// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_SNAPSHOT_SERIALIZER_H_ #define V8_SNAPSHOT_SERIALIZER_H_ #include <map> #include "src/codegen/external-reference-encoder.h" #include "src/common/assert-scope.h" #include "src/execution/isolate.h" #include "src/handles/global-handles.h" #include "src/logging/log.h" #include "src/objects/objects.h" #include "src/snapshot/embedded/embedded-data.h" #include "src/snapshot/serializer-deserializer.h" #include "src/snapshot/snapshot-source-sink.h" #include "src/snapshot/snapshot.h" #include "src/utils/identity-map.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { class CodeAddressMap : public CodeEventLogger { public: explicit CodeAddressMap(Isolate* isolate) : CodeEventLogger(isolate) { isolate->logger()->AddCodeEventListener(this); } ~CodeAddressMap() override { isolate_->logger()->RemoveCodeEventListener(this); } void CodeMoveEvent(AbstractCode from, AbstractCode to) override { address_to_name_map_.Move(from.address(), to.address()); } void CodeDisableOptEvent(Handle<AbstractCode> code, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared) override {} const char* Lookup(Address address) { return address_to_name_map_.Lookup(address); } private: class NameMap { public: NameMap() : impl_() {} NameMap(const NameMap&) = delete; NameMap& operator=(const NameMap&) = delete; ~NameMap() { for (base::HashMap::Entry* p = impl_.Start(); p != nullptr; p = impl_.Next(p)) { DeleteArray(static_cast<const char*>(p->value)); } } void Insert(Address code_address, const char* name, int name_size) { base::HashMap::Entry* entry = FindOrCreateEntry(code_address); if (entry->value == nullptr) { entry->value = CopyName(name, name_size); } } const char* Lookup(Address code_address) { base::HashMap::Entry* entry = FindEntry(code_address); return (entry != nullptr) ? static_cast<const char*>(entry->value) : nullptr; } void Remove(Address code_address) { base::HashMap::Entry* entry = FindEntry(code_address); if (entry != nullptr) { DeleteArray(static_cast<char*>(entry->value)); RemoveEntry(entry); } } void Move(Address from, Address to) { if (from == to) return; base::HashMap::Entry* from_entry = FindEntry(from); DCHECK_NOT_NULL(from_entry); void* value = from_entry->value; RemoveEntry(from_entry); base::HashMap::Entry* to_entry = FindOrCreateEntry(to); DCHECK_NULL(to_entry->value); to_entry->value = value; } private: static char* CopyName(const char* name, int name_size) { char* result = NewArray<char>(name_size + 1); for (int i = 0; i < name_size; ++i) { char c = name[i]; if (c == '\0') c = ' '; result[i] = c; } result[name_size] = '\0'; return result; } base::HashMap::Entry* FindOrCreateEntry(Address code_address) { return impl_.LookupOrInsert(reinterpret_cast<void*>(code_address), ComputeAddressHash(code_address)); } base::HashMap::Entry* FindEntry(Address code_address) { return impl_.Lookup(reinterpret_cast<void*>(code_address), ComputeAddressHash(code_address)); } void RemoveEntry(base::HashMap::Entry* entry) { impl_.Remove(entry->key, entry->hash); } base::HashMap impl_; }; void LogRecordedBuffer(Handle<AbstractCode> code, MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo>, const char* name, int length) override { address_to_name_map_.Insert(code->address(), name, length); } #if V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY void LogRecordedBuffer(const wasm::WasmCode* code, const char* name, int length) override { UNREACHABLE(); } #endif // V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY NameMap address_to_name_map_; }; class ObjectCacheIndexMap { public: explicit ObjectCacheIndexMap(Heap* heap) : map_(heap), next_index_(0) {} ObjectCacheIndexMap(const ObjectCacheIndexMap&) = delete; ObjectCacheIndexMap& operator=(const ObjectCacheIndexMap&) = delete; // If |obj| is in the map, immediately return true. Otherwise add it to the // map and return false. In either case set |*index_out| to the index // associated with the map. bool LookupOrInsert(Handle<HeapObject> obj, int* index_out) { auto find_result = map_.FindOrInsert(obj); if (!find_result.already_exists) { *find_result.entry = next_index_++; } *index_out = *find_result.entry; return find_result.already_exists; } bool Lookup(HeapObject obj, int* index_out) const { int* index = map_.Find(obj); if (index == nullptr) { return false; } *index_out = *index; return true; } int size() const { return next_index_; } private: IdentityMap<int, base::DefaultAllocationPolicy> map_; int next_index_; }; class Serializer : public SerializerDeserializer { public: Serializer(Isolate* isolate, Snapshot::SerializerFlags flags); ~Serializer() override { DCHECK_EQ(unresolved_forward_refs_, 0); } Serializer(const Serializer&) = delete; Serializer& operator=(const Serializer&) = delete; const std::vector<byte>* Payload() const { return sink_.data(); } bool ReferenceMapContains(Handle<HeapObject> o) { return reference_map()->LookupReference(o) != nullptr; } Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; } // The pointer compression cage base value used for decompression of all // tagged values except references to Code objects. PtrComprCageBase cage_base() const { #if V8_COMPRESS_POINTERS return cage_base_; #else return PtrComprCageBase{}; #endif // V8_COMPRESS_POINTERS } int TotalAllocationSize() const; protected: using PendingObjectReferences = std::vector<int>*; class ObjectSerializer; class V8_NODISCARD RecursionScope { public: explicit RecursionScope(Serializer* serializer) : serializer_(serializer) { serializer_->recursion_depth_++; } ~RecursionScope() { serializer_->recursion_depth_--; } bool ExceedsMaximum() { return serializer_->recursion_depth_ >= kMaxRecursionDepth; } private: static const int kMaxRecursionDepth = 32; Serializer* serializer_; }; // Compares obj with not_mapped_symbol root. When V8_EXTERNAL_CODE_SPACE is // enabled it compares full pointers. V8_INLINE bool IsNotMappedSymbol(HeapObject obj) const; void SerializeDeferredObjects(); void SerializeObject(Handle<HeapObject> o); virtual void SerializeObjectImpl(Handle<HeapObject> o) = 0; virtual bool MustBeDeferred(HeapObject object); void VisitRootPointers(Root root, const char* description, FullObjectSlot start, FullObjectSlot end) override; void SerializeRootObject(FullObjectSlot slot); void PutRoot(RootIndex root_index); void PutSmiRoot(FullObjectSlot slot); void PutBackReference(Handle<HeapObject> object, SerializerReference reference); void PutAttachedReference(SerializerReference reference); void PutNextChunk(SnapshotSpace space); void PutRepeat(int repeat_count); // Emit a marker noting that this slot is a forward reference to the an // object which has not yet been serialized. void PutPendingForwardReference(PendingObjectReferences& ref); // Resolve the given previously registered forward reference to the current // object. void ResolvePendingForwardReference(int obj); // Returns true if the object was successfully serialized as a root. bool SerializeRoot(Handle<HeapObject> obj); // Returns true if the object was successfully serialized as hot object. bool SerializeHotObject(Handle<HeapObject> obj); // Returns true if the object was successfully serialized as back reference. bool SerializeBackReference(Handle<HeapObject> obj); // Returns true if the object was successfully serialized as pending object. bool SerializePendingObject(Handle<HeapObject> obj); // Returns true if the given heap object is a bytecode handler code object. bool ObjectIsBytecodeHandler(Handle<HeapObject> obj) const; ExternalReferenceEncoder::Value EncodeExternalReference(Address addr); Maybe<ExternalReferenceEncoder::Value> TryEncodeExternalReference( Address addr) { return external_reference_encoder_.TryEncode(addr); } // GetInt reads 4 bytes at once, requiring padding at the end. // Use padding_offset to specify the space you want to use after padding. void Pad(int padding_offset = 0); // We may not need the code address map for logging for every instance // of the serializer. Initialize it on demand. void InitializeCodeAddressMap(); Code CopyCode(Code code); void QueueDeferredObject(Handle<HeapObject> obj) { DCHECK_NULL(reference_map_.LookupReference(obj)); deferred_objects_.Push(*obj); } // Register that the the given object shouldn't be immediately serialized, but // will be serialized later and any references to it should be pending forward // references. void RegisterObjectIsPending(Handle<HeapObject> obj); // Resolve the given pending object reference with the current object. void ResolvePendingObject(Handle<HeapObject> obj); void OutputStatistics(const char* name); void CountAllocation(Map map, int size, SnapshotSpace space); #ifdef DEBUG void PushStack(Handle<HeapObject> o) { stack_.Push(*o); } void PopStack(); void PrintStack(); void PrintStack(std::ostream&); #endif // DEBUG SerializerReferenceMap* reference_map() { return &reference_map_; } const RootIndexMap* root_index_map() const { return &root_index_map_; } SnapshotByteSink sink_; // Used directly by subclasses. bool allow_unknown_external_references_for_testing() const { return (flags_ & Snapshot::kAllowUnknownExternalReferencesForTesting) != 0; } bool allow_active_isolate_for_testing() const { return (flags_ & Snapshot::kAllowActiveIsolateForTesting) != 0; } bool reconstruct_read_only_object_cache_for_testing() const { return (flags_ & Snapshot::kReconstructReadOnlyObjectCacheForTesting) != 0; } private: // A circular queue of hot objects. This is added to in the same order as in // Deserializer::HotObjectsList, but this stores the objects as an array of // raw addresses that are considered strong roots. This allows objects to be // added to the list without having to extend their handle's lifetime. // // We should never allow this class to return Handles to objects in the queue, // as the object in the queue may change if kSize other objects are added to // the queue during that Handle's lifetime. class HotObjectsList { public: explicit HotObjectsList(Heap* heap); ~HotObjectsList(); HotObjectsList(const HotObjectsList&) = delete; HotObjectsList& operator=(const HotObjectsList&) = delete; void Add(HeapObject object) { circular_queue_[index_] = object.ptr(); index_ = (index_ + 1) & kSizeMask; } static const int kNotFound = -1; int Find(HeapObject object) { DCHECK(!AllowGarbageCollection::IsAllowed()); for (int i = 0; i < kSize; i++) { if (circular_queue_[i] == object.ptr()) { return i; } } return kNotFound; } private: static const int kSize = kHotObjectCount; static const int kSizeMask = kSize - 1; STATIC_ASSERT(base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo(kSize)); Heap* heap_; StrongRootsEntry* strong_roots_entry_; Address circular_queue_[kSize] = {kNullAddress}; int index_ = 0; }; // Disallow GC during serialization. // TODO(leszeks, v8:10815): Remove this constraint. DISALLOW_GARBAGE_COLLECTION(no_gc_) Isolate* isolate_; #if V8_COMPRESS_POINTERS const PtrComprCageBase cage_base_; #endif // V8_COMPRESS_POINTERS HotObjectsList hot_objects_; SerializerReferenceMap reference_map_; ExternalReferenceEncoder external_reference_encoder_; RootIndexMap root_index_map_; std::unique_ptr<CodeAddressMap> code_address_map_; std::vector<byte> code_buffer_; GlobalHandleVector<HeapObject> deferred_objects_; // To handle stack overflow. int num_back_refs_ = 0; // Objects which have started being serialized, but haven't yet been allocated // with the allocator, are considered "pending". References to them don't have // an allocation to backref to, so instead they are registered as pending // forward references, which are resolved once the object is allocated. // // Forward references are registered in a deterministic order, and can // therefore be identified by an incrementing integer index, which is // effectively an index into a vector of the currently registered forward // refs. The references in this vector might not be resolved in order, so we // can only clear it (and reset the indices) when there are no unresolved // forward refs remaining. int next_forward_ref_id_ = 0; int unresolved_forward_refs_ = 0; IdentityMap<PendingObjectReferences, base::DefaultAllocationPolicy> forward_refs_per_pending_object_; // Used to keep track of the off-heap backing stores used by TypedArrays/ // ArrayBuffers. Note that the index begins at 1 and not 0, because when a // TypedArray has an on-heap backing store, the backing_store pointer in the // corresponding ArrayBuffer will be null, which makes it indistinguishable // from index 0. uint32_t seen_backing_stores_index_ = 1; int recursion_depth_ = 0; const Snapshot::SerializerFlags flags_; size_t allocation_size_[kNumberOfSnapshotSpaces] = {0}; #ifdef OBJECT_PRINT static constexpr int kInstanceTypes = LAST_TYPE + 1; std::unique_ptr<int[]> instance_type_count_[kNumberOfSnapshotSpaces]; std::unique_ptr<size_t[]> instance_type_size_[kNumberOfSnapshotSpaces]; #endif // OBJECT_PRINT #ifdef DEBUG GlobalHandleVector<HeapObject> back_refs_; GlobalHandleVector<HeapObject> stack_; #endif // DEBUG }; class RelocInfoIterator; class Serializer::ObjectSerializer : public ObjectVisitor { public: ObjectSerializer(Serializer* serializer, Handle<HeapObject> obj, SnapshotByteSink* sink) : isolate_(serializer->isolate()), serializer_(serializer), object_(obj), sink_(sink), bytes_processed_so_far_(0) { #ifdef DEBUG serializer_->PushStack(obj); #endif // DEBUG } ~ObjectSerializer() override { #ifdef DEBUG serializer_->PopStack(); #endif // DEBUG } void Serialize(); void SerializeObject(); void SerializeDeferred(); void VisitPointers(HeapObject host, ObjectSlot start, ObjectSlot end) override; void VisitPointers(HeapObject host, MaybeObjectSlot start, MaybeObjectSlot end) override; void VisitCodePointer(HeapObject host, CodeObjectSlot slot) override; void VisitEmbeddedPointer(Code host, RelocInfo* target) override; void VisitExternalReference(Foreign host, Address* p) override; void VisitExternalReference(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo) override; void VisitInternalReference(Code host, RelocInfo* rinfo) override; void VisitCodeTarget(Code host, RelocInfo* target) override; void VisitRuntimeEntry(Code host, RelocInfo* reloc) override; void VisitOffHeapTarget(Code host, RelocInfo* target) override; Isolate* isolate() { return isolate_; } private: class RelocInfoObjectPreSerializer; void SerializePrologue(SnapshotSpace space, int size, Map map); // This function outputs or skips the raw data between the last pointer and // up to the current position. void SerializeContent(Map map, int size); void OutputExternalReference(Address target, int target_size, bool sandboxify); void OutputRawData(Address up_to); void SerializeCode(Map map, int size); uint32_t SerializeBackingStore(void* backing_store, int32_t byte_length); void SerializeJSTypedArray(); void SerializeJSArrayBuffer(); void SerializeExternalString(); void SerializeExternalStringAsSequentialString(); Isolate* isolate_; Serializer* serializer_; Handle<HeapObject> object_; SnapshotByteSink* sink_; int bytes_processed_so_far_; }; } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #endif // V8_SNAPSHOT_SERIALIZER_H_