasHoleyObject(xs)); xs.sort(create_cmpfn(() => xs[%MaxSmi()] = 'e')); assertTrue(%HasDictionaryElements(xs)); } TestSortCmpHoleyElementToDictionary(); function TestSortCmpPackedSmiToHoleySmi() { let xs = [2, 1, 4]; assertTrue(HasPackedSmi(xs)); xs.sort(create_cmpfn(() => xs[10] = 42)); assertTrue(HasHoleySmi(xs)); } TestSortCmpPackedSmiToHoleySmi(); function TestSortCmpPackedDoubleToHoleyDouble() { let xs = [2.1, 1.2, 4]; assertTrue(HasPackedDouble(xs)); xs.sort(create_cmpfn(() => xs[10] = 42)); assertTrue(HasHoleyDouble(xs)); } TestSortCmpPackedDoubleToHoleyDouble(); function TestSortCmpPackedObjectToHoleyObject() { let xs = ['b', 'a', 'd']; assertTrue(HasPackedObject(xs)); xs.sort(create_cmpfn(() => xs[10] = '42')); assertTrue(HasHoleyObject(xs)); } TestSortCmpPackedObjectToHoleyObject(); function TestSortCmpPackedChangesLength() { let xs = [2, 1, 4]; assertTrue(HasPackedSmi(xs)); xs.sort(create_cmpfn(() => xs.length *= 2)); assertTrue(HasHoleySmi(xs)); } TestSortCmpPackedChangesLength(); function TestSortCmpPackedSetLengthToZero() { let xs = [2, 1, 4, 3]; assertTrue(HasPackedSmi(xs)); xs.sort(create_cmpfn(() => xs.length = 0)); assertTrue(HasPackedSmi(xs)); } TestSortCmpPackedSetLengthToZero(); (function TestSortingNonObjectConvertsToObject() { const v1 = Array.prototype.sort.call(true); assertEquals('object', typeof v1); const v2 = Array.prototype.sort.call(false); assertEquals('object', typeof v2); const v3 = Array.prototype.sort.call(42); assertEquals('object', typeof v3); })();