// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_UTILS_H_ #define V8_UTILS_H_ #include <limits.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <cmath> #include "include/v8.h" #include "src/allocation.h" #include "src/base/bits.h" #include "src/base/logging.h" #include "src/base/macros.h" #include "src/base/platform/platform.h" #include "src/globals.h" #include "src/list.h" #include "src/vector.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // General helper functions inline int BoolToInt(bool b) { return b ? 1 : 0; } // Same as strcmp, but can handle NULL arguments. inline bool CStringEquals(const char* s1, const char* s2) { return (s1 == s2) || (s1 != NULL && s2 != NULL && strcmp(s1, s2) == 0); } // X must be a power of 2. Returns the number of trailing zeros. inline int WhichPowerOf2(uint32_t x) { DCHECK(base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(x)); int bits = 0; #ifdef DEBUG uint32_t original_x = x; #endif if (x >= 0x10000) { bits += 16; x >>= 16; } if (x >= 0x100) { bits += 8; x >>= 8; } if (x >= 0x10) { bits += 4; x >>= 4; } switch (x) { default: UNREACHABLE(); case 8: bits++; // Fall through. case 4: bits++; // Fall through. case 2: bits++; // Fall through. case 1: break; } DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(1) << bits, original_x); return bits; } // X must be a power of 2. Returns the number of trailing zeros. inline int WhichPowerOf2_64(uint64_t x) { DCHECK(base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo64(x)); int bits = 0; #ifdef DEBUG uint64_t original_x = x; #endif if (x >= 0x100000000L) { bits += 32; x >>= 32; } if (x >= 0x10000) { bits += 16; x >>= 16; } if (x >= 0x100) { bits += 8; x >>= 8; } if (x >= 0x10) { bits += 4; x >>= 4; } switch (x) { default: UNREACHABLE(); case 8: bits++; // Fall through. case 4: bits++; // Fall through. case 2: bits++; // Fall through. case 1: break; } DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << bits, original_x); return bits; } inline int MostSignificantBit(uint32_t x) { static const int msb4[] = {0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4}; int nibble = 0; if (x & 0xffff0000) { nibble += 16; x >>= 16; } if (x & 0xff00) { nibble += 8; x >>= 8; } if (x & 0xf0) { nibble += 4; x >>= 4; } return nibble + msb4[x]; } // The C++ standard leaves the semantics of '>>' undefined for // negative signed operands. Most implementations do the right thing, // though. inline int ArithmeticShiftRight(int x, int s) { return x >> s; } template <typename T> int Compare(const T& a, const T& b) { if (a == b) return 0; else if (a < b) return -1; else return 1; } template <typename T> int PointerValueCompare(const T* a, const T* b) { return Compare<T>(*a, *b); } // Compare function to compare the object pointer value of two // handlified objects. The handles are passed as pointers to the // handles. template<typename T> class Handle; // Forward declaration. template <typename T> int HandleObjectPointerCompare(const Handle<T>* a, const Handle<T>* b) { return Compare<T*>(*(*a), *(*b)); } template <typename T, typename U> inline bool IsAligned(T value, U alignment) { return (value & (alignment - 1)) == 0; } // Returns true if (addr + offset) is aligned. inline bool IsAddressAligned(Address addr, intptr_t alignment, int offset = 0) { intptr_t offs = OffsetFrom(addr + offset); return IsAligned(offs, alignment); } // Returns the maximum of the two parameters. template <typename T> T Max(T a, T b) { return a < b ? b : a; } // Returns the minimum of the two parameters. template <typename T> T Min(T a, T b) { return a < b ? a : b; } // Returns the absolute value of its argument. template <typename T> T Abs(T a) { return a < 0 ? -a : a; } // Floor(-0.0) == 0.0 inline double Floor(double x) { #if V8_CC_MSVC if (x == 0) return x; // Fix for issue 3477. #endif return std::floor(x); } // TODO(svenpanne) Clean up the whole power-of-2 mess. inline int32_t WhichPowerOf2Abs(int32_t x) { return (x == kMinInt) ? 31 : WhichPowerOf2(Abs(x)); } // Obtains the unsigned type corresponding to T // available in C++11 as std::make_unsigned template<typename T> struct make_unsigned { typedef T type; }; // Template specializations necessary to have make_unsigned work template<> struct make_unsigned<int32_t> { typedef uint32_t type; }; template<> struct make_unsigned<int64_t> { typedef uint64_t type; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BitField is a help template for encoding and decode bitfield with // unsigned content. template<class T, int shift, int size, class U> class BitFieldBase { public: // A type U mask of bit field. To use all bits of a type U of x bits // in a bitfield without compiler warnings we have to compute 2^x // without using a shift count of x in the computation. static const U kOne = static_cast<U>(1U); static const U kMask = ((kOne << shift) << size) - (kOne << shift); static const U kShift = shift; static const U kSize = size; static const U kNext = kShift + kSize; // Value for the field with all bits set. static const T kMax = static_cast<T>((kOne << size) - 1); // Tells whether the provided value fits into the bit field. static bool is_valid(T value) { return (static_cast<U>(value) & ~static_cast<U>(kMax)) == 0; } // Returns a type U with the bit field value encoded. static U encode(T value) { DCHECK(is_valid(value)); return static_cast<U>(value) << shift; } // Returns a type U with the bit field value updated. static U update(U previous, T value) { return (previous & ~kMask) | encode(value); } // Extracts the bit field from the value. static T decode(U value) { return static_cast<T>((value & kMask) >> shift); } }; template <class T, int shift, int size> class BitField8 : public BitFieldBase<T, shift, size, uint8_t> {}; template <class T, int shift, int size> class BitField16 : public BitFieldBase<T, shift, size, uint16_t> {}; template<class T, int shift, int size> class BitField : public BitFieldBase<T, shift, size, uint32_t> { }; template<class T, int shift, int size> class BitField64 : public BitFieldBase<T, shift, size, uint64_t> { }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BitSetComputer is a help template for encoding and decoding information for // a variable number of items in an array. // // To encode boolean data in a smi array you would use: // typedef BitSetComputer<bool, 1, kSmiValueSize, uint32_t> BoolComputer; // template <class T, int kBitsPerItem, int kBitsPerWord, class U> class BitSetComputer { public: static const int kItemsPerWord = kBitsPerWord / kBitsPerItem; static const int kMask = (1 << kBitsPerItem) - 1; // The number of array elements required to embed T information for each item. static int word_count(int items) { if (items == 0) return 0; return (items - 1) / kItemsPerWord + 1; } // The array index to look at for item. static int index(int base_index, int item) { return base_index + item / kItemsPerWord; } // Extract T data for a given item from data. static T decode(U data, int item) { return static_cast<T>((data >> shift(item)) & kMask); } // Return the encoding for a store of value for item in previous. static U encode(U previous, int item, T value) { int shift_value = shift(item); int set_bits = (static_cast<int>(value) << shift_value); return (previous & ~(kMask << shift_value)) | set_bits; } static int shift(int item) { return (item % kItemsPerWord) * kBitsPerItem; } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Hash function. static const uint32_t kZeroHashSeed = 0; // Thomas Wang, Integer Hash Functions. // http://www.concentric.net/~Ttwang/tech/inthash.htm inline uint32_t ComputeIntegerHash(uint32_t key, uint32_t seed) { uint32_t hash = key; hash = hash ^ seed; hash = ~hash + (hash << 15); // hash = (hash << 15) - hash - 1; hash = hash ^ (hash >> 12); hash = hash + (hash << 2); hash = hash ^ (hash >> 4); hash = hash * 2057; // hash = (hash + (hash << 3)) + (hash << 11); hash = hash ^ (hash >> 16); return hash & 0x3fffffff; } inline uint32_t ComputeLongHash(uint64_t key) { uint64_t hash = key; hash = ~hash + (hash << 18); // hash = (hash << 18) - hash - 1; hash = hash ^ (hash >> 31); hash = hash * 21; // hash = (hash + (hash << 2)) + (hash << 4); hash = hash ^ (hash >> 11); hash = hash + (hash << 6); hash = hash ^ (hash >> 22); return static_cast<uint32_t>(hash); } inline uint32_t ComputePointerHash(void* ptr) { return ComputeIntegerHash( static_cast<uint32_t>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(ptr)), v8::internal::kZeroHashSeed); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated memcpy/memmove // Initializes the codegen support that depends on CPU features. This is // called after CPU initialization. void init_memcopy_functions(); #if defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32) || defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_X87) // Limit below which the extra overhead of the MemCopy function is likely // to outweigh the benefits of faster copying. const int kMinComplexMemCopy = 64; // Copy memory area. No restrictions. void MemMove(void* dest, const void* src, size_t size); typedef void (*MemMoveFunction)(void* dest, const void* src, size_t size); // Keep the distinction of "move" vs. "copy" for the benefit of other // architectures. V8_INLINE void MemCopy(void* dest, const void* src, size_t size) { MemMove(dest, src, size); } #elif defined(V8_HOST_ARCH_ARM) typedef void (*MemCopyUint8Function)(uint8_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t size); extern MemCopyUint8Function memcopy_uint8_function; V8_INLINE void MemCopyUint8Wrapper(uint8_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t chars) { memcpy(dest, src, chars); } // For values < 16, the assembler function is slower than the inlined C code. const int kMinComplexMemCopy = 16; V8_INLINE void MemCopy(void* dest, const void* src, size_t size) { (*memcopy_uint8_function)(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(dest), reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src), size); } V8_INLINE void MemMove(void* dest, const void* src, size_t size) { memmove(dest, src, size); } typedef void (*MemCopyUint16Uint8Function)(uint16_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t size); extern MemCopyUint16Uint8Function memcopy_uint16_uint8_function; void MemCopyUint16Uint8Wrapper(uint16_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t chars); // For values < 12, the assembler function is slower than the inlined C code. const int kMinComplexConvertMemCopy = 12; V8_INLINE void MemCopyUint16Uint8(uint16_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t size) { (*memcopy_uint16_uint8_function)(dest, src, size); } #elif defined(V8_HOST_ARCH_MIPS) typedef void (*MemCopyUint8Function)(uint8_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t size); extern MemCopyUint8Function memcopy_uint8_function; V8_INLINE void MemCopyUint8Wrapper(uint8_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t chars) { memcpy(dest, src, chars); } // For values < 16, the assembler function is slower than the inlined C code. const int kMinComplexMemCopy = 16; V8_INLINE void MemCopy(void* dest, const void* src, size_t size) { (*memcopy_uint8_function)(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(dest), reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src), size); } V8_INLINE void MemMove(void* dest, const void* src, size_t size) { memmove(dest, src, size); } #else // Copy memory area to disjoint memory area. V8_INLINE void MemCopy(void* dest, const void* src, size_t size) { memcpy(dest, src, size); } V8_INLINE void MemMove(void* dest, const void* src, size_t size) { memmove(dest, src, size); } const int kMinComplexMemCopy = 16 * kPointerSize; #endif // V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Miscellaneous // A static resource holds a static instance that can be reserved in // a local scope using an instance of Access. Attempts to re-reserve // the instance will cause an error. template <typename T> class StaticResource { public: StaticResource() : is_reserved_(false) {} private: template <typename S> friend class Access; T instance_; bool is_reserved_; }; // Locally scoped access to a static resource. template <typename T> class Access { public: explicit Access(StaticResource<T>* resource) : resource_(resource) , instance_(&resource->instance_) { DCHECK(!resource->is_reserved_); resource->is_reserved_ = true; } ~Access() { resource_->is_reserved_ = false; resource_ = NULL; instance_ = NULL; } T* value() { return instance_; } T* operator -> () { return instance_; } private: StaticResource<T>* resource_; T* instance_; }; // A pointer that can only be set once and doesn't allow NULL values. template<typename T> class SetOncePointer { public: SetOncePointer() : pointer_(NULL) { } bool is_set() const { return pointer_ != NULL; } T* get() const { DCHECK(pointer_ != NULL); return pointer_; } void set(T* value) { DCHECK(pointer_ == NULL && value != NULL); pointer_ = value; } private: T* pointer_; }; template <typename T, int kSize> class EmbeddedVector : public Vector<T> { public: EmbeddedVector() : Vector<T>(buffer_, kSize) { } explicit EmbeddedVector(T initial_value) : Vector<T>(buffer_, kSize) { for (int i = 0; i < kSize; ++i) { buffer_[i] = initial_value; } } // When copying, make underlying Vector to reference our buffer. EmbeddedVector(const EmbeddedVector& rhs) : Vector<T>(rhs) { MemCopy(buffer_, rhs.buffer_, sizeof(T) * kSize); this->set_start(buffer_); } EmbeddedVector& operator=(const EmbeddedVector& rhs) { if (this == &rhs) return *this; Vector<T>::operator=(rhs); MemCopy(buffer_, rhs.buffer_, sizeof(T) * kSize); this->set_start(buffer_); return *this; } private: T buffer_[kSize]; }; /* * A class that collects values into a backing store. * Specialized versions of the class can allow access to the backing store * in different ways. * There is no guarantee that the backing store is contiguous (and, as a * consequence, no guarantees that consecutively added elements are adjacent * in memory). The collector may move elements unless it has guaranteed not * to. */ template <typename T, int growth_factor = 2, int max_growth = 1 * MB> class Collector { public: explicit Collector(int initial_capacity = kMinCapacity) : index_(0), size_(0) { current_chunk_ = Vector<T>::New(initial_capacity); } virtual ~Collector() { // Free backing store (in reverse allocation order). current_chunk_.Dispose(); for (int i = chunks_.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { chunks_.at(i).Dispose(); } } // Add a single element. inline void Add(T value) { if (index_ >= current_chunk_.length()) { Grow(1); } current_chunk_[index_] = value; index_++; size_++; } // Add a block of contiguous elements and return a Vector backed by the // memory area. // A basic Collector will keep this vector valid as long as the Collector // is alive. inline Vector<T> AddBlock(int size, T initial_value) { DCHECK(size > 0); if (size > current_chunk_.length() - index_) { Grow(size); } T* position = current_chunk_.start() + index_; index_ += size; size_ += size; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { position[i] = initial_value; } return Vector<T>(position, size); } // Add a contiguous block of elements and return a vector backed // by the added block. // A basic Collector will keep this vector valid as long as the Collector // is alive. inline Vector<T> AddBlock(Vector<const T> source) { if (source.length() > current_chunk_.length() - index_) { Grow(source.length()); } T* position = current_chunk_.start() + index_; index_ += source.length(); size_ += source.length(); for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); i++) { position[i] = source[i]; } return Vector<T>(position, source.length()); } // Write the contents of the collector into the provided vector. void WriteTo(Vector<T> destination) { DCHECK(size_ <= destination.length()); int position = 0; for (int i = 0; i < chunks_.length(); i++) { Vector<T> chunk = chunks_.at(i); for (int j = 0; j < chunk.length(); j++) { destination[position] = chunk[j]; position++; } } for (int i = 0; i < index_; i++) { destination[position] = current_chunk_[i]; position++; } } // Allocate a single contiguous vector, copy all the collected // elements to the vector, and return it. // The caller is responsible for freeing the memory of the returned // vector (e.g., using Vector::Dispose). Vector<T> ToVector() { Vector<T> new_store = Vector<T>::New(size_); WriteTo(new_store); return new_store; } // Resets the collector to be empty. virtual void Reset() { for (int i = chunks_.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { chunks_.at(i).Dispose(); } chunks_.Rewind(0); index_ = 0; size_ = 0; } // Total number of elements added to collector so far. inline int size() { return size_; } protected: static const int kMinCapacity = 16; List<Vector<T> > chunks_; Vector<T> current_chunk_; // Block of memory currently being written into. int index_; // Current index in current chunk. int size_; // Total number of elements in collector. // Creates a new current chunk, and stores the old chunk in the chunks_ list. void Grow(int min_capacity) { DCHECK(growth_factor > 1); int new_capacity; int current_length = current_chunk_.length(); if (current_length < kMinCapacity) { // The collector started out as empty. new_capacity = min_capacity * growth_factor; if (new_capacity < kMinCapacity) new_capacity = kMinCapacity; } else { int growth = current_length * (growth_factor - 1); if (growth > max_growth) { growth = max_growth; } new_capacity = current_length + growth; if (new_capacity < min_capacity) { new_capacity = min_capacity + growth; } } NewChunk(new_capacity); DCHECK(index_ + min_capacity <= current_chunk_.length()); } // Before replacing the current chunk, give a subclass the option to move // some of the current data into the new chunk. The function may update // the current index_ value to represent data no longer in the current chunk. // Returns the initial index of the new chunk (after copied data). virtual void NewChunk(int new_capacity) { Vector<T> new_chunk = Vector<T>::New(new_capacity); if (index_ > 0) { chunks_.Add(current_chunk_.SubVector(0, index_)); } else { current_chunk_.Dispose(); } current_chunk_ = new_chunk; index_ = 0; } }; /* * A collector that allows sequences of values to be guaranteed to * stay consecutive. * If the backing store grows while a sequence is active, the current * sequence might be moved, but after the sequence is ended, it will * not move again. * NOTICE: Blocks allocated using Collector::AddBlock(int) can move * as well, if inside an active sequence where another element is added. */ template <typename T, int growth_factor = 2, int max_growth = 1 * MB> class SequenceCollector : public Collector<T, growth_factor, max_growth> { public: explicit SequenceCollector(int initial_capacity) : Collector<T, growth_factor, max_growth>(initial_capacity), sequence_start_(kNoSequence) { } virtual ~SequenceCollector() {} void StartSequence() { DCHECK(sequence_start_ == kNoSequence); sequence_start_ = this->index_; } Vector<T> EndSequence() { DCHECK(sequence_start_ != kNoSequence); int sequence_start = sequence_start_; sequence_start_ = kNoSequence; if (sequence_start == this->index_) return Vector<T>(); return this->current_chunk_.SubVector(sequence_start, this->index_); } // Drops the currently added sequence, and all collected elements in it. void DropSequence() { DCHECK(sequence_start_ != kNoSequence); int sequence_length = this->index_ - sequence_start_; this->index_ = sequence_start_; this->size_ -= sequence_length; sequence_start_ = kNoSequence; } virtual void Reset() { sequence_start_ = kNoSequence; this->Collector<T, growth_factor, max_growth>::Reset(); } private: static const int kNoSequence = -1; int sequence_start_; // Move the currently active sequence to the new chunk. virtual void NewChunk(int new_capacity) { if (sequence_start_ == kNoSequence) { // Fall back on default behavior if no sequence has been started. this->Collector<T, growth_factor, max_growth>::NewChunk(new_capacity); return; } int sequence_length = this->index_ - sequence_start_; Vector<T> new_chunk = Vector<T>::New(sequence_length + new_capacity); DCHECK(sequence_length < new_chunk.length()); for (int i = 0; i < sequence_length; i++) { new_chunk[i] = this->current_chunk_[sequence_start_ + i]; } if (sequence_start_ > 0) { this->chunks_.Add(this->current_chunk_.SubVector(0, sequence_start_)); } else { this->current_chunk_.Dispose(); } this->current_chunk_ = new_chunk; this->index_ = sequence_length; sequence_start_ = 0; } }; // Compare 8bit/16bit chars to 8bit/16bit chars. template <typename lchar, typename rchar> inline int CompareCharsUnsigned(const lchar* lhs, const rchar* rhs, size_t chars) { const lchar* limit = lhs + chars; if (sizeof(*lhs) == sizeof(char) && sizeof(*rhs) == sizeof(char)) { // memcmp compares byte-by-byte, yielding wrong results for two-byte // strings on little-endian systems. return memcmp(lhs, rhs, chars); } while (lhs < limit) { int r = static_cast<int>(*lhs) - static_cast<int>(*rhs); if (r != 0) return r; ++lhs; ++rhs; } return 0; } template <typename lchar, typename rchar> inline int CompareChars(const lchar* lhs, const rchar* rhs, size_t chars) { DCHECK(sizeof(lchar) <= 2); DCHECK(sizeof(rchar) <= 2); if (sizeof(lchar) == 1) { if (sizeof(rchar) == 1) { return CompareCharsUnsigned(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(lhs), reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(rhs), chars); } else { return CompareCharsUnsigned(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(lhs), reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(rhs), chars); } } else { if (sizeof(rchar) == 1) { return CompareCharsUnsigned(reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(lhs), reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(rhs), chars); } else { return CompareCharsUnsigned(reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(lhs), reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(rhs), chars); } } } // Calculate 10^exponent. inline int TenToThe(int exponent) { DCHECK(exponent <= 9); DCHECK(exponent >= 1); int answer = 10; for (int i = 1; i < exponent; i++) answer *= 10; return answer; } template<typename ElementType, int NumElements> class EmbeddedContainer { public: EmbeddedContainer() : elems_() { } int length() const { return NumElements; } const ElementType& operator[](int i) const { DCHECK(i < length()); return elems_[i]; } ElementType& operator[](int i) { DCHECK(i < length()); return elems_[i]; } private: ElementType elems_[NumElements]; }; template<typename ElementType> class EmbeddedContainer<ElementType, 0> { public: int length() const { return 0; } const ElementType& operator[](int i) const { UNREACHABLE(); static ElementType t = 0; return t; } ElementType& operator[](int i) { UNREACHABLE(); static ElementType t = 0; return t; } }; // Helper class for building result strings in a character buffer. The // purpose of the class is to use safe operations that checks the // buffer bounds on all operations in debug mode. // This simple base class does not allow formatted output. class SimpleStringBuilder { public: // Create a string builder with a buffer of the given size. The // buffer is allocated through NewArray<char> and must be // deallocated by the caller of Finalize(). explicit SimpleStringBuilder(int size); SimpleStringBuilder(char* buffer, int size) : buffer_(buffer, size), position_(0) { } ~SimpleStringBuilder() { if (!is_finalized()) Finalize(); } int size() const { return buffer_.length(); } // Get the current position in the builder. int position() const { DCHECK(!is_finalized()); return position_; } // Reset the position. void Reset() { position_ = 0; } // Add a single character to the builder. It is not allowed to add // 0-characters; use the Finalize() method to terminate the string // instead. void AddCharacter(char c) { DCHECK(c != '\0'); DCHECK(!is_finalized() && position_ < buffer_.length()); buffer_[position_++] = c; } // Add an entire string to the builder. Uses strlen() internally to // compute the length of the input string. void AddString(const char* s); // Add the first 'n' characters of the given 0-terminated string 's' to the // builder. The input string must have enough characters. void AddSubstring(const char* s, int n); // Add character padding to the builder. If count is non-positive, // nothing is added to the builder. void AddPadding(char c, int count); // Add the decimal representation of the value. void AddDecimalInteger(int value); // Finalize the string by 0-terminating it and returning the buffer. char* Finalize(); protected: Vector<char> buffer_; int position_; bool is_finalized() const { return position_ < 0; } private: DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(SimpleStringBuilder); }; // A poor man's version of STL's bitset: A bit set of enums E (without explicit // values), fitting into an integral type T. template <class E, class T = int> class EnumSet { public: explicit EnumSet(T bits = 0) : bits_(bits) {} bool IsEmpty() const { return bits_ == 0; } bool Contains(E element) const { return (bits_ & Mask(element)) != 0; } bool ContainsAnyOf(const EnumSet& set) const { return (bits_ & set.bits_) != 0; } void Add(E element) { bits_ |= Mask(element); } void Add(const EnumSet& set) { bits_ |= set.bits_; } void Remove(E element) { bits_ &= ~Mask(element); } void Remove(const EnumSet& set) { bits_ &= ~set.bits_; } void RemoveAll() { bits_ = 0; } void Intersect(const EnumSet& set) { bits_ &= set.bits_; } T ToIntegral() const { return bits_; } bool operator==(const EnumSet& set) { return bits_ == set.bits_; } bool operator!=(const EnumSet& set) { return bits_ != set.bits_; } EnumSet<E, T> operator|(const EnumSet& set) const { return EnumSet<E, T>(bits_ | set.bits_); } private: T Mask(E element) const { // The strange typing in DCHECK is necessary to avoid stupid warnings, see: // http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=43680 DCHECK(static_cast<int>(element) < static_cast<int>(sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT)); return static_cast<T>(1) << element; } T bits_; }; // Bit field extraction. inline uint32_t unsigned_bitextract_32(int msb, int lsb, uint32_t x) { return (x >> lsb) & ((1 << (1 + msb - lsb)) - 1); } inline uint64_t unsigned_bitextract_64(int msb, int lsb, uint64_t x) { return (x >> lsb) & ((static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << (1 + msb - lsb)) - 1); } inline int32_t signed_bitextract_32(int msb, int lsb, int32_t x) { return (x << (31 - msb)) >> (lsb + 31 - msb); } inline int signed_bitextract_64(int msb, int lsb, int x) { // TODO(jbramley): This is broken for big bitfields. return (x << (63 - msb)) >> (lsb + 63 - msb); } // Check number width. inline bool is_intn(int64_t x, unsigned n) { DCHECK((0 < n) && (n < 64)); int64_t limit = static_cast<int64_t>(1) << (n - 1); return (-limit <= x) && (x < limit); } inline bool is_uintn(int64_t x, unsigned n) { DCHECK((0 < n) && (n < (sizeof(x) * kBitsPerByte))); return !(x >> n); } template <class T> inline T truncate_to_intn(T x, unsigned n) { DCHECK((0 < n) && (n < (sizeof(x) * kBitsPerByte))); return (x & ((static_cast<T>(1) << n) - 1)); } #define INT_1_TO_63_LIST(V) \ V(1) V(2) V(3) V(4) V(5) V(6) V(7) V(8) \ V(9) V(10) V(11) V(12) V(13) V(14) V(15) V(16) \ V(17) V(18) V(19) V(20) V(21) V(22) V(23) V(24) \ V(25) V(26) V(27) V(28) V(29) V(30) V(31) V(32) \ V(33) V(34) V(35) V(36) V(37) V(38) V(39) V(40) \ V(41) V(42) V(43) V(44) V(45) V(46) V(47) V(48) \ V(49) V(50) V(51) V(52) V(53) V(54) V(55) V(56) \ V(57) V(58) V(59) V(60) V(61) V(62) V(63) #define DECLARE_IS_INT_N(N) \ inline bool is_int##N(int64_t x) { return is_intn(x, N); } #define DECLARE_IS_UINT_N(N) \ template <class T> \ inline bool is_uint##N(T x) { return is_uintn(x, N); } #define DECLARE_TRUNCATE_TO_INT_N(N) \ template <class T> \ inline T truncate_to_int##N(T x) { return truncate_to_intn(x, N); } INT_1_TO_63_LIST(DECLARE_IS_INT_N) INT_1_TO_63_LIST(DECLARE_IS_UINT_N) INT_1_TO_63_LIST(DECLARE_TRUNCATE_TO_INT_N) #undef DECLARE_IS_INT_N #undef DECLARE_IS_UINT_N #undef DECLARE_TRUNCATE_TO_INT_N class TypeFeedbackId { public: explicit TypeFeedbackId(int id) : id_(id) { } int ToInt() const { return id_; } static TypeFeedbackId None() { return TypeFeedbackId(kNoneId); } bool IsNone() const { return id_ == kNoneId; } private: static const int kNoneId = -1; int id_; }; template <int dummy_parameter> class VectorSlot { public: explicit VectorSlot(int id) : id_(id) {} int ToInt() const { return id_; } static VectorSlot Invalid() { return VectorSlot(kInvalidSlot); } bool IsInvalid() const { return id_ == kInvalidSlot; } VectorSlot next() const { DCHECK_NE(kInvalidSlot, id_); return VectorSlot(id_ + 1); } bool operator==(VectorSlot that) const { return this->id_ == that.id_; } bool operator!=(VectorSlot that) const { return !(*this == that); } private: static const int kInvalidSlot = -1; int id_; }; template <int dummy_parameter> size_t hash_value(VectorSlot<dummy_parameter> slot) { return slot.ToInt(); } typedef VectorSlot<0> FeedbackVectorSlot; typedef VectorSlot<1> FeedbackVectorICSlot; class BailoutId { public: explicit BailoutId(int id) : id_(id) { } int ToInt() const { return id_; } static BailoutId None() { return BailoutId(kNoneId); } static BailoutId Prologue() { return BailoutId(kPrologueId); } static BailoutId FunctionEntry() { return BailoutId(kFunctionEntryId); } static BailoutId Declarations() { return BailoutId(kDeclarationsId); } static BailoutId FirstUsable() { return BailoutId(kFirstUsableId); } static BailoutId StubEntry() { return BailoutId(kStubEntryId); } bool IsNone() const { return id_ == kNoneId; } bool operator==(const BailoutId& other) const { return id_ == other.id_; } bool operator!=(const BailoutId& other) const { return id_ != other.id_; } friend size_t hash_value(BailoutId); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, BailoutId); private: static const int kNoneId = -1; // Using 0 could disguise errors. static const int kPrologueId = 1; static const int kFunctionEntryId = 2; // This AST id identifies the point after the declarations have been visited. // We need it to capture the environment effects of declarations that emit // code (function declarations). static const int kDeclarationsId = 3; // Every FunctionState starts with this id. static const int kFirstUsableId = 4; // Every compiled stub starts with this id. static const int kStubEntryId = 5; int id_; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // I/O support. #if __GNUC__ >= 4 // On gcc we can ask the compiler to check the types of %d-style format // specifiers and their associated arguments. TODO(erikcorry) fix this // so it works on MacOSX. #if defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__) #define PRINTF_CHECKING #define FPRINTF_CHECKING #define PRINTF_METHOD_CHECKING #define FPRINTF_METHOD_CHECKING #else // MacOsX. #define PRINTF_CHECKING __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2))) #define FPRINTF_CHECKING __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3))) #define PRINTF_METHOD_CHECKING __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3))) #define FPRINTF_METHOD_CHECKING __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4))) #endif #else #define PRINTF_CHECKING #define FPRINTF_CHECKING #define PRINTF_METHOD_CHECKING #define FPRINTF_METHOD_CHECKING #endif // Our version of printf(). void PRINTF_CHECKING PrintF(const char* format, ...); void FPRINTF_CHECKING PrintF(FILE* out, const char* format, ...); // Prepends the current process ID to the output. void PRINTF_CHECKING PrintPID(const char* format, ...); // Prepends the current process ID and given isolate pointer to the output. void PrintIsolate(void* isolate, const char* format, ...); // Safe formatting print. Ensures that str is always null-terminated. // Returns the number of chars written, or -1 if output was truncated. int FPRINTF_CHECKING SNPrintF(Vector<char> str, const char* format, ...); int VSNPrintF(Vector<char> str, const char* format, va_list args); void StrNCpy(Vector<char> dest, const char* src, size_t n); // Our version of fflush. void Flush(FILE* out); inline void Flush() { Flush(stdout); } // Read a line of characters after printing the prompt to stdout. The resulting // char* needs to be disposed off with DeleteArray by the caller. char* ReadLine(const char* prompt); // Read and return the raw bytes in a file. the size of the buffer is returned // in size. // The returned buffer must be freed by the caller. byte* ReadBytes(const char* filename, int* size, bool verbose = true); // Append size chars from str to the file given by filename. // The file is overwritten. Returns the number of chars written. int AppendChars(const char* filename, const char* str, int size, bool verbose = true); // Write size chars from str to the file given by filename. // The file is overwritten. Returns the number of chars written. int WriteChars(const char* filename, const char* str, int size, bool verbose = true); // Write size bytes to the file given by filename. // The file is overwritten. Returns the number of bytes written. int WriteBytes(const char* filename, const byte* bytes, int size, bool verbose = true); // Write the C code // const char* <varname> = "<str>"; // const int <varname>_len = <len>; // to the file given by filename. Only the first len chars are written. int WriteAsCFile(const char* filename, const char* varname, const char* str, int size, bool verbose = true); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Memory // Copies words from |src| to |dst|. The data spans must not overlap. template <typename T> inline void CopyWords(T* dst, const T* src, size_t num_words) { STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) == kPointerSize); // TODO(mvstanton): disabled because mac builds are bogus failing on this // assert. They are doing a signed comparison. Investigate in // the morning. // DCHECK(Min(dst, const_cast<T*>(src)) + num_words <= // Max(dst, const_cast<T*>(src))); DCHECK(num_words > 0); // Use block copying MemCopy if the segment we're copying is // enough to justify the extra call/setup overhead. static const size_t kBlockCopyLimit = 16; if (num_words < kBlockCopyLimit) { do { num_words--; *dst++ = *src++; } while (num_words > 0); } else { MemCopy(dst, src, num_words * kPointerSize); } } // Copies words from |src| to |dst|. No restrictions. template <typename T> inline void MoveWords(T* dst, const T* src, size_t num_words) { STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) == kPointerSize); DCHECK(num_words > 0); // Use block copying MemCopy if the segment we're copying is // enough to justify the extra call/setup overhead. static const size_t kBlockCopyLimit = 16; if (num_words < kBlockCopyLimit && ((dst < src) || (dst >= (src + num_words * kPointerSize)))) { T* end = dst + num_words; do { num_words--; *dst++ = *src++; } while (num_words > 0); } else { MemMove(dst, src, num_words * kPointerSize); } } // Copies data from |src| to |dst|. The data spans must not overlap. template <typename T> inline void CopyBytes(T* dst, const T* src, size_t num_bytes) { STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(T) == 1); DCHECK(Min(dst, const_cast<T*>(src)) + num_bytes <= Max(dst, const_cast<T*>(src))); if (num_bytes == 0) return; // Use block copying MemCopy if the segment we're copying is // enough to justify the extra call/setup overhead. static const int kBlockCopyLimit = kMinComplexMemCopy; if (num_bytes < static_cast<size_t>(kBlockCopyLimit)) { do { num_bytes--; *dst++ = *src++; } while (num_bytes > 0); } else { MemCopy(dst, src, num_bytes); } } template <typename T, typename U> inline void MemsetPointer(T** dest, U* value, int counter) { #ifdef DEBUG T* a = NULL; U* b = NULL; a = b; // Fake assignment to check assignability. USE(a); #endif // DEBUG #if V8_HOST_ARCH_IA32 #define STOS "stosl" #elif V8_HOST_ARCH_X64 #if V8_HOST_ARCH_32_BIT #define STOS "addr32 stosl" #else #define STOS "stosq" #endif #endif #if defined(__native_client__) // This STOS sequence does not validate for x86_64 Native Client. // Here we #undef STOS to force use of the slower C version. // TODO(bradchen): Profile V8 and implement a faster REP STOS // here if the profile indicates it matters. #undef STOS #endif #if defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER) // MemorySanitizer does not understand inline assembly. #undef STOS #endif #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(STOS) asm volatile( "cld;" "rep ; " STOS : "+&c" (counter), "+&D" (dest) : "a" (value) : "memory", "cc"); #else for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) { dest[i] = value; } #endif #undef STOS } // Simple support to read a file into a 0-terminated C-string. // The returned buffer must be freed by the caller. // On return, *exits tells whether the file existed. Vector<const char> ReadFile(const char* filename, bool* exists, bool verbose = true); Vector<const char> ReadFile(FILE* file, bool* exists, bool verbose = true); template <typename sourcechar, typename sinkchar> INLINE(static void CopyCharsUnsigned(sinkchar* dest, const sourcechar* src, size_t chars)); #if defined(V8_HOST_ARCH_ARM) INLINE(void CopyCharsUnsigned(uint8_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t chars)); INLINE(void CopyCharsUnsigned(uint16_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t chars)); INLINE(void CopyCharsUnsigned(uint16_t* dest, const uint16_t* src, size_t chars)); #elif defined(V8_HOST_ARCH_MIPS) INLINE(void CopyCharsUnsigned(uint8_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t chars)); INLINE(void CopyCharsUnsigned(uint16_t* dest, const uint16_t* src, size_t chars)); #elif defined(V8_HOST_ARCH_PPC) INLINE(void CopyCharsUnsigned(uint8_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t chars)); INLINE(void CopyCharsUnsigned(uint16_t* dest, const uint16_t* src, size_t chars)); #endif // Copy from 8bit/16bit chars to 8bit/16bit chars. template <typename sourcechar, typename sinkchar> INLINE(void CopyChars(sinkchar* dest, const sourcechar* src, size_t chars)); template <typename sourcechar, typename sinkchar> void CopyChars(sinkchar* dest, const sourcechar* src, size_t chars) { DCHECK(sizeof(sourcechar) <= 2); DCHECK(sizeof(sinkchar) <= 2); if (sizeof(sinkchar) == 1) { if (sizeof(sourcechar) == 1) { CopyCharsUnsigned(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(dest), reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src), chars); } else { CopyCharsUnsigned(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(dest), reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(src), chars); } } else { if (sizeof(sourcechar) == 1) { CopyCharsUnsigned(reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(dest), reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(src), chars); } else { CopyCharsUnsigned(reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(dest), reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(src), chars); } } } template <typename sourcechar, typename sinkchar> void CopyCharsUnsigned(sinkchar* dest, const sourcechar* src, size_t chars) { sinkchar* limit = dest + chars; if ((sizeof(*dest) == sizeof(*src)) && (chars >= static_cast<int>(kMinComplexMemCopy / sizeof(*dest)))) { MemCopy(dest, src, chars * sizeof(*dest)); } else { while (dest < limit) *dest++ = static_cast<sinkchar>(*src++); } } #if defined(V8_HOST_ARCH_ARM) void CopyCharsUnsigned(uint8_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t chars) { switch (static_cast<unsigned>(chars)) { case 0: break; case 1: *dest = *src; break; case 2: memcpy(dest, src, 2); break; case 3: memcpy(dest, src, 3); break; case 4: memcpy(dest, src, 4); break; case 5: memcpy(dest, src, 5); break; case 6: memcpy(dest, src, 6); break; case 7: memcpy(dest, src, 7); break; case 8: memcpy(dest, src, 8); break; case 9: memcpy(dest, src, 9); break; case 10: memcpy(dest, src, 10); break; case 11: memcpy(dest, src, 11); break; case 12: memcpy(dest, src, 12); break; case 13: memcpy(dest, src, 13); break; case 14: memcpy(dest, src, 14); break; case 15: memcpy(dest, src, 15); break; default: MemCopy(dest, src, chars); break; } } void CopyCharsUnsigned(uint16_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t chars) { if (chars >= static_cast<size_t>(kMinComplexConvertMemCopy)) { MemCopyUint16Uint8(dest, src, chars); } else { MemCopyUint16Uint8Wrapper(dest, src, chars); } } void CopyCharsUnsigned(uint16_t* dest, const uint16_t* src, size_t chars) { switch (static_cast<unsigned>(chars)) { case 0: break; case 1: *dest = *src; break; case 2: memcpy(dest, src, 4); break; case 3: memcpy(dest, src, 6); break; case 4: memcpy(dest, src, 8); break; case 5: memcpy(dest, src, 10); break; case 6: memcpy(dest, src, 12); break; case 7: memcpy(dest, src, 14); break; default: MemCopy(dest, src, chars * sizeof(*dest)); break; } } #elif defined(V8_HOST_ARCH_MIPS) void CopyCharsUnsigned(uint8_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t chars) { if (chars < kMinComplexMemCopy) { memcpy(dest, src, chars); } else { MemCopy(dest, src, chars); } } void CopyCharsUnsigned(uint16_t* dest, const uint16_t* src, size_t chars) { if (chars < kMinComplexMemCopy) { memcpy(dest, src, chars * sizeof(*dest)); } else { MemCopy(dest, src, chars * sizeof(*dest)); } } #elif defined(V8_HOST_ARCH_PPC) #define CASE(n) \ case n: \ memcpy(dest, src, n); \ break void CopyCharsUnsigned(uint8_t* dest, const uint8_t* src, size_t chars) { switch (static_cast<unsigned>(chars)) { case 0: break; case 1: *dest = *src; break; CASE(2); CASE(3); CASE(4); CASE(5); CASE(6); CASE(7); CASE(8); CASE(9); CASE(10); CASE(11); CASE(12); CASE(13); CASE(14); CASE(15); CASE(16); CASE(17); CASE(18); CASE(19); CASE(20); CASE(21); CASE(22); CASE(23); CASE(24); CASE(25); CASE(26); CASE(27); CASE(28); CASE(29); CASE(30); CASE(31); CASE(32); CASE(33); CASE(34); CASE(35); CASE(36); CASE(37); CASE(38); CASE(39); CASE(40); CASE(41); CASE(42); CASE(43); CASE(44); CASE(45); CASE(46); CASE(47); CASE(48); CASE(49); CASE(50); CASE(51); CASE(52); CASE(53); CASE(54); CASE(55); CASE(56); CASE(57); CASE(58); CASE(59); CASE(60); CASE(61); CASE(62); CASE(63); CASE(64); default: memcpy(dest, src, chars); break; } } #undef CASE #define CASE(n) \ case n: \ memcpy(dest, src, n * 2); \ break void CopyCharsUnsigned(uint16_t* dest, const uint16_t* src, size_t chars) { switch (static_cast<unsigned>(chars)) { case 0: break; case 1: *dest = *src; break; CASE(2); CASE(3); CASE(4); CASE(5); CASE(6); CASE(7); CASE(8); CASE(9); CASE(10); CASE(11); CASE(12); CASE(13); CASE(14); CASE(15); CASE(16); CASE(17); CASE(18); CASE(19); CASE(20); CASE(21); CASE(22); CASE(23); CASE(24); CASE(25); CASE(26); CASE(27); CASE(28); CASE(29); CASE(30); CASE(31); CASE(32); default: memcpy(dest, src, chars * 2); break; } } #undef CASE #endif class StringBuilder : public SimpleStringBuilder { public: explicit StringBuilder(int size) : SimpleStringBuilder(size) { } StringBuilder(char* buffer, int size) : SimpleStringBuilder(buffer, size) { } // Add formatted contents to the builder just like printf(). void AddFormatted(const char* format, ...); // Add formatted contents like printf based on a va_list. void AddFormattedList(const char* format, va_list list); private: DISALLOW_IMPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS(StringBuilder); }; bool DoubleToBoolean(double d); template <typename Stream> bool StringToArrayIndex(Stream* stream, uint32_t* index) { uint16_t ch = stream->GetNext(); // If the string begins with a '0' character, it must only consist // of it to be a legal array index. if (ch == '0') { *index = 0; return !stream->HasMore(); } // Convert string to uint32 array index; character by character. int d = ch - '0'; if (d < 0 || d > 9) return false; uint32_t result = d; while (stream->HasMore()) { d = stream->GetNext() - '0'; if (d < 0 || d > 9) return false; // Check that the new result is below the 32 bit limit. if (result > 429496729U - ((d + 3) >> 3)) return false; result = (result * 10) + d; } *index = result; return true; } // Returns current value of top of the stack. Works correctly with ASAN. DISABLE_ASAN inline uintptr_t GetCurrentStackPosition() { // Takes the address of the limit variable in order to find out where // the top of stack is right now. uintptr_t limit = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&limit); return limit; } static inline double ReadDoubleValue(const void* p) { #ifndef V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS return *reinterpret_cast<const double*>(p); #else // V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS // Prevent compiler from using load-double (mips ldc1) on (possibly) // non-64-bit aligned address. union conversion { double d; uint32_t u[2]; } c; const uint32_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(p); c.u[0] = *ptr; c.u[1] = *(ptr + 1); return c.d; #endif // V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS } static inline void WriteDoubleValue(void* p, double value) { #ifndef V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS *(reinterpret_cast<double*>(p)) = value; #else // V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS // Prevent compiler from using load-double (mips sdc1) on (possibly) // non-64-bit aligned address. union conversion { double d; uint32_t u[2]; } c; c.d = value; uint32_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(p); *ptr = c.u[0]; *(ptr + 1) = c.u[1]; #endif // V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #endif // V8_UTILS_H_