// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "src/asmjs/asm-js.h"
#include "src/baseline/baseline.h"
#include "src/codegen/compilation-cache.h"
#include "src/codegen/compiler.h"
#include "src/codegen/optimized-compilation-info.h"
#include "src/common/assert-scope.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/common/message-template.h"
#include "src/compiler-dispatcher/optimizing-compile-dispatcher.h"
#include "src/compiler/pipeline.h"
#include "src/deoptimizer/deoptimizer.h"
#include "src/execution/arguments-inl.h"
#include "src/execution/frames-inl.h"
#include "src/execution/isolate-inl.h"
#include "src/execution/v8threads.h"
#include "src/execution/vm-state-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/parked-scope.h"
#include "src/objects/js-array-buffer-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/js-array-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/shared-function-info.h"
#include "src/runtime/runtime-utils.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

namespace {

Object CompileOptimized(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> function,
                        CodeKind target_kind, ConcurrencyMode mode) {
  // As a pre- and post-condition of CompileOptimized, the function *must* be
  // compiled, i.e. the installed Code object must not be CompileLazy.
  IsCompiledScope is_compiled_scope(function->shared(), isolate);

  StackLimitCheck check(isolate);
  // Concurrent optimization runs on another thread, thus no additional gap.
  const int gap =
      IsConcurrent(mode) ? 0 : kStackSpaceRequiredForCompilation * KB;
  if (check.JsHasOverflowed(gap)) return isolate->StackOverflow();

  Compiler::CompileOptimized(isolate, function, mode, target_kind);

  return function->code();

}  // namespace

RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_CompileLazy) {
  HandleScope scope(isolate);
  DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length());
  Handle<JSFunction> function = args.at<JSFunction>(0);

  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> sfi(function->shared(), isolate);

#ifdef DEBUG
  if (FLAG_trace_lazy && !sfi->is_compiled()) {
    PrintF("[unoptimized: %s]\n", function->DebugNameCStr().get());

  StackLimitCheck check(isolate);
  if (check.JsHasOverflowed(kStackSpaceRequiredForCompilation * KB)) {
    return isolate->StackOverflow();
  IsCompiledScope is_compiled_scope;
  if (!Compiler::Compile(isolate, function, Compiler::KEEP_EXCEPTION,
                         &is_compiled_scope)) {
    return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).exception();
  return function->code();

RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_InstallBaselineCode) {
  HandleScope scope(isolate);
  DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length());
  Handle<JSFunction> function = args.at<JSFunction>(0);
  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> sfi(function->shared(), isolate);
  IsCompiledScope is_compiled_scope(*sfi, isolate);
  JSFunction::CreateAndAttachFeedbackVector(isolate, function,
  CodeT baseline_code = sfi->baseline_code(kAcquireLoad);
  return baseline_code;

RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_CompileMaglev_Concurrent) {
  HandleScope scope(isolate);
  DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length());
  Handle<JSFunction> function = args.at<JSFunction>(0);
  return CompileOptimized(isolate, function, CodeKind::MAGLEV,

RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_CompileMaglev_Synchronous) {
  HandleScope scope(isolate);
  DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length());
  Handle<JSFunction> function = args.at<JSFunction>(0);
  return CompileOptimized(isolate, function, CodeKind::MAGLEV,

RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_CompileTurbofan_Concurrent) {
  HandleScope scope(isolate);
  DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length());
  Handle<JSFunction> function = args.at<JSFunction>(0);
  return CompileOptimized(isolate, function, CodeKind::TURBOFAN,

RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_CompileTurbofan_Synchronous) {
  HandleScope scope(isolate);
  DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length());
  Handle<JSFunction> function = args.at<JSFunction>(0);
  return CompileOptimized(isolate, function, CodeKind::TURBOFAN,

RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_HealOptimizedCodeSlot) {
  SealHandleScope scope(isolate);
  DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length());
  Handle<JSFunction> function = args.at<JSFunction>(0);


      function->shared(), "Runtime_HealOptimizedCodeSlot");
  return function->code();

RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_InstantiateAsmJs) {
  HandleScope scope(isolate);
  DCHECK_EQ(args.length(), 4);
  Handle<JSFunction> function = args.at<JSFunction>(0);

  Handle<JSReceiver> stdlib;
  if (args[1].IsJSReceiver()) {
    stdlib = args.at<JSReceiver>(1);
  Handle<JSReceiver> foreign;
  if (args[2].IsJSReceiver()) {
    foreign = args.at<JSReceiver>(2);
  Handle<JSArrayBuffer> memory;
  if (args[3].IsJSArrayBuffer()) {
    memory = args.at<JSArrayBuffer>(3);
  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared(function->shared(), isolate);
  if (shared->HasAsmWasmData()) {
    Handle<AsmWasmData> data(shared->asm_wasm_data(), isolate);
    MaybeHandle<Object> result = AsmJs::InstantiateAsmWasm(
        isolate, shared, data, stdlib, foreign, memory);
    if (!result.is_null()) return *result.ToHandleChecked();
    // Remove wasm data, mark as broken for asm->wasm, replace function code
    // with UncompiledData, and return a smi 0 to indicate failure.
    SharedFunctionInfo::DiscardCompiled(isolate, shared);
  DCHECK_EQ(function->code(), *BUILTIN_CODE(isolate, InstantiateAsmJs));
  function->set_code(*BUILTIN_CODE(isolate, CompileLazy));
  return Smi::zero();

namespace {

// Whether the deopt exit is contained by the outermost loop containing the
// osr'd loop. For example:
//  for (;;) {
//    for (;;) {
//    }  // OSR is triggered on this backedge.
//  }  // This is the outermost loop containing the osr'd loop.
bool DeoptExitIsInsideOsrLoop(Isolate* isolate, JSFunction function,
                              BytecodeOffset deopt_exit_offset,
                              BytecodeOffset osr_offset) {
  DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;

  Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode_array(
      function.shared().GetBytecodeArray(isolate), isolate);
      bytecode_array, deopt_exit_offset.ToInt()));

  interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator it(bytecode_array, osr_offset.ToInt());
  DCHECK_EQ(it.current_bytecode(), interpreter::Bytecode::kJumpLoop);

  for (; !it.done(); it.Advance()) {
    const int current_offset = it.current_offset();
    // If we've reached the deopt exit, it's contained in the current loop
    // (this is covered by IsInRange below, but this check lets us avoid
    // useless iteration).
    if (current_offset == deopt_exit_offset.ToInt()) return true;
    // We're only interested in loop ranges.
    if (it.current_bytecode() != interpreter::Bytecode::kJumpLoop) continue;
    // Is the deopt exit contained in the current loop?
    if (base::IsInRange(deopt_exit_offset.ToInt(), it.GetJumpTargetOffset(),
                        current_offset)) {
      return true;
    // We've reached nesting level 0, i.e. the current JumpLoop concludes a
    // top-level loop.
    const int loop_nesting_level = it.GetImmediateOperand(1);
    if (loop_nesting_level == 0) return false;


}  // namespace

RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_NotifyDeoptimized) {
  HandleScope scope(isolate);
  DCHECK_EQ(0, args.length());
  Deoptimizer* deoptimizer = Deoptimizer::Grab(isolate);

  TimerEventScope<TimerEventDeoptimizeCode> timer(isolate);
  TRACE_EVENT0("v8", "V8.DeoptimizeCode");
  Handle<JSFunction> function = deoptimizer->function();
  // For OSR the optimized code isn't installed on the function, so get the
  // code object from deoptimizer.
  Handle<Code> optimized_code = deoptimizer->compiled_code();
  const DeoptimizeKind deopt_kind = deoptimizer->deopt_kind();

  // TODO(turbofan): We currently need the native context to materialize
  // the arguments object, but only to get to its map.

  // Make sure to materialize objects before causing any allocation.
  const BytecodeOffset deopt_exit_offset =
  delete deoptimizer;

  // Ensure the context register is updated for materialized objects.
  JavaScriptFrameIterator top_it(isolate);
  JavaScriptFrame* top_frame = top_it.frame();

  // Lazy deopts don't invalidate the underlying optimized code since the code
  // object itself is still valid (as far as we know); the called function
  // caused the deopt, not the function we're currently looking at.
  if (deopt_kind == DeoptimizeKind::kLazy) {
    return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).undefined_value();

  // Non-OSR'd code is deoptimized unconditionally.
  // For OSR'd code, we keep the optimized code around if deoptimization occurs
  // outside the outermost loop containing the loop that triggered OSR
  // compilation. The reasoning is that OSR is intended to speed up the
  // long-running loop; so if the deoptimization occurs outside this loop it is
  // still worth jumping to the OSR'd code on the next run. The reduced cost of
  // the loop should pay for the deoptimization costs.
  const BytecodeOffset osr_offset = optimized_code->osr_offset();
  if (osr_offset.IsNone() ||
      DeoptExitIsInsideOsrLoop(isolate, *function, deopt_exit_offset,
                               osr_offset)) {
    Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeFunction(*function, *optimized_code);

  return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).undefined_value();

RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_ObserveNode) {
  // The %ObserveNode intrinsic only tracks the changes to an observed node in
  // code compiled by TurboFan.
  HandleScope scope(isolate);
  DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length());
  Handle<Object> obj = args.at(0);
  return *obj;

RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_VerifyType) {
  // %VerifyType has no effect in the interpreter.
  HandleScope scope(isolate);
  DCHECK_EQ(1, args.length());
  Handle<Object> obj = args.at(0);
  return *obj;

RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_CompileOptimizedOSR) {
  HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
  DCHECK_EQ(0, args.length());

  // Determine the frame that triggered the OSR request.
  JavaScriptFrameIterator it(isolate);
  UnoptimizedFrame* frame = UnoptimizedFrame::cast(it.frame());

                 frame->LookupCode().kind() == CodeKind::BASELINE);

  // Determine the entry point for which this OSR request has been fired.
  BytecodeOffset osr_offset = BytecodeOffset(frame->GetBytecodeOffset());

  const ConcurrencyMode mode =
      V8_LIKELY(isolate->concurrent_recompilation_enabled() &&
          ? ConcurrencyMode::kConcurrent
          : ConcurrencyMode::kSynchronous;

  Handle<CodeT> result;
  Handle<JSFunction> function(frame->function(), isolate);
  if (!Compiler::CompileOptimizedOSR(isolate, function, osr_offset, frame, mode)
           .ToHandle(&result)) {
    // An empty result can mean one of two things:
    // 1) we've started a concurrent compilation job - everything is fine.
    // 2) synchronous compilation failed for some reason.

    if (!function->HasAttachedOptimizedCode()) {
      function->set_code(function->shared().GetCode(), kReleaseStore);

    return {};

  DCHECK(result->is_turbofanned());  // TODO(v8:7700): Support Maglev.

  DeoptimizationData data =
  DCHECK_EQ(BytecodeOffset(data.OsrBytecodeOffset().value()), osr_offset);
  DCHECK_GE(data.OsrPcOffset().value(), 0);

  if (FLAG_trace_osr) {
    CodeTracer::Scope scope(isolate->GetCodeTracer());
           "[OSR - entry. function: %s, osr offset: %d, pc offset: %d]\n",
           function->DebugNameCStr().get(), osr_offset.ToInt(),

  if (function->feedback_vector().invocation_count() <= 1 &&
      !IsNone(function->tiering_state()) &&
      !IsInProgress(function->tiering_state())) {
    // With lazy feedback allocation we may not have feedback for the
    // initial part of the function that was executed before we allocated a
    // feedback vector. Reset any tiering states for such functions.
    // TODO(mythria): Instead of resetting the tiering state here we
    // should only mark a function for optimization if it has sufficient
    // feedback. We cannot do this currently since we OSR only after we mark
    // a function for optimization. We should instead change it to be based
    // based on number of ticks.

  return *result;

static Object CompileGlobalEval(Isolate* isolate,
                                Handle<i::Object> source_object,
                                Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> outer_info,
                                LanguageMode language_mode,
                                int eval_scope_position, int eval_position) {
  Handle<Context> context(isolate->context(), isolate);
  Handle<Context> native_context(context->native_context(), isolate);

  // Check if native context allows code generation from
  // strings. Throw an exception if it doesn't.
  MaybeHandle<String> source;
  bool unknown_object;
  std::tie(source, unknown_object) = Compiler::ValidateDynamicCompilationSource(
      isolate, native_context, source_object);
  // If the argument is an unhandled string time, bounce to GlobalEval.
  if (unknown_object) {
    return native_context->global_eval_fun();
  if (source.is_null()) {
    Handle<Object> error_message =
    Handle<Object> error;
    MaybeHandle<Object> maybe_error = isolate->factory()->NewEvalError(
        MessageTemplate::kCodeGenFromStrings, error_message);
    if (maybe_error.ToHandle(&error)) isolate->Throw(*error);
    return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).exception();

  // Deal with a normal eval call with a string argument. Compile it
  // and return the compiled function bound in the local context.
  static const ParseRestriction restriction = NO_PARSE_RESTRICTION;
  Handle<JSFunction> compiled;
      isolate, compiled,
          source.ToHandleChecked(), outer_info, context, language_mode,
          restriction, kNoSourcePosition, eval_scope_position, eval_position),
  return *compiled;

RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_ResolvePossiblyDirectEval) {
  HandleScope scope(isolate);
  DCHECK_EQ(6, args.length());

  Handle<Object> callee = args.at(0);

  // If "eval" didn't refer to the original GlobalEval, it's not a
  // direct call to eval.
  if (*callee != isolate->native_context()->global_eval_fun()) {
    return *callee;

  LanguageMode language_mode = static_cast<LanguageMode>(args.smi_value_at(3));
  Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> outer_info(args.at<JSFunction>(2)->shared(),
  return CompileGlobalEval(isolate, args.at<Object>(1), outer_info,
                           language_mode, args.smi_value_at(4),

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8