// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import {Profile} from '../../profile.mjs' import {LogEntry} from './log.mjs'; export class TickLogEntry extends LogEntry { constructor(time, vmState, processedStack) { super(TickLogEntry.extractType(vmState, processedStack), time); /** @type {string} */ this.state = vmState; /** @type {CodeEntry[]} */ this.stack = processedStack; /** @type {number} */ this._endTime = time; } end(time) { if (this.isInitialized) throw new Error('Invalid timer change'); this._endTime = time; } get isInitialized() { return this._endTime !== this._time; } get startTime() { return this._time; } get endTime() { return this._endTime; } get duration() { return this._endTime - this._time; } static extractType(vmState, processedStack) { if (processedStack.length == 0 || vmState == Profile.VMState.IDLE) { return 'Idle'; } const topOfStack = processedStack[0]; if (typeof topOfStack === 'number') { // TODO(cbruni): Handle VmStack and native ticks better. return 'Other'; } if (vmState != Profile.VMState.JS) { topOfStack.vmState = vmState; } return this.extractCodeEntryType(topOfStack); } static extractCodeEntryType(entry) { if (entry?.state !== undefined) { return 'JS ' + Profile.getKindFromState(entry.state); } if (entry?.vmState) return Profile.vmStateString(entry.vmState); return 'Other'; } }