// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided // with the distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived // from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // This is clang plugin used by gcmole tool. See README for more details. #include "clang/AST/AST.h" #include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h" #include "clang/AST/Mangle.h" #include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h" #include "clang/AST/StmtVisitor.h" #include "clang/Frontend/FrontendPluginRegistry.h" #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include <bitset> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <set> #include <stack> namespace { bool g_tracing_enabled = false; bool g_dead_vars_analysis = false; #define TRACE(str) \ do { \ if (g_tracing_enabled) { \ std::cout << str << std::endl; \ } \ } while (false) #define TRACE_LLVM_TYPE(str, type) \ do { \ if (g_tracing_enabled) { \ std::cout << str << " " << type.getAsString() << std::endl; \ } \ } while (false) // Node: The following is used when tracing --dead-vars // to provide extra info for the GC suspect. #define TRACE_LLVM_DECL(str, decl) \ do { \ if (g_tracing_enabled && g_dead_vars_analysis) { \ std::cout << str << std::endl; \ decl->dump(); \ } \ } while (false) typedef std::string MangledName; typedef std::set<MangledName> CalleesSet; typedef std::map<MangledName, MangledName> CalleesMap; static bool GetMangledName(clang::MangleContext* ctx, const clang::NamedDecl* decl, MangledName* result) { if (!llvm::isa<clang::CXXConstructorDecl>(decl) && !llvm::isa<clang::CXXDestructorDecl>(decl)) { llvm::SmallVector<char, 512> output; llvm::raw_svector_ostream out(output); ctx->mangleName(decl, out); *result = out.str().str(); return true; } return false; } static bool InV8Namespace(const clang::NamedDecl* decl) { return decl->getQualifiedNameAsString().compare(0, 4, "v8::") == 0; } static std::string EXTERNAL("EXTERNAL"); static std::string STATE_TAG("enum v8::internal::StateTag"); static bool IsExternalVMState(const clang::ValueDecl* var) { const clang::EnumConstantDecl* enum_constant = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::EnumConstantDecl>(var); if (enum_constant != NULL && enum_constant->getNameAsString() == EXTERNAL) { clang::QualType type = enum_constant->getType(); return (type.getAsString() == STATE_TAG); } return false; } struct Resolver { explicit Resolver(clang::ASTContext& ctx) : ctx_(ctx), decl_ctx_(ctx.getTranslationUnitDecl()) { } Resolver(clang::ASTContext& ctx, clang::DeclContext* decl_ctx) : ctx_(ctx), decl_ctx_(decl_ctx) { } clang::DeclarationName ResolveName(const char* n) { clang::IdentifierInfo* ident = &ctx_.Idents.get(n); return ctx_.DeclarationNames.getIdentifier(ident); } Resolver ResolveNamespace(const char* n) { return Resolver(ctx_, Resolve<clang::NamespaceDecl>(n)); } template<typename T> T* Resolve(const char* n) { if (decl_ctx_ == NULL) return NULL; clang::DeclContext::lookup_result result = decl_ctx_->lookup(ResolveName(n)); clang::DeclContext::lookup_iterator end = result.end(); for (clang::DeclContext::lookup_iterator i = result.begin(); i != end; i++) { if (llvm::isa<T>(*i)) { return llvm::cast<T>(*i); } else { llvm::errs() << "Didn't match declaration template against " << (*i)->getNameAsString() << "\n"; } } return NULL; } clang::CXXRecordDecl* ResolveTemplate(const char* n) { clang::NamedDecl* initial_template = Resolve<clang::NamedDecl>(n); if (!initial_template) return NULL; clang::NamedDecl* underlying_template = initial_template->getUnderlyingDecl(); if (!underlying_template) { llvm::errs() << "Couldn't resolve underlying template\n"; return NULL; } const clang::TypeAliasDecl* type_alias_decl = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<clang::TypeAliasDecl>(underlying_template); if (!type_alias_decl) { llvm::errs() << "Couldn't resolve TypeAliasDecl\n"; return NULL; } const clang::Type* type = type_alias_decl->getTypeForDecl(); if (!type) { llvm::errs() << "Couldn't resolve TypeAliasDecl to Type\n"; return NULL; } const clang::TypedefType* typedef_type = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<clang::TypedefType>(type); if (!typedef_type) { llvm::errs() << "Couldn't resolve TypedefType\n"; return NULL; } const clang::TypedefNameDecl* typedef_name_decl = typedef_type->getDecl(); if (!typedef_name_decl) { llvm::errs() << "Couldn't resolve TypedefType to TypedefNameDecl\n"; return NULL; } clang::QualType underlying_type = typedef_name_decl->getUnderlyingType(); if (!llvm::isa<clang::TemplateSpecializationType>(underlying_type)) { llvm::errs() << "Couldn't resolve TemplateSpecializationType\n"; return NULL; } const clang::TemplateSpecializationType* templ_specialization_type = llvm::cast<clang::TemplateSpecializationType>(underlying_type); if (!llvm::isa<clang::RecordType>(templ_specialization_type->desugar())) { llvm::errs() << "Couldn't resolve RecordType\n"; return NULL; } const clang::RecordType* record_type = llvm::cast<clang::RecordType>(templ_specialization_type->desugar()); clang::CXXRecordDecl* record_decl = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<clang::CXXRecordDecl>(record_type->getDecl()); if (!record_decl) { llvm::errs() << "Couldn't resolve CXXRecordDecl\n"; return NULL; } return record_decl; } private: clang::ASTContext& ctx_; clang::DeclContext* decl_ctx_; }; class CalleesPrinter : public clang::RecursiveASTVisitor<CalleesPrinter> { public: explicit CalleesPrinter(clang::MangleContext* ctx) : ctx_(ctx) { } virtual bool VisitCallExpr(clang::CallExpr* expr) { const clang::FunctionDecl* callee = expr->getDirectCallee(); if (callee != NULL) AnalyzeFunction(callee); return true; } virtual bool VisitDeclRefExpr(clang::DeclRefExpr* expr) { // If function mentions EXTERNAL VMState add artificial garbage collection // mark. if (IsExternalVMState(expr->getDecl())) AddCallee("CollectGarbage", "CollectGarbage"); return true; } void AnalyzeFunction(const clang::FunctionDecl* f) { MangledName name; if (InV8Namespace(f) && GetMangledName(ctx_, f, &name)) { const std::string& function = f->getNameAsString(); AddCallee(name, function); const clang::FunctionDecl* body = NULL; if (f->hasBody(body) && !Analyzed(name)) { EnterScope(name); TraverseStmt(body->getBody()); LeaveScope(); } } } typedef std::map<MangledName, CalleesSet* > Callgraph; bool Analyzed(const MangledName& name) { return callgraph_[name] != NULL; } void EnterScope(const MangledName& name) { CalleesSet* callees = callgraph_[name]; if (callees == NULL) { callgraph_[name] = callees = new CalleesSet(); } scopes_.push(callees); } void LeaveScope() { scopes_.pop(); } void AddCallee(const MangledName& name, const MangledName& function) { if (!scopes_.empty()) scopes_.top()->insert(name); mangled_to_function_[name] = function; } void PrintCallGraph() { for (Callgraph::const_iterator i = callgraph_.begin(), e = callgraph_.end(); i != e; ++i) { std::cout << i->first << "," << mangled_to_function_[i->first] << "\n"; CalleesSet* callees = i->second; for (CalleesSet::const_iterator j = callees->begin(), e = callees->end(); j != e; ++j) { std::cout << "\t" << *j << "," << mangled_to_function_[*j] << "\n"; } } } private: clang::MangleContext* ctx_; std::stack<CalleesSet* > scopes_; Callgraph callgraph_; CalleesMap mangled_to_function_; }; class FunctionDeclarationFinder : public clang::ASTConsumer, public clang::RecursiveASTVisitor<FunctionDeclarationFinder> { public: explicit FunctionDeclarationFinder(clang::DiagnosticsEngine& d, clang::SourceManager& sm, const std::vector<std::string>& args) : d_(d), sm_(sm) {} virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext &ctx) { mangle_context_ = clang::ItaniumMangleContext::create(ctx, d_); callees_printer_ = new CalleesPrinter(mangle_context_); TraverseDecl(ctx.getTranslationUnitDecl()); callees_printer_->PrintCallGraph(); } virtual bool VisitFunctionDecl(clang::FunctionDecl* decl) { callees_printer_->AnalyzeFunction(decl); return true; } private: clang::DiagnosticsEngine& d_; clang::SourceManager& sm_; clang::MangleContext* mangle_context_; CalleesPrinter* callees_printer_; }; static bool gc_suspects_loaded = false; static CalleesSet gc_suspects; static CalleesSet gc_functions; static bool whitelist_loaded = false; static CalleesSet suspects_whitelist; static void LoadGCSuspects() { if (gc_suspects_loaded) return; std::ifstream fin("gcsuspects"); std::string mangled, function; while (!fin.eof()) { std::getline(fin, mangled, ','); gc_suspects.insert(mangled); std::getline(fin, function); gc_functions.insert(function); } gc_suspects_loaded = true; } static void LoadSuspectsWhitelist() { if (whitelist_loaded) return; std::ifstream fin("tools/gcmole/suspects.whitelist"); std::string s; while (fin >> s) suspects_whitelist.insert(s); whitelist_loaded = true; } // Looks for exact match of the mangled name. static bool KnownToCauseGC(clang::MangleContext* ctx, const clang::FunctionDecl* decl) { LoadGCSuspects(); if (!InV8Namespace(decl)) return false; if (suspects_whitelist.find(decl->getNameAsString()) != suspects_whitelist.end()) { return false; } MangledName name; if (GetMangledName(ctx, decl, &name)) { return gc_suspects.find(name) != gc_suspects.end(); } return false; } // Looks for partial match of only the function name. static bool SuspectedToCauseGC(clang::MangleContext* ctx, const clang::FunctionDecl* decl) { LoadGCSuspects(); if (!InV8Namespace(decl)) return false; LoadSuspectsWhitelist(); if (suspects_whitelist.find(decl->getNameAsString()) != suspects_whitelist.end()) { return false; } if (gc_functions.find(decl->getNameAsString()) != gc_functions.end()) { TRACE_LLVM_DECL("Suspected by ", decl); return true; } return false; } static const int kNoEffect = 0; static const int kCausesGC = 1; static const int kRawDef = 2; static const int kRawUse = 4; static const int kAllEffects = kCausesGC | kRawDef | kRawUse; class Environment; class ExprEffect { public: bool hasGC() { return (effect_ & kCausesGC) != 0; } void setGC() { effect_ |= kCausesGC; } bool hasRawDef() { return (effect_ & kRawDef) != 0; } void setRawDef() { effect_ |= kRawDef; } bool hasRawUse() { return (effect_ & kRawUse) != 0; } void setRawUse() { effect_ |= kRawUse; } static ExprEffect None() { return ExprEffect(kNoEffect, NULL); } static ExprEffect NoneWithEnv(Environment* env) { return ExprEffect(kNoEffect, env); } static ExprEffect RawUse() { return ExprEffect(kRawUse, NULL); } static ExprEffect Merge(ExprEffect a, ExprEffect b); static ExprEffect MergeSeq(ExprEffect a, ExprEffect b); ExprEffect Define(const std::string& name); Environment* env() { return reinterpret_cast<Environment*>(effect_ & ~kAllEffects); } static ExprEffect GC() { return ExprEffect(kCausesGC, NULL); } private: ExprEffect(int effect, Environment* env) : effect_((effect & kAllEffects) | reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(env)) { } intptr_t effect_; }; const std::string BAD_EXPR_MSG("Possible problem with evaluation order."); const std::string DEAD_VAR_MSG("Possibly dead variable."); class Environment { public: Environment() = default; static Environment Unreachable() { Environment env; env.unreachable_ = true; return env; } static Environment Merge(const Environment& l, const Environment& r) { Environment out(l); out &= r; return out; } Environment ApplyEffect(ExprEffect effect) const { Environment out = effect.hasGC() ? Environment() : Environment(*this); if (effect.env()) out |= *effect.env(); return out; } typedef std::map<std::string, int> SymbolTable; bool IsAlive(const std::string& name) const { SymbolTable::iterator code = symbol_table_.find(name); if (code == symbol_table_.end()) return false; return is_live(code->second); } bool Equal(const Environment& env) { if (unreachable_ && env.unreachable_) return true; size_t size = std::max(live_.size(), env.live_.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (is_live(i) != env.is_live(i)) return false; } return true; } Environment Define(const std::string& name) const { return Environment(*this, SymbolToCode(name)); } void MDefine(const std::string& name) { set_live(SymbolToCode(name)); } static int SymbolToCode(const std::string& name) { SymbolTable::iterator code = symbol_table_.find(name); if (code == symbol_table_.end()) { int new_code = symbol_table_.size(); symbol_table_.insert(std::make_pair(name, new_code)); return new_code; } return code->second; } static void ClearSymbolTable() { for (Environment* e : envs_) delete e; envs_.clear(); symbol_table_.clear(); } void Print() const { bool comma = false; std::cout << "{"; for (auto& e : symbol_table_) { if (!is_live(e.second)) continue; if (comma) std::cout << ", "; std::cout << e.first; comma = true; } std::cout << "}" << std::endl; } static Environment* Allocate(const Environment& env) { Environment* allocated_env = new Environment(env); envs_.push_back(allocated_env); return allocated_env; } private: Environment(const Environment& l, int code) : live_(l.live_) { set_live(code); } void set_live(size_t pos) { if (unreachable_) return; if (pos >= live_.size()) live_.resize(pos + 1); live_[pos] = true; } bool is_live(size_t pos) const { return unreachable_ || (live_.size() > pos && live_[pos]); } Environment& operator|=(const Environment& o) { if (o.unreachable_) { unreachable_ = true; live_.clear(); } else if (!unreachable_) { for (size_t i = 0, e = o.live_.size(); i < e; ++i) { if (o.live_[i]) set_live(i); } } return *this; } Environment& operator&=(const Environment& o) { if (o.unreachable_) return *this; if (unreachable_) return *this = o; // Carry over false bits from the tail of o.live_, and reset all bits that // are not set in o.live_. size_t size = std::max(live_.size(), o.live_.size()); if (size > live_.size()) live_.resize(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (live_[i] && (i >= o.live_.size() || !o.live_[i])) live_[i] = false; } return *this; } static SymbolTable symbol_table_; static std::vector<Environment*> envs_; std::vector<bool> live_; // unreachable_ == true implies live_.empty(), but still is_live(i) returns // true for all i. bool unreachable_ = false; friend class ExprEffect; friend class CallProps; }; class CallProps { public: CallProps() : env_(NULL) { } void SetEffect(int arg, ExprEffect in) { if (in.hasGC()) { gc_.set(arg); } if (in.hasRawDef()) raw_def_.set(arg); if (in.hasRawUse()) raw_use_.set(arg); if (in.env() != NULL) { if (env_ == NULL) { env_ = in.env(); } else { *env_ |= *in.env(); } } } ExprEffect ComputeCumulativeEffect(bool result_is_raw) { ExprEffect out = ExprEffect::NoneWithEnv(env_); if (gc_.any()) { out.setGC(); } if (raw_use_.any()) out.setRawUse(); if (result_is_raw) out.setRawDef(); return out; } bool IsSafe() { if (!gc_.any()) { return true; } std::bitset<kMaxNumberOfArguments> raw = (raw_def_ | raw_use_); if (!raw.any()) { return true; } bool result = gc_.count() == 1 && !((raw ^ gc_).any()); return result; } private: static const int kMaxNumberOfArguments = 64; std::bitset<kMaxNumberOfArguments> raw_def_; std::bitset<kMaxNumberOfArguments> raw_use_; std::bitset<kMaxNumberOfArguments> gc_; Environment* env_; }; Environment::SymbolTable Environment::symbol_table_; std::vector<Environment*> Environment::envs_; ExprEffect ExprEffect::Merge(ExprEffect a, ExprEffect b) { Environment* a_env = a.env(); Environment* b_env = b.env(); Environment* out = NULL; if (a_env != NULL && b_env != NULL) { out = Environment::Allocate(*a_env); *out &= *b_env; } return ExprEffect(a.effect_ | b.effect_, out); } ExprEffect ExprEffect::MergeSeq(ExprEffect a, ExprEffect b) { Environment* a_env = b.hasGC() ? NULL : a.env(); Environment* b_env = b.env(); Environment* out = (b_env == NULL) ? a_env : b_env; if (a_env != NULL && b_env != NULL) { out = Environment::Allocate(*b_env); *out |= *a_env; } return ExprEffect(a.effect_ | b.effect_, out); } ExprEffect ExprEffect::Define(const std::string& name) { Environment* e = env(); if (e == NULL) { e = Environment::Allocate(Environment()); } e->MDefine(name); return ExprEffect(effect_, e); } static std::string THIS ("this"); class FunctionAnalyzer { public: FunctionAnalyzer(clang::MangleContext* ctx, clang::CXXRecordDecl* object_decl, clang::CXXRecordDecl* maybe_object_decl, clang::CXXRecordDecl* smi_decl, clang::CXXRecordDecl* no_gc_decl, clang::CXXRecordDecl* no_gc_or_safepoint_decl, clang::CXXRecordDecl* no_heap_access_decl, clang::DiagnosticsEngine& d, clang::SourceManager& sm) : ctx_(ctx), object_decl_(object_decl), maybe_object_decl_(maybe_object_decl), smi_decl_(smi_decl), no_gc_decl_(no_gc_decl), no_gc_or_safepoint_decl_(no_gc_or_safepoint_decl), no_heap_access_decl_(no_heap_access_decl), d_(d), sm_(sm), block_(NULL) {} // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Expressions // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExprEffect VisitExpr(clang::Expr* expr, const Environment& env) { #define VISIT(type) \ do { \ clang::type* concrete_expr = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<clang::type>(expr); \ if (concrete_expr != NULL) { \ return Visit##type(concrete_expr, env); \ } \ } while (0); VISIT(AbstractConditionalOperator); VISIT(AddrLabelExpr); VISIT(ArraySubscriptExpr); VISIT(BinaryOperator); VISIT(BlockExpr); VISIT(CallExpr); VISIT(CastExpr); VISIT(CharacterLiteral); VISIT(ChooseExpr); VISIT(CompoundLiteralExpr); VISIT(ConstantExpr); VISIT(CXXBindTemporaryExpr); VISIT(CXXBoolLiteralExpr); VISIT(CXXConstructExpr); VISIT(CXXDefaultArgExpr); VISIT(CXXDeleteExpr); VISIT(CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr); VISIT(CXXNewExpr); VISIT(CXXNoexceptExpr); VISIT(CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr); VISIT(CXXPseudoDestructorExpr); VISIT(CXXScalarValueInitExpr); VISIT(CXXThisExpr); VISIT(CXXThrowExpr); VISIT(CXXTypeidExpr); VISIT(CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr); VISIT(CXXUuidofExpr); VISIT(DeclRefExpr); VISIT(DependentScopeDeclRefExpr); VISIT(DesignatedInitExpr); VISIT(ExprWithCleanups); VISIT(ExtVectorElementExpr); VISIT(FloatingLiteral); VISIT(GNUNullExpr); VISIT(ImaginaryLiteral); VISIT(ImplicitCastExpr); VISIT(ImplicitValueInitExpr); VISIT(InitListExpr); VISIT(IntegerLiteral); VISIT(MaterializeTemporaryExpr); VISIT(MemberExpr); VISIT(OffsetOfExpr); VISIT(OpaqueValueExpr); VISIT(OverloadExpr); VISIT(PackExpansionExpr); VISIT(ParenExpr); VISIT(ParenListExpr); VISIT(PredefinedExpr); VISIT(ShuffleVectorExpr); VISIT(SizeOfPackExpr); VISIT(StmtExpr); VISIT(StringLiteral); VISIT(SubstNonTypeTemplateParmPackExpr); VISIT(TypeTraitExpr); VISIT(UnaryOperator); VISIT(UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr); VISIT(VAArgExpr); #undef VISIT return ExprEffect::None(); } #define DECL_VISIT_EXPR(type) \ ExprEffect Visit##type (clang::type* expr, const Environment& env) #define IGNORE_EXPR(type) \ ExprEffect Visit##type (clang::type* expr, const Environment& env) { \ return ExprEffect::None(); \ } IGNORE_EXPR(AddrLabelExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(BlockExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(CharacterLiteral); IGNORE_EXPR(ChooseExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(CompoundLiteralExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(CXXBoolLiteralExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(CXXDependentScopeMemberExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(CXXPseudoDestructorExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(CXXScalarValueInitExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(CXXNoexceptExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(CXXTypeidExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(CXXUnresolvedConstructExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(CXXUuidofExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(DependentScopeDeclRefExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(DesignatedInitExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(ExtVectorElementExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(FloatingLiteral); IGNORE_EXPR(ImaginaryLiteral); IGNORE_EXPR(IntegerLiteral); IGNORE_EXPR(OffsetOfExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(ImplicitValueInitExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(PackExpansionExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(PredefinedExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(ShuffleVectorExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(SizeOfPackExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(StmtExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(StringLiteral); IGNORE_EXPR(SubstNonTypeTemplateParmPackExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(TypeTraitExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(VAArgExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(GNUNullExpr); IGNORE_EXPR(OverloadExpr); DECL_VISIT_EXPR(CXXThisExpr) { return Use(expr, expr->getType(), THIS, env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(AbstractConditionalOperator) { Environment after_cond = env.ApplyEffect(VisitExpr(expr->getCond(), env)); return ExprEffect::Merge(VisitExpr(expr->getTrueExpr(), after_cond), VisitExpr(expr->getFalseExpr(), after_cond)); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(ArraySubscriptExpr) { clang::Expr* exprs[2] = {expr->getBase(), expr->getIdx()}; return Parallel(expr, 2, exprs, env); } bool IsRawPointerVar(clang::Expr* expr, std::string* var_name) { if (llvm::isa<clang::DeclRefExpr>(expr)) { *var_name = llvm::cast<clang::DeclRefExpr>(expr)->getDecl()->getNameAsString(); return true; } return false; } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(BinaryOperator) { clang::Expr* lhs = expr->getLHS(); clang::Expr* rhs = expr->getRHS(); clang::Expr* exprs[2] = {lhs, rhs}; switch (expr->getOpcode()) { case clang::BO_Comma: return Sequential(expr, 2, exprs, env); case clang::BO_LAnd: case clang::BO_LOr: return ExprEffect::Merge(VisitExpr(lhs, env), VisitExpr(rhs, env)); default: return Parallel(expr, 2, exprs, env); } } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(CXXBindTemporaryExpr) { return VisitExpr(expr->getSubExpr(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(MaterializeTemporaryExpr) { return VisitExpr(expr->GetTemporaryExpr(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(CXXConstructExpr) { return VisitArguments<>(expr, env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(CXXDefaultArgExpr) { return VisitExpr(expr->getExpr(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(CXXDeleteExpr) { return VisitExpr(expr->getArgument(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(CXXNewExpr) { return VisitExpr(expr->getInitializer(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(ExprWithCleanups) { return VisitExpr(expr->getSubExpr(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(CXXThrowExpr) { return VisitExpr(expr->getSubExpr(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(ImplicitCastExpr) { return VisitExpr(expr->getSubExpr(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(ConstantExpr) { return VisitExpr(expr->getSubExpr(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(InitListExpr) { return Sequential(expr, expr->getNumInits(), expr->getInits(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(MemberExpr) { return VisitExpr(expr->getBase(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(OpaqueValueExpr) { return VisitExpr(expr->getSourceExpr(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(ParenExpr) { return VisitExpr(expr->getSubExpr(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(ParenListExpr) { return Parallel(expr, expr->getNumExprs(), expr->getExprs(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(UnaryOperator) { // TODO(gcmole): We are treating all expressions that look like // {&raw_pointer_var} as definitions of {raw_pointer_var}. This should be // changed to recognize less generic pattern: // // if (maybe_object->ToObject(&obj)) return maybe_object; // if (expr->getOpcode() == clang::UO_AddrOf) { std::string var_name; if (IsRawPointerVar(expr->getSubExpr(), &var_name)) { return ExprEffect::None().Define(var_name); } } return VisitExpr(expr->getSubExpr(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr) { if (expr->isArgumentType()) { return ExprEffect::None(); } return VisitExpr(expr->getArgumentExpr(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(CastExpr) { return VisitExpr(expr->getSubExpr(), env); } DECL_VISIT_EXPR(DeclRefExpr) { return Use(expr, expr->getDecl(), env); } // Represents a node in the AST {parent} whose children {exprs} have // undefined order of evaluation, e.g. array subscript or a binary operator. ExprEffect Parallel(clang::Expr* parent, int n, clang::Expr** exprs, const Environment& env) { CallProps props; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { props.SetEffect(i, VisitExpr(exprs[i], env)); } if (!props.IsSafe()) ReportUnsafe(parent, BAD_EXPR_MSG); return props.ComputeCumulativeEffect( RepresentsRawPointerType(parent->getType())); } // Represents a node in the AST {parent} whose children {exprs} are // executed in sequence, e.g. a switch statement or an initializer list. ExprEffect Sequential(clang::Stmt* parent, int n, clang::Expr** exprs, const Environment& env) { ExprEffect out = ExprEffect::None(); Environment out_env = env; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { out = ExprEffect::MergeSeq(out, VisitExpr(exprs[i], out_env)); out_env = out_env.ApplyEffect(out); } return out; } // Represents a node in the AST {parent} which uses the variable {var_name}, // e.g. this expression or operator&. // Here we observe the type in {var_type} of a previously declared variable // and if it's a raw heap object type, we do the following: // 1. If it got stale due to GC since its declaration, we report it as such. // 2. Mark its raw usage in the ExprEffect returned by this function. ExprEffect Use(const clang::Expr* parent, const clang::QualType& var_type, const std::string& var_name, const Environment& env) { if (RepresentsRawPointerType(var_type)) { // We currently care only about our internal pointer types and not about // raw C++ pointers, because normally special care is taken when storing // raw pointers to the managed heap. Furthermore, checking for raw // pointers produces too many false positives in the dead variable // analysis. if (IsInternalPointerType(var_type) && !env.IsAlive(var_name) && !HasActiveGuard() && g_dead_vars_analysis) { ReportUnsafe(parent, DEAD_VAR_MSG); } return ExprEffect::RawUse(); } return ExprEffect::None(); } ExprEffect Use(const clang::Expr* parent, const clang::ValueDecl* var, const Environment& env) { if (IsExternalVMState(var)) { return ExprEffect::GC(); } return Use(parent, var->getType(), var->getNameAsString(), env); } template<typename ExprType> ExprEffect VisitArguments(ExprType* call, const Environment& env) { CallProps props; VisitArguments<>(call, &props, env); if (!props.IsSafe()) ReportUnsafe(call, BAD_EXPR_MSG); return props.ComputeCumulativeEffect( RepresentsRawPointerType(call->getType())); } template<typename ExprType> void VisitArguments(ExprType* call, CallProps* props, const Environment& env) { for (unsigned arg = 0; arg < call->getNumArgs(); arg++) { props->SetEffect(arg + 1, VisitExpr(call->getArg(arg), env)); } } // After visiting the receiver and the arguments of the {call} node, this // function might report a GC-unsafe usage (due to the undefined evaluation // order of the receiver and the rest of the arguments). ExprEffect VisitCallExpr(clang::CallExpr* call, const Environment& env) { CallProps props; clang::CXXMemberCallExpr* memcall = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<clang::CXXMemberCallExpr>(call); if (memcall != NULL) { clang::Expr* receiver = memcall->getImplicitObjectArgument(); props.SetEffect(0, VisitExpr(receiver, env)); } std::string var_name; clang::CXXOperatorCallExpr* opcall = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<clang::CXXOperatorCallExpr>(call); if (opcall != NULL && opcall->isAssignmentOp() && IsRawPointerVar(opcall->getArg(0), &var_name)) { // TODO(gcmole): We are treating all assignment operator calls with // the left hand side looking like {raw_pointer_var} as safe independent // of the concrete assignment operator implementation. This should be // changed to be more narrow only if the assignment operator of the base // {Object} or {HeapObject} class was used, which we know to be safe. props.SetEffect(1, VisitExpr(call->getArg(1), env).Define(var_name)); } else { VisitArguments<>(call, &props, env); } if (!props.IsSafe()) ReportUnsafe(call, BAD_EXPR_MSG); ExprEffect out = props.ComputeCumulativeEffect( RepresentsRawPointerType(call->getType())); clang::FunctionDecl* callee = call->getDirectCallee(); if (callee != NULL) { if (KnownToCauseGC(ctx_, callee)) { out.setGC(); scopes_.back().SetGCCauseLocation( clang::FullSourceLoc(call->getExprLoc(), sm_)); } // Support for virtual methods that might be GC suspects. clang::CXXMethodDecl* method = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<clang::CXXMethodDecl>(callee); if (method != NULL && method->isVirtual()) { clang::CXXMemberCallExpr* memcall = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<clang::CXXMemberCallExpr>(call); if (memcall != NULL) { clang::CXXMethodDecl* target = method->getDevirtualizedMethod( memcall->getImplicitObjectArgument(), false); if (target != NULL) { if (KnownToCauseGC(ctx_, target)) { out.setGC(); scopes_.back().SetGCCauseLocation( clang::FullSourceLoc(call->getExprLoc(), sm_)); } } else { // According to the documentation, {getDevirtualizedMethod} might // return NULL, in which case we still want to use the partial // match of the {method}'s name against the GC suspects in order // to increase coverage. if (SuspectedToCauseGC(ctx_, method)) { out.setGC(); scopes_.back().SetGCCauseLocation( clang::FullSourceLoc(call->getExprLoc(), sm_)); } } } } } return out; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Statements // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Environment VisitStmt(clang::Stmt* stmt, const Environment& env) { #define VISIT(type) \ do { \ clang::type* concrete_stmt = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<clang::type>(stmt); \ if (concrete_stmt != NULL) { \ return Visit##type(concrete_stmt, env); \ } \ } while (0); if (clang::Expr* expr = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<clang::Expr>(stmt)) { return env.ApplyEffect(VisitExpr(expr, env)); } VISIT(AsmStmt); VISIT(BreakStmt); VISIT(CompoundStmt); VISIT(ContinueStmt); VISIT(CXXCatchStmt); VISIT(CXXTryStmt); VISIT(DeclStmt); VISIT(DoStmt); VISIT(ForStmt); VISIT(GotoStmt); VISIT(IfStmt); VISIT(IndirectGotoStmt); VISIT(LabelStmt); VISIT(NullStmt); VISIT(ReturnStmt); VISIT(CaseStmt); VISIT(DefaultStmt); VISIT(SwitchStmt); VISIT(WhileStmt); #undef VISIT return env; } #define DECL_VISIT_STMT(type) \ Environment Visit##type (clang::type* stmt, const Environment& env) #define IGNORE_STMT(type) \ Environment Visit##type (clang::type* stmt, const Environment& env) { \ return env; \ } IGNORE_STMT(IndirectGotoStmt); IGNORE_STMT(NullStmt); IGNORE_STMT(AsmStmt); // We are ignoring control flow for simplicity. IGNORE_STMT(GotoStmt); IGNORE_STMT(LabelStmt); // We are ignoring try/catch because V8 does not use them. IGNORE_STMT(CXXCatchStmt); IGNORE_STMT(CXXTryStmt); class Block { public: Block(const Environment& in, FunctionAnalyzer* owner) : in_(in), out_(Environment::Unreachable()), changed_(false), owner_(owner) { parent_ = owner_->EnterBlock(this); } ~Block() { owner_->LeaveBlock(parent_); } void MergeIn(const Environment& env) { Environment old_in = in_; in_ = Environment::Merge(in_, env); changed_ = !old_in.Equal(in_); } bool changed() { if (changed_) { changed_ = false; return true; } return false; } const Environment& in() { return in_; } const Environment& out() { return out_; } void MergeOut(const Environment& env) { out_ = Environment::Merge(out_, env); } void Sequential(clang::Stmt* a, clang::Stmt* b, clang::Stmt* c) { Environment a_out = owner_->VisitStmt(a, in()); Environment b_out = owner_->VisitStmt(b, a_out); Environment c_out = owner_->VisitStmt(c, b_out); MergeOut(c_out); } void Sequential(clang::Stmt* a, clang::Stmt* b) { Environment a_out = owner_->VisitStmt(a, in()); Environment b_out = owner_->VisitStmt(b, a_out); MergeOut(b_out); } void Loop(clang::Stmt* a, clang::Stmt* b, clang::Stmt* c) { Sequential(a, b, c); MergeIn(out()); } void Loop(clang::Stmt* a, clang::Stmt* b) { Sequential(a, b); MergeIn(out()); } private: Environment in_; Environment out_; bool changed_; FunctionAnalyzer* owner_; Block* parent_; }; DECL_VISIT_STMT(BreakStmt) { block_->MergeOut(env); return Environment::Unreachable(); } DECL_VISIT_STMT(ContinueStmt) { block_->MergeIn(env); return Environment::Unreachable(); } DECL_VISIT_STMT(CompoundStmt) { scopes_.push_back(GCScope()); Environment out = env; clang::CompoundStmt::body_iterator end = stmt->body_end(); for (clang::CompoundStmt::body_iterator s = stmt->body_begin(); s != end; ++s) { out = VisitStmt(*s, out); } scopes_.pop_back(); return out; } DECL_VISIT_STMT(WhileStmt) { Block block (env, this); do { block.Loop(stmt->getCond(), stmt->getBody()); } while (block.changed()); return block.out(); } DECL_VISIT_STMT(DoStmt) { Block block (env, this); do { block.Loop(stmt->getBody(), stmt->getCond()); } while (block.changed()); return block.out(); } DECL_VISIT_STMT(ForStmt) { Block block (VisitStmt(stmt->getInit(), env), this); do { block.Loop(stmt->getCond(), stmt->getBody(), stmt->getInc()); } while (block.changed()); return block.out(); } DECL_VISIT_STMT(IfStmt) { Environment cond_out = VisitStmt(stmt->getCond(), env); Environment then_out = VisitStmt(stmt->getThen(), cond_out); Environment else_out = VisitStmt(stmt->getElse(), cond_out); return Environment::Merge(then_out, else_out); } DECL_VISIT_STMT(SwitchStmt) { Block block (env, this); block.Sequential(stmt->getCond(), stmt->getBody()); return block.out(); } DECL_VISIT_STMT(CaseStmt) { Environment in = Environment::Merge(env, block_->in()); Environment after_lhs = VisitStmt(stmt->getLHS(), in); return VisitStmt(stmt->getSubStmt(), after_lhs); } DECL_VISIT_STMT(DefaultStmt) { Environment in = Environment::Merge(env, block_->in()); return VisitStmt(stmt->getSubStmt(), in); } DECL_VISIT_STMT(ReturnStmt) { VisitExpr(stmt->getRetValue(), env); return Environment::Unreachable(); } const clang::TagType* ToTagType(const clang::Type* t) { if (t == NULL) { return NULL; } else if (llvm::isa<clang::TagType>(t)) { return llvm::cast<clang::TagType>(t); } else if (llvm::isa<clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmType>(t)) { return ToTagType(llvm::cast<clang::SubstTemplateTypeParmType>(t) ->getReplacementType() .getTypePtr()); } else { return NULL; } } bool IsDerivedFrom(const clang::CXXRecordDecl* record, const clang::CXXRecordDecl* base) { return (record == base) || record->isDerivedFrom(base); } const clang::CXXRecordDecl* GetDefinitionOrNull( const clang::CXXRecordDecl* record) { if (record == NULL) { return NULL; } if (!InV8Namespace(record)) return NULL; if (!record->hasDefinition()) { return NULL; } return record->getDefinition(); } bool IsDerivedFromInternalPointer(const clang::CXXRecordDecl* record) { const clang::CXXRecordDecl* definition = GetDefinitionOrNull(record); if (!definition) { return false; } bool result = (IsDerivedFrom(record, object_decl_) && !IsDerivedFrom(record, smi_decl_)) || IsDerivedFrom(record, maybe_object_decl_); return result; } bool IsRawPointerType(const clang::PointerType* type) { const clang::CXXRecordDecl* record = type->getPointeeCXXRecordDecl(); bool result = IsDerivedFromInternalPointer(record); TRACE("is raw " << result << " " << record->getNameAsString()); return result; } bool IsInternalPointerType(clang::QualType qtype) { const clang::CXXRecordDecl* record = qtype->getAsCXXRecordDecl(); bool result = IsDerivedFromInternalPointer(record); TRACE_LLVM_TYPE("is internal " << result, qtype); return result; } // Returns weather the given type is a raw pointer or a wrapper around // such. For V8 that means Object and MaybeObject instances. bool RepresentsRawPointerType(clang::QualType qtype) { // Not yet assigned pointers can't get moved by the GC. if (qtype.isNull()) { return false; } // nullptr can't get moved by the GC. if (qtype->isNullPtrType()) { return false; } const clang::PointerType* pointer_type = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<clang::PointerType>(qtype.getTypePtrOrNull()); if (pointer_type != NULL) { return IsRawPointerType(pointer_type); } else { return IsInternalPointerType(qtype); } } bool IsGCGuard(clang::QualType qtype) { if (qtype.isNull()) { return false; } if (qtype->isNullPtrType()) { return false; } const clang::CXXRecordDecl* record = qtype->getAsCXXRecordDecl(); const clang::CXXRecordDecl* definition = GetDefinitionOrNull(record); if (!definition) { return false; } return (no_gc_decl_ && IsDerivedFrom(definition, no_gc_decl_)) || (no_gc_or_safepoint_decl_ && IsDerivedFrom(definition, no_gc_or_safepoint_decl_)) || (no_heap_access_decl_ && IsDerivedFrom(definition, no_heap_access_decl_)); } Environment VisitDecl(clang::Decl* decl, Environment& env) { if (clang::VarDecl* var = llvm::dyn_cast<clang::VarDecl>(decl)) { Environment out = var->hasInit() ? VisitStmt(var->getInit(), env) : env; if (RepresentsRawPointerType(var->getType())) { out = out.Define(var->getNameAsString()); } if (IsGCGuard(var->getType())) { scopes_.back().guard_location = clang::FullSourceLoc(decl->getLocation(), sm_); } return out; } // TODO(gcmole): handle other declarations? return env; } DECL_VISIT_STMT(DeclStmt) { Environment out = env; clang::DeclStmt::decl_iterator end = stmt->decl_end(); for (clang::DeclStmt::decl_iterator decl = stmt->decl_begin(); decl != end; ++decl) { out = VisitDecl(*decl, out); } return out; } void DefineParameters(const clang::FunctionDecl* f, Environment* env) { env->MDefine(THIS); clang::FunctionDecl::param_const_iterator end = f->param_end(); for (clang::FunctionDecl::param_const_iterator p = f->param_begin(); p != end; ++p) { env->MDefine((*p)->getNameAsString()); } } void AnalyzeFunction(const clang::FunctionDecl* f) { const clang::FunctionDecl* body = NULL; if (f->hasBody(body)) { Environment env; DefineParameters(body, &env); VisitStmt(body->getBody(), env); Environment::ClearSymbolTable(); } } Block* EnterBlock(Block* block) { Block* parent = block_; block_ = block; return parent; } void LeaveBlock(Block* block) { block_ = block; } bool HasActiveGuard() { for (auto s : scopes_) { if (s.IsBeforeGCCause()) return true; } return false; } private: void ReportUnsafe(const clang::Expr* expr, const std::string& msg) { d_.Report(clang::FullSourceLoc(expr->getExprLoc(), sm_), d_.getCustomDiagID(clang::DiagnosticsEngine::Warning, "%0")) << msg; } clang::MangleContext* ctx_; clang::CXXRecordDecl* object_decl_; clang::CXXRecordDecl* maybe_object_decl_; clang::CXXRecordDecl* smi_decl_; clang::CXXRecordDecl* no_gc_decl_; clang::CXXRecordDecl* no_gc_or_safepoint_decl_; clang::CXXRecordDecl* no_heap_access_decl_; clang::DiagnosticsEngine& d_; clang::SourceManager& sm_; Block* block_; struct GCScope { clang::FullSourceLoc guard_location; clang::FullSourceLoc gccause_location; // We're only interested in guards that are declared before any further GC // causing calls (see TestGuardedDeadVarAnalysisMidFunction for example). bool IsBeforeGCCause() { if (!guard_location.isValid()) return false; if (!gccause_location.isValid()) return true; return guard_location.isBeforeInTranslationUnitThan(gccause_location); } // After we set the first GC cause in the scope, we don't need the later // ones. void SetGCCauseLocation(clang::FullSourceLoc gccause_location_) { if (gccause_location.isValid()) return; gccause_location = gccause_location_; } }; std::vector<GCScope> scopes_; }; class ProblemsFinder : public clang::ASTConsumer, public clang::RecursiveASTVisitor<ProblemsFinder> { public: ProblemsFinder(clang::DiagnosticsEngine& d, clang::SourceManager& sm, const std::vector<std::string>& args) : d_(d), sm_(sm) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { if (args[i] == "--dead-vars") { g_dead_vars_analysis = true; } if (args[i] == "--verbose") { g_tracing_enabled = true; } } } bool TranslationUnitIgnored() { if (!ignored_files_loaded_) { std::ifstream fin("tools/gcmole/ignored_files"); std::string s; while (fin >> s) ignored_files_.insert(s); ignored_files_loaded_ = true; } clang::FileID main_file_id = sm_.getMainFileID(); std::string filename = sm_.getFileEntryForID(main_file_id)->getName().str(); bool result = ignored_files_.find(filename) != ignored_files_.end(); if (result) { llvm::outs() << "Ignoring file " << filename << "\n"; } return result; } virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(clang::ASTContext &ctx) { if (TranslationUnitIgnored()) { return; } Resolver r(ctx); // It is a valid situation that no_gc_decl == NULL when the // DisallowHeapAllocation is not included and can't be resolved. // This is gracefully handled in the FunctionAnalyzer later. clang::CXXRecordDecl* no_gc_decl = r.ResolveNamespace("v8") .ResolveNamespace("internal") .ResolveTemplate("DisallowHeapAllocation"); clang::CXXRecordDecl* no_gc_or_safepoint_decl = r.ResolveNamespace("v8") .ResolveNamespace("internal") .ResolveTemplate("DisallowGarbageCollection"); clang::CXXRecordDecl* no_heap_access_decl = r.ResolveNamespace("v8") .ResolveNamespace("internal") .Resolve<clang::CXXRecordDecl>("DisallowHeapAccess"); clang::CXXRecordDecl* object_decl = r.ResolveNamespace("v8").ResolveNamespace("internal"). Resolve<clang::CXXRecordDecl>("Object"); clang::CXXRecordDecl* maybe_object_decl = r.ResolveNamespace("v8") .ResolveNamespace("internal") .Resolve<clang::CXXRecordDecl>("MaybeObject"); clang::CXXRecordDecl* smi_decl = r.ResolveNamespace("v8").ResolveNamespace("internal"). Resolve<clang::CXXRecordDecl>("Smi"); if (object_decl != NULL) object_decl = object_decl->getDefinition(); if (maybe_object_decl != NULL) maybe_object_decl = maybe_object_decl->getDefinition(); if (smi_decl != NULL) smi_decl = smi_decl->getDefinition(); if (no_heap_access_decl != NULL) no_heap_access_decl = no_heap_access_decl->getDefinition(); if (object_decl != NULL && smi_decl != NULL && maybe_object_decl != NULL) { function_analyzer_ = new FunctionAnalyzer( clang::ItaniumMangleContext::create(ctx, d_), object_decl, maybe_object_decl, smi_decl, no_gc_decl, no_gc_or_safepoint_decl, no_heap_access_decl, d_, sm_); TraverseDecl(ctx.getTranslationUnitDecl()); } else { if (object_decl == NULL) { llvm::errs() << "Failed to resolve v8::internal::Object\n"; } if (maybe_object_decl == NULL) { llvm::errs() << "Failed to resolve v8::internal::MaybeObject\n"; } if (smi_decl == NULL) { llvm::errs() << "Failed to resolve v8::internal::Smi\n"; } } } virtual bool VisitFunctionDecl(clang::FunctionDecl* decl) { // Don't print tracing from includes, otherwise the output is too big. bool tracing = g_tracing_enabled; const auto& fileID = sm_.getFileID(decl->getLocation()); if (fileID != sm_.getMainFileID()) { g_tracing_enabled = false; } TRACE("Visiting function " << decl->getNameAsString()); function_analyzer_->AnalyzeFunction(decl); g_tracing_enabled = tracing; return true; } private: clang::DiagnosticsEngine& d_; clang::SourceManager& sm_; bool ignored_files_loaded_ = false; std::set<std::string> ignored_files_; FunctionAnalyzer* function_analyzer_; }; template<typename ConsumerType> class Action : public clang::PluginASTAction { protected: virtual std::unique_ptr<clang::ASTConsumer> CreateASTConsumer( clang::CompilerInstance& CI, llvm::StringRef InFile) { return std::unique_ptr<clang::ASTConsumer>( new ConsumerType(CI.getDiagnostics(), CI.getSourceManager(), args_)); } bool ParseArgs(const clang::CompilerInstance &CI, const std::vector<std::string>& args) { args_ = args; return true; } void PrintHelp(llvm::raw_ostream& ros) { } private: std::vector<std::string> args_; }; } static clang::FrontendPluginRegistry::Add<Action<ProblemsFinder> > FindProblems("find-problems", "Find GC-unsafe places."); static clang::FrontendPluginRegistry::Add< Action<FunctionDeclarationFinder> > DumpCallees("dump-callees", "Dump callees for each function."); #undef TRACE #undef TRACE_LLVM_TYPE #undef TRACE_LLVM_DECL #undef DECL_VISIT_EXPR #undef IGNORE_EXPR #undef DECL_VISIT_STMT #undef IGNORE_STMT