// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/inspector/wasm-translation.h" #include <algorithm> #include "src/debug/debug-interface.h" #include "src/inspector/string-util.h" #include "src/inspector/v8-debugger-agent-impl.h" #include "src/inspector/v8-debugger-script.h" #include "src/inspector/v8-debugger.h" #include "src/inspector/v8-inspector-impl.h" namespace v8_inspector { class WasmTranslation::TranslatorImpl { public: struct TransLocation { WasmTranslation* translation; String16 script_id; int line; int column; TransLocation(WasmTranslation* translation, String16 script_id, int line, int column) : translation(translation), script_id(script_id), line(line), column(column) {} }; virtual void Init(v8::Isolate*, WasmTranslation*, V8DebuggerAgentImpl*) = 0; virtual void Translate(TransLocation*) = 0; virtual void TranslateBack(TransLocation*) = 0; virtual ~TranslatorImpl() {} class RawTranslator; class DisassemblingTranslator; }; class WasmTranslation::TranslatorImpl::RawTranslator : public WasmTranslation::TranslatorImpl { public: void Init(v8::Isolate*, WasmTranslation*, V8DebuggerAgentImpl*) {} void Translate(TransLocation*) {} void TranslateBack(TransLocation*) {} }; class WasmTranslation::TranslatorImpl::DisassemblingTranslator : public WasmTranslation::TranslatorImpl { using OffsetTable = v8::debug::WasmDisassembly::OffsetTable; public: DisassemblingTranslator(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local<v8::debug::WasmScript> script) : script_(isolate, script) {} void Init(v8::Isolate* isolate, WasmTranslation* translation, V8DebuggerAgentImpl* agent) override { // Register fake scripts for each function in this wasm module/script. v8::Local<v8::debug::WasmScript> script = script_.Get(isolate); int num_functions = script->NumFunctions(); int num_imported_functions = script->NumImportedFunctions(); DCHECK_LE(0, num_imported_functions); DCHECK_LE(0, num_functions); DCHECK_GE(num_functions, num_imported_functions); String16 script_id = String16::fromInteger(script->Id()); for (int func_idx = num_imported_functions; func_idx < num_functions; ++func_idx) { AddFakeScript(isolate, script_id, func_idx, translation, agent); } } void Translate(TransLocation* loc) override { const OffsetTable& offset_table = GetOffsetTable(loc); DCHECK(!offset_table.empty()); uint32_t byte_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(loc->column); // Binary search for the given offset. unsigned left = 0; // inclusive unsigned right = static_cast<unsigned>(offset_table.size()); // exclusive while (right - left > 1) { unsigned mid = (left + right) / 2; if (offset_table[mid].byte_offset <= byte_offset) { left = mid; } else { right = mid; } } loc->script_id = GetFakeScriptId(loc); if (offset_table[left].byte_offset == byte_offset) { loc->line = offset_table[left].line; loc->column = offset_table[left].column; } else { loc->line = 0; loc->column = 0; } } void TranslateBack(TransLocation* loc) override { int func_index = GetFunctionIndexFromFakeScriptId(loc->script_id); const OffsetTable* reverse_table = GetReverseTable(func_index); if (!reverse_table) return; DCHECK(!reverse_table->empty()); v8::Isolate* isolate = loc->translation->isolate_; // Binary search for the given line and column. unsigned left = 0; // inclusive unsigned right = static_cast<unsigned>(reverse_table->size()); // exclusive while (right - left > 1) { unsigned mid = (left + right) / 2; auto& entry = (*reverse_table)[mid]; if (entry.line < loc->line || (entry.line == loc->line && entry.column <= loc->column)) { left = mid; } else { right = mid; } } int found_byte_offset = 0; // [left] is <= <line,column>, or left==0 and [0] > <line,column>. // We are searching for the smallest entry >= <line,column> which is still // on the same line. This must be either [left] or [left + 1]. // If we don't find such an entry, we might have hit the special case of // pointing after the last line, which is translated to the end of the // function (one byte after the last function byte). if ((*reverse_table)[left].line == loc->line && (*reverse_table)[left].column >= loc->column) { found_byte_offset = (*reverse_table)[left].byte_offset; } else if (left + 1 < reverse_table->size() && (*reverse_table)[left + 1].line == loc->line && (*reverse_table)[left + 1].column >= loc->column) { found_byte_offset = (*reverse_table)[left + 1].byte_offset; } else if (left == reverse_table->size() - 1 && (*reverse_table)[left].line == loc->line - 1 && loc->column == 0) { std::pair<int, int> func_range = script_.Get(isolate)->GetFunctionRange(func_index); DCHECK_LE(func_range.first, func_range.second); found_byte_offset = func_range.second - func_range.first; } loc->script_id = String16::fromInteger(script_.Get(isolate)->Id()); loc->line = func_index; loc->column = found_byte_offset; } private: String16 GetFakeScriptUrl(v8::Isolate* isolate, int func_index) { v8::Local<v8::debug::WasmScript> script = script_.Get(isolate); String16 script_name = toProtocolString(script->Name().ToLocalChecked()); int numFunctions = script->NumFunctions(); int numImported = script->NumImportedFunctions(); String16Builder builder; builder.appendAll("wasm://wasm/", script_name, '/'); if (numFunctions - numImported > 300) { size_t digits = String16::fromInteger(numFunctions - 1).length(); String16 thisCategory = String16::fromInteger((func_index / 100) * 100); DCHECK_LE(thisCategory.length(), digits); for (size_t i = thisCategory.length(); i < digits; ++i) builder.append('0'); builder.appendAll(thisCategory, '/'); } builder.appendAll(script_name, '-'); builder.appendNumber(func_index); return builder.toString(); } String16 GetFakeScriptId(const String16 script_id, int func_index) { return String16::concat(script_id, '-', String16::fromInteger(func_index)); } String16 GetFakeScriptId(const TransLocation* loc) { return GetFakeScriptId(loc->script_id, loc->line); } void AddFakeScript(v8::Isolate* isolate, const String16& underlyingScriptId, int func_idx, WasmTranslation* translation, V8DebuggerAgentImpl* agent) { String16 fake_script_id = GetFakeScriptId(underlyingScriptId, func_idx); String16 fake_script_url = GetFakeScriptUrl(isolate, func_idx); v8::Local<v8::debug::WasmScript> script = script_.Get(isolate); // TODO(clemensh): Generate disassembly lazily when queried by the frontend. v8::debug::WasmDisassembly disassembly = script->DisassembleFunction(func_idx); DCHECK_EQ(0, offset_tables_.count(func_idx)); offset_tables_.insert( std::make_pair(func_idx, std::move(disassembly.offset_table))); String16 source(disassembly.disassembly.data(), disassembly.disassembly.length()); std::unique_ptr<V8DebuggerScript> fake_script = V8DebuggerScript::CreateWasm(isolate, translation, script, fake_script_id, std::move(fake_script_url), source); translation->AddFakeScript(fake_script->scriptId(), this); agent->didParseSource(std::move(fake_script), true); } int GetFunctionIndexFromFakeScriptId(const String16& fake_script_id) { size_t last_dash_pos = fake_script_id.reverseFind('-'); DCHECK_GT(fake_script_id.length(), last_dash_pos); bool ok = true; int func_index = fake_script_id.substring(last_dash_pos + 1).toInteger(&ok); DCHECK(ok); return func_index; } const OffsetTable& GetOffsetTable(const TransLocation* loc) { int func_index = loc->line; auto it = offset_tables_.find(func_index); // TODO(clemensh): Once we load disassembly lazily, the offset table // might not be there yet. Load it lazily then. DCHECK(it != offset_tables_.end()); return it->second; } const OffsetTable* GetReverseTable(int func_index) { auto it = reverse_tables_.find(func_index); if (it != reverse_tables_.end()) return &it->second; // Find offset table, copy and sort it to get reverse table. it = offset_tables_.find(func_index); if (it == offset_tables_.end()) return nullptr; OffsetTable reverse_table = it->second; // Order by line, column, then byte offset. auto cmp = [](OffsetTable::value_type el1, OffsetTable::value_type el2) { if (el1.line != el2.line) return el1.line < el2.line; if (el1.column != el2.column) return el1.column < el2.column; return el1.byte_offset < el2.byte_offset; }; std::sort(reverse_table.begin(), reverse_table.end(), cmp); auto inserted = reverse_tables_.insert( std::make_pair(func_index, std::move(reverse_table))); DCHECK(inserted.second); return &inserted.first->second; } v8::Global<v8::debug::WasmScript> script_; // We assume to only disassemble a subset of the functions, so store them in a // map instead of an array. std::unordered_map<int, const OffsetTable> offset_tables_; std::unordered_map<int, const OffsetTable> reverse_tables_; }; WasmTranslation::WasmTranslation(v8::Isolate* isolate) : isolate_(isolate), mode_(Disassemble) {} WasmTranslation::~WasmTranslation() { Clear(); } void WasmTranslation::AddScript(v8::Local<v8::debug::WasmScript> script, V8DebuggerAgentImpl* agent) { std::unique_ptr<TranslatorImpl> impl; switch (mode_) { case Raw: impl.reset(new TranslatorImpl::RawTranslator()); break; case Disassemble: impl.reset(new TranslatorImpl::DisassemblingTranslator(isolate_, script)); break; } DCHECK(impl); auto inserted = wasm_translators_.insert(std::make_pair(script->Id(), std::move(impl))); // Check that no mapping for this script id existed before. DCHECK(inserted.second); // impl has been moved, use the returned iterator to call Init. inserted.first->second->Init(isolate_, this, agent); } void WasmTranslation::Clear() { wasm_translators_.clear(); fake_scripts_.clear(); } // Translation "forward" (to artificial scripts). bool WasmTranslation::TranslateWasmScriptLocationToProtocolLocation( String16* script_id, int* line_number, int* column_number) { DCHECK(script_id && line_number && column_number); bool ok = true; int script_id_int = script_id->toInteger(&ok); if (!ok) return false; auto it = wasm_translators_.find(script_id_int); if (it == wasm_translators_.end()) return false; TranslatorImpl* translator = it->second.get(); TranslatorImpl::TransLocation trans_loc(this, std::move(*script_id), *line_number, *column_number); translator->Translate(&trans_loc); *script_id = std::move(trans_loc.script_id); *line_number = trans_loc.line; *column_number = trans_loc.column; return true; } // Translation "backward" (from artificial to real scripts). bool WasmTranslation::TranslateProtocolLocationToWasmScriptLocation( String16* script_id, int* line_number, int* column_number) { auto it = fake_scripts_.find(*script_id); if (it == fake_scripts_.end()) return false; TranslatorImpl* translator = it->second; TranslatorImpl::TransLocation trans_loc(this, std::move(*script_id), *line_number, *column_number); translator->TranslateBack(&trans_loc); *script_id = std::move(trans_loc.script_id); *line_number = trans_loc.line; *column_number = trans_loc.column; return true; } void WasmTranslation::AddFakeScript(const String16& scriptId, TranslatorImpl* translator) { DCHECK_EQ(0, fake_scripts_.count(scriptId)); fake_scripts_.insert(std::make_pair(scriptId, translator)); } } // namespace v8_inspector