// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_COMPILER_OPCODES_H_ #define V8_COMPILER_OPCODES_H_ #include <iosfwd> #include "src/globals.h" // Opcodes for control operators. #define CONTROL_OP_LIST(V) \ V(Start) \ V(Loop) \ V(Branch) \ V(Switch) \ V(IfTrue) \ V(IfFalse) \ V(IfSuccess) \ V(IfException) \ V(IfValue) \ V(IfDefault) \ V(Merge) \ V(Deoptimize) \ V(DeoptimizeIf) \ V(DeoptimizeUnless) \ V(TrapIf) \ V(TrapUnless) \ V(Return) \ V(TailCall) \ V(Terminate) \ V(OsrNormalEntry) \ V(OsrLoopEntry) \ V(Throw) \ V(End) // Opcodes for constant operators. #define CONSTANT_OP_LIST(V) \ V(Int32Constant) \ V(Int64Constant) \ V(Float32Constant) \ V(Float64Constant) \ V(ExternalConstant) \ V(NumberConstant) \ V(PointerConstant) \ V(HeapConstant) \ V(RelocatableInt32Constant) \ V(RelocatableInt64Constant) #define INNER_OP_LIST(V) \ V(Select) \ V(Phi) \ V(EffectPhi) \ V(InductionVariablePhi) \ V(Checkpoint) \ V(BeginRegion) \ V(FinishRegion) \ V(FrameState) \ V(StateValues) \ V(TypedStateValues) \ V(ArgumentsElementsState) \ V(ArgumentsLengthState) \ V(ObjectState) \ V(ObjectId) \ V(TypedObjectState) \ V(Call) \ V(CallWithCallerSavedRegisters) \ V(Parameter) \ V(OsrValue) \ V(LoopExit) \ V(LoopExitValue) \ V(LoopExitEffect) \ V(Projection) \ V(Retain) \ V(MapGuard) \ V(TypeGuard) #define COMMON_OP_LIST(V) \ CONSTANT_OP_LIST(V) \ INNER_OP_LIST(V) \ V(Unreachable) \ V(DeadValue) \ V(Dead) // Opcodes for JavaScript operators. #define JS_COMPARE_BINOP_LIST(V) \ V(JSEqual) \ V(JSStrictEqual) \ V(JSLessThan) \ V(JSGreaterThan) \ V(JSLessThanOrEqual) \ V(JSGreaterThanOrEqual) #define JS_BITWISE_BINOP_LIST(V) \ V(JSBitwiseOr) \ V(JSBitwiseXor) \ V(JSBitwiseAnd) \ V(JSShiftLeft) \ V(JSShiftRight) \ V(JSShiftRightLogical) #define JS_ARITH_BINOP_LIST(V) \ V(JSAdd) \ V(JSSubtract) \ V(JSMultiply) \ V(JSDivide) \ V(JSModulus) \ V(JSExponentiate) #define JS_SIMPLE_BINOP_LIST(V) \ JS_COMPARE_BINOP_LIST(V) \ JS_BITWISE_BINOP_LIST(V) \ JS_ARITH_BINOP_LIST(V) \ V(JSHasInPrototypeChain) \ V(JSInstanceOf) \ V(JSOrdinaryHasInstance) #define JS_CONVERSION_UNOP_LIST(V) \ V(JSToInteger) \ V(JSToLength) \ V(JSToName) \ V(JSToNumber) \ V(JSToNumberConvertBigInt) \ V(JSToNumeric) \ V(JSToObject) \ V(JSToString) \ V(JSParseInt) #define JS_SIMPLE_UNOP_LIST(V) \ JS_CONVERSION_UNOP_LIST(V) \ V(JSBitwiseNot) \ V(JSDecrement) \ V(JSIncrement) \ V(JSNegate) #define JS_CREATE_OP_LIST(V) \ V(JSCreate) \ V(JSCreateArguments) \ V(JSCreateArray) \ V(JSCreateArrayIterator) \ V(JSCreateBoundFunction) \ V(JSCreateClosure) \ V(JSCreateCollectionIterator) \ V(JSCreateGeneratorObject) \ V(JSCreateIterResultObject) \ V(JSCreateStringIterator) \ V(JSCreateKeyValueArray) \ V(JSCreateObject) \ V(JSCreatePromise) \ V(JSCreateTypedArray) \ V(JSCreateLiteralArray) \ V(JSCreateEmptyLiteralArray) \ V(JSCreateArrayFromIterable) \ V(JSCreateLiteralObject) \ V(JSCreateEmptyLiteralObject) \ V(JSCloneObject) \ V(JSCreateLiteralRegExp) #define JS_OBJECT_OP_LIST(V) \ JS_CREATE_OP_LIST(V) \ V(JSLoadProperty) \ V(JSLoadNamed) \ V(JSLoadGlobal) \ V(JSStoreProperty) \ V(JSStoreNamed) \ V(JSStoreNamedOwn) \ V(JSStoreGlobal) \ V(JSStoreDataPropertyInLiteral) \ V(JSStoreInArrayLiteral) \ V(JSDeleteProperty) \ V(JSHasProperty) \ V(JSGetSuperConstructor) #define JS_CONTEXT_OP_LIST(V) \ V(JSLoadContext) \ V(JSStoreContext) \ V(JSCreateFunctionContext) \ V(JSCreateCatchContext) \ V(JSCreateWithContext) \ V(JSCreateBlockContext) #define JS_CONSTRUCT_OP_LIST(V) \ V(JSConstructForwardVarargs) \ V(JSConstruct) \ V(JSConstructWithArrayLike) \ V(JSConstructWithSpread) #define JS_OTHER_OP_LIST(V) \ JS_CONSTRUCT_OP_LIST(V) \ V(JSCallForwardVarargs) \ V(JSCall) \ V(JSCallWithArrayLike) \ V(JSCallWithSpread) \ V(JSCallRuntime) \ V(JSForInEnumerate) \ V(JSForInNext) \ V(JSForInPrepare) \ V(JSLoadMessage) \ V(JSStoreMessage) \ V(JSLoadModule) \ V(JSStoreModule) \ V(JSGeneratorStore) \ V(JSGeneratorRestoreContinuation) \ V(JSGeneratorRestoreContext) \ V(JSGeneratorRestoreRegister) \ V(JSGeneratorRestoreInputOrDebugPos) \ V(JSFulfillPromise) \ V(JSPerformPromiseThen) \ V(JSPromiseResolve) \ V(JSRejectPromise) \ V(JSResolvePromise) \ V(JSStackCheck) \ V(JSObjectIsArray) \ V(JSRegExpTest) \ V(JSDebugger) #define JS_OP_LIST(V) \ JS_SIMPLE_BINOP_LIST(V) \ JS_SIMPLE_UNOP_LIST(V) \ JS_OBJECT_OP_LIST(V) \ JS_CONTEXT_OP_LIST(V) \ JS_OTHER_OP_LIST(V) // Opcodes for VirtuaMachine-level operators. #define SIMPLIFIED_CHANGE_OP_LIST(V) \ V(ChangeTaggedSignedToInt32) \ V(ChangeTaggedSignedToInt64) \ V(ChangeTaggedToInt32) \ V(ChangeTaggedToInt64) \ V(ChangeTaggedToUint32) \ V(ChangeTaggedToFloat64) \ V(ChangeTaggedToTaggedSigned) \ V(ChangeInt31ToTaggedSigned) \ V(ChangeInt32ToTagged) \ V(ChangeUint32ToTagged) \ V(ChangeFloat64ToTagged) \ V(ChangeFloat64ToTaggedPointer) \ V(ChangeTaggedToBit) \ V(ChangeBitToTagged) \ V(TruncateTaggedToWord32) \ V(TruncateTaggedToFloat64) \ V(TruncateTaggedToBit) \ V(TruncateTaggedPointerToBit) #define SIMPLIFIED_CHECKED_OP_LIST(V) \ V(CheckedInt32Add) \ V(CheckedInt32Sub) \ V(CheckedInt32Div) \ V(CheckedInt32Mod) \ V(CheckedUint32Div) \ V(CheckedUint32Mod) \ V(CheckedInt32Mul) \ V(CheckedInt32ToTaggedSigned) \ V(CheckedUint32ToInt32) \ V(CheckedUint32ToTaggedSigned) \ V(CheckedFloat64ToInt32) \ V(CheckedTaggedSignedToInt32) \ V(CheckedTaggedToInt32) \ V(CheckedTruncateTaggedToWord32) \ V(CheckedTaggedToFloat64) \ V(CheckedTaggedToTaggedSigned) \ V(CheckedTaggedToTaggedPointer) #define SIMPLIFIED_COMPARE_BINOP_LIST(V) \ V(NumberEqual) \ V(NumberLessThan) \ V(NumberLessThanOrEqual) \ V(SpeculativeNumberEqual) \ V(SpeculativeNumberLessThan) \ V(SpeculativeNumberLessThanOrEqual) \ V(ReferenceEqual) \ V(SameValue) \ V(StringEqual) \ V(StringLessThan) \ V(StringLessThanOrEqual) #define SIMPLIFIED_NUMBER_BINOP_LIST(V) \ V(NumberAdd) \ V(NumberSubtract) \ V(NumberMultiply) \ V(NumberDivide) \ V(NumberModulus) \ V(NumberBitwiseOr) \ V(NumberBitwiseXor) \ V(NumberBitwiseAnd) \ V(NumberShiftLeft) \ V(NumberShiftRight) \ V(NumberShiftRightLogical) \ V(NumberAtan2) \ V(NumberImul) \ V(NumberMax) \ V(NumberMin) \ V(NumberPow) #define SIMPLIFIED_SPECULATIVE_NUMBER_BINOP_LIST(V) \ V(SpeculativeNumberAdd) \ V(SpeculativeNumberSubtract) \ V(SpeculativeNumberMultiply) \ V(SpeculativeNumberDivide) \ V(SpeculativeNumberModulus) \ V(SpeculativeNumberBitwiseAnd) \ V(SpeculativeNumberBitwiseOr) \ V(SpeculativeNumberBitwiseXor) \ V(SpeculativeNumberShiftLeft) \ V(SpeculativeNumberShiftRight) \ V(SpeculativeNumberShiftRightLogical) \ V(SpeculativeSafeIntegerAdd) \ V(SpeculativeSafeIntegerSubtract) #define SIMPLIFIED_NUMBER_UNOP_LIST(V) \ V(NumberAbs) \ V(NumberAcos) \ V(NumberAcosh) \ V(NumberAsin) \ V(NumberAsinh) \ V(NumberAtan) \ V(NumberAtanh) \ V(NumberCbrt) \ V(NumberCeil) \ V(NumberClz32) \ V(NumberCos) \ V(NumberCosh) \ V(NumberExp) \ V(NumberExpm1) \ V(NumberFloor) \ V(NumberFround) \ V(NumberLog) \ V(NumberLog1p) \ V(NumberLog2) \ V(NumberLog10) \ V(NumberRound) \ V(NumberSign) \ V(NumberSin) \ V(NumberSinh) \ V(NumberSqrt) \ V(NumberTan) \ V(NumberTanh) \ V(NumberTrunc) \ V(NumberToBoolean) \ V(NumberToInt32) \ V(NumberToString) \ V(NumberToUint32) \ V(NumberToUint8Clamped) \ V(NumberSilenceNaN) #define SIMPLIFIED_SPECULATIVE_NUMBER_UNOP_LIST(V) V(SpeculativeToNumber) #define SIMPLIFIED_OTHER_OP_LIST(V) \ V(PlainPrimitiveToNumber) \ V(PlainPrimitiveToWord32) \ V(PlainPrimitiveToFloat64) \ V(BooleanNot) \ V(StringConcat) \ V(StringToNumber) \ V(StringCharCodeAt) \ V(StringCodePointAt) \ V(StringFromSingleCharCode) \ V(StringFromSingleCodePoint) \ V(StringIndexOf) \ V(StringLength) \ V(StringToLowerCaseIntl) \ V(StringToUpperCaseIntl) \ V(StringSubstring) \ V(CheckBounds) \ V(CheckIf) \ V(CheckMaps) \ V(CheckNumber) \ V(CheckInternalizedString) \ V(CheckReceiver) \ V(CheckString) \ V(CheckSymbol) \ V(CheckSmi) \ V(CheckHeapObject) \ V(CheckFloat64Hole) \ V(CheckNotTaggedHole) \ V(CheckEqualsInternalizedString) \ V(CheckEqualsSymbol) \ V(CompareMaps) \ V(ConvertReceiver) \ V(ConvertTaggedHoleToUndefined) \ V(TypeOf) \ V(Allocate) \ V(AllocateRaw) \ V(LoadFieldByIndex) \ V(LoadField) \ V(LoadElement) \ V(LoadTypedElement) \ V(LoadDataViewElement) \ V(StoreField) \ V(StoreElement) \ V(StoreTypedElement) \ V(StoreDataViewElement) \ V(StoreSignedSmallElement) \ V(TransitionAndStoreElement) \ V(TransitionAndStoreNumberElement) \ V(TransitionAndStoreNonNumberElement) \ V(ToBoolean) \ V(NumberIsFloat64Hole) \ V(NumberIsFinite) \ V(ObjectIsFiniteNumber) \ V(NumberIsInteger) \ V(ObjectIsSafeInteger) \ V(NumberIsSafeInteger) \ V(ObjectIsInteger) \ V(ObjectIsArrayBufferView) \ V(ObjectIsBigInt) \ V(ObjectIsCallable) \ V(ObjectIsConstructor) \ V(ObjectIsDetectableCallable) \ V(ObjectIsMinusZero) \ V(ObjectIsNaN) \ V(NumberIsNaN) \ V(ObjectIsNonCallable) \ V(ObjectIsNumber) \ V(ObjectIsReceiver) \ V(ObjectIsSmi) \ V(ObjectIsString) \ V(ObjectIsSymbol) \ V(ObjectIsUndetectable) \ V(ArgumentsFrame) \ V(ArgumentsLength) \ V(NewDoubleElements) \ V(NewSmiOrObjectElements) \ V(NewArgumentsElements) \ V(NewConsString) \ V(ArrayBufferWasNeutered) \ V(EnsureWritableFastElements) \ V(MaybeGrowFastElements) \ V(TransitionElementsKind) \ V(FindOrderedHashMapEntry) \ V(FindOrderedHashMapEntryForInt32Key) \ V(PoisonIndex) \ V(RuntimeAbort) \ V(DateNow) #define SIMPLIFIED_OP_LIST(V) \ SIMPLIFIED_CHANGE_OP_LIST(V) \ SIMPLIFIED_CHECKED_OP_LIST(V) \ SIMPLIFIED_COMPARE_BINOP_LIST(V) \ SIMPLIFIED_NUMBER_BINOP_LIST(V) \ SIMPLIFIED_SPECULATIVE_NUMBER_BINOP_LIST(V) \ SIMPLIFIED_NUMBER_UNOP_LIST(V) \ SIMPLIFIED_SPECULATIVE_NUMBER_UNOP_LIST(V) \ SIMPLIFIED_OTHER_OP_LIST(V) // Opcodes for Machine-level operators. #define MACHINE_COMPARE_BINOP_LIST(V) \ V(Word32Equal) \ V(Word64Equal) \ V(Int32LessThan) \ V(Int32LessThanOrEqual) \ V(Uint32LessThan) \ V(Uint32LessThanOrEqual) \ V(Int64LessThan) \ V(Int64LessThanOrEqual) \ V(Uint64LessThan) \ V(Uint64LessThanOrEqual) \ V(Float32Equal) \ V(Float32LessThan) \ V(Float32LessThanOrEqual) \ V(Float64Equal) \ V(Float64LessThan) \ V(Float64LessThanOrEqual) #define MACHINE_UNOP_32_LIST(V) \ V(Word32Clz) \ V(Word32Ctz) \ V(Int32AbsWithOverflow) \ V(Word32ReverseBits) \ V(Word32ReverseBytes) #define MACHINE_BINOP_32_LIST(V) \ V(Word32And) \ V(Word32Or) \ V(Word32Xor) \ V(Word32Shl) \ V(Word32Shr) \ V(Word32Sar) \ V(Word32Ror) \ V(Int32Add) \ V(Int32AddWithOverflow) \ V(Int32Sub) \ V(Int32SubWithOverflow) \ V(Int32Mul) \ V(Int32MulWithOverflow) \ V(Int32MulHigh) \ V(Int32Div) \ V(Int32Mod) \ V(Uint32Div) \ V(Uint32Mod) \ V(Uint32MulHigh) #define MACHINE_BINOP_64_LIST(V) \ V(Word64And) \ V(Word64Or) \ V(Word64Xor) \ V(Word64Shl) \ V(Word64Shr) \ V(Word64Sar) \ V(Word64Ror) \ V(Int64Add) \ V(Int64AddWithOverflow) \ V(Int64Sub) \ V(Int64SubWithOverflow) \ V(Int64Mul) \ V(Int64Div) \ V(Int64Mod) \ V(Uint64Div) \ V(Uint64Mod) #define MACHINE_FLOAT32_UNOP_LIST(V) \ V(Float32Abs) \ V(Float32Neg) \ V(Float32RoundDown) \ V(Float32RoundTiesEven) \ V(Float32RoundTruncate) \ V(Float32RoundUp) \ V(Float32Sqrt) #define MACHINE_FLOAT32_BINOP_LIST(V) \ V(Float32Add) \ V(Float32Sub) \ V(Float32Mul) \ V(Float32Div) \ V(Float32Max) \ V(Float32Min) #define MACHINE_FLOAT64_UNOP_LIST(V) \ V(Float64Abs) \ V(Float64Acos) \ V(Float64Acosh) \ V(Float64Asin) \ V(Float64Asinh) \ V(Float64Atan) \ V(Float64Atanh) \ V(Float64Cbrt) \ V(Float64Cos) \ V(Float64Cosh) \ V(Float64Exp) \ V(Float64Expm1) \ V(Float64Log) \ V(Float64Log1p) \ V(Float64Log10) \ V(Float64Log2) \ V(Float64Neg) \ V(Float64RoundDown) \ V(Float64RoundTiesAway) \ V(Float64RoundTiesEven) \ V(Float64RoundTruncate) \ V(Float64RoundUp) \ V(Float64Sin) \ V(Float64Sinh) \ V(Float64Sqrt) \ V(Float64Tan) \ V(Float64Tanh) #define MACHINE_FLOAT64_BINOP_LIST(V) \ V(Float64Atan2) \ V(Float64Max) \ V(Float64Min) \ V(Float64Add) \ V(Float64Sub) \ V(Float64Mul) \ V(Float64Div) \ V(Float64Mod) \ V(Float64Pow) #define MACHINE_WORD64_ATOMIC_OP_LIST(V) \ V(Word64AtomicLoad) \ V(Word64AtomicStore) \ V(Word64AtomicAdd) \ V(Word64AtomicSub) \ V(Word64AtomicAnd) \ V(Word64AtomicOr) \ V(Word64AtomicXor) \ V(Word64AtomicExchange) \ V(Word64AtomicCompareExchange) #define MACHINE_OP_LIST(V) \ MACHINE_UNOP_32_LIST(V) \ MACHINE_BINOP_32_LIST(V) \ MACHINE_BINOP_64_LIST(V) \ MACHINE_COMPARE_BINOP_LIST(V) \ MACHINE_FLOAT32_BINOP_LIST(V) \ MACHINE_FLOAT32_UNOP_LIST(V) \ MACHINE_FLOAT64_BINOP_LIST(V) \ MACHINE_FLOAT64_UNOP_LIST(V) \ MACHINE_WORD64_ATOMIC_OP_LIST(V) \ V(DebugAbort) \ V(DebugBreak) \ V(Comment) \ V(Load) \ V(PoisonedLoad) \ V(Store) \ V(StackSlot) \ V(Word32Popcnt) \ V(Word64Popcnt) \ V(Word64Clz) \ V(Word64Ctz) \ V(Word64ReverseBits) \ V(Word64ReverseBytes) \ V(Int64AbsWithOverflow) \ V(BitcastTaggedToWord) \ V(BitcastWordToTagged) \ V(BitcastWordToTaggedSigned) \ V(TruncateFloat64ToWord32) \ V(ChangeFloat32ToFloat64) \ V(ChangeFloat64ToInt32) \ V(ChangeFloat64ToInt64) \ V(ChangeFloat64ToUint32) \ V(ChangeFloat64ToUint64) \ V(Float64SilenceNaN) \ V(TruncateFloat64ToUint32) \ V(TruncateFloat32ToInt32) \ V(TruncateFloat32ToUint32) \ V(TryTruncateFloat32ToInt64) \ V(TryTruncateFloat64ToInt64) \ V(TryTruncateFloat32ToUint64) \ V(TryTruncateFloat64ToUint64) \ V(ChangeInt32ToFloat64) \ V(ChangeInt32ToInt64) \ V(ChangeUint32ToFloat64) \ V(ChangeUint32ToUint64) \ V(TruncateFloat64ToFloat32) \ V(TruncateInt64ToInt32) \ V(RoundFloat64ToInt32) \ V(RoundInt32ToFloat32) \ V(RoundInt64ToFloat32) \ V(RoundInt64ToFloat64) \ V(RoundUint32ToFloat32) \ V(RoundUint64ToFloat32) \ V(RoundUint64ToFloat64) \ V(BitcastFloat32ToInt32) \ V(BitcastFloat64ToInt64) \ V(BitcastInt32ToFloat32) \ V(BitcastInt64ToFloat64) \ V(Float64ExtractLowWord32) \ V(Float64ExtractHighWord32) \ V(Float64InsertLowWord32) \ V(Float64InsertHighWord32) \ V(TaggedPoisonOnSpeculation) \ V(Word32PoisonOnSpeculation) \ V(Word64PoisonOnSpeculation) \ V(LoadStackPointer) \ V(LoadFramePointer) \ V(LoadParentFramePointer) \ V(UnalignedLoad) \ V(UnalignedStore) \ V(Int32PairAdd) \ V(Int32PairSub) \ V(Int32PairMul) \ V(Word32PairShl) \ V(Word32PairShr) \ V(Word32PairSar) \ V(ProtectedLoad) \ V(ProtectedStore) \ V(Word32AtomicLoad) \ V(Word32AtomicStore) \ V(Word32AtomicExchange) \ V(Word32AtomicCompareExchange) \ V(Word32AtomicAdd) \ V(Word32AtomicSub) \ V(Word32AtomicAnd) \ V(Word32AtomicOr) \ V(Word32AtomicXor) \ V(Word32AtomicPairLoad) \ V(Word32AtomicPairStore) \ V(Word32AtomicPairAdd) \ V(Word32AtomicPairSub) \ V(Word32AtomicPairAnd) \ V(Word32AtomicPairOr) \ V(Word32AtomicPairXor) \ V(Word32AtomicPairExchange) \ V(Word32AtomicPairCompareExchange) \ V(SpeculationFence) \ V(SignExtendWord8ToInt32) \ V(SignExtendWord16ToInt32) \ V(SignExtendWord8ToInt64) \ V(SignExtendWord16ToInt64) \ V(SignExtendWord32ToInt64) \ V(UnsafePointerAdd) #define MACHINE_SIMD_OP_LIST(V) \ V(F32x4Splat) \ V(F32x4ExtractLane) \ V(F32x4ReplaceLane) \ V(F32x4SConvertI32x4) \ V(F32x4UConvertI32x4) \ V(F32x4Abs) \ V(F32x4Neg) \ V(F32x4RecipApprox) \ V(F32x4RecipSqrtApprox) \ V(F32x4Add) \ V(F32x4AddHoriz) \ V(F32x4Sub) \ V(F32x4Mul) \ V(F32x4Min) \ V(F32x4Max) \ V(F32x4Eq) \ V(F32x4Ne) \ V(F32x4Lt) \ V(F32x4Le) \ V(F32x4Gt) \ V(F32x4Ge) \ V(I32x4Splat) \ V(I32x4ExtractLane) \ V(I32x4ReplaceLane) \ V(I32x4SConvertF32x4) \ V(I32x4SConvertI16x8Low) \ V(I32x4SConvertI16x8High) \ V(I32x4Neg) \ V(I32x4Shl) \ V(I32x4ShrS) \ V(I32x4Add) \ V(I32x4AddHoriz) \ V(I32x4Sub) \ V(I32x4Mul) \ V(I32x4MinS) \ V(I32x4MaxS) \ V(I32x4Eq) \ V(I32x4Ne) \ V(I32x4LtS) \ V(I32x4LeS) \ V(I32x4GtS) \ V(I32x4GeS) \ V(I32x4UConvertF32x4) \ V(I32x4UConvertI16x8Low) \ V(I32x4UConvertI16x8High) \ V(I32x4ShrU) \ V(I32x4MinU) \ V(I32x4MaxU) \ V(I32x4LtU) \ V(I32x4LeU) \ V(I32x4GtU) \ V(I32x4GeU) \ V(I16x8Splat) \ V(I16x8ExtractLane) \ V(I16x8ReplaceLane) \ V(I16x8SConvertI8x16Low) \ V(I16x8SConvertI8x16High) \ V(I16x8Neg) \ V(I16x8Shl) \ V(I16x8ShrS) \ V(I16x8SConvertI32x4) \ V(I16x8Add) \ V(I16x8AddSaturateS) \ V(I16x8AddHoriz) \ V(I16x8Sub) \ V(I16x8SubSaturateS) \ V(I16x8Mul) \ V(I16x8MinS) \ V(I16x8MaxS) \ V(I16x8Eq) \ V(I16x8Ne) \ V(I16x8LtS) \ V(I16x8LeS) \ V(I16x8GtS) \ V(I16x8GeS) \ V(I16x8UConvertI8x16Low) \ V(I16x8UConvertI8x16High) \ V(I16x8ShrU) \ V(I16x8UConvertI32x4) \ V(I16x8AddSaturateU) \ V(I16x8SubSaturateU) \ V(I16x8MinU) \ V(I16x8MaxU) \ V(I16x8LtU) \ V(I16x8LeU) \ V(I16x8GtU) \ V(I16x8GeU) \ V(I8x16Splat) \ V(I8x16ExtractLane) \ V(I8x16ReplaceLane) \ V(I8x16SConvertI16x8) \ V(I8x16Neg) \ V(I8x16Shl) \ V(I8x16ShrS) \ V(I8x16Add) \ V(I8x16AddSaturateS) \ V(I8x16Sub) \ V(I8x16SubSaturateS) \ V(I8x16Mul) \ V(I8x16MinS) \ V(I8x16MaxS) \ V(I8x16Eq) \ V(I8x16Ne) \ V(I8x16LtS) \ V(I8x16LeS) \ V(I8x16GtS) \ V(I8x16GeS) \ V(I8x16UConvertI16x8) \ V(I8x16AddSaturateU) \ V(I8x16SubSaturateU) \ V(I8x16ShrU) \ V(I8x16MinU) \ V(I8x16MaxU) \ V(I8x16LtU) \ V(I8x16LeU) \ V(I8x16GtU) \ V(I8x16GeU) \ V(S128Load) \ V(S128Store) \ V(S128Zero) \ V(S128Not) \ V(S128And) \ V(S128Or) \ V(S128Xor) \ V(S128Select) \ V(S8x16Shuffle) \ V(S1x4AnyTrue) \ V(S1x4AllTrue) \ V(S1x8AnyTrue) \ V(S1x8AllTrue) \ V(S1x16AnyTrue) \ V(S1x16AllTrue) #define VALUE_OP_LIST(V) \ COMMON_OP_LIST(V) \ SIMPLIFIED_OP_LIST(V) \ MACHINE_OP_LIST(V) \ MACHINE_SIMD_OP_LIST(V) \ JS_OP_LIST(V) // The combination of all operators at all levels and the common operators. #define ALL_OP_LIST(V) \ CONTROL_OP_LIST(V) \ VALUE_OP_LIST(V) namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace compiler { // Declare an enumeration with all the opcodes at all levels so that they // can be globally, uniquely numbered. class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE IrOpcode { public: enum Value { #define DECLARE_OPCODE(x) k##x, ALL_OP_LIST(DECLARE_OPCODE) #undef DECLARE_OPCODE kLast = -1 #define COUNT_OPCODE(x) +1 ALL_OP_LIST(COUNT_OPCODE) #undef COUNT_OPCODE }; // Returns the mnemonic name of an opcode. static char const* Mnemonic(Value value); // Returns true if opcode for common operator. static bool IsCommonOpcode(Value value) { return kStart <= value && value <= kDead; } // Returns true if opcode for control operator. static bool IsControlOpcode(Value value) { return kStart <= value && value <= kEnd; } // Returns true if opcode for JavaScript operator. static bool IsJsOpcode(Value value) { return kJSEqual <= value && value <= kJSDebugger; } // Returns true if opcode for constant operator. static bool IsConstantOpcode(Value value) { return kInt32Constant <= value && value <= kRelocatableInt64Constant; } static bool IsPhiOpcode(Value value) { return value == kPhi || value == kEffectPhi; } static bool IsMergeOpcode(Value value) { return value == kMerge || value == kLoop; } static bool IsIfProjectionOpcode(Value value) { return kIfTrue <= value && value <= kIfDefault; } // Returns true if opcode terminates control flow in a graph (i.e. respective // nodes are expected to have control uses by the graphs {End} node only). static bool IsGraphTerminator(Value value) { return value == kDeoptimize || value == kReturn || value == kTailCall || value == kTerminate || value == kThrow; } // Returns true if opcode can be inlined. static bool IsInlineeOpcode(Value value) { return value == kJSConstruct || value == kJSCall; } // Returns true if opcode for comparison operator. static bool IsComparisonOpcode(Value value) { return (kJSEqual <= value && value <= kJSGreaterThanOrEqual) || (kNumberEqual <= value && value <= kStringLessThanOrEqual) || (kWord32Equal <= value && value <= kFloat64LessThanOrEqual); } static bool IsContextChainExtendingOpcode(Value value) { return kJSCreateFunctionContext <= value && value <= kJSCreateBlockContext; } }; V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, IrOpcode::Value); } // namespace compiler } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #endif // V8_COMPILER_OPCODES_H_