// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <stdlib.h> #include <fstream> // NOLINT(readability/streams) #include <sstream> #include "src/v8.h" #include "src/ast.h" #include "src/base/platform/platform.h" #include "src/base/sys-info.h" #include "src/base/utils/random-number-generator.h" #include "src/basic-block-profiler.h" #include "src/bootstrapper.h" #include "src/codegen.h" #include "src/compilation-cache.h" #include "src/compilation-statistics.h" #include "src/cpu-profiler.h" #include "src/debug.h" #include "src/deoptimizer.h" #include "src/heap/spaces.h" #include "src/heap-profiler.h" #include "src/hydrogen.h" #include "src/ic/stub-cache.h" #include "src/isolate-inl.h" #include "src/lithium-allocator.h" #include "src/log.h" #include "src/messages.h" #include "src/prototype.h" #include "src/regexp-stack.h" #include "src/runtime-profiler.h" #include "src/sampler.h" #include "src/scopeinfo.h" #include "src/serialize.h" #include "src/simulator.h" #include "src/version.h" #include "src/vm-state-inl.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { base::Atomic32 ThreadId::highest_thread_id_ = 0; int ThreadId::AllocateThreadId() { int new_id = base::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(&highest_thread_id_, 1); return new_id; } int ThreadId::GetCurrentThreadId() { int thread_id = base::Thread::GetThreadLocalInt(Isolate::thread_id_key_); if (thread_id == 0) { thread_id = AllocateThreadId(); base::Thread::SetThreadLocalInt(Isolate::thread_id_key_, thread_id); } return thread_id; } ThreadLocalTop::ThreadLocalTop() { InitializeInternal(); } void ThreadLocalTop::InitializeInternal() { c_entry_fp_ = 0; c_function_ = 0; handler_ = 0; #ifdef USE_SIMULATOR simulator_ = NULL; #endif js_entry_sp_ = NULL; external_callback_scope_ = NULL; current_vm_state_ = EXTERNAL; try_catch_handler_ = NULL; context_ = NULL; thread_id_ = ThreadId::Invalid(); external_caught_exception_ = false; failed_access_check_callback_ = NULL; save_context_ = NULL; catcher_ = NULL; top_lookup_result_ = NULL; promise_on_stack_ = NULL; // These members are re-initialized later after deserialization // is complete. pending_exception_ = NULL; has_pending_message_ = false; rethrowing_message_ = false; pending_message_obj_ = NULL; pending_message_script_ = NULL; scheduled_exception_ = NULL; } void ThreadLocalTop::Initialize() { InitializeInternal(); #ifdef USE_SIMULATOR simulator_ = Simulator::current(isolate_); #endif thread_id_ = ThreadId::Current(); } void ThreadLocalTop::Free() { // Match unmatched PopPromise calls. while (promise_on_stack_) isolate_->PopPromise(); } base::Thread::LocalStorageKey Isolate::isolate_key_; base::Thread::LocalStorageKey Isolate::thread_id_key_; base::Thread::LocalStorageKey Isolate::per_isolate_thread_data_key_; base::LazyMutex Isolate::thread_data_table_mutex_ = LAZY_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; Isolate::ThreadDataTable* Isolate::thread_data_table_ = NULL; base::Atomic32 Isolate::isolate_counter_ = 0; Isolate::PerIsolateThreadData* Isolate::FindOrAllocatePerThreadDataForThisThread() { ThreadId thread_id = ThreadId::Current(); PerIsolateThreadData* per_thread = NULL; { base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> lock_guard(thread_data_table_mutex_.Pointer()); per_thread = thread_data_table_->Lookup(this, thread_id); if (per_thread == NULL) { per_thread = new PerIsolateThreadData(this, thread_id); thread_data_table_->Insert(per_thread); } DCHECK(thread_data_table_->Lookup(this, thread_id) == per_thread); } return per_thread; } Isolate::PerIsolateThreadData* Isolate::FindPerThreadDataForThisThread() { ThreadId thread_id = ThreadId::Current(); return FindPerThreadDataForThread(thread_id); } Isolate::PerIsolateThreadData* Isolate::FindPerThreadDataForThread( ThreadId thread_id) { PerIsolateThreadData* per_thread = NULL; { base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> lock_guard(thread_data_table_mutex_.Pointer()); per_thread = thread_data_table_->Lookup(this, thread_id); } return per_thread; } void Isolate::InitializeOncePerProcess() { base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> lock_guard(thread_data_table_mutex_.Pointer()); CHECK(thread_data_table_ == NULL); isolate_key_ = base::Thread::CreateThreadLocalKey(); thread_id_key_ = base::Thread::CreateThreadLocalKey(); per_isolate_thread_data_key_ = base::Thread::CreateThreadLocalKey(); thread_data_table_ = new Isolate::ThreadDataTable(); } Address Isolate::get_address_from_id(Isolate::AddressId id) { return isolate_addresses_[id]; } char* Isolate::Iterate(ObjectVisitor* v, char* thread_storage) { ThreadLocalTop* thread = reinterpret_cast<ThreadLocalTop*>(thread_storage); Iterate(v, thread); return thread_storage + sizeof(ThreadLocalTop); } void Isolate::IterateThread(ThreadVisitor* v, char* t) { ThreadLocalTop* thread = reinterpret_cast<ThreadLocalTop*>(t); v->VisitThread(this, thread); } void Isolate::Iterate(ObjectVisitor* v, ThreadLocalTop* thread) { // Visit the roots from the top for a given thread. v->VisitPointer(&thread->pending_exception_); v->VisitPointer(&(thread->pending_message_obj_)); v->VisitPointer(bit_cast<Object**>(&(thread->pending_message_script_))); v->VisitPointer(bit_cast<Object**>(&(thread->context_))); v->VisitPointer(&thread->scheduled_exception_); for (v8::TryCatch* block = thread->try_catch_handler(); block != NULL; block = block->next_) { v->VisitPointer(bit_cast<Object**>(&(block->exception_))); v->VisitPointer(bit_cast<Object**>(&(block->message_obj_))); v->VisitPointer(bit_cast<Object**>(&(block->message_script_))); } // Iterate over pointers on native execution stack. for (StackFrameIterator it(this, thread); !it.done(); it.Advance()) { it.frame()->Iterate(v); } // Iterate pointers in live lookup results. thread->top_lookup_result_->Iterate(v); } void Isolate::Iterate(ObjectVisitor* v) { ThreadLocalTop* current_t = thread_local_top(); Iterate(v, current_t); } void Isolate::IterateDeferredHandles(ObjectVisitor* visitor) { for (DeferredHandles* deferred = deferred_handles_head_; deferred != NULL; deferred = deferred->next_) { deferred->Iterate(visitor); } } #ifdef DEBUG bool Isolate::IsDeferredHandle(Object** handle) { // Each DeferredHandles instance keeps the handles to one job in the // concurrent recompilation queue, containing a list of blocks. Each block // contains kHandleBlockSize handles except for the first block, which may // not be fully filled. // We iterate through all the blocks to see whether the argument handle // belongs to one of the blocks. If so, it is deferred. for (DeferredHandles* deferred = deferred_handles_head_; deferred != NULL; deferred = deferred->next_) { List<Object**>* blocks = &deferred->blocks_; for (int i = 0; i < blocks->length(); i++) { Object** block_limit = (i == 0) ? deferred->first_block_limit_ : blocks->at(i) + kHandleBlockSize; if (blocks->at(i) <= handle && handle < block_limit) return true; } } return false; } #endif // DEBUG void Isolate::RegisterTryCatchHandler(v8::TryCatch* that) { thread_local_top()->set_try_catch_handler(that); } void Isolate::UnregisterTryCatchHandler(v8::TryCatch* that) { DCHECK(thread_local_top()->try_catch_handler() == that); thread_local_top()->set_try_catch_handler(that->next_); thread_local_top()->catcher_ = NULL; } Handle<String> Isolate::StackTraceString() { if (stack_trace_nesting_level_ == 0) { stack_trace_nesting_level_++; HeapStringAllocator allocator; StringStream::ClearMentionedObjectCache(this); StringStream accumulator(&allocator); incomplete_message_ = &accumulator; PrintStack(&accumulator); Handle<String> stack_trace = accumulator.ToString(this); incomplete_message_ = NULL; stack_trace_nesting_level_ = 0; return stack_trace; } else if (stack_trace_nesting_level_ == 1) { stack_trace_nesting_level_++; base::OS::PrintError( "\n\nAttempt to print stack while printing stack (double fault)\n"); base::OS::PrintError( "If you are lucky you may find a partial stack dump on stdout.\n\n"); incomplete_message_->OutputToStdOut(); return factory()->empty_string(); } else { base::OS::Abort(); // Unreachable return factory()->empty_string(); } } void Isolate::PushStackTraceAndDie(unsigned int magic, Object* object, Map* map, unsigned int magic2) { const int kMaxStackTraceSize = 8192; Handle<String> trace = StackTraceString(); uint8_t buffer[kMaxStackTraceSize]; int length = Min(kMaxStackTraceSize - 1, trace->length()); String::WriteToFlat(*trace, buffer, 0, length); buffer[length] = '\0'; // TODO(dcarney): convert buffer to utf8? base::OS::PrintError("Stacktrace (%x-%x) %p %p: %s\n", magic, magic2, static_cast<void*>(object), static_cast<void*>(map), reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer)); base::OS::Abort(); } // Determines whether the given stack frame should be displayed in // a stack trace. The caller is the error constructor that asked // for the stack trace to be collected. The first time a construct // call to this function is encountered it is skipped. The seen_caller // in/out parameter is used to remember if the caller has been seen // yet. static bool IsVisibleInStackTrace(JSFunction* fun, Object* caller, Object* receiver, bool* seen_caller) { if ((fun == caller) && !(*seen_caller)) { *seen_caller = true; return false; } // Skip all frames until we've seen the caller. if (!(*seen_caller)) return false; // Also, skip non-visible built-in functions and any call with the builtins // object as receiver, so as to not reveal either the builtins object or // an internal function. // The --builtins-in-stack-traces command line flag allows including // internal call sites in the stack trace for debugging purposes. if (!FLAG_builtins_in_stack_traces) { if (receiver->IsJSBuiltinsObject()) return false; if (fun->IsBuiltin()) { return fun->shared()->native(); } else if (fun->IsFromNativeScript() || fun->IsFromExtensionScript()) { return false; } } return true; } Handle<Object> Isolate::CaptureSimpleStackTrace(Handle<JSObject> error_object, Handle<Object> caller) { // Get stack trace limit. Handle<Object> error = Object::GetProperty( this, js_builtins_object(), "$Error").ToHandleChecked(); if (!error->IsJSObject()) return factory()->undefined_value(); Handle<String> stackTraceLimit = factory()->InternalizeUtf8String("stackTraceLimit"); DCHECK(!stackTraceLimit.is_null()); Handle<Object> stack_trace_limit = JSObject::GetDataProperty(Handle<JSObject>::cast(error), stackTraceLimit); if (!stack_trace_limit->IsNumber()) return factory()->undefined_value(); int limit = FastD2IChecked(stack_trace_limit->Number()); limit = Max(limit, 0); // Ensure that limit is not negative. int initial_size = Min(limit, 10); Handle<FixedArray> elements = factory()->NewFixedArrayWithHoles(initial_size * 4 + 1); // If the caller parameter is a function we skip frames until we're // under it before starting to collect. bool seen_caller = !caller->IsJSFunction(); // First element is reserved to store the number of sloppy frames. int cursor = 1; int frames_seen = 0; int sloppy_frames = 0; bool encountered_strict_function = false; for (JavaScriptFrameIterator iter(this); !iter.done() && frames_seen < limit; iter.Advance()) { JavaScriptFrame* frame = iter.frame(); // Set initial size to the maximum inlining level + 1 for the outermost // function. List<FrameSummary> frames(FLAG_max_inlining_levels + 1); frame->Summarize(&frames); for (int i = frames.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Handle<JSFunction> fun = frames[i].function(); Handle<Object> recv = frames[i].receiver(); // Filter out internal frames that we do not want to show. if (!IsVisibleInStackTrace(*fun, *caller, *recv, &seen_caller)) continue; // Filter out frames from other security contexts. if (!this->context()->HasSameSecurityTokenAs(fun->context())) continue; if (cursor + 4 > elements->length()) { int new_capacity = JSObject::NewElementsCapacity(elements->length()); Handle<FixedArray> new_elements = factory()->NewFixedArrayWithHoles(new_capacity); for (int i = 0; i < cursor; i++) { new_elements->set(i, elements->get(i)); } elements = new_elements; } DCHECK(cursor + 4 <= elements->length()); Handle<Code> code = frames[i].code(); Handle<Smi> offset(Smi::FromInt(frames[i].offset()), this); // The stack trace API should not expose receivers and function // objects on frames deeper than the top-most one with a strict // mode function. The number of sloppy frames is stored as // first element in the result array. if (!encountered_strict_function) { if (fun->shared()->strict_mode() == STRICT) { encountered_strict_function = true; } else { sloppy_frames++; } } elements->set(cursor++, *recv); elements->set(cursor++, *fun); elements->set(cursor++, *code); elements->set(cursor++, *offset); frames_seen++; } } elements->set(0, Smi::FromInt(sloppy_frames)); Handle<JSArray> result = factory()->NewJSArrayWithElements(elements); result->set_length(Smi::FromInt(cursor)); return result; } void Isolate::CaptureAndSetDetailedStackTrace(Handle<JSObject> error_object) { if (capture_stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_) { // Capture stack trace for a detailed exception message. Handle<Name> key = factory()->detailed_stack_trace_symbol(); Handle<JSArray> stack_trace = CaptureCurrentStackTrace( stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_frame_limit_, stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_options_); JSObject::SetProperty(error_object, key, stack_trace, STRICT).Assert(); } } void Isolate::CaptureAndSetSimpleStackTrace(Handle<JSObject> error_object, Handle<Object> caller) { // Capture stack trace for simple stack trace string formatting. Handle<Name> key = factory()->stack_trace_symbol(); Handle<Object> stack_trace = CaptureSimpleStackTrace(error_object, caller); JSObject::SetProperty(error_object, key, stack_trace, STRICT).Assert(); } Handle<JSArray> Isolate::GetDetailedStackTrace(Handle<JSObject> error_object) { Handle<Name> key_detailed = factory()->detailed_stack_trace_symbol(); Handle<Object> stack_trace = JSObject::GetDataProperty(error_object, key_detailed); if (stack_trace->IsJSArray()) return Handle<JSArray>::cast(stack_trace); if (!capture_stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_) return Handle<JSArray>(); // Try to get details from simple stack trace. Handle<JSArray> detailed_stack_trace = GetDetailedFromSimpleStackTrace(error_object); if (!detailed_stack_trace.is_null()) { // Save the detailed stack since the simple one might be withdrawn later. JSObject::SetProperty(error_object, key_detailed, detailed_stack_trace, STRICT).Assert(); } return detailed_stack_trace; } class CaptureStackTraceHelper { public: CaptureStackTraceHelper(Isolate* isolate, StackTrace::StackTraceOptions options) : isolate_(isolate) { if (options & StackTrace::kColumnOffset) { column_key_ = factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("column")); } if (options & StackTrace::kLineNumber) { line_key_ = factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("lineNumber")); } if (options & StackTrace::kScriptId) { script_id_key_ = factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("scriptId")); } if (options & StackTrace::kScriptName) { script_name_key_ = factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("scriptName")); } if (options & StackTrace::kScriptNameOrSourceURL) { script_name_or_source_url_key_ = factory()->InternalizeOneByteString( STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("scriptNameOrSourceURL")); } if (options & StackTrace::kFunctionName) { function_key_ = factory()->InternalizeOneByteString( STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("functionName")); } if (options & StackTrace::kIsEval) { eval_key_ = factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("isEval")); } if (options & StackTrace::kIsConstructor) { constructor_key_ = factory()->InternalizeOneByteString( STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("isConstructor")); } } Handle<JSObject> NewStackFrameObject(Handle<JSFunction> fun, Handle<Code> code, Address pc, bool is_constructor) { Handle<JSObject> stack_frame = factory()->NewJSObject(isolate_->object_function()); Handle<Script> script(Script::cast(fun->shared()->script())); if (!line_key_.is_null()) { int script_line_offset = script->line_offset()->value(); int position = code->SourcePosition(pc); int line_number = Script::GetLineNumber(script, position); // line_number is already shifted by the script_line_offset. int relative_line_number = line_number - script_line_offset; if (!column_key_.is_null() && relative_line_number >= 0) { Handle<FixedArray> line_ends(FixedArray::cast(script->line_ends())); int start = (relative_line_number == 0) ? 0 : Smi::cast(line_ends->get(relative_line_number - 1))->value() + 1; int column_offset = position - start; if (relative_line_number == 0) { // For the case where the code is on the same line as the script // tag. column_offset += script->column_offset()->value(); } JSObject::AddProperty(stack_frame, column_key_, handle(Smi::FromInt(column_offset + 1), isolate_), NONE); } JSObject::AddProperty(stack_frame, line_key_, handle(Smi::FromInt(line_number + 1), isolate_), NONE); } if (!script_id_key_.is_null()) { JSObject::AddProperty(stack_frame, script_id_key_, handle(script->id(), isolate_), NONE); } if (!script_name_key_.is_null()) { JSObject::AddProperty(stack_frame, script_name_key_, handle(script->name(), isolate_), NONE); } if (!script_name_or_source_url_key_.is_null()) { Handle<Object> result = Script::GetNameOrSourceURL(script); JSObject::AddProperty(stack_frame, script_name_or_source_url_key_, result, NONE); } if (!function_key_.is_null()) { Handle<Object> fun_name(fun->shared()->DebugName(), isolate_); JSObject::AddProperty(stack_frame, function_key_, fun_name, NONE); } if (!eval_key_.is_null()) { Handle<Object> is_eval = factory()->ToBoolean( script->compilation_type() == Script::COMPILATION_TYPE_EVAL); JSObject::AddProperty(stack_frame, eval_key_, is_eval, NONE); } if (!constructor_key_.is_null()) { Handle<Object> is_constructor_obj = factory()->ToBoolean(is_constructor); JSObject::AddProperty(stack_frame, constructor_key_, is_constructor_obj, NONE); } return stack_frame; } private: inline Factory* factory() { return isolate_->factory(); } Isolate* isolate_; Handle<String> column_key_; Handle<String> line_key_; Handle<String> script_id_key_; Handle<String> script_name_key_; Handle<String> script_name_or_source_url_key_; Handle<String> function_key_; Handle<String> eval_key_; Handle<String> constructor_key_; }; Handle<JSArray> Isolate::GetDetailedFromSimpleStackTrace( Handle<JSObject> error_object) { Handle<Name> key = factory()->stack_trace_symbol(); Handle<Object> property = JSObject::GetDataProperty(error_object, key); if (!property->IsJSArray()) return Handle<JSArray>(); Handle<JSArray> simple_stack_trace = Handle<JSArray>::cast(property); CaptureStackTraceHelper helper(this, stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_options_); int frames_seen = 0; Handle<FixedArray> elements(FixedArray::cast(simple_stack_trace->elements())); int elements_limit = Smi::cast(simple_stack_trace->length())->value(); int frame_limit = stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_frame_limit_; if (frame_limit < 0) frame_limit = (elements_limit - 1) / 4; Handle<JSArray> stack_trace = factory()->NewJSArray(frame_limit); for (int i = 1; i < elements_limit && frames_seen < frame_limit; i += 4) { Handle<Object> recv = handle(elements->get(i), this); Handle<JSFunction> fun = handle(JSFunction::cast(elements->get(i + 1)), this); Handle<Code> code = handle(Code::cast(elements->get(i + 2)), this); Handle<Smi> offset = handle(Smi::cast(elements->get(i + 3)), this); Address pc = code->address() + offset->value(); bool is_constructor = recv->IsJSObject() && Handle<JSObject>::cast(recv)->map()->constructor() == *fun; Handle<JSObject> stack_frame = helper.NewStackFrameObject(fun, code, pc, is_constructor); FixedArray::cast(stack_trace->elements())->set(frames_seen, *stack_frame); frames_seen++; } stack_trace->set_length(Smi::FromInt(frames_seen)); return stack_trace; } Handle<JSArray> Isolate::CaptureCurrentStackTrace( int frame_limit, StackTrace::StackTraceOptions options) { CaptureStackTraceHelper helper(this, options); // Ensure no negative values. int limit = Max(frame_limit, 0); Handle<JSArray> stack_trace = factory()->NewJSArray(frame_limit); StackTraceFrameIterator it(this); int frames_seen = 0; while (!it.done() && (frames_seen < limit)) { JavaScriptFrame* frame = it.frame(); // Set initial size to the maximum inlining level + 1 for the outermost // function. List<FrameSummary> frames(FLAG_max_inlining_levels + 1); frame->Summarize(&frames); for (int i = frames.length() - 1; i >= 0 && frames_seen < limit; i--) { Handle<JSFunction> fun = frames[i].function(); // Filter frames from other security contexts. if (!(options & StackTrace::kExposeFramesAcrossSecurityOrigins) && !this->context()->HasSameSecurityTokenAs(fun->context())) continue; Handle<JSObject> stack_frame = helper.NewStackFrameObject( fun, frames[i].code(), frames[i].pc(), frames[i].is_constructor()); FixedArray::cast(stack_trace->elements())->set(frames_seen, *stack_frame); frames_seen++; } it.Advance(); } stack_trace->set_length(Smi::FromInt(frames_seen)); return stack_trace; } void Isolate::PrintStack(FILE* out) { if (stack_trace_nesting_level_ == 0) { stack_trace_nesting_level_++; StringStream::ClearMentionedObjectCache(this); HeapStringAllocator allocator; StringStream accumulator(&allocator); incomplete_message_ = &accumulator; PrintStack(&accumulator); accumulator.OutputToFile(out); InitializeLoggingAndCounters(); accumulator.Log(this); incomplete_message_ = NULL; stack_trace_nesting_level_ = 0; } else if (stack_trace_nesting_level_ == 1) { stack_trace_nesting_level_++; base::OS::PrintError( "\n\nAttempt to print stack while printing stack (double fault)\n"); base::OS::PrintError( "If you are lucky you may find a partial stack dump on stdout.\n\n"); incomplete_message_->OutputToFile(out); } } static void PrintFrames(Isolate* isolate, StringStream* accumulator, StackFrame::PrintMode mode) { StackFrameIterator it(isolate); for (int i = 0; !it.done(); it.Advance()) { it.frame()->Print(accumulator, mode, i++); } } void Isolate::PrintStack(StringStream* accumulator) { // The MentionedObjectCache is not GC-proof at the moment. DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; DCHECK(StringStream::IsMentionedObjectCacheClear(this)); // Avoid printing anything if there are no frames. if (c_entry_fp(thread_local_top()) == 0) return; accumulator->Add( "\n==== JS stack trace =========================================\n\n"); PrintFrames(this, accumulator, StackFrame::OVERVIEW); accumulator->Add( "\n==== Details ================================================\n\n"); PrintFrames(this, accumulator, StackFrame::DETAILS); accumulator->PrintMentionedObjectCache(this); accumulator->Add("=====================\n\n"); } void Isolate::SetFailedAccessCheckCallback( v8::FailedAccessCheckCallback callback) { thread_local_top()->failed_access_check_callback_ = callback; } static inline AccessCheckInfo* GetAccessCheckInfo(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> receiver) { JSFunction* constructor = JSFunction::cast(receiver->map()->constructor()); if (!constructor->shared()->IsApiFunction()) return NULL; Object* data_obj = constructor->shared()->get_api_func_data()->access_check_info(); if (data_obj == isolate->heap()->undefined_value()) return NULL; return AccessCheckInfo::cast(data_obj); } void Isolate::ReportFailedAccessCheck(Handle<JSObject> receiver, v8::AccessType type) { if (!thread_local_top()->failed_access_check_callback_) { Handle<String> message = factory()->InternalizeUtf8String("no access"); Handle<Object> error; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( this, error, factory()->NewTypeError(message), /* void */); ScheduleThrow(*error); return; } DCHECK(receiver->IsAccessCheckNeeded()); DCHECK(context()); // Get the data object from access check info. HandleScope scope(this); Handle<Object> data; { DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; AccessCheckInfo* access_check_info = GetAccessCheckInfo(this, receiver); if (!access_check_info) return; data = handle(access_check_info->data(), this); } // Leaving JavaScript. VMState<EXTERNAL> state(this); thread_local_top()->failed_access_check_callback_( v8::Utils::ToLocal(receiver), type, v8::Utils::ToLocal(data)); } enum MayAccessDecision { YES, NO, UNKNOWN }; static MayAccessDecision MayAccessPreCheck(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> receiver, v8::AccessType type) { DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; // During bootstrapping, callback functions are not enabled yet. if (isolate->bootstrapper()->IsActive()) return YES; if (receiver->IsJSGlobalProxy()) { Object* receiver_context = JSGlobalProxy::cast(*receiver)->native_context(); if (!receiver_context->IsContext()) return NO; // Get the native context of current top context. // avoid using Isolate::native_context() because it uses Handle. Context* native_context = isolate->context()->global_object()->native_context(); if (receiver_context == native_context) return YES; if (Context::cast(receiver_context)->security_token() == native_context->security_token()) return YES; } return UNKNOWN; } bool Isolate::MayNamedAccess(Handle<JSObject> receiver, Handle<Object> key, v8::AccessType type) { DCHECK(receiver->IsJSGlobalProxy() || receiver->IsAccessCheckNeeded()); // Skip checks for hidden properties access. Note, we do not // require existence of a context in this case. if (key.is_identical_to(factory()->hidden_string())) return true; // Check for compatibility between the security tokens in the // current lexical context and the accessed object. DCHECK(context()); MayAccessDecision decision = MayAccessPreCheck(this, receiver, type); if (decision != UNKNOWN) return decision == YES; HandleScope scope(this); Handle<Object> data; v8::NamedSecurityCallback callback; { DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; AccessCheckInfo* access_check_info = GetAccessCheckInfo(this, receiver); if (!access_check_info) return false; Object* fun_obj = access_check_info->named_callback(); callback = v8::ToCData<v8::NamedSecurityCallback>(fun_obj); if (!callback) return false; data = handle(access_check_info->data(), this); } LOG(this, ApiNamedSecurityCheck(*key)); // Leaving JavaScript. VMState<EXTERNAL> state(this); return callback(v8::Utils::ToLocal(receiver), v8::Utils::ToLocal(key), type, v8::Utils::ToLocal(data)); } bool Isolate::MayIndexedAccess(Handle<JSObject> receiver, uint32_t index, v8::AccessType type) { DCHECK(receiver->IsJSGlobalProxy() || receiver->IsAccessCheckNeeded()); // Check for compatibility between the security tokens in the // current lexical context and the accessed object. DCHECK(context()); MayAccessDecision decision = MayAccessPreCheck(this, receiver, type); if (decision != UNKNOWN) return decision == YES; HandleScope scope(this); Handle<Object> data; v8::IndexedSecurityCallback callback; { DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; // Get named access check callback AccessCheckInfo* access_check_info = GetAccessCheckInfo(this, receiver); if (!access_check_info) return false; Object* fun_obj = access_check_info->indexed_callback(); callback = v8::ToCData<v8::IndexedSecurityCallback>(fun_obj); if (!callback) return false; data = handle(access_check_info->data(), this); } LOG(this, ApiIndexedSecurityCheck(index)); // Leaving JavaScript. VMState<EXTERNAL> state(this); return callback( v8::Utils::ToLocal(receiver), index, type, v8::Utils::ToLocal(data)); } const char* const Isolate::kStackOverflowMessage = "Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"; Object* Isolate::StackOverflow() { HandleScope scope(this); // At this point we cannot create an Error object using its javascript // constructor. Instead, we copy the pre-constructed boilerplate and // attach the stack trace as a hidden property. Handle<String> key = factory()->stack_overflow_string(); Handle<JSObject> boilerplate = Handle<JSObject>::cast( Object::GetProperty(js_builtins_object(), key).ToHandleChecked()); Handle<JSObject> exception = factory()->CopyJSObject(boilerplate); DoThrow(*exception, NULL); CaptureAndSetSimpleStackTrace(exception, factory()->undefined_value()); return heap()->exception(); } Object* Isolate::TerminateExecution() { DoThrow(heap_.termination_exception(), NULL); return heap()->exception(); } void Isolate::CancelTerminateExecution() { if (try_catch_handler()) { try_catch_handler()->has_terminated_ = false; } if (has_pending_exception() && pending_exception() == heap_.termination_exception()) { thread_local_top()->external_caught_exception_ = false; clear_pending_exception(); } if (has_scheduled_exception() && scheduled_exception() == heap_.termination_exception()) { thread_local_top()->external_caught_exception_ = false; clear_scheduled_exception(); } } void Isolate::InvokeApiInterruptCallback() { // Note: callback below should be called outside of execution access lock. InterruptCallback callback = NULL; void* data = NULL; { ExecutionAccess access(this); callback = api_interrupt_callback_; data = api_interrupt_callback_data_; api_interrupt_callback_ = NULL; api_interrupt_callback_data_ = NULL; } if (callback != NULL) { VMState<EXTERNAL> state(this); HandleScope handle_scope(this); callback(reinterpret_cast<v8::Isolate*>(this), data); } } Object* Isolate::Throw(Object* exception, MessageLocation* location) { DoThrow(exception, location); return heap()->exception(); } Object* Isolate::ReThrow(Object* exception) { bool can_be_caught_externally = false; bool catchable_by_javascript = is_catchable_by_javascript(exception); ShouldReportException(&can_be_caught_externally, catchable_by_javascript); thread_local_top()->catcher_ = can_be_caught_externally ? try_catch_handler() : NULL; // Set the exception being re-thrown. set_pending_exception(exception); return heap()->exception(); } Object* Isolate::ThrowIllegalOperation() { if (FLAG_stack_trace_on_illegal) PrintStack(stdout); return Throw(heap_.illegal_access_string()); } void Isolate::ScheduleThrow(Object* exception) { // When scheduling a throw we first throw the exception to get the // error reporting if it is uncaught before rescheduling it. Throw(exception); PropagatePendingExceptionToExternalTryCatch(); if (has_pending_exception()) { thread_local_top()->scheduled_exception_ = pending_exception(); thread_local_top()->external_caught_exception_ = false; clear_pending_exception(); } } void Isolate::RestorePendingMessageFromTryCatch(v8::TryCatch* handler) { DCHECK(handler == try_catch_handler()); DCHECK(handler->HasCaught()); DCHECK(handler->rethrow_); DCHECK(handler->capture_message_); Object* message = reinterpret_cast<Object*>(handler->message_obj_); Object* script = reinterpret_cast<Object*>(handler->message_script_); DCHECK(message->IsJSMessageObject() || message->IsTheHole()); DCHECK(script->IsScript() || script->IsTheHole()); thread_local_top()->pending_message_obj_ = message; thread_local_top()->pending_message_script_ = script; thread_local_top()->pending_message_start_pos_ = handler->message_start_pos_; thread_local_top()->pending_message_end_pos_ = handler->message_end_pos_; } void Isolate::CancelScheduledExceptionFromTryCatch(v8::TryCatch* handler) { DCHECK(has_scheduled_exception()); if (scheduled_exception() == handler->exception_) { DCHECK(scheduled_exception() != heap()->termination_exception()); clear_scheduled_exception(); } } Object* Isolate::PromoteScheduledException() { Object* thrown = scheduled_exception(); clear_scheduled_exception(); // Re-throw the exception to avoid getting repeated error reporting. return ReThrow(thrown); } void Isolate::PrintCurrentStackTrace(FILE* out) { StackTraceFrameIterator it(this); while (!it.done()) { HandleScope scope(this); // Find code position if recorded in relocation info. JavaScriptFrame* frame = it.frame(); int pos = frame->LookupCode()->SourcePosition(frame->pc()); Handle<Object> pos_obj(Smi::FromInt(pos), this); // Fetch function and receiver. Handle<JSFunction> fun(frame->function()); Handle<Object> recv(frame->receiver(), this); // Advance to the next JavaScript frame and determine if the // current frame is the top-level frame. it.Advance(); Handle<Object> is_top_level = factory()->ToBoolean(it.done()); // Generate and print stack trace line. Handle<String> line = Execution::GetStackTraceLine(recv, fun, pos_obj, is_top_level); if (line->length() > 0) { line->PrintOn(out); PrintF(out, "\n"); } } } void Isolate::ComputeLocation(MessageLocation* target) { *target = MessageLocation(Handle<Script>(heap_.empty_script()), -1, -1); StackTraceFrameIterator it(this); if (!it.done()) { JavaScriptFrame* frame = it.frame(); JSFunction* fun = frame->function(); Object* script = fun->shared()->script(); if (script->IsScript() && !(Script::cast(script)->source()->IsUndefined())) { int pos = frame->LookupCode()->SourcePosition(frame->pc()); // Compute the location from the function and the reloc info. Handle<Script> casted_script(Script::cast(script)); *target = MessageLocation(casted_script, pos, pos + 1); } } } bool Isolate::ComputeLocationFromStackTrace(MessageLocation* target, Handle<Object> exception) { *target = MessageLocation(Handle<Script>(heap_.empty_script()), -1, -1); if (!exception->IsJSObject()) return false; Handle<Name> key = factory()->stack_trace_symbol(); Handle<Object> property = JSObject::GetDataProperty(Handle<JSObject>::cast(exception), key); if (!property->IsJSArray()) return false; Handle<JSArray> simple_stack_trace = Handle<JSArray>::cast(property); Handle<FixedArray> elements(FixedArray::cast(simple_stack_trace->elements())); int elements_limit = Smi::cast(simple_stack_trace->length())->value(); for (int i = 1; i < elements_limit; i += 4) { Handle<JSFunction> fun = handle(JSFunction::cast(elements->get(i + 1)), this); if (fun->IsFromNativeScript()) continue; Handle<Code> code = handle(Code::cast(elements->get(i + 2)), this); Handle<Smi> offset = handle(Smi::cast(elements->get(i + 3)), this); Address pc = code->address() + offset->value(); Object* script = fun->shared()->script(); if (script->IsScript() && !(Script::cast(script)->source()->IsUndefined())) { int pos = code->SourcePosition(pc); Handle<Script> casted_script(Script::cast(script)); *target = MessageLocation(casted_script, pos, pos + 1); return true; } } return false; } bool Isolate::ShouldReportException(bool* can_be_caught_externally, bool catchable_by_javascript) { // Find the top-most try-catch handler. StackHandler* handler = StackHandler::FromAddress(Isolate::handler(thread_local_top())); while (handler != NULL && !handler->is_catch()) { handler = handler->next(); } // Get the address of the external handler so we can compare the address to // determine which one is closer to the top of the stack. Address external_handler_address = thread_local_top()->try_catch_handler_address(); // The exception has been externally caught if and only if there is // an external handler which is on top of the top-most try-catch // handler. *can_be_caught_externally = external_handler_address != NULL && (handler == NULL || handler->address() > external_handler_address || !catchable_by_javascript); if (*can_be_caught_externally) { // Only report the exception if the external handler is verbose. return try_catch_handler()->is_verbose_; } else { // Report the exception if it isn't caught by JavaScript code. return handler == NULL; } } // Traverse prototype chain to find out whether the object is derived from // the Error object. bool Isolate::IsErrorObject(Handle<Object> obj) { if (!obj->IsJSObject()) return false; Handle<String> error_key = factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("$Error")); Handle<Object> error_constructor = Object::GetProperty( js_builtins_object(), error_key).ToHandleChecked(); DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; for (PrototypeIterator iter(this, *obj, PrototypeIterator::START_AT_RECEIVER); !iter.IsAtEnd(); iter.Advance()) { if (iter.GetCurrent()->IsJSProxy()) return false; if (JSObject::cast(iter.GetCurrent())->map()->constructor() == *error_constructor) { return true; } } return false; } static int fatal_exception_depth = 0; Handle<JSMessageObject> Isolate::CreateMessage(Handle<Object> exception, MessageLocation* location) { Handle<JSArray> stack_trace_object; MessageLocation potential_computed_location; if (capture_stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_) { if (IsErrorObject(exception)) { // We fetch the stack trace that corresponds to this error object. // If the lookup fails, the exception is probably not a valid Error // object. In that case, we fall through and capture the stack trace // at this throw site. stack_trace_object = GetDetailedStackTrace(Handle<JSObject>::cast(exception)); } if (stack_trace_object.is_null()) { // Not an error object, we capture stack and location at throw site. stack_trace_object = CaptureCurrentStackTrace( stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_frame_limit_, stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_options_); } } if (!location) { if (!ComputeLocationFromStackTrace(&potential_computed_location, exception)) { ComputeLocation(&potential_computed_location); } location = &potential_computed_location; } // If the exception argument is a custom object, turn it into a string // before throwing as uncaught exception. Note that the pending // exception object to be set later must not be turned into a string. if (exception->IsJSObject() && !IsErrorObject(exception)) { MaybeHandle<Object> maybe_exception = Execution::ToDetailString(this, exception); if (!maybe_exception.ToHandle(&exception)) { exception = factory()->InternalizeOneByteString(STATIC_CHAR_VECTOR("exception")); } } return MessageHandler::MakeMessageObject(this, "uncaught_exception", location, HandleVector<Object>(&exception, 1), stack_trace_object); } void ReportBootstrappingException(Handle<Object> exception, MessageLocation* location) { base::OS::PrintError("Exception thrown during bootstrapping\n"); if (location == NULL || location->script().is_null()) return; // We are bootstrapping and caught an error where the location is set // and we have a script for the location. // In this case we could have an extension (or an internal error // somewhere) and we print out the line number at which the error occured // to the console for easier debugging. int line_number = location->script()->GetLineNumber(location->start_pos()) + 1; if (exception->IsString() && location->script()->name()->IsString()) { base::OS::PrintError( "Extension or internal compilation error: %s in %s at line %d.\n", String::cast(*exception)->ToCString().get(), String::cast(location->script()->name())->ToCString().get(), line_number); } else if (location->script()->name()->IsString()) { base::OS::PrintError( "Extension or internal compilation error in %s at line %d.\n", String::cast(location->script()->name())->ToCString().get(), line_number); } else { base::OS::PrintError("Extension or internal compilation error.\n"); } #ifdef OBJECT_PRINT // Since comments and empty lines have been stripped from the source of // builtins, print the actual source here so that line numbers match. if (location->script()->source()->IsString()) { Handle<String> src(String::cast(location->script()->source())); PrintF("Failing script:\n"); int len = src->length(); int line_number = 1; PrintF("%5d: ", line_number); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { uint16_t character = src->Get(i); PrintF("%c", character); if (character == '\n' && i < len - 2) { PrintF("%5d: ", ++line_number); } } } #endif } void Isolate::DoThrow(Object* exception, MessageLocation* location) { DCHECK(!has_pending_exception()); HandleScope scope(this); Handle<Object> exception_handle(exception, this); // Determine reporting and whether the exception is caught externally. bool catchable_by_javascript = is_catchable_by_javascript(exception); bool can_be_caught_externally = false; bool should_report_exception = ShouldReportException(&can_be_caught_externally, catchable_by_javascript); bool report_exception = catchable_by_javascript && should_report_exception; bool try_catch_needs_message = can_be_caught_externally && try_catch_handler()->capture_message_; bool rethrowing_message = thread_local_top()->rethrowing_message_; thread_local_top()->rethrowing_message_ = false; // Notify debugger of exception. if (catchable_by_javascript) { debug()->OnThrow(exception_handle, report_exception); } // Generate the message if required. if (!rethrowing_message && (report_exception || try_catch_needs_message)) { MessageLocation potential_computed_location; if (location == NULL) { // If no location was specified we use a computed one instead. ComputeLocation(&potential_computed_location); location = &potential_computed_location; } if (bootstrapper()->IsActive()) { // It's not safe to try to make message objects or collect stack traces // while the bootstrapper is active since the infrastructure may not have // been properly initialized. ReportBootstrappingException(exception_handle, location); } else { Handle<Object> message_obj = CreateMessage(exception_handle, location); thread_local_top()->pending_message_obj_ = *message_obj; thread_local_top()->pending_message_script_ = *location->script(); thread_local_top()->pending_message_start_pos_ = location->start_pos(); thread_local_top()->pending_message_end_pos_ = location->end_pos(); // If the abort-on-uncaught-exception flag is specified, abort on any // exception not caught by JavaScript, even when an external handler is // present. This flag is intended for use by JavaScript developers, so // print a user-friendly stack trace (not an internal one). if (fatal_exception_depth == 0 && FLAG_abort_on_uncaught_exception && (report_exception || can_be_caught_externally)) { fatal_exception_depth++; PrintF(stderr, "%s\n\nFROM\n", MessageHandler::GetLocalizedMessage(this, message_obj).get()); PrintCurrentStackTrace(stderr); base::OS::Abort(); } } } // Save the message for reporting if the the exception remains uncaught. thread_local_top()->has_pending_message_ = report_exception; // Do not forget to clean catcher_ if currently thrown exception cannot // be caught. If necessary, ReThrow will update the catcher. thread_local_top()->catcher_ = can_be_caught_externally ? try_catch_handler() : NULL; set_pending_exception(*exception_handle); } bool Isolate::HasExternalTryCatch() { DCHECK(has_pending_exception()); return (thread_local_top()->catcher_ != NULL) && (try_catch_handler() == thread_local_top()->catcher_); } bool Isolate::IsFinallyOnTop() { // Get the address of the external handler so we can compare the address to // determine which one is closer to the top of the stack. Address external_handler_address = thread_local_top()->try_catch_handler_address(); DCHECK(external_handler_address != NULL); // The exception has been externally caught if and only if there is // an external handler which is on top of the top-most try-finally // handler. // There should be no try-catch blocks as they would prohibit us from // finding external catcher in the first place (see catcher_ check above). // // Note, that finally clause would rethrow an exception unless it's // aborted by jumps in control flow like return, break, etc. and we'll // have another chances to set proper v8::TryCatch. StackHandler* handler = StackHandler::FromAddress(Isolate::handler(thread_local_top())); while (handler != NULL && handler->address() < external_handler_address) { DCHECK(!handler->is_catch()); if (handler->is_finally()) return true; handler = handler->next(); } return false; } void Isolate::ReportPendingMessages() { DCHECK(has_pending_exception()); bool can_clear_message = PropagatePendingExceptionToExternalTryCatch(); HandleScope scope(this); if (thread_local_top_.pending_exception_ == heap()->termination_exception()) { // Do nothing: if needed, the exception has been already propagated to // v8::TryCatch. } else { if (thread_local_top_.has_pending_message_) { thread_local_top_.has_pending_message_ = false; if (!thread_local_top_.pending_message_obj_->IsTheHole()) { HandleScope scope(this); Handle<Object> message_obj(thread_local_top_.pending_message_obj_, this); if (!thread_local_top_.pending_message_script_->IsTheHole()) { Handle<Script> script( Script::cast(thread_local_top_.pending_message_script_)); int start_pos = thread_local_top_.pending_message_start_pos_; int end_pos = thread_local_top_.pending_message_end_pos_; MessageLocation location(script, start_pos, end_pos); MessageHandler::ReportMessage(this, &location, message_obj); } else { MessageHandler::ReportMessage(this, NULL, message_obj); } } } } if (can_clear_message) clear_pending_message(); } MessageLocation Isolate::GetMessageLocation() { DCHECK(has_pending_exception()); if (thread_local_top_.pending_exception_ != heap()->termination_exception() && thread_local_top_.has_pending_message_ && !thread_local_top_.pending_message_obj_->IsTheHole()) { Handle<Script> script( Script::cast(thread_local_top_.pending_message_script_)); int start_pos = thread_local_top_.pending_message_start_pos_; int end_pos = thread_local_top_.pending_message_end_pos_; return MessageLocation(script, start_pos, end_pos); } return MessageLocation(); } bool Isolate::OptionalRescheduleException(bool is_bottom_call) { DCHECK(has_pending_exception()); PropagatePendingExceptionToExternalTryCatch(); bool is_termination_exception = pending_exception() == heap_.termination_exception(); // Do not reschedule the exception if this is the bottom call. bool clear_exception = is_bottom_call; if (is_termination_exception) { if (is_bottom_call) { thread_local_top()->external_caught_exception_ = false; clear_pending_exception(); return false; } } else if (thread_local_top()->external_caught_exception_) { // If the exception is externally caught, clear it if there are no // JavaScript frames on the way to the C++ frame that has the // external handler. DCHECK(thread_local_top()->try_catch_handler_address() != NULL); Address external_handler_address = thread_local_top()->try_catch_handler_address(); JavaScriptFrameIterator it(this); if (it.done() || (it.frame()->sp() > external_handler_address)) { clear_exception = true; } } // Clear the exception if needed. if (clear_exception) { thread_local_top()->external_caught_exception_ = false; clear_pending_exception(); return false; } // Reschedule the exception. thread_local_top()->scheduled_exception_ = pending_exception(); clear_pending_exception(); return true; } void Isolate::PushPromise(Handle<JSObject> promise) { ThreadLocalTop* tltop = thread_local_top(); PromiseOnStack* prev = tltop->promise_on_stack_; StackHandler* handler = StackHandler::FromAddress(Isolate::handler(tltop)); Handle<JSObject> global_handle = Handle<JSObject>::cast(global_handles()->Create(*promise)); tltop->promise_on_stack_ = new PromiseOnStack(handler, global_handle, prev); } void Isolate::PopPromise() { ThreadLocalTop* tltop = thread_local_top(); if (tltop->promise_on_stack_ == NULL) return; PromiseOnStack* prev = tltop->promise_on_stack_->prev(); Handle<Object> global_handle = tltop->promise_on_stack_->promise(); delete tltop->promise_on_stack_; tltop->promise_on_stack_ = prev; global_handles()->Destroy(global_handle.location()); } Handle<Object> Isolate::GetPromiseOnStackOnThrow() { Handle<Object> undefined = factory()->undefined_value(); ThreadLocalTop* tltop = thread_local_top(); if (tltop->promise_on_stack_ == NULL) return undefined; StackHandler* promise_try = tltop->promise_on_stack_->handler(); // Find the top-most try-catch handler. StackHandler* handler = StackHandler::FromAddress(Isolate::handler(tltop)); do { if (handler == promise_try) { return tltop->promise_on_stack_->promise(); } handler = handler->next(); // Throwing inside a Promise can be intercepted by an inner try-catch, so // we stop at the first try-catch handler. } while (handler != NULL && !handler->is_catch()); return undefined; } void Isolate::SetCaptureStackTraceForUncaughtExceptions( bool capture, int frame_limit, StackTrace::StackTraceOptions options) { capture_stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_ = capture; stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_frame_limit_ = frame_limit; stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_options_ = options; } Handle<Context> Isolate::native_context() { return handle(context()->native_context()); } Handle<Context> Isolate::GetCallingNativeContext() { JavaScriptFrameIterator it(this); if (debug_->in_debug_scope()) { while (!it.done()) { JavaScriptFrame* frame = it.frame(); Context* context = Context::cast(frame->context()); if (context->native_context() == *debug_->debug_context()) { it.Advance(); } else { break; } } } if (it.done()) return Handle<Context>::null(); JavaScriptFrame* frame = it.frame(); Context* context = Context::cast(frame->context()); return Handle<Context>(context->native_context()); } char* Isolate::ArchiveThread(char* to) { MemCopy(to, reinterpret_cast<char*>(thread_local_top()), sizeof(ThreadLocalTop)); InitializeThreadLocal(); clear_pending_exception(); clear_pending_message(); clear_scheduled_exception(); return to + sizeof(ThreadLocalTop); } char* Isolate::RestoreThread(char* from) { MemCopy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(thread_local_top()), from, sizeof(ThreadLocalTop)); // This might be just paranoia, but it seems to be needed in case a // thread_local_top_ is restored on a separate OS thread. #ifdef USE_SIMULATOR thread_local_top()->simulator_ = Simulator::current(this); #endif DCHECK(context() == NULL || context()->IsContext()); return from + sizeof(ThreadLocalTop); } Isolate::ThreadDataTable::ThreadDataTable() : list_(NULL) { } Isolate::ThreadDataTable::~ThreadDataTable() { // TODO(svenpanne) The assertion below would fire if an embedder does not // cleanly dispose all Isolates before disposing v8, so we are conservative // and leave it out for now. // DCHECK_EQ(NULL, list_); } Isolate::PerIsolateThreadData::~PerIsolateThreadData() { #if defined(USE_SIMULATOR) delete simulator_; #endif } Isolate::PerIsolateThreadData* Isolate::ThreadDataTable::Lookup(Isolate* isolate, ThreadId thread_id) { for (PerIsolateThreadData* data = list_; data != NULL; data = data->next_) { if (data->Matches(isolate, thread_id)) return data; } return NULL; } void Isolate::ThreadDataTable::Insert(Isolate::PerIsolateThreadData* data) { if (list_ != NULL) list_->prev_ = data; data->next_ = list_; list_ = data; } void Isolate::ThreadDataTable::Remove(PerIsolateThreadData* data) { if (list_ == data) list_ = data->next_; if (data->next_ != NULL) data->next_->prev_ = data->prev_; if (data->prev_ != NULL) data->prev_->next_ = data->next_; delete data; } void Isolate::ThreadDataTable::RemoveAllThreads(Isolate* isolate) { PerIsolateThreadData* data = list_; while (data != NULL) { PerIsolateThreadData* next = data->next_; if (data->isolate() == isolate) Remove(data); data = next; } } #ifdef DEBUG #define TRACE_ISOLATE(tag) \ do { \ if (FLAG_trace_isolates) { \ PrintF("Isolate %p (id %d)" #tag "\n", \ reinterpret_cast<void*>(this), id()); \ } \ } while (false) #else #define TRACE_ISOLATE(tag) #endif Isolate::Isolate(bool enable_serializer) : embedder_data_(), entry_stack_(NULL), stack_trace_nesting_level_(0), incomplete_message_(NULL), bootstrapper_(NULL), runtime_profiler_(NULL), compilation_cache_(NULL), counters_(NULL), code_range_(NULL), logger_(NULL), stats_table_(NULL), stub_cache_(NULL), code_aging_helper_(NULL), deoptimizer_data_(NULL), materialized_object_store_(NULL), capture_stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_(false), stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_frame_limit_(0), stack_trace_for_uncaught_exceptions_options_(StackTrace::kOverview), memory_allocator_(NULL), keyed_lookup_cache_(NULL), context_slot_cache_(NULL), descriptor_lookup_cache_(NULL), handle_scope_implementer_(NULL), unicode_cache_(NULL), runtime_zone_(this), inner_pointer_to_code_cache_(NULL), global_handles_(NULL), eternal_handles_(NULL), thread_manager_(NULL), has_installed_extensions_(false), string_tracker_(NULL), regexp_stack_(NULL), date_cache_(NULL), call_descriptor_data_(NULL), // TODO(bmeurer) Initialized lazily because it depends on flags; can // be fixed once the default isolate cleanup is done. random_number_generator_(NULL), serializer_enabled_(enable_serializer), has_fatal_error_(false), initialized_from_snapshot_(false), cpu_profiler_(NULL), heap_profiler_(NULL), function_entry_hook_(NULL), deferred_handles_head_(NULL), optimizing_compiler_thread_(NULL), stress_deopt_count_(0), next_optimization_id_(0), #if TRACE_MAPS next_unique_sfi_id_(0), #endif use_counter_callback_(NULL), basic_block_profiler_(NULL) { { base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> lock_guard(thread_data_table_mutex_.Pointer()); CHECK(thread_data_table_); } id_ = base::NoBarrier_AtomicIncrement(&isolate_counter_, 1); TRACE_ISOLATE(constructor); memset(isolate_addresses_, 0, sizeof(isolate_addresses_[0]) * (kIsolateAddressCount + 1)); heap_.isolate_ = this; stack_guard_.isolate_ = this; // ThreadManager is initialized early to support locking an isolate // before it is entered. thread_manager_ = new ThreadManager(); thread_manager_->isolate_ = this; #ifdef DEBUG // heap_histograms_ initializes itself. memset(&js_spill_information_, 0, sizeof(js_spill_information_)); #endif handle_scope_data_.Initialize(); #define ISOLATE_INIT_EXECUTE(type, name, initial_value) \ name##_ = (initial_value); ISOLATE_INIT_LIST(ISOLATE_INIT_EXECUTE) #undef ISOLATE_INIT_EXECUTE #define ISOLATE_INIT_ARRAY_EXECUTE(type, name, length) \ memset(name##_, 0, sizeof(type) * length); ISOLATE_INIT_ARRAY_LIST(ISOLATE_INIT_ARRAY_EXECUTE) #undef ISOLATE_INIT_ARRAY_EXECUTE InitializeLoggingAndCounters(); debug_ = new Debug(this); } void Isolate::TearDown() { TRACE_ISOLATE(tear_down); // Temporarily set this isolate as current so that various parts of // the isolate can access it in their destructors without having a // direct pointer. We don't use Enter/Exit here to avoid // initializing the thread data. PerIsolateThreadData* saved_data = CurrentPerIsolateThreadData(); Isolate* saved_isolate = UncheckedCurrent(); SetIsolateThreadLocals(this, NULL); Deinit(); { base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> lock_guard(thread_data_table_mutex_.Pointer()); thread_data_table_->RemoveAllThreads(this); } if (serialize_partial_snapshot_cache_ != NULL) { delete[] serialize_partial_snapshot_cache_; serialize_partial_snapshot_cache_ = NULL; } delete this; // Restore the previous current isolate. SetIsolateThreadLocals(saved_isolate, saved_data); } void Isolate::GlobalTearDown() { delete thread_data_table_; thread_data_table_ = NULL; } void Isolate::Deinit() { TRACE_ISOLATE(deinit); debug()->Unload(); FreeThreadResources(); if (concurrent_recompilation_enabled()) { optimizing_compiler_thread_->Stop(); delete optimizing_compiler_thread_; optimizing_compiler_thread_ = NULL; } if (heap_.mark_compact_collector()->sweeping_in_progress()) { heap_.mark_compact_collector()->EnsureSweepingCompleted(); } if (turbo_statistics() != NULL) { OFStream os(stdout); os << *turbo_statistics() << std::endl; } if (FLAG_hydrogen_stats) GetHStatistics()->Print(); if (FLAG_print_deopt_stress) { PrintF(stdout, "=== Stress deopt counter: %u\n", stress_deopt_count_); } // We must stop the logger before we tear down other components. Sampler* sampler = logger_->sampler(); if (sampler && sampler->IsActive()) sampler->Stop(); delete deoptimizer_data_; deoptimizer_data_ = NULL; builtins_.TearDown(); bootstrapper_->TearDown(); if (runtime_profiler_ != NULL) { delete runtime_profiler_; runtime_profiler_ = NULL; } delete basic_block_profiler_; basic_block_profiler_ = NULL; heap_.TearDown(); logger_->TearDown(); delete heap_profiler_; heap_profiler_ = NULL; delete cpu_profiler_; cpu_profiler_ = NULL; } void Isolate::PushToPartialSnapshotCache(Object* obj) { int length = serialize_partial_snapshot_cache_length(); int capacity = serialize_partial_snapshot_cache_capacity(); if (length >= capacity) { int new_capacity = static_cast<int>((capacity + 10) * 1.2); Object** new_array = new Object*[new_capacity]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { new_array[i] = serialize_partial_snapshot_cache()[i]; } if (capacity != 0) delete[] serialize_partial_snapshot_cache(); set_serialize_partial_snapshot_cache(new_array); set_serialize_partial_snapshot_cache_capacity(new_capacity); } serialize_partial_snapshot_cache()[length] = obj; set_serialize_partial_snapshot_cache_length(length + 1); } void Isolate::SetIsolateThreadLocals(Isolate* isolate, PerIsolateThreadData* data) { base::Thread::SetThreadLocal(isolate_key_, isolate); base::Thread::SetThreadLocal(per_isolate_thread_data_key_, data); } Isolate::~Isolate() { TRACE_ISOLATE(destructor); // Has to be called while counters_ are still alive runtime_zone_.DeleteKeptSegment(); // The entry stack must be empty when we get here. DCHECK(entry_stack_ == NULL || entry_stack_->previous_item == NULL); delete entry_stack_; entry_stack_ = NULL; delete unicode_cache_; unicode_cache_ = NULL; delete date_cache_; date_cache_ = NULL; delete[] call_descriptor_data_; call_descriptor_data_ = NULL; delete regexp_stack_; regexp_stack_ = NULL; delete descriptor_lookup_cache_; descriptor_lookup_cache_ = NULL; delete context_slot_cache_; context_slot_cache_ = NULL; delete keyed_lookup_cache_; keyed_lookup_cache_ = NULL; delete stub_cache_; stub_cache_ = NULL; delete code_aging_helper_; code_aging_helper_ = NULL; delete stats_table_; stats_table_ = NULL; delete materialized_object_store_; materialized_object_store_ = NULL; delete logger_; logger_ = NULL; delete counters_; counters_ = NULL; delete handle_scope_implementer_; handle_scope_implementer_ = NULL; delete compilation_cache_; compilation_cache_ = NULL; delete bootstrapper_; bootstrapper_ = NULL; delete inner_pointer_to_code_cache_; inner_pointer_to_code_cache_ = NULL; delete thread_manager_; thread_manager_ = NULL; delete string_tracker_; string_tracker_ = NULL; delete memory_allocator_; memory_allocator_ = NULL; delete code_range_; code_range_ = NULL; delete global_handles_; global_handles_ = NULL; delete eternal_handles_; eternal_handles_ = NULL; delete string_stream_debug_object_cache_; string_stream_debug_object_cache_ = NULL; delete external_reference_table_; external_reference_table_ = NULL; delete random_number_generator_; random_number_generator_ = NULL; delete debug_; debug_ = NULL; } void Isolate::InitializeThreadLocal() { thread_local_top_.isolate_ = this; thread_local_top_.Initialize(); } bool Isolate::PropagatePendingExceptionToExternalTryCatch() { DCHECK(has_pending_exception()); bool has_external_try_catch = HasExternalTryCatch(); if (!has_external_try_catch) { thread_local_top_.external_caught_exception_ = false; return true; } bool catchable_by_js = is_catchable_by_javascript(pending_exception()); if (catchable_by_js && IsFinallyOnTop()) { thread_local_top_.external_caught_exception_ = false; return false; } thread_local_top_.external_caught_exception_ = true; if (thread_local_top_.pending_exception_ == heap()->termination_exception()) { try_catch_handler()->can_continue_ = false; try_catch_handler()->has_terminated_ = true; try_catch_handler()->exception_ = heap()->null_value(); } else { v8::TryCatch* handler = try_catch_handler(); DCHECK(thread_local_top_.pending_message_obj_->IsJSMessageObject() || thread_local_top_.pending_message_obj_->IsTheHole()); DCHECK(thread_local_top_.pending_message_script_->IsScript() || thread_local_top_.pending_message_script_->IsTheHole()); handler->can_continue_ = true; handler->has_terminated_ = false; handler->exception_ = pending_exception(); // Propagate to the external try-catch only if we got an actual message. if (thread_local_top_.pending_message_obj_->IsTheHole()) return true; handler->message_obj_ = thread_local_top_.pending_message_obj_; handler->message_script_ = thread_local_top_.pending_message_script_; handler->message_start_pos_ = thread_local_top_.pending_message_start_pos_; handler->message_end_pos_ = thread_local_top_.pending_message_end_pos_; } return true; } void Isolate::InitializeLoggingAndCounters() { if (logger_ == NULL) { logger_ = new Logger(this); } if (counters_ == NULL) { counters_ = new Counters(this); } } bool Isolate::Init(Deserializer* des) { TRACE_ISOLATE(init); stress_deopt_count_ = FLAG_deopt_every_n_times; has_fatal_error_ = false; if (function_entry_hook() != NULL) { // When function entry hooking is in effect, we have to create the code // stubs from scratch to get entry hooks, rather than loading the previously // generated stubs from disk. // If this assert fires, the initialization path has regressed. DCHECK(des == NULL); } // The initialization process does not handle memory exhaustion. DisallowAllocationFailure disallow_allocation_failure(this); memory_allocator_ = new MemoryAllocator(this); code_range_ = new CodeRange(this); // Safe after setting Heap::isolate_, and initializing StackGuard heap_.SetStackLimits(); #define ASSIGN_ELEMENT(CamelName, hacker_name) \ isolate_addresses_[Isolate::k##CamelName##Address] = \ reinterpret_cast<Address>(hacker_name##_address()); FOR_EACH_ISOLATE_ADDRESS_NAME(ASSIGN_ELEMENT) #undef ASSIGN_ELEMENT string_tracker_ = new StringTracker(); string_tracker_->isolate_ = this; compilation_cache_ = new CompilationCache(this); keyed_lookup_cache_ = new KeyedLookupCache(); context_slot_cache_ = new ContextSlotCache(); descriptor_lookup_cache_ = new DescriptorLookupCache(); unicode_cache_ = new UnicodeCache(); inner_pointer_to_code_cache_ = new InnerPointerToCodeCache(this); global_handles_ = new GlobalHandles(this); eternal_handles_ = new EternalHandles(); bootstrapper_ = new Bootstrapper(this); handle_scope_implementer_ = new HandleScopeImplementer(this); stub_cache_ = new StubCache(this); materialized_object_store_ = new MaterializedObjectStore(this); regexp_stack_ = new RegExpStack(); regexp_stack_->isolate_ = this; date_cache_ = new DateCache(); call_descriptor_data_ = new CallInterfaceDescriptorData[CallDescriptors::NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS]; cpu_profiler_ = new CpuProfiler(this); heap_profiler_ = new HeapProfiler(heap()); // Enable logging before setting up the heap logger_->SetUp(this); // Initialize other runtime facilities #if defined(USE_SIMULATOR) #if V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM || V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM64 || \ V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS || V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS64 Simulator::Initialize(this); #endif #endif code_aging_helper_ = new CodeAgingHelper(); { // NOLINT // Ensure that the thread has a valid stack guard. The v8::Locker object // will ensure this too, but we don't have to use lockers if we are only // using one thread. ExecutionAccess lock(this); stack_guard_.InitThread(lock); } // SetUp the object heap. DCHECK(!heap_.HasBeenSetUp()); if (!heap_.SetUp()) { V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory("heap setup"); return false; } deoptimizer_data_ = new DeoptimizerData(memory_allocator_); const bool create_heap_objects = (des == NULL); if (create_heap_objects && !heap_.CreateHeapObjects()) { V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory("heap object creation"); return false; } if (create_heap_objects) { // Terminate the cache array with the sentinel so we can iterate. PushToPartialSnapshotCache(heap_.undefined_value()); } InitializeThreadLocal(); bootstrapper_->Initialize(create_heap_objects); builtins_.SetUp(this, create_heap_objects); if (FLAG_log_internal_timer_events) { set_event_logger(Logger::DefaultEventLoggerSentinel); } // Set default value if not yet set. // TODO(yangguo): move this to ResourceConstraints::ConfigureDefaults // once ResourceConstraints becomes an argument to the Isolate constructor. if (max_available_threads_ < 1) { // Choose the default between 1 and 4. max_available_threads_ = Max(Min(base::SysInfo::NumberOfProcessors(), 4), 1); } if (FLAG_trace_hydrogen || FLAG_trace_hydrogen_stubs) { PrintF("Concurrent recompilation has been disabled for tracing.\n"); } else if (OptimizingCompilerThread::Enabled(max_available_threads_)) { optimizing_compiler_thread_ = new OptimizingCompilerThread(this); optimizing_compiler_thread_->Start(); } // Initialize runtime profiler before deserialization, because collections may // occur, clearing/updating ICs. runtime_profiler_ = new RuntimeProfiler(this); // If we are deserializing, read the state into the now-empty heap. if (!create_heap_objects) { des->Deserialize(this); } stub_cache_->Initialize(); // Finish initialization of ThreadLocal after deserialization is done. clear_pending_exception(); clear_pending_message(); clear_scheduled_exception(); // Deserializing may put strange things in the root array's copy of the // stack guard. heap_.SetStackLimits(); // Quiet the heap NaN if needed on target platform. if (!create_heap_objects) Assembler::QuietNaN(heap_.nan_value()); if (FLAG_trace_turbo) { // Create an empty file. std::ofstream(GetTurboCfgFileName().c_str(), std::ios_base::trunc); } // If we are deserializing, log non-function code objects and compiled // functions found in the snapshot. if (!create_heap_objects && (FLAG_log_code || FLAG_ll_prof || FLAG_perf_jit_prof || FLAG_perf_basic_prof || logger_->is_logging_code_events())) { HandleScope scope(this); LOG(this, LogCodeObjects()); LOG(this, LogCompiledFunctions()); } CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(OFFSET_OF(Isolate, embedder_data_)), Internals::kIsolateEmbedderDataOffset); CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(OFFSET_OF(Isolate, heap_.roots_)), Internals::kIsolateRootsOffset); CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>( OFFSET_OF(Isolate, heap_.amount_of_external_allocated_memory_)), Internals::kAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemoryOffset); CHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(OFFSET_OF( Isolate, heap_.amount_of_external_allocated_memory_at_last_global_gc_)), Internals::kAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemoryAtLastGlobalGCOffset); time_millis_at_init_ = base::OS::TimeCurrentMillis(); heap_.NotifyDeserializationComplete(); if (!create_heap_objects) { // Now that the heap is consistent, it's OK to generate the code for the // deopt entry table that might have been referred to by optimized code in // the snapshot. HandleScope scope(this); Deoptimizer::EnsureCodeForDeoptimizationEntry( this, Deoptimizer::LAZY, kDeoptTableSerializeEntryCount - 1); } if (!serializer_enabled()) { // Ensure that all stubs which need to be generated ahead of time, but // cannot be serialized into the snapshot have been generated. HandleScope scope(this); CodeStub::GenerateFPStubs(this); StoreBufferOverflowStub::GenerateFixedRegStubsAheadOfTime(this); StubFailureTrampolineStub::GenerateAheadOfTime(this); } initialized_from_snapshot_ = (des != NULL); return true; } // Initialized lazily to allow early // v8::V8::SetAddHistogramSampleFunction calls. StatsTable* Isolate::stats_table() { if (stats_table_ == NULL) { stats_table_ = new StatsTable; } return stats_table_; } void Isolate::Enter() { Isolate* current_isolate = NULL; PerIsolateThreadData* current_data = CurrentPerIsolateThreadData(); if (current_data != NULL) { current_isolate = current_data->isolate_; DCHECK(current_isolate != NULL); if (current_isolate == this) { DCHECK(Current() == this); DCHECK(entry_stack_ != NULL); DCHECK(entry_stack_->previous_thread_data == NULL || entry_stack_->previous_thread_data->thread_id().Equals( ThreadId::Current())); // Same thread re-enters the isolate, no need to re-init anything. entry_stack_->entry_count++; return; } } PerIsolateThreadData* data = FindOrAllocatePerThreadDataForThisThread(); DCHECK(data != NULL); DCHECK(data->isolate_ == this); EntryStackItem* item = new EntryStackItem(current_data, current_isolate, entry_stack_); entry_stack_ = item; SetIsolateThreadLocals(this, data); // In case it's the first time some thread enters the isolate. set_thread_id(data->thread_id()); } void Isolate::Exit() { DCHECK(entry_stack_ != NULL); DCHECK(entry_stack_->previous_thread_data == NULL || entry_stack_->previous_thread_data->thread_id().Equals( ThreadId::Current())); if (--entry_stack_->entry_count > 0) return; DCHECK(CurrentPerIsolateThreadData() != NULL); DCHECK(CurrentPerIsolateThreadData()->isolate_ == this); // Pop the stack. EntryStackItem* item = entry_stack_; entry_stack_ = item->previous_item; PerIsolateThreadData* previous_thread_data = item->previous_thread_data; Isolate* previous_isolate = item->previous_isolate; delete item; // Reinit the current thread for the isolate it was running before this one. SetIsolateThreadLocals(previous_isolate, previous_thread_data); } void Isolate::LinkDeferredHandles(DeferredHandles* deferred) { deferred->next_ = deferred_handles_head_; if (deferred_handles_head_ != NULL) { deferred_handles_head_->previous_ = deferred; } deferred_handles_head_ = deferred; } void Isolate::UnlinkDeferredHandles(DeferredHandles* deferred) { #ifdef DEBUG // In debug mode assert that the linked list is well-formed. DeferredHandles* deferred_iterator = deferred; while (deferred_iterator->previous_ != NULL) { deferred_iterator = deferred_iterator->previous_; } DCHECK(deferred_handles_head_ == deferred_iterator); #endif if (deferred_handles_head_ == deferred) { deferred_handles_head_ = deferred_handles_head_->next_; } if (deferred->next_ != NULL) { deferred->next_->previous_ = deferred->previous_; } if (deferred->previous_ != NULL) { deferred->previous_->next_ = deferred->next_; } } HStatistics* Isolate::GetHStatistics() { if (hstatistics() == NULL) set_hstatistics(new HStatistics()); return hstatistics(); } CompilationStatistics* Isolate::GetTurboStatistics() { if (turbo_statistics() == NULL) set_turbo_statistics(new CompilationStatistics()); return turbo_statistics(); } HTracer* Isolate::GetHTracer() { if (htracer() == NULL) set_htracer(new HTracer(id())); return htracer(); } CodeTracer* Isolate::GetCodeTracer() { if (code_tracer() == NULL) set_code_tracer(new CodeTracer(id())); return code_tracer(); } Map* Isolate::get_initial_js_array_map(ElementsKind kind) { Context* native_context = context()->native_context(); Object* maybe_map_array = native_context->js_array_maps(); if (!maybe_map_array->IsUndefined()) { Object* maybe_transitioned_map = FixedArray::cast(maybe_map_array)->get(kind); if (!maybe_transitioned_map->IsUndefined()) { return Map::cast(maybe_transitioned_map); } } return NULL; } bool Isolate::use_crankshaft() const { return FLAG_crankshaft && !serializer_enabled_ && CpuFeatures::SupportsCrankshaft(); } bool Isolate::IsFastArrayConstructorPrototypeChainIntact() { Map* root_array_map = get_initial_js_array_map(GetInitialFastElementsKind()); DCHECK(root_array_map != NULL); JSObject* initial_array_proto = JSObject::cast(*initial_array_prototype()); // Check that the array prototype hasn't been altered WRT empty elements. if (root_array_map->prototype() != initial_array_proto) return false; if (initial_array_proto->elements() != heap()->empty_fixed_array()) { return false; } // Check that the object prototype hasn't been altered WRT empty elements. JSObject* initial_object_proto = JSObject::cast(*initial_object_prototype()); PrototypeIterator iter(this, initial_array_proto); if (iter.IsAtEnd() || iter.GetCurrent() != initial_object_proto) { return false; } if (initial_object_proto->elements() != heap()->empty_fixed_array()) { return false; } iter.Advance(); return iter.IsAtEnd(); } CallInterfaceDescriptorData* Isolate::call_descriptor_data(int index) { DCHECK(0 <= index && index < CallDescriptors::NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS); return &call_descriptor_data_[index]; } Object* Isolate::FindCodeObject(Address a) { return inner_pointer_to_code_cache()->GcSafeFindCodeForInnerPointer(a); } #ifdef DEBUG #define ISOLATE_FIELD_OFFSET(type, name, ignored) \ const intptr_t Isolate::name##_debug_offset_ = OFFSET_OF(Isolate, name##_); ISOLATE_INIT_LIST(ISOLATE_FIELD_OFFSET) ISOLATE_INIT_ARRAY_LIST(ISOLATE_FIELD_OFFSET) #undef ISOLATE_FIELD_OFFSET #endif Handle<JSObject> Isolate::GetSymbolRegistry() { if (heap()->symbol_registry()->IsSmi()) { Handle<Map> map = factory()->NewMap(JS_OBJECT_TYPE, JSObject::kHeaderSize); Handle<JSObject> registry = factory()->NewJSObjectFromMap(map); heap()->set_symbol_registry(*registry); static const char* nested[] = { "for", "for_api", "for_intern", "keyFor", "private_api", "private_intern" }; for (unsigned i = 0; i < arraysize(nested); ++i) { Handle<String> name = factory()->InternalizeUtf8String(nested[i]); Handle<JSObject> obj = factory()->NewJSObjectFromMap(map); JSObject::NormalizeProperties(obj, KEEP_INOBJECT_PROPERTIES, 8, "SetupSymbolRegistry"); JSObject::SetProperty(registry, name, obj, STRICT).Assert(); } } return Handle<JSObject>::cast(factory()->symbol_registry()); } void Isolate::AddCallCompletedCallback(CallCompletedCallback callback) { for (int i = 0; i < call_completed_callbacks_.length(); i++) { if (callback == call_completed_callbacks_.at(i)) return; } call_completed_callbacks_.Add(callback); } void Isolate::RemoveCallCompletedCallback(CallCompletedCallback callback) { for (int i = 0; i < call_completed_callbacks_.length(); i++) { if (callback == call_completed_callbacks_.at(i)) { call_completed_callbacks_.Remove(i); } } } void Isolate::FireCallCompletedCallback() { bool has_call_completed_callbacks = !call_completed_callbacks_.is_empty(); bool run_microtasks = autorun_microtasks() && pending_microtask_count(); if (!has_call_completed_callbacks && !run_microtasks) return; if (!handle_scope_implementer()->CallDepthIsZero()) return; if (run_microtasks) RunMicrotasks(); // Fire callbacks. Increase call depth to prevent recursive callbacks. v8::Isolate::SuppressMicrotaskExecutionScope suppress( reinterpret_cast<v8::Isolate*>(this)); for (int i = 0; i < call_completed_callbacks_.length(); i++) { call_completed_callbacks_.at(i)(); } } void Isolate::SetPromiseRejectCallback(PromiseRejectCallback callback) { promise_reject_callback_ = callback; } void Isolate::ReportPromiseReject(Handle<JSObject> promise, Handle<Object> value, v8::PromiseRejectEvent event) { if (promise_reject_callback_ == NULL) return; Handle<JSArray> stack_trace; if (event == v8::kPromiseRejectWithNoHandler && value->IsJSObject()) { stack_trace = GetDetailedStackTrace(Handle<JSObject>::cast(value)); } promise_reject_callback_(v8::PromiseRejectMessage( v8::Utils::PromiseToLocal(promise), event, v8::Utils::ToLocal(value), v8::Utils::StackTraceToLocal(stack_trace))); } void Isolate::EnqueueMicrotask(Handle<Object> microtask) { DCHECK(microtask->IsJSFunction() || microtask->IsCallHandlerInfo()); Handle<FixedArray> queue(heap()->microtask_queue(), this); int num_tasks = pending_microtask_count(); DCHECK(num_tasks <= queue->length()); if (num_tasks == 0) { queue = factory()->NewFixedArray(8); heap()->set_microtask_queue(*queue); } else if (num_tasks == queue->length()) { queue = FixedArray::CopySize(queue, num_tasks * 2); heap()->set_microtask_queue(*queue); } DCHECK(queue->get(num_tasks)->IsUndefined()); queue->set(num_tasks, *microtask); set_pending_microtask_count(num_tasks + 1); } void Isolate::RunMicrotasks() { // %RunMicrotasks may be called in mjsunit tests, which violates // this assertion, hence the check for --allow-natives-syntax. // TODO(adamk): However, this also fails some layout tests. // // DCHECK(FLAG_allow_natives_syntax || // handle_scope_implementer()->CallDepthIsZero()); // Increase call depth to prevent recursive callbacks. v8::Isolate::SuppressMicrotaskExecutionScope suppress( reinterpret_cast<v8::Isolate*>(this)); while (pending_microtask_count() > 0) { HandleScope scope(this); int num_tasks = pending_microtask_count(); Handle<FixedArray> queue(heap()->microtask_queue(), this); DCHECK(num_tasks <= queue->length()); set_pending_microtask_count(0); heap()->set_microtask_queue(heap()->empty_fixed_array()); for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks; i++) { HandleScope scope(this); Handle<Object> microtask(queue->get(i), this); if (microtask->IsJSFunction()) { Handle<JSFunction> microtask_function = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(microtask); SaveContext save(this); set_context(microtask_function->context()->native_context()); MaybeHandle<Object> maybe_exception; MaybeHandle<Object> result = Execution::TryCall(microtask_function, factory()->undefined_value(), 0, NULL, &maybe_exception); // If execution is terminating, just bail out. Handle<Object> exception; if (result.is_null() && maybe_exception.is_null()) { // Clear out any remaining callbacks in the queue. heap()->set_microtask_queue(heap()->empty_fixed_array()); set_pending_microtask_count(0); return; } } else { Handle<CallHandlerInfo> callback_info = Handle<CallHandlerInfo>::cast(microtask); v8::MicrotaskCallback callback = v8::ToCData<v8::MicrotaskCallback>(callback_info->callback()); void* data = v8::ToCData<void*>(callback_info->data()); callback(data); } } } } void Isolate::SetUseCounterCallback(v8::Isolate::UseCounterCallback callback) { DCHECK(!use_counter_callback_); use_counter_callback_ = callback; } void Isolate::CountUsage(v8::Isolate::UseCounterFeature feature) { if (use_counter_callback_) { use_counter_callback_(reinterpret_cast<v8::Isolate*>(this), feature); } } BasicBlockProfiler* Isolate::GetOrCreateBasicBlockProfiler() { if (basic_block_profiler_ == NULL) { basic_block_profiler_ = new BasicBlockProfiler(); } return basic_block_profiler_; } std::string Isolate::GetTurboCfgFileName() { if (FLAG_trace_turbo_cfg_file == NULL) { std::ostringstream os; os << "turbo-" << base::OS::GetCurrentProcessId() << "-" << id() << ".cfg"; return os.str(); } else { return FLAG_trace_turbo_cfg_file; } } bool StackLimitCheck::JsHasOverflowed() const { StackGuard* stack_guard = isolate_->stack_guard(); #ifdef USE_SIMULATOR // The simulator uses a separate JS stack. Address jssp_address = Simulator::current(isolate_)->get_sp(); uintptr_t jssp = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(jssp_address); if (jssp < stack_guard->real_jslimit()) return true; #endif // USE_SIMULATOR return GetCurrentStackPosition() < stack_guard->real_climit(); } bool PostponeInterruptsScope::Intercept(StackGuard::InterruptFlag flag) { // First check whether the previous scope intercepts. if (prev_ && prev_->Intercept(flag)) return true; // Then check whether this scope intercepts. if ((flag & intercept_mask_)) { intercepted_flags_ |= flag; return true; } return false; } } } // namespace v8::internal