#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # for py2/py3 compatibility from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import sys import tempfile import urllib2 from common_includes import * class Preparation(Step): MESSAGE = "Preparation." def RunStep(self): self.Git("fetch origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*") self.GitCheckout("origin/master") self.DeleteBranch("work-branch") class PrepareBranchRevision(Step): MESSAGE = "Check from which revision to branch off." def RunStep(self): self["push_hash"] = (self._options.revision or self.GitLog(n=1, format="%H", branch="origin/master")) assert self["push_hash"] print("Release revision %s" % self["push_hash"]) class IncrementVersion(Step): MESSAGE = "Increment version number." def RunStep(self): latest_version = self.GetLatestVersion() # The version file on master can be used to bump up major/minor at # branch time. self.GitCheckoutFile(VERSION_FILE, self.vc.RemoteMasterBranch()) self.ReadAndPersistVersion("master_") master_version = self.ArrayToVersion("master_") # Use the highest version from master or from tags to determine the new # version. authoritative_version = sorted( [master_version, latest_version], key=SortingKey)[1] self.StoreVersion(authoritative_version, "authoritative_") # Variables prefixed with 'new_' contain the new version numbers for the # ongoing candidates push. self["new_major"] = self["authoritative_major"] self["new_minor"] = self["authoritative_minor"] self["new_build"] = str(int(self["authoritative_build"]) + 1) # Make sure patch level is 0 in a new push. self["new_patch"] = "0" # The new version is not a candidate. self["new_candidate"] = "0" self["version"] = "%s.%s.%s" % (self["new_major"], self["new_minor"], self["new_build"]) print ("Incremented version to %s" % self["version"]) class DetectLastRelease(Step): MESSAGE = "Detect commit ID of last release base." def RunStep(self): self["last_push_master"] = self.GetLatestReleaseBase() class PrepareChangeLog(Step): MESSAGE = "Prepare raw ChangeLog entry." def RunStep(self): self["date"] = self.GetDate() output = "%s: Version %s\n\n" % (self["date"], self["version"]) TextToFile(output, self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE")) commits = self.GitLog(format="%H", git_hash="%s..%s" % (self["last_push_master"], self["push_hash"])) # Cache raw commit messages. commit_messages = [ [ self.GitLog(n=1, format="%s", git_hash=commit), self.GitLog(n=1, format="%B", git_hash=commit), self.GitLog(n=1, format="%an", git_hash=commit), ] for commit in commits.splitlines() ] # Auto-format commit messages. body = MakeChangeLogBody(commit_messages, auto_format=True) AppendToFile(body, self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE")) msg = (" Performance and stability improvements on all platforms." "\n#\n# The change log above is auto-generated. Please review if " "all relevant\n# commit messages from the list below are included." "\n# All lines starting with # will be stripped.\n#\n") AppendToFile(msg, self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE")) # Include unformatted commit messages as a reference in a comment. comment_body = MakeComment(MakeChangeLogBody(commit_messages)) AppendToFile(comment_body, self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE")) class EditChangeLog(Step): MESSAGE = "Edit ChangeLog entry." def RunStep(self): print ("Please press <Return> to have your EDITOR open the ChangeLog " "entry, then edit its contents to your liking. When you're done, " "save the file and exit your EDITOR. ") self.ReadLine(default="") self.Editor(self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE")) # Strip comments and reformat with correct indentation. changelog_entry = FileToText(self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE")).rstrip() changelog_entry = StripComments(changelog_entry) changelog_entry = "\n".join(map(Fill80, changelog_entry.splitlines())) changelog_entry = changelog_entry.lstrip() if changelog_entry == "": # pragma: no cover self.Die("Empty ChangeLog entry.") # Safe new change log for adding it later to the candidates patch. TextToFile(changelog_entry, self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE")) class PushBranchRef(Step): MESSAGE = "Create branch ref." def RunStep(self): cmd = "push origin %s:refs/heads/%s" % (self["push_hash"], self["version"]) if self._options.dry_run: print("Dry run. Command:\ngit %s" % cmd) else: self.Git(cmd) class MakeBranch(Step): MESSAGE = "Create the branch." def RunStep(self): self.Git("reset --hard origin/master") self.Git("new-branch work-branch --upstream origin/%s" % self["version"]) self.GitCheckoutFile(CHANGELOG_FILE, self["latest_version"]) self.GitCheckoutFile(VERSION_FILE, self["latest_version"]) self.GitCheckoutFile(WATCHLISTS_FILE, self["latest_version"]) class AddChangeLog(Step): MESSAGE = "Add ChangeLog changes to release branch." def RunStep(self): changelog_entry = FileToText(self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE")) old_change_log = FileToText(os.path.join(self.default_cwd, CHANGELOG_FILE)) new_change_log = "%s\n\n\n%s" % (changelog_entry, old_change_log) TextToFile(new_change_log, os.path.join(self.default_cwd, CHANGELOG_FILE)) class SetVersion(Step): MESSAGE = "Set correct version for candidates." def RunStep(self): self.SetVersion(os.path.join(self.default_cwd, VERSION_FILE), "new_") class EnableMergeWatchlist(Step): MESSAGE = "Enable watchlist entry for merge notifications." def RunStep(self): old_watchlist_content = FileToText(os.path.join(self.default_cwd, WATCHLISTS_FILE)) new_watchlist_content = re.sub("(# 'v8-merges@googlegroups\.com',)", "'v8-merges@googlegroups.com',", old_watchlist_content) TextToFile(new_watchlist_content, os.path.join(self.default_cwd, WATCHLISTS_FILE)) class CommitBranch(Step): MESSAGE = "Commit version and changelog to new branch." def RunStep(self): # Convert the ChangeLog entry to commit message format. text = FileToText(self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE")) # Remove date and trailing white space. text = re.sub(r"^%s: " % self["date"], "", text.rstrip()) # Remove indentation and merge paragraphs into single long lines, keeping # empty lines between them. def SplitMapJoin(split_text, fun, join_text): return lambda text: join_text.join(map(fun, text.split(split_text))) text = SplitMapJoin( "\n\n", SplitMapJoin("\n", str.strip, " "), "\n\n")(text) if not text: # pragma: no cover self.Die("Commit message editing failed.") text += "\n\nTBR=%s" % self._options.reviewer self["commit_title"] = text.splitlines()[0] TextToFile(text, self.Config("COMMITMSG_FILE")) self.GitCommit(file_name=self.Config("COMMITMSG_FILE")) os.remove(self.Config("CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE")) class LandBranch(Step): MESSAGE = "Upload and land changes." def RunStep(self): if self._options.dry_run: print("Dry run - upload CL.") else: self.GitUpload(force=True, bypass_hooks=True, no_autocc=True, message_file=self.Config("COMMITMSG_FILE")) cmd = "cl land --bypass-hooks -f" if self._options.dry_run: print("Dry run. Command:\ngit %s" % cmd) else: self.Git(cmd) os.remove(self.Config("COMMITMSG_FILE")) class TagRevision(Step): MESSAGE = "Tag the new revision." def RunStep(self): if self._options.dry_run: print ("Dry run. Tagging \"%s\" with %s" % (self["commit_title"], self["version"])) else: self.vc.Tag(self["version"], "origin/%s" % self["version"], self["commit_title"]) class CleanUp(Step): MESSAGE = "Done!" def RunStep(self): print("Congratulations, you have successfully created version %s." % self["version"]) self.GitCheckout("origin/master") self.DeleteBranch("work-branch") self.Git("gc") class CreateRelease(ScriptsBase): def _PrepareOptions(self, parser): group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument("-f", "--force", help="Don't prompt the user.", default=True, action="store_true") group.add_argument("-m", "--manual", help="Prompt the user at every important step.", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-R", "--revision", help="The git commit ID to push (defaults to HEAD).") def _ProcessOptions(self, options): # pragma: no cover if not options.author or not options.reviewer: print("Reviewer (-r) and author (-a) are required.") return False return True def _Config(self): return { "PERSISTFILE_BASENAME": "/tmp/create-releases-tempfile", "CHANGELOG_ENTRY_FILE": "/tmp/v8-create-releases-tempfile-changelog-entry", "COMMITMSG_FILE": "/tmp/v8-create-releases-tempfile-commitmsg", } def _Steps(self): return [ Preparation, PrepareBranchRevision, IncrementVersion, DetectLastRelease, PrepareChangeLog, EditChangeLog, PushBranchRef, MakeBranch, AddChangeLog, SetVersion, EnableMergeWatchlist, CommitBranch, LandBranch, TagRevision, CleanUp, ] if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover sys.exit(CreateRelease().Run())