// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/runtime-profiler.h" #include "src/assembler.h" #include "src/base/platform/platform.h" #include "src/bootstrapper.h" #include "src/code-stubs.h" #include "src/compilation-cache.h" #include "src/compiler.h" #include "src/execution.h" #include "src/frames-inl.h" #include "src/global-handles.h" #include "src/interpreter/interpreter.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { // Number of times a function has to be seen on the stack before it is // optimized. static const int kProfilerTicksBeforeOptimization = 2; // The number of ticks required for optimizing a function increases with // the size of the bytecode. This is in addition to the // kProfilerTicksBeforeOptimization required for any function. static const int kBytecodeSizeAllowancePerTick = 1200; // Maximum size in bytes of generate code for a function to allow OSR. static const int kOSRBytecodeSizeAllowanceBase = 180; static const int kOSRBytecodeSizeAllowancePerTick = 48; // Maximum size in bytes of generated code for a function to be optimized // the very first time it is seen on the stack. static const int kMaxBytecodeSizeForEarlyOpt = 90; // Certain functions are simply too big to be worth optimizing. static const int kMaxBytecodeSizeForOpt = 60 * KB; #define OPTIMIZATION_REASON_LIST(V) \ V(DoNotOptimize, "do not optimize") \ V(HotAndStable, "hot and stable") \ V(SmallFunction, "small function") enum class OptimizationReason : uint8_t { #define OPTIMIZATION_REASON_CONSTANTS(Constant, message) k##Constant, OPTIMIZATION_REASON_LIST(OPTIMIZATION_REASON_CONSTANTS) #undef OPTIMIZATION_REASON_CONSTANTS }; char const* OptimizationReasonToString(OptimizationReason reason) { static char const* reasons[] = { #define OPTIMIZATION_REASON_TEXTS(Constant, message) message, OPTIMIZATION_REASON_LIST(OPTIMIZATION_REASON_TEXTS) #undef OPTIMIZATION_REASON_TEXTS }; size_t const index = static_cast(reason); DCHECK_LT(index, arraysize(reasons)); return reasons[index]; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, OptimizationReason reason) { return os << OptimizationReasonToString(reason); } RuntimeProfiler::RuntimeProfiler(Isolate* isolate) : isolate_(isolate), any_ic_changed_(false) { } static void GetICCounts(JSFunction* function, int* ic_with_type_info_count, int* ic_generic_count, int* ic_total_count, int* type_info_percentage, int* generic_percentage) { // Harvest vector-ics. FeedbackVector* vector = function->feedback_vector(); vector->ComputeCounts(ic_with_type_info_count, ic_generic_count, ic_total_count); if (*ic_total_count > 0) { *type_info_percentage = 100 * *ic_with_type_info_count / *ic_total_count; *generic_percentage = 100 * *ic_generic_count / *ic_total_count; } else { *type_info_percentage = 100; // Compared against lower bound. *generic_percentage = 0; // Compared against upper bound. } } static void TraceRecompile(JSFunction* function, const char* reason, const char* type) { if (FLAG_trace_opt) { PrintF("[marking "); function->ShortPrint(); PrintF(" for %s recompilation, reason: %s", type, reason); if (FLAG_type_info_threshold > 0) { int typeinfo, generic, total, type_percentage, generic_percentage; GetICCounts(function, &typeinfo, &generic, &total, &type_percentage, &generic_percentage); PrintF(", ICs with typeinfo: %d/%d (%d%%)", typeinfo, total, type_percentage); PrintF(", generic ICs: %d/%d (%d%%)", generic, total, generic_percentage); } PrintF("]\n"); } } void RuntimeProfiler::Optimize(JSFunction* function, OptimizationReason reason) { DCHECK_NE(reason, OptimizationReason::kDoNotOptimize); TraceRecompile(function, OptimizationReasonToString(reason), "optimized"); function->MarkForOptimization(ConcurrencyMode::kConcurrent); } void RuntimeProfiler::AttemptOnStackReplacement(JavaScriptFrame* frame, int loop_nesting_levels) { JSFunction* function = frame->function(); SharedFunctionInfo* shared = function->shared(); if (!FLAG_use_osr || !function->shared()->IsUserJavaScript()) { return; } // If the code is not optimizable, don't try OSR. if (shared->optimization_disabled()) return; // We're using on-stack replacement: Store new loop nesting level in // BytecodeArray header so that certain back edges in any interpreter frame // for this bytecode will trigger on-stack replacement for that frame. if (FLAG_trace_osr) { PrintF("[OSR - arming back edges in "); function->PrintName(); PrintF("]\n"); } DCHECK_EQ(StackFrame::INTERPRETED, frame->type()); DCHECK(shared->HasBytecodeArray()); int level = shared->bytecode_array()->osr_loop_nesting_level(); shared->bytecode_array()->set_osr_loop_nesting_level( Min(level + loop_nesting_levels, AbstractCode::kMaxLoopNestingMarker)); } void RuntimeProfiler::MaybeOptimize(JSFunction* function, JavaScriptFrame* frame) { if (function->IsInOptimizationQueue()) { if (FLAG_trace_opt_verbose) { PrintF("[function "); function->PrintName(); PrintF(" is already in optimization queue]\n"); } return; } if (FLAG_always_osr) { AttemptOnStackReplacement(frame, AbstractCode::kMaxLoopNestingMarker); // Fall through and do a normal optimized compile as well. } else if (MaybeOSR(function, frame)) { return; } if (function->shared()->optimization_disabled()) return; if (frame->is_optimized()) return; OptimizationReason reason = ShouldOptimize(function, frame); if (reason != OptimizationReason::kDoNotOptimize) { Optimize(function, reason); } } bool RuntimeProfiler::MaybeOSR(JSFunction* function, JavaScriptFrame* frame) { SharedFunctionInfo* shared = function->shared(); int ticks = function->feedback_vector()->profiler_ticks(); // TODO(rmcilroy): Also ensure we only OSR top-level code if it is smaller // than kMaxToplevelSourceSize. if (!frame->is_optimized() && (function->IsMarkedForOptimization() || function->IsMarkedForConcurrentOptimization() || function->HasOptimizedCode())) { // Attempt OSR if we are still running interpreted code even though the // the function has long been marked or even already been optimized. int64_t allowance = kOSRBytecodeSizeAllowanceBase + static_cast(ticks) * kOSRBytecodeSizeAllowancePerTick; if (shared->bytecode_array()->length() <= allowance) { AttemptOnStackReplacement(frame); } return true; } return false; } OptimizationReason RuntimeProfiler::ShouldOptimize(JSFunction* function, JavaScriptFrame* frame) { SharedFunctionInfo* shared = function->shared(); int ticks = function->feedback_vector()->profiler_ticks(); if (shared->bytecode_array()->length() > kMaxBytecodeSizeForOpt) { return OptimizationReason::kDoNotOptimize; } int ticks_for_optimization = kProfilerTicksBeforeOptimization + (shared->bytecode_array()->length() / kBytecodeSizeAllowancePerTick); if (ticks >= ticks_for_optimization) { return OptimizationReason::kHotAndStable; } else if (!any_ic_changed_ && shared->bytecode_array()->length() < kMaxBytecodeSizeForEarlyOpt) { // If no IC was patched since the last tick and this function is very // small, optimistically optimize it now. return OptimizationReason::kSmallFunction; } else if (FLAG_trace_opt_verbose) { PrintF("[not yet optimizing "); function->PrintName(); PrintF(", not enough ticks: %d/%d and ", ticks, kProfilerTicksBeforeOptimization); if (any_ic_changed_) { PrintF("ICs changed]\n"); } else { PrintF(" too large for small function optimization: %d/%d]\n", shared->bytecode_array()->length(), kMaxBytecodeSizeForEarlyOpt); } } return OptimizationReason::kDoNotOptimize; } void RuntimeProfiler::MarkCandidatesForOptimization() { HandleScope scope(isolate_); if (!isolate_->use_optimizer()) return; DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; // Run through the JavaScript frames and collect them. If we already // have a sample of the function, we mark it for optimizations // (eagerly or lazily). int frame_count = 0; int frame_count_limit = FLAG_frame_count; for (JavaScriptFrameIterator it(isolate_); frame_count++ < frame_count_limit && !it.done(); it.Advance()) { JavaScriptFrame* frame = it.frame(); if (frame->is_optimized()) continue; JSFunction* function = frame->function(); DCHECK(function->shared()->is_compiled()); if (!function->shared()->IsInterpreted()) continue; MaybeOptimize(function, frame); // TODO(leszeks): Move this increment to before the maybe optimize checks, // and update the tests to assume the increment has already happened. int ticks = function->feedback_vector()->profiler_ticks(); if (ticks < Smi::kMaxValue) { function->feedback_vector()->set_profiler_ticks(ticks + 1); } } any_ic_changed_ = false; } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8