// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <cstdio> #include <exception> #include <vector> #include "src/base/logging.h" #include "tools/v8windbg/test/debug-callbacks.h" // See the docs at // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/using-the-debugger-engine-api namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace v8windbg_test { namespace { // Loads a named extension library upon construction and unloads it upon // destruction. class V8_NODISCARD LoadExtensionScope { public: LoadExtensionScope(WRL::ComPtr<IDebugControl4> p_debug_control, std::wstring extension_path) : p_debug_control_(p_debug_control), extension_path_(std::move(extension_path)) { p_debug_control->AddExtensionWide(extension_path_.c_str(), 0, &ext_handle_); // HACK: Below fails, but is required for the extension to actually // initialize. Just the AddExtension call doesn't actually load and // initialize it. p_debug_control->CallExtension(ext_handle_, "Foo", "Bar"); } ~LoadExtensionScope() { // Let the extension uninitialize so it can deallocate memory, meaning any // reported memory leaks should be real bugs. p_debug_control_->RemoveExtension(ext_handle_); } private: LoadExtensionScope(const LoadExtensionScope&) = delete; LoadExtensionScope& operator=(const LoadExtensionScope&) = delete; WRL::ComPtr<IDebugControl4> p_debug_control_; ULONG64 ext_handle_; // This string is part of the heap snapshot when the extension loads, so keep // it alive until after the extension unloads and checks for any heap changes. std::wstring extension_path_; }; // Initializes COM upon construction and uninitializes it upon destruction. class V8_NODISCARD ComScope { public: ComScope() { hr_ = CoInitializeEx(nullptr, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); } ~ComScope() { // "To close the COM library gracefully on a thread, each successful call to // CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx, including any call that returns S_FALSE, // must be balanced by a corresponding call to CoUninitialize." // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/combaseapi/nf-combaseapi-coinitializeex if (SUCCEEDED(hr_)) { CoUninitialize(); } } HRESULT hr() { return hr_; } private: HRESULT hr_; }; // Sets a breakpoint. Returns S_OK if the function name resolved successfully // and the breakpoint is in a non-deferred state. HRESULT SetBreakpoint(WRL::ComPtr<IDebugControl4> p_debug_control, const char* function_name) { WRL::ComPtr<IDebugBreakpoint> bp; HRESULT hr = p_debug_control->AddBreakpoint(DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_CODE, DEBUG_ANY_ID, &bp); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = bp->SetOffsetExpression(function_name); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; hr = bp->AddFlags(DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_ENABLED); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // Check whether the symbol could be found. uint64_t offset; hr = bp->GetOffset(&offset); return hr; } // Sets a breakpoint. Depending on the build configuration, the function might // be in the v8 or d8 module, so this function tries to set both. HRESULT SetBreakpointInV8OrD8(WRL::ComPtr<IDebugControl4> p_debug_control, const std::string& function_name) { // Component builds call the V8 module "v8". Try this first, because there is // also a module named "d8" or "d8_exe" where we should avoid attempting to // set a breakpoint. HRESULT hr = SetBreakpoint(p_debug_control, ("v8!" + function_name).c_str()); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; // x64 release builds call it "d8". hr = SetBreakpoint(p_debug_control, ("d8!" + function_name).c_str()); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return hr; // x86 release builds call it "d8_exe". return SetBreakpoint(p_debug_control, ("d8_exe!" + function_name).c_str()); } void RunAndCheckOutput(const char* friendly_name, const char* command, std::vector<const char*> expected_substrings, MyOutput* output, IDebugControl4* p_debug_control) { output->ClearLog(); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(p_debug_control->Execute(DEBUG_OUTCTL_ALL_CLIENTS, command, DEBUG_EXECUTE_ECHO))); for (const char* expected : expected_substrings) { CHECK(output->GetLog().find(expected) != std::string::npos); } } } // namespace void RunTests() { // Initialize COM... Though it doesn't seem to matter if you don't! ComScope com_scope; CHECK(SUCCEEDED(com_scope.hr())); // Get the file path of the module containing this test function. It should be // in the output directory alongside the data dependencies required by this // test (d8.exe, v8windbg.dll, and v8windbg-test-script.js). HMODULE module = nullptr; bool success = GetModuleHandleEx(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS | GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_UNCHANGED_REFCOUNT, reinterpret_cast<LPCWSTR>(&RunTests), &module); CHECK(success); wchar_t this_module_path[MAX_PATH]; DWORD path_size = GetModuleFileName(module, this_module_path, MAX_PATH); CHECK(path_size != 0); HRESULT hr = PathCchRemoveFileSpec(this_module_path, MAX_PATH); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // Get the Debug client WRL::ComPtr<IDebugClient5> p_client; hr = DebugCreate(__uuidof(IDebugClient5), &p_client); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); WRL::ComPtr<IDebugSymbols3> p_symbols; hr = p_client->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugSymbols3), &p_symbols); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // Symbol loading fails if the pdb is in the same folder as the exe, but it's // not on the path. hr = p_symbols->SetSymbolPathWide(this_module_path); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // Set the event callbacks MyCallback callback; hr = p_client->SetEventCallbacks(&callback); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // Launch the process with the debugger attached std::wstring command_line = std::wstring(L"\"") + this_module_path + L"\\d8.exe\" \"" + this_module_path + L"\\obj\\tools\\v8windbg\\v8windbg-test-script.js\""; DEBUG_CREATE_PROCESS_OPTIONS proc_options; proc_options.CreateFlags = DEBUG_PROCESS; proc_options.EngCreateFlags = 0; proc_options.VerifierFlags = 0; proc_options.Reserved = 0; hr = p_client->CreateProcessWide( 0, const_cast<wchar_t*>(command_line.c_str()), DEBUG_PROCESS); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // Wait for the attach event WRL::ComPtr<IDebugControl4> p_debug_control; hr = p_client->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugControl4), &p_debug_control); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); hr = p_debug_control->WaitForEvent(0, INFINITE); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // Break again after non-delay-load modules are loaded. hr = p_debug_control->AddEngineOptions(DEBUG_ENGOPT_INITIAL_BREAK); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); hr = p_debug_control->WaitForEvent(0, INFINITE); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // Set a breakpoint in a C++ function called by the script. hr = SetBreakpointInV8OrD8(p_debug_control, "v8::internal::JsonStringify"); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); hr = p_debug_control->SetExecutionStatus(DEBUG_STATUS_GO); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // Wait for the breakpoint. hr = p_debug_control->WaitForEvent(0, INFINITE); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); ULONG type, proc_id, thread_id, desc_used; byte desc[1024]; hr = p_debug_control->GetLastEventInformation( &type, &proc_id, &thread_id, nullptr, 0, nullptr, reinterpret_cast<PSTR>(desc), 1024, &desc_used); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); LoadExtensionScope extension_loaded( p_debug_control, this_module_path + std::wstring(L"\\v8windbg.dll")); // Set the output callbacks after the extension is loaded, so it gets // destroyed before the extension unloads. This avoids reporting incorrectly // reporting that the output buffer was leaked during extension teardown. MyOutput output(p_client); // Set stepping mode. hr = p_debug_control->SetCodeLevel(DEBUG_LEVEL_SOURCE); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // Do some actual testing RunAndCheckOutput("bitfields", "p;dx replacer.Value.shared_function_info.flags", {"kNamedExpression"}, &output, p_debug_control.Get()); RunAndCheckOutput("in-object properties", "dx object.Value.@\"in-object properties\"[1]", {"NullValue", "Oddball"}, &output, p_debug_control.Get()); RunAndCheckOutput( "arrays of structs", "dx object.Value.map.instance_descriptors.descriptors[1].key", {"\"secondProp\"", "SeqOneByteString"}, &output, p_debug_control.Get()); // TODO(v8:11527): enable this when symbol information for the in-Isolate // builtins is available. // RunAndCheckOutput( // "local variables", // "dx -r1 @$curthread.Stack.Frames.Where(f => " // "f.ToDisplayString().Contains(\"InterpreterEntryTrampoline\")).Skip(1)." // "First().LocalVariables.@\"memory interpreted as Objects\"", // {"\"hello\""}, &output, p_debug_control.Get()); RunAndCheckOutput("js stack", "dx @$jsstack()[0].function_name", {"\"a\"", "SeqOneByteString"}, &output, p_debug_control.Get()); RunAndCheckOutput("js stack", "dx @$jsstack()[1].function_name", {"\"b\"", "SeqOneByteString"}, &output, p_debug_control.Get()); RunAndCheckOutput("js stack", "dx @$jsstack()[2].function_name", {"empty_string \"\"", "SeqOneByteString"}, &output, p_debug_control.Get()); // Detach before exiting hr = p_client->DetachProcesses(); CHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } } // namespace v8windbg_test } // namespace internal } // namespace v8