// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import { Processor } from "./system-analyzer/processor.mjs"; import { WebInspector } from "./sourcemap.mjs"; import { BaseArgumentsProcessor } from "./arguments.mjs"; function processArguments(args) { var processor = new ArgumentsProcessor(args); if (processor.parse()) { return processor.result(); } else { processor.printUsageAndExit(); } } /** * A thin wrapper around shell's 'read' function showing a file name on error. */ export function readFile(fileName) { try { return read(fileName); } catch (e) { print(fileName + ': ' + (e.message || e)); throw e; } } function initSourceMapSupport() { // Pull dev tools source maps into our name space. SourceMap = WebInspector.SourceMap; // Overwrite the load function to load scripts synchronously. SourceMap.load = function(sourceMapURL) { var content = readFile(sourceMapURL); var sourceMapObject = (JSON.parse(content)); return new SourceMap(sourceMapURL, sourceMapObject); }; } class ArgumentsProcessor extends BaseArgumentsProcessor { getArgsDispatch() { return { '--range': ['range', 'auto,auto', 'Specify the range limit as [start],[end]'], '--source-map': ['sourceMap', null, 'Specify the source map that should be used for output'] }; } getDefaultResults() { return { logFileName: 'v8.log', range: 'auto,auto', }; } } const params = processArguments(arguments); let sourceMap = null; if (params.sourceMap) { initSourceMapSupport(); sourceMap = SourceMap.load(params.sourceMap); } const processor = new Processor(); processor.processLogFile(params.logFileName); const typeAccumulator = new Map(); const accumulator = { __proto__: null, LoadGlobalIC: 0, StoreGlobalIC: 0, LoadIC: 0, StoreIC: 0, KeyedLoadIC: 0, KeyedStoreIC: 0, StoreInArrayLiteralIC: 0, } for (const ic of processor.icTimeline.all) { print( ic.type + ' (' + ic.oldState + '->' + ic.newState + ic.modifier + ') at ' + ic.filePosition + ' ' + ic.key + ' (map 0x' + ic.map.toString(16) + ')' + (ic.reason ? ' ' + ic.reason : '') + ' time: ' + ic.time); accumulator[ic.type]++; } print("========================================"); for (const key of Object.keys(accumulator)) { print(key + ": " + accumulator[key]); }