# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


if (is_android) {


declare_args() {
  # Print to stdout on Android.
  v8_android_log_stdout = false

  v8_enable_future = false

  v8_enable_verify_heap = ""

  v8_enable_verify_predictable = false

  # Enable compiler warnings when using V8_DEPRECATED apis.
  v8_deprecation_warnings = false

  # Enable compiler warnings when using V8_DEPRECATE_SOON apis.
  v8_imminent_deprecation_warnings = false

  # Embeds the given script into the snapshot.
  v8_embed_script = ""

  # Allows the embedder to add a custom suffix to the version string.
  v8_embedder_string = ""

  v8_enable_disassembler = ""

  # Sets the number of internal fields on promise objects.
  v8_promise_internal_field_count = 0

  v8_enable_gdbjit = ""

  v8_enable_vtunejit = false

  v8_enable_handle_zapping = true

  # Enable slow dchecks.
  v8_enable_slow_dchecks = false

  # Enable fast mksnapshot runs.
  v8_enable_fast_mksnapshot = false

  # Enable code-generation-time checking of types in the CodeStubAssembler.
  v8_enable_verify_csa = false

  # Interpreted regexp engine exists as platform-independent alternative
  # based where the regular expression is compiled to a bytecode.
  v8_interpreted_regexp = false

  # Sets -dOBJECT_PRINT.
  v8_enable_object_print = ""

  # Sets -dV8_TRACE_MAPS.
  v8_enable_trace_maps = ""

  # Sets -dV8_ENABLE_CHECKS.
  v8_enable_v8_checks = ""

  v8_enable_trace_ignition = false

  v8_enable_trace_feedback_updates = false

  v8_enable_concurrent_marking = true

  v8_enable_slow_fast_switch = ""

  # Build the snapshot with unwinding information for perf.
  v8_perf_prof_unwinding_info = false

  # With post mortem support enabled, metadata is embedded into libv8 that
  # describes various parameters of the VM for use by debuggers. See
  # tools/gen-postmortem-metadata.py for details.
  v8_postmortem_support = false

  # Switches off inlining in V8.
  v8_no_inline = false

  # Override OS page size when generating snapshot
  v8_os_page_size = "0"

  # Similar to vfp but on MIPS.
  v8_can_use_fpu_instructions = true

  # Similar to the ARM hard float ABI but on MIPS.
  v8_use_mips_abi_hardfloat = true

  # Controls the threshold for on-heap/off-heap Typed Arrays.
  v8_typed_array_max_size_in_heap = 64

  # List of extra files to snapshot. They will be snapshotted in order so
  # if files export symbols used by later files, they should go first.
  # This default is used by cctests. Projects using V8 will want to override.
  v8_extra_library_files = [ "//test/cctest/test-extra.js" ]

  # Like v8_extra_library_files but for experimental features.
  # This default is used by cctests. Projects using V8 will want to override.
  v8_experimental_extra_library_files =
      [ "//test/cctest/test-experimental-extra.js" ]

  v8_enable_gdbjit =
      ((v8_current_cpu == "x86" || v8_current_cpu == "x64") &&
       (is_linux || is_mac)) || (v8_current_cpu == "ppc64" && is_linux)

  # Temporary flag to allow embedders to update their microtasks scopes
  # while rolling in a new version of V8.
  v8_check_microtasks_scopes_consistency = ""

  v8_monolithic = false

# Derived defaults.
if (v8_enable_verify_heap == "") {
  v8_enable_verify_heap = is_debug
if (v8_enable_object_print == "") {
  v8_enable_object_print = is_debug
if (v8_enable_disassembler == "") {
  v8_enable_disassembler = is_debug
if (v8_enable_trace_maps == "") {
  v8_enable_trace_maps = is_debug
if (v8_enable_slow_fast_switch == "") {
  v8_enable_slow_fast_switch = is_debug
if (v8_enable_v8_checks == "") {
  v8_enable_v8_checks = is_debug
if (v8_check_microtasks_scopes_consistency == "") {
  v8_check_microtasks_scopes_consistency = is_debug || dcheck_always_on

# Specifies if the target build is a simulator build. Comparing target cpu
# with v8 target cpu to not affect simulator builds for making cross-compile
# snapshots.
is_target_simulator = target_cpu != v8_target_cpu

v8_random_seed = "314159265"
v8_toolset_for_shell = "host"

# Configurations
config("internal_config") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

  include_dirs = [ "." ]

  if (is_component_build) {
    defines = [ "BUILDING_V8_SHARED" ]

config("internal_config_base") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

  include_dirs = [ "." ]

# This config should be applied to code using the libplatform.
config("libplatform_config") {
  include_dirs = [ "include" ]
  if (is_component_build) {
    defines = [ "USING_V8_PLATFORM_SHARED" ]

# This config should be applied to code using the libbase.
config("libbase_config") {
  if (is_component_build) {
    defines = [ "USING_V8_BASE_SHARED" ]
  libs = []
  if (is_android && current_toolchain != host_toolchain) {
    libs += [ "log" ]

# This config should be applied to code using the libsampler.
config("libsampler_config") {
  include_dirs = [ "include" ]

# This config should only be applied to code using V8 and not any V8 code
# itself.
config("external_config") {
  defines = []
  if (is_component_build) {
    defines += [ "USING_V8_SHARED" ]
  if (v8_enable_v8_checks) {
    defines += [ "V8_ENABLE_CHECKS" ]  # Used in "include/v8.h".
  include_dirs = [

# This config should only be applied to code that needs to be explicitly
# aware of whether we are using startup data or not.
config("external_startup_data") {
  if (v8_use_external_startup_data) {
    defines = [ "V8_USE_EXTERNAL_STARTUP_DATA" ]

config("features") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

  defines = []

  if (v8_embedder_string != "") {
    defines += [ "V8_EMBEDDER_STRING=\"$v8_embedder_string\"" ]
  if (v8_enable_disassembler) {
    defines += [ "ENABLE_DISASSEMBLER" ]
  if (v8_promise_internal_field_count != 0) {
    defines +=
        [ "V8_PROMISE_INTERNAL_FIELD_COUNT=${v8_promise_internal_field_count}" ]
  defines +=
      [ "V8_TYPED_ARRAY_MAX_SIZE_IN_HEAP=${v8_typed_array_max_size_in_heap}" ]
  if (v8_enable_future) {
    defines += [ "V8_ENABLE_FUTURE" ]
  if (v8_enable_gdbjit) {
    defines += [ "ENABLE_GDB_JIT_INTERFACE" ]
  if (v8_enable_vtunejit) {
    defines += [ "ENABLE_VTUNE_JIT_INTERFACE" ]
  if (v8_enable_object_print) {
    defines += [ "OBJECT_PRINT" ]
  if (v8_enable_verify_heap) {
    defines += [ "VERIFY_HEAP" ]
  if (v8_enable_verify_predictable) {
    defines += [ "VERIFY_PREDICTABLE" ]
  if (v8_enable_trace_maps) {
    defines += [ "V8_TRACE_MAPS" ]
  if (v8_enable_trace_ignition) {
    defines += [ "V8_TRACE_IGNITION" ]
  if (v8_enable_trace_feedback_updates) {
    defines += [ "V8_TRACE_FEEDBACK_UPDATES" ]
  if (v8_enable_slow_fast_switch) {
    defines += [ "V8_ENABLE_SLOWFAST_SWITCH" ]
  if (v8_enable_v8_checks) {
    defines += [ "V8_ENABLE_CHECKS" ]
  if (v8_interpreted_regexp) {
    defines += [ "V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP" ]
  if (v8_deprecation_warnings) {
    defines += [ "V8_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS" ]
  if (v8_imminent_deprecation_warnings) {
  if (v8_enable_i18n_support) {
    defines += [ "V8_INTL_SUPPORT" ]
  if (v8_enable_handle_zapping) {
    defines += [ "ENABLE_HANDLE_ZAPPING" ]
  if (v8_use_snapshot) {
    defines += [ "V8_USE_SNAPSHOT" ]
    if (v8_perf_prof_unwinding_info) {
      defines += [ "V8_USE_SNAPSHOT_WITH_UNWINDING_INFO" ]
  if (v8_use_external_startup_data) {
    defines += [ "V8_USE_EXTERNAL_STARTUP_DATA" ]
  if (v8_enable_concurrent_marking) {
    defines += [ "V8_CONCURRENT_MARKING" ]
  if (v8_check_microtasks_scopes_consistency) {

config("toolchain") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

  defines = []
  cflags = []
  ldflags = []

  if (v8_current_cpu == "arm") {
    defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM" ]
    if (arm_version >= 7) {
      defines += [ "CAN_USE_ARMV7_INSTRUCTIONS" ]
    if (arm_fpu == "vfpv3-d16") {
      defines += [ "CAN_USE_VFP3_INSTRUCTIONS" ]
    } else if (arm_fpu == "vfpv3") {
      defines += [
    } else if (arm_fpu == "neon") {
      defines += [

    # TODO(jochen): Add support for arm_test_noprobe.

    if (current_cpu != "arm") {
      # These defines ares used for the ARM simulator.
      if (arm_float_abi == "hard") {
        defines += [ "USE_EABI_HARDFLOAT=1" ]
      } else if (arm_float_abi == "softfp") {
        defines += [ "USE_EABI_HARDFLOAT=0" ]
  if (v8_current_cpu == "arm64") {
    defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM64" ]

  # Mips64el/mipsel simulators.
  if (is_target_simulator &&
      (v8_current_cpu == "mipsel" || v8_current_cpu == "mips64el")) {
    defines += [ "_MIPS_TARGET_SIMULATOR" ]

  if (v8_current_cpu == "mipsel" || v8_current_cpu == "mips") {
    defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS" ]
    if (v8_can_use_fpu_instructions) {
      defines += [ "CAN_USE_FPU_INSTRUCTIONS" ]
    if (v8_use_mips_abi_hardfloat) {
      defines += [
    } else {
      defines += [ "__mips_soft_float=1" ]
    if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
      defines += [
    } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
      defines += [ "_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS32R2" ]
      if (mips_fpu_mode == "fp64") {
        defines += [ "FPU_MODE_FP64" ]
      } else if (mips_fpu_mode == "fpxx") {
        defines += [ "FPU_MODE_FPXX" ]
      } else if (mips_fpu_mode == "fp32") {
        defines += [ "FPU_MODE_FP32" ]
    } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r1") {
      defines += [ "FPU_MODE_FP32" ]

    # TODO(jochen): Add support for mips_arch_variant rx and loongson.

  if (v8_current_cpu == "mips64el" || v8_current_cpu == "mips64") {
    defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS64" ]
    if (v8_can_use_fpu_instructions) {
      defines += [ "CAN_USE_FPU_INSTRUCTIONS" ]

    if (host_byteorder == "little") {
      defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS64_LE" ]
    } else if (host_byteorder == "big") {
      defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS64_BE" ]
    if (v8_use_mips_abi_hardfloat) {
      defines += [
    } else {
      defines += [ "__mips_soft_float=1" ]
    if (mips_arch_variant == "r6") {
      defines += [ "_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS64R6" ]
    } else if (mips_arch_variant == "r2") {
      defines += [ "_MIPS_ARCH_MIPS64R2" ]
  if (v8_current_cpu == "s390" || v8_current_cpu == "s390x") {
    defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_S390" ]
    if (v8_current_cpu == "s390x") {
      defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_S390X" ]
    if (host_byteorder == "little") {
      defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_S390_LE_SIM" ]
    } else {
      cflags += [ "-march=z196" ]
  if (v8_current_cpu == "ppc" || v8_current_cpu == "ppc64") {
    defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_PPC" ]
    if (v8_current_cpu == "ppc64") {
      defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_PPC64" ]
    if (host_byteorder == "little") {
      defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_PPC_LE" ]
    } else if (host_byteorder == "big") {
      defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_PPC_BE" ]
      if (current_os == "aix") {
        cflags += [
          # Work around AIX ceil, trunc and round oddities.

          # Work around AIX assembler popcntb bug.

  if (v8_current_cpu == "x86") {
    defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32" ]
    if (is_win) {
      # Ensure no surprising artifacts from 80bit double math with x86.
      cflags += [ "/arch:SSE2" ]
  if (v8_current_cpu == "x64") {
    defines += [ "V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64" ]
    if (is_win) {
      # Increase the initial stack size. The default is 1MB, this is 2MB. This
      # applies only to executables and shared libraries produced by V8 since
      # ldflags are not pushed to dependants.
      ldflags += [ "/STACK:2097152" ]
  if (is_android && v8_android_log_stdout) {
    defines += [ "V8_ANDROID_LOG_STDOUT" ]

  # TODO(jochen): Support v8_enable_prof on Windows.
  # TODO(jochen): Add support for compiling with simulators.

  if (is_debug) {
    if (is_linux && v8_enable_backtrace) {
      ldflags += [ "-rdynamic" ]

    defines += [ "DEBUG" ]
    if (v8_enable_slow_dchecks) {
      defines += [ "ENABLE_SLOW_DCHECKS" ]
  } else if (dcheck_always_on) {
    defines += [ "DEBUG" ]

  if (v8_enable_verify_csa) {
    defines += [ "ENABLE_VERIFY_CSA" ]

  if (v8_no_inline) {
    cflags += [

  if (is_clang) {
    cflags += [

      # TODO(hans): Remove once http://crbug.com/428099 is resolved.
    if (v8_current_cpu == "x64" || v8_current_cpu == "arm64" ||
        v8_current_cpu == "mips64el") {
      cflags += [ "-Wshorten-64-to-32" ]

  if (is_win) {
    cflags += [
      "/wd4245",  # Conversion with signed/unsigned mismatch.
      "/wd4267",  # Conversion with possible loss of data.
      "/wd4324",  # Padding structure due to alignment.
      "/wd4701",  # Potentially uninitialized local variable.
      "/wd4702",  # Unreachable code.
      "/wd4703",  # Potentially uninitialized local pointer variable.
      "/wd4709",  # Comma operator within array index expr (bugged).
      "/wd4714",  # Function marked forceinline not inlined.
      "/wd4718",  # Recursive call has no side-effect.
      "/wd4800",  # Forcing value to bool.

  if (!is_clang && !is_win) {
    cflags += [
      # Disable gcc warnings for optimizations based on the assumption that
      # signed overflow does not occur. Generates false positives (see
      # http://crbug.com/v8/6341).

# Configs for code coverage with gcov. Separate configs for cflags and ldflags
# to selectively influde cflags in non-test targets only.
config("v8_gcov_coverage_cflags") {
  cflags = [

config("v8_gcov_coverage_ldflags") {
  ldflags = [ "-fprofile-arcs" ]

# Actions

action("js2c") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

  script = "tools/js2c.py"

  # The script depends on this other script, this rule causes a rebuild if it
  # changes.
  inputs = [

  sources = [

  outputs = [

  if (v8_enable_i18n_support) {
    sources += [ "src/js/intl.js" ]

  args = [
           rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/libraries.cc", root_build_dir),
         ] + rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)

  if (v8_use_external_startup_data) {
    outputs += [ "$target_gen_dir/libraries.bin" ]
    args += [
      rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/libraries.bin", root_build_dir),

action("js2c_extras") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

  script = "tools/js2c.py"

  # The script depends on this other script, this rule causes a rebuild if it
  # changes.
  inputs = [

  sources = v8_extra_library_files

  outputs = [

  args = [
           rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/extras-libraries.cc", root_build_dir),
         ] + rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)

  if (v8_use_external_startup_data) {
    outputs += [ "$target_gen_dir/libraries_extras.bin" ]
    args += [
      rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/libraries_extras.bin", root_build_dir),

action("js2c_experimental_extras") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

  script = "tools/js2c.py"

  # The script depends on this other script, this rule causes a rebuild if it
  # changes.
  inputs = [

  sources = v8_experimental_extra_library_files

  outputs = [

  args = [
         ] + rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)

  if (v8_use_external_startup_data) {
    outputs += [ "$target_gen_dir/libraries_experimental_extras.bin" ]
    args += [

action("d8_js2c") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

  script = "tools/js2c.py"

  inputs = [

  outputs = [

  args = rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir) + [ "D8" ] +
         rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir)

if (is_android && enable_java_templates) {
  android_assets("v8_external_startup_data_assets") {
    if (v8_use_external_startup_data) {
      deps = [
      sources = [
      renaming_sources = [ "$root_out_dir/snapshot_blob.bin" ]
      if (current_cpu == "arm" || current_cpu == "x86" ||
          current_cpu == "mipsel") {
        renaming_destinations = [ "snapshot_blob_32.bin" ]
      } else {
        renaming_destinations = [ "snapshot_blob_64.bin" ]
      disable_compression = true

if (v8_use_external_startup_data) {
  action("natives_blob") {
    visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

    deps = [

    # NOSORT
    sources = [

    outputs = [

    script = "tools/concatenate-files.py"

    args = rebase_path(sources + outputs, root_build_dir)

action("postmortem-metadata") {
  # Only targets in this file and the top-level visibility target can
  # depend on this.
  visibility = [

  script = "tools/gen-postmortem-metadata.py"

  sources = [

  outputs = [

  args = rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir) +
         rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)

if (v8_use_snapshot) {
  action("run_mksnapshot") {
    visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

    deps = [

    script = "tools/run.py"

    sources = []

    outputs = [

    args = [
      "./" + rebase_path(get_label_info(":mksnapshot($v8_snapshot_toolchain)",
                                        "root_out_dir") + "/mksnapshot",
      rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/snapshot.cc", root_build_dir),

    if (v8_random_seed != "0") {
      args += [

    if (v8_os_page_size != "0") {
      args += [

    if (v8_perf_prof_unwinding_info) {
      args += [ "--perf-prof-unwinding-info" ]

    if (v8_use_external_startup_data) {
      outputs += [ "$root_out_dir/snapshot_blob.bin" ]
      args += [
        rebase_path("$root_out_dir/snapshot_blob.bin", root_build_dir),

    if (v8_embed_script != "") {
      sources += [ v8_embed_script ]
      args += [ rebase_path(v8_embed_script, root_build_dir) ]

    if (v8_enable_fast_mksnapshot) {
      args += [

action("v8_dump_build_config") {
  script = "tools/testrunner/utils/dump_build_config.py"
  outputs = [
  is_gcov_coverage = v8_code_coverage && !is_clang
  args = [
    rebase_path("$root_out_dir/v8_build_config.json", root_build_dir),

# Source Sets (aka static libraries)

source_set("v8_maybe_snapshot") {
  if (v8_use_snapshot && v8_use_external_startup_data) {
    public_deps = [
  } else if (v8_use_snapshot) {
    public_deps = [
  } else {
    # Ignore v8_use_external_startup_data setting if no snapshot is used.
    public_deps = [

v8_source_set("v8_nosnapshot") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

  deps = [

  sources = [

  if (use_jumbo_build == true) {
    jumbo_excluded_sources = [
      # TODO(mostynb@opera.com): don't exclude these http://crbug.com/752428
      # Generated source, contains same variable names as libraries.cc

  configs = [ ":internal_config" ]

if (v8_use_snapshot) {
  v8_source_set("v8_snapshot") {
    # Only targets in this file and the top-level visibility target can
    # depend on this.
    visibility = [

    deps = [
    public_deps = [
      # This should be public so downstream targets can declare the snapshot
      # output file as their inputs.

    sources = [

    if (use_jumbo_build == true) {
      jumbo_excluded_sources = [
        # TODO(mostynb@opera.com): don't exclude these http://crbug.com/752428
        # Generated source, contains same variable names as libraries.cc

    configs = [ ":internal_config" ]

if (v8_use_external_startup_data) {
  v8_source_set("v8_external_snapshot") {
    visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

    deps = [
    public_deps = [

    sources = [

    configs = [ ":internal_config" ]

v8_source_set("v8_initializers") {
  visibility = [

  deps = [

  sources = [
    ### gcmole(all) ###

  if (use_jumbo_build == true) {
    jumbo_excluded_sources = [
      # TODO(mostynb@opera.com): don't exclude these http://crbug.com/752428

      # This source file takes an unusually large amount of time to
      # compile.  Build it separately to avoid bottlenecks.

  if (v8_current_cpu == "x86") {
    sources += [
      ### gcmole(arch:ia32) ###
  } else if (v8_current_cpu == "x64") {
    sources += [
      ### gcmole(arch:x64) ###
  } else if (v8_current_cpu == "arm") {
    sources += [
      ### gcmole(arch:arm) ###
  } else if (v8_current_cpu == "arm64") {
    sources += [
      ### gcmole(arch:arm64) ###
  } else if (v8_current_cpu == "mips" || v8_current_cpu == "mipsel") {
    sources += [
      ### gcmole(arch:mipsel) ###
  } else if (v8_current_cpu == "mips64" || v8_current_cpu == "mips64el") {
    sources += [
      ### gcmole(arch:mips64el) ###
  } else if (v8_current_cpu == "ppc" || v8_current_cpu == "ppc64") {
    sources += [
      ### gcmole(arch:ppc) ###
  } else if (v8_current_cpu == "s390" || v8_current_cpu == "s390x") {
    sources += [
      ### gcmole(arch:s390) ###

  if (!v8_enable_i18n_support) {
    sources -= [ "src/builtins/builtins-intl-gen.cc" ]

  configs = [ ":internal_config" ]

v8_source_set("v8_init") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

  deps = [

  sources = [
    ### gcmole(all) ###

  configs = [ ":internal_config" ]

# This is split out to be a non-code containing target that the Chromium browser
# DLL can depend upon to get only a version string.
v8_header_set("v8_version") {
  configs = [ ":internal_config" ]

  sources = [

# This is split out to be a non-code containing target that the Chromium browser
# can depend upon to get basic v8 types.
v8_header_set("v8_headers") {
  configs = [ ":internal_config" ]

  sources = [

  deps = [

v8_source_set("v8_base") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

  # Split static libraries on windows into two.
  split_count = 2

  sources = [

    ### gcmole(all) ###

  if (use_jumbo_build == true) {
    jumbo_excluded_sources = [
      # TODO(mostynb@opera.com): don't exclude these http://crbug.com/752428
      "src/profiler/heap-snapshot-generator.cc",  # Macro clash in mman-linux.h

      # These source files take an unusually large amount of time to
      # compile.  Build them separately to avoid bottlenecks.

  if (v8_current_cpu == "x86") {
    sources += [  ### gcmole(arch:ia32) ###
  } else if (v8_current_cpu == "x64") {
    sources += [  ### gcmole(arch:x64) ###
    if (is_linux) {
      sources += [ "src/trap-handler/handler-inside.cc" ]
  } else if (v8_current_cpu == "arm") {
    sources += [  ### gcmole(arch:arm) ###
  } else if (v8_current_cpu == "arm64") {
    sources += [  ### gcmole(arch:arm64) ###
    if (use_jumbo_build) {
      jumbo_excluded_sources += [
        # TODO(mostynb@opera.com): fix this code so it doesn't need
        # to be excluded, see the comments inside.
  } else if (v8_current_cpu == "mips" || v8_current_cpu == "mipsel") {
    sources += [  ### gcmole(arch:mipsel) ###
  } else if (v8_current_cpu == "mips64" || v8_current_cpu == "mips64el") {
    sources += [  ### gcmole(arch:mips64el) ###
  } else if (v8_current_cpu == "ppc" || v8_current_cpu == "ppc64") {
    sources += [  ### gcmole(arch:ppc) ###
  } else if (v8_current_cpu == "s390" || v8_current_cpu == "s390x") {
    sources += [  ### gcmole(arch:s390) ###

  configs = [ ":internal_config" ]

  defines = []
  deps = [

  if (v8_enable_i18n_support) {
    public_deps = [
    if (is_win) {
      deps += [ "//third_party/icu:icudata" ]
  } else {
    sources -= [

  if (v8_postmortem_support) {
    sources += [ "$target_gen_dir/debug-support.cc" ]
    deps += [ ":postmortem-metadata" ]

v8_component("v8_libbase") {
  sources = [

  configs = [ ":internal_config_base" ]

  public_configs = [ ":libbase_config" ]

  defines = []

  if (is_component_build) {
    defines = [ "BUILDING_V8_BASE_SHARED" ]

  if (is_posix) {
    sources += [

  if (is_linux) {
    sources += [

    libs = [
  } else if (current_os == "aix") {
    sources += [

    libs = [
  } else if (is_android) {
    if (current_toolchain == host_toolchain) {
      libs = [
      if (host_os == "mac") {
        sources += [
      } else {
        sources += [
    } else {
      sources += [
  } else if (is_fuchsia) {
    sources += [
  } else if (is_mac) {
    sources += [
  } else if (is_win) {
    # TODO(jochen): Add support for cygwin.
    sources += [

    defines += [ "_CRT_RAND_S" ]  # for rand_s()

    libs = [

  # TODO(jochen): Add support for qnx, freebsd, openbsd, netbsd, and solaris.

v8_component("v8_libplatform") {
  sources = [

  configs = [ ":internal_config_base" ]

  if (is_component_build) {
    defines = [ "BUILDING_V8_PLATFORM_SHARED" ]

  public_configs = [ ":libplatform_config" ]

  deps = [

v8_source_set("v8_libsampler") {
  sources = [

  configs = [ ":internal_config_base" ]

  public_configs = [ ":libsampler_config" ]

  deps = [

v8_source_set("fuzzer_support") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

  sources = [

  configs = [ ":internal_config_base" ]

  deps = [

  public_deps = [

# Produce a single static library for embedders

if (v8_monolithic) {
  # A component build is not monolithic.

  # Using external startup data would produce separate files.
  v8_static_library("v8_monolith") {
    deps = [

    configs = [ ":internal_config" ]

# Executables

if (v8_use_snapshot && current_toolchain == v8_snapshot_toolchain) {
  v8_executable("mksnapshot") {
    visibility = [ ":*" ]  # Only targets in this file can depend on this.

    sources = [

    configs = [ ":internal_config" ]

    deps = [

# Public targets

want_v8_shell =
    (current_toolchain == host_toolchain && v8_toolset_for_shell == "host") ||
    (current_toolchain == v8_snapshot_toolchain &&
     v8_toolset_for_shell == "host") ||
    (current_toolchain != host_toolchain && v8_toolset_for_shell == "target")

group("gn_all") {
  testonly = true

  deps = [

  if (want_v8_shell) {
    deps += [ ":v8_shell" ]

  if (v8_test_isolation_mode != "noop") {
    deps += [ ":d8_run" ]

group("v8_clusterfuzz") {
  testonly = true

  deps = [

  if (v8_multi_arch_build) {
    deps += [

  if (v8_test_isolation_mode != "noop") {
    deps += [

group("v8_archive") {
  deps = [

group("v8_fuzzers") {
  testonly = true
  deps = [

if (is_component_build) {
  v8_component("v8") {
    sources = [

    public_deps = [

    configs = [ ":internal_config" ]

    public_configs = [ ":external_config" ]

  v8_component("v8_for_testing") {
    testonly = true

    sources = [

    public_deps = [

    if (v8_use_snapshot) {
      public_deps += [ ":v8_initializers" ]

    configs = [ ":internal_config" ]

    public_configs = [ ":external_config" ]
} else {
  group("v8") {
    public_deps = [

    public_configs = [ ":external_config" ]

  group("v8_for_testing") {
    testonly = true

    public_deps = [

    if (v8_use_snapshot) {
      public_deps += [ ":v8_initializers" ]

    public_configs = [ ":external_config" ]

v8_executable("d8") {
  sources = [

  configs = [
    # Note: don't use :internal_config here because this target will get
    # the :external_config applied to it by virtue of depending on :v8, and
    # you can't have both applied to the same target.

  deps = [

  if (is_posix) {
    sources += [ "src/d8-posix.cc" ]
  } else if (is_win) {
    sources += [ "src/d8-windows.cc" ]

  if (v8_correctness_fuzzer) {
    deps += [ "tools/foozzie:v8_correctness_fuzzer_resources" ]

  defines = []

  if (v8_enable_vtunejit) {
    deps += [ "//src/third_party/vtune:v8_vtune" ]

v8_isolate_run("d8") {
  deps = [

  isolate = "//src/d8.isolate"

v8_executable("v8_hello_world") {
  sources = [

  configs = [
    # Note: don't use :internal_config here because this target will get
    # the :external_config applied to it by virtue of depending on :v8, and
    # you can't have both applied to the same target.

  deps = [

v8_executable("v8_sample_process") {
  sources = [

  configs = [
    # Note: don't use :internal_config here because this target will get
    # the :external_config applied to it by virtue of depending on :v8, and
    # you can't have both applied to the same target.

  deps = [

v8_executable("v8_parser_shell") {
  sources = [

  configs = [

  deps = [

if (want_v8_shell) {
  v8_executable("v8_shell") {
    sources = [

    configs = [
      # Note: don't use :internal_config here because this target will get
      # the :external_config applied to it by virtue of depending on :v8, and
      # you can't have both applied to the same target.

    deps = [

template("v8_fuzzer") {
  name = target_name
  forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
  v8_executable("v8_simple_" + name) {
    deps = [
      ":" + name,

    sources = [

    configs = [ ":external_config" ]

v8_source_set("json_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("json_fuzzer") {

v8_source_set("parser_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("parser_fuzzer") {

v8_source_set("regexp_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("regexp_fuzzer") {

v8_source_set("wasm_module_runner") {
  sources = [

  configs = [

v8_source_set("wasm_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("wasm_fuzzer") {

v8_source_set("wasm_async_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("wasm_async_fuzzer") {

v8_source_set("wasm_code_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("wasm_code_fuzzer") {

v8_source_set("wasm_call_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("wasm_call_fuzzer") {

v8_source_set("lib_wasm_fuzzer_common") {
  sources = [

  configs = [

v8_source_set("wasm_types_section_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("wasm_types_section_fuzzer") {

v8_source_set("wasm_names_section_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("wasm_names_section_fuzzer") {

v8_source_set("wasm_globals_section_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("wasm_globals_section_fuzzer") {

v8_source_set("wasm_imports_section_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("wasm_imports_section_fuzzer") {

v8_source_set("wasm_function_sigs_section_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("wasm_function_sigs_section_fuzzer") {

v8_source_set("wasm_memory_section_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("wasm_memory_section_fuzzer") {

v8_source_set("wasm_data_section_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("wasm_data_section_fuzzer") {

v8_source_set("wasm_compile_fuzzer") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  configs = [

v8_fuzzer("wasm_compile_fuzzer") {