// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/profiler/profile-generator.h" #include <algorithm> #include "include/v8-profiler.h" #include "src/base/lazy-instance.h" #include "src/codegen/source-position.h" #include "src/objects/shared-function-info-inl.h" #include "src/profiler/cpu-profiler.h" #include "src/profiler/profile-generator-inl.h" #include "src/profiler/profiler-stats.h" #include "src/tracing/trace-event.h" #include "src/tracing/traced-value.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { void SourcePositionTable::SetPosition(int pc_offset, int line, int inlining_id) { DCHECK_GE(pc_offset, 0); DCHECK_GT(line, 0); // The 1-based number of the source line. // It's possible that we map multiple source positions to a pc_offset in // optimized code. Usually these map to the same line, so there is no // difference here as we only store line number and not line/col in the form // of a script offset. Ignore any subsequent sets to the same offset. if (!pc_offsets_to_lines_.empty() && pc_offsets_to_lines_.back().pc_offset == pc_offset) { return; } // Check that we are inserting in ascending order, so that the vector remains // sorted. DCHECK(pc_offsets_to_lines_.empty() || pc_offsets_to_lines_.back().pc_offset < pc_offset); if (pc_offsets_to_lines_.empty() || pc_offsets_to_lines_.back().line_number != line || pc_offsets_to_lines_.back().inlining_id != inlining_id) { pc_offsets_to_lines_.push_back({pc_offset, line, inlining_id}); } } int SourcePositionTable::GetSourceLineNumber(int pc_offset) const { if (pc_offsets_to_lines_.empty()) { return v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo; } auto it = std::lower_bound( pc_offsets_to_lines_.begin(), pc_offsets_to_lines_.end(), SourcePositionTuple{pc_offset, 0, SourcePosition::kNotInlined}); if (it != pc_offsets_to_lines_.begin()) --it; return it->line_number; } int SourcePositionTable::GetInliningId(int pc_offset) const { if (pc_offsets_to_lines_.empty()) { return SourcePosition::kNotInlined; } auto it = std::lower_bound( pc_offsets_to_lines_.begin(), pc_offsets_to_lines_.end(), SourcePositionTuple{pc_offset, 0, SourcePosition::kNotInlined}); if (it != pc_offsets_to_lines_.begin()) --it; return it->inlining_id; } size_t SourcePositionTable::Size() const { return sizeof(*this) + pc_offsets_to_lines_.capacity() * sizeof(decltype(pc_offsets_to_lines_)::value_type); } void SourcePositionTable::print() const { base::OS::Print(" - source position table at %p\n", this); for (const SourcePositionTuple& pos_info : pc_offsets_to_lines_) { base::OS::Print(" %d --> line_number: %d inlining_id: %d\n", pos_info.pc_offset, pos_info.line_number, pos_info.inlining_id); } } const char* const CodeEntry::kEmptyResourceName = ""; const char* const CodeEntry::kEmptyBailoutReason = ""; const char* const CodeEntry::kNoDeoptReason = ""; const char* const CodeEntry::kProgramEntryName = "(program)"; const char* const CodeEntry::kIdleEntryName = "(idle)"; const char* const CodeEntry::kGarbageCollectorEntryName = "(garbage collector)"; const char* const CodeEntry::kUnresolvedFunctionName = "(unresolved function)"; const char* const CodeEntry::kRootEntryName = "(root)"; // static CodeEntry* CodeEntry::program_entry() { static base::LeakyObject<CodeEntry> kProgramEntry( CodeEventListener::FUNCTION_TAG, CodeEntry::kProgramEntryName, CodeEntry::kEmptyResourceName, v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo, v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoColumnNumberInfo, nullptr, false, CodeEntry::CodeType::OTHER); return kProgramEntry.get(); } // static CodeEntry* CodeEntry::idle_entry() { static base::LeakyObject<CodeEntry> kIdleEntry( CodeEventListener::FUNCTION_TAG, CodeEntry::kIdleEntryName, CodeEntry::kEmptyResourceName, v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo, v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoColumnNumberInfo, nullptr, false, CodeEntry::CodeType::OTHER); return kIdleEntry.get(); } // static CodeEntry* CodeEntry::gc_entry() { static base::LeakyObject<CodeEntry> kGcEntry( CodeEventListener::BUILTIN_TAG, CodeEntry::kGarbageCollectorEntryName, CodeEntry::kEmptyResourceName, v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo, v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoColumnNumberInfo, nullptr, false, CodeEntry::CodeType::OTHER); return kGcEntry.get(); } // static CodeEntry* CodeEntry::unresolved_entry() { static base::LeakyObject<CodeEntry> kUnresolvedEntry( CodeEventListener::FUNCTION_TAG, CodeEntry::kUnresolvedFunctionName, CodeEntry::kEmptyResourceName, v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo, v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoColumnNumberInfo, nullptr, false, CodeEntry::CodeType::OTHER); return kUnresolvedEntry.get(); } // static CodeEntry* CodeEntry::root_entry() { static base::LeakyObject<CodeEntry> kRootEntry( CodeEventListener::FUNCTION_TAG, CodeEntry::kRootEntryName, CodeEntry::kEmptyResourceName, v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo, v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoColumnNumberInfo, nullptr, false, CodeEntry::CodeType::OTHER); return kRootEntry.get(); } uint32_t CodeEntry::GetHash() const { uint32_t hash = 0; if (script_id_ != v8::UnboundScript::kNoScriptId) { hash ^= ComputeUnseededHash(static_cast<uint32_t>(script_id_)); hash ^= ComputeUnseededHash(static_cast<uint32_t>(position_)); } else { hash ^= ComputeUnseededHash( static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(name_))); hash ^= ComputeUnseededHash( static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(resource_name_))); hash ^= ComputeUnseededHash(line_number_); } return hash; } bool CodeEntry::IsSameFunctionAs(const CodeEntry* entry) const { if (this == entry) return true; if (script_id_ != v8::UnboundScript::kNoScriptId) { return script_id_ == entry->script_id_ && position_ == entry->position_; } return name_ == entry->name_ && resource_name_ == entry->resource_name_ && line_number_ == entry->line_number_; } void CodeEntry::SetBuiltinId(Builtin id) { bit_field_ = TagField::update(bit_field_, CodeEventListener::BUILTIN_TAG); bit_field_ = BuiltinField::update(bit_field_, id); } int CodeEntry::GetSourceLine(int pc_offset) const { if (line_info_) return line_info_->GetSourceLineNumber(pc_offset); return v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo; } void CodeEntry::SetInlineStacks( std::unordered_set<CodeEntry*, Hasher, Equals> inline_entries, std::unordered_map<int, std::vector<CodeEntryAndLineNumber>> inline_stacks) { EnsureRareData()->inline_entries_ = std::move(inline_entries); rare_data_->inline_stacks_ = std::move(inline_stacks); } const std::vector<CodeEntryAndLineNumber>* CodeEntry::GetInlineStack( int pc_offset) const { if (!line_info_) return nullptr; int inlining_id = line_info_->GetInliningId(pc_offset); if (inlining_id == SourcePosition::kNotInlined) return nullptr; DCHECK(rare_data_); auto it = rare_data_->inline_stacks_.find(inlining_id); return it != rare_data_->inline_stacks_.end() ? &it->second : nullptr; } void CodeEntry::set_deopt_info( const char* deopt_reason, int deopt_id, std::vector<CpuProfileDeoptFrame> inlined_frames) { RareData* rare_data = EnsureRareData(); rare_data->deopt_reason_ = deopt_reason; rare_data->deopt_id_ = deopt_id; rare_data->deopt_inlined_frames_ = std::move(inlined_frames); } void CodeEntry::FillFunctionInfo(SharedFunctionInfo shared) { if (!shared.script().IsScript()) return; Script script = Script::cast(shared.script()); set_script_id(script.id()); set_position(shared.StartPosition()); if (shared.optimization_disabled()) { set_bailout_reason(GetBailoutReason(shared.disabled_optimization_reason())); } } size_t CodeEntry::EstimatedSize() const { size_t estimated_size = 0; if (rare_data_) { estimated_size += sizeof(rare_data_.get()); for (const auto& inline_entry : rare_data_->inline_entries_) { estimated_size += inline_entry->EstimatedSize(); } estimated_size += rare_data_->inline_entries_.size() * sizeof(decltype(rare_data_->inline_entries_)::value_type); for (const auto& inline_stack_pair : rare_data_->inline_stacks_) { estimated_size += inline_stack_pair.second.size() * sizeof(decltype(inline_stack_pair.second)::value_type); } estimated_size += rare_data_->inline_stacks_.size() * (sizeof(decltype(rare_data_->inline_stacks_)::key_type) + sizeof(decltype(rare_data_->inline_stacks_)::value_type)); estimated_size += rare_data_->deopt_inlined_frames_.capacity() * sizeof(decltype(rare_data_->deopt_inlined_frames_)::value_type); } if (line_info_) { estimated_size += line_info_.get()->Size(); } return sizeof(*this) + estimated_size; } CpuProfileDeoptInfo CodeEntry::GetDeoptInfo() { DCHECK(has_deopt_info()); CpuProfileDeoptInfo info; info.deopt_reason = rare_data_->deopt_reason_; DCHECK_NE(kNoDeoptimizationId, rare_data_->deopt_id_); if (rare_data_->deopt_inlined_frames_.empty()) { info.stack.push_back(CpuProfileDeoptFrame( {script_id_, static_cast<size_t>(std::max(0, position()))})); } else { info.stack = rare_data_->deopt_inlined_frames_; } return info; } CodeEntry::RareData* CodeEntry::EnsureRareData() { if (!rare_data_) { rare_data_.reset(new RareData()); } return rare_data_.get(); } void CodeEntry::ReleaseStrings(StringsStorage& strings) { DCHECK_EQ(ref_count_, 0UL); if (name_) { strings.Release(name_); name_ = nullptr; } if (resource_name_) { strings.Release(resource_name_); resource_name_ = nullptr; } } void CodeEntry::print() const { base::OS::Print("CodeEntry: at %p\n", this); base::OS::Print(" - name: %s\n", name_); base::OS::Print(" - resource_name: %s\n", resource_name_); base::OS::Print(" - line_number: %d\n", line_number_); base::OS::Print(" - column_number: %d\n", column_number_); base::OS::Print(" - script_id: %d\n", script_id_); base::OS::Print(" - position: %d\n", position_); if (line_info_) { line_info_->print(); } if (rare_data_) { base::OS::Print(" - deopt_reason: %s\n", rare_data_->deopt_reason_); base::OS::Print(" - bailout_reason: %s\n", rare_data_->bailout_reason_); base::OS::Print(" - deopt_id: %d\n", rare_data_->deopt_id_); if (!rare_data_->inline_stacks_.empty()) { base::OS::Print(" - inline stacks:\n"); for (auto it = rare_data_->inline_stacks_.begin(); it != rare_data_->inline_stacks_.end(); it++) { base::OS::Print(" inlining_id: [%d]\n", it->first); for (const auto& e : it->second) { base::OS::Print(" %s --> %d\n", e.code_entry->name(), e.line_number); } } } else { base::OS::Print(" - inline stacks: (empty)\n"); } if (!rare_data_->deopt_inlined_frames_.empty()) { base::OS::Print(" - deopt inlined frames:\n"); for (const CpuProfileDeoptFrame& frame : rare_data_->deopt_inlined_frames_) { base::OS::Print("script_id: %d position: %zu\n", frame.script_id, frame.position); } } else { base::OS::Print(" - deopt inlined frames: (empty)\n"); } } base::OS::Print("\n"); } ProfileNode::~ProfileNode() { if (tree_->code_entries()) tree_->code_entries()->DecRef(entry_); } CpuProfileNode::SourceType ProfileNode::source_type() const { // Handle metadata and VM state code entry types. if (entry_ == CodeEntry::program_entry() || entry_ == CodeEntry::idle_entry() || entry_ == CodeEntry::gc_entry() || entry_ == CodeEntry::root_entry()) { return CpuProfileNode::kInternal; } if (entry_ == CodeEntry::unresolved_entry()) return CpuProfileNode::kUnresolved; // Otherwise, resolve based on logger tag. switch (entry_->tag()) { case CodeEventListener::EVAL_TAG: case CodeEventListener::SCRIPT_TAG: case CodeEventListener::LAZY_COMPILE_TAG: case CodeEventListener::FUNCTION_TAG: return CpuProfileNode::kScript; case CodeEventListener::BUILTIN_TAG: case CodeEventListener::HANDLER_TAG: case CodeEventListener::BYTECODE_HANDLER_TAG: case CodeEventListener::NATIVE_FUNCTION_TAG: case CodeEventListener::NATIVE_SCRIPT_TAG: case CodeEventListener::NATIVE_LAZY_COMPILE_TAG: return CpuProfileNode::kBuiltin; case CodeEventListener::CALLBACK_TAG: return CpuProfileNode::kCallback; case CodeEventListener::REG_EXP_TAG: case CodeEventListener::STUB_TAG: case CodeEventListener::CODE_CREATION_EVENT: case CodeEventListener::CODE_DISABLE_OPT_EVENT: case CodeEventListener::CODE_MOVE_EVENT: case CodeEventListener::CODE_DELETE_EVENT: case CodeEventListener::CODE_MOVING_GC: case CodeEventListener::SHARED_FUNC_MOVE_EVENT: case CodeEventListener::SNAPSHOT_CODE_NAME_EVENT: case CodeEventListener::TICK_EVENT: case CodeEventListener::NUMBER_OF_LOG_EVENTS: return CpuProfileNode::kInternal; } } void ProfileNode::CollectDeoptInfo(CodeEntry* entry) { deopt_infos_.push_back(entry->GetDeoptInfo()); entry->clear_deopt_info(); } ProfileNode* ProfileNode::FindChild(CodeEntry* entry, int line_number) { auto map_entry = children_.find({entry, line_number}); return map_entry != children_.end() ? map_entry->second : nullptr; } ProfileNode* ProfileNode::FindOrAddChild(CodeEntry* entry, int line_number) { auto map_entry = children_.find({entry, line_number}); if (map_entry == children_.end()) { ProfileNode* node = new ProfileNode(tree_, entry, this, line_number); children_[{entry, line_number}] = node; children_list_.push_back(node); return node; } else { return map_entry->second; } } void ProfileNode::IncrementLineTicks(int src_line) { if (src_line == v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo) return; // Increment a hit counter of a certain source line. // Add a new source line if not found. auto map_entry = line_ticks_.find(src_line); if (map_entry == line_ticks_.end()) { line_ticks_[src_line] = 1; } else { line_ticks_[src_line]++; } } bool ProfileNode::GetLineTicks(v8::CpuProfileNode::LineTick* entries, unsigned int length) const { if (entries == nullptr || length == 0) return false; unsigned line_count = static_cast<unsigned>(line_ticks_.size()); if (line_count == 0) return true; if (length < line_count) return false; v8::CpuProfileNode::LineTick* entry = entries; for (auto p = line_ticks_.begin(); p != line_ticks_.end(); p++, entry++) { entry->line = p->first; entry->hit_count = p->second; } return true; } void ProfileNode::Print(int indent) const { int line_number = line_number_ != 0 ? line_number_ : entry_->line_number(); base::OS::Print("%5u %*s %s:%d %d %d #%d", self_ticks_, indent, "", entry_->name(), line_number, source_type(), entry_->script_id(), id()); if (entry_->resource_name()[0] != '\0') base::OS::Print(" %s:%d", entry_->resource_name(), entry_->line_number()); base::OS::Print("\n"); for (const CpuProfileDeoptInfo& info : deopt_infos_) { base::OS::Print( "%*s;;; deopted at script_id: %d position: %zu with reason '%s'.\n", indent + 10, "", info.stack[0].script_id, info.stack[0].position, info.deopt_reason); for (size_t index = 1; index < info.stack.size(); ++index) { base::OS::Print("%*s;;; Inline point: script_id %d position: %zu.\n", indent + 10, "", info.stack[index].script_id, info.stack[index].position); } } const char* bailout_reason = entry_->bailout_reason(); if (bailout_reason != GetBailoutReason(BailoutReason::kNoReason) && bailout_reason != CodeEntry::kEmptyBailoutReason) { base::OS::Print("%*s bailed out due to '%s'\n", indent + 10, "", bailout_reason); } for (auto child : children_) { child.second->Print(indent + 2); } } class DeleteNodesCallback { public: void BeforeTraversingChild(ProfileNode*, ProfileNode*) { } void AfterAllChildrenTraversed(ProfileNode* node) { delete node; } void AfterChildTraversed(ProfileNode*, ProfileNode*) { } }; ProfileTree::ProfileTree(Isolate* isolate, CodeEntryStorage* storage) : next_node_id_(1), isolate_(isolate), code_entries_(storage), root_(new ProfileNode(this, CodeEntry::root_entry(), nullptr)) {} ProfileTree::~ProfileTree() { DeleteNodesCallback cb; TraverseDepthFirst(&cb); } ProfileNode* ProfileTree::AddPathFromEnd(const std::vector<CodeEntry*>& path, int src_line, bool update_stats) { ProfileNode* node = root_; CodeEntry* last_entry = nullptr; for (auto it = path.rbegin(); it != path.rend(); ++it) { if (*it == nullptr) continue; last_entry = *it; node = node->FindOrAddChild(*it, v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo); } if (last_entry && last_entry->has_deopt_info()) { node->CollectDeoptInfo(last_entry); } if (update_stats) { node->IncrementSelfTicks(); if (src_line != v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo) { node->IncrementLineTicks(src_line); } } return node; } ProfileNode* ProfileTree::AddPathFromEnd(const ProfileStackTrace& path, int src_line, bool update_stats, ProfilingMode mode) { ProfileNode* node = root_; CodeEntry* last_entry = nullptr; int parent_line_number = v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo; for (auto it = path.rbegin(); it != path.rend(); ++it) { if (it->code_entry == nullptr) continue; last_entry = it->code_entry; node = node->FindOrAddChild(it->code_entry, parent_line_number); parent_line_number = mode == ProfilingMode::kCallerLineNumbers ? it->line_number : v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo; } if (last_entry && last_entry->has_deopt_info()) { node->CollectDeoptInfo(last_entry); } if (update_stats) { node->IncrementSelfTicks(); if (src_line != v8::CpuProfileNode::kNoLineNumberInfo) { node->IncrementLineTicks(src_line); } } return node; } class Position { public: explicit Position(ProfileNode* node) : node(node), child_idx_(0) { } V8_INLINE ProfileNode* current_child() { return node->children()->at(child_idx_); } V8_INLINE bool has_current_child() { return child_idx_ < static_cast<int>(node->children()->size()); } V8_INLINE void next_child() { ++child_idx_; } ProfileNode* node; private: int child_idx_; }; // Non-recursive implementation of a depth-first post-order tree traversal. template <typename Callback> void ProfileTree::TraverseDepthFirst(Callback* callback) { std::vector<Position> stack; stack.emplace_back(root_); while (stack.size() > 0) { Position& current = stack.back(); if (current.has_current_child()) { callback->BeforeTraversingChild(current.node, current.current_child()); stack.emplace_back(current.current_child()); } else { callback->AfterAllChildrenTraversed(current.node); if (stack.size() > 1) { Position& parent = stack[stack.size() - 2]; callback->AfterChildTraversed(parent.node, current.node); parent.next_child(); } // Remove child from the stack. stack.pop_back(); } } } void ContextFilter::OnMoveEvent(Address from_address, Address to_address) { if (native_context_address() != from_address) return; set_native_context_address(to_address); } using v8::tracing::TracedValue; std::atomic<uint32_t> CpuProfile::last_id_; CpuProfile::CpuProfile(CpuProfiler* profiler, const char* title, CpuProfilingOptions options, std::unique_ptr<DiscardedSamplesDelegate> delegate) : title_(title), options_(options), delegate_(std::move(delegate)), start_time_(base::TimeTicks::HighResolutionNow()), top_down_(profiler->isolate(), profiler->code_entries()), profiler_(profiler), streaming_next_sample_(0), id_(++last_id_) { // The startTime timestamp is not converted to Perfetto's clock domain and // will get out of sync with other timestamps Perfetto knows about, including // the automatic trace event "ts" timestamp. startTime is included for // backward compatibility with the tracing protocol but the value of "ts" // should be used instead (it is recorded nearly immediately after). auto value = TracedValue::Create(); value->SetDouble("startTime", start_time_.since_origin().InMicroseconds()); TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLE_WITH_ID1(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("v8.cpu_profiler"), "Profile", id_, "data", std::move(value)); DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; if (options_.has_filter_context()) { i::Address raw_filter_context = reinterpret_cast<i::Address>(options_.raw_filter_context()); context_filter_.set_native_context_address(raw_filter_context); } } bool CpuProfile::CheckSubsample(base::TimeDelta source_sampling_interval) { DCHECK_GE(source_sampling_interval, base::TimeDelta()); // If the sampling source's sampling interval is 0, record as many samples // are possible irrespective of the profile's sampling interval. Manually // taken samples (via CollectSample) fall into this case as well. if (source_sampling_interval.IsZero()) return true; next_sample_delta_ -= source_sampling_interval; if (next_sample_delta_ <= base::TimeDelta()) { next_sample_delta_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(options_.sampling_interval_us()); return true; } return false; } void CpuProfile::AddPath(base::TimeTicks timestamp, const ProfileStackTrace& path, int src_line, bool update_stats, base::TimeDelta sampling_interval, StateTag state_tag, EmbedderStateTag embedder_state_tag) { if (!CheckSubsample(sampling_interval)) return; ProfileNode* top_frame_node = top_down_.AddPathFromEnd(path, src_line, update_stats, options_.mode()); bool should_record_sample = !timestamp.IsNull() && timestamp >= start_time_ && (options_.max_samples() == CpuProfilingOptions::kNoSampleLimit || samples_.size() < options_.max_samples()); if (should_record_sample) { samples_.push_back( {top_frame_node, timestamp, src_line, state_tag, embedder_state_tag}); } if (!should_record_sample && delegate_ != nullptr) { const auto task_runner = V8::GetCurrentPlatform()->GetForegroundTaskRunner( reinterpret_cast<v8::Isolate*>(profiler_->isolate())); task_runner->PostTask(std::make_unique<CpuProfileMaxSamplesCallbackTask>( std::move(delegate_))); // std::move ensures that the delegate_ will be null on the next sample, // so we don't post a task multiple times. } const int kSamplesFlushCount = 100; const int kNodesFlushCount = 10; if (samples_.size() - streaming_next_sample_ >= kSamplesFlushCount || top_down_.pending_nodes_count() >= kNodesFlushCount) { StreamPendingTraceEvents(); } } namespace { void BuildNodeValue(const ProfileNode* node, TracedValue* value) { const CodeEntry* entry = node->entry(); value->BeginDictionary("callFrame"); value->SetString("functionName", entry->name()); if (*entry->resource_name()) { value->SetString("url", entry->resource_name()); } value->SetInteger("scriptId", entry->script_id()); if (entry->line_number()) { value->SetInteger("lineNumber", entry->line_number() - 1); } if (entry->column_number()) { value->SetInteger("columnNumber", entry->column_number() - 1); } value->SetString("codeType", entry->code_type_string()); value->EndDictionary(); value->SetInteger("id", node->id()); if (node->parent()) { value->SetInteger("parent", node->parent()->id()); } const char* deopt_reason = entry->bailout_reason(); if (deopt_reason && deopt_reason[0] && strcmp(deopt_reason, "no reason")) { value->SetString("deoptReason", deopt_reason); } } } // namespace void CpuProfile::StreamPendingTraceEvents() { std::vector<const ProfileNode*> pending_nodes = top_down_.TakePendingNodes(); if (pending_nodes.empty() && samples_.empty()) return; auto value = TracedValue::Create(); if (!pending_nodes.empty() || streaming_next_sample_ != samples_.size()) { value->BeginDictionary("cpuProfile"); if (!pending_nodes.empty()) { value->BeginArray("nodes"); for (auto node : pending_nodes) { value->BeginDictionary(); BuildNodeValue(node, value.get()); value->EndDictionary(); } value->EndArray(); } if (streaming_next_sample_ != samples_.size()) { value->BeginArray("samples"); for (size_t i = streaming_next_sample_; i < samples_.size(); ++i) { value->AppendInteger(samples_[i].node->id()); } value->EndArray(); } value->EndDictionary(); } if (streaming_next_sample_ != samples_.size()) { // timeDeltas are computed within CLOCK_MONOTONIC. However, trace event // "ts" timestamps are converted to CLOCK_BOOTTIME by Perfetto. To get // absolute timestamps in CLOCK_BOOTTIME from timeDeltas, add them to // the "ts" timestamp from the initial "Profile" trace event sent by // CpuProfile::CpuProfile(). // // Note that if the system is suspended and resumed while samples_ is // captured, timeDeltas derived after resume will not be convertible to // correct CLOCK_BOOTTIME time values (for instance, producing // CLOCK_BOOTTIME time values in the middle of the suspended period). value->BeginArray("timeDeltas"); base::TimeTicks lastTimestamp = streaming_next_sample_ ? samples_[streaming_next_sample_ - 1].timestamp : start_time(); for (size_t i = streaming_next_sample_; i < samples_.size(); ++i) { value->AppendInteger(static_cast<int>( (samples_[i].timestamp - lastTimestamp).InMicroseconds())); lastTimestamp = samples_[i].timestamp; } value->EndArray(); bool has_non_zero_lines = std::any_of(samples_.begin() + streaming_next_sample_, samples_.end(), [](const SampleInfo& sample) { return sample.line != 0; }); if (has_non_zero_lines) { value->BeginArray("lines"); for (size_t i = streaming_next_sample_; i < samples_.size(); ++i) { value->AppendInteger(samples_[i].line); } value->EndArray(); } streaming_next_sample_ = samples_.size(); } TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLE_WITH_ID1(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("v8.cpu_profiler"), "ProfileChunk", id_, "data", std::move(value)); } void CpuProfile::FinishProfile() { end_time_ = base::TimeTicks::HighResolutionNow(); // Stop tracking context movements after profiling stops. context_filter_.set_native_context_address(kNullAddress); StreamPendingTraceEvents(); auto value = TracedValue::Create(); // The endTime timestamp is not converted to Perfetto's clock domain and will // get out of sync with other timestamps Perfetto knows about, including the // automatic trace event "ts" timestamp. endTime is included for backward // compatibility with the tracing protocol: its presence in "data" is used by // devtools to identify the last ProfileChunk but the value of "ts" should be // used instead (it is recorded nearly immediately after). value->SetDouble("endTime", end_time_.since_origin().InMicroseconds()); TRACE_EVENT_SAMPLE_WITH_ID1(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("v8.cpu_profiler"), "ProfileChunk", id_, "data", std::move(value)); } void CpuProfile::Print() const { base::OS::Print("[Top down]:\n"); top_down_.Print(); ProfilerStats::Instance()->Print(); ProfilerStats::Instance()->Clear(); } void CodeEntryStorage::AddRef(CodeEntry* entry) { if (entry->is_ref_counted()) entry->AddRef(); } void CodeEntryStorage::DecRef(CodeEntry* entry) { if (entry->is_ref_counted() && entry->DecRef() == 0) { if (entry->rare_data_) { for (auto* inline_entry : entry->rare_data_->inline_entries_) { DecRef(inline_entry); } } entry->ReleaseStrings(function_and_resource_names_); delete entry; } } CodeMap::CodeMap(CodeEntryStorage& storage) : code_entries_(storage) {} CodeMap::~CodeMap() { Clear(); } void CodeMap::Clear() { for (auto& slot : code_map_) { if (CodeEntry* entry = slot.second.entry) { code_entries_.DecRef(entry); } else { // We expect all entries in the code mapping to contain a CodeEntry. UNREACHABLE(); } } code_map_.clear(); } void CodeMap::AddCode(Address addr, CodeEntry* entry, unsigned size) { code_map_.emplace(addr, CodeEntryMapInfo{entry, size}); entry->set_instruction_start(addr); } bool CodeMap::RemoveCode(CodeEntry* entry) { auto range = code_map_.equal_range(entry->instruction_start()); for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { if (i->second.entry == entry) { code_entries_.DecRef(entry); code_map_.erase(i); return true; } } return false; } void CodeMap::ClearCodesInRange(Address start, Address end) { auto left = code_map_.upper_bound(start); if (left != code_map_.begin()) { --left; if (left->first + left->second.size <= start) ++left; } auto right = left; for (; right != code_map_.end() && right->first < end; ++right) { code_entries_.DecRef(right->second.entry); } code_map_.erase(left, right); } CodeEntry* CodeMap::FindEntry(Address addr, Address* out_instruction_start) { // Note that an address may correspond to multiple CodeEntry objects. An // arbitrary selection is made (as per multimap spec) in the event of a // collision. auto it = code_map_.upper_bound(addr); if (it == code_map_.begin()) return nullptr; --it; Address start_address = it->first; Address end_address = start_address + it->second.size; CodeEntry* ret = addr < end_address ? it->second.entry : nullptr; DCHECK(!ret || (addr >= start_address && addr < end_address)); if (ret && out_instruction_start) *out_instruction_start = start_address; return ret; } void CodeMap::MoveCode(Address from, Address to) { if (from == to) return; auto range = code_map_.equal_range(from); // Instead of iterating until |range.second|, iterate the number of elements. // This is because the |range.second| may no longer be the element past the // end of the equal elements range after insertions. size_t distance = std::distance(range.first, range.second); auto it = range.first; while (distance--) { CodeEntryMapInfo& info = it->second; DCHECK(info.entry); DCHECK_EQ(info.entry->instruction_start(), from); info.entry->set_instruction_start(to); DCHECK(from + info.size <= to || to + info.size <= from); code_map_.emplace(to, info); it++; } code_map_.erase(range.first, it); } void CodeMap::Print() { for (const auto& pair : code_map_) { base::OS::Print("%p %5d %s\n", reinterpret_cast<void*>(pair.first), pair.second.size, pair.second.entry->name()); } } size_t CodeMap::GetEstimatedMemoryUsage() const { size_t map_size = 0; for (const auto& pair : code_map_) { map_size += sizeof(pair.first) + sizeof(pair.second) + pair.second.entry->EstimatedSize(); } return sizeof(*this) + map_size; } CpuProfilesCollection::CpuProfilesCollection(Isolate* isolate) : profiler_(nullptr), current_profiles_semaphore_(1) {} CpuProfilingStatus CpuProfilesCollection::StartProfiling( const char* title, CpuProfilingOptions options, std::unique_ptr<DiscardedSamplesDelegate> delegate) { current_profiles_semaphore_.Wait(); if (static_cast<int>(current_profiles_.size()) >= kMaxSimultaneousProfiles) { current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal(); return CpuProfilingStatus::kErrorTooManyProfilers; } for (const std::unique_ptr<CpuProfile>& profile : current_profiles_) { if (strcmp(profile->title(), title) == 0) { // Ignore attempts to start profile with the same title... current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal(); // ... though return kAlreadyStarted to force it collect a sample. return CpuProfilingStatus::kAlreadyStarted; } } current_profiles_.emplace_back( new CpuProfile(profiler_, title, options, std::move(delegate))); current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal(); return CpuProfilingStatus::kStarted; } CpuProfile* CpuProfilesCollection::StopProfiling(const char* title) { const bool empty_title = (title[0] == '\0'); CpuProfile* profile = nullptr; current_profiles_semaphore_.Wait(); auto it = std::find_if(current_profiles_.rbegin(), current_profiles_.rend(), [&](const std::unique_ptr<CpuProfile>& p) { return empty_title || strcmp(p->title(), title) == 0; }); if (it != current_profiles_.rend()) { (*it)->FinishProfile(); profile = it->get(); finished_profiles_.push_back(std::move(*it)); // Convert reverse iterator to matching forward iterator. current_profiles_.erase(--(it.base())); } current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal(); return profile; } bool CpuProfilesCollection::IsLastProfile(const char* title) { // Called from VM thread, and only it can mutate the list, // so no locking is needed here. if (current_profiles_.size() != 1) return false; return title[0] == '\0' || strcmp(current_profiles_[0]->title(), title) == 0; } void CpuProfilesCollection::RemoveProfile(CpuProfile* profile) { // Called from VM thread for a completed profile. auto pos = std::find_if(finished_profiles_.begin(), finished_profiles_.end(), [&](const std::unique_ptr<CpuProfile>& finished_profile) { return finished_profile.get() == profile; }); DCHECK(pos != finished_profiles_.end()); finished_profiles_.erase(pos); } namespace { int64_t GreatestCommonDivisor(int64_t a, int64_t b) { return b ? GreatestCommonDivisor(b, a % b) : a; } } // namespace base::TimeDelta CpuProfilesCollection::GetCommonSamplingInterval() const { DCHECK(profiler_); int64_t base_sampling_interval_us = profiler_->sampling_interval().InMicroseconds(); if (base_sampling_interval_us == 0) return base::TimeDelta(); int64_t interval_us = 0; for (const auto& profile : current_profiles_) { // Snap the profile's requested sampling interval to the next multiple of // the base sampling interval. int64_t profile_interval_us = std::max<int64_t>( (profile->sampling_interval_us() + base_sampling_interval_us - 1) / base_sampling_interval_us, 1) * base_sampling_interval_us; interval_us = GreatestCommonDivisor(interval_us, profile_interval_us); } return base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(interval_us); } void CpuProfilesCollection::AddPathToCurrentProfiles( base::TimeTicks timestamp, const ProfileStackTrace& path, int src_line, bool update_stats, base::TimeDelta sampling_interval, StateTag state, EmbedderStateTag embedder_state_tag, Address native_context_address, Address embedder_native_context_address) { // As starting / stopping profiles is rare relatively to this // method, we don't bother minimizing the duration of lock holding, // e.g. copying contents of the list to a local vector. current_profiles_semaphore_.Wait(); const ProfileStackTrace empty_path; for (const std::unique_ptr<CpuProfile>& profile : current_profiles_) { ContextFilter& context_filter = profile->context_filter(); // If the context filter check failed, omit the contents of the stack. bool accepts_context = context_filter.Accept(native_context_address); bool accepts_embedder_context = context_filter.Accept(embedder_native_context_address); profile->AddPath(timestamp, accepts_context ? path : empty_path, src_line, update_stats, sampling_interval, state, accepts_embedder_context ? embedder_state_tag : EmbedderStateTag::EMPTY); } current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal(); } void CpuProfilesCollection::UpdateNativeContextAddressForCurrentProfiles( Address from, Address to) { current_profiles_semaphore_.Wait(); for (const std::unique_ptr<CpuProfile>& profile : current_profiles_) { profile->context_filter().OnMoveEvent(from, to); } current_profiles_semaphore_.Signal(); } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8