// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/ast/ast.h" #include <cmath> // For isfinite. #include <vector> #include "src/ast/prettyprinter.h" #include "src/ast/scopes.h" #include "src/base/hashmap.h" #include "src/builtins/builtins-constructor.h" #include "src/builtins/builtins.h" #include "src/numbers/conversions-inl.h" #include "src/numbers/double.h" #include "src/objects/contexts.h" #include "src/objects/elements.h" #include "src/objects/literal-objects-inl.h" #include "src/objects/literal-objects.h" #include "src/objects/map.h" #include "src/objects/objects-inl.h" #include "src/objects/property-details.h" #include "src/objects/property.h" #include "src/strings/string-stream.h" #include "src/zone/zone-list-inl.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of other node functionality. #ifdef DEBUG static const char* NameForNativeContextIntrinsicIndex(uint32_t idx) { switch (idx) { #define NATIVE_CONTEXT_FIELDS_IDX(NAME, Type, name) \ case Context::NAME: \ return #name; NATIVE_CONTEXT_FIELDS(NATIVE_CONTEXT_FIELDS_IDX) #undef NATIVE_CONTEXT_FIELDS_IDX default: break; } return "UnknownIntrinsicIndex"; } void AstNode::Print(Isolate* isolate) { AllowHandleDereference allow_deref; AstPrinter::PrintOut(isolate, this); } #endif // DEBUG #define RETURN_NODE(Node) \ case k##Node: \ return static_cast<Node*>(this); IterationStatement* AstNode::AsIterationStatement() { switch (node_type()) { ITERATION_NODE_LIST(RETURN_NODE); default: return nullptr; } } MaterializedLiteral* AstNode::AsMaterializedLiteral() { switch (node_type()) { LITERAL_NODE_LIST(RETURN_NODE); default: return nullptr; } } #undef RETURN_NODE bool Expression::IsSmiLiteral() const { return IsLiteral() && AsLiteral()->type() == Literal::kSmi; } bool Expression::IsNumberLiteral() const { return IsLiteral() && AsLiteral()->IsNumber(); } bool Expression::IsStringLiteral() const { return IsLiteral() && AsLiteral()->type() == Literal::kString; } bool Expression::IsPropertyName() const { return IsLiteral() && AsLiteral()->IsPropertyName(); } bool Expression::IsNullLiteral() const { return IsLiteral() && AsLiteral()->type() == Literal::kNull; } bool Expression::IsTheHoleLiteral() const { return IsLiteral() && AsLiteral()->type() == Literal::kTheHole; } bool Expression::IsCompileTimeValue() { if (IsLiteral()) return true; MaterializedLiteral* literal = AsMaterializedLiteral(); if (literal == nullptr) return false; return literal->IsSimple(); } bool Expression::IsUndefinedLiteral() const { if (IsLiteral() && AsLiteral()->type() == Literal::kUndefined) return true; const VariableProxy* var_proxy = AsVariableProxy(); if (var_proxy == nullptr) return false; Variable* var = var_proxy->var(); // The global identifier "undefined" is immutable. Everything // else could be reassigned. return var != nullptr && var->IsUnallocated() && var_proxy->raw_name()->IsOneByteEqualTo("undefined"); } bool Expression::IsLiteralButNotNullOrUndefined() const { return IsLiteral() && !IsNullOrUndefinedLiteral(); } bool Expression::ToBooleanIsTrue() const { return IsLiteral() && AsLiteral()->ToBooleanIsTrue(); } bool Expression::ToBooleanIsFalse() const { return IsLiteral() && AsLiteral()->ToBooleanIsFalse(); } bool Expression::IsPrivateName() const { return IsVariableProxy() && AsVariableProxy()->IsPrivateName(); } bool Expression::IsValidReferenceExpression() const { return IsProperty() || (IsVariableProxy() && AsVariableProxy()->IsValidReferenceExpression()); } bool Expression::IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition() const { return (IsFunctionLiteral() && AsFunctionLiteral()->IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition()) || (IsClassLiteral() && AsClassLiteral()->IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition()); } bool Expression::IsConciseMethodDefinition() const { return IsFunctionLiteral() && IsConciseMethod(AsFunctionLiteral()->kind()); } bool Expression::IsAccessorFunctionDefinition() const { return IsFunctionLiteral() && IsAccessorFunction(AsFunctionLiteral()->kind()); } VariableProxy::VariableProxy(Variable* var, int start_position) : Expression(start_position, kVariableProxy), raw_name_(var->raw_name()), next_unresolved_(nullptr) { DCHECK(!var->is_this()); bit_field_ |= IsAssignedField::encode(false) | IsResolvedField::encode(false) | HoleCheckModeField::encode(HoleCheckMode::kElided); BindTo(var); } VariableProxy::VariableProxy(const VariableProxy* copy_from) : Expression(copy_from->position(), kVariableProxy), next_unresolved_(nullptr) { bit_field_ = copy_from->bit_field_; DCHECK(!copy_from->is_resolved()); raw_name_ = copy_from->raw_name_; } void VariableProxy::BindTo(Variable* var) { DCHECK_EQ(raw_name(), var->raw_name()); set_var(var); set_is_resolved(); var->set_is_used(); if (is_assigned()) var->SetMaybeAssigned(); } Assignment::Assignment(NodeType node_type, Token::Value op, Expression* target, Expression* value, int pos) : Expression(pos, node_type), target_(target), value_(value) { bit_field_ |= TokenField::encode(op); } void FunctionLiteral::set_inferred_name(Handle<String> inferred_name) { DCHECK(!inferred_name.is_null()); inferred_name_ = inferred_name; DCHECK(raw_inferred_name_ == nullptr || raw_inferred_name_->IsEmpty()); raw_inferred_name_ = nullptr; scope()->set_has_inferred_function_name(true); } void FunctionLiteral::set_raw_inferred_name( const AstConsString* raw_inferred_name) { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(raw_inferred_name); raw_inferred_name_ = raw_inferred_name; DCHECK(inferred_name_.is_null()); inferred_name_ = Handle<String>(); scope()->set_has_inferred_function_name(true); } bool FunctionLiteral::ShouldEagerCompile() const { return scope()->ShouldEagerCompile(); } void FunctionLiteral::SetShouldEagerCompile() { scope()->set_should_eager_compile(); } bool FunctionLiteral::AllowsLazyCompilation() { return scope()->AllowsLazyCompilation(); } bool FunctionLiteral::SafeToSkipArgumentsAdaptor() const { return language_mode() == LanguageMode::kStrict && scope()->arguments() == nullptr && scope()->rest_parameter() == nullptr; } Handle<String> FunctionLiteral::name(Isolate* isolate) const { return raw_name_ ? raw_name_->string() : isolate->factory()->empty_string(); } int FunctionLiteral::start_position() const { return scope()->start_position(); } int FunctionLiteral::end_position() const { return scope()->end_position(); } LanguageMode FunctionLiteral::language_mode() const { return scope()->language_mode(); } FunctionKind FunctionLiteral::kind() const { return scope()->function_kind(); } bool FunctionLiteral::NeedsHomeObject(Expression* expr) { if (expr == nullptr || !expr->IsFunctionLiteral()) return false; DCHECK_NOT_NULL(expr->AsFunctionLiteral()->scope()); return expr->AsFunctionLiteral()->scope()->NeedsHomeObject(); } std::unique_ptr<char[]> FunctionLiteral::GetDebugName() const { const AstConsString* cons_string; if (raw_name_ != nullptr && !raw_name_->IsEmpty()) { cons_string = raw_name_; } else if (raw_inferred_name_ != nullptr && !raw_inferred_name_->IsEmpty()) { cons_string = raw_inferred_name_; } else if (!inferred_name_.is_null()) { AllowHandleDereference allow_deref; return inferred_name_->ToCString(); } else { char* empty_str = new char[1]; empty_str[0] = 0; return std::unique_ptr<char[]>(empty_str); } // TODO(rmcilroy): Deal with two-character strings. std::vector<char> result_vec; std::forward_list<const AstRawString*> strings = cons_string->ToRawStrings(); for (const AstRawString* string : strings) { if (!string->is_one_byte()) break; for (int i = 0; i < string->length(); i++) { result_vec.push_back(string->raw_data()[i]); } } std::unique_ptr<char[]> result(new char[result_vec.size() + 1]); memcpy(result.get(), result_vec.data(), result_vec.size()); result[result_vec.size()] = '\0'; return result; } bool FunctionLiteral::requires_brand_initialization() const { Scope* outer = scope_->outer_scope(); // If there are no variables declared in the outer scope other than // the class name variable, the outer class scope may be elided when // the function is deserialized after preparsing. if (!outer->is_class_scope()) return false; return outer->AsClassScope()->brand() != nullptr; } bool FunctionLiteral::private_name_lookup_skips_outer_class() const { return scope()->private_name_lookup_skips_outer_class(); } ObjectLiteralProperty::ObjectLiteralProperty(Expression* key, Expression* value, Kind kind, bool is_computed_name) : LiteralProperty(key, value, is_computed_name), kind_(kind), emit_store_(true) {} ObjectLiteralProperty::ObjectLiteralProperty(AstValueFactory* ast_value_factory, Expression* key, Expression* value, bool is_computed_name) : LiteralProperty(key, value, is_computed_name), emit_store_(true) { if (!is_computed_name && key->AsLiteral()->IsString() && key->AsLiteral()->AsRawString() == ast_value_factory->proto_string()) { kind_ = PROTOTYPE; } else if (value_->AsMaterializedLiteral() != nullptr) { kind_ = MATERIALIZED_LITERAL; } else if (value_->IsLiteral()) { kind_ = CONSTANT; } else { kind_ = COMPUTED; } } bool LiteralProperty::NeedsSetFunctionName() const { return is_computed_name() && (value_->IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition() || value_->IsConciseMethodDefinition() || value_->IsAccessorFunctionDefinition()); } ClassLiteralProperty::ClassLiteralProperty(Expression* key, Expression* value, Kind kind, bool is_static, bool is_computed_name, bool is_private) : LiteralProperty(key, value, is_computed_name), kind_(kind), is_static_(is_static), is_private_(is_private), private_or_computed_name_var_(nullptr) {} bool ObjectLiteral::Property::IsCompileTimeValue() const { return kind_ == CONSTANT || (kind_ == MATERIALIZED_LITERAL && value_->IsCompileTimeValue()); } void ObjectLiteral::Property::set_emit_store(bool emit_store) { emit_store_ = emit_store; } bool ObjectLiteral::Property::emit_store() const { return emit_store_; } void ObjectLiteral::CalculateEmitStore(Zone* zone) { const auto GETTER = ObjectLiteral::Property::GETTER; const auto SETTER = ObjectLiteral::Property::SETTER; ZoneAllocationPolicy allocator(zone); CustomMatcherZoneHashMap table( Literal::Match, ZoneHashMap::kDefaultHashMapCapacity, allocator); for (int i = properties()->length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ObjectLiteral::Property* property = properties()->at(i); if (property->is_computed_name()) continue; if (property->IsPrototype()) continue; Literal* literal = property->key()->AsLiteral(); DCHECK(!literal->IsNullLiteral()); uint32_t hash = literal->Hash(); ZoneHashMap::Entry* entry = table.LookupOrInsert(literal, hash, allocator); if (entry->value == nullptr) { entry->value = property; } else { // We already have a later definition of this property, so we don't need // to emit a store for the current one. // // There are two subtleties here. // // (1) Emitting a store might actually be incorrect. For example, in {get // foo() {}, foo: 42}, the getter store would override the data property // (which, being a non-computed compile-time valued property, is already // part of the initial literal object. // // (2) If the later definition is an accessor (say, a getter), and the // current definition is a complementary accessor (here, a setter), then // we still must emit a store for the current definition. auto later_kind = static_cast<ObjectLiteral::Property*>(entry->value)->kind(); bool complementary_accessors = (property->kind() == GETTER && later_kind == SETTER) || (property->kind() == SETTER && later_kind == GETTER); if (!complementary_accessors) { property->set_emit_store(false); if (later_kind == GETTER || later_kind == SETTER) { entry->value = property; } } } } } void ObjectLiteral::InitFlagsForPendingNullPrototype(int i) { // We still check for __proto__:null after computed property names. for (; i < properties()->length(); i++) { if (properties()->at(i)->IsNullPrototype()) { set_has_null_protoype(true); break; } } } int ObjectLiteral::InitDepthAndFlags() { if (is_initialized()) return depth(); bool is_simple = true; bool has_seen_prototype = false; bool needs_initial_allocation_site = false; int depth_acc = 1; uint32_t nof_properties = 0; uint32_t elements = 0; uint32_t max_element_index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < properties()->length(); i++) { ObjectLiteral::Property* property = properties()->at(i); if (property->IsPrototype()) { has_seen_prototype = true; // __proto__:null has no side-effects and is set directly on the // boilerplate. if (property->IsNullPrototype()) { set_has_null_protoype(true); continue; } DCHECK(!has_null_prototype()); is_simple = false; continue; } if (nof_properties == boilerplate_properties_) { DCHECK(property->is_computed_name()); is_simple = false; if (!has_seen_prototype) InitFlagsForPendingNullPrototype(i); break; } DCHECK(!property->is_computed_name()); MaterializedLiteral* literal = property->value()->AsMaterializedLiteral(); if (literal != nullptr) { int subliteral_depth = literal->InitDepthAndFlags() + 1; if (subliteral_depth > depth_acc) depth_acc = subliteral_depth; needs_initial_allocation_site |= literal->NeedsInitialAllocationSite(); } Literal* key = property->key()->AsLiteral(); Expression* value = property->value(); bool is_compile_time_value = value->IsCompileTimeValue(); is_simple = is_simple && is_compile_time_value; // Keep track of the number of elements in the object literal and // the largest element index. If the largest element index is // much larger than the number of elements, creating an object // literal with fast elements will be a waste of space. uint32_t element_index = 0; if (key->AsArrayIndex(&element_index)) { max_element_index = Max(element_index, max_element_index); elements++; } else { DCHECK(key->IsPropertyName()); } nof_properties++; } set_depth(depth_acc); set_is_simple(is_simple); set_needs_initial_allocation_site(needs_initial_allocation_site); set_has_elements(elements > 0); set_fast_elements((max_element_index <= 32) || ((2 * elements) >= max_element_index)); return depth_acc; } void ObjectLiteral::BuildBoilerplateDescription(Isolate* isolate) { if (!boilerplate_description_.is_null()) return; int index_keys = 0; bool has_seen_proto = false; for (int i = 0; i < properties()->length(); i++) { ObjectLiteral::Property* property = properties()->at(i); if (property->IsPrototype()) { has_seen_proto = true; continue; } if (property->is_computed_name()) continue; Literal* key = property->key()->AsLiteral(); if (!key->IsPropertyName()) index_keys++; } Handle<ObjectBoilerplateDescription> boilerplate_description = isolate->factory()->NewObjectBoilerplateDescription( boilerplate_properties_, properties()->length(), index_keys, has_seen_proto); int position = 0; for (int i = 0; i < properties()->length(); i++) { ObjectLiteral::Property* property = properties()->at(i); if (property->IsPrototype()) continue; if (static_cast<uint32_t>(position) == boilerplate_properties_) { DCHECK(property->is_computed_name()); break; } DCHECK(!property->is_computed_name()); MaterializedLiteral* m_literal = property->value()->AsMaterializedLiteral(); if (m_literal != nullptr) { m_literal->BuildConstants(isolate); } // Add CONSTANT and COMPUTED properties to boilerplate. Use undefined // value for COMPUTED properties, the real value is filled in at // runtime. The enumeration order is maintained. Literal* key_literal = property->key()->AsLiteral(); uint32_t element_index = 0; Handle<Object> key = key_literal->AsArrayIndex(&element_index) ? isolate->factory()->NewNumberFromUint(element_index) : Handle<Object>::cast(key_literal->AsRawPropertyName()->string()); Handle<Object> value = GetBoilerplateValue(property->value(), isolate); // Add name, value pair to the fixed array. boilerplate_description->set_key_value(position++, *key, *value); } boilerplate_description->set_flags(EncodeLiteralType()); boilerplate_description_ = boilerplate_description; } bool ObjectLiteral::IsFastCloningSupported() const { // The CreateShallowObjectLiteratal builtin doesn't copy elements, and object // literals don't support copy-on-write (COW) elements for now. // TODO(mvstanton): make object literals support COW elements. return fast_elements() && is_shallow() && properties_count() <= ConstructorBuiltins::kMaximumClonedShallowObjectProperties; } int ArrayLiteral::InitDepthAndFlags() { if (is_initialized()) return depth(); int constants_length = first_spread_index_ >= 0 ? first_spread_index_ : values()->length(); // Fill in the literals. bool is_simple = first_spread_index_ < 0; int depth_acc = 1; int array_index = 0; for (; array_index < constants_length; array_index++) { Expression* element = values()->at(array_index); MaterializedLiteral* literal = element->AsMaterializedLiteral(); if (literal != nullptr) { int subliteral_depth = literal->InitDepthAndFlags() + 1; if (subliteral_depth > depth_acc) depth_acc = subliteral_depth; } if (!element->IsCompileTimeValue()) { is_simple = false; } } set_depth(depth_acc); set_is_simple(is_simple); // Array literals always need an initial allocation site to properly track // elements transitions. set_needs_initial_allocation_site(true); return depth_acc; } void ArrayLiteral::BuildBoilerplateDescription(Isolate* isolate) { if (!boilerplate_description_.is_null()) return; int constants_length = first_spread_index_ >= 0 ? first_spread_index_ : values()->length(); ElementsKind kind = FIRST_FAST_ELEMENTS_KIND; Handle<FixedArray> fixed_array = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArrayWithHoles(constants_length); // Fill in the literals. bool is_holey = false; int array_index = 0; for (; array_index < constants_length; array_index++) { Expression* element = values()->at(array_index); DCHECK(!element->IsSpread()); MaterializedLiteral* m_literal = element->AsMaterializedLiteral(); if (m_literal != nullptr) { m_literal->BuildConstants(isolate); } // New handle scope here, needs to be after BuildContants(). HandleScope scope(isolate); Handle<Object> boilerplate_value = GetBoilerplateValue(element, isolate); if (boilerplate_value->IsTheHole(isolate)) { is_holey = true; continue; } if (boilerplate_value->IsUninitialized(isolate)) { boilerplate_value = handle(Smi::kZero, isolate); } kind = GetMoreGeneralElementsKind( kind, boilerplate_value->OptimalElementsKind(isolate)); fixed_array->set(array_index, *boilerplate_value); } if (is_holey) kind = GetHoleyElementsKind(kind); // Simple and shallow arrays can be lazily copied, we transform the // elements array to a copy-on-write array. if (is_simple() && depth() == 1 && array_index > 0 && IsSmiOrObjectElementsKind(kind)) { fixed_array->set_map(ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).fixed_cow_array_map()); } Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements = fixed_array; if (IsDoubleElementsKind(kind)) { ElementsAccessor* accessor = ElementsAccessor::ForKind(kind); elements = isolate->factory()->NewFixedDoubleArray(constants_length); // We are copying from non-fast-double to fast-double. ElementsKind from_kind = TERMINAL_FAST_ELEMENTS_KIND; accessor->CopyElements(isolate, fixed_array, from_kind, elements, constants_length); } boilerplate_description_ = isolate->factory()->NewArrayBoilerplateDescription(kind, elements); } bool ArrayLiteral::IsFastCloningSupported() const { return depth() <= 1 && values_.length() <= ConstructorBuiltins::kMaximumClonedShallowArrayElements; } bool MaterializedLiteral::IsSimple() const { if (IsArrayLiteral()) return AsArrayLiteral()->is_simple(); if (IsObjectLiteral()) return AsObjectLiteral()->is_simple(); DCHECK(IsRegExpLiteral()); return false; } Handle<Object> MaterializedLiteral::GetBoilerplateValue(Expression* expression, Isolate* isolate) { if (expression->IsLiteral()) { return expression->AsLiteral()->BuildValue(isolate); } if (expression->IsCompileTimeValue()) { if (expression->IsObjectLiteral()) { ObjectLiteral* object_literal = expression->AsObjectLiteral(); DCHECK(object_literal->is_simple()); return object_literal->boilerplate_description(); } else { DCHECK(expression->IsArrayLiteral()); ArrayLiteral* array_literal = expression->AsArrayLiteral(); DCHECK(array_literal->is_simple()); return array_literal->boilerplate_description(); } } return isolate->factory()->uninitialized_value(); } int MaterializedLiteral::InitDepthAndFlags() { if (IsArrayLiteral()) return AsArrayLiteral()->InitDepthAndFlags(); if (IsObjectLiteral()) return AsObjectLiteral()->InitDepthAndFlags(); DCHECK(IsRegExpLiteral()); return 1; } bool MaterializedLiteral::NeedsInitialAllocationSite() { if (IsArrayLiteral()) { return AsArrayLiteral()->needs_initial_allocation_site(); } if (IsObjectLiteral()) { return AsObjectLiteral()->needs_initial_allocation_site(); } DCHECK(IsRegExpLiteral()); return false; } void MaterializedLiteral::BuildConstants(Isolate* isolate) { if (IsArrayLiteral()) { AsArrayLiteral()->BuildBoilerplateDescription(isolate); return; } if (IsObjectLiteral()) { AsObjectLiteral()->BuildBoilerplateDescription(isolate); return; } DCHECK(IsRegExpLiteral()); } Handle<TemplateObjectDescription> GetTemplateObject::GetOrBuildDescription( Isolate* isolate) { Handle<FixedArray> raw_strings = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray( this->raw_strings()->length(), AllocationType::kOld); bool raw_and_cooked_match = true; for (int i = 0; i < raw_strings->length(); ++i) { if (this->cooked_strings()->at(i) == nullptr || *this->raw_strings()->at(i)->string() != *this->cooked_strings()->at(i)->string()) { raw_and_cooked_match = false; } raw_strings->set(i, *this->raw_strings()->at(i)->string()); } Handle<FixedArray> cooked_strings = raw_strings; if (!raw_and_cooked_match) { cooked_strings = isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray( this->cooked_strings()->length(), AllocationType::kOld); for (int i = 0; i < cooked_strings->length(); ++i) { if (this->cooked_strings()->at(i) != nullptr) { cooked_strings->set(i, *this->cooked_strings()->at(i)->string()); } else { cooked_strings->set(i, ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).undefined_value()); } } } return isolate->factory()->NewTemplateObjectDescription(raw_strings, cooked_strings); } static bool IsCommutativeOperationWithSmiLiteral(Token::Value op) { // Add is not commutative due to potential for string addition. return op == Token::MUL || op == Token::BIT_AND || op == Token::BIT_OR || op == Token::BIT_XOR; } // Check for the pattern: x + 1. static bool MatchSmiLiteralOperation(Expression* left, Expression* right, Expression** expr, Smi* literal) { if (right->IsSmiLiteral()) { *expr = left; *literal = right->AsLiteral()->AsSmiLiteral(); return true; } return false; } bool BinaryOperation::IsSmiLiteralOperation(Expression** subexpr, Smi* literal) { return MatchSmiLiteralOperation(left_, right_, subexpr, literal) || (IsCommutativeOperationWithSmiLiteral(op()) && MatchSmiLiteralOperation(right_, left_, subexpr, literal)); } static bool IsTypeof(Expression* expr) { UnaryOperation* maybe_unary = expr->AsUnaryOperation(); return maybe_unary != nullptr && maybe_unary->op() == Token::TYPEOF; } // Check for the pattern: typeof <expression> equals <string literal>. static bool MatchLiteralCompareTypeof(Expression* left, Token::Value op, Expression* right, Expression** expr, Literal** literal) { if (IsTypeof(left) && right->IsStringLiteral() && Token::IsEqualityOp(op)) { *expr = left->AsUnaryOperation()->expression(); *literal = right->AsLiteral(); return true; } return false; } bool CompareOperation::IsLiteralCompareTypeof(Expression** expr, Literal** literal) { return MatchLiteralCompareTypeof(left_, op(), right_, expr, literal) || MatchLiteralCompareTypeof(right_, op(), left_, expr, literal); } static bool IsVoidOfLiteral(Expression* expr) { UnaryOperation* maybe_unary = expr->AsUnaryOperation(); return maybe_unary != nullptr && maybe_unary->op() == Token::VOID && maybe_unary->expression()->IsLiteral(); } // Check for the pattern: void <literal> equals <expression> or // undefined equals <expression> static bool MatchLiteralCompareUndefined(Expression* left, Token::Value op, Expression* right, Expression** expr) { if (IsVoidOfLiteral(left) && Token::IsEqualityOp(op)) { *expr = right; return true; } if (left->IsUndefinedLiteral() && Token::IsEqualityOp(op)) { *expr = right; return true; } return false; } bool CompareOperation::IsLiteralCompareUndefined(Expression** expr) { return MatchLiteralCompareUndefined(left_, op(), right_, expr) || MatchLiteralCompareUndefined(right_, op(), left_, expr); } // Check for the pattern: null equals <expression> static bool MatchLiteralCompareNull(Expression* left, Token::Value op, Expression* right, Expression** expr) { if (left->IsNullLiteral() && Token::IsEqualityOp(op)) { *expr = right; return true; } return false; } bool CompareOperation::IsLiteralCompareNull(Expression** expr) { return MatchLiteralCompareNull(left_, op(), right_, expr) || MatchLiteralCompareNull(right_, op(), left_, expr); } Call::CallType Call::GetCallType() const { VariableProxy* proxy = expression()->AsVariableProxy(); if (proxy != nullptr) { if (proxy->var()->IsUnallocated()) { return GLOBAL_CALL; } else if (proxy->var()->IsLookupSlot()) { // Calls going through 'with' always use VariableMode::kDynamic rather // than VariableMode::kDynamicLocal or VariableMode::kDynamicGlobal. return proxy->var()->mode() == VariableMode::kDynamic ? WITH_CALL : OTHER_CALL; } } if (expression()->IsSuperCallReference()) return SUPER_CALL; Property* property = expression()->AsProperty(); if (property != nullptr) { if (property->IsPrivateReference()) { return PRIVATE_CALL; } bool is_super = property->IsSuperAccess(); if (property->key()->IsPropertyName()) { return is_super ? NAMED_SUPER_PROPERTY_CALL : NAMED_PROPERTY_CALL; } else { return is_super ? KEYED_SUPER_PROPERTY_CALL : KEYED_PROPERTY_CALL; } } if (expression()->IsResolvedProperty()) { return RESOLVED_PROPERTY_CALL; } return OTHER_CALL; } CaseClause::CaseClause(Zone* zone, Expression* label, const ScopedPtrList<Statement>& statements) : label_(label), statements_(0, nullptr) { statements.CopyTo(&statements_, zone); } bool Literal::IsPropertyName() const { if (type() != kString) return false; uint32_t index; return !string_->AsArrayIndex(&index); } bool Literal::ToUint32(uint32_t* value) const { switch (type()) { case kString: return string_->AsArrayIndex(value); case kSmi: if (smi_ < 0) return false; *value = static_cast<uint32_t>(smi_); return true; case kHeapNumber: return DoubleToUint32IfEqualToSelf(AsNumber(), value); default: return false; } } bool Literal::AsArrayIndex(uint32_t* value) const { return ToUint32(value) && *value != kMaxUInt32; } Handle<Object> Literal::BuildValue(Isolate* isolate) const { switch (type()) { case kSmi: return handle(Smi::FromInt(smi_), isolate); case kHeapNumber: return isolate->factory()->NewNumber<AllocationType::kOld>(number_); case kString: return string_->string(); case kSymbol: return isolate->factory()->home_object_symbol(); case kBoolean: return isolate->factory()->ToBoolean(boolean_); case kNull: return isolate->factory()->null_value(); case kUndefined: return isolate->factory()->undefined_value(); case kTheHole: return isolate->factory()->the_hole_value(); case kBigInt: // This should never fail: the parser will never create a BigInt // literal that cannot be allocated. return BigIntLiteral(isolate, bigint_.c_str()).ToHandleChecked(); } UNREACHABLE(); } bool Literal::ToBooleanIsTrue() const { switch (type()) { case kSmi: return smi_ != 0; case kHeapNumber: return DoubleToBoolean(number_); case kString: return !string_->IsEmpty(); case kNull: case kUndefined: return false; case kBoolean: return boolean_; case kBigInt: { const char* bigint_str = bigint_.c_str(); size_t length = strlen(bigint_str); DCHECK_GT(length, 0); if (length == 1 && bigint_str[0] == '0') return false; // Skip over any radix prefix; BigInts with length > 1 only // begin with zero if they include a radix. for (size_t i = (bigint_str[0] == '0') ? 2 : 0; i < length; ++i) { if (bigint_str[i] != '0') return true; } return false; } case kSymbol: return true; case kTheHole: UNREACHABLE(); } UNREACHABLE(); } uint32_t Literal::Hash() { return IsString() ? AsRawString()->Hash() : ComputeLongHash(double_to_uint64(AsNumber())); } // static bool Literal::Match(void* a, void* b) { Literal* x = static_cast<Literal*>(a); Literal* y = static_cast<Literal*>(b); return (x->IsString() && y->IsString() && x->AsRawString() == y->AsRawString()) || (x->IsNumber() && y->IsNumber() && x->AsNumber() == y->AsNumber()); } Literal* AstNodeFactory::NewNumberLiteral(double number, int pos) { int int_value; if (DoubleToSmiInteger(number, &int_value)) { return NewSmiLiteral(int_value, pos); } return new (zone_) Literal(number, pos); } const char* CallRuntime::debug_name() { #ifdef DEBUG return is_jsruntime() ? NameForNativeContextIntrinsicIndex(context_index_) : function_->name; #else return is_jsruntime() ? "(context function)" : function_->name; #endif // DEBUG } #define RETURN_LABELS(NodeType) \ case k##NodeType: \ return static_cast<const NodeType*>(this)->labels(); ZonePtrList<const AstRawString>* BreakableStatement::labels() const { switch (node_type()) { BREAKABLE_NODE_LIST(RETURN_LABELS) ITERATION_NODE_LIST(RETURN_LABELS) default: UNREACHABLE(); } } #undef RETURN_LABELS } // namespace internal } // namespace v8