// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "src/init/v8.h" #include "src/codegen/macro-assembler.h" #include "src/codegen/s390/assembler-s390-inl.h" #include "src/diagnostics/disassembler.h" #include "src/execution/simulator.h" #include "src/heap/factory.h" #include "test/cctest/cctest.h" #include "test/common/assembler-tester.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { // Define these function prototypes to match JSEntryFunction in execution.cc. // TODO(s390): Refine these signatures per test case. using F1 = void*(int x, int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4); using F2 = void*(int x, int y, int p2, int p3, int p4); using F3 = void*(void* p0, int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4); using F4 = void*(void* p0, void* p1, int p2, int p3, int p4); #define __ assm. // Simple add parameter 1 to parameter 2 and return TEST(0) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); __ lhi(r1, Operand(3)); // test 4-byte instr __ llilf(r2, Operand(4)); // test 6-byte instr __ lgr(r2, r2); // test 2-byte opcode __ ar(r2, r1); // test 2-byte instr __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = Factory::CodeBuilder(isolate, desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING).Build(); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F2>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(3, 4, 0, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIxPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(7, static_cast<int>(res)); } // Loop 100 times, adding loop counter to result TEST(1) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); Label L, C; #if defined(_AIX) __ function_descriptor(); #endif __ lr(r3, r2); __ lhi(r2, Operand(0, RelocInfo::NONE)); __ b(&C); __ bind(&L); __ ar(r2, r3); __ ahi(r3, Operand(-1 & 0xFFFF)); __ bind(&C); __ cfi(r3, Operand(0, RelocInfo::NONE)); __ bne(&L); __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = Factory::CodeBuilder(isolate, desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING).Build(); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F1>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(100, 0, 0, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIxPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(5050, static_cast<int>(res)); } TEST(2) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); // Create a function that accepts &t, and loads, manipulates, and stores // the doubles and floats. Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); Label L, C; #if defined(_AIX) __ function_descriptor(); #endif __ lgr(r3, r2); __ lhi(r2, Operand(1)); __ b(&C); __ bind(&L); __ lr(r5, r2); // Set up muliplicant in R4:R5 __ mr_z(r4, r3); // this is actually R4:R5 = R5 * R2 __ lr(r2, r5); __ ahi(r3, Operand(-1 & 0xFFFF)); __ bind(&C); __ cfi(r3, Operand(0, RelocInfo::NONE)); __ bne(&L); __ b(r14); // some relocated stuff here, not executed __ RecordComment("dead code, just testing relocations"); __ iilf(r0, Operand(isolate->factory()->true_value())); __ RecordComment("dead code, just testing immediate operands"); __ iilf(r0, Operand(-1)); __ iilf(r0, Operand(0xFF000000)); __ iilf(r0, Operand(0xF0F0F0F0)); __ iilf(r0, Operand(0xFFF0FFFF)); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = Factory::CodeBuilder(isolate, desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING).Build(); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F1>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(10, 0, 0, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIxPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(3628800, static_cast<int>(res)); } TEST(3) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); __ ar(r14, r13); __ sr(r14, r13); __ mr_z(r14, r13); __ dr(r14, r13); __ or_z(r14, r13); __ nr(r14, r13); __ xr(r14, r13); __ agr(r14, r13); __ sgr(r14, r13); __ ogr(r14, r13); __ ngr(r14, r13); __ xgr(r14, r13); __ ahi(r13, Operand(123)); __ aghi(r13, Operand(123)); __ stm(r1, r2, MemOperand(r3, r0, 123)); __ slag(r1, r2, Operand(123)); __ lay(r1, MemOperand(r2, r3, -123)); __ a(r13, MemOperand(r1, r2, 123)); __ ay(r13, MemOperand(r1, r2, 123)); __ brc(Condition(14), Operand(123)); __ brc(Condition(14), Operand(-123)); __ brcl(Condition(14), Operand(123)); __ brcl(Condition(14), Operand(-123)); __ iilf(r13, Operand(123456789)); __ iihf(r13, Operand(-123456789)); __ mvc(MemOperand(r0, 123), MemOperand(r4, 567), Operand(88)); __ sll(r13, Operand(10)); v8::internal::byte* bufPos = assm.buffer_pos(); ::printf("buffer position = %p", static_cast<void*>(bufPos)); ::fflush(stdout); // OS::DebugBreak(); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = Factory::CodeBuilder(isolate, desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING).Build(); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif USE(code); ::exit(0); } #if 0 TEST(4) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); Label L2, L3, L4; __ chi(r2, Operand(10)); __ ble(&L2); __ lr(r2, r4); __ ar(r2, r3); __ b(&L3); __ bind(&L2); __ chi(r2, Operand(5)); __ bgt(&L4); __ lhi(r2, Operand::Zero()); __ b(&L3); __ bind(&L4); __ lr(r2, r3); __ sr(r2, r4); __ bind(&L3); __ lgfr(r2, r3); __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = isolate->factory()->NewCode( desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING, Handle<Code>()); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F2>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>( f.Call(3, 4, 3, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIdPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(4, static_cast<int>(res)); } // Test ExtractBitRange TEST(5) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); __ mov(r2, Operand(0x12345678)); __ ExtractBitRange(r3, r2, 3, 2); __ lgfr(r2, r3); __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = isolate->factory()->NewCode( desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING, Handle<Code>()); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F2>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(3, 4, 3, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIdPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(2, static_cast<int>(res)); } // Test JumpIfSmi TEST(6) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); Label yes; __ mov(r2, Operand(0x12345678)); __ JumpIfSmi(r2, &yes); __ beq(&yes); __ Load(r2, Operand::Zero()); __ b(r14); __ bind(&yes); __ Load(r2, Operand(1)); __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = isolate->factory()->NewCode( desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING, Handle<Code>()); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F2>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(3, 4, 3, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIdPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(1, static_cast<int>(res)); } // Test fix<->floating point conversion. TEST(7) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); Label yes; __ mov(r3, Operand(0x1234)); __ cdfbr(d1, r3); __ ldr(d2, d1); __ adbr(d1, d2); __ cfdbr(Condition(0), r2, d1); __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = isolate->factory()->NewCode( desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING, Handle<Code>()); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F2>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(3, 4, 3, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIdPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(0x2468, static_cast<int>(res)); } // Test DSGR TEST(8) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); // Zero upper bits of r3/r4 __ llihf(r3, Operand::Zero()); __ llihf(r4, Operand::Zero()); __ mov(r3, Operand(0x0002)); __ mov(r4, Operand(0x0002)); __ dsgr(r2, r4); __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = isolate->factory()->NewCode( desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING, Handle<Code>()); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F1>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(100, 0, 0, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIdPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(res)); } // Test LZDR TEST(9) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); __ lzdr(d4); __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = isolate->factory()->NewCode( desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING, Handle<Code>()); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F1>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIdPTR "\n", res); } #endif // Test msrkc and msgrkc TEST(10) { if (!CpuFeatures::IsSupported(MISC_INSTR_EXT2)) { return; } ::printf("MISC_INSTR_EXT2 is enabled.\n"); CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); Label ok, failed; { // test 1: msrkc __ lgfi(r2, Operand(3)); __ lgfi(r3, Operand(4)); __ msrkc(r1, r2, r3); // 3 * 4 __ b(static_cast<Condition>(le | overflow), &failed); // test failed. __ chi(r1, Operand(12)); __ bne(&failed); // test failed. __ lgfi(r2, Operand(-3)); __ lgfi(r3, Operand(4)); __ msrkc(r1, r2, r3); // -3 * 4 __ b(static_cast<Condition>(ge | overflow), &failed); // test failed. __ chi(r1, Operand(-12)); __ bne(&failed); // test failed. __ iilf(r2, Operand(0x80000000)); __ lgfi(r3, Operand(-1)); __ msrkc(r1, r2, r3); // INT_MIN * -1 __ b(nooverflow, &failed); // test failed. __ cfi(r1, Operand(0x80000000)); __ bne(&failed); // test failed. } { // test 1: msgrkc __ lgfi(r2, Operand(3)); __ lgfi(r3, Operand(4)); __ msgrkc(r1, r2, r3); // 3 * 4 __ b(static_cast<Condition>(le | overflow), &failed); // test failed. __ chi(r1, Operand(12)); __ bne(&failed); // test failed. __ lgfi(r2, Operand(-3)); __ lgfi(r3, Operand(4)); __ msgrkc(r1, r2, r3); // -3 * 4 __ b(static_cast<Condition>(ge | overflow), &failed); // test failed. __ chi(r1, Operand(-12)); __ bne(&failed); // test failed. __ lgfi(r2, Operand::Zero()); __ iihf(r2, Operand(0x80000000)); __ lgfi(r3, Operand(-1)); __ msgrkc(r1, r2, r3); // INT_MIN * -1 __ b(nooverflow, &failed); // test failed. __ cgr(r1, r2); __ bne(&failed); // test failed. } __ bind(&ok); __ lgfi(r2, Operand::Zero()); __ b(r14); // test done. __ bind(&failed); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(1)); __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = Factory::CodeBuilder(isolate, desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING).Build(); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F2>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(3, 4, 0, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIxPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(res)); } // brxh TEST(11) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); Label ok, failed, continue1, continue2; // r1 - operand; r3 - inc / test val __ lgfi(r1, Operand(1)); __ lgfi(r3, Operand(1)); __ brxh(r1, r3, &continue1); __ b(&failed); __ bind(&continue1); __ lgfi(r1, Operand(-2)); __ lgfi(r3, Operand(1)); __ brxh(r1, r3, &failed); __ brxh(r1, r3, &failed); __ brxh(r1, r3, &failed); __ brxh(r1, r3, &continue2); __ b(&failed); //r1 - operand; r4 - inc; r5 - test val __ bind(&continue2); __ lgfi(r1, Operand(-2)); __ lgfi(r4, Operand(1)); __ lgfi(r5, Operand(-1)); __ brxh(r1, r4, &failed); __ brxh(r1, r4, &ok); __ b(&failed); __ bind(&ok); __ lgfi(r2, Operand::Zero()); __ b(r14); // test done. __ bind(&failed); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(1)); __ b(r14); // test done. CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = Factory::CodeBuilder(isolate, desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING).Build(); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F1>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIdPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(res)); } // brxhg TEST(12) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); Label ok, failed, continue1, continue2; // r1 - operand; r3 - inc / test val __ lgfi(r1, Operand(1)); __ lgfi(r3, Operand(1)); __ brxhg(r1, r3, &continue1); __ b(&failed); __ bind(&continue1); __ lgfi(r1, Operand(-2)); __ lgfi(r3, Operand(1)); __ brxhg(r1, r3, &failed); __ brxhg(r1, r3, &failed); __ brxhg(r1, r3, &failed); __ brxhg(r1, r3, &continue2); __ b(&failed); //r1 - operand; r4 - inc; r5 - test val __ bind(&continue2); __ lgfi(r1, Operand(-2)); __ lgfi(r4, Operand(1)); __ lgfi(r5, Operand(-1)); __ brxhg(r1, r4, &failed); __ brxhg(r1, r4, &ok); __ b(&failed); __ bind(&ok); __ lgfi(r2, Operand::Zero()); __ b(r14); // test done. __ bind(&failed); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(1)); __ b(r14); // test done. CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = Factory::CodeBuilder(isolate, desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING).Build(); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F1>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIdPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(res)); } // vector basics TEST(13) { // check if the VECTOR_FACILITY is supported if (!CpuFeatures::IsSupported(VECTOR_FACILITY)) { return; } CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); Label done, error; // vector loads, replicate, and arithmetics __ vrepi(d2, Operand(100), Condition(2)); __ lay(sp, MemOperand(sp, -4)); __ sty(r3, MemOperand(sp)); __ vlrep(d3, MemOperand(sp), Condition(2)); __ lay(sp, MemOperand(sp, 4)); __ vlvg(d4, r2, MemOperand(r0, 2), Condition(2)); __ vrep(d4, d4, Operand(2), Condition(2)); __ lay(sp, MemOperand(sp, -kSimd128Size)); __ vst(d4, MemOperand(sp), Condition(0)); __ va(d2, d2, d3, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vl(d3, MemOperand(sp), Condition(0)); __ lay(sp, MemOperand(sp, kSimd128Size)); __ vs(d2, d2, d3, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vml(d3, d3, d2, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ lay(sp, MemOperand(sp, -4)); __ vstef(d3, MemOperand(sp), Condition(3)); __ vlef(d2, MemOperand(sp), Condition(0)); __ lay(sp, MemOperand(sp, 4)); __ vlgv(r2, d2, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(2)); __ cfi(r2, Operand(15000)); __ bne(&error); __ vrepi(d2, Operand(-30), Condition(3)); __ vlc(d2, d2, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ vlgv(r2, d2, MemOperand(r0, 1), Condition(3)); __ lgfi(r1, Operand(-30)); __ lcgr(r1, r1); __ cgr(r1, r2); __ bne(&error); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(0)); __ b(&done); __ bind(&error); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(1)); __ bind(&done); __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = Factory::CodeBuilder(isolate, desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING).Build(); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F1>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(50, 250, 0, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIxPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(res)); } // vector sum, packs, unpacks TEST(14) { // check if the VECTOR_FACILITY is supported if (!CpuFeatures::IsSupported(VECTOR_FACILITY)) { return; } CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); Label done, error; // vector sum word and doubleword __ vrepi(d2, Operand(100), Condition(2)); __ vsumg(d1, d2, d2, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(3)); __ cfi(r2, Operand(300)); __ bne(&error); __ vrepi(d1, Operand(0), Condition(1)); __ vrepi(d2, Operand(75), Condition(1)); __ vsum(d1, d2, d1, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(1)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(2)); __ cfi(r2, Operand(150)); __ bne(&error); // vector packs __ vrepi(d1, Operand(200), Condition(2)); __ vpk(d1, d1, d1, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 5), Condition(1)); __ cfi(r2, Operand(200)); __ bne(&error); __ vrepi(d2, Operand(30), Condition(1)); __ vpks(d1, d1, d2, Condition(0), Condition(1)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(0)); __ vlgv(r3, d1, MemOperand(r0, 8), Condition(0)); __ ar(r2, r3); __ cfi(r2, Operand(157)); __ bne(&error); __ vrepi(d1, Operand(270), Condition(1)); __ vrepi(d2, Operand(-30), Condition(1)); __ vpkls(d1, d1, d2, Condition(0), Condition(1)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(0)); __ vlgv(r3, d1, MemOperand(r0, 8), Condition(0)); __ cfi(r2, Operand(255)); __ bne(&error); __ cfi(r3, Operand(255)); __ bne(&error); // vector unpacks __ vrepi(d1, Operand(50), Condition(2)); __ lgfi(r1, Operand(10)); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(20)); __ vlvg(d1, r1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(2)); __ vlvg(d1, r2, MemOperand(r0, 2), Condition(2)); __ vuph(d2, d1, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vupl(d1, d1, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ va(d1, d1, d2, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(3)); __ vlgv(r3, d1, MemOperand(r0, 1), Condition(3)); __ ar(r2, r3); __ cfi(r2, Operand(130)); __ bne(&error); __ vrepi(d1, Operand(-100), Condition(2)); __ vuplh(d2, d1, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vupll(d1, d1, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ va(d1, d1, d1, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(3)); __ cfi(r2, Operand(0x1ffffff38)); __ bne(&error); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(0)); __ b(&done); __ bind(&error); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(1)); __ bind(&done); __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = Factory::CodeBuilder(isolate, desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING).Build(); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F1>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIxPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(res)); } // vector comparisons TEST(15) { // check if the VECTOR_FACILITY is supported if (!CpuFeatures::IsSupported(VECTOR_FACILITY)) { return; } CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); Label done, error; // vector max and min __ vrepi(d2, Operand(-50), Condition(2)); __ vrepi(d3, Operand(40), Condition(2)); __ vmx(d1, d2, d3, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vlgv(r1, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(2)); __ vmnl(d1, d2, d3, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(2)); __ cgr(r1, r2); __ vmxl(d1, d2, d3, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vlgv(r1, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(2)); __ vmn(d1, d2, d3, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(2)); __ cgr(r1, r2); __ bne(&error); // vector comparisons __ vlr(d4, d3, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(0)); __ vceq(d1, d3, d4, Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vlgv(r1, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(2)); __ vch(d1, d2, d3, Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(2)); __ vchl(d1, d2, d3, Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vlgv(r3, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(2)); __ ar(r2, r3); __ cgr(r1, r2); __ bne(&error); // vector bitwise ops __ vrepi(d2, Operand(0), Condition(2)); __ vn(d1, d2, d3, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(0)); __ vceq(d1, d1, d2, Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vlgv(r1, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(2)); __ vo(d1, d2, d3, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(0)); __ vx(d1, d1, d2, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(0)); __ vceq(d1, d1, d3, Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(2)); __ cgr(r1, r2); __ bne(&error); // vector bitwise shift __ vceq(d1, d1, d1, Condition(0), Condition(2)); __ vesra(d1, d1, MemOperand(r0, 5), Condition(2)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(2)); __ cgr(r3, r2); __ bne(&error); __ lgfi(r1, Operand(0xfffff895)); __ vlvg(d1, r1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(3)); __ vrep(d1, d1, Operand(0), Condition(3)); __ slag(r1, r1, Operand(10)); __ vesl(d1, d1, MemOperand(r0, 10), Condition(3)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(3)); __ cgr(r1, r2); __ bne(&error); __ srlg(r1, r1, Operand(10)); __ vesrl(d1, d1, MemOperand(r0, 10), Condition(3)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(3)); __ cgr(r1, r2); __ bne(&error); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(0)); __ b(&done); __ bind(&error); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(1)); __ bind(&done); __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = Factory::CodeBuilder(isolate, desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING).Build(); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F1>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIxPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(res)); } // vector select and test mask TEST(16) { // check if the VECTOR_FACILITY is supported if (!CpuFeatures::IsSupported(VECTOR_FACILITY)) { return; } CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); Label done, error; // vector select __ vrepi(d1, Operand(0x1011), Condition(1)); __ vrepi(d2, Operand(0x4343), Condition(1)); __ vrepi(d3, Operand(0x3434), Condition(1)); __ vsel(d1, d2, d3, d1, Condition(0), Condition(0)); __ vlgv(r2, d1, MemOperand(r0, 2), Condition(1)); __ cfi(r2, Operand(0x2425)); __ bne(&error); // vector test mask __ vtm(d2, d1, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(0)); __ b(Condition(0x1), &error); __ b(Condition(0x8), &error); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(0)); __ b(&done); __ bind(&error); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(1)); __ bind(&done); __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = Factory::CodeBuilder(isolate, desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING).Build(); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F1>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIxPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(res)); } // vector fp instructions TEST(17) { // check if the VECTOR_FACILITY is supported if (!CpuFeatures::IsSupported(VECTOR_FACILITY)) { return; } CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); Label done, error; // vector fp arithmetics __ cdgbr(d1, r3); __ ldr(d2, d1); __ vfa(d1, d1, d2, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ cdgbr(d3, r2); __ vfm(d1, d1, d3, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ vfs(d1, d1, d2, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ vfd(d1, d1, d3, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ vfsq(d1, d1, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ cgdbr(Condition(4), r2, d1); __ cgfi(r2, Operand(0x8)); __ bne(&error); // vector fp comparisons __ cdgbra(Condition(4), d1, r3); __ ldr(d2, d1); __ vfa(d1, d1, d2, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); #ifdef VECTOR_ENHANCE_FACILITY_1 __ vfmin(d3, d1, d2, Condition(1), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ vfmax(d4, d1, d2, Condition(1), Condition(0), Condition(3)); #else __ vlr(d3, d2, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(0)); __ vlr(d4, d1, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(0)); #endif __ vfch(d5, d4, d3, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ vfche(d3, d3, d4, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ vfce(d4, d1, d4, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ va(d3, d3, d4, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ vs(d3, d3, d5, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ vlgv(r2, d3, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(3)); // vector fp sign ops __ lgfi(r1, Operand(-0x50)); __ cdgbra(Condition(4), d1, r1); __ vfpso(d1, d1, Condition(0), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ vfi(d1, d1, Condition(5), Condition(0), Condition(3)); __ vlgv(r1, d1, MemOperand(r0, 0), Condition(3)); __ agr(r2, r1); __ srlg(r2, r2, Operand(32)); __ cgfi(r2, Operand(0x40540000)); __ bne(&error); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(0)); __ b(&done); __ bind(&error); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(1)); __ bind(&done); __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = Factory::CodeBuilder(isolate, desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING).Build(); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F1>::FromCode(*code); intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(0x2, 0x30, 0, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIxPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(res)); } //TMHH, TMHL TEST(18) { CcTest::InitializeVM(); Isolate* isolate = CcTest::i_isolate(); HandleScope scope(isolate); Assembler assm(AssemblerOptions{}); Label done, error; Label continue1, continue2, continue3, continue4; Label continue5, continue6, continue7, continue8, continue9; // selected bits all 0 __ lgfi(r1, Operand(0)); __ tmhh(r1, Operand(1)); __ beq(&continue1); //8 __ b(&error); __ bind(&continue1); __ tmhl(r1, Operand(1)); __ beq(&continue2); //8 __ b(&error); // mask = 0 __ bind(&continue2); __ lgfi(r1, Operand(-1)); __ tmhh(r1, Operand(0)); __ beq(&continue3); //8 __ b(&error); __ bind(&continue3); __ tmhh(r1, Operand(0)); __ beq(&continue4); //8 __ b(&error); // selected bits all 1 __ bind(&continue4); __ tmhh(r1, Operand(1)); __ b(Condition(1), &continue5); //1 __ b(&error); __ bind(&continue5); __ tmhl(r1, Operand(1)); __ b(Condition(1), &continue6); //1 __ b(&error); // leftmost = 1 __ bind(&continue6); __ lgfi(r1, Operand(0xF000F000)); __ slag(r2, r1, Operand(32)); __ tmhh(r2, Operand(0xFFFF)); __ b(Condition(2), &done); //2 __ b(&error); __ bind(&continue7); __ tmhl(r1, Operand(0xFFFF)); __ b(Condition(2), &continue8); //2 __ b(&error); // leftmost = 0 __ bind(&continue8); __ lgfi(r1, Operand(0x0FF00FF0)); __ slag(r2, r1, Operand(32)); __ tmhh(r2, Operand(0xFFFF)); __ b(Condition(4), &done); //4 __ b(&error); __ bind(&continue9); __ tmhl(r1, Operand(0xFFFF)); __ b(Condition(4), &done); //4 __ b(&error); __ bind(&error); __ lgfi(r2, Operand(1)); __ b(r14); __ bind(&done); __ lgfi(r2, Operand::Zero()); __ b(r14); CodeDesc desc; assm.GetCode(isolate, &desc); Handle<Code> code = Factory::CodeBuilder(isolate, desc, CodeKind::FOR_TESTING).Build(); #ifdef DEBUG code->Print(); #endif auto f = GeneratedCode<F1>::FromCode(*code); // f.Call(reg2, reg3, reg4, reg5, reg6) -> set the register value intptr_t res = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(f.Call(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)); ::printf("f() = %" V8PRIxPTR "\n", res); CHECK_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(res)); } #undef __ } // namespace internal } // namespace v8