// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "src/elements.h"

#include "src/arguments.h"
#include "src/conversions.h"
#include "src/factory.h"
#include "src/isolate-inl.h"
#include "src/messages.h"
#include "src/objects-inl.h"
#include "src/utils.h"

// Each concrete ElementsAccessor can handle exactly one ElementsKind,
// several abstract ElementsAccessor classes are used to allow sharing
// common code.
// Inheritance hierarchy:
// - ElementsAccessorBase                        (abstract)
//   - FastElementsAccessor                      (abstract)
//     - FastSmiOrObjectElementsAccessor
//       - FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor
//       - FastHoleySmiElementsAccessor
//       - FastPackedObjectElementsAccessor
//       - FastHoleyObjectElementsAccessor
//     - FastDoubleElementsAccessor
//       - FastPackedDoubleElementsAccessor
//       - FastHoleyDoubleElementsAccessor
//   - TypedElementsAccessor: template, with instantiations:
//     - FixedUint8ElementsAccessor
//     - FixedInt8ElementsAccessor
//     - FixedUint16ElementsAccessor
//     - FixedInt16ElementsAccessor
//     - FixedUint32ElementsAccessor
//     - FixedInt32ElementsAccessor
//     - FixedFloat32ElementsAccessor
//     - FixedFloat64ElementsAccessor
//     - FixedUint8ClampedElementsAccessor
//   - DictionaryElementsAccessor
//   - SloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor
//     - FastSloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor
//     - SlowSloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor
//   - StringWrapperElementsAccessor
//     - FastStringWrapperElementsAccessor
//     - SlowStringWrapperElementsAccessor

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

namespace {

static const int kPackedSizeNotKnown = -1;

enum Where { AT_START, AT_END };

// First argument in list is the accessor class, the second argument is the
// accessor ElementsKind, and the third is the backing store class.  Use the
// fast element handler for smi-only arrays.  The implementation is currently
// identical.  Note that the order must match that of the ElementsKind enum for
// the |accessor_array[]| below to work.
#define ELEMENTS_LIST(V)                                                      \
  V(FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor, PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS, FixedArray)           \
  V(FastHoleySmiElementsAccessor, HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS, FixedArray)             \
  V(FastPackedObjectElementsAccessor, PACKED_ELEMENTS, FixedArray)            \
  V(FastHoleyObjectElementsAccessor, HOLEY_ELEMENTS, FixedArray)              \
  V(FastPackedDoubleElementsAccessor, PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS,                 \
    FixedDoubleArray)                                                         \
  V(FastHoleyDoubleElementsAccessor, HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS, FixedDoubleArray) \
  V(DictionaryElementsAccessor, DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS, SeededNumberDictionary)  \
  V(FastSloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor, FAST_SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTS,      \
    FixedArray)                                                               \
  V(SlowSloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor, SLOW_SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTS,      \
    FixedArray)                                                               \
  V(FastStringWrapperElementsAccessor, FAST_STRING_WRAPPER_ELEMENTS,          \
    FixedArray)                                                               \
  V(SlowStringWrapperElementsAccessor, SLOW_STRING_WRAPPER_ELEMENTS,          \
    FixedArray)                                                               \
  V(FixedUint8ElementsAccessor, UINT8_ELEMENTS, FixedUint8Array)              \
  V(FixedInt8ElementsAccessor, INT8_ELEMENTS, FixedInt8Array)                 \
  V(FixedUint16ElementsAccessor, UINT16_ELEMENTS, FixedUint16Array)           \
  V(FixedInt16ElementsAccessor, INT16_ELEMENTS, FixedInt16Array)              \
  V(FixedUint32ElementsAccessor, UINT32_ELEMENTS, FixedUint32Array)           \
  V(FixedInt32ElementsAccessor, INT32_ELEMENTS, FixedInt32Array)              \
  V(FixedFloat32ElementsAccessor, FLOAT32_ELEMENTS, FixedFloat32Array)        \
  V(FixedFloat64ElementsAccessor, FLOAT64_ELEMENTS, FixedFloat64Array)        \
  V(FixedUint8ClampedElementsAccessor, UINT8_CLAMPED_ELEMENTS,                \

template<ElementsKind Kind> class ElementsKindTraits {
  typedef FixedArrayBase BackingStore;

#define ELEMENTS_TRAITS(Class, KindParam, Store)    \
  template <>                                       \
  class ElementsKindTraits<KindParam> {             \
   public: /* NOLINT */                             \
    static constexpr ElementsKind Kind = KindParam; \
    typedef Store BackingStore;                     \
  };                                                \
  constexpr ElementsKind ElementsKindTraits<KindParam>::Kind;

MaybeHandle<Object> ThrowArrayLengthRangeError(Isolate* isolate) {
  THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kInvalidArrayLength),

void CopyObjectToObjectElements(FixedArrayBase* from_base,
                                ElementsKind from_kind, uint32_t from_start,
                                FixedArrayBase* to_base, ElementsKind to_kind,
                                uint32_t to_start, int raw_copy_size) {
  DCHECK(to_base->map() !=
  DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
  int copy_size = raw_copy_size;
  if (raw_copy_size < 0) {
    DCHECK(raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEnd ||
           raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole);
    copy_size = Min(from_base->length() - from_start,
                    to_base->length() - to_start);
    if (raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole) {
      int start = to_start + copy_size;
      int length = to_base->length() - start;
      if (length > 0) {
        Heap* heap = from_base->GetHeap();
        MemsetPointer(FixedArray::cast(to_base)->data_start() + start,
                      heap->the_hole_value(), length);
  DCHECK((copy_size + static_cast<int>(to_start)) <= to_base->length() &&
         (copy_size + static_cast<int>(from_start)) <= from_base->length());
  if (copy_size == 0) return;
  FixedArray* from = FixedArray::cast(from_base);
  FixedArray* to = FixedArray::cast(to_base);

  WriteBarrierMode write_barrier_mode =
      (IsObjectElementsKind(from_kind) && IsObjectElementsKind(to_kind))
  for (int i = 0; i < copy_size; i++) {
    Object* value = from->get(from_start + i);
    to->set(to_start + i, value, write_barrier_mode);

static void CopyDictionaryToObjectElements(
    FixedArrayBase* from_base, uint32_t from_start, FixedArrayBase* to_base,
    ElementsKind to_kind, uint32_t to_start, int raw_copy_size) {
  DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
  SeededNumberDictionary* from = SeededNumberDictionary::cast(from_base);
  int copy_size = raw_copy_size;
  if (raw_copy_size < 0) {
    DCHECK(raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEnd ||
           raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole);
    copy_size = from->max_number_key() + 1 - from_start;
    if (raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole) {
      int start = to_start + copy_size;
      int length = to_base->length() - start;
      if (length > 0) {
        Heap* heap = from->GetHeap();
        MemsetPointer(FixedArray::cast(to_base)->data_start() + start,
                      heap->the_hole_value(), length);
  DCHECK(to_base != from_base);
  if (copy_size == 0) return;
  FixedArray* to = FixedArray::cast(to_base);
  uint32_t to_length = to->length();
  if (to_start + copy_size > to_length) {
    copy_size = to_length - to_start;
  WriteBarrierMode write_barrier_mode =
      IsObjectElementsKind(to_kind) ? UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER : SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER;
  Isolate* isolate = from->GetIsolate();
  for (int i = 0; i < copy_size; i++) {
    int entry = from->FindEntry(isolate, i + from_start);
    if (entry != SeededNumberDictionary::kNotFound) {
      Object* value = from->ValueAt(entry);
      to->set(i + to_start, value, write_barrier_mode);
    } else {
      to->set_the_hole(isolate, i + to_start);

// NOTE: this method violates the handlified function signature convention:
// raw pointer parameters in the function that allocates.
// See ElementsAccessorBase::CopyElements() for details.
static void CopyDoubleToObjectElements(FixedArrayBase* from_base,
                                       uint32_t from_start,
                                       FixedArrayBase* to_base,
                                       uint32_t to_start, int raw_copy_size) {
  int copy_size = raw_copy_size;
  if (raw_copy_size < 0) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
    DCHECK(raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEnd ||
           raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole);
    copy_size = Min(from_base->length() - from_start,
                    to_base->length() - to_start);
    if (raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole) {
      // Also initialize the area that will be copied over since HeapNumber
      // allocation below can cause an incremental marking step, requiring all
      // existing heap objects to be propertly initialized.
      int start = to_start;
      int length = to_base->length() - start;
      if (length > 0) {
        Heap* heap = from_base->GetHeap();
        MemsetPointer(FixedArray::cast(to_base)->data_start() + start,
                      heap->the_hole_value(), length);

  DCHECK((copy_size + static_cast<int>(to_start)) <= to_base->length() &&
         (copy_size + static_cast<int>(from_start)) <= from_base->length());
  if (copy_size == 0) return;

  // From here on, the code below could actually allocate. Therefore the raw
  // values are wrapped into handles.
  Isolate* isolate = from_base->GetIsolate();
  Handle<FixedDoubleArray> from(FixedDoubleArray::cast(from_base), isolate);
  Handle<FixedArray> to(FixedArray::cast(to_base), isolate);

  // Use an outer loop to not waste too much time on creating HandleScopes.
  // On the other hand we might overflow a single handle scope depending on
  // the copy_size.
  int offset = 0;
  while (offset < copy_size) {
    HandleScope scope(isolate);
    offset += 100;
    for (int i = offset - 100; i < offset && i < copy_size; ++i) {
      Handle<Object> value =
          FixedDoubleArray::get(*from, i + from_start, isolate);
      to->set(i + to_start, *value, UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);

static void CopyDoubleToDoubleElements(FixedArrayBase* from_base,
                                       uint32_t from_start,
                                       FixedArrayBase* to_base,
                                       uint32_t to_start, int raw_copy_size) {
  DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
  int copy_size = raw_copy_size;
  if (raw_copy_size < 0) {
    DCHECK(raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEnd ||
           raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole);
    copy_size = Min(from_base->length() - from_start,
                    to_base->length() - to_start);
    if (raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole) {
      for (int i = to_start + copy_size; i < to_base->length(); ++i) {
  DCHECK((copy_size + static_cast<int>(to_start)) <= to_base->length() &&
         (copy_size + static_cast<int>(from_start)) <= from_base->length());
  if (copy_size == 0) return;
  FixedDoubleArray* from = FixedDoubleArray::cast(from_base);
  FixedDoubleArray* to = FixedDoubleArray::cast(to_base);
  Address to_address = to->address() + FixedDoubleArray::kHeaderSize;
  Address from_address = from->address() + FixedDoubleArray::kHeaderSize;
  to_address += kDoubleSize * to_start;
  from_address += kDoubleSize * from_start;
  int words_per_double = (kDoubleSize / kPointerSize);
            static_cast<size_t>(words_per_double * copy_size));

static void CopySmiToDoubleElements(FixedArrayBase* from_base,
                                    uint32_t from_start,
                                    FixedArrayBase* to_base, uint32_t to_start,
                                    int raw_copy_size) {
  DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
  int copy_size = raw_copy_size;
  if (raw_copy_size < 0) {
    DCHECK(raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEnd ||
           raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole);
    copy_size = from_base->length() - from_start;
    if (raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole) {
      for (int i = to_start + copy_size; i < to_base->length(); ++i) {
  DCHECK((copy_size + static_cast<int>(to_start)) <= to_base->length() &&
         (copy_size + static_cast<int>(from_start)) <= from_base->length());
  if (copy_size == 0) return;
  FixedArray* from = FixedArray::cast(from_base);
  FixedDoubleArray* to = FixedDoubleArray::cast(to_base);
  Object* the_hole = from->GetHeap()->the_hole_value();
  for (uint32_t from_end = from_start + static_cast<uint32_t>(copy_size);
       from_start < from_end; from_start++, to_start++) {
    Object* hole_or_smi = from->get(from_start);
    if (hole_or_smi == the_hole) {
    } else {
      to->set(to_start, Smi::ToInt(hole_or_smi));

static void CopyPackedSmiToDoubleElements(FixedArrayBase* from_base,
                                          uint32_t from_start,
                                          FixedArrayBase* to_base,
                                          uint32_t to_start, int packed_size,
                                          int raw_copy_size) {
  DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
  int copy_size = raw_copy_size;
  uint32_t to_end;
  if (raw_copy_size < 0) {
    DCHECK(raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEnd ||
           raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole);
    copy_size = packed_size - from_start;
    if (raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole) {
      to_end = to_base->length();
      for (uint32_t i = to_start + copy_size; i < to_end; ++i) {
    } else {
      to_end = to_start + static_cast<uint32_t>(copy_size);
  } else {
    to_end = to_start + static_cast<uint32_t>(copy_size);
  DCHECK(static_cast<int>(to_end) <= to_base->length());
  DCHECK(packed_size >= 0 && packed_size <= copy_size);
  DCHECK((copy_size + static_cast<int>(to_start)) <= to_base->length() &&
         (copy_size + static_cast<int>(from_start)) <= from_base->length());
  if (copy_size == 0) return;
  FixedArray* from = FixedArray::cast(from_base);
  FixedDoubleArray* to = FixedDoubleArray::cast(to_base);
  for (uint32_t from_end = from_start + static_cast<uint32_t>(packed_size);
       from_start < from_end; from_start++, to_start++) {
    Object* smi = from->get(from_start);
    to->set(to_start, Smi::ToInt(smi));

static void CopyObjectToDoubleElements(FixedArrayBase* from_base,
                                       uint32_t from_start,
                                       FixedArrayBase* to_base,
                                       uint32_t to_start, int raw_copy_size) {
  DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
  int copy_size = raw_copy_size;
  if (raw_copy_size < 0) {
    DCHECK(raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEnd ||
           raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole);
    copy_size = from_base->length() - from_start;
    if (raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole) {
      for (int i = to_start + copy_size; i < to_base->length(); ++i) {
  DCHECK((copy_size + static_cast<int>(to_start)) <= to_base->length() &&
         (copy_size + static_cast<int>(from_start)) <= from_base->length());
  if (copy_size == 0) return;
  FixedArray* from = FixedArray::cast(from_base);
  FixedDoubleArray* to = FixedDoubleArray::cast(to_base);
  Object* the_hole = from->GetHeap()->the_hole_value();
  for (uint32_t from_end = from_start + copy_size;
       from_start < from_end; from_start++, to_start++) {
    Object* hole_or_object = from->get(from_start);
    if (hole_or_object == the_hole) {
    } else {
      to->set(to_start, hole_or_object->Number());

static void CopyDictionaryToDoubleElements(FixedArrayBase* from_base,
                                           uint32_t from_start,
                                           FixedArrayBase* to_base,
                                           uint32_t to_start,
                                           int raw_copy_size) {
  DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
  SeededNumberDictionary* from = SeededNumberDictionary::cast(from_base);
  int copy_size = raw_copy_size;
  if (copy_size < 0) {
    DCHECK(copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEnd ||
           copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole);
    copy_size = from->max_number_key() + 1 - from_start;
    if (raw_copy_size == ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole) {
      for (int i = to_start + copy_size; i < to_base->length(); ++i) {
  if (copy_size == 0) return;
  FixedDoubleArray* to = FixedDoubleArray::cast(to_base);
  uint32_t to_length = to->length();
  if (to_start + copy_size > to_length) {
    copy_size = to_length - to_start;
  Isolate* isolate = from->GetIsolate();
  for (int i = 0; i < copy_size; i++) {
    int entry = from->FindEntry(isolate, i + from_start);
    if (entry != SeededNumberDictionary::kNotFound) {
      to->set(i + to_start, from->ValueAt(entry)->Number());
    } else {
      to->set_the_hole(i + to_start);

static void TraceTopFrame(Isolate* isolate) {
  StackFrameIterator it(isolate);
  if (it.done()) {
    PrintF("unknown location (no JavaScript frames present)");
  StackFrame* raw_frame = it.frame();
  if (raw_frame->is_internal()) {
    Code* apply_builtin =
    if (raw_frame->unchecked_code() == apply_builtin) {
      PrintF("apply from ");
      raw_frame = it.frame();
  JavaScriptFrame::PrintTop(isolate, stdout, false, true);

static void SortIndices(
    Handle<FixedArray> indices, uint32_t sort_size,
    WriteBarrierMode write_barrier_mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER) {
  struct {
    bool operator()(const base::AtomicElement<Object*>& elementA,
                    const base::AtomicElement<Object*>& elementB) {
      const Object* a = elementA.value();
      const Object* b = elementB.value();
      if (a->IsSmi() || !a->IsUndefined(HeapObject::cast(a)->GetIsolate())) {
        if (!b->IsSmi() && b->IsUndefined(HeapObject::cast(b)->GetIsolate())) {
          return true;
        return a->Number() < b->Number();
      return !b->IsSmi() && b->IsUndefined(HeapObject::cast(b)->GetIsolate());
  } cmp;
  // Use AtomicElement wrapper to ensure that std::sort uses atomic load and
  // store operations that are safe for concurrent marking.
  base::AtomicElement<Object*>* start =
  std::sort(start, start + sort_size, cmp);
  if (write_barrier_mode != SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER) {
    FIXED_ARRAY_ELEMENTS_WRITE_BARRIER(indices->GetIsolate()->heap(), *indices,
                                       0, sort_size);

static Maybe<bool> IncludesValueSlowPath(Isolate* isolate,
                                         Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                         Handle<Object> value,
                                         uint32_t start_from, uint32_t length) {
  bool search_for_hole = value->IsUndefined(isolate);
  for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
    LookupIterator it(isolate, receiver, k);
    if (!it.IsFound()) {
      if (search_for_hole) return Just(true);
    Handle<Object> element_k;
    ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE(isolate, element_k,
                                     Object::GetProperty(&it), Nothing<bool>());

    if (value->SameValueZero(*element_k)) return Just(true);

  return Just(false);

static Maybe<int64_t> IndexOfValueSlowPath(Isolate* isolate,
                                           Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                           Handle<Object> value,
                                           uint32_t start_from,
                                           uint32_t length) {
  for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
    LookupIterator it(isolate, receiver, k);
    if (!it.IsFound()) {
    Handle<Object> element_k;
        isolate, element_k, Object::GetProperty(&it), Nothing<int64_t>());

    if (value->StrictEquals(*element_k)) return Just<int64_t>(k);

  return Just<int64_t>(-1);

// Base class for element handler implementations. Contains the
// the common logic for objects with different ElementsKinds.
// Subclasses must specialize method for which the element
// implementation differs from the base class implementation.
// This class is intended to be used in the following way:
//   class SomeElementsAccessor :
//       public ElementsAccessorBase<SomeElementsAccessor,
//                                   BackingStoreClass> {
//     ...
//   }
// This is an example of the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (see
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curiously_recurring_template_pattern).  We use
// CRTP to guarantee aggressive compile time optimizations (i.e.  inlining and
// specialization of SomeElementsAccessor methods).
template <typename Subclass, typename ElementsTraitsParam>
class ElementsAccessorBase : public ElementsAccessor {
  explicit ElementsAccessorBase(const char* name)
      : ElementsAccessor(name) { }

  typedef ElementsTraitsParam ElementsTraits;
  typedef typename ElementsTraitsParam::BackingStore BackingStore;

  static ElementsKind kind() { return ElementsTraits::Kind; }

  static void ValidateContents(JSObject* holder, int length) {}

  static void ValidateImpl(JSObject* holder) {
    FixedArrayBase* fixed_array_base = holder->elements();
    if (!fixed_array_base->IsHeapObject()) return;
    // Arrays that have been shifted in place can't be verified.
    if (fixed_array_base->IsFiller()) return;
    int length = 0;
    if (holder->IsJSArray()) {
      Object* length_obj = JSArray::cast(holder)->length();
      if (length_obj->IsSmi()) {
        length = Smi::ToInt(length_obj);
    } else {
      length = fixed_array_base->length();
    Subclass::ValidateContents(holder, length);

  void Validate(JSObject* holder) final {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;

  static bool IsPackedImpl(JSObject* holder, FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                           uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    if (IsFastPackedElementsKind(kind())) return true;
    Isolate* isolate = backing_store->GetIsolate();
    for (uint32_t i = start; i < end; i++) {
      if (!Subclass::HasElementImpl(isolate, holder, i, backing_store,
                                    ALL_PROPERTIES)) {
        return false;
    return true;

  static void TryTransitionResultArrayToPacked(Handle<JSArray> array) {
    if (!IsHoleyOrDictionaryElementsKind(kind())) return;
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store(array->elements());
    int length = Smi::ToInt(array->length());
    if (!Subclass::IsPackedImpl(*array, *backing_store, 0, length)) {
    ElementsKind packed_kind = GetPackedElementsKind(kind());
    Handle<Map> new_map =
        JSObject::GetElementsTransitionMap(array, packed_kind);
    JSObject::MigrateToMap(array, new_map);
    if (FLAG_trace_elements_transitions) {
      JSObject::PrintElementsTransition(stdout, array, kind(), backing_store,
                                        packed_kind, backing_store);

  bool HasElement(JSObject* holder, uint32_t index,
                  FixedArrayBase* backing_store, PropertyFilter filter) final {
    return Subclass::HasElementImpl(holder->GetIsolate(), holder, index,
                                    backing_store, filter);

  static bool HasElementImpl(Isolate* isolate, JSObject* holder, uint32_t index,
                             FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                             PropertyFilter filter = ALL_PROPERTIES) {
    return Subclass::GetEntryForIndexImpl(isolate, holder, backing_store, index,
                                          filter) != kMaxUInt32;

  bool HasAccessors(JSObject* holder) final {
    return Subclass::HasAccessorsImpl(holder, holder->elements());

  static bool HasAccessorsImpl(JSObject* holder,
                               FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {
    return false;

  Handle<Object> Get(Handle<JSObject> holder, uint32_t entry) final {
    return Subclass::GetInternalImpl(holder, entry);

  static Handle<Object> GetInternalImpl(Handle<JSObject> holder,
                                        uint32_t entry) {
    return Subclass::GetImpl(holder->GetIsolate(), holder->elements(), entry);

  static Handle<Object> GetImpl(Isolate* isolate, FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                                uint32_t entry) {
    uint32_t index = GetIndexForEntryImpl(backing_store, entry);
    return handle(BackingStore::cast(backing_store)->get(index), isolate);

  void Set(Handle<JSObject> holder, uint32_t entry, Object* value) final {
    Subclass::SetImpl(holder, entry, value);

  void Reconfigure(Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<FixedArrayBase> store,
                   uint32_t entry, Handle<Object> value,
                   PropertyAttributes attributes) final {
    Subclass::ReconfigureImpl(object, store, entry, value, attributes);

  static void ReconfigureImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                              Handle<FixedArrayBase> store, uint32_t entry,
                              Handle<Object> value,
                              PropertyAttributes attributes) {

  void Add(Handle<JSObject> object, uint32_t index, Handle<Object> value,
           PropertyAttributes attributes, uint32_t new_capacity) final {
    Subclass::AddImpl(object, index, value, attributes, new_capacity);

  static void AddImpl(Handle<JSObject> object, uint32_t index,
                      Handle<Object> value, PropertyAttributes attributes,
                      uint32_t new_capacity) {

  uint32_t Push(Handle<JSArray> receiver, Arguments* args,
                uint32_t push_size) final {
    return Subclass::PushImpl(receiver, args, push_size);

  static uint32_t PushImpl(Handle<JSArray> receiver, Arguments* args,
                           uint32_t push_sized) {

  uint32_t Unshift(Handle<JSArray> receiver, Arguments* args,
                   uint32_t unshift_size) final {
    return Subclass::UnshiftImpl(receiver, args, unshift_size);

  static uint32_t UnshiftImpl(Handle<JSArray> receiver, Arguments* args,
                              uint32_t unshift_size) {

  Handle<JSObject> Slice(Handle<JSObject> receiver, uint32_t start,
                         uint32_t end) final {
    return Subclass::SliceImpl(receiver, start, end);

  Handle<JSObject> Slice(Handle<JSObject> receiver, uint32_t start,
                         uint32_t end, Handle<JSObject> result) final {
    return Subclass::SliceWithResultImpl(receiver, start, end, result);

  static Handle<JSObject> SliceImpl(Handle<JSObject> receiver, uint32_t start,
                                    uint32_t end) {

  static Handle<JSObject> SliceWithResultImpl(Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                              uint32_t start, uint32_t end,
                                              Handle<JSObject> result) {

  Handle<JSArray> Splice(Handle<JSArray> receiver, uint32_t start,
                         uint32_t delete_count, Arguments* args,
                         uint32_t add_count) final {
    return Subclass::SpliceImpl(receiver, start, delete_count, args, add_count);

  static Handle<JSArray> SpliceImpl(Handle<JSArray> receiver,
                                    uint32_t start, uint32_t delete_count,
                                    Arguments* args, uint32_t add_count) {

  Handle<Object> Pop(Handle<JSArray> receiver) final {
    return Subclass::PopImpl(receiver);

  static Handle<Object> PopImpl(Handle<JSArray> receiver) {

  Handle<Object> Shift(Handle<JSArray> receiver) final {
    return Subclass::ShiftImpl(receiver);

  static Handle<Object> ShiftImpl(Handle<JSArray> receiver) {

  void SetLength(Handle<JSArray> array, uint32_t length) final {
    Subclass::SetLengthImpl(array->GetIsolate(), array, length,

  static void SetLengthImpl(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSArray> array,
                            uint32_t length,
                            Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store) {
    uint32_t old_length = 0;

    if (old_length < length) {
      ElementsKind kind = array->GetElementsKind();
      if (!IsHoleyElementsKind(kind)) {
        kind = GetHoleyElementsKind(kind);
        JSObject::TransitionElementsKind(array, kind);

    // Check whether the backing store should be shrunk.
    uint32_t capacity = backing_store->length();
    old_length = Min(old_length, capacity);
    if (length == 0) {
    } else if (length <= capacity) {
      if (IsSmiOrObjectElementsKind(kind())) {
        if (array->elements() != *backing_store) {
          backing_store = handle(array->elements(), isolate);
      if (2 * length + JSObject::kMinAddedElementsCapacity <= capacity) {
        // If more than half the elements won't be used, trim the array.
        // Do not trim from short arrays to prevent frequent trimming on
        // repeated pop operations.
        // Leave some space to allow for subsequent push operations.
        int elements_to_trim = length + 1 == old_length
                                   ? (capacity - length) / 2
                                   : capacity - length;
        isolate->heap()->RightTrimFixedArray(*backing_store, elements_to_trim);
        // Fill the non-trimmed elements with holes.
                            std::min(old_length, capacity - elements_to_trim));
      } else {
        // Otherwise, fill the unused tail with holes.
        BackingStore::cast(*backing_store)->FillWithHoles(length, old_length);
    } else {
      // Check whether the backing store should be expanded.
      capacity = Max(length, JSObject::NewElementsCapacity(capacity));
      Subclass::GrowCapacityAndConvertImpl(array, capacity);


  uint32_t NumberOfElements(JSObject* receiver) final {
    return Subclass::NumberOfElementsImpl(receiver, receiver->elements());

  static uint32_t NumberOfElementsImpl(JSObject* receiver,
                                       FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {

  static uint32_t GetMaxIndex(JSObject* receiver, FixedArrayBase* elements) {
    if (receiver->IsJSArray()) {
      return static_cast<uint32_t>(
    return Subclass::GetCapacityImpl(receiver, elements);

  static uint32_t GetMaxNumberOfEntries(JSObject* receiver,
                                        FixedArrayBase* elements) {
    return Subclass::GetMaxIndex(receiver, elements);

  static Handle<FixedArrayBase> ConvertElementsWithCapacity(
      Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<FixedArrayBase> old_elements,
      ElementsKind from_kind, uint32_t capacity) {
    return ConvertElementsWithCapacity(
        object, old_elements, from_kind, capacity, 0, 0,

  static Handle<FixedArrayBase> ConvertElementsWithCapacity(
      Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<FixedArrayBase> old_elements,
      ElementsKind from_kind, uint32_t capacity, int copy_size) {
    return ConvertElementsWithCapacity(object, old_elements, from_kind,
                                       capacity, 0, 0, copy_size);

  static Handle<FixedArrayBase> ConvertElementsWithCapacity(
      Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<FixedArrayBase> old_elements,
      ElementsKind from_kind, uint32_t capacity, uint32_t src_index,
      uint32_t dst_index, int copy_size) {
    Isolate* isolate = object->GetIsolate();
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> new_elements;
    if (IsDoubleElementsKind(kind())) {
      new_elements = isolate->factory()->NewFixedDoubleArray(capacity);
    } else {
      new_elements = isolate->factory()->NewUninitializedFixedArray(capacity);

    int packed_size = kPackedSizeNotKnown;
    if (IsFastPackedElementsKind(from_kind) && object->IsJSArray()) {
      packed_size = Smi::ToInt(JSArray::cast(*object)->length());

    Subclass::CopyElementsImpl(*old_elements, src_index, *new_elements,
                               from_kind, dst_index, packed_size, copy_size);

    return new_elements;

  static void TransitionElementsKindImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                                         Handle<Map> to_map) {
    Handle<Map> from_map = handle(object->map());
    ElementsKind from_kind = from_map->elements_kind();
    ElementsKind to_kind = to_map->elements_kind();
    if (IsHoleyElementsKind(from_kind)) {
      to_kind = GetHoleyElementsKind(to_kind);
    if (from_kind != to_kind) {
      // This method should never be called for any other case.

      Handle<FixedArrayBase> from_elements(object->elements());
      if (object->elements() == object->GetHeap()->empty_fixed_array() ||
          IsDoubleElementsKind(from_kind) == IsDoubleElementsKind(to_kind)) {
        // No change is needed to the elements() buffer, the transition
        // only requires a map change.
        JSObject::MigrateToMap(object, to_map);
      } else {
            (IsSmiElementsKind(from_kind) && IsDoubleElementsKind(to_kind)) ||
            (IsDoubleElementsKind(from_kind) && IsObjectElementsKind(to_kind)));
        uint32_t capacity = static_cast<uint32_t>(object->elements()->length());
        Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements = ConvertElementsWithCapacity(
            object, from_elements, from_kind, capacity);
        JSObject::SetMapAndElements(object, to_map, elements);
      if (FLAG_trace_elements_transitions) {
        JSObject::PrintElementsTransition(stdout, object, from_kind,
                                          from_elements, to_kind,

  static void GrowCapacityAndConvertImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                                         uint32_t capacity) {
    ElementsKind from_kind = object->GetElementsKind();
    if (IsSmiOrObjectElementsKind(from_kind)) {
      // Array optimizations rely on the prototype lookups of Array objects
      // always returning undefined. If there is a store to the initial
      // prototype object, make sure all of these optimizations are invalidated.
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> old_elements(object->elements());
    // This method should only be called if there's a reason to update the
    // elements.
    DCHECK(IsDoubleElementsKind(from_kind) != IsDoubleElementsKind(kind()) ||
           IsDictionaryElementsKind(from_kind) ||
           static_cast<uint32_t>(old_elements->length()) < capacity);
    Subclass::BasicGrowCapacityAndConvertImpl(object, old_elements, from_kind,
                                              kind(), capacity);

  static void BasicGrowCapacityAndConvertImpl(
      Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<FixedArrayBase> old_elements,
      ElementsKind from_kind, ElementsKind to_kind, uint32_t capacity) {
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements =
        ConvertElementsWithCapacity(object, old_elements, from_kind, capacity);

    if (IsHoleyOrDictionaryElementsKind(from_kind))
      to_kind = GetHoleyElementsKind(to_kind);
    Handle<Map> new_map = JSObject::GetElementsTransitionMap(object, to_kind);
    JSObject::SetMapAndElements(object, new_map, elements);

    // Transition through the allocation site as well if present.
    JSObject::UpdateAllocationSite(object, to_kind);

    if (FLAG_trace_elements_transitions) {
      JSObject::PrintElementsTransition(stdout, object, from_kind, old_elements,
                                        to_kind, elements);

  void TransitionElementsKind(Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Map> map) final {
    Subclass::TransitionElementsKindImpl(object, map);

  void GrowCapacityAndConvert(Handle<JSObject> object,
                              uint32_t capacity) final {
    Subclass::GrowCapacityAndConvertImpl(object, capacity);

  bool GrowCapacity(Handle<JSObject> object, uint32_t index) final {
    // This function is intended to be called from optimized code. We don't
    // want to trigger lazy deopts there, so refuse to handle cases that would.
    if (object->map()->is_prototype_map() ||
        object->WouldConvertToSlowElements(index)) {
      return false;
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> old_elements(object->elements());
    uint32_t new_capacity = JSObject::NewElementsCapacity(index + 1);
    DCHECK(static_cast<uint32_t>(old_elements->length()) < new_capacity);
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements =
        ConvertElementsWithCapacity(object, old_elements, kind(), new_capacity);

    DCHECK_EQ(object->GetElementsKind(), kind());
    // Transition through the allocation site as well if present.
    if (JSObject::UpdateAllocationSite<AllocationSiteUpdateMode::kCheckOnly>(
            object, kind())) {
      return false;

    return true;

  void Delete(Handle<JSObject> obj, uint32_t entry) final {
    Subclass::DeleteImpl(obj, entry);

  static void CopyElementsImpl(FixedArrayBase* from, uint32_t from_start,
                               FixedArrayBase* to, ElementsKind from_kind,
                               uint32_t to_start, int packed_size,
                               int copy_size) {

  void CopyElements(JSObject* from_holder, uint32_t from_start,
                    ElementsKind from_kind, Handle<FixedArrayBase> to,
                    uint32_t to_start, int copy_size) final {
    int packed_size = kPackedSizeNotKnown;
    bool is_packed = IsFastPackedElementsKind(from_kind) &&
    if (is_packed) {
      packed_size = Smi::ToInt(JSArray::cast(from_holder)->length());
      if (copy_size >= 0 && packed_size > copy_size) {
        packed_size = copy_size;
    FixedArrayBase* from = from_holder->elements();
    // NOTE: the Subclass::CopyElementsImpl() methods
    // violate the handlified function signature convention:
    // raw pointer parameters in the function that allocates. This is done
    // intentionally to avoid ArrayConcat() builtin performance degradation.
    // Details: The idea is that allocations actually happen only in case of
    // copying from object with fast double elements to object with object
    // elements. In all the other cases there are no allocations performed and
    // handle creation causes noticeable performance degradation of the builtin.
    Subclass::CopyElementsImpl(from, from_start, *to, from_kind, to_start,
                               packed_size, copy_size);

  void CopyElements(Handle<FixedArrayBase> source, ElementsKind source_kind,
                    Handle<FixedArrayBase> destination, int size) {
    Subclass::CopyElementsImpl(*source, 0, *destination, source_kind, 0,
                               kPackedSizeNotKnown, size);

  Object* CopyElements(Handle<JSReceiver> source, Handle<JSObject> destination,
                       size_t length) final {
    return Subclass::CopyElementsHandleImpl(source, destination, length);

  static Object* CopyElementsHandleImpl(Handle<JSReceiver> source,
                                        Handle<JSObject> destination,
                                        size_t length) {

  Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> Normalize(Handle<JSObject> object) final {
    return Subclass::NormalizeImpl(object, handle(object->elements()));

  static Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> NormalizeImpl(
      Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements) {

  Maybe<bool> CollectValuesOrEntries(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> object,
                                     Handle<FixedArray> values_or_entries,
                                     bool get_entries, int* nof_items,
                                     PropertyFilter filter) {
    return Subclass::CollectValuesOrEntriesImpl(
        isolate, object, values_or_entries, get_entries, nof_items, filter);

  static Maybe<bool> CollectValuesOrEntriesImpl(
      Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> object,
      Handle<FixedArray> values_or_entries, bool get_entries, int* nof_items,
      PropertyFilter filter) {
    int count = 0;
    KeyAccumulator accumulator(isolate, KeyCollectionMode::kOwnOnly,
        object, handle(object->elements(), isolate), &accumulator);
    Handle<FixedArray> keys = accumulator.GetKeys();

    for (int i = 0; i < keys->length(); ++i) {
      Handle<Object> key(keys->get(i), isolate);
      Handle<Object> value;
      uint32_t index;
      if (!key->ToUint32(&index)) continue;

      uint32_t entry = Subclass::GetEntryForIndexImpl(
          isolate, *object, object->elements(), index, filter);
      if (entry == kMaxUInt32) continue;

      PropertyDetails details = Subclass::GetDetailsImpl(*object, entry);

      if (details.kind() == kData) {
        value = Subclass::GetImpl(isolate, object->elements(), entry);
      } else {
        LookupIterator it(isolate, object, index, LookupIterator::OWN);
            isolate, value, Object::GetProperty(&it), Nothing<bool>());
      if (get_entries) {
        value = MakeEntryPair(isolate, index, value);
      values_or_entries->set(count++, *value);

    *nof_items = count;
    return Just(true);

  void CollectElementIndices(Handle<JSObject> object,
                             Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store,
                             KeyAccumulator* keys) final {
    if (keys->filter() & ONLY_ALL_CAN_READ) return;
    Subclass::CollectElementIndicesImpl(object, backing_store, keys);

  static void CollectElementIndicesImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                                        Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store,
                                        KeyAccumulator* keys) {
    // Non-dictionary elements can't have all-can-read accessors.
    uint32_t length = Subclass::GetMaxIndex(*object, *backing_store);
    PropertyFilter filter = keys->filter();
    Isolate* isolate = keys->isolate();
    Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      if (Subclass::HasElementImpl(isolate, *object, i, *backing_store,
                                   filter)) {

  static Handle<FixedArray> DirectCollectElementIndicesImpl(
      Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> object,
      Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store, GetKeysConversion convert,
      PropertyFilter filter, Handle<FixedArray> list, uint32_t* nof_indices,
      uint32_t insertion_index = 0) {
    uint32_t length = Subclass::GetMaxIndex(*object, *backing_store);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      if (Subclass::HasElementImpl(isolate, *object, i, *backing_store,
                                   filter)) {
        if (convert == GetKeysConversion::kConvertToString) {
          Handle<String> index_string = isolate->factory()->Uint32ToString(i);
          list->set(insertion_index, *index_string);
        } else {
          list->set(insertion_index, Smi::FromInt(i), SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
    *nof_indices = insertion_index;
    return list;

  MaybeHandle<FixedArray> PrependElementIndices(
      Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store,
      Handle<FixedArray> keys, GetKeysConversion convert,
      PropertyFilter filter) final {
    return Subclass::PrependElementIndicesImpl(object, backing_store, keys,
                                               convert, filter);

  static MaybeHandle<FixedArray> PrependElementIndicesImpl(
      Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store,
      Handle<FixedArray> keys, GetKeysConversion convert,
      PropertyFilter filter) {
    Isolate* isolate = object->GetIsolate();
    uint32_t nof_property_keys = keys->length();
    uint32_t initial_list_length =
        Subclass::GetMaxNumberOfEntries(*object, *backing_store);

    initial_list_length += nof_property_keys;
    if (initial_list_length > FixedArray::kMaxLength ||
        initial_list_length < nof_property_keys) {
      return isolate->Throw<FixedArray>(isolate->factory()->NewRangeError(

    // Collect the element indices into a new list.
    MaybeHandle<FixedArray> raw_array =
    Handle<FixedArray> combined_keys;

    // If we have a holey backing store try to precisely estimate the backing
    // store size as a last emergency measure if we cannot allocate the big
    // array.
    if (!raw_array.ToHandle(&combined_keys)) {
      if (IsHoleyOrDictionaryElementsKind(kind())) {
        // If we overestimate the result list size we might end up in the
        // large-object space which doesn't free memory on shrinking the list.
        // Hence we try to estimate the final size for holey backing stores more
        // precisely here.
        initial_list_length =
            Subclass::NumberOfElementsImpl(*object, *backing_store);
        initial_list_length += nof_property_keys;
      combined_keys = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(initial_list_length);

    uint32_t nof_indices = 0;
    bool needs_sorting = IsDictionaryElementsKind(kind()) ||
    combined_keys = Subclass::DirectCollectElementIndicesImpl(
        isolate, object, backing_store,
        needs_sorting ? GetKeysConversion::kKeepNumbers : convert, filter,
        combined_keys, &nof_indices);

    if (needs_sorting) {
      SortIndices(combined_keys, nof_indices);
      // Indices from dictionary elements should only be converted after
      // sorting.
      if (convert == GetKeysConversion::kConvertToString) {
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nof_indices; i++) {
          Handle<Object> index_string = isolate->factory()->Uint32ToString(
          combined_keys->set(i, *index_string);

    // Copy over the passed-in property keys.
    CopyObjectToObjectElements(*keys, PACKED_ELEMENTS, 0, *combined_keys,
                               PACKED_ELEMENTS, nof_indices, nof_property_keys);

    // For holey elements and arguments we might have to shrink the collected
    // keys since the estimates might be off.
    if (IsHoleyOrDictionaryElementsKind(kind()) ||
        IsSloppyArgumentsElementsKind(kind())) {
      // Shrink combined_keys to the final size.
      int final_size = nof_indices + nof_property_keys;
      DCHECK_LE(final_size, combined_keys->length());

    return combined_keys;

  void AddElementsToKeyAccumulator(Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                   KeyAccumulator* accumulator,
                                   AddKeyConversion convert) final {
    Subclass::AddElementsToKeyAccumulatorImpl(receiver, accumulator, convert);

  static uint32_t GetCapacityImpl(JSObject* holder,
                                  FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {
    return backing_store->length();

  uint32_t GetCapacity(JSObject* holder, FixedArrayBase* backing_store) final {
    return Subclass::GetCapacityImpl(holder, backing_store);

  static Object* FillImpl(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                          Handle<Object> obj_value, uint32_t start,
                          uint32_t end) {

  Object* Fill(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> receiver,
               Handle<Object> obj_value, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) {
    return Subclass::FillImpl(isolate, receiver, obj_value, start, end);

  static Maybe<bool> IncludesValueImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                       Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                       Handle<Object> value,
                                       uint32_t start_from, uint32_t length) {
    return IncludesValueSlowPath(isolate, receiver, value, start_from, length);

  Maybe<bool> IncludesValue(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                            Handle<Object> value, uint32_t start_from,
                            uint32_t length) final {
    return Subclass::IncludesValueImpl(isolate, receiver, value, start_from,

  static Maybe<int64_t> IndexOfValueImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                         Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                         Handle<Object> value,
                                         uint32_t start_from, uint32_t length) {
    return IndexOfValueSlowPath(isolate, receiver, value, start_from, length);

  Maybe<int64_t> IndexOfValue(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                              Handle<Object> value, uint32_t start_from,
                              uint32_t length) final {
    return Subclass::IndexOfValueImpl(isolate, receiver, value, start_from,

  static Maybe<int64_t> LastIndexOfValueImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                             Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                             Handle<Object> value,
                                             uint32_t start_from) {

  Maybe<int64_t> LastIndexOfValue(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                  Handle<Object> value,
                                  uint32_t start_from) final {
    return Subclass::LastIndexOfValueImpl(isolate, receiver, value, start_from);

  static void ReverseImpl(JSObject* receiver) { UNREACHABLE(); }

  void Reverse(JSObject* receiver) final { Subclass::ReverseImpl(receiver); }

  static uint32_t GetIndexForEntryImpl(FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                                       uint32_t entry) {
    return entry;

  static uint32_t GetEntryForIndexImpl(Isolate* isolate, JSObject* holder,
                                       FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                                       uint32_t index, PropertyFilter filter) {
    uint32_t length = Subclass::GetMaxIndex(holder, backing_store);
    if (IsHoleyOrDictionaryElementsKind(kind())) {
      return index < length &&
                          ->is_the_hole(isolate, index)
                 ? index
                 : kMaxUInt32;
    } else {
      return index < length ? index : kMaxUInt32;

  uint32_t GetEntryForIndex(Isolate* isolate, JSObject* holder,
                            FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                            uint32_t index) final {
    return Subclass::GetEntryForIndexImpl(isolate, holder, backing_store, index,

  static PropertyDetails GetDetailsImpl(FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                                        uint32_t entry) {
    return PropertyDetails(kData, NONE, PropertyCellType::kNoCell);

  static PropertyDetails GetDetailsImpl(JSObject* holder, uint32_t entry) {
    return PropertyDetails(kData, NONE, PropertyCellType::kNoCell);

  PropertyDetails GetDetails(JSObject* holder, uint32_t entry) final {
    return Subclass::GetDetailsImpl(holder, entry);

  Handle<FixedArray> CreateListFromArray(Isolate* isolate,
                                         Handle<JSArray> array) final {
    return Subclass::CreateListFromArrayImpl(isolate, array);

  static Handle<FixedArray> CreateListFromArrayImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                                    Handle<JSArray> array) {


class DictionaryElementsAccessor
    : public ElementsAccessorBase<DictionaryElementsAccessor,
                                  ElementsKindTraits<DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS> > {
  explicit DictionaryElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : ElementsAccessorBase<DictionaryElementsAccessor,
                             ElementsKindTraits<DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS> >(name) {}

  static uint32_t GetMaxIndex(JSObject* receiver, FixedArrayBase* elements) {
    // We cannot properly estimate this for dictionaries.

  static uint32_t GetMaxNumberOfEntries(JSObject* receiver,
                                        FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {
    return NumberOfElementsImpl(receiver, backing_store);

  static uint32_t NumberOfElementsImpl(JSObject* receiver,
                                       FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {
    SeededNumberDictionary* dict = SeededNumberDictionary::cast(backing_store);
    return dict->NumberOfElements();

  static void SetLengthImpl(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSArray> array,
                            uint32_t length,
                            Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store) {
    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dict =
    int capacity = dict->Capacity();
    uint32_t old_length = 0;
      DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
      if (length < old_length) {
        if (dict->requires_slow_elements()) {
          // Find last non-deletable element in range of elements to be
          // deleted and adjust range accordingly.
          for (int entry = 0; entry < capacity; entry++) {
            Object* index = dict->KeyAt(entry);
            if (dict->IsKey(isolate, index)) {
              uint32_t number = static_cast<uint32_t>(index->Number());
              if (length <= number && number < old_length) {
                PropertyDetails details = dict->DetailsAt(entry);
                if (!details.IsConfigurable()) length = number + 1;

        if (length == 0) {
          // Flush the backing store.
        } else {
          // Remove elements that should be deleted.
          int removed_entries = 0;
          for (int entry = 0; entry < capacity; entry++) {
            Object* index = dict->KeyAt(entry);
            if (dict->IsKey(isolate, index)) {
              uint32_t number = static_cast<uint32_t>(index->Number());
              if (length <= number && number < old_length) {

          // Update the number of elements.

    Handle<Object> length_obj = isolate->factory()->NewNumberFromUint(length);

  static void CopyElementsImpl(FixedArrayBase* from, uint32_t from_start,
                               FixedArrayBase* to, ElementsKind from_kind,
                               uint32_t to_start, int packed_size,
                               int copy_size) {

  static void DeleteImpl(Handle<JSObject> obj, uint32_t entry) {
    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dict(
    dict = SeededNumberDictionary::DeleteEntry(dict, entry);

  static bool HasAccessorsImpl(JSObject* holder,
                               FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    SeededNumberDictionary* dict = SeededNumberDictionary::cast(backing_store);
    if (!dict->requires_slow_elements()) return false;
    int capacity = dict->Capacity();
    Isolate* isolate = dict->GetIsolate();
    for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
      Object* key = dict->KeyAt(i);
      if (!dict->IsKey(isolate, key)) continue;
      PropertyDetails details = dict->DetailsAt(i);
      if (details.kind() == kAccessor) return true;
    return false;

  static Object* GetRaw(FixedArrayBase* store, uint32_t entry) {
    SeededNumberDictionary* backing_store = SeededNumberDictionary::cast(store);
    return backing_store->ValueAt(entry);

  static Handle<Object> GetImpl(Isolate* isolate, FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                                uint32_t entry) {
    return handle(GetRaw(backing_store, entry), isolate);

  static inline void SetImpl(Handle<JSObject> holder, uint32_t entry,
                             Object* value) {
    SetImpl(holder->elements(), entry, value);

  static inline void SetImpl(FixedArrayBase* backing_store, uint32_t entry,
                             Object* value) {
    SeededNumberDictionary::cast(backing_store)->ValueAtPut(entry, value);

  static void ReconfigureImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                              Handle<FixedArrayBase> store, uint32_t entry,
                              Handle<Object> value,
                              PropertyAttributes attributes) {
    SeededNumberDictionary* dictionary = SeededNumberDictionary::cast(*store);
    if (attributes != NONE) object->RequireSlowElements(dictionary);
    dictionary->ValueAtPut(entry, *value);
    PropertyDetails details = dictionary->DetailsAt(entry);
    details = PropertyDetails(kData, attributes, PropertyCellType::kNoCell,

    dictionary->DetailsAtPut(entry, details);

  static void AddImpl(Handle<JSObject> object, uint32_t index,
                      Handle<Object> value, PropertyAttributes attributes,
                      uint32_t new_capacity) {
    PropertyDetails details(kData, attributes, PropertyCellType::kNoCell);
    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dictionary =
        object->HasFastElements() || object->HasFastStringWrapperElements()
            ? JSObject::NormalizeElements(object)
            : handle(SeededNumberDictionary::cast(object->elements()));
    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> new_dictionary =
        SeededNumberDictionary::Add(dictionary, index, value, details);
    new_dictionary->UpdateMaxNumberKey(index, object);
    if (attributes != NONE) object->RequireSlowElements(*new_dictionary);
    if (dictionary.is_identical_to(new_dictionary)) return;

  static bool HasEntryImpl(Isolate* isolate, FixedArrayBase* store,
                           uint32_t entry) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    SeededNumberDictionary* dict = SeededNumberDictionary::cast(store);
    Object* index = dict->KeyAt(entry);
    return !index->IsTheHole(isolate);

  static uint32_t GetIndexForEntryImpl(FixedArrayBase* store, uint32_t entry) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    SeededNumberDictionary* dict = SeededNumberDictionary::cast(store);
    uint32_t result = 0;
    return result;

  static uint32_t GetEntryForIndexImpl(Isolate* isolate, JSObject* holder,
                                       FixedArrayBase* store, uint32_t index,
                                       PropertyFilter filter) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    SeededNumberDictionary* dictionary = SeededNumberDictionary::cast(store);
    int entry = dictionary->FindEntry(isolate, index);
    if (entry == SeededNumberDictionary::kNotFound) return kMaxUInt32;
    if (filter != ALL_PROPERTIES) {
      PropertyDetails details = dictionary->DetailsAt(entry);
      PropertyAttributes attr = details.attributes();
      if ((attr & filter) != 0) return kMaxUInt32;
    return static_cast<uint32_t>(entry);

  static PropertyDetails GetDetailsImpl(JSObject* holder, uint32_t entry) {
    return GetDetailsImpl(holder->elements(), entry);

  static PropertyDetails GetDetailsImpl(FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                                        uint32_t entry) {
    return SeededNumberDictionary::cast(backing_store)->DetailsAt(entry);

  static uint32_t FilterKey(Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dictionary,
                            int entry, Object* raw_key, PropertyFilter filter) {
    DCHECK_LE(raw_key->Number(), kMaxUInt32);
    PropertyDetails details = dictionary->DetailsAt(entry);
    PropertyAttributes attr = details.attributes();
    if ((attr & filter) != 0) return kMaxUInt32;
    return static_cast<uint32_t>(raw_key->Number());

  static uint32_t GetKeyForEntryImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                     Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dictionary,
                                     int entry, PropertyFilter filter) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    Object* raw_key = dictionary->KeyAt(entry);
    if (!dictionary->IsKey(isolate, raw_key)) return kMaxUInt32;
    return FilterKey(dictionary, entry, raw_key, filter);

  static void CollectElementIndicesImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                                        Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store,
                                        KeyAccumulator* keys) {
    if (keys->filter() & SKIP_STRINGS) return;
    Isolate* isolate = keys->isolate();
    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dictionary =
    int capacity = dictionary->Capacity();
    Handle<FixedArray> elements = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(
        GetMaxNumberOfEntries(*object, *backing_store));
    int insertion_index = 0;
    PropertyFilter filter = keys->filter();
    for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
      Object* raw_key = dictionary->KeyAt(i);
      if (!dictionary->IsKey(isolate, raw_key)) continue;
      uint32_t key = FilterKey(dictionary, i, raw_key, filter);
      if (key == kMaxUInt32) {
      elements->set(insertion_index, raw_key);
    SortIndices(elements, insertion_index);
    for (int i = 0; i < insertion_index; i++) {

  static Handle<FixedArray> DirectCollectElementIndicesImpl(
      Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> object,
      Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store, GetKeysConversion convert,
      PropertyFilter filter, Handle<FixedArray> list, uint32_t* nof_indices,
      uint32_t insertion_index = 0) {
    if (filter & SKIP_STRINGS) return list;
    if (filter & ONLY_ALL_CAN_READ) return list;

    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dictionary =
    uint32_t capacity = dictionary->Capacity();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
      uint32_t key = GetKeyForEntryImpl(isolate, dictionary, i, filter);
      if (key == kMaxUInt32) continue;
      Handle<Object> index = isolate->factory()->NewNumberFromUint(key);
      list->set(insertion_index, *index);
    *nof_indices = insertion_index;
    return list;

  static void AddElementsToKeyAccumulatorImpl(Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                              KeyAccumulator* accumulator,
                                              AddKeyConversion convert) {
    Isolate* isolate = accumulator->isolate();
    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dictionary(
        SeededNumberDictionary::cast(receiver->elements()), isolate);
    int capacity = dictionary->Capacity();
    for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
      Object* k = dictionary->KeyAt(i);
      if (!dictionary->IsKey(isolate, k)) continue;
      Object* value = dictionary->ValueAt(i);
      accumulator->AddKey(value, convert);

  static bool IncludesValueFastPath(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                    Handle<Object> value, uint32_t start_from,
                                    uint32_t length, Maybe<bool>* result) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    SeededNumberDictionary* dictionary =
    int capacity = dictionary->Capacity();
    Object* the_hole = isolate->heap()->the_hole_value();
    Object* undefined = isolate->heap()->undefined_value();

    // Scan for accessor properties. If accessors are present, then elements
    // must be accessed in order via the slow path.
    bool found = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
      Object* k = dictionary->KeyAt(i);
      if (k == the_hole) continue;
      if (k == undefined) continue;

      uint32_t index;
      if (!k->ToArrayIndex(&index) || index < start_from || index >= length) {

      if (dictionary->DetailsAt(i).kind() == kAccessor) {
        // Restart from beginning in slow path, otherwise we may observably
        // access getters out of order
        return false;
      } else if (!found) {
        Object* element_k = dictionary->ValueAt(i);
        if (value->SameValueZero(element_k)) found = true;

    *result = Just(found);
    return true;

  static Maybe<bool> IncludesValueImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                       Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                       Handle<Object> value,
                                       uint32_t start_from, uint32_t length) {
    DCHECK(JSObject::PrototypeHasNoElements(isolate, *receiver));
    bool search_for_hole = value->IsUndefined(isolate);

    if (!search_for_hole) {
      Maybe<bool> result = Nothing<bool>();
      if (DictionaryElementsAccessor::IncludesValueFastPath(
              isolate, receiver, value, start_from, length, &result)) {
        return result;

    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dictionary(
        SeededNumberDictionary::cast(receiver->elements()), isolate);
    // Iterate through entire range, as accessing elements out of order is
    // observable
    for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
      int entry = dictionary->FindEntry(isolate, k);
      if (entry == SeededNumberDictionary::kNotFound) {
        if (search_for_hole) return Just(true);

      PropertyDetails details = GetDetailsImpl(*dictionary, entry);
      switch (details.kind()) {
        case kData: {
          Object* element_k = dictionary->ValueAt(entry);
          if (value->SameValueZero(element_k)) return Just(true);
        case kAccessor: {
          LookupIterator it(isolate, receiver, k,
          DCHECK_EQ(it.state(), LookupIterator::ACCESSOR);
          Handle<Object> element_k;

              isolate, element_k, JSObject::GetPropertyWithAccessor(&it),

          if (value->SameValueZero(*element_k)) return Just(true);

          // Bailout to slow path if elements on prototype changed
          if (!JSObject::PrototypeHasNoElements(isolate, *receiver)) {
            return IncludesValueSlowPath(isolate, receiver, value, k + 1,

          // Continue if elements unchanged
          if (*dictionary == receiver->elements()) continue;

          // Otherwise, bailout or update elements

          // If switched to initial elements, return true if searching for
          // undefined, and false otherwise.
          if (receiver->map()->GetInitialElements() == receiver->elements()) {
            return Just(search_for_hole);

          // If switched to fast elements, continue with the correct accessor.
          if (receiver->GetElementsKind() != DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS) {
            ElementsAccessor* accessor = receiver->GetElementsAccessor();
            return accessor->IncludesValue(isolate, receiver, value, k + 1,
          dictionary = handle(
              SeededNumberDictionary::cast(receiver->elements()), isolate);
    return Just(false);

  static Maybe<int64_t> IndexOfValueImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                         Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                         Handle<Object> value,
                                         uint32_t start_from, uint32_t length) {
    DCHECK(JSObject::PrototypeHasNoElements(isolate, *receiver));

    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dictionary(
        SeededNumberDictionary::cast(receiver->elements()), isolate);
    // Iterate through entire range, as accessing elements out of order is
    // observable.
    for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
      int entry = dictionary->FindEntry(isolate, k);
      if (entry == SeededNumberDictionary::kNotFound) {

      PropertyDetails details = GetDetailsImpl(*dictionary, entry);
      switch (details.kind()) {
        case kData: {
          Object* element_k = dictionary->ValueAt(entry);
          if (value->StrictEquals(element_k)) {
            return Just<int64_t>(k);
        case kAccessor: {
          LookupIterator it(isolate, receiver, k,
          DCHECK_EQ(it.state(), LookupIterator::ACCESSOR);
          Handle<Object> element_k;

              isolate, element_k, JSObject::GetPropertyWithAccessor(&it),

          if (value->StrictEquals(*element_k)) return Just<int64_t>(k);

          // Bailout to slow path if elements on prototype changed.
          if (!JSObject::PrototypeHasNoElements(isolate, *receiver)) {
            return IndexOfValueSlowPath(isolate, receiver, value, k + 1,

          // Continue if elements unchanged.
          if (*dictionary == receiver->elements()) continue;

          // Otherwise, bailout or update elements.
          if (receiver->GetElementsKind() != DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS) {
            // Otherwise, switch to slow path.
            return IndexOfValueSlowPath(isolate, receiver, value, k + 1,
          dictionary = handle(
              SeededNumberDictionary::cast(receiver->elements()), isolate);
    return Just<int64_t>(-1);

  static void ValidateContents(JSObject* holder, int length) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    DCHECK_EQ(holder->map()->elements_kind(), DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS);
    if (!FLAG_enable_slow_asserts) return;
    Isolate* isolate = holder->GetIsolate();
    SeededNumberDictionary* dictionary =
    // Validate the requires_slow_elements and max_number_key values.
    int capacity = dictionary->Capacity();
    bool requires_slow_elements = false;
    int max_key = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
      Object* k;
      if (!dictionary->ToKey(isolate, i, &k)) continue;
      DCHECK_LE(0.0, k->Number());
      if (k->Number() > SeededNumberDictionary::kRequiresSlowElementsLimit) {
        requires_slow_elements = true;
      } else {
        max_key = Max(max_key, Smi::ToInt(k));
    if (requires_slow_elements) {
    } else if (!dictionary->requires_slow_elements()) {
      DCHECK_LE(max_key, dictionary->max_number_key());

// Super class for all fast element arrays.
template <typename Subclass, typename KindTraits>
class FastElementsAccessor : public ElementsAccessorBase<Subclass, KindTraits> {
  explicit FastElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : ElementsAccessorBase<Subclass, KindTraits>(name) {}

  typedef typename KindTraits::BackingStore BackingStore;

  static Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> NormalizeImpl(
      Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<FixedArrayBase> store) {
    Isolate* isolate = store->GetIsolate();
    ElementsKind kind = Subclass::kind();

    // Ensure that notifications fire if the array or object prototypes are
    // normalizing.
    if (IsSmiOrObjectElementsKind(kind)) {

    int capacity = object->GetFastElementsUsage();
    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dictionary =
        SeededNumberDictionary::New(isolate, capacity);

    PropertyDetails details = PropertyDetails::Empty();
    int j = 0;
    int max_number_key = -1;
    for (int i = 0; j < capacity; i++) {
      if (IsHoleyOrDictionaryElementsKind(kind)) {
        if (BackingStore::cast(*store)->is_the_hole(isolate, i)) continue;
      max_number_key = i;
      Handle<Object> value = Subclass::GetImpl(isolate, *store, i);
      dictionary = SeededNumberDictionary::Add(dictionary, i, value, details);

    if (max_number_key > 0) {
    return dictionary;

  static void DeleteAtEnd(Handle<JSObject> obj,
                          Handle<BackingStore> backing_store, uint32_t entry) {
    uint32_t length = static_cast<uint32_t>(backing_store->length());
    Isolate* isolate = obj->GetIsolate();
    for (; entry > 0; entry--) {
      if (!backing_store->is_the_hole(isolate, entry - 1)) break;
    if (entry == 0) {
      FixedArray* empty = isolate->heap()->empty_fixed_array();
      // Dynamically ask for the elements kind here since we manually redirect
      // the operations for argument backing stores.
      if (obj->GetElementsKind() == FAST_SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTS) {
      } else {

    isolate->heap()->RightTrimFixedArray(*backing_store, length - entry);

  static void DeleteCommon(Handle<JSObject> obj, uint32_t entry,
                           Handle<FixedArrayBase> store) {
    DCHECK(obj->HasSmiOrObjectElements() || obj->HasDoubleElements() ||
           obj->HasFastArgumentsElements() ||
    Handle<BackingStore> backing_store = Handle<BackingStore>::cast(store);
    if (!obj->IsJSArray() &&
        entry == static_cast<uint32_t>(store->length()) - 1) {
      DeleteAtEnd(obj, backing_store, entry);

    Isolate* isolate = obj->GetIsolate();
    backing_store->set_the_hole(isolate, entry);

    // TODO(verwaest): Move this out of elements.cc.
    // If an old space backing store is larger than a certain size and
    // has too few used values, normalize it.
    const int kMinLengthForSparsenessCheck = 64;
    if (backing_store->length() < kMinLengthForSparsenessCheck) return;
    if (backing_store->GetHeap()->InNewSpace(*backing_store)) return;
    uint32_t length = 0;
    if (obj->IsJSArray()) {
    } else {
      length = static_cast<uint32_t>(store->length());

    // To avoid doing the check on every delete, use a counter-based heuristic.
    const int kLengthFraction = 16;
    // The above constant must be large enough to ensure that we check for
    // normalization frequently enough. At a minimum, it should be large
    // enough to reliably hit the "window" of remaining elements count where
    // normalization would be beneficial.
    STATIC_ASSERT(kLengthFraction >=
                  SeededNumberDictionary::kEntrySize *
    size_t current_counter = isolate->elements_deletion_counter();
    if (current_counter < length / kLengthFraction) {
      isolate->set_elements_deletion_counter(current_counter + 1);
    // Reset the counter whenever the full check is performed.

    if (!obj->IsJSArray()) {
      uint32_t i;
      for (i = entry + 1; i < length; i++) {
        if (!backing_store->is_the_hole(isolate, i)) break;
      if (i == length) {
        DeleteAtEnd(obj, backing_store, entry);
    int num_used = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < backing_store->length(); ++i) {
      if (!backing_store->is_the_hole(isolate, i)) {
        // Bail out if a number dictionary wouldn't be able to save much space.
        if (SeededNumberDictionary::kPreferFastElementsSizeFactor *
                SeededNumberDictionary::ComputeCapacity(num_used) *
                SeededNumberDictionary::kEntrySize >
            static_cast<uint32_t>(backing_store->length())) {

  static void ReconfigureImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                              Handle<FixedArrayBase> store, uint32_t entry,
                              Handle<Object> value,
                              PropertyAttributes attributes) {
    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dictionary =
    entry = dictionary->FindEntry(entry);
    DictionaryElementsAccessor::ReconfigureImpl(object, dictionary, entry,
                                                value, attributes);

  static void AddImpl(Handle<JSObject> object, uint32_t index,
                      Handle<Object> value, PropertyAttributes attributes,
                      uint32_t new_capacity) {
    DCHECK_EQ(NONE, attributes);
    ElementsKind from_kind = object->GetElementsKind();
    ElementsKind to_kind = Subclass::kind();
    if (IsDictionaryElementsKind(from_kind) ||
        IsDoubleElementsKind(from_kind) != IsDoubleElementsKind(to_kind) ||
        Subclass::GetCapacityImpl(*object, object->elements()) !=
            new_capacity) {
      Subclass::GrowCapacityAndConvertImpl(object, new_capacity);
    } else {
      if (IsFastElementsKind(from_kind) && from_kind != to_kind) {
        JSObject::TransitionElementsKind(object, to_kind);
      if (IsSmiOrObjectElementsKind(from_kind)) {
    Subclass::SetImpl(object, index, *value);

  static void DeleteImpl(Handle<JSObject> obj, uint32_t entry) {
    ElementsKind kind = KindTraits::Kind;
    if (IsFastPackedElementsKind(kind)) {
      JSObject::TransitionElementsKind(obj, GetHoleyElementsKind(kind));
    if (IsSmiOrObjectElementsKind(KindTraits::Kind)) {
    DeleteCommon(obj, entry, handle(obj->elements()));

  static bool HasEntryImpl(Isolate* isolate, FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                           uint32_t entry) {
    return !BackingStore::cast(backing_store)->is_the_hole(isolate, entry);

  static uint32_t NumberOfElementsImpl(JSObject* receiver,
                                       FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {
    uint32_t max_index = Subclass::GetMaxIndex(receiver, backing_store);
    if (IsFastPackedElementsKind(Subclass::kind())) return max_index;
    Isolate* isolate = receiver->GetIsolate();
    uint32_t count = 0;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < max_index; i++) {
      if (Subclass::HasEntryImpl(isolate, backing_store, i)) count++;
    return count;

  static void AddElementsToKeyAccumulatorImpl(Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                              KeyAccumulator* accumulator,
                                              AddKeyConversion convert) {
    Isolate* isolate = accumulator->isolate();
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements(receiver->elements(), isolate);
    uint32_t length = Subclass::GetMaxNumberOfEntries(*receiver, *elements);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      if (IsFastPackedElementsKind(KindTraits::Kind) ||
          HasEntryImpl(isolate, *elements, i)) {
        accumulator->AddKey(Subclass::GetImpl(isolate, *elements, i), convert);

  static void ValidateContents(JSObject* holder, int length) {
    Isolate* isolate = holder->GetIsolate();
    Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
    FixedArrayBase* elements = holder->elements();
    Map* map = elements->map();
    if (IsSmiOrObjectElementsKind(KindTraits::Kind)) {
      DCHECK_NE(map, heap->fixed_double_array_map());
    } else if (IsDoubleElementsKind(KindTraits::Kind)) {
      DCHECK_NE(map, heap->fixed_cow_array_map());
      if (map == heap->fixed_array_map()) DCHECK_EQ(0, length);
    } else {
    if (length == 0) return;  // nothing to do!
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    BackingStore* backing_store = BackingStore::cast(elements);
    if (IsSmiElementsKind(KindTraits::Kind)) {
      HandleScope scope(isolate);
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        DCHECK(BackingStore::get(backing_store, i, isolate)->IsSmi() ||
               (IsHoleyElementsKind(KindTraits::Kind) &&
                backing_store->is_the_hole(isolate, i)));
    } else if (KindTraits::Kind == PACKED_ELEMENTS ||
               KindTraits::Kind == PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS) {
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        DCHECK(!backing_store->is_the_hole(isolate, i));
    } else {

  static Handle<Object> PopImpl(Handle<JSArray> receiver) {
    return Subclass::RemoveElement(receiver, AT_END);

  static Handle<Object> ShiftImpl(Handle<JSArray> receiver) {
    return Subclass::RemoveElement(receiver, AT_START);

  static uint32_t PushImpl(Handle<JSArray> receiver,
                           Arguments* args, uint32_t push_size) {
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store(receiver->elements());
    return Subclass::AddArguments(receiver, backing_store, args, push_size,

  static uint32_t UnshiftImpl(Handle<JSArray> receiver,
                              Arguments* args, uint32_t unshift_size) {
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store(receiver->elements());
    return Subclass::AddArguments(receiver, backing_store, args, unshift_size,

  static Handle<JSObject> SliceImpl(Handle<JSObject> receiver, uint32_t start,
                                    uint32_t end) {
    Isolate* isolate = receiver->GetIsolate();
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store(receiver->elements(), isolate);
    int result_len = end < start ? 0u : end - start;
    Handle<JSArray> result_array = isolate->factory()->NewJSArray(
        KindTraits::Kind, result_len, result_len);
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    Subclass::CopyElementsImpl(*backing_store, start, result_array->elements(),
                               KindTraits::Kind, 0, kPackedSizeNotKnown,
    return result_array;

  static Handle<JSArray> SpliceImpl(Handle<JSArray> receiver,
                                    uint32_t start, uint32_t delete_count,
                                    Arguments* args, uint32_t add_count) {
    Isolate* isolate = receiver->GetIsolate();
    Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
    uint32_t length = Smi::ToInt(receiver->length());
    uint32_t new_length = length - delete_count + add_count;

    ElementsKind kind = KindTraits::Kind;
    if (new_length <= static_cast<uint32_t>(receiver->elements()->length()) &&
        IsSmiOrObjectElementsKind(kind)) {
      HandleScope scope(isolate);

    Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store(receiver->elements(), isolate);

    if (new_length == 0) {
      return isolate->factory()->NewJSArrayWithElements(
          backing_store, KindTraits::Kind, delete_count);

    // Construct the result array which holds the deleted elements.
    Handle<JSArray> deleted_elements = isolate->factory()->NewJSArray(
        KindTraits::Kind, delete_count, delete_count);
    if (delete_count > 0) {
      DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
      Subclass::CopyElementsImpl(*backing_store, start,
                                 deleted_elements->elements(), KindTraits::Kind,
                                 0, kPackedSizeNotKnown, delete_count);

    // Delete and move elements to make space for add_count new elements.
    if (add_count < delete_count) {
      Subclass::SpliceShrinkStep(isolate, receiver, backing_store, start,
                                 delete_count, add_count, length, new_length);
    } else if (add_count > delete_count) {
      backing_store =
          Subclass::SpliceGrowStep(isolate, receiver, backing_store, start,
                                   delete_count, add_count, length, new_length);

    // Copy over the arguments.
    Subclass::CopyArguments(args, backing_store, add_count, 3, start);

    return deleted_elements;

  static Maybe<bool> CollectValuesOrEntriesImpl(
      Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> object,
      Handle<FixedArray> values_or_entries, bool get_entries, int* nof_items,
      PropertyFilter filter) {
    Handle<BackingStore> elements(BackingStore::cast(object->elements()),
    int count = 0;
    uint32_t length = elements->length();
    for (uint32_t index = 0; index < length; ++index) {
      if (!HasEntryImpl(isolate, *elements, index)) continue;
      Handle<Object> value = Subclass::GetImpl(isolate, *elements, index);
      if (get_entries) {
        value = MakeEntryPair(isolate, index, value);
      values_or_entries->set(count++, *value);
    *nof_items = count;
    return Just(true);

  static void MoveElements(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSArray> receiver,
                           Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store, int dst_index,
                           int src_index, int len, int hole_start,
                           int hole_end) {
    Heap* heap = isolate->heap();
    Handle<BackingStore> dst_elms = Handle<BackingStore>::cast(backing_store);
    if (len > JSArray::kMaxCopyElements && dst_index == 0 &&
        heap->CanMoveObjectStart(*dst_elms)) {
      // Update all the copies of this backing_store handle.
      *dst_elms.location() =
          BackingStore::cast(heap->LeftTrimFixedArray(*dst_elms, src_index));
      // Adjust the hole offset as the array has been shrunk.
      hole_end -= src_index;
      DCHECK_LE(hole_start, backing_store->length());
      DCHECK_LE(hole_end, backing_store->length());
    } else if (len != 0) {
      if (IsDoubleElementsKind(KindTraits::Kind)) {
        MemMove(dst_elms->data_start() + dst_index,
                dst_elms->data_start() + src_index, len * kDoubleSize);
      } else {
        DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
        heap->MoveElements(FixedArray::cast(*dst_elms), dst_index, src_index,
    if (hole_start != hole_end) {
      dst_elms->FillWithHoles(hole_start, hole_end);

  static Maybe<bool> IncludesValueImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                       Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                       Handle<Object> search_value,
                                       uint32_t start_from, uint32_t length) {
    DCHECK(JSObject::PrototypeHasNoElements(isolate, *receiver));
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    FixedArrayBase* elements_base = receiver->elements();
    Object* the_hole = isolate->heap()->the_hole_value();
    Object* undefined = isolate->heap()->undefined_value();
    Object* value = *search_value;

    // Elements beyond the capacity of the backing store treated as undefined.
    if (value == undefined &&
        static_cast<uint32_t>(elements_base->length()) < length) {
      return Just(true);

    if (start_from >= length) return Just(false);

    length = std::min(static_cast<uint32_t>(elements_base->length()), length);

    if (!value->IsNumber()) {
      if (value == undefined) {
        // HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS can have `undefined` as a value.
        if (!IsObjectElementsKind(Subclass::kind()) &&
            !IsHoleyElementsKind(Subclass::kind())) {
          return Just(false);

        // Search for `undefined` or The Hole in PACKED_ELEMENTS,
        if (IsSmiOrObjectElementsKind(Subclass::kind())) {
          auto elements = FixedArray::cast(receiver->elements());

          for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
            Object* element_k = elements->get(k);

            if (IsHoleyElementsKind(Subclass::kind()) &&
                element_k == the_hole) {
              return Just(true);
            if (IsObjectElementsKind(Subclass::kind()) &&
                element_k == undefined) {
              return Just(true);
          return Just(false);
        } else {
          // Seach for The Hole in HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS
          DCHECK_EQ(Subclass::kind(), HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS);
          auto elements = FixedDoubleArray::cast(receiver->elements());

          for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
            if (IsHoleyElementsKind(Subclass::kind()) &&
                elements->is_the_hole(k)) {
              return Just(true);
          return Just(false);
      } else if (!IsObjectElementsKind(Subclass::kind())) {
        // Search for non-number, non-Undefined value, with either
        // HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS. Guaranteed to return false, since these
        // elements kinds can only contain Number values or undefined.
        return Just(false);
      } else {
        // Search for non-number, non-Undefined value with either
        auto elements = FixedArray::cast(receiver->elements());

        for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
          Object* element_k = elements->get(k);
          if (IsHoleyElementsKind(Subclass::kind()) && element_k == the_hole) {

          if (value->SameValueZero(element_k)) return Just(true);
        return Just(false);
    } else {
      if (!value->IsNaN()) {
        double search_value = value->Number();
        if (IsDoubleElementsKind(Subclass::kind())) {
          // Search for non-NaN Number in PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS or
          // HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS --- Skip TheHole, and trust UCOMISD or
          // similar operation for result.
          auto elements = FixedDoubleArray::cast(receiver->elements());

          for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
            if (IsHoleyElementsKind(Subclass::kind()) &&
                elements->is_the_hole(k)) {
            if (elements->get_scalar(k) == search_value) return Just(true);
          return Just(false);
        } else {
          // Search for non-NaN Number in PACKED_ELEMENTS, HOLEY_ELEMENTS,
          // PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS or HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS --- Skip non-Numbers,
          // and trust UCOMISD or similar operation for result
          auto elements = FixedArray::cast(receiver->elements());

          for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
            Object* element_k = elements->get(k);
            if (element_k->IsNumber() && element_k->Number() == search_value) {
              return Just(true);
          return Just(false);
      } else {
        // Search for NaN --- NaN cannot be represented with Smi elements, so
        // abort if ElementsKind is PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS or HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS
        if (IsSmiElementsKind(Subclass::kind())) return Just(false);

        if (IsDoubleElementsKind(Subclass::kind())) {
          // Search for NaN in PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS or
          // HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS --- Skip The Hole and trust
          // std::isnan(elementK) for result
          auto elements = FixedDoubleArray::cast(receiver->elements());

          for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
            if (IsHoleyElementsKind(Subclass::kind()) &&
                elements->is_the_hole(k)) {
            if (std::isnan(elements->get_scalar(k))) return Just(true);
          return Just(false);
        } else {
          // Search for NaN in PACKED_ELEMENTS, HOLEY_ELEMENTS,
          // PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS or HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS. Return true if
          // elementK->IsHeapNumber() && std::isnan(elementK->Number())
          auto elements = FixedArray::cast(receiver->elements());

          for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
            if (elements->get(k)->IsNaN()) return Just(true);
          return Just(false);

  static Handle<FixedArray> CreateListFromArrayImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                                    Handle<JSArray> array) {
    uint32_t length = 0;
    Handle<FixedArray> result = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(length);
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements(array->elements(), isolate);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      if (!Subclass::HasElementImpl(isolate, *array, i, *elements)) continue;
      Handle<Object> value;
      value = Subclass::GetImpl(isolate, *elements, i);
      if (value->IsName()) {
        value = isolate->factory()->InternalizeName(Handle<Name>::cast(value));
      result->set(i, *value);
    return result;

  // SpliceShrinkStep might modify the backing_store.
  static void SpliceShrinkStep(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSArray> receiver,
                               Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store,
                               uint32_t start, uint32_t delete_count,
                               uint32_t add_count, uint32_t len,
                               uint32_t new_length) {
    const int move_left_count = len - delete_count - start;
    const int move_left_dst_index = start + add_count;
    Subclass::MoveElements(isolate, receiver, backing_store,
                           move_left_dst_index, start + delete_count,
                           move_left_count, new_length, len);

  // SpliceGrowStep might modify the backing_store.
  static Handle<FixedArrayBase> SpliceGrowStep(
      Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSArray> receiver,
      Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store, uint32_t start,
      uint32_t delete_count, uint32_t add_count, uint32_t length,
      uint32_t new_length) {
    // Check we do not overflow the new_length.
    DCHECK((add_count - delete_count) <= (Smi::kMaxValue - length));
    // Check if backing_store is big enough.
    if (new_length <= static_cast<uint32_t>(backing_store->length())) {
      Subclass::MoveElements(isolate, receiver, backing_store,
                             start + add_count, start + delete_count,
                             (length - delete_count - start), 0, 0);
      // MoveElements updates the backing_store in-place.
      return backing_store;
    // New backing storage is needed.
    int capacity = JSObject::NewElementsCapacity(new_length);
    // Partially copy all elements up to start.
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> new_elms = Subclass::ConvertElementsWithCapacity(
        receiver, backing_store, KindTraits::Kind, capacity, start);
    // Copy the trailing elements after start + delete_count
    Subclass::CopyElementsImpl(*backing_store, start + delete_count, *new_elms,
                               KindTraits::Kind, start + add_count,
    return new_elms;

  static Handle<Object> RemoveElement(Handle<JSArray> receiver,
                                      Where remove_position) {
    Isolate* isolate = receiver->GetIsolate();
    ElementsKind kind = KindTraits::Kind;
    if (IsSmiOrObjectElementsKind(kind)) {
      HandleScope scope(isolate);
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store(receiver->elements(), isolate);
    uint32_t length = static_cast<uint32_t>(Smi::ToInt(receiver->length()));
    DCHECK(length > 0);
    int new_length = length - 1;
    int remove_index = remove_position == AT_START ? 0 : new_length;
    Handle<Object> result =
        Subclass::GetImpl(isolate, *backing_store, remove_index);
    if (remove_position == AT_START) {
      Subclass::MoveElements(isolate, receiver, backing_store, 0, 1, new_length,
                             0, 0);
    Subclass::SetLengthImpl(isolate, receiver, new_length, backing_store);

    if (IsHoleyOrDictionaryElementsKind(kind) && result->IsTheHole(isolate)) {
      return isolate->factory()->undefined_value();
    return result;

  static uint32_t AddArguments(Handle<JSArray> receiver,
                               Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store,
                               Arguments* args, uint32_t add_size,
                               Where add_position) {
    uint32_t length = Smi::ToInt(receiver->length());
    DCHECK(0 < add_size);
    uint32_t elms_len = backing_store->length();
    // Check we do not overflow the new_length.
    DCHECK(add_size <= static_cast<uint32_t>(Smi::kMaxValue - length));
    uint32_t new_length = length + add_size;

    if (new_length > elms_len) {
      // New backing storage is needed.
      uint32_t capacity = JSObject::NewElementsCapacity(new_length);
      // If we add arguments to the start we have to shift the existing objects.
      int copy_dst_index = add_position == AT_START ? add_size : 0;
      // Copy over all objects to a new backing_store.
      backing_store = Subclass::ConvertElementsWithCapacity(
          receiver, backing_store, KindTraits::Kind, capacity, 0,
          copy_dst_index, ElementsAccessor::kCopyToEndAndInitializeToHole);
    } else if (add_position == AT_START) {
      // If the backing store has enough capacity and we add elements to the
      // start we have to shift the existing objects.
      Isolate* isolate = receiver->GetIsolate();
      Subclass::MoveElements(isolate, receiver, backing_store, add_size, 0,
                             length, 0, 0);

    int insertion_index = add_position == AT_START ? 0 : length;
    // Copy the arguments to the start.
    Subclass::CopyArguments(args, backing_store, add_size, 1, insertion_index);
    // Set the length.
    return new_length;

  static void CopyArguments(Arguments* args, Handle<FixedArrayBase> dst_store,
                            uint32_t copy_size, uint32_t src_index,
                            uint32_t dst_index) {
    // Add the provided values.
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    FixedArrayBase* raw_backing_store = *dst_store;
    WriteBarrierMode mode = raw_backing_store->GetWriteBarrierMode(no_gc);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < copy_size; i++) {
      Object* argument = (*args)[src_index + i];
      Subclass::SetImpl(raw_backing_store, dst_index + i, argument, mode);

template <typename Subclass, typename KindTraits>
class FastSmiOrObjectElementsAccessor
    : public FastElementsAccessor<Subclass, KindTraits> {
  explicit FastSmiOrObjectElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : FastElementsAccessor<Subclass, KindTraits>(name) {}

  static inline void SetImpl(Handle<JSObject> holder, uint32_t entry,
                             Object* value) {
    SetImpl(holder->elements(), entry, value);

  static inline void SetImpl(FixedArrayBase* backing_store, uint32_t entry,
                             Object* value) {
    FixedArray::cast(backing_store)->set(entry, value);

  static inline void SetImpl(FixedArrayBase* backing_store, uint32_t entry,
                             Object* value, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
    FixedArray::cast(backing_store)->set(entry, value, mode);

  static Object* GetRaw(FixedArray* backing_store, uint32_t entry) {
    uint32_t index = Subclass::GetIndexForEntryImpl(backing_store, entry);
    return backing_store->get(index);

  // NOTE: this method violates the handlified function signature convention:
  // raw pointer parameters in the function that allocates.
  // See ElementsAccessor::CopyElements() for details.
  // This method could actually allocate if copying from double elements to
  // object elements.
  static void CopyElementsImpl(FixedArrayBase* from, uint32_t from_start,
                               FixedArrayBase* to, ElementsKind from_kind,
                               uint32_t to_start, int packed_size,
                               int copy_size) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    ElementsKind to_kind = KindTraits::Kind;
    switch (from_kind) {
      case HOLEY_ELEMENTS:
        CopyObjectToObjectElements(from, from_kind, from_start, to, to_kind,
                                   to_start, copy_size);
        AllowHeapAllocation allow_allocation;
        CopyDoubleToObjectElements(from, from_start, to, to_start, copy_size);
        CopyDictionaryToObjectElements(from, from_start, to, to_kind, to_start,
#define TYPED_ARRAY_CASE(Type, type, TYPE, ctype, size) case TYPE##_ELEMENTS:
      // This function is currently only used for JSArrays with non-zero
      // length.
      case NO_ELEMENTS:
        break;  // Nothing to do.

  static Maybe<int64_t> IndexOfValueImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                         Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                         Handle<Object> search_value,
                                         uint32_t start_from, uint32_t length) {
    DCHECK(JSObject::PrototypeHasNoElements(isolate, *receiver));
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    FixedArrayBase* elements_base = receiver->elements();
    Object* value = *search_value;

    if (start_from >= length) return Just<int64_t>(-1);

    length = std::min(static_cast<uint32_t>(elements_base->length()), length);

    // Only FAST_{,HOLEY_}ELEMENTS can store non-numbers.
    if (!value->IsNumber() && !IsObjectElementsKind(Subclass::kind())) {
      return Just<int64_t>(-1);
    // NaN can never be found by strict equality.
    if (value->IsNaN()) return Just<int64_t>(-1);

    FixedArray* elements = FixedArray::cast(receiver->elements());
    for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
      if (value->StrictEquals(elements->get(k))) return Just<int64_t>(k);
    return Just<int64_t>(-1);

class FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor
    : public FastSmiOrObjectElementsAccessor<
          ElementsKindTraits<PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS>> {
  explicit FastPackedSmiElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : FastSmiOrObjectElementsAccessor<
            ElementsKindTraits<PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS>>(name) {}

class FastHoleySmiElementsAccessor
    : public FastSmiOrObjectElementsAccessor<
          ElementsKindTraits<HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS>> {
  explicit FastHoleySmiElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : FastSmiOrObjectElementsAccessor<FastHoleySmiElementsAccessor,
            name) {}

class FastPackedObjectElementsAccessor
    : public FastSmiOrObjectElementsAccessor<
          ElementsKindTraits<PACKED_ELEMENTS>> {
  explicit FastPackedObjectElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : FastSmiOrObjectElementsAccessor<FastPackedObjectElementsAccessor,
            name) {}

class FastHoleyObjectElementsAccessor
    : public FastSmiOrObjectElementsAccessor<
          FastHoleyObjectElementsAccessor, ElementsKindTraits<HOLEY_ELEMENTS>> {
  explicit FastHoleyObjectElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : FastSmiOrObjectElementsAccessor<FastHoleyObjectElementsAccessor,
            name) {}

template <typename Subclass, typename KindTraits>
class FastDoubleElementsAccessor
    : public FastElementsAccessor<Subclass, KindTraits> {
  explicit FastDoubleElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : FastElementsAccessor<Subclass, KindTraits>(name) {}

  static Handle<Object> GetImpl(Isolate* isolate, FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                                uint32_t entry) {
    return FixedDoubleArray::get(FixedDoubleArray::cast(backing_store), entry,

  static inline void SetImpl(Handle<JSObject> holder, uint32_t entry,
                             Object* value) {
    SetImpl(holder->elements(), entry, value);

  static inline void SetImpl(FixedArrayBase* backing_store, uint32_t entry,
                             Object* value) {
    FixedDoubleArray::cast(backing_store)->set(entry, value->Number());

  static inline void SetImpl(FixedArrayBase* backing_store, uint32_t entry,
                             Object* value, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
    FixedDoubleArray::cast(backing_store)->set(entry, value->Number());

  static void CopyElementsImpl(FixedArrayBase* from, uint32_t from_start,
                               FixedArrayBase* to, ElementsKind from_kind,
                               uint32_t to_start, int packed_size,
                               int copy_size) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
    switch (from_kind) {
        CopyPackedSmiToDoubleElements(from, from_start, to, to_start,
                                      packed_size, copy_size);
        CopySmiToDoubleElements(from, from_start, to, to_start, copy_size);
        CopyDoubleToDoubleElements(from, from_start, to, to_start, copy_size);
      case HOLEY_ELEMENTS:
        CopyObjectToDoubleElements(from, from_start, to, to_start, copy_size);
        CopyDictionaryToDoubleElements(from, from_start, to, to_start,
      case NO_ELEMENTS:
#define TYPED_ARRAY_CASE(Type, type, TYPE, ctype, size) case TYPE##_ELEMENTS:
      // This function is currently only used for JSArrays with non-zero
      // length.

  static Maybe<int64_t> IndexOfValueImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                         Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                         Handle<Object> search_value,
                                         uint32_t start_from, uint32_t length) {
    DCHECK(JSObject::PrototypeHasNoElements(isolate, *receiver));
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    FixedArrayBase* elements_base = receiver->elements();
    Object* value = *search_value;

    length = std::min(static_cast<uint32_t>(elements_base->length()), length);

    if (start_from >= length) return Just<int64_t>(-1);

    if (!value->IsNumber()) {
      return Just<int64_t>(-1);
    if (value->IsNaN()) {
      return Just<int64_t>(-1);
    double numeric_search_value = value->Number();
    FixedDoubleArray* elements = FixedDoubleArray::cast(receiver->elements());

    for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
      if (elements->is_the_hole(k)) {
      if (elements->get_scalar(k) == numeric_search_value) {
        return Just<int64_t>(k);
    return Just<int64_t>(-1);

class FastPackedDoubleElementsAccessor
    : public FastDoubleElementsAccessor<
          ElementsKindTraits<PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS>> {
  explicit FastPackedDoubleElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : FastDoubleElementsAccessor<FastPackedDoubleElementsAccessor,
            name) {}

class FastHoleyDoubleElementsAccessor
    : public FastDoubleElementsAccessor<
          ElementsKindTraits<HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS>> {
  explicit FastHoleyDoubleElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : FastDoubleElementsAccessor<FastHoleyDoubleElementsAccessor,
            name) {}

// Super class for all external element arrays.
template <ElementsKind Kind, typename ctype>
class TypedElementsAccessor
    : public ElementsAccessorBase<TypedElementsAccessor<Kind, ctype>,
                                  ElementsKindTraits<Kind>> {
  explicit TypedElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : ElementsAccessorBase<AccessorClass,
                             ElementsKindTraits<Kind> >(name) {}

  typedef typename ElementsKindTraits<Kind>::BackingStore BackingStore;
  typedef TypedElementsAccessor<Kind, ctype> AccessorClass;

  static inline void SetImpl(Handle<JSObject> holder, uint32_t entry,
                             Object* value) {
    SetImpl(holder->elements(), entry, value);

  static inline void SetImpl(FixedArrayBase* backing_store, uint32_t entry,
                             Object* value) {
    BackingStore::cast(backing_store)->SetValue(entry, value);

  static inline void SetImpl(FixedArrayBase* backing_store, uint32_t entry,
                             Object* value, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
    BackingStore::cast(backing_store)->SetValue(entry, value);

  static Handle<Object> GetImpl(Isolate* isolate, FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                                uint32_t entry) {
    return BackingStore::get(BackingStore::cast(backing_store), entry);

  static PropertyDetails GetDetailsImpl(JSObject* holder, uint32_t entry) {
    return PropertyDetails(kData, DONT_DELETE, PropertyCellType::kNoCell);

  static PropertyDetails GetDetailsImpl(FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                                        uint32_t entry) {
    return PropertyDetails(kData, DONT_DELETE, PropertyCellType::kNoCell);

  static bool HasElementImpl(Isolate* isolate, JSObject* holder, uint32_t index,
                             FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                             PropertyFilter filter) {
    return index < AccessorClass::GetCapacityImpl(holder, backing_store);

  static bool HasAccessorsImpl(JSObject* holder,
                               FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {
    return false;

  static void SetLengthImpl(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSArray> array,
                            uint32_t length,
                            Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store) {
    // External arrays do not support changing their length.

  static void DeleteImpl(Handle<JSObject> obj, uint32_t entry) {

  static uint32_t GetIndexForEntryImpl(FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                                       uint32_t entry) {
    return entry;

  static uint32_t GetEntryForIndexImpl(Isolate* isolate, JSObject* holder,
                                       FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                                       uint32_t index, PropertyFilter filter) {
    return index < AccessorClass::GetCapacityImpl(holder, backing_store)
               ? index
               : kMaxUInt32;

  static bool WasNeutered(JSObject* holder) {
    JSArrayBufferView* view = JSArrayBufferView::cast(holder);
    return view->WasNeutered();

  static uint32_t GetCapacityImpl(JSObject* holder,
                                  FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {
    if (WasNeutered(holder)) return 0;
    return backing_store->length();

  static uint32_t NumberOfElementsImpl(JSObject* receiver,
                                       FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {
    return AccessorClass::GetCapacityImpl(receiver, backing_store);

  static void AddElementsToKeyAccumulatorImpl(Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                              KeyAccumulator* accumulator,
                                              AddKeyConversion convert) {
    Isolate* isolate = receiver->GetIsolate();
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements(receiver->elements());
    uint32_t length = AccessorClass::GetCapacityImpl(*receiver, *elements);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      Handle<Object> value = AccessorClass::GetImpl(isolate, *elements, i);
      accumulator->AddKey(value, convert);

  static Maybe<bool> CollectValuesOrEntriesImpl(
      Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> object,
      Handle<FixedArray> values_or_entries, bool get_entries, int* nof_items,
      PropertyFilter filter) {
    int count = 0;
    if ((filter & ONLY_CONFIGURABLE) == 0) {
      Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements(object->elements());
      uint32_t length = AccessorClass::GetCapacityImpl(*object, *elements);
      for (uint32_t index = 0; index < length; ++index) {
        Handle<Object> value =
            AccessorClass::GetImpl(isolate, *elements, index);
        if (get_entries) {
          value = MakeEntryPair(isolate, index, value);
        values_or_entries->set(count++, *value);
    *nof_items = count;
    return Just(true);

  static Object* FillImpl(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                          Handle<Object> obj_value, uint32_t start,
                          uint32_t end) {
    Handle<JSTypedArray> array = Handle<JSTypedArray>::cast(receiver);

    ctype value;
    if (obj_value->IsSmi()) {
      value = BackingStore::from(Smi::ToInt(*obj_value));
    } else {
      value = BackingStore::from(HeapNumber::cast(*obj_value)->value());

    // Ensure indexes are within array bounds
    DCHECK_LE(0, start);
    DCHECK_LE(start, end);
    DCHECK_LE(end, array->length_value());

    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    BackingStore* elements = BackingStore::cast(receiver->elements());
    ctype* data = static_cast<ctype*>(elements->DataPtr());
    std::fill(data + start, data + end, value);
    return *array;

  static Maybe<bool> IncludesValueImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                       Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                       Handle<Object> value,
                                       uint32_t start_from, uint32_t length) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;

    // TODO(caitp): return Just(false) here when implementing strict throwing on
    // neutered views.
    if (WasNeutered(*receiver)) {
      return Just(value->IsUndefined(isolate) && length > start_from);

    BackingStore* elements = BackingStore::cast(receiver->elements());
    if (value->IsUndefined(isolate) &&
        length > static_cast<uint32_t>(elements->length())) {
      return Just(true);
    if (!value->IsNumber()) return Just(false);

    double search_value = value->Number();

    if (!std::isfinite(search_value)) {
      // Integral types cannot represent +Inf or NaN
      if (AccessorClass::kind() < FLOAT32_ELEMENTS ||
          AccessorClass::kind() > FLOAT64_ELEMENTS) {
        return Just(false);
    } else if (search_value < std::numeric_limits<ctype>::lowest() ||
               search_value > std::numeric_limits<ctype>::max()) {
      // Return false if value can't be represented in this space
      return Just(false);

    // Prototype has no elements, and not searching for the hole --- limit
    // search to backing store length.
    if (static_cast<uint32_t>(elements->length()) < length) {
      length = elements->length();

    if (!std::isnan(search_value)) {
      for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
        double element_k = elements->get_scalar(k);
        if (element_k == search_value) return Just(true);
      return Just(false);
    } else {
      for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
        double element_k = elements->get_scalar(k);
        if (std::isnan(element_k)) return Just(true);
      return Just(false);

  static Maybe<int64_t> IndexOfValueImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                         Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                         Handle<Object> value,
                                         uint32_t start_from, uint32_t length) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;

    if (WasNeutered(*receiver)) return Just<int64_t>(-1);

    BackingStore* elements = BackingStore::cast(receiver->elements());
    if (!value->IsNumber()) return Just<int64_t>(-1);

    double search_value = value->Number();

    if (!std::isfinite(search_value)) {
      // Integral types cannot represent +Inf or NaN.
      if (AccessorClass::kind() < FLOAT32_ELEMENTS ||
          AccessorClass::kind() > FLOAT64_ELEMENTS) {
        return Just<int64_t>(-1);
    } else if (search_value < std::numeric_limits<ctype>::lowest() ||
               search_value > std::numeric_limits<ctype>::max()) {
      // Return false if value can't be represented in this ElementsKind.
      return Just<int64_t>(-1);

    // Prototype has no elements, and not searching for the hole --- limit
    // search to backing store length.
    if (static_cast<uint32_t>(elements->length()) < length) {
      length = elements->length();

    if (std::isnan(search_value)) {
      return Just<int64_t>(-1);

    ctype typed_search_value = static_cast<ctype>(search_value);
    if (static_cast<double>(typed_search_value) != search_value) {
      return Just<int64_t>(-1);  // Loss of precision.

    for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
      ctype element_k = elements->get_scalar(k);
      if (element_k == typed_search_value) return Just<int64_t>(k);
    return Just<int64_t>(-1);

  static Maybe<int64_t> LastIndexOfValueImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                             Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                             Handle<Object> value,
                                             uint32_t start_from) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;

    if (!value->IsNumber()) return Just<int64_t>(-1);
    BackingStore* elements = BackingStore::cast(receiver->elements());

    double search_value = value->Number();

    if (!std::isfinite(search_value)) {
      if (std::is_integral<ctype>::value) {
        // Integral types cannot represent +Inf or NaN.
        return Just<int64_t>(-1);
      } else if (std::isnan(search_value)) {
        // Strict Equality Comparison of NaN is always false.
        return Just<int64_t>(-1);
    } else if (search_value < std::numeric_limits<ctype>::lowest() ||
               search_value > std::numeric_limits<ctype>::max()) {
      // Return -1 if value can't be represented in this ElementsKind.
      return Just<int64_t>(-1);

    ctype typed_search_value = static_cast<ctype>(search_value);
    if (static_cast<double>(typed_search_value) != search_value) {
      return Just<int64_t>(-1);  // Loss of precision.

    DCHECK_LT(start_from, elements->length());

    uint32_t k = start_from;
    do {
      ctype element_k = elements->get_scalar(k);
      if (element_k == typed_search_value) return Just<int64_t>(k);
    } while (k-- != 0);
    return Just<int64_t>(-1);

  static void ReverseImpl(JSObject* receiver) {
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;

    BackingStore* elements = BackingStore::cast(receiver->elements());

    uint32_t len = elements->length();
    if (len == 0) return;

    ctype* data = static_cast<ctype*>(elements->DataPtr());
    std::reverse(data, data + len);

  static Handle<JSObject> SliceWithResultImpl(Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                              uint32_t start, uint32_t end,
                                              Handle<JSObject> result) {
    Isolate* isolate = receiver->GetIsolate();
    DCHECK_LE(start, end);

    Handle<JSTypedArray> array = Handle<JSTypedArray>::cast(receiver);
    Handle<JSTypedArray> result_array = Handle<JSTypedArray>::cast(result);
    DCHECK_LE(end, array->length_value());

    // Fast path for the same type result array
    if (result_array->type() == array->type()) {
      int64_t element_size = array->element_size();
      int64_t count = end - start;

      DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
      BackingStore* src_elements = BackingStore::cast(receiver->elements());
      BackingStore* result_elements =

      DCHECK_LE(count, result_elements->length());
      uint8_t* src =
          static_cast<uint8_t*>(src_elements->DataPtr()) + start * element_size;
      uint8_t* result = static_cast<uint8_t*>(result_elements->DataPtr());
      if (array->buffer() != result_array->buffer()) {
        std::memcpy(result, src, count * element_size);
      } else {
        // The spec defines the copy-step iteratively, which means that we
        // cannot use memcpy if the buffer is shared.
        uint8_t* end = src + count * element_size;
        while (src < end) {
          *result++ = *src++;
      return result_array;

    // If the types of the two typed arrays are different, properly convert
    // elements
    Handle<BackingStore> from(BackingStore::cast(array->elements()), isolate);
    ElementsAccessor* result_accessor = result_array->GetElementsAccessor();
    for (uint32_t i = start; i < end; i++) {
      Handle<Object> elem = AccessorClass::GetImpl(isolate, *from, i);
      result_accessor->Set(result_array, i - start, *elem);
    return result_array;

  static bool HasSimpleRepresentation(InstanceType type) {
    return !(type == FIXED_FLOAT32_ARRAY_TYPE ||
             type == FIXED_FLOAT64_ARRAY_TYPE ||
             type == FIXED_UINT8_CLAMPED_ARRAY_TYPE);

  template <typename SourceTraits>
  static void CopyBetweenBackingStores(FixedTypedArrayBase* source,
                                       BackingStore* dest, size_t length) {
    FixedTypedArray<SourceTraits>* source_fta =
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      typename SourceTraits::ElementType elem = source_fta->get_scalar(i);
      dest->set(i, dest->from(elem));

  static void CopyElementsHandleFromTypedArray(Handle<JSTypedArray> source,
                                               Handle<JSTypedArray> destination,
                                               size_t length) {
    // The source is a typed array, so we know we don't need to do ToNumber
    // side-effects, as the source elements will always be a number or
    // undefined.
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;

    Handle<FixedTypedArrayBase> source_elements(
    Handle<BackingStore> destination_elements(

    DCHECK_GE(destination->length(), source->length());
    DCHECK_EQ(Smi::FromInt(static_cast<int>(length)), source->length());

    InstanceType source_type = source_elements->map()->instance_type();
    InstanceType destination_type =

    bool same_type = source_type == destination_type;
    bool same_size = source->element_size() == destination->element_size();
    bool both_are_simple = HasSimpleRepresentation(source_type) &&

    // We assume the source and destination don't overlap, even though they
    // can share the same buffer. This is always true for newly allocated
    // TypedArrays.
    uint8_t* source_data = static_cast<uint8_t*>(source_elements->DataPtr());
    uint8_t* dest_data = static_cast<uint8_t*>(destination_elements->DataPtr());
    size_t source_byte_length = NumberToSize(source->byte_length());
    size_t dest_byte_length = NumberToSize(destination->byte_length());
    CHECK(dest_data + dest_byte_length <= source_data ||
          source_data + source_byte_length <= dest_data);

    // We can simply copy the backing store if the types are the same, or if
    // we are converting e.g. Uint8 <-> Int8, as the binary representation
    // will be the same. This is not the case for floats or clamped Uint8,
    // which have special conversion operations.
    if (same_type || (same_size && both_are_simple)) {
      size_t element_size = source->element_size();
      std::memcpy(dest_data, source_data, length * element_size);
    } else {
      // We use scalar accessors below to avoid boxing/unboxing, so there are
      // no allocations.
      switch (source->GetElementsKind()) {
#define TYPED_ARRAY_CASE(Type, type, TYPE, ctype, size)   \
  case TYPE##_ELEMENTS:                                   \
    CopyBetweenBackingStores<Type##ArrayTraits>(          \
        *source_elements, *destination_elements, length); \

  static bool HoleyPrototypeLookupRequired(Isolate* isolate,
                                           Handle<JSArray> source) {
    Object* source_proto = source->map()->prototype();
    // Null prototypes are OK - we don't need to do prototype chain lookups on
    // them.
    if (source_proto->IsNull(isolate)) return false;
    if (source_proto->IsJSProxy()) return true;
    if (!isolate->is_initial_array_prototype(JSObject::cast(source_proto))) {
      return true;
    return !isolate->IsFastArrayConstructorPrototypeChainIntact();

  static bool TryCopyElementsHandleFastNumber(Handle<JSArray> source,
                                              Handle<JSTypedArray> destination,
                                              size_t length) {
    Isolate* isolate = source->GetIsolate();
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    DisallowJavascriptExecution no_js(isolate);

    ElementsKind kind = source->GetElementsKind();
    BackingStore* dest = BackingStore::cast(destination->elements());

    // When we find the hole, we normally have to look up the element on the
    // prototype chain, which is not handled here and we return false instead.
    // When the array has the original array prototype, and that prototype has
    // not been changed in a way that would affect lookups, we can just convert
    // the hole into undefined.
    if (HoleyPrototypeLookupRequired(isolate, source)) return false;

    Object* undefined = isolate->heap()->undefined_value();

    // Fastpath for packed Smi kind.
    if (kind == PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS) {
      FixedArray* source_store = FixedArray::cast(source->elements());

      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        Object* elem = source_store->get(i);
        int int_value = Smi::ToInt(elem);
        dest->set(i, dest->from(int_value));
      return true;
    } else if (kind == HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS) {
      FixedArray* source_store = FixedArray::cast(source->elements());
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        if (source_store->is_the_hole(isolate, i)) {
          dest->SetValue(i, undefined);
        } else {
          Object* elem = source_store->get(i);
          int int_value = Smi::ToInt(elem);
          dest->set(i, dest->from(int_value));
      return true;
    } else if (kind == PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS) {
      // Fastpath for packed double kind. We avoid boxing and then immediately
      // unboxing the double here by using get_scalar.
      FixedDoubleArray* source_store =

      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        // Use the from_double conversion for this specific TypedArray type,
        // rather than relying on C++ to convert elem.
        double elem = source_store->get_scalar(i);
        dest->set(i, dest->from(elem));
      return true;
    } else if (kind == HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS) {
      FixedDoubleArray* source_store =
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        if (source_store->is_the_hole(i)) {
          dest->SetValue(i, undefined);
        } else {
          double elem = source_store->get_scalar(i);
          dest->set(i, dest->from(elem));
      return true;
    return false;

  static Object* CopyElementsHandleSlow(Handle<JSReceiver> source,
                                        Handle<JSTypedArray> destination,
                                        size_t length) {
    Isolate* isolate = source->GetIsolate();
    Handle<BackingStore> destination_elements(
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      LookupIterator it(isolate, source, i, source);
      Handle<Object> elem;
      ASSIGN_RETURN_FAILURE_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, elem, Object::ToNumber(elem));
      // We don't need to check for buffer neutering here, because the
      // source cannot be a TypedArray.
      // The spec says we store the length, then get each element, so we don't
      // need to check changes to length.
      destination_elements->SetValue(i, *elem);
    return Smi::kZero;

  // This doesn't guarantee that the destination array will be completely
  // filled. The caller must do this by passing a source with equal length, if
  // that is required.
  static Object* CopyElementsHandleImpl(Handle<JSReceiver> source,
                                        Handle<JSObject> destination,
                                        size_t length) {
    Handle<JSTypedArray> destination_ta =

    // All conversions from TypedArrays can be done without allocation.
    if (source->IsJSTypedArray()) {
      Handle<JSTypedArray> source_ta = Handle<JSTypedArray>::cast(source);
      CopyElementsHandleFromTypedArray(source_ta, destination_ta, length);
      return Smi::kZero;

    // Fast cases for packed numbers kinds where we don't need to allocate.
    if (source->IsJSArray()) {
      Handle<JSArray> source_array = Handle<JSArray>::cast(source);
      if (TryCopyElementsHandleFastNumber(source_array, destination_ta,
                                          length)) {
        return Smi::kZero;
    // Final generic case that handles prototype chain lookups, getters, proxies
    // and observable side effects via valueOf, etc.
    return CopyElementsHandleSlow(source, destination_ta, length);

#define FIXED_ELEMENTS_ACCESSOR(Type, type, TYPE, ctype, size) \
  typedef TypedElementsAccessor<TYPE##_ELEMENTS, ctype>        \


template <typename Subclass, typename ArgumentsAccessor, typename KindTraits>
class SloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor
    : public ElementsAccessorBase<Subclass, KindTraits> {
  explicit SloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : ElementsAccessorBase<Subclass, KindTraits>(name) {

  static void ConvertArgumentsStoreResult(
      Isolate* isolate, Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements,
      Handle<Object> result) {

  static Handle<Object> GetImpl(Isolate* isolate, FixedArrayBase* parameters,
                                uint32_t entry) {
    Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements(
        SloppyArgumentsElements::cast(parameters), isolate);
    uint32_t length = elements->parameter_map_length();
    if (entry < length) {
      // Read context mapped entry.
      DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
      Object* probe = elements->get_mapped_entry(entry);
      Context* context = elements->context();
      int context_entry = Smi::ToInt(probe);
      return handle(context->get(context_entry), isolate);
    } else {
      // Entry is not context mapped, defer to the arguments.
      Handle<Object> result = ArgumentsAccessor::GetImpl(
          isolate, elements->arguments(), entry - length);
      return Subclass::ConvertArgumentsStoreResult(isolate, elements, result);

  static void TransitionElementsKindImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                                         Handle<Map> map) {

  static void GrowCapacityAndConvertImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                                         uint32_t capacity) {

  static inline void SetImpl(Handle<JSObject> holder, uint32_t entry,
                             Object* value) {
    SetImpl(holder->elements(), entry, value);

  static inline void SetImpl(FixedArrayBase* store, uint32_t entry,
                             Object* value) {
    SloppyArgumentsElements* elements = SloppyArgumentsElements::cast(store);
    uint32_t length = elements->parameter_map_length();
    if (entry < length) {
      // Store context mapped entry.
      DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
      Object* probe = elements->get_mapped_entry(entry);
      Context* context = elements->context();
      int context_entry = Smi::ToInt(probe);
      context->set(context_entry, value);
    } else {
      //  Entry is not context mapped defer to arguments.
      FixedArray* arguments = elements->arguments();
      Object* current = ArgumentsAccessor::GetRaw(arguments, entry - length);
      if (current->IsAliasedArgumentsEntry()) {
        AliasedArgumentsEntry* alias = AliasedArgumentsEntry::cast(current);
        Context* context = elements->context();
        int context_entry = alias->aliased_context_slot();
        context->set(context_entry, value);
      } else {
        ArgumentsAccessor::SetImpl(arguments, entry - length, value);

  static void SetLengthImpl(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSArray> array,
                            uint32_t length,
                            Handle<FixedArrayBase> parameter_map) {
    // Sloppy arguments objects are not arrays.

  static uint32_t GetCapacityImpl(JSObject* holder, FixedArrayBase* store) {
    SloppyArgumentsElements* elements = SloppyArgumentsElements::cast(store);
    FixedArray* arguments = elements->arguments();
    return elements->parameter_map_length() +
           ArgumentsAccessor::GetCapacityImpl(holder, arguments);

  static uint32_t GetMaxNumberOfEntries(JSObject* holder,
                                        FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {
    SloppyArgumentsElements* elements =
    FixedArrayBase* arguments = elements->arguments();
    return elements->parameter_map_length() +
           ArgumentsAccessor::GetMaxNumberOfEntries(holder, arguments);

  static uint32_t NumberOfElementsImpl(JSObject* receiver,
                                       FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {
    Isolate* isolate = receiver->GetIsolate();
    SloppyArgumentsElements* elements =
    FixedArrayBase* arguments = elements->arguments();
    uint32_t nof_elements = 0;
    uint32_t length = elements->parameter_map_length();
    for (uint32_t entry = 0; entry < length; entry++) {
      if (HasParameterMapArg(isolate, elements, entry)) nof_elements++;
    return nof_elements +
           ArgumentsAccessor::NumberOfElementsImpl(receiver, arguments);

  static void AddElementsToKeyAccumulatorImpl(Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                              KeyAccumulator* accumulator,
                                              AddKeyConversion convert) {
    Isolate* isolate = accumulator->isolate();
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements(receiver->elements(), isolate);
    uint32_t length = GetCapacityImpl(*receiver, *elements);
    for (uint32_t entry = 0; entry < length; entry++) {
      if (!HasEntryImpl(isolate, *elements, entry)) continue;
      Handle<Object> value = GetImpl(isolate, *elements, entry);
      accumulator->AddKey(value, convert);

  static bool HasEntryImpl(Isolate* isolate, FixedArrayBase* parameters,
                           uint32_t entry) {
    SloppyArgumentsElements* elements =
    uint32_t length = elements->parameter_map_length();
    if (entry < length) {
      return HasParameterMapArg(isolate, elements, entry);
    FixedArrayBase* arguments = elements->arguments();
    return ArgumentsAccessor::HasEntryImpl(isolate, arguments, entry - length);

  static bool HasAccessorsImpl(JSObject* holder,
                               FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {
    SloppyArgumentsElements* elements =
    FixedArray* arguments = elements->arguments();
    return ArgumentsAccessor::HasAccessorsImpl(holder, arguments);

  static uint32_t GetIndexForEntryImpl(FixedArrayBase* parameters,
                                       uint32_t entry) {
    SloppyArgumentsElements* elements =
    uint32_t length = elements->parameter_map_length();
    if (entry < length) return entry;
    FixedArray* arguments = elements->arguments();
    return ArgumentsAccessor::GetIndexForEntryImpl(arguments, entry - length);

  static uint32_t GetEntryForIndexImpl(Isolate* isolate, JSObject* holder,
                                       FixedArrayBase* parameters,
                                       uint32_t index, PropertyFilter filter) {
    SloppyArgumentsElements* elements =
    if (HasParameterMapArg(isolate, elements, index)) return index;
    FixedArray* arguments = elements->arguments();
    uint32_t entry = ArgumentsAccessor::GetEntryForIndexImpl(
        isolate, holder, arguments, index, filter);
    if (entry == kMaxUInt32) return kMaxUInt32;
    // Arguments entries could overlap with the dictionary entries, hence offset
    // them by the number of context mapped entries.
    return elements->parameter_map_length() + entry;

  static PropertyDetails GetDetailsImpl(JSObject* holder, uint32_t entry) {
    SloppyArgumentsElements* elements =
    uint32_t length = elements->parameter_map_length();
    if (entry < length) {
      return PropertyDetails(kData, NONE, PropertyCellType::kNoCell);
    FixedArray* arguments = elements->arguments();
    return ArgumentsAccessor::GetDetailsImpl(arguments, entry - length);

  static bool HasParameterMapArg(Isolate* isolate,
                                 SloppyArgumentsElements* elements,
                                 uint32_t index) {
    uint32_t length = elements->parameter_map_length();
    if (index >= length) return false;
    return !elements->get_mapped_entry(index)->IsTheHole(isolate);

  static void DeleteImpl(Handle<JSObject> obj, uint32_t entry) {
    Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements(
    uint32_t length = elements->parameter_map_length();
    uint32_t delete_or_entry = entry;
    if (entry < length) {
      delete_or_entry = kMaxUInt32;
    Subclass::SloppyDeleteImpl(obj, elements, delete_or_entry);
    // SloppyDeleteImpl allocates a new dictionary elements store. For making
    // heap verification happy we postpone clearing out the mapped entry.
    if (entry < length) {
      elements->set_mapped_entry(entry, obj->GetHeap()->the_hole_value());

  static void SloppyDeleteImpl(Handle<JSObject> obj,
                               Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements,
                               uint32_t entry) {
    // Implemented in subclasses.

  static void CollectElementIndicesImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                                        Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store,
                                        KeyAccumulator* keys) {
    Isolate* isolate = keys->isolate();
    uint32_t nof_indices = 0;
    Handle<FixedArray> indices = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray(
        GetCapacityImpl(*object, *backing_store));
    DirectCollectElementIndicesImpl(isolate, object, backing_store,
                                    ENUMERABLE_STRINGS, indices, &nof_indices);
    SortIndices(indices, nof_indices);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nof_indices; i++) {

  static Handle<FixedArray> DirectCollectElementIndicesImpl(
      Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> object,
      Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store, GetKeysConversion convert,
      PropertyFilter filter, Handle<FixedArray> list, uint32_t* nof_indices,
      uint32_t insertion_index = 0) {
    Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements =
    uint32_t length = elements->parameter_map_length();

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
      if (elements->get_mapped_entry(i)->IsTheHole(isolate)) continue;
      if (convert == GetKeysConversion::kConvertToString) {
        Handle<String> index_string = isolate->factory()->Uint32ToString(i);
        list->set(insertion_index, *index_string);
      } else {
        list->set(insertion_index, Smi::FromInt(i), SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);

    Handle<FixedArray> store(elements->arguments(), isolate);
    return ArgumentsAccessor::DirectCollectElementIndicesImpl(
        isolate, object, store, convert, filter, list, nof_indices,

  static Maybe<bool> IncludesValueImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                       Handle<JSObject> object,
                                       Handle<Object> value,
                                       uint32_t start_from, uint32_t length) {
    DCHECK(JSObject::PrototypeHasNoElements(isolate, *object));
    Handle<Map> original_map = handle(object->map(), isolate);
    Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements(
        SloppyArgumentsElements::cast(object->elements()), isolate);
    bool search_for_hole = value->IsUndefined(isolate);

    for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
      uint32_t entry =
          GetEntryForIndexImpl(isolate, *object, *elements, k, ALL_PROPERTIES);
      if (entry == kMaxUInt32) {
        if (search_for_hole) return Just(true);

      Handle<Object> element_k = Subclass::GetImpl(isolate, *elements, entry);

      if (element_k->IsAccessorPair()) {
        LookupIterator it(isolate, object, k, LookupIterator::OWN);
        DCHECK_EQ(it.state(), LookupIterator::ACCESSOR);
        ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE(isolate, element_k,

        if (value->SameValueZero(*element_k)) return Just(true);

        if (object->map() != *original_map) {
          // Some mutation occurred in accessor. Abort "fast" path
          return IncludesValueSlowPath(isolate, object, value, k + 1, length);
      } else if (value->SameValueZero(*element_k)) {
        return Just(true);
    return Just(false);

  static Maybe<int64_t> IndexOfValueImpl(Isolate* isolate,
                                         Handle<JSObject> object,
                                         Handle<Object> value,
                                         uint32_t start_from, uint32_t length) {
    DCHECK(JSObject::PrototypeHasNoElements(isolate, *object));
    Handle<Map> original_map = handle(object->map(), isolate);
    Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements(
        SloppyArgumentsElements::cast(object->elements()), isolate);

    for (uint32_t k = start_from; k < length; ++k) {
      uint32_t entry =
          GetEntryForIndexImpl(isolate, *object, *elements, k, ALL_PROPERTIES);
      if (entry == kMaxUInt32) {

      Handle<Object> element_k = Subclass::GetImpl(isolate, *elements, entry);

      if (element_k->IsAccessorPair()) {
        LookupIterator it(isolate, object, k, LookupIterator::OWN);
        DCHECK_EQ(it.state(), LookupIterator::ACCESSOR);
        ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE(isolate, element_k,

        if (value->StrictEquals(*element_k)) {
          return Just<int64_t>(k);

        if (object->map() != *original_map) {
          // Some mutation occurred in accessor. Abort "fast" path.
          return IndexOfValueSlowPath(isolate, object, value, k + 1, length);
      } else if (value->StrictEquals(*element_k)) {
        return Just<int64_t>(k);
    return Just<int64_t>(-1);

class SlowSloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor
    : public SloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor<
          SlowSloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor, DictionaryElementsAccessor,
          ElementsKindTraits<SLOW_SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTS> > {
  explicit SlowSloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : SloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor<
            SlowSloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor, DictionaryElementsAccessor,
            ElementsKindTraits<SLOW_SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTS> >(name) {}

  static Handle<Object> ConvertArgumentsStoreResult(
      Isolate* isolate, Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements,
      Handle<Object> result) {
    // Elements of the arguments object in slow mode might be slow aliases.
    if (result->IsAliasedArgumentsEntry()) {
      DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
      AliasedArgumentsEntry* alias = AliasedArgumentsEntry::cast(*result);
      Context* context = elements->context();
      int context_entry = alias->aliased_context_slot();
      return handle(context->get(context_entry), isolate);
    return result;
  static void SloppyDeleteImpl(Handle<JSObject> obj,
                               Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements,
                               uint32_t entry) {
    // No need to delete a context mapped entry from the arguments elements.
    if (entry == kMaxUInt32) return;
    Isolate* isolate = obj->GetIsolate();
    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dict(
        SeededNumberDictionary::cast(elements->arguments()), isolate);
    int length = elements->parameter_map_length();
    dict = SeededNumberDictionary::DeleteEntry(dict, entry - length);
  static void AddImpl(Handle<JSObject> object, uint32_t index,
                      Handle<Object> value, PropertyAttributes attributes,
                      uint32_t new_capacity) {
    Isolate* isolate = object->GetIsolate();
    Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements(
        SloppyArgumentsElements::cast(object->elements()), isolate);
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> old_arguments(
        FixedArrayBase::cast(elements->arguments()), isolate);
    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dictionary =
            ? Handle<SeededNumberDictionary>::cast(old_arguments)
            : JSObject::NormalizeElements(object);
    PropertyDetails details(kData, attributes, PropertyCellType::kNoCell);
    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> new_dictionary =
        SeededNumberDictionary::Add(dictionary, index, value, details);
    if (attributes != NONE) object->RequireSlowElements(*new_dictionary);
    if (*dictionary != *new_dictionary) {

  static void ReconfigureImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                              Handle<FixedArrayBase> store, uint32_t entry,
                              Handle<Object> value,
                              PropertyAttributes attributes) {
    Isolate* isolate = store->GetIsolate();
    Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements =
    uint32_t length = elements->parameter_map_length();
    if (entry < length) {
      Object* probe = elements->get_mapped_entry(entry);
      Context* context = elements->context();
      int context_entry = Smi::ToInt(probe);
      context->set(context_entry, *value);

      // Redefining attributes of an aliased element destroys fast aliasing.
      elements->set_mapped_entry(entry, isolate->heap()->the_hole_value());
      // For elements that are still writable we re-establish slow aliasing.
      if ((attributes & READ_ONLY) == 0) {
        value = isolate->factory()->NewAliasedArgumentsEntry(context_entry);

      PropertyDetails details(kData, attributes, PropertyCellType::kNoCell);
      Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> arguments(
          SeededNumberDictionary::cast(elements->arguments()), isolate);
      arguments = SeededNumberDictionary::Add(arguments, entry, value, details);
      // If the attributes were NONE, we would have called set rather than
      // reconfigure.
      DCHECK_NE(NONE, attributes);
    } else {
      Handle<FixedArrayBase> arguments(elements->arguments(), isolate);
          object, arguments, entry - length, value, attributes);

class FastSloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor
    : public SloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor<
          FastSloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor, FastHoleyObjectElementsAccessor,
          ElementsKindTraits<FAST_SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTS> > {
  explicit FastSloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : SloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor<
            ElementsKindTraits<FAST_SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTS> >(name) {}

  static Handle<Object> ConvertArgumentsStoreResult(
      Isolate* isolate, Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> paramtere_map,
      Handle<Object> result) {
    return result;

  static Handle<FixedArray> GetArguments(Isolate* isolate,
                                         FixedArrayBase* store) {
    SloppyArgumentsElements* elements = SloppyArgumentsElements::cast(store);
    return Handle<FixedArray>(elements->arguments(), isolate);

  static Handle<JSObject> SliceImpl(Handle<JSObject> receiver, uint32_t start,
                                    uint32_t end) {
    Isolate* isolate = receiver->GetIsolate();
    uint32_t result_len = end < start ? 0u : end - start;
    Handle<JSArray> result_array =
        isolate->factory()->NewJSArray(HOLEY_ELEMENTS, result_len, result_len);
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    FixedArray* elements = FixedArray::cast(result_array->elements());
    FixedArray* parameters = FixedArray::cast(receiver->elements());
    uint32_t insertion_index = 0;
    for (uint32_t i = start; i < end; i++) {
      uint32_t entry = GetEntryForIndexImpl(isolate, *receiver, parameters, i,
      if (entry != kMaxUInt32 && HasEntryImpl(isolate, parameters, entry)) {
        elements->set(insertion_index, *GetImpl(isolate, parameters, entry));
      } else {
        elements->set_the_hole(isolate, insertion_index);
    return result_array;

  static Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> NormalizeImpl(
      Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements) {
    Handle<FixedArray> arguments =
        GetArguments(elements->GetIsolate(), *elements);
    return FastHoleyObjectElementsAccessor::NormalizeImpl(object, arguments);

  static Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> NormalizeArgumentsElements(
      Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements,
      uint32_t* entry) {
    Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> dictionary =
    // kMaxUInt32 indicates that a context mapped element got deleted. In this
    // case we only normalize the elements (aka. migrate to SLOW_SLOPPY).
    if (*entry == kMaxUInt32) return dictionary;
    uint32_t length = elements->parameter_map_length();
    if (*entry >= length) {
      *entry = dictionary->FindEntry(*entry - length) + length;
    return dictionary;

  static void SloppyDeleteImpl(Handle<JSObject> obj,
                               Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements,
                               uint32_t entry) {
    // Always normalize element on deleting an entry.
    NormalizeArgumentsElements(obj, elements, &entry);
    SlowSloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor::SloppyDeleteImpl(obj, elements, entry);

  static void AddImpl(Handle<JSObject> object, uint32_t index,
                      Handle<Object> value, PropertyAttributes attributes,
                      uint32_t new_capacity) {
    DCHECK_EQ(NONE, attributes);
    Isolate* isolate = object->GetIsolate();
    Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements(
        SloppyArgumentsElements::cast(object->elements()), isolate);
    Handle<FixedArray> old_arguments(elements->arguments(), isolate);
    if (old_arguments->IsSeededNumberDictionary() ||
        static_cast<uint32_t>(old_arguments->length()) < new_capacity) {
      GrowCapacityAndConvertImpl(object, new_capacity);
    FixedArray* arguments = elements->arguments();
    // For fast holey objects, the entry equals the index. The code above made
    // sure that there's enough space to store the value. We cannot convert
    // index to entry explicitly since the slot still contains the hole, so the
    // current EntryForIndex would indicate that it is "absent" by returning
    // kMaxUInt32.
    FastHoleyObjectElementsAccessor::SetImpl(arguments, index, *value);

  static void ReconfigureImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                              Handle<FixedArrayBase> store, uint32_t entry,
                              Handle<Object> value,
                              PropertyAttributes attributes) {
    DCHECK_EQ(object->elements(), *store);
    Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements(
    NormalizeArgumentsElements(object, elements, &entry);
    SlowSloppyArgumentsElementsAccessor::ReconfigureImpl(object, store, entry,
                                                         value, attributes);

  static void CopyElementsImpl(FixedArrayBase* from, uint32_t from_start,
                               FixedArrayBase* to, ElementsKind from_kind,
                               uint32_t to_start, int packed_size,
                               int copy_size) {
    if (from_kind == SLOW_SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTS) {
      CopyDictionaryToObjectElements(from, from_start, to, HOLEY_ELEMENTS,
                                     to_start, copy_size);
    } else {
      CopyObjectToObjectElements(from, HOLEY_ELEMENTS, from_start, to,
                                 HOLEY_ELEMENTS, to_start, copy_size);

  static void GrowCapacityAndConvertImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                                         uint32_t capacity) {
    Isolate* isolate = object->GetIsolate();
    Handle<SloppyArgumentsElements> elements(
        SloppyArgumentsElements::cast(object->elements()), isolate);
    Handle<FixedArray> old_arguments(FixedArray::cast(elements->arguments()),
    ElementsKind from_kind = object->GetElementsKind();
    // This method should only be called if there's a reason to update the
    // elements.
           static_cast<uint32_t>(old_arguments->length()) < capacity);
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> arguments =
        ConvertElementsWithCapacity(object, old_arguments, from_kind, capacity);
    Handle<Map> new_map = JSObject::GetElementsTransitionMap(
    JSObject::MigrateToMap(object, new_map);

template <typename Subclass, typename BackingStoreAccessor, typename KindTraits>
class StringWrapperElementsAccessor
    : public ElementsAccessorBase<Subclass, KindTraits> {
  explicit StringWrapperElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : ElementsAccessorBase<Subclass, KindTraits>(name) {

  static Handle<Object> GetInternalImpl(Handle<JSObject> holder,
                                        uint32_t entry) {
    return GetImpl(holder, entry);

  static Handle<Object> GetImpl(Handle<JSObject> holder, uint32_t entry) {
    Isolate* isolate = holder->GetIsolate();
    Handle<String> string(GetString(*holder), isolate);
    uint32_t length = static_cast<uint32_t>(string->length());
    if (entry < length) {
      return isolate->factory()->LookupSingleCharacterStringFromCode(
    return BackingStoreAccessor::GetImpl(isolate, holder->elements(),
                                         entry - length);

  static Handle<Object> GetImpl(Isolate* isolate, FixedArrayBase* elements,
                                uint32_t entry) {

  static PropertyDetails GetDetailsImpl(JSObject* holder, uint32_t entry) {
    uint32_t length = static_cast<uint32_t>(GetString(holder)->length());
    if (entry < length) {
      PropertyAttributes attributes =
          static_cast<PropertyAttributes>(READ_ONLY | DONT_DELETE);
      return PropertyDetails(kData, attributes, PropertyCellType::kNoCell);
    return BackingStoreAccessor::GetDetailsImpl(holder, entry - length);

  static uint32_t GetEntryForIndexImpl(Isolate* isolate, JSObject* holder,
                                       FixedArrayBase* backing_store,
                                       uint32_t index, PropertyFilter filter) {
    uint32_t length = static_cast<uint32_t>(GetString(holder)->length());
    if (index < length) return index;
    uint32_t backing_store_entry = BackingStoreAccessor::GetEntryForIndexImpl(
        isolate, holder, backing_store, index, filter);
    if (backing_store_entry == kMaxUInt32) return kMaxUInt32;
    DCHECK(backing_store_entry < kMaxUInt32 - length);
    return backing_store_entry + length;

  static void DeleteImpl(Handle<JSObject> holder, uint32_t entry) {
    uint32_t length = static_cast<uint32_t>(GetString(*holder)->length());
    if (entry < length) {
      return;  // String contents can't be deleted.
    BackingStoreAccessor::DeleteImpl(holder, entry - length);

  static void SetImpl(Handle<JSObject> holder, uint32_t entry, Object* value) {
    uint32_t length = static_cast<uint32_t>(GetString(*holder)->length());
    if (entry < length) {
      return;  // String contents are read-only.
    BackingStoreAccessor::SetImpl(holder->elements(), entry - length, value);

  static void AddImpl(Handle<JSObject> object, uint32_t index,
                      Handle<Object> value, PropertyAttributes attributes,
                      uint32_t new_capacity) {
    DCHECK(index >= static_cast<uint32_t>(GetString(*object)->length()));
    // Explicitly grow fast backing stores if needed. Dictionaries know how to
    // extend their capacity themselves.
    if (KindTraits::Kind == FAST_STRING_WRAPPER_ELEMENTS &&
        (object->GetElementsKind() == SLOW_STRING_WRAPPER_ELEMENTS ||
         BackingStoreAccessor::GetCapacityImpl(*object, object->elements()) !=
             new_capacity)) {
      GrowCapacityAndConvertImpl(object, new_capacity);
    BackingStoreAccessor::AddImpl(object, index, value, attributes,

  static void ReconfigureImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                              Handle<FixedArrayBase> store, uint32_t entry,
                              Handle<Object> value,
                              PropertyAttributes attributes) {
    uint32_t length = static_cast<uint32_t>(GetString(*object)->length());
    if (entry < length) {
      return;  // String contents can't be reconfigured.
    BackingStoreAccessor::ReconfigureImpl(object, store, entry - length, value,

  static void AddElementsToKeyAccumulatorImpl(Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                              KeyAccumulator* accumulator,
                                              AddKeyConversion convert) {
    Isolate* isolate = receiver->GetIsolate();
    Handle<String> string(GetString(*receiver), isolate);
    string = String::Flatten(string);
    uint32_t length = static_cast<uint32_t>(string->length());
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    BackingStoreAccessor::AddElementsToKeyAccumulatorImpl(receiver, accumulator,

  static void CollectElementIndicesImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                                        Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store,
                                        KeyAccumulator* keys) {
    uint32_t length = GetString(*object)->length();
    Factory* factory = keys->isolate()->factory();
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    BackingStoreAccessor::CollectElementIndicesImpl(object, backing_store,

  static void GrowCapacityAndConvertImpl(Handle<JSObject> object,
                                         uint32_t capacity) {
    Handle<FixedArrayBase> old_elements(object->elements());
    ElementsKind from_kind = object->GetElementsKind();
    // This method should only be called if there's a reason to update the
    // elements.
           static_cast<uint32_t>(old_elements->length()) < capacity);
    Subclass::BasicGrowCapacityAndConvertImpl(object, old_elements, from_kind,

  static void CopyElementsImpl(FixedArrayBase* from, uint32_t from_start,
                               FixedArrayBase* to, ElementsKind from_kind,
                               uint32_t to_start, int packed_size,
                               int copy_size) {
    if (from_kind == SLOW_STRING_WRAPPER_ELEMENTS) {
      CopyDictionaryToObjectElements(from, from_start, to, HOLEY_ELEMENTS,
                                     to_start, copy_size);
    } else {
      CopyObjectToObjectElements(from, HOLEY_ELEMENTS, from_start, to,
                                 HOLEY_ELEMENTS, to_start, copy_size);

  static uint32_t NumberOfElementsImpl(JSObject* object,
                                       FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {
    uint32_t length = GetString(object)->length();
    return length +
           BackingStoreAccessor::NumberOfElementsImpl(object, backing_store);

  static String* GetString(JSObject* holder) {
    JSValue* js_value = JSValue::cast(holder);
    return String::cast(js_value->value());

class FastStringWrapperElementsAccessor
    : public StringWrapperElementsAccessor<
          FastStringWrapperElementsAccessor, FastHoleyObjectElementsAccessor,
          ElementsKindTraits<FAST_STRING_WRAPPER_ELEMENTS>> {
  explicit FastStringWrapperElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : StringWrapperElementsAccessor<
            FastStringWrapperElementsAccessor, FastHoleyObjectElementsAccessor,
            ElementsKindTraits<FAST_STRING_WRAPPER_ELEMENTS>>(name) {}

  static Handle<SeededNumberDictionary> NormalizeImpl(
      Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements) {
    return FastHoleyObjectElementsAccessor::NormalizeImpl(object, elements);

class SlowStringWrapperElementsAccessor
    : public StringWrapperElementsAccessor<
          SlowStringWrapperElementsAccessor, DictionaryElementsAccessor,
          ElementsKindTraits<SLOW_STRING_WRAPPER_ELEMENTS>> {
  explicit SlowStringWrapperElementsAccessor(const char* name)
      : StringWrapperElementsAccessor<
            SlowStringWrapperElementsAccessor, DictionaryElementsAccessor,
            ElementsKindTraits<SLOW_STRING_WRAPPER_ELEMENTS>>(name) {}

  static bool HasAccessorsImpl(JSObject* holder,
                               FixedArrayBase* backing_store) {
    return DictionaryElementsAccessor::HasAccessorsImpl(holder, backing_store);

}  // namespace

void CheckArrayAbuse(Handle<JSObject> obj, const char* op, uint32_t index,
                     bool allow_appending) {
  DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation;
  Object* raw_length = NULL;
  const char* elements_type = "array";
  if (obj->IsJSArray()) {
    JSArray* array = JSArray::cast(*obj);
    raw_length = array->length();
  } else {
    raw_length = Smi::FromInt(obj->elements()->length());
    elements_type = "object";

  if (raw_length->IsNumber()) {
    double n = raw_length->Number();
    if (FastI2D(FastD2UI(n)) == n) {
      int32_t int32_length = DoubleToInt32(n);
      uint32_t compare_length = static_cast<uint32_t>(int32_length);
      if (allow_appending) compare_length++;
      if (index >= compare_length) {
        PrintF("[OOB %s %s (%s length = %d, element accessed = %d) in ",
               elements_type, op, elements_type, static_cast<int>(int32_length),
    } else {
      PrintF("[%s elements length not integer value in ", elements_type);
  } else {
    PrintF("[%s elements length not a number in ", elements_type);

MaybeHandle<Object> ArrayConstructInitializeElements(Handle<JSArray> array,
                                                     Arguments* args) {
  if (args->length() == 0) {
    // Optimize the case where there are no parameters passed.
    JSArray::Initialize(array, JSArray::kPreallocatedArrayElements);
    return array;

  } else if (args->length() == 1 && args->at(0)->IsNumber()) {
    uint32_t length;
    if (!args->at(0)->ToArrayLength(&length)) {
      return ThrowArrayLengthRangeError(array->GetIsolate());

    // Optimize the case where there is one argument and the argument is a small
    // smi.
    if (length > 0 && length < JSArray::kInitialMaxFastElementArray) {
      ElementsKind elements_kind = array->GetElementsKind();
      JSArray::Initialize(array, length, length);

      if (!IsHoleyElementsKind(elements_kind)) {
        elements_kind = GetHoleyElementsKind(elements_kind);
        JSObject::TransitionElementsKind(array, elements_kind);
    } else if (length == 0) {
      JSArray::Initialize(array, JSArray::kPreallocatedArrayElements);
    } else {
      // Take the argument as the length.
      JSArray::Initialize(array, 0);
      JSArray::SetLength(array, length);
    return array;

  Factory* factory = array->GetIsolate()->factory();

  // Set length and elements on the array.
  int number_of_elements = args->length();
      array, args, 0, number_of_elements, ALLOW_CONVERTED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS);

  // Allocate an appropriately typed elements array.
  ElementsKind elements_kind = array->GetElementsKind();
  Handle<FixedArrayBase> elms;
  if (IsDoubleElementsKind(elements_kind)) {
    elms = Handle<FixedArrayBase>::cast(
  } else {
    elms = Handle<FixedArrayBase>::cast(

  // Fill in the content
  switch (elements_kind) {
      Handle<FixedArray> smi_elms = Handle<FixedArray>::cast(elms);
      for (int entry = 0; entry < number_of_elements; entry++) {
        smi_elms->set(entry, (*args)[entry], SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
      DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
      WriteBarrierMode mode = elms->GetWriteBarrierMode(no_gc);
      Handle<FixedArray> object_elms = Handle<FixedArray>::cast(elms);
      for (int entry = 0; entry < number_of_elements; entry++) {
        object_elms->set(entry, (*args)[entry], mode);
      Handle<FixedDoubleArray> double_elms =
      for (int entry = 0; entry < number_of_elements; entry++) {
        double_elms->set(entry, (*args)[entry]->Number());

  return array;

void ElementsAccessor::InitializeOncePerProcess() {
  static ElementsAccessor* accessor_array[] = {
#define ACCESSOR_ARRAY(Class, Kind, Store) new Class(#Kind),

  STATIC_ASSERT((sizeof(accessor_array) / sizeof(*accessor_array)) ==

  elements_accessors_ = accessor_array;

void ElementsAccessor::TearDown() {
  if (elements_accessors_ == NULL) return;
#define ACCESSOR_DELETE(Class, Kind, Store) delete elements_accessors_[Kind];
  elements_accessors_ = NULL;

Handle<JSArray> ElementsAccessor::Concat(Isolate* isolate, Arguments* args,
                                         uint32_t concat_size,
                                         uint32_t result_len) {
  ElementsKind result_elements_kind = GetInitialFastElementsKind();
  bool has_raw_doubles = false;
    DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    bool is_holey = false;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < concat_size; i++) {
      Object* arg = (*args)[i];
      ElementsKind arg_kind = JSArray::cast(arg)->GetElementsKind();
      has_raw_doubles = has_raw_doubles || IsDoubleElementsKind(arg_kind);
      is_holey = is_holey || IsHoleyElementsKind(arg_kind);
      result_elements_kind =
          GetMoreGeneralElementsKind(result_elements_kind, arg_kind);
    if (is_holey) {
      result_elements_kind = GetHoleyElementsKind(result_elements_kind);

  // If a double array is concatted into a fast elements array, the fast
  // elements array needs to be initialized to contain proper holes, since
  // boxing doubles may cause incremental marking.
  bool requires_double_boxing =
      has_raw_doubles && !IsDoubleElementsKind(result_elements_kind);
  ArrayStorageAllocationMode mode = requires_double_boxing
                                        ? INITIALIZE_ARRAY_ELEMENTS_WITH_HOLE
                                        : DONT_INITIALIZE_ARRAY_ELEMENTS;
  Handle<JSArray> result_array = isolate->factory()->NewJSArray(
      result_elements_kind, result_len, result_len, mode);
  if (result_len == 0) return result_array;

  uint32_t insertion_index = 0;
  Handle<FixedArrayBase> storage(result_array->elements(), isolate);
  ElementsAccessor* accessor = ElementsAccessor::ForKind(result_elements_kind);
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < concat_size; i++) {
    // It is crucial to keep |array| in a raw pointer form to avoid
    // performance degradation.
    JSArray* array = JSArray::cast((*args)[i]);
    uint32_t len = 0;
    if (len == 0) continue;
    ElementsKind from_kind = array->GetElementsKind();
    accessor->CopyElements(array, 0, from_kind, storage, insertion_index, len);
    insertion_index += len;

  DCHECK_EQ(insertion_index, result_len);
  return result_array;

ElementsAccessor** ElementsAccessor::elements_accessors_ = NULL;
}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8