// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/asmjs/asm-scanner.h" #include "src/conversions.h" #include "src/flags.h" #include "src/parsing/scanner.h" #include "src/unicode-cache.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace { // Cap number of identifiers to ensure we can assign both global and // local ones a token id in the range of an int32_t. static const int kMaxIdentifierCount = 0xf000000; }; AsmJsScanner::AsmJsScanner() : token_(kUninitialized), preceding_token_(kUninitialized), next_token_(kUninitialized), position_(0), preceding_position_(0), next_position_(0), rewind_(false), in_local_scope_(false), global_count_(0), double_value_(0.0), unsigned_value_(0), preceded_by_newline_(false) { #define V(name, _junk1, _junk2, _junk3) property_names_[#name] = kToken_##name; STDLIB_MATH_FUNCTION_LIST(V) STDLIB_ARRAY_TYPE_LIST(V) #undef V #define V(name, _junk1) property_names_[#name] = kToken_##name; STDLIB_MATH_VALUE_LIST(V) #undef V #define V(name) property_names_[#name] = kToken_##name; STDLIB_OTHER_LIST(V) #undef V #define V(name) global_names_[#name] = kToken_##name; KEYWORD_NAME_LIST(V) #undef V } // Destructor of unique_ptr<T> requires complete declaration of T, we only want // to include the necessary declaration here instead of the header file. AsmJsScanner::~AsmJsScanner() {} void AsmJsScanner::SetStream(std::unique_ptr<Utf16CharacterStream> stream) { stream_ = std::move(stream); Next(); } void AsmJsScanner::Next() { if (rewind_) { preceding_token_ = token_; preceding_position_ = position_; token_ = next_token_; position_ = next_position_; next_token_ = kUninitialized; next_position_ = 0; rewind_ = false; return; } if (token_ == kEndOfInput || token_ == kParseError) { return; } #if DEBUG if (FLAG_trace_asm_scanner) { if (Token() == kDouble) { PrintF("%lf ", AsDouble()); } else if (Token() == kUnsigned) { PrintF("%" PRIu32 " ", AsUnsigned()); } else { std::string name = Name(Token()); PrintF("%s ", name.c_str()); } } #endif preceded_by_newline_ = false; preceding_token_ = token_; preceding_position_ = position_; for (;;) { position_ = stream_->pos(); uc32 ch = stream_->Advance(); switch (ch) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': // Ignore whitespace. break; case '\n': // Track when we've passed a newline for optional semicolon support, // but keep scanning. preceded_by_newline_ = true; break; case kEndOfInput: token_ = kEndOfInput; return; case '\'': case '"': ConsumeString(ch); return; case '/': ch = stream_->Advance(); if (ch == '/') { ConsumeCPPComment(); } else if (ch == '*') { if (!ConsumeCComment()) { token_ = kParseError; return; } } else { stream_->Back(); token_ = '/'; return; } // Breaks out of switch, but loops again (i.e. the case when we parsed // a comment, but need to continue to look for the next token). break; case '<': case '>': case '=': case '!': ConsumeCompareOrShift(ch); return; #define V(single_char_token) case single_char_token: SIMPLE_SINGLE_TOKEN_LIST(V) #undef V // Use fixed token IDs for ASCII. token_ = ch; return; default: if (IsIdentifierStart(ch)) { ConsumeIdentifier(ch); } else if (IsNumberStart(ch)) { ConsumeNumber(ch); } else { // TODO(bradnelson): Support unicode (probably via UnicodeCache). token_ = kParseError; } return; } } } void AsmJsScanner::Rewind() { DCHECK_NE(kUninitialized, preceding_token_); // TODO(bradnelson): Currently rewinding needs to leave in place the // preceding newline state (in case a |0 ends a line). // This is weird and stateful, fix me. DCHECK(!rewind_); next_token_ = token_; next_position_ = position_; token_ = preceding_token_; position_ = preceding_position_; preceding_token_ = kUninitialized; preceding_position_ = 0; rewind_ = true; identifier_string_.clear(); } void AsmJsScanner::ResetLocals() { local_names_.clear(); } #if DEBUG // Only used for debugging. std::string AsmJsScanner::Name(token_t token) const { if (token >= 32 && token < 127) { return std::string(1, static_cast<char>(token)); } for (auto& i : local_names_) { if (i.second == token) { return i.first; } } for (auto& i : global_names_) { if (i.second == token) { return i.first; } } for (auto& i : property_names_) { if (i.second == token) { return i.first; } } switch (token) { #define V(rawname, name) \ case kToken_##name: \ return rawname; LONG_SYMBOL_NAME_LIST(V) #undef V #define V(name, value, string_name) \ case name: \ return string_name; SPECIAL_TOKEN_LIST(V) default: break; } UNREACHABLE(); } #endif void AsmJsScanner::Seek(size_t pos) { stream_->Seek(pos); preceding_token_ = kUninitialized; token_ = kUninitialized; next_token_ = kUninitialized; preceding_position_ = 0; position_ = 0; next_position_ = 0; rewind_ = false; Next(); } void AsmJsScanner::ConsumeIdentifier(uc32 ch) { // Consume characters while still part of the identifier. identifier_string_.clear(); while (IsIdentifierPart(ch)) { identifier_string_ += ch; ch = stream_->Advance(); } // Go back one for next time. stream_->Back(); // Decode what the identifier means. if (preceding_token_ == '.') { auto i = property_names_.find(identifier_string_); if (i != property_names_.end()) { token_ = i->second; return; } } else { { auto i = local_names_.find(identifier_string_); if (i != local_names_.end()) { token_ = i->second; return; } } if (!in_local_scope_) { auto i = global_names_.find(identifier_string_); if (i != global_names_.end()) { token_ = i->second; return; } } } if (preceding_token_ == '.') { CHECK(global_count_ < kMaxIdentifierCount); token_ = kGlobalsStart + global_count_++; property_names_[identifier_string_] = token_; } else if (in_local_scope_) { CHECK(local_names_.size() < kMaxIdentifierCount); token_ = kLocalsStart - static_cast<token_t>(local_names_.size()); local_names_[identifier_string_] = token_; } else { CHECK(global_count_ < kMaxIdentifierCount); token_ = kGlobalsStart + global_count_++; global_names_[identifier_string_] = token_; } } void AsmJsScanner::ConsumeNumber(uc32 ch) { std::string number; number = ch; bool has_dot = ch == '.'; for (;;) { ch = stream_->Advance(); if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') || ch == '.' || ch == 'b' || ch == 'o' || ch == 'x' || ((ch == '-' || ch == '+') && (number[number.size() - 1] == 'e' || number[number.size() - 1] == 'E'))) { // TODO(bradnelson): Test weird cases ending in -. if (ch == '.') { has_dot = true; } number.push_back(ch); } else { break; } } stream_->Back(); // Special case the most common number. if (number.size() == 1 && number[0] == '0') { unsigned_value_ = 0; token_ = kUnsigned; return; } // Pick out dot. if (number.size() == 1 && number[0] == '.') { token_ = '.'; return; } // Decode numbers. UnicodeCache cache; double_value_ = StringToDouble( &cache, Vector<const uint8_t>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(number.data()), static_cast<int>(number.size())), ALLOW_HEX | ALLOW_OCTAL | ALLOW_BINARY | ALLOW_IMPLICIT_OCTAL); if (std::isnan(double_value_)) { // Check if string to number conversion didn't consume all the characters. // This happens if the character filter let through something invalid // like: 0123ef for example. // TODO(bradnelson): Check if this happens often enough to be a perf // problem. if (number[0] == '.') { for (size_t k = 1; k < number.size(); ++k) { stream_->Back(); } token_ = '.'; return; } // Anything else that doesn't parse is an error. token_ = kParseError; return; } if (has_dot) { token_ = kDouble; } else { // Exceeding safe integer range is an error. if (double_value_ > static_cast<double>(kMaxUInt32)) { token_ = kParseError; return; } unsigned_value_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(double_value_); token_ = kUnsigned; } } bool AsmJsScanner::ConsumeCComment() { for (;;) { uc32 ch = stream_->Advance(); while (ch == '*') { ch = stream_->Advance(); if (ch == '/') { return true; } } if (ch == kEndOfInput) { return false; } } } void AsmJsScanner::ConsumeCPPComment() { for (;;) { uc32 ch = stream_->Advance(); if (ch == '\n' || ch == kEndOfInput) { return; } } } void AsmJsScanner::ConsumeString(uc32 quote) { // Only string allowed is 'use asm' / "use asm". const char* expected = "use asm"; for (; *expected != '\0'; ++expected) { if (stream_->Advance() != *expected) { token_ = kParseError; return; } } if (stream_->Advance() != quote) { token_ = kParseError; return; } token_ = kToken_UseAsm; } void AsmJsScanner::ConsumeCompareOrShift(uc32 ch) { uc32 next_ch = stream_->Advance(); if (next_ch == '=') { switch (ch) { case '<': token_ = kToken_LE; break; case '>': token_ = kToken_GE; break; case '=': token_ = kToken_EQ; break; case '!': token_ = kToken_NE; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } else if (ch == '<' && next_ch == '<') { token_ = kToken_SHL; } else if (ch == '>' && next_ch == '>') { if (stream_->Advance() == '>') { token_ = kToken_SHR; } else { token_ = kToken_SAR; stream_->Back(); } } else { stream_->Back(); token_ = ch; } } bool AsmJsScanner::IsIdentifierStart(uc32 ch) { return (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || ch == '_' || ch == '$'; } bool AsmJsScanner::IsIdentifierPart(uc32 ch) { return IsIdentifierStart(ch) || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'); } bool AsmJsScanner::IsNumberStart(uc32 ch) { return ch == '.' || (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9'); } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8