// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #if V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 #include "src/bootstrapper.h" #include "src/code-stubs.h" #include "src/codegen.h" #include "src/ic/handler-compiler.h" #include "src/ic/ic.h" #include "src/ic/stub-cache.h" #include "src/isolate.h" #include "src/regexp/jsregexp.h" #include "src/regexp/regexp-macro-assembler.h" #include "src/runtime/runtime.h" #include "src/x64/code-stubs-x64.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { static void InitializeArrayConstructorDescriptor( Isolate* isolate, CodeStubDescriptor* descriptor, int constant_stack_parameter_count) { Address deopt_handler = Runtime::FunctionForId( Runtime::kArrayConstructor)->entry; if (constant_stack_parameter_count == 0) { descriptor->Initialize(deopt_handler, constant_stack_parameter_count, JS_FUNCTION_STUB_MODE); } else { descriptor->Initialize(rax, deopt_handler, constant_stack_parameter_count, JS_FUNCTION_STUB_MODE); } } static void InitializeInternalArrayConstructorDescriptor( Isolate* isolate, CodeStubDescriptor* descriptor, int constant_stack_parameter_count) { Address deopt_handler = Runtime::FunctionForId( Runtime::kInternalArrayConstructor)->entry; if (constant_stack_parameter_count == 0) { descriptor->Initialize(deopt_handler, constant_stack_parameter_count, JS_FUNCTION_STUB_MODE); } else { descriptor->Initialize(rax, deopt_handler, constant_stack_parameter_count, JS_FUNCTION_STUB_MODE); } } void ArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub::InitializeDescriptor( CodeStubDescriptor* descriptor) { InitializeArrayConstructorDescriptor(isolate(), descriptor, 0); } void ArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub::InitializeDescriptor( CodeStubDescriptor* descriptor) { InitializeArrayConstructorDescriptor(isolate(), descriptor, 1); } void ArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub::InitializeDescriptor( CodeStubDescriptor* descriptor) { InitializeArrayConstructorDescriptor(isolate(), descriptor, -1); } void InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub::InitializeDescriptor( CodeStubDescriptor* descriptor) { InitializeInternalArrayConstructorDescriptor(isolate(), descriptor, 0); } void InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub::InitializeDescriptor( CodeStubDescriptor* descriptor) { InitializeInternalArrayConstructorDescriptor(isolate(), descriptor, 1); } void InternalArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub::InitializeDescriptor( CodeStubDescriptor* descriptor) { InitializeInternalArrayConstructorDescriptor(isolate(), descriptor, -1); } #define __ ACCESS_MASM(masm) void HydrogenCodeStub::GenerateLightweightMiss(MacroAssembler* masm, ExternalReference miss) { // Update the static counter each time a new code stub is generated. isolate()->counters()->code_stubs()->Increment(); CallInterfaceDescriptor descriptor = GetCallInterfaceDescriptor(); int param_count = descriptor.GetRegisterParameterCount(); { // Call the runtime system in a fresh internal frame. FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::INTERNAL); DCHECK(param_count == 0 || rax.is(descriptor.GetRegisterParameter(param_count - 1))); // Push arguments for (int i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) { __ Push(descriptor.GetRegisterParameter(i)); } __ CallExternalReference(miss, param_count); } __ Ret(); } void StoreBufferOverflowStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { __ PushCallerSaved(save_doubles() ? kSaveFPRegs : kDontSaveFPRegs); const int argument_count = 1; __ PrepareCallCFunction(argument_count); __ LoadAddress(arg_reg_1, ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate())); AllowExternalCallThatCantCauseGC scope(masm); __ CallCFunction( ExternalReference::store_buffer_overflow_function(isolate()), argument_count); __ PopCallerSaved(save_doubles() ? kSaveFPRegs : kDontSaveFPRegs); __ ret(0); } class FloatingPointHelper : public AllStatic { public: enum ConvertUndefined { CONVERT_UNDEFINED_TO_ZERO, BAILOUT_ON_UNDEFINED }; // Load the operands from rdx and rax into xmm0 and xmm1, as doubles. // If the operands are not both numbers, jump to not_numbers. // Leaves rdx and rax unchanged. SmiOperands assumes both are smis. // NumberOperands assumes both are smis or heap numbers. static void LoadSSE2UnknownOperands(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* not_numbers); }; void DoubleToIStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { Register input_reg = this->source(); Register final_result_reg = this->destination(); DCHECK(is_truncating()); Label check_negative, process_64_bits, done; int double_offset = offset(); // Account for return address and saved regs if input is rsp. if (input_reg.is(rsp)) double_offset += 3 * kRegisterSize; MemOperand mantissa_operand(MemOperand(input_reg, double_offset)); MemOperand exponent_operand(MemOperand(input_reg, double_offset + kDoubleSize / 2)); Register scratch1; Register scratch_candidates[3] = { rbx, rdx, rdi }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { scratch1 = scratch_candidates[i]; if (!final_result_reg.is(scratch1) && !input_reg.is(scratch1)) break; } // Since we must use rcx for shifts below, use some other register (rax) // to calculate the result if ecx is the requested return register. Register result_reg = final_result_reg.is(rcx) ? rax : final_result_reg; // Save ecx if it isn't the return register and therefore volatile, or if it // is the return register, then save the temp register we use in its stead // for the result. Register save_reg = final_result_reg.is(rcx) ? rax : rcx; __ pushq(scratch1); __ pushq(save_reg); bool stash_exponent_copy = !input_reg.is(rsp); __ movl(scratch1, mantissa_operand); __ movsd(xmm0, mantissa_operand); __ movl(rcx, exponent_operand); if (stash_exponent_copy) __ pushq(rcx); __ andl(rcx, Immediate(HeapNumber::kExponentMask)); __ shrl(rcx, Immediate(HeapNumber::kExponentShift)); __ leal(result_reg, MemOperand(rcx, -HeapNumber::kExponentBias)); __ cmpl(result_reg, Immediate(HeapNumber::kMantissaBits)); __ j(below, &process_64_bits); // Result is entirely in lower 32-bits of mantissa int delta = HeapNumber::kExponentBias + Double::kPhysicalSignificandSize; __ subl(rcx, Immediate(delta)); __ xorl(result_reg, result_reg); __ cmpl(rcx, Immediate(31)); __ j(above, &done); __ shll_cl(scratch1); __ jmp(&check_negative); __ bind(&process_64_bits); __ cvttsd2siq(result_reg, xmm0); __ jmp(&done, Label::kNear); // If the double was negative, negate the integer result. __ bind(&check_negative); __ movl(result_reg, scratch1); __ negl(result_reg); if (stash_exponent_copy) { __ cmpl(MemOperand(rsp, 0), Immediate(0)); } else { __ cmpl(exponent_operand, Immediate(0)); } __ cmovl(greater, result_reg, scratch1); // Restore registers __ bind(&done); if (stash_exponent_copy) { __ addp(rsp, Immediate(kDoubleSize)); } if (!final_result_reg.is(result_reg)) { DCHECK(final_result_reg.is(rcx)); __ movl(final_result_reg, result_reg); } __ popq(save_reg); __ popq(scratch1); __ ret(0); } void FloatingPointHelper::LoadSSE2UnknownOperands(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* not_numbers) { Label load_smi_rdx, load_nonsmi_rax, load_smi_rax, load_float_rax, done; // Load operand in rdx into xmm0, or branch to not_numbers. __ LoadRoot(rcx, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex); __ JumpIfSmi(rdx, &load_smi_rdx); __ cmpp(FieldOperand(rdx, HeapObject::kMapOffset), rcx); __ j(not_equal, not_numbers); // Argument in rdx is not a number. __ movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(rdx, HeapNumber::kValueOffset)); // Load operand in rax into xmm1, or branch to not_numbers. __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &load_smi_rax); __ bind(&load_nonsmi_rax); __ cmpp(FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset), rcx); __ j(not_equal, not_numbers); __ movsd(xmm1, FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset)); __ jmp(&done); __ bind(&load_smi_rdx); __ SmiToInteger32(kScratchRegister, rdx); __ Cvtlsi2sd(xmm0, kScratchRegister); __ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, &load_nonsmi_rax); __ bind(&load_smi_rax); __ SmiToInteger32(kScratchRegister, rax); __ Cvtlsi2sd(xmm1, kScratchRegister); __ bind(&done); } void MathPowStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { const Register exponent = MathPowTaggedDescriptor::exponent(); DCHECK(exponent.is(rdx)); const Register base = rax; const Register scratch = rcx; const XMMRegister double_result = xmm3; const XMMRegister double_base = xmm2; const XMMRegister double_exponent = xmm1; const XMMRegister double_scratch = xmm4; Label call_runtime, done, exponent_not_smi, int_exponent; // Save 1 in double_result - we need this several times later on. __ movp(scratch, Immediate(1)); __ Cvtlsi2sd(double_result, scratch); if (exponent_type() == ON_STACK) { Label base_is_smi, unpack_exponent; // The exponent and base are supplied as arguments on the stack. // This can only happen if the stub is called from non-optimized code. // Load input parameters from stack. StackArgumentsAccessor args(rsp, 2, ARGUMENTS_DONT_CONTAIN_RECEIVER); __ movp(base, args.GetArgumentOperand(0)); __ movp(exponent, args.GetArgumentOperand(1)); __ JumpIfSmi(base, &base_is_smi, Label::kNear); __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(base, HeapObject::kMapOffset), Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, &call_runtime); __ movsd(double_base, FieldOperand(base, HeapNumber::kValueOffset)); __ jmp(&unpack_exponent, Label::kNear); __ bind(&base_is_smi); __ SmiToInteger32(base, base); __ Cvtlsi2sd(double_base, base); __ bind(&unpack_exponent); __ JumpIfNotSmi(exponent, &exponent_not_smi, Label::kNear); __ SmiToInteger32(exponent, exponent); __ jmp(&int_exponent); __ bind(&exponent_not_smi); __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(exponent, HeapObject::kMapOffset), Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, &call_runtime); __ movsd(double_exponent, FieldOperand(exponent, HeapNumber::kValueOffset)); } else if (exponent_type() == TAGGED) { __ JumpIfNotSmi(exponent, &exponent_not_smi, Label::kNear); __ SmiToInteger32(exponent, exponent); __ jmp(&int_exponent); __ bind(&exponent_not_smi); __ movsd(double_exponent, FieldOperand(exponent, HeapNumber::kValueOffset)); } if (exponent_type() != INTEGER) { Label fast_power, try_arithmetic_simplification; // Detect integer exponents stored as double. __ DoubleToI(exponent, double_exponent, double_scratch, TREAT_MINUS_ZERO_AS_ZERO, &try_arithmetic_simplification, &try_arithmetic_simplification, &try_arithmetic_simplification); __ jmp(&int_exponent); __ bind(&try_arithmetic_simplification); __ cvttsd2si(exponent, double_exponent); // Skip to runtime if possibly NaN (indicated by the indefinite integer). __ cmpl(exponent, Immediate(0x1)); __ j(overflow, &call_runtime); if (exponent_type() == ON_STACK) { // Detect square root case. Crankshaft detects constant +/-0.5 at // compile time and uses DoMathPowHalf instead. We then skip this check // for non-constant cases of +/-0.5 as these hardly occur. Label continue_sqrt, continue_rsqrt, not_plus_half; // Test for 0.5. // Load double_scratch with 0.5. __ movq(scratch, V8_UINT64_C(0x3FE0000000000000)); __ movq(double_scratch, scratch); // Already ruled out NaNs for exponent. __ ucomisd(double_scratch, double_exponent); __ j(not_equal, ¬_plus_half, Label::kNear); // Calculates square root of base. Check for the special case of // Math.pow(-Infinity, 0.5) == Infinity (ECMA spec, // According to IEEE-754, double-precision -Infinity has the highest // 12 bits set and the lowest 52 bits cleared. __ movq(scratch, V8_UINT64_C(0xFFF0000000000000)); __ movq(double_scratch, scratch); __ ucomisd(double_scratch, double_base); // Comparing -Infinity with NaN results in "unordered", which sets the // zero flag as if both were equal. However, it also sets the carry flag. __ j(not_equal, &continue_sqrt, Label::kNear); __ j(carry, &continue_sqrt, Label::kNear); // Set result to Infinity in the special case. __ xorps(double_result, double_result); __ subsd(double_result, double_scratch); __ jmp(&done); __ bind(&continue_sqrt); // sqrtsd returns -0 when input is -0. ECMA spec requires +0. __ xorps(double_scratch, double_scratch); __ addsd(double_scratch, double_base); // Convert -0 to 0. __ sqrtsd(double_result, double_scratch); __ jmp(&done); // Test for -0.5. __ bind(¬_plus_half); // Load double_scratch with -0.5 by substracting 1. __ subsd(double_scratch, double_result); // Already ruled out NaNs for exponent. __ ucomisd(double_scratch, double_exponent); __ j(not_equal, &fast_power, Label::kNear); // Calculates reciprocal of square root of base. Check for the special // case of Math.pow(-Infinity, -0.5) == 0 (ECMA spec, // According to IEEE-754, double-precision -Infinity has the highest // 12 bits set and the lowest 52 bits cleared. __ movq(scratch, V8_UINT64_C(0xFFF0000000000000)); __ movq(double_scratch, scratch); __ ucomisd(double_scratch, double_base); // Comparing -Infinity with NaN results in "unordered", which sets the // zero flag as if both were equal. However, it also sets the carry flag. __ j(not_equal, &continue_rsqrt, Label::kNear); __ j(carry, &continue_rsqrt, Label::kNear); // Set result to 0 in the special case. __ xorps(double_result, double_result); __ jmp(&done); __ bind(&continue_rsqrt); // sqrtsd returns -0 when input is -0. ECMA spec requires +0. __ xorps(double_exponent, double_exponent); __ addsd(double_exponent, double_base); // Convert -0 to +0. __ sqrtsd(double_exponent, double_exponent); __ divsd(double_result, double_exponent); __ jmp(&done); } // Using FPU instructions to calculate power. Label fast_power_failed; __ bind(&fast_power); __ fnclex(); // Clear flags to catch exceptions later. // Transfer (B)ase and (E)xponent onto the FPU register stack. __ subp(rsp, Immediate(kDoubleSize)); __ movsd(Operand(rsp, 0), double_exponent); __ fld_d(Operand(rsp, 0)); // E __ movsd(Operand(rsp, 0), double_base); __ fld_d(Operand(rsp, 0)); // B, E // Exponent is in st(1) and base is in st(0) // B ^ E = (2^(E * log2(B)) - 1) + 1 = (2^X - 1) + 1 for X = E * log2(B) // FYL2X calculates st(1) * log2(st(0)) __ fyl2x(); // X __ fld(0); // X, X __ frndint(); // rnd(X), X __ fsub(1); // rnd(X), X-rnd(X) __ fxch(1); // X - rnd(X), rnd(X) // F2XM1 calculates 2^st(0) - 1 for -1 < st(0) < 1 __ f2xm1(); // 2^(X-rnd(X)) - 1, rnd(X) __ fld1(); // 1, 2^(X-rnd(X)) - 1, rnd(X) __ faddp(1); // 2^(X-rnd(X)), rnd(X) // FSCALE calculates st(0) * 2^st(1) __ fscale(); // 2^X, rnd(X) __ fstp(1); // Bail out to runtime in case of exceptions in the status word. __ fnstsw_ax(); __ testb(rax, Immediate(0x5F)); // Check for all but precision exception. __ j(not_zero, &fast_power_failed, Label::kNear); __ fstp_d(Operand(rsp, 0)); __ movsd(double_result, Operand(rsp, 0)); __ addp(rsp, Immediate(kDoubleSize)); __ jmp(&done); __ bind(&fast_power_failed); __ fninit(); __ addp(rsp, Immediate(kDoubleSize)); __ jmp(&call_runtime); } // Calculate power with integer exponent. __ bind(&int_exponent); const XMMRegister double_scratch2 = double_exponent; // Back up exponent as we need to check if exponent is negative later. __ movp(scratch, exponent); // Back up exponent. __ movsd(double_scratch, double_base); // Back up base. __ movsd(double_scratch2, double_result); // Load double_exponent with 1. // Get absolute value of exponent. Label no_neg, while_true, while_false; __ testl(scratch, scratch); __ j(positive, &no_neg, Label::kNear); __ negl(scratch); __ bind(&no_neg); __ j(zero, &while_false, Label::kNear); __ shrl(scratch, Immediate(1)); // Above condition means CF==0 && ZF==0. This means that the // bit that has been shifted out is 0 and the result is not 0. __ j(above, &while_true, Label::kNear); __ movsd(double_result, double_scratch); __ j(zero, &while_false, Label::kNear); __ bind(&while_true); __ shrl(scratch, Immediate(1)); __ mulsd(double_scratch, double_scratch); __ j(above, &while_true, Label::kNear); __ mulsd(double_result, double_scratch); __ j(not_zero, &while_true); __ bind(&while_false); // If the exponent is negative, return 1/result. __ testl(exponent, exponent); __ j(greater, &done); __ divsd(double_scratch2, double_result); __ movsd(double_result, double_scratch2); // Test whether result is zero. Bail out to check for subnormal result. // Due to subnormals, x^-y == (1/x)^y does not hold in all cases. __ xorps(double_scratch2, double_scratch2); __ ucomisd(double_scratch2, double_result); // double_exponent aliased as double_scratch2 has already been overwritten // and may not have contained the exponent value in the first place when the // input was a smi. We reset it with exponent value before bailing out. __ j(not_equal, &done); __ Cvtlsi2sd(double_exponent, exponent); // Returning or bailing out. Counters* counters = isolate()->counters(); if (exponent_type() == ON_STACK) { // The arguments are still on the stack. __ bind(&call_runtime); __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kMathPowRT, 2, 1); // The stub is called from non-optimized code, which expects the result // as heap number in rax. __ bind(&done); __ AllocateHeapNumber(rax, rcx, &call_runtime); __ movsd(FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset), double_result); __ IncrementCounter(counters->math_pow(), 1); __ ret(2 * kPointerSize); } else { __ bind(&call_runtime); // Move base to the correct argument register. Exponent is already in xmm1. __ movsd(xmm0, double_base); DCHECK(double_exponent.is(xmm1)); { AllowExternalCallThatCantCauseGC scope(masm); __ PrepareCallCFunction(2); __ CallCFunction( ExternalReference::power_double_double_function(isolate()), 2); } // Return value is in xmm0. __ movsd(double_result, xmm0); __ bind(&done); __ IncrementCounter(counters->math_pow(), 1); __ ret(0); } } void FunctionPrototypeStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { Label miss; Register receiver = LoadDescriptor::ReceiverRegister(); // Ensure that the vector and slot registers won't be clobbered before // calling the miss handler. DCHECK(!AreAliased(r8, r9, LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister(), LoadDescriptor::SlotRegister())); NamedLoadHandlerCompiler::GenerateLoadFunctionPrototype(masm, receiver, r8, r9, &miss); __ bind(&miss); PropertyAccessCompiler::TailCallBuiltin( masm, PropertyAccessCompiler::MissBuiltin(Code::LOAD_IC)); } void ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateReadElement(MacroAssembler* masm) { // The key is in rdx and the parameter count is in rax. DCHECK(rdx.is(ArgumentsAccessReadDescriptor::index())); DCHECK(rax.is(ArgumentsAccessReadDescriptor::parameter_count())); // Check that the key is a smi. Label slow; __ JumpIfNotSmi(rdx, &slow); // Check if the calling frame is an arguments adaptor frame. We look at the // context offset, and if the frame is not a regular one, then we find a // Smi instead of the context. We can't use SmiCompare here, because that // only works for comparing two smis. Label adaptor; __ movp(rbx, Operand(rbp, StandardFrameConstants::kCallerFPOffset)); __ Cmp(Operand(rbx, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset), Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR)); __ j(equal, &adaptor); // Check index against formal parameters count limit passed in // through register rax. Use unsigned comparison to get negative // check for free. __ cmpp(rdx, rax); __ j(above_equal, &slow); // Read the argument from the stack and return it. __ SmiSub(rax, rax, rdx); __ SmiToInteger32(rax, rax); StackArgumentsAccessor args(rbp, rax, ARGUMENTS_DONT_CONTAIN_RECEIVER); __ movp(rax, args.GetArgumentOperand(0)); __ Ret(); // Arguments adaptor case: Check index against actual arguments // limit found in the arguments adaptor frame. Use unsigned // comparison to get negative check for free. __ bind(&adaptor); __ movp(rcx, Operand(rbx, ArgumentsAdaptorFrameConstants::kLengthOffset)); __ cmpp(rdx, rcx); __ j(above_equal, &slow); // Read the argument from the stack and return it. __ SmiSub(rcx, rcx, rdx); __ SmiToInteger32(rcx, rcx); StackArgumentsAccessor adaptor_args(rbx, rcx, ARGUMENTS_DONT_CONTAIN_RECEIVER); __ movp(rax, adaptor_args.GetArgumentOperand(0)); __ Ret(); // Slow-case: Handle non-smi or out-of-bounds access to arguments // by calling the runtime system. __ bind(&slow); __ PopReturnAddressTo(rbx); __ Push(rdx); __ PushReturnAddressFrom(rbx); __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kArguments, 1, 1); } void ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewSloppyFast(MacroAssembler* masm) { // rcx : number of parameters (tagged) // rdx : parameters pointer // rdi : function // rsp[0] : return address // Registers used over the whole function: // rbx: the mapped parameter count (untagged) // rax: the allocated object (tagged). Factory* factory = isolate()->factory(); DCHECK(rdi.is(ArgumentsAccessNewDescriptor::function())); DCHECK(rcx.is(ArgumentsAccessNewDescriptor::parameter_count())); DCHECK(rdx.is(ArgumentsAccessNewDescriptor::parameter_pointer())); __ SmiToInteger64(rbx, rcx); // rbx = parameter count (untagged) // Check if the calling frame is an arguments adaptor frame. Label adaptor_frame, try_allocate, runtime; __ movp(rax, Operand(rbp, StandardFrameConstants::kCallerFPOffset)); __ movp(r8, Operand(rax, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset)); __ Cmp(r8, Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR)); __ j(equal, &adaptor_frame); // No adaptor, parameter count = argument count. __ movp(r11, rbx); __ jmp(&try_allocate, Label::kNear); // We have an adaptor frame. Patch the parameters pointer. __ bind(&adaptor_frame); __ SmiToInteger64( r11, Operand(rax, ArgumentsAdaptorFrameConstants::kLengthOffset)); __ leap(rdx, Operand(rax, r11, times_pointer_size, StandardFrameConstants::kCallerSPOffset)); // rbx = parameter count (untagged) // r11 = argument count (untagged) // Compute the mapped parameter count = min(rbx, r11) in rbx. __ cmpp(rbx, r11); __ j(less_equal, &try_allocate, Label::kNear); __ movp(rbx, r11); __ bind(&try_allocate); // Compute the sizes of backing store, parameter map, and arguments object. // 1. Parameter map, has 2 extra words containing context and backing store. const int kParameterMapHeaderSize = FixedArray::kHeaderSize + 2 * kPointerSize; Label no_parameter_map; __ xorp(r8, r8); __ testp(rbx, rbx); __ j(zero, &no_parameter_map, Label::kNear); __ leap(r8, Operand(rbx, times_pointer_size, kParameterMapHeaderSize)); __ bind(&no_parameter_map); // 2. Backing store. __ leap(r8, Operand(r8, r11, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize)); // 3. Arguments object. __ addp(r8, Immediate(Heap::kSloppyArgumentsObjectSize)); // Do the allocation of all three objects in one go. __ Allocate(r8, rax, r9, no_reg, &runtime, TAG_OBJECT); // rax = address of new object(s) (tagged) // r11 = argument count (untagged) // Get the arguments map from the current native context into r9. Label has_mapped_parameters, instantiate; __ movp(r9, Operand(rsi, Context::SlotOffset(Context::GLOBAL_OBJECT_INDEX))); __ movp(r9, FieldOperand(r9, GlobalObject::kNativeContextOffset)); __ testp(rbx, rbx); __ j(not_zero, &has_mapped_parameters, Label::kNear); const int kIndex = Context::SLOPPY_ARGUMENTS_MAP_INDEX; __ movp(r9, Operand(r9, Context::SlotOffset(kIndex))); __ jmp(&instantiate, Label::kNear); const int kAliasedIndex = Context::FAST_ALIASED_ARGUMENTS_MAP_INDEX; __ bind(&has_mapped_parameters); __ movp(r9, Operand(r9, Context::SlotOffset(kAliasedIndex))); __ bind(&instantiate); // rax = address of new object (tagged) // rbx = mapped parameter count (untagged) // r11 = argument count (untagged) // r9 = address of arguments map (tagged) __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kMapOffset), r9); __ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, Heap::kEmptyFixedArrayRootIndex); __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kPropertiesOffset), kScratchRegister); __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kElementsOffset), kScratchRegister); // Set up the callee in-object property. STATIC_ASSERT(Heap::kArgumentsCalleeIndex == 1); __ AssertNotSmi(rdi); __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kHeaderSize + Heap::kArgumentsCalleeIndex * kPointerSize), rdi); // Use the length (smi tagged) and set that as an in-object property too. // Note: r11 is tagged from here on. STATIC_ASSERT(Heap::kArgumentsLengthIndex == 0); __ Integer32ToSmi(r11, r11); __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kHeaderSize + Heap::kArgumentsLengthIndex * kPointerSize), r11); // Set up the elements pointer in the allocated arguments object. // If we allocated a parameter map, rdi will point there, otherwise to the // backing store. __ leap(rdi, Operand(rax, Heap::kSloppyArgumentsObjectSize)); __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kElementsOffset), rdi); // rax = address of new object (tagged) // rbx = mapped parameter count (untagged) // r11 = argument count (tagged) // rdi = address of parameter map or backing store (tagged) // Initialize parameter map. If there are no mapped arguments, we're done. Label skip_parameter_map; __ testp(rbx, rbx); __ j(zero, &skip_parameter_map); __ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, Heap::kSloppyArgumentsElementsMapRootIndex); // rbx contains the untagged argument count. Add 2 and tag to write. __ movp(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kMapOffset), kScratchRegister); __ Integer64PlusConstantToSmi(r9, rbx, 2); __ movp(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kLengthOffset), r9); __ movp(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + 0 * kPointerSize), rsi); __ leap(r9, Operand(rdi, rbx, times_pointer_size, kParameterMapHeaderSize)); __ movp(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + 1 * kPointerSize), r9); // Copy the parameter slots and the holes in the arguments. // We need to fill in mapped_parameter_count slots. They index the context, // where parameters are stored in reverse order, at // MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS .. MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS+parameter_count-1 // The mapped parameter thus need to get indices // MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS+parameter_count-1 .. // MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS+parameter_count-mapped_parameter_count // We loop from right to left. Label parameters_loop, parameters_test; // Load tagged parameter count into r9. __ Integer32ToSmi(r9, rbx); __ Move(r8, Smi::FromInt(Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS)); __ addp(r8, rcx); __ subp(r8, r9); __ movp(rcx, rdi); __ leap(rdi, Operand(rdi, rbx, times_pointer_size, kParameterMapHeaderSize)); __ SmiToInteger64(r9, r9); // r9 = loop variable (untagged) // r8 = mapping index (tagged) // rcx = address of parameter map (tagged) // rdi = address of backing store (tagged) __ jmp(¶meters_test, Label::kNear); __ bind(¶meters_loop); __ subp(r9, Immediate(1)); __ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex); __ movp(FieldOperand(rcx, r9, times_pointer_size, kParameterMapHeaderSize), r8); __ movp(FieldOperand(rdi, r9, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize), kScratchRegister); __ SmiAddConstant(r8, r8, Smi::FromInt(1)); __ bind(¶meters_test); __ testp(r9, r9); __ j(not_zero, ¶meters_loop, Label::kNear); __ bind(&skip_parameter_map); // r11 = argument count (tagged) // rdi = address of backing store (tagged) // Copy arguments header and remaining slots (if there are any). __ Move(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kMapOffset), factory->fixed_array_map()); __ movp(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kLengthOffset), r11); Label arguments_loop, arguments_test; __ movp(r8, rbx); // Untag r11 for the loop below. __ SmiToInteger64(r11, r11); __ leap(kScratchRegister, Operand(r8, times_pointer_size, 0)); __ subp(rdx, kScratchRegister); __ jmp(&arguments_test, Label::kNear); __ bind(&arguments_loop); __ subp(rdx, Immediate(kPointerSize)); __ movp(r9, Operand(rdx, 0)); __ movp(FieldOperand(rdi, r8, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize), r9); __ addp(r8, Immediate(1)); __ bind(&arguments_test); __ cmpp(r8, r11); __ j(less, &arguments_loop, Label::kNear); // Return. __ ret(0); // Do the runtime call to allocate the arguments object. // r11 = argument count (untagged) __ bind(&runtime); __ Integer32ToSmi(r11, r11); __ PopReturnAddressTo(rax); __ Push(rdi); // Push function. __ Push(rdx); // Push parameters pointer. __ Push(r11); // Push parameter count. __ PushReturnAddressFrom(rax); __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kNewSloppyArguments, 3, 1); } void ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewSloppySlow(MacroAssembler* masm) { // rcx : number of parameters (tagged) // rdx : parameters pointer // rdi : function // rsp[0] : return address DCHECK(rdi.is(ArgumentsAccessNewDescriptor::function())); DCHECK(rcx.is(ArgumentsAccessNewDescriptor::parameter_count())); DCHECK(rdx.is(ArgumentsAccessNewDescriptor::parameter_pointer())); // Check if the calling frame is an arguments adaptor frame. Label runtime; __ movp(rbx, Operand(rbp, StandardFrameConstants::kCallerFPOffset)); __ movp(rax, Operand(rbx, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset)); __ Cmp(rax, Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR)); __ j(not_equal, &runtime); // Patch the arguments.length and the parameters pointer. StackArgumentsAccessor args(rsp, 3, ARGUMENTS_DONT_CONTAIN_RECEIVER); __ movp(rcx, Operand(rbx, ArgumentsAdaptorFrameConstants::kLengthOffset)); __ SmiToInteger64(rax, rcx); __ leap(rdx, Operand(rbx, rax, times_pointer_size, StandardFrameConstants::kCallerSPOffset)); __ bind(&runtime); __ PopReturnAddressTo(rax); __ Push(rdi); // Push function. __ Push(rdx); // Push parameters pointer. __ Push(rcx); // Push parameter count. __ PushReturnAddressFrom(rax); __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kNewSloppyArguments, 3, 1); } void LoadIndexedInterceptorStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // Return address is on the stack. Label slow; Register receiver = LoadDescriptor::ReceiverRegister(); Register key = LoadDescriptor::NameRegister(); Register scratch = rax; DCHECK(!scratch.is(receiver) && !scratch.is(key)); // Check that the key is an array index, that is Uint32. STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiValueSize <= 32); __ JumpUnlessNonNegativeSmi(key, &slow); // Everything is fine, call runtime. __ PopReturnAddressTo(scratch); __ Push(receiver); // receiver __ Push(key); // key __ PushReturnAddressFrom(scratch); // Perform tail call to the entry. __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kLoadElementWithInterceptor, 2, 1); __ bind(&slow); PropertyAccessCompiler::TailCallBuiltin( masm, PropertyAccessCompiler::MissBuiltin(Code::KEYED_LOAD_IC)); } void LoadIndexedStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // Return address is on the stack. Label miss; Register receiver = LoadDescriptor::ReceiverRegister(); Register index = LoadDescriptor::NameRegister(); Register scratch = rdi; Register result = rax; DCHECK(!scratch.is(receiver) && !scratch.is(index)); DCHECK(!scratch.is(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister()) && result.is(LoadDescriptor::SlotRegister())); // StringCharAtGenerator doesn't use the result register until it's passed // the different miss possibilities. If it did, we would have a conflict // when FLAG_vector_ics is true. StringCharAtGenerator char_at_generator(receiver, index, scratch, result, &miss, // When not a string. &miss, // When not a number. &miss, // When index out of range. STRING_INDEX_IS_ARRAY_INDEX, RECEIVER_IS_STRING); char_at_generator.GenerateFast(masm); __ ret(0); StubRuntimeCallHelper call_helper; char_at_generator.GenerateSlow(masm, PART_OF_IC_HANDLER, call_helper); __ bind(&miss); PropertyAccessCompiler::TailCallBuiltin( masm, PropertyAccessCompiler::MissBuiltin(Code::KEYED_LOAD_IC)); } void ArgumentsAccessStub::GenerateNewStrict(MacroAssembler* masm) { // rcx : number of parameters (tagged) // rdx : parameters pointer // rdi : function // rsp[0] : return address DCHECK(rdi.is(ArgumentsAccessNewDescriptor::function())); DCHECK(rcx.is(ArgumentsAccessNewDescriptor::parameter_count())); DCHECK(rdx.is(ArgumentsAccessNewDescriptor::parameter_pointer())); // Check if the calling frame is an arguments adaptor frame. Label adaptor_frame, try_allocate, runtime; __ movp(rbx, Operand(rbp, StandardFrameConstants::kCallerFPOffset)); __ movp(rax, Operand(rbx, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset)); __ Cmp(rax, Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR)); __ j(equal, &adaptor_frame); // Get the length from the frame. __ SmiToInteger64(rax, rcx); __ jmp(&try_allocate); // Patch the arguments.length and the parameters pointer. __ bind(&adaptor_frame); __ movp(rcx, Operand(rbx, ArgumentsAdaptorFrameConstants::kLengthOffset)); __ SmiToInteger64(rax, rcx); __ leap(rdx, Operand(rbx, rax, times_pointer_size, StandardFrameConstants::kCallerSPOffset)); // Try the new space allocation. Start out with computing the size of // the arguments object and the elements array. Label add_arguments_object; __ bind(&try_allocate); __ testp(rax, rax); __ j(zero, &add_arguments_object, Label::kNear); __ leap(rax, Operand(rax, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize)); __ bind(&add_arguments_object); __ addp(rax, Immediate(Heap::kStrictArgumentsObjectSize)); // Do the allocation of both objects in one go. __ Allocate(rax, rax, rbx, no_reg, &runtime, TAG_OBJECT); // Get the arguments map from the current native context. __ movp(rdi, Operand(rsi, Context::SlotOffset(Context::GLOBAL_OBJECT_INDEX))); __ movp(rdi, FieldOperand(rdi, GlobalObject::kNativeContextOffset)); const int offset = Context::SlotOffset(Context::STRICT_ARGUMENTS_MAP_INDEX); __ movp(rdi, Operand(rdi, offset)); __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kMapOffset), rdi); __ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, Heap::kEmptyFixedArrayRootIndex); __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kPropertiesOffset), kScratchRegister); __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kElementsOffset), kScratchRegister); // Get the length (smi tagged) and set that as an in-object property too. STATIC_ASSERT(Heap::kArgumentsLengthIndex == 0); __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kHeaderSize + Heap::kArgumentsLengthIndex * kPointerSize), rcx); // If there are no actual arguments, we're done. Label done; __ testp(rcx, rcx); __ j(zero, &done); // Set up the elements pointer in the allocated arguments object and // initialize the header in the elements fixed array. __ leap(rdi, Operand(rax, Heap::kStrictArgumentsObjectSize)); __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, JSObject::kElementsOffset), rdi); __ LoadRoot(kScratchRegister, Heap::kFixedArrayMapRootIndex); __ movp(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kMapOffset), kScratchRegister); __ movp(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kLengthOffset), rcx); // Untag the length for the loop below. __ SmiToInteger64(rcx, rcx); // Copy the fixed array slots. Label loop; __ bind(&loop); __ movp(rbx, Operand(rdx, -1 * kPointerSize)); // Skip receiver. __ movp(FieldOperand(rdi, FixedArray::kHeaderSize), rbx); __ addp(rdi, Immediate(kPointerSize)); __ subp(rdx, Immediate(kPointerSize)); __ decp(rcx); __ j(not_zero, &loop); // Return. __ bind(&done); __ ret(0); // Do the runtime call to allocate the arguments object. __ bind(&runtime); __ PopReturnAddressTo(rax); __ Push(rdi); // Push function. __ Push(rdx); // Push parameters pointer. __ Push(rcx); // Push parameter count. __ PushReturnAddressFrom(rax); __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kNewStrictArguments, 3, 1); } void RegExpExecStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // Just jump directly to runtime if native RegExp is not selected at compile // time or if regexp entry in generated code is turned off runtime switch or // at compilation. #ifdef V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kRegExpExec, 4, 1); #else // V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP // Stack frame on entry. // rsp[0] : return address // rsp[8] : last_match_info (expected JSArray) // rsp[16] : previous index // rsp[24] : subject string // rsp[32] : JSRegExp object enum RegExpExecStubArgumentIndices { JS_REG_EXP_OBJECT_ARGUMENT_INDEX, SUBJECT_STRING_ARGUMENT_INDEX, PREVIOUS_INDEX_ARGUMENT_INDEX, LAST_MATCH_INFO_ARGUMENT_INDEX, REG_EXP_EXEC_ARGUMENT_COUNT }; StackArgumentsAccessor args(rsp, REG_EXP_EXEC_ARGUMENT_COUNT, ARGUMENTS_DONT_CONTAIN_RECEIVER); Label runtime; // Ensure that a RegExp stack is allocated. ExternalReference address_of_regexp_stack_memory_address = ExternalReference::address_of_regexp_stack_memory_address(isolate()); ExternalReference address_of_regexp_stack_memory_size = ExternalReference::address_of_regexp_stack_memory_size(isolate()); __ Load(kScratchRegister, address_of_regexp_stack_memory_size); __ testp(kScratchRegister, kScratchRegister); __ j(zero, &runtime); // Check that the first argument is a JSRegExp object. __ movp(rax, args.GetArgumentOperand(JS_REG_EXP_OBJECT_ARGUMENT_INDEX)); __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &runtime); __ CmpObjectType(rax, JS_REGEXP_TYPE, kScratchRegister); __ j(not_equal, &runtime); // Check that the RegExp has been compiled (data contains a fixed array). __ movp(rax, FieldOperand(rax, JSRegExp::kDataOffset)); if (FLAG_debug_code) { Condition is_smi = masm->CheckSmi(rax); __ Check(NegateCondition(is_smi), kUnexpectedTypeForRegExpDataFixedArrayExpected); __ CmpObjectType(rax, FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE, kScratchRegister); __ Check(equal, kUnexpectedTypeForRegExpDataFixedArrayExpected); } // rax: RegExp data (FixedArray) // Check the type of the RegExp. Only continue if type is JSRegExp::IRREGEXP. __ SmiToInteger32(rbx, FieldOperand(rax, JSRegExp::kDataTagOffset)); __ cmpl(rbx, Immediate(JSRegExp::IRREGEXP)); __ j(not_equal, &runtime); // rax: RegExp data (FixedArray) // Check that the number of captures fit in the static offsets vector buffer. __ SmiToInteger32(rdx, FieldOperand(rax, JSRegExp::kIrregexpCaptureCountOffset)); // Check (number_of_captures + 1) * 2 <= offsets vector size // Or number_of_captures <= offsets vector size / 2 - 1 STATIC_ASSERT(Isolate::kJSRegexpStaticOffsetsVectorSize >= 2); __ cmpl(rdx, Immediate(Isolate::kJSRegexpStaticOffsetsVectorSize / 2 - 1)); __ j(above, &runtime); // Reset offset for possibly sliced string. __ Set(r14, 0); __ movp(rdi, args.GetArgumentOperand(SUBJECT_STRING_ARGUMENT_INDEX)); __ JumpIfSmi(rdi, &runtime); __ movp(r15, rdi); // Make a copy of the original subject string. __ movp(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movzxbl(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); // rax: RegExp data (FixedArray) // rdi: subject string // r15: subject string // Handle subject string according to its encoding and representation: // (1) Sequential two byte? If yes, go to (9). // (2) Sequential one byte? If yes, go to (6). // (3) Anything but sequential or cons? If yes, go to (7). // (4) Cons string. If the string is flat, replace subject with first string. // Otherwise bailout. // (5a) Is subject sequential two byte? If yes, go to (9). // (5b) Is subject external? If yes, go to (8). // (6) One byte sequential. Load regexp code for one byte. // (E) Carry on. /// [...] // Deferred code at the end of the stub: // (7) Not a long external string? If yes, go to (10). // (8) External string. Make it, offset-wise, look like a sequential string. // (8a) Is the external string one byte? If yes, go to (6). // (9) Two byte sequential. Load regexp code for one byte. Go to (E). // (10) Short external string or not a string? If yes, bail out to runtime. // (11) Sliced string. Replace subject with parent. Go to (5a). Label seq_one_byte_string /* 6 */, seq_two_byte_string /* 9 */, external_string /* 8 */, check_underlying /* 5a */, not_seq_nor_cons /* 7 */, check_code /* E */, not_long_external /* 10 */; // (1) Sequential two byte? If yes, go to (9). __ andb(rbx, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask | kStringRepresentationMask | kStringEncodingMask | kShortExternalStringMask)); STATIC_ASSERT((kStringTag | kSeqStringTag | kTwoByteStringTag) == 0); __ j(zero, &seq_two_byte_string); // Go to (9). // (2) Sequential one byte? If yes, go to (6). // Any other sequential string must be one byte. __ andb(rbx, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask | kStringRepresentationMask | kShortExternalStringMask)); __ j(zero, &seq_one_byte_string, Label::kNear); // Go to (6). // (3) Anything but sequential or cons? If yes, go to (7). // We check whether the subject string is a cons, since sequential strings // have already been covered. STATIC_ASSERT(kConsStringTag < kExternalStringTag); STATIC_ASSERT(kSlicedStringTag > kExternalStringTag); STATIC_ASSERT(kIsNotStringMask > kExternalStringTag); STATIC_ASSERT(kShortExternalStringTag > kExternalStringTag); __ cmpp(rbx, Immediate(kExternalStringTag)); __ j(greater_equal, ¬_seq_nor_cons); // Go to (7). // (4) Cons string. Check that it's flat. // Replace subject with first string and reload instance type. __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(rdi, ConsString::kSecondOffset), Heap::kempty_stringRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, &runtime); __ movp(rdi, FieldOperand(rdi, ConsString::kFirstOffset)); __ bind(&check_underlying); __ movp(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movp(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); // (5a) Is subject sequential two byte? If yes, go to (9). __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kStringRepresentationMask | kStringEncodingMask)); STATIC_ASSERT((kSeqStringTag | kTwoByteStringTag) == 0); __ j(zero, &seq_two_byte_string); // Go to (9). // (5b) Is subject external? If yes, go to (8). __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kStringRepresentationMask)); // The underlying external string is never a short external string. STATIC_ASSERT(ExternalString::kMaxShortLength < ConsString::kMinLength); STATIC_ASSERT(ExternalString::kMaxShortLength < SlicedString::kMinLength); __ j(not_zero, &external_string); // Go to (8) // (6) One byte sequential. Load regexp code for one byte. __ bind(&seq_one_byte_string); // rax: RegExp data (FixedArray) __ movp(r11, FieldOperand(rax, JSRegExp::kDataOneByteCodeOffset)); __ Set(rcx, 1); // Type is one byte. // (E) Carry on. String handling is done. __ bind(&check_code); // r11: irregexp code // Check that the irregexp code has been generated for the actual string // encoding. If it has, the field contains a code object otherwise it contains // smi (code flushing support) __ JumpIfSmi(r11, &runtime); // rdi: sequential subject string (or look-alike, external string) // r15: original subject string // rcx: encoding of subject string (1 if one_byte, 0 if two_byte); // r11: code // Load used arguments before starting to push arguments for call to native // RegExp code to avoid handling changing stack height. // We have to use r15 instead of rdi to load the length because rdi might // have been only made to look like a sequential string when it actually // is an external string. __ movp(rbx, args.GetArgumentOperand(PREVIOUS_INDEX_ARGUMENT_INDEX)); __ JumpIfNotSmi(rbx, &runtime); __ SmiCompare(rbx, FieldOperand(r15, String::kLengthOffset)); __ j(above_equal, &runtime); __ SmiToInteger64(rbx, rbx); // rdi: subject string // rbx: previous index // rcx: encoding of subject string (1 if one_byte 0 if two_byte); // r11: code // All checks done. Now push arguments for native regexp code. Counters* counters = isolate()->counters(); __ IncrementCounter(counters->regexp_entry_native(), 1); // Isolates: note we add an additional parameter here (isolate pointer). static const int kRegExpExecuteArguments = 9; int argument_slots_on_stack = masm->ArgumentStackSlotsForCFunctionCall(kRegExpExecuteArguments); __ EnterApiExitFrame(argument_slots_on_stack); // Argument 9: Pass current isolate address. __ LoadAddress(kScratchRegister, ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate())); __ movq(Operand(rsp, (argument_slots_on_stack - 1) * kRegisterSize), kScratchRegister); // Argument 8: Indicate that this is a direct call from JavaScript. __ movq(Operand(rsp, (argument_slots_on_stack - 2) * kRegisterSize), Immediate(1)); // Argument 7: Start (high end) of backtracking stack memory area. __ Move(kScratchRegister, address_of_regexp_stack_memory_address); __ movp(r9, Operand(kScratchRegister, 0)); __ Move(kScratchRegister, address_of_regexp_stack_memory_size); __ addp(r9, Operand(kScratchRegister, 0)); __ movq(Operand(rsp, (argument_slots_on_stack - 3) * kRegisterSize), r9); // Argument 6: Set the number of capture registers to zero to force global // regexps to behave as non-global. This does not affect non-global regexps. // Argument 6 is passed in r9 on Linux and on the stack on Windows. #ifdef _WIN64 __ movq(Operand(rsp, (argument_slots_on_stack - 4) * kRegisterSize), Immediate(0)); #else __ Set(r9, 0); #endif // Argument 5: static offsets vector buffer. __ LoadAddress( r8, ExternalReference::address_of_static_offsets_vector(isolate())); // Argument 5 passed in r8 on Linux and on the stack on Windows. #ifdef _WIN64 __ movq(Operand(rsp, (argument_slots_on_stack - 5) * kRegisterSize), r8); #endif // rdi: subject string // rbx: previous index // rcx: encoding of subject string (1 if one_byte 0 if two_byte); // r11: code // r14: slice offset // r15: original subject string // Argument 2: Previous index. __ movp(arg_reg_2, rbx); // Argument 4: End of string data // Argument 3: Start of string data Label setup_two_byte, setup_rest, got_length, length_not_from_slice; // Prepare start and end index of the input. // Load the length from the original sliced string if that is the case. __ addp(rbx, r14); __ SmiToInteger32(arg_reg_3, FieldOperand(r15, String::kLengthOffset)); __ addp(r14, arg_reg_3); // Using arg3 as scratch. // rbx: start index of the input // r14: end index of the input // r15: original subject string __ testb(rcx, rcx); // Last use of rcx as encoding of subject string. __ j(zero, &setup_two_byte, Label::kNear); __ leap(arg_reg_4, FieldOperand(rdi, r14, times_1, SeqOneByteString::kHeaderSize)); __ leap(arg_reg_3, FieldOperand(rdi, rbx, times_1, SeqOneByteString::kHeaderSize)); __ jmp(&setup_rest, Label::kNear); __ bind(&setup_two_byte); __ leap(arg_reg_4, FieldOperand(rdi, r14, times_2, SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize)); __ leap(arg_reg_3, FieldOperand(rdi, rbx, times_2, SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize)); __ bind(&setup_rest); // Argument 1: Original subject string. // The original subject is in the previous stack frame. Therefore we have to // use rbp, which points exactly to one pointer size below the previous rsp. // (Because creating a new stack frame pushes the previous rbp onto the stack // and thereby moves up rsp by one kPointerSize.) __ movp(arg_reg_1, r15); // Locate the code entry and call it. __ addp(r11, Immediate(Code::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag)); __ call(r11); __ LeaveApiExitFrame(true); // Check the result. Label success; Label exception; __ cmpl(rax, Immediate(1)); // We expect exactly one result since we force the called regexp to behave // as non-global. __ j(equal, &success, Label::kNear); __ cmpl(rax, Immediate(NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::EXCEPTION)); __ j(equal, &exception); __ cmpl(rax, Immediate(NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::FAILURE)); // If none of the above, it can only be retry. // Handle that in the runtime system. __ j(not_equal, &runtime); // For failure return null. __ LoadRoot(rax, Heap::kNullValueRootIndex); __ ret(REG_EXP_EXEC_ARGUMENT_COUNT * kPointerSize); // Load RegExp data. __ bind(&success); __ movp(rax, args.GetArgumentOperand(JS_REG_EXP_OBJECT_ARGUMENT_INDEX)); __ movp(rcx, FieldOperand(rax, JSRegExp::kDataOffset)); __ SmiToInteger32(rax, FieldOperand(rcx, JSRegExp::kIrregexpCaptureCountOffset)); // Calculate number of capture registers (number_of_captures + 1) * 2. __ leal(rdx, Operand(rax, rax, times_1, 2)); // rdx: Number of capture registers // Check that the fourth object is a JSArray object. __ movp(r15, args.GetArgumentOperand(LAST_MATCH_INFO_ARGUMENT_INDEX)); __ JumpIfSmi(r15, &runtime); __ CmpObjectType(r15, JS_ARRAY_TYPE, kScratchRegister); __ j(not_equal, &runtime); // Check that the JSArray is in fast case. __ movp(rbx, FieldOperand(r15, JSArray::kElementsOffset)); __ movp(rax, FieldOperand(rbx, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ CompareRoot(rax, Heap::kFixedArrayMapRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, &runtime); // Check that the last match info has space for the capture registers and the // additional information. Ensure no overflow in add. STATIC_ASSERT(FixedArray::kMaxLength < kMaxInt - FixedArray::kLengthOffset); __ SmiToInteger32(rax, FieldOperand(rbx, FixedArray::kLengthOffset)); __ subl(rax, Immediate(RegExpImpl::kLastMatchOverhead)); __ cmpl(rdx, rax); __ j(greater, &runtime); // rbx: last_match_info backing store (FixedArray) // rdx: number of capture registers // Store the capture count. __ Integer32ToSmi(kScratchRegister, rdx); __ movp(FieldOperand(rbx, RegExpImpl::kLastCaptureCountOffset), kScratchRegister); // Store last subject and last input. __ movp(rax, args.GetArgumentOperand(SUBJECT_STRING_ARGUMENT_INDEX)); __ movp(FieldOperand(rbx, RegExpImpl::kLastSubjectOffset), rax); __ movp(rcx, rax); __ RecordWriteField(rbx, RegExpImpl::kLastSubjectOffset, rax, rdi, kDontSaveFPRegs); __ movp(rax, rcx); __ movp(FieldOperand(rbx, RegExpImpl::kLastInputOffset), rax); __ RecordWriteField(rbx, RegExpImpl::kLastInputOffset, rax, rdi, kDontSaveFPRegs); // Get the static offsets vector filled by the native regexp code. __ LoadAddress( rcx, ExternalReference::address_of_static_offsets_vector(isolate())); // rbx: last_match_info backing store (FixedArray) // rcx: offsets vector // rdx: number of capture registers Label next_capture, done; // Capture register counter starts from number of capture registers and // counts down until wraping after zero. __ bind(&next_capture); __ subp(rdx, Immediate(1)); __ j(negative, &done, Label::kNear); // Read the value from the static offsets vector buffer and make it a smi. __ movl(rdi, Operand(rcx, rdx, times_int_size, 0)); __ Integer32ToSmi(rdi, rdi); // Store the smi value in the last match info. __ movp(FieldOperand(rbx, rdx, times_pointer_size, RegExpImpl::kFirstCaptureOffset), rdi); __ jmp(&next_capture); __ bind(&done); // Return last match info. __ movp(rax, r15); __ ret(REG_EXP_EXEC_ARGUMENT_COUNT * kPointerSize); __ bind(&exception); // Result must now be exception. If there is no pending exception already a // stack overflow (on the backtrack stack) was detected in RegExp code but // haven't created the exception yet. Handle that in the runtime system. // TODO(592): Rerunning the RegExp to get the stack overflow exception. ExternalReference pending_exception_address( Isolate::kPendingExceptionAddress, isolate()); Operand pending_exception_operand = masm->ExternalOperand(pending_exception_address, rbx); __ movp(rax, pending_exception_operand); __ LoadRoot(rdx, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex); __ cmpp(rax, rdx); __ j(equal, &runtime); // For exception, throw the exception again. __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kRegExpExecReThrow, 4, 1); // Do the runtime call to execute the regexp. __ bind(&runtime); __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kRegExpExec, 4, 1); // Deferred code for string handling. // (7) Not a long external string? If yes, go to (10). __ bind(¬_seq_nor_cons); // Compare flags are still set from (3). __ j(greater, ¬_long_external, Label::kNear); // Go to (10). // (8) External string. Short external strings have been ruled out. __ bind(&external_string); __ movp(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movzxbl(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); if (FLAG_debug_code) { // Assert that we do not have a cons or slice (indirect strings) here. // Sequential strings have already been ruled out. __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kIsIndirectStringMask)); __ Assert(zero, kExternalStringExpectedButNotFound); } __ movp(rdi, FieldOperand(rdi, ExternalString::kResourceDataOffset)); // Move the pointer so that offset-wise, it looks like a sequential string. STATIC_ASSERT(SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize == SeqOneByteString::kHeaderSize); __ subp(rdi, Immediate(SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag)); STATIC_ASSERT(kTwoByteStringTag == 0); // (8a) Is the external string one byte? If yes, go to (6). __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kStringEncodingMask)); __ j(not_zero, &seq_one_byte_string); // Goto (6). // rdi: subject string (flat two-byte) // rax: RegExp data (FixedArray) // (9) Two byte sequential. Load regexp code for one byte. Go to (E). __ bind(&seq_two_byte_string); __ movp(r11, FieldOperand(rax, JSRegExp::kDataUC16CodeOffset)); __ Set(rcx, 0); // Type is two byte. __ jmp(&check_code); // Go to (E). // (10) Not a string or a short external string? If yes, bail out to runtime. __ bind(¬_long_external); // Catch non-string subject or short external string. STATIC_ASSERT(kNotStringTag != 0 && kShortExternalStringTag !=0); __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask | kShortExternalStringMask)); __ j(not_zero, &runtime); // (11) Sliced string. Replace subject with parent. Go to (5a). // Load offset into r14 and replace subject string with parent. __ SmiToInteger32(r14, FieldOperand(rdi, SlicedString::kOffsetOffset)); __ movp(rdi, FieldOperand(rdi, SlicedString::kParentOffset)); __ jmp(&check_underlying); #endif // V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP } static int NegativeComparisonResult(Condition cc) { DCHECK(cc != equal); DCHECK((cc == less) || (cc == less_equal) || (cc == greater) || (cc == greater_equal)); return (cc == greater || cc == greater_equal) ? LESS : GREATER; } static void CheckInputType(MacroAssembler* masm, Register input, CompareICState::State expected, Label* fail) { Label ok; if (expected == CompareICState::SMI) { __ JumpIfNotSmi(input, fail); } else if (expected == CompareICState::NUMBER) { __ JumpIfSmi(input, &ok); __ CompareMap(input, masm->isolate()->factory()->heap_number_map()); __ j(not_equal, fail); } // We could be strict about internalized/non-internalized here, but as long as // hydrogen doesn't care, the stub doesn't have to care either. __ bind(&ok); } static void BranchIfNotInternalizedString(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* label, Register object, Register scratch) { __ JumpIfSmi(object, label); __ movp(scratch, FieldOperand(object, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movzxbp(scratch, FieldOperand(scratch, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); STATIC_ASSERT(kInternalizedTag == 0 && kStringTag == 0); __ testb(scratch, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask | kIsNotInternalizedMask)); __ j(not_zero, label); } void CompareICStub::GenerateGeneric(MacroAssembler* masm) { Label runtime_call, check_unequal_objects, done; Condition cc = GetCondition(); Factory* factory = isolate()->factory(); Label miss; CheckInputType(masm, rdx, left(), &miss); CheckInputType(masm, rax, right(), &miss); // Compare two smis. Label non_smi, smi_done; __ JumpIfNotBothSmi(rax, rdx, &non_smi); __ subp(rdx, rax); __ j(no_overflow, &smi_done); __ notp(rdx); // Correct sign in case of overflow. rdx cannot be 0 here. __ bind(&smi_done); __ movp(rax, rdx); __ ret(0); __ bind(&non_smi); // The compare stub returns a positive, negative, or zero 64-bit integer // value in rax, corresponding to result of comparing the two inputs. // NOTICE! This code is only reached after a smi-fast-case check, so // it is certain that at least one operand isn't a smi. // Two identical objects are equal unless they are both NaN or undefined. { Label not_identical; __ cmpp(rax, rdx); __ j(not_equal, ¬_identical, Label::kNear); if (cc != equal) { // Check for undefined. undefined OP undefined is false even though // undefined == undefined. __ CompareRoot(rdx, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex); if (is_strong(strength())) { // In strong mode, this comparison must throw, so call the runtime. __ j(equal, &runtime_call, Label::kFar); } else { Label check_for_nan; __ j(not_equal, &check_for_nan, Label::kNear); __ Set(rax, NegativeComparisonResult(cc)); __ ret(0); __ bind(&check_for_nan); } } // Test for NaN. Sadly, we can't just compare to Factory::nan_value(), // so we do the second best thing - test it ourselves. Label heap_number; // If it's not a heap number, then return equal for (in)equality operator. __ Cmp(FieldOperand(rdx, HeapObject::kMapOffset), factory->heap_number_map()); __ j(equal, &heap_number, Label::kNear); if (cc != equal) { __ movp(rcx, FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movzxbl(rcx, FieldOperand(rcx, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); // Call runtime on identical objects. Otherwise return equal. __ cmpb(rcx, Immediate(static_cast<uint8_t>(FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE))); __ j(above_equal, &runtime_call, Label::kFar); // Call runtime on identical symbols since we need to throw a TypeError. __ cmpb(rcx, Immediate(static_cast<uint8_t>(SYMBOL_TYPE))); __ j(equal, &runtime_call, Label::kFar); // Call runtime on identical SIMD values since we must throw a TypeError. __ cmpb(rcx, Immediate(static_cast<uint8_t>(SIMD128_VALUE_TYPE))); __ j(equal, &runtime_call, Label::kFar); if (is_strong(strength())) { // We have already tested for smis and heap numbers, so if both // arguments are not strings we must proceed to the slow case. __ testb(rcx, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask)); __ j(not_zero, &runtime_call, Label::kFar); } } __ Set(rax, EQUAL); __ ret(0); __ bind(&heap_number); // It is a heap number, so return equal if it's not NaN. // For NaN, return 1 for every condition except greater and // greater-equal. Return -1 for them, so the comparison yields // false for all conditions except not-equal. __ Set(rax, EQUAL); __ movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(rdx, HeapNumber::kValueOffset)); __ ucomisd(xmm0, xmm0); __ setcc(parity_even, rax); // rax is 0 for equal non-NaN heapnumbers, 1 for NaNs. if (cc == greater_equal || cc == greater) { __ negp(rax); } __ ret(0); __ bind(¬_identical); } if (cc == equal) { // Both strict and non-strict. Label slow; // Fallthrough label. // If we're doing a strict equality comparison, we don't have to do // type conversion, so we generate code to do fast comparison for objects // and oddballs. Non-smi numbers and strings still go through the usual // slow-case code. if (strict()) { // If either is a Smi (we know that not both are), then they can only // be equal if the other is a HeapNumber. If so, use the slow case. { Label not_smis; __ SelectNonSmi(rbx, rax, rdx, ¬_smis); // Check if the non-smi operand is a heap number. __ Cmp(FieldOperand(rbx, HeapObject::kMapOffset), factory->heap_number_map()); // If heap number, handle it in the slow case. __ j(equal, &slow); // Return non-equal. ebx (the lower half of rbx) is not zero. __ movp(rax, rbx); __ ret(0); __ bind(¬_smis); } // If either operand is a JSObject or an oddball value, then they are not // equal since their pointers are different // There is no test for undetectability in strict equality. // If the first object is a JS object, we have done pointer comparison. STATIC_ASSERT(LAST_TYPE == LAST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE); Label first_non_object; __ CmpObjectType(rax, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE, rcx); __ j(below, &first_non_object, Label::kNear); // Return non-zero (rax (not rax) is not zero) Label return_not_equal; STATIC_ASSERT(kHeapObjectTag != 0); __ bind(&return_not_equal); __ ret(0); __ bind(&first_non_object); // Check for oddballs: true, false, null, undefined. __ CmpInstanceType(rcx, ODDBALL_TYPE); __ j(equal, &return_not_equal); __ CmpObjectType(rdx, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE, rcx); __ j(above_equal, &return_not_equal); // Check for oddballs: true, false, null, undefined. __ CmpInstanceType(rcx, ODDBALL_TYPE); __ j(equal, &return_not_equal); // Fall through to the general case. } __ bind(&slow); } // Generate the number comparison code. Label non_number_comparison; Label unordered; FloatingPointHelper::LoadSSE2UnknownOperands(masm, &non_number_comparison); __ xorl(rax, rax); __ xorl(rcx, rcx); __ ucomisd(xmm0, xmm1); // Don't base result on EFLAGS when a NaN is involved. __ j(parity_even, &unordered, Label::kNear); // Return a result of -1, 0, or 1, based on EFLAGS. __ setcc(above, rax); __ setcc(below, rcx); __ subp(rax, rcx); __ ret(0); // If one of the numbers was NaN, then the result is always false. // The cc is never not-equal. __ bind(&unordered); DCHECK(cc != not_equal); if (cc == less || cc == less_equal) { __ Set(rax, 1); } else { __ Set(rax, -1); } __ ret(0); // The number comparison code did not provide a valid result. __ bind(&non_number_comparison); // Fast negative check for internalized-to-internalized equality. Label check_for_strings; if (cc == equal) { BranchIfNotInternalizedString( masm, &check_for_strings, rax, kScratchRegister); BranchIfNotInternalizedString( masm, &check_for_strings, rdx, kScratchRegister); // We've already checked for object identity, so if both operands are // internalized strings they aren't equal. Register rax (not rax) already // holds a non-zero value, which indicates not equal, so just return. __ ret(0); } __ bind(&check_for_strings); __ JumpIfNotBothSequentialOneByteStrings(rdx, rax, rcx, rbx, &check_unequal_objects); // Inline comparison of one-byte strings. if (cc == equal) { StringHelper::GenerateFlatOneByteStringEquals(masm, rdx, rax, rcx, rbx); } else { StringHelper::GenerateCompareFlatOneByteStrings(masm, rdx, rax, rcx, rbx, rdi, r8); } #ifdef DEBUG __ Abort(kUnexpectedFallThroughFromStringComparison); #endif __ bind(&check_unequal_objects); if (cc == equal && !strict()) { // Not strict equality. Objects are unequal if // they are both JSObjects and not undetectable, // and their pointers are different. Label return_unequal; // At most one is a smi, so we can test for smi by adding the two. // A smi plus a heap object has the low bit set, a heap object plus // a heap object has the low bit clear. STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0); STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagMask == 1); __ leap(rcx, Operand(rax, rdx, times_1, 0)); __ testb(rcx, Immediate(kSmiTagMask)); __ j(not_zero, &runtime_call, Label::kNear); __ CmpObjectType(rax, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE, rbx); __ j(below, &runtime_call, Label::kNear); __ CmpObjectType(rdx, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE, rcx); __ j(below, &runtime_call, Label::kNear); __ testb(FieldOperand(rbx, Map::kBitFieldOffset), Immediate(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable)); __ j(zero, &return_unequal, Label::kNear); __ testb(FieldOperand(rcx, Map::kBitFieldOffset), Immediate(1 << Map::kIsUndetectable)); __ j(zero, &return_unequal, Label::kNear); // The objects are both undetectable, so they both compare as the value // undefined, and are equal. __ Set(rax, EQUAL); __ bind(&return_unequal); // Return non-equal by returning the non-zero object pointer in rax, // or return equal if we fell through to here. __ ret(0); } __ bind(&runtime_call); // Push arguments below the return address to prepare jump to builtin. __ PopReturnAddressTo(rcx); __ Push(rdx); __ Push(rax); // Figure out which native to call and setup the arguments. if (cc == equal) { __ PushReturnAddressFrom(rcx); __ TailCallRuntime(strict() ? Runtime::kStrictEquals : Runtime::kEquals, 2, 1); } else { __ Push(Smi::FromInt(NegativeComparisonResult(cc))); __ PushReturnAddressFrom(rcx); __ TailCallRuntime( is_strong(strength()) ? Runtime::kCompare_Strong : Runtime::kCompare, 3, 1); } __ bind(&miss); GenerateMiss(masm); } static void CallStubInRecordCallTarget(MacroAssembler* masm, CodeStub* stub, bool is_super) { // rax : number of arguments to the construct function // rbx : feedback vector // rcx : original constructor (for IsSuperConstructorCall) // rdx : slot in feedback vector (Smi) // rdi : the function to call FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::INTERNAL); // Number-of-arguments register must be smi-tagged to call out. __ Integer32ToSmi(rax, rax); __ Push(rax); __ Push(rdi); __ Integer32ToSmi(rdx, rdx); __ Push(rdx); __ Push(rbx); if (is_super) { __ Push(rcx); } __ CallStub(stub); if (is_super) { __ Pop(rcx); } __ Pop(rbx); __ Pop(rdx); __ Pop(rdi); __ Pop(rax); __ SmiToInteger32(rax, rax); } static void GenerateRecordCallTarget(MacroAssembler* masm, bool is_super) { // Cache the called function in a feedback vector slot. Cache states // are uninitialized, monomorphic (indicated by a JSFunction), and // megamorphic. // rax : number of arguments to the construct function // rbx : feedback vector // rcx : original constructor (for IsSuperConstructorCall) // rdx : slot in feedback vector (Smi) // rdi : the function to call Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate(); Label initialize, done, miss, megamorphic, not_array_function, done_no_smi_convert; // Load the cache state into r11. __ SmiToInteger32(rdx, rdx); __ movp(r11, FieldOperand(rbx, rdx, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize)); // A monomorphic cache hit or an already megamorphic state: invoke the // function without changing the state. // We don't know if r11 is a WeakCell or a Symbol, but it's harmless to read // at this position in a symbol (see static asserts in // type-feedback-vector.h). Label check_allocation_site; __ cmpp(rdi, FieldOperand(r11, WeakCell::kValueOffset)); __ j(equal, &done, Label::kFar); __ CompareRoot(r11, Heap::kmegamorphic_symbolRootIndex); __ j(equal, &done, Label::kFar); __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(r11, HeapObject::kMapOffset), Heap::kWeakCellMapRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, &check_allocation_site); // If the weak cell is cleared, we have a new chance to become monomorphic. __ CheckSmi(FieldOperand(r11, WeakCell::kValueOffset)); __ j(equal, &initialize); __ jmp(&megamorphic); __ bind(&check_allocation_site); // If we came here, we need to see if we are the array function. // If we didn't have a matching function, and we didn't find the megamorph // sentinel, then we have in the slot either some other function or an // AllocationSite. __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(r11, 0), Heap::kAllocationSiteMapRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, &miss); // Make sure the function is the Array() function __ LoadGlobalFunction(Context::ARRAY_FUNCTION_INDEX, r11); __ cmpp(rdi, r11); __ j(not_equal, &megamorphic); __ jmp(&done); __ bind(&miss); // A monomorphic miss (i.e, here the cache is not uninitialized) goes // megamorphic. __ CompareRoot(r11, Heap::kuninitialized_symbolRootIndex); __ j(equal, &initialize); // MegamorphicSentinel is an immortal immovable object (undefined) so no // write-barrier is needed. __ bind(&megamorphic); __ Move(FieldOperand(rbx, rdx, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize), TypeFeedbackVector::MegamorphicSentinel(isolate)); __ jmp(&done); // An uninitialized cache is patched with the function or sentinel to // indicate the ElementsKind if function is the Array constructor. __ bind(&initialize); // Make sure the function is the Array() function __ LoadGlobalFunction(Context::ARRAY_FUNCTION_INDEX, r11); __ cmpp(rdi, r11); __ j(not_equal, ¬_array_function); CreateAllocationSiteStub create_stub(isolate); CallStubInRecordCallTarget(masm, &create_stub, is_super); __ jmp(&done_no_smi_convert); __ bind(¬_array_function); CreateWeakCellStub weak_cell_stub(isolate); CallStubInRecordCallTarget(masm, &weak_cell_stub, is_super); __ jmp(&done_no_smi_convert); __ bind(&done); __ Integer32ToSmi(rdx, rdx); __ bind(&done_no_smi_convert); } static void EmitContinueIfStrictOrNative(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* cont) { // Do not transform the receiver for strict mode functions. __ movp(rcx, FieldOperand(rdi, JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset)); __ testb(FieldOperand(rcx, SharedFunctionInfo::kStrictModeByteOffset), Immediate(1 << SharedFunctionInfo::kStrictModeBitWithinByte)); __ j(not_equal, cont); // Do not transform the receiver for natives. // SharedFunctionInfo is already loaded into rcx. __ testb(FieldOperand(rcx, SharedFunctionInfo::kNativeByteOffset), Immediate(1 << SharedFunctionInfo::kNativeBitWithinByte)); __ j(not_equal, cont); } static void EmitSlowCase(MacroAssembler* masm, StackArgumentsAccessor* args, int argc) { __ Set(rax, argc); __ Jump(masm->isolate()->builtins()->Call(), RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET); } static void EmitWrapCase(MacroAssembler* masm, StackArgumentsAccessor* args, Label* cont) { // Wrap the receiver and patch it back onto the stack. { FrameScope frame_scope(masm, StackFrame::INTERNAL); __ Push(rdi); ToObjectStub stub(masm->isolate()); __ CallStub(&stub); __ Pop(rdi); } __ movp(args->GetReceiverOperand(), rax); __ jmp(cont); } static void CallFunctionNoFeedback(MacroAssembler* masm, int argc, bool needs_checks, bool call_as_method) { // rdi : the function to call // wrap_and_call can only be true if we are compiling a monomorphic method. Label slow, wrap, cont; StackArgumentsAccessor args(rsp, argc); if (needs_checks) { // Check that the function really is a JavaScript function. __ JumpIfSmi(rdi, &slow); // Goto slow case if we do not have a function. __ CmpObjectType(rdi, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, rcx); __ j(not_equal, &slow); } // Fast-case: Just invoke the function. ParameterCount actual(argc); if (call_as_method) { if (needs_checks) { EmitContinueIfStrictOrNative(masm, &cont); } // Load the receiver from the stack. __ movp(rax, args.GetReceiverOperand()); if (needs_checks) { __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &wrap); __ CmpObjectType(rax, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE, rcx); __ j(below, &wrap); } else { __ jmp(&wrap); } __ bind(&cont); } __ InvokeFunction(rdi, actual, JUMP_FUNCTION, NullCallWrapper()); if (needs_checks) { // Slow-case: Non-function called. __ bind(&slow); EmitSlowCase(masm, &args, argc); } if (call_as_method) { __ bind(&wrap); EmitWrapCase(masm, &args, &cont); } } void CallFunctionStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { CallFunctionNoFeedback(masm, argc(), NeedsChecks(), CallAsMethod()); } void CallConstructStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // rax : number of arguments // rbx : feedback vector // rcx : original constructor (for IsSuperConstructorCall) // rdx : slot in feedback vector (Smi, for RecordCallTarget) // rdi : constructor function Label non_function; // Check that the constructor is not a smi. __ JumpIfSmi(rdi, &non_function); // Check that constructor is a JSFunction. __ CmpObjectType(rdi, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, r11); __ j(not_equal, &non_function); if (RecordCallTarget()) { GenerateRecordCallTarget(masm, IsSuperConstructorCall()); __ SmiToInteger32(rdx, rdx); Label feedback_register_initialized; // Put the AllocationSite from the feedback vector into rbx, or undefined. __ movp(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, rdx, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize)); __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(rbx, 0), Heap::kAllocationSiteMapRootIndex); __ j(equal, &feedback_register_initialized); __ LoadRoot(rbx, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex); __ bind(&feedback_register_initialized); __ AssertUndefinedOrAllocationSite(rbx); } // Pass original constructor to construct stub. if (IsSuperConstructorCall()) { __ movp(rdx, rcx); } else { __ movp(rdx, rdi); } // Tail call to the function-specific construct stub (still in the caller // context at this point). __ movp(rcx, FieldOperand(rdi, JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset)); __ movp(rcx, FieldOperand(rcx, SharedFunctionInfo::kConstructStubOffset)); __ leap(rcx, FieldOperand(rcx, Code::kHeaderSize)); __ jmp(rcx); __ bind(&non_function); __ movp(rdx, rdi); __ Jump(isolate()->builtins()->Construct(), RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET); } void CallICStub::HandleArrayCase(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* miss) { // rdi - function // rdx - slot id // rbx - vector // rcx - allocation site (loaded from vector[slot]). __ LoadGlobalFunction(Context::ARRAY_FUNCTION_INDEX, r8); __ cmpp(rdi, r8); __ j(not_equal, miss); __ movp(rax, Immediate(arg_count())); // Increment the call count for monomorphic function calls. __ SmiAddConstant(FieldOperand(rbx, rdx, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize), Smi::FromInt(CallICNexus::kCallCountIncrement)); __ movp(rbx, rcx); __ movp(rdx, rdi); ArrayConstructorStub stub(masm->isolate(), arg_count()); __ TailCallStub(&stub); } void CallICStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // rdi - function // rdx - slot id // rbx - vector Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate(); const int with_types_offset = FixedArray::OffsetOfElementAt(TypeFeedbackVector::kWithTypesIndex); const int generic_offset = FixedArray::OffsetOfElementAt(TypeFeedbackVector::kGenericCountIndex); Label extra_checks_or_miss, slow_start; Label slow, wrap, cont; Label have_js_function; int argc = arg_count(); StackArgumentsAccessor args(rsp, argc); ParameterCount actual(argc); // The checks. First, does rdi match the recorded monomorphic target? __ SmiToInteger32(rdx, rdx); __ movp(rcx, FieldOperand(rbx, rdx, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize)); // We don't know that we have a weak cell. We might have a private symbol // or an AllocationSite, but the memory is safe to examine. // AllocationSite::kTransitionInfoOffset - contains a Smi or pointer to // FixedArray. // WeakCell::kValueOffset - contains a JSFunction or Smi(0) // Symbol::kHashFieldSlot - if the low bit is 1, then the hash is not // computed, meaning that it can't appear to be a pointer. If the low bit is // 0, then hash is computed, but the 0 bit prevents the field from appearing // to be a pointer. STATIC_ASSERT(WeakCell::kSize >= kPointerSize); STATIC_ASSERT(AllocationSite::kTransitionInfoOffset == WeakCell::kValueOffset && WeakCell::kValueOffset == Symbol::kHashFieldSlot); __ cmpp(rdi, FieldOperand(rcx, WeakCell::kValueOffset)); __ j(not_equal, &extra_checks_or_miss); // The compare above could have been a SMI/SMI comparison. Guard against this // convincing us that we have a monomorphic JSFunction. __ JumpIfSmi(rdi, &extra_checks_or_miss); // Increment the call count for monomorphic function calls. __ SmiAddConstant(FieldOperand(rbx, rdx, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize), Smi::FromInt(CallICNexus::kCallCountIncrement)); __ bind(&have_js_function); if (CallAsMethod()) { EmitContinueIfStrictOrNative(masm, &cont); // Load the receiver from the stack. __ movp(rax, args.GetReceiverOperand()); __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &wrap); __ CmpObjectType(rax, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE, rcx); __ j(below, &wrap); __ bind(&cont); } __ InvokeFunction(rdi, actual, JUMP_FUNCTION, NullCallWrapper()); __ bind(&slow); EmitSlowCase(masm, &args, argc); if (CallAsMethod()) { __ bind(&wrap); EmitWrapCase(masm, &args, &cont); } __ bind(&extra_checks_or_miss); Label uninitialized, miss, not_allocation_site; __ Cmp(rcx, TypeFeedbackVector::MegamorphicSentinel(isolate)); __ j(equal, &slow_start); // Check if we have an allocation site. __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(rcx, HeapObject::kMapOffset), Heap::kAllocationSiteMapRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, ¬_allocation_site); // We have an allocation site. HandleArrayCase(masm, &miss); __ bind(¬_allocation_site); // The following cases attempt to handle MISS cases without going to the // runtime. if (FLAG_trace_ic) { __ jmp(&miss); } __ Cmp(rcx, TypeFeedbackVector::UninitializedSentinel(isolate)); __ j(equal, &uninitialized); // We are going megamorphic. If the feedback is a JSFunction, it is fine // to handle it here. More complex cases are dealt with in the runtime. __ AssertNotSmi(rcx); __ CmpObjectType(rcx, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, rcx); __ j(not_equal, &miss); __ Move(FieldOperand(rbx, rdx, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize), TypeFeedbackVector::MegamorphicSentinel(isolate)); // We have to update statistics for runtime profiling. __ SmiAddConstant(FieldOperand(rbx, with_types_offset), Smi::FromInt(-1)); __ SmiAddConstant(FieldOperand(rbx, generic_offset), Smi::FromInt(1)); __ jmp(&slow_start); __ bind(&uninitialized); // We are going monomorphic, provided we actually have a JSFunction. __ JumpIfSmi(rdi, &miss); // Goto miss case if we do not have a function. __ CmpObjectType(rdi, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, rcx); __ j(not_equal, &miss); // Make sure the function is not the Array() function, which requires special // behavior on MISS. __ LoadGlobalFunction(Context::ARRAY_FUNCTION_INDEX, rcx); __ cmpp(rdi, rcx); __ j(equal, &miss); // Update stats. __ SmiAddConstant(FieldOperand(rbx, with_types_offset), Smi::FromInt(1)); // Initialize the call counter. __ Move(FieldOperand(rbx, rdx, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize), Smi::FromInt(CallICNexus::kCallCountIncrement)); // Store the function. Use a stub since we need a frame for allocation. // rbx - vector // rdx - slot (needs to be in smi form) // rdi - function { FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::INTERNAL); CreateWeakCellStub create_stub(isolate); __ Integer32ToSmi(rdx, rdx); __ Push(rdi); __ CallStub(&create_stub); __ Pop(rdi); } __ jmp(&have_js_function); // We are here because tracing is on or we encountered a MISS case we can't // handle here. __ bind(&miss); GenerateMiss(masm); // the slow case __ bind(&slow_start); // Check that function is not a smi. __ JumpIfSmi(rdi, &slow); // Check that function is a JSFunction. __ CmpObjectType(rdi, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, rcx); __ j(not_equal, &slow); __ jmp(&have_js_function); // Unreachable __ int3(); } void CallICStub::GenerateMiss(MacroAssembler* masm) { FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::INTERNAL); // Push the receiver and the function and feedback info. __ Push(rdi); __ Push(rbx); __ Integer32ToSmi(rdx, rdx); __ Push(rdx); // Call the entry. __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kCallIC_Miss, 3); // Move result to edi and exit the internal frame. __ movp(rdi, rax); } bool CEntryStub::NeedsImmovableCode() { return false; } void CodeStub::GenerateStubsAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate) { CEntryStub::GenerateAheadOfTime(isolate); StoreBufferOverflowStub::GenerateFixedRegStubsAheadOfTime(isolate); StubFailureTrampolineStub::GenerateAheadOfTime(isolate); // It is important that the store buffer overflow stubs are generated first. ArrayConstructorStubBase::GenerateStubsAheadOfTime(isolate); CreateAllocationSiteStub::GenerateAheadOfTime(isolate); CreateWeakCellStub::GenerateAheadOfTime(isolate); BinaryOpICStub::GenerateAheadOfTime(isolate); BinaryOpICWithAllocationSiteStub::GenerateAheadOfTime(isolate); StoreFastElementStub::GenerateAheadOfTime(isolate); TypeofStub::GenerateAheadOfTime(isolate); } void CodeStub::GenerateFPStubs(Isolate* isolate) { } void CEntryStub::GenerateAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate) { CEntryStub stub(isolate, 1, kDontSaveFPRegs); stub.GetCode(); CEntryStub save_doubles(isolate, 1, kSaveFPRegs); save_doubles.GetCode(); } void CEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // rax: number of arguments including receiver // rbx: pointer to C function (C callee-saved) // rbp: frame pointer of calling JS frame (restored after C call) // rsp: stack pointer (restored after C call) // rsi: current context (restored) // // If argv_in_register(): // r15: pointer to the first argument ProfileEntryHookStub::MaybeCallEntryHook(masm); // Enter the exit frame that transitions from JavaScript to C++. #ifdef _WIN64 int arg_stack_space = (result_size() < 2 ? 2 : 4); #else // _WIN64 int arg_stack_space = 0; #endif // _WIN64 if (argv_in_register()) { DCHECK(!save_doubles()); __ EnterApiExitFrame(arg_stack_space); // Move argc into r14 (argv is already in r15). __ movp(r14, rax); } else { __ EnterExitFrame(arg_stack_space, save_doubles()); } // rbx: pointer to builtin function (C callee-saved). // rbp: frame pointer of exit frame (restored after C call). // rsp: stack pointer (restored after C call). // r14: number of arguments including receiver (C callee-saved). // r15: argv pointer (C callee-saved). // Simple results returned in rax (both AMD64 and Win64 calling conventions). // Complex results must be written to address passed as first argument. // AMD64 calling convention: a struct of two pointers in rax+rdx // Check stack alignment. if (FLAG_debug_code) { __ CheckStackAlignment(); } // Call C function. #ifdef _WIN64 // Windows 64-bit ABI passes arguments in rcx, rdx, r8, r9. // Pass argv and argc as two parameters. The arguments object will // be created by stubs declared by DECLARE_RUNTIME_FUNCTION(). if (result_size() < 2) { // Pass a pointer to the Arguments object as the first argument. // Return result in single register (rax). __ movp(rcx, r14); // argc. __ movp(rdx, r15); // argv. __ Move(r8, ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate())); } else { DCHECK_EQ(2, result_size()); // Pass a pointer to the result location as the first argument. __ leap(rcx, StackSpaceOperand(2)); // Pass a pointer to the Arguments object as the second argument. __ movp(rdx, r14); // argc. __ movp(r8, r15); // argv. __ Move(r9, ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate())); } #else // _WIN64 // GCC passes arguments in rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9. __ movp(rdi, r14); // argc. __ movp(rsi, r15); // argv. __ Move(rdx, ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate())); #endif // _WIN64 __ call(rbx); // Result is in rax - do not destroy this register! #ifdef _WIN64 // If return value is on the stack, pop it to registers. if (result_size() > 1) { DCHECK_EQ(2, result_size()); // Read result values stored on stack. Result is stored // above the four argument mirror slots and the two // Arguments object slots. __ movq(rax, Operand(rsp, 6 * kRegisterSize)); __ movq(rdx, Operand(rsp, 7 * kRegisterSize)); } #endif // _WIN64 // Check result for exception sentinel. Label exception_returned; __ CompareRoot(rax, Heap::kExceptionRootIndex); __ j(equal, &exception_returned); // Check that there is no pending exception, otherwise we // should have returned the exception sentinel. if (FLAG_debug_code) { Label okay; __ LoadRoot(r14, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex); ExternalReference pending_exception_address( Isolate::kPendingExceptionAddress, isolate()); Operand pending_exception_operand = masm->ExternalOperand(pending_exception_address); __ cmpp(r14, pending_exception_operand); __ j(equal, &okay, Label::kNear); __ int3(); __ bind(&okay); } // Exit the JavaScript to C++ exit frame. __ LeaveExitFrame(save_doubles(), !argv_in_register()); __ ret(0); // Handling of exception. __ bind(&exception_returned); ExternalReference pending_handler_context_address( Isolate::kPendingHandlerContextAddress, isolate()); ExternalReference pending_handler_code_address( Isolate::kPendingHandlerCodeAddress, isolate()); ExternalReference pending_handler_offset_address( Isolate::kPendingHandlerOffsetAddress, isolate()); ExternalReference pending_handler_fp_address( Isolate::kPendingHandlerFPAddress, isolate()); ExternalReference pending_handler_sp_address( Isolate::kPendingHandlerSPAddress, isolate()); // Ask the runtime for help to determine the handler. This will set rax to // contain the current pending exception, don't clobber it. ExternalReference find_handler(Runtime::kUnwindAndFindExceptionHandler, isolate()); { FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::MANUAL); __ movp(arg_reg_1, Immediate(0)); // argc. __ movp(arg_reg_2, Immediate(0)); // argv. __ Move(arg_reg_3, ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate())); __ PrepareCallCFunction(3); __ CallCFunction(find_handler, 3); } // Retrieve the handler context, SP and FP. __ movp(rsi, masm->ExternalOperand(pending_handler_context_address)); __ movp(rsp, masm->ExternalOperand(pending_handler_sp_address)); __ movp(rbp, masm->ExternalOperand(pending_handler_fp_address)); // If the handler is a JS frame, restore the context to the frame. Note that // the context will be set to (rsi == 0) for non-JS frames. Label skip; __ testp(rsi, rsi); __ j(zero, &skip, Label::kNear); __ movp(Operand(rbp, StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset), rsi); __ bind(&skip); // Compute the handler entry address and jump to it. __ movp(rdi, masm->ExternalOperand(pending_handler_code_address)); __ movp(rdx, masm->ExternalOperand(pending_handler_offset_address)); __ leap(rdi, FieldOperand(rdi, rdx, times_1, Code::kHeaderSize)); __ jmp(rdi); } void JSEntryStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { Label invoke, handler_entry, exit; Label not_outermost_js, not_outermost_js_2; ProfileEntryHookStub::MaybeCallEntryHook(masm); { // NOLINT. Scope block confuses linter. MacroAssembler::NoRootArrayScope uninitialized_root_register(masm); // Set up frame. __ pushq(rbp); __ movp(rbp, rsp); // Push the stack frame type marker twice. int marker = type(); // Scratch register is neither callee-save, nor an argument register on any // platform. It's free to use at this point. // Cannot use smi-register for loading yet. __ Move(kScratchRegister, Smi::FromInt(marker), Assembler::RelocInfoNone()); __ Push(kScratchRegister); // context slot __ Push(kScratchRegister); // function slot // Save callee-saved registers (X64/X32/Win64 calling conventions). __ pushq(r12); __ pushq(r13); __ pushq(r14); __ pushq(r15); #ifdef _WIN64 __ pushq(rdi); // Only callee save in Win64 ABI, argument in AMD64 ABI. __ pushq(rsi); // Only callee save in Win64 ABI, argument in AMD64 ABI. #endif __ pushq(rbx); #ifdef _WIN64 // On Win64 XMM6-XMM15 are callee-save __ subp(rsp, Immediate(EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegistersBlockSize)); __ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 0), xmm6); __ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 1), xmm7); __ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 2), xmm8); __ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 3), xmm9); __ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 4), xmm10); __ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 5), xmm11); __ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 6), xmm12); __ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 7), xmm13); __ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 8), xmm14); __ movdqu(Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 9), xmm15); #endif // Set up the roots and smi constant registers. // Needs to be done before any further smi loads. __ InitializeRootRegister(); } // Save copies of the top frame descriptor on the stack. ExternalReference c_entry_fp(Isolate::kCEntryFPAddress, isolate()); { Operand c_entry_fp_operand = masm->ExternalOperand(c_entry_fp); __ Push(c_entry_fp_operand); } // If this is the outermost JS call, set js_entry_sp value. ExternalReference js_entry_sp(Isolate::kJSEntrySPAddress, isolate()); __ Load(rax, js_entry_sp); __ testp(rax, rax); __ j(not_zero, ¬_outermost_js); __ Push(Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::OUTERMOST_JSENTRY_FRAME)); __ movp(rax, rbp); __ Store(js_entry_sp, rax); Label cont; __ jmp(&cont); __ bind(¬_outermost_js); __ Push(Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::INNER_JSENTRY_FRAME)); __ bind(&cont); // Jump to a faked try block that does the invoke, with a faked catch // block that sets the pending exception. __ jmp(&invoke); __ bind(&handler_entry); handler_offset_ = handler_entry.pos(); // Caught exception: Store result (exception) in the pending exception // field in the JSEnv and return a failure sentinel. ExternalReference pending_exception(Isolate::kPendingExceptionAddress, isolate()); __ Store(pending_exception, rax); __ LoadRoot(rax, Heap::kExceptionRootIndex); __ jmp(&exit); // Invoke: Link this frame into the handler chain. __ bind(&invoke); __ PushStackHandler(); // Clear any pending exceptions. __ LoadRoot(rax, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex); __ Store(pending_exception, rax); // Fake a receiver (NULL). __ Push(Immediate(0)); // receiver // Invoke the function by calling through JS entry trampoline builtin and // pop the faked function when we return. We load the address from an // external reference instead of inlining the call target address directly // in the code, because the builtin stubs may not have been generated yet // at the time this code is generated. if (type() == StackFrame::ENTRY_CONSTRUCT) { ExternalReference construct_entry(Builtins::kJSConstructEntryTrampoline, isolate()); __ Load(rax, construct_entry); } else { ExternalReference entry(Builtins::kJSEntryTrampoline, isolate()); __ Load(rax, entry); } __ leap(kScratchRegister, FieldOperand(rax, Code::kHeaderSize)); __ call(kScratchRegister); // Unlink this frame from the handler chain. __ PopStackHandler(); __ bind(&exit); // Check if the current stack frame is marked as the outermost JS frame. __ Pop(rbx); __ Cmp(rbx, Smi::FromInt(StackFrame::OUTERMOST_JSENTRY_FRAME)); __ j(not_equal, ¬_outermost_js_2); __ Move(kScratchRegister, js_entry_sp); __ movp(Operand(kScratchRegister, 0), Immediate(0)); __ bind(¬_outermost_js_2); // Restore the top frame descriptor from the stack. { Operand c_entry_fp_operand = masm->ExternalOperand(c_entry_fp); __ Pop(c_entry_fp_operand); } // Restore callee-saved registers (X64 conventions). #ifdef _WIN64 // On Win64 XMM6-XMM15 are callee-save __ movdqu(xmm6, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 0)); __ movdqu(xmm7, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 1)); __ movdqu(xmm8, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 2)); __ movdqu(xmm9, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 3)); __ movdqu(xmm10, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 4)); __ movdqu(xmm11, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 5)); __ movdqu(xmm12, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 6)); __ movdqu(xmm13, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 7)); __ movdqu(xmm14, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 8)); __ movdqu(xmm15, Operand(rsp, EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegisterSize * 9)); __ addp(rsp, Immediate(EntryFrameConstants::kXMMRegistersBlockSize)); #endif __ popq(rbx); #ifdef _WIN64 // Callee save on in Win64 ABI, arguments/volatile in AMD64 ABI. __ popq(rsi); __ popq(rdi); #endif __ popq(r15); __ popq(r14); __ popq(r13); __ popq(r12); __ addp(rsp, Immediate(2 * kPointerSize)); // remove markers // Restore frame pointer and return. __ popq(rbp); __ ret(0); } void InstanceOfStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { Register const object = rdx; // Object (lhs). Register const function = rax; // Function (rhs). Register const object_map = rcx; // Map of {object}. Register const function_map = r8; // Map of {function}. Register const function_prototype = rdi; // Prototype of {function}. DCHECK(object.is(InstanceOfDescriptor::LeftRegister())); DCHECK(function.is(InstanceOfDescriptor::RightRegister())); // Check if {object} is a smi. Label object_is_smi; __ JumpIfSmi(object, &object_is_smi, Label::kNear); // Lookup the {function} and the {object} map in the global instanceof cache. // Note: This is safe because we clear the global instanceof cache whenever // we change the prototype of any object. Label fast_case, slow_case; __ movp(object_map, FieldOperand(object, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ CompareRoot(function, Heap::kInstanceofCacheFunctionRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, &fast_case, Label::kNear); __ CompareRoot(object_map, Heap::kInstanceofCacheMapRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, &fast_case, Label::kNear); __ LoadRoot(rax, Heap::kInstanceofCacheAnswerRootIndex); __ ret(0); // If {object} is a smi we can safely return false if {function} is a JS // function, otherwise we have to miss to the runtime and throw an exception. __ bind(&object_is_smi); __ JumpIfSmi(function, &slow_case); __ CmpObjectType(function, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, function_map); __ j(not_equal, &slow_case); __ LoadRoot(rax, Heap::kFalseValueRootIndex); __ ret(0); // Fast-case: The {function} must be a valid JSFunction. __ bind(&fast_case); __ JumpIfSmi(function, &slow_case); __ CmpObjectType(function, JS_FUNCTION_TYPE, function_map); __ j(not_equal, &slow_case); // Ensure that {function} has an instance prototype. __ testb(FieldOperand(function_map, Map::kBitFieldOffset), Immediate(1 << Map::kHasNonInstancePrototype)); __ j(not_zero, &slow_case); // Ensure that {function} is not bound. Register const shared_info = kScratchRegister; __ movp(shared_info, FieldOperand(function, JSFunction::kSharedFunctionInfoOffset)); __ TestBitSharedFunctionInfoSpecialField( shared_info, SharedFunctionInfo::kCompilerHintsOffset, SharedFunctionInfo::kBoundFunction); __ j(not_zero, &slow_case); // Get the "prototype" (or initial map) of the {function}. __ movp(function_prototype, FieldOperand(function, JSFunction::kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset)); __ AssertNotSmi(function_prototype); // Resolve the prototype if the {function} has an initial map. Afterwards the // {function_prototype} will be either the JSReceiver prototype object or the // hole value, which means that no instances of the {function} were created so // far and hence we should return false. Label function_prototype_valid; Register const function_prototype_map = kScratchRegister; __ CmpObjectType(function_prototype, MAP_TYPE, function_prototype_map); __ j(not_equal, &function_prototype_valid, Label::kNear); __ movp(function_prototype, FieldOperand(function_prototype, Map::kPrototypeOffset)); __ bind(&function_prototype_valid); __ AssertNotSmi(function_prototype); // Update the global instanceof cache with the current {object} map and // {function}. The cached answer will be set when it is known below. __ StoreRoot(function, Heap::kInstanceofCacheFunctionRootIndex); __ StoreRoot(object_map, Heap::kInstanceofCacheMapRootIndex); // Loop through the prototype chain looking for the {function} prototype. // Assume true, and change to false if not found. Register const object_prototype = object_map; Label done, loop; __ LoadRoot(rax, Heap::kTrueValueRootIndex); __ bind(&loop); __ movp(object_prototype, FieldOperand(object_map, Map::kPrototypeOffset)); __ cmpp(object_prototype, function_prototype); __ j(equal, &done, Label::kNear); __ CompareRoot(object_prototype, Heap::kNullValueRootIndex); __ movp(object_map, FieldOperand(object_prototype, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ j(not_equal, &loop); __ LoadRoot(rax, Heap::kFalseValueRootIndex); __ bind(&done); __ StoreRoot(rax, Heap::kInstanceofCacheAnswerRootIndex); __ ret(0); // Slow-case: Call the runtime function. __ bind(&slow_case); __ PopReturnAddressTo(kScratchRegister); __ Push(object); __ Push(function); __ PushReturnAddressFrom(kScratchRegister); __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kInstanceOf, 2, 1); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // StringCharCodeAtGenerator void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm) { // If the receiver is a smi trigger the non-string case. if (check_mode_ == RECEIVER_IS_UNKNOWN) { __ JumpIfSmi(object_, receiver_not_string_); // Fetch the instance type of the receiver into result register. __ movp(result_, FieldOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movzxbl(result_, FieldOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); // If the receiver is not a string trigger the non-string case. __ testb(result_, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask)); __ j(not_zero, receiver_not_string_); } // If the index is non-smi trigger the non-smi case. __ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, &index_not_smi_); __ bind(&got_smi_index_); // Check for index out of range. __ SmiCompare(index_, FieldOperand(object_, String::kLengthOffset)); __ j(above_equal, index_out_of_range_); __ SmiToInteger32(index_, index_); StringCharLoadGenerator::Generate( masm, object_, index_, result_, &call_runtime_); __ Integer32ToSmi(result_, result_); __ bind(&exit_); } void StringCharCodeAtGenerator::GenerateSlow( MacroAssembler* masm, EmbedMode embed_mode, const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper) { __ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharCodeAtSlowCase); Factory* factory = masm->isolate()->factory(); // Index is not a smi. __ bind(&index_not_smi_); // If index is a heap number, try converting it to an integer. __ CheckMap(index_, factory->heap_number_map(), index_not_number_, DONT_DO_SMI_CHECK); call_helper.BeforeCall(masm); if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) { __ Push(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister()); __ Push(LoadDescriptor::SlotRegister()); } __ Push(object_); __ Push(index_); // Consumed by runtime conversion function. if (index_flags_ == STRING_INDEX_IS_NUMBER) { __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNumberToIntegerMapMinusZero, 1); } else { DCHECK(index_flags_ == STRING_INDEX_IS_ARRAY_INDEX); // NumberToSmi discards numbers that are not exact integers. __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kNumberToSmi, 1); } if (!index_.is(rax)) { // Save the conversion result before the pop instructions below // have a chance to overwrite it. __ movp(index_, rax); } __ Pop(object_); if (embed_mode == PART_OF_IC_HANDLER) { __ Pop(LoadDescriptor::SlotRegister()); __ Pop(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister()); } // Reload the instance type. __ movp(result_, FieldOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movzxbl(result_, FieldOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); call_helper.AfterCall(masm); // If index is still not a smi, it must be out of range. __ JumpIfNotSmi(index_, index_out_of_range_); // Otherwise, return to the fast path. __ jmp(&got_smi_index_); // Call runtime. We get here when the receiver is a string and the // index is a number, but the code of getting the actual character // is too complex (e.g., when the string needs to be flattened). __ bind(&call_runtime_); call_helper.BeforeCall(masm); __ Push(object_); __ Integer32ToSmi(index_, index_); __ Push(index_); __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCharCodeAtRT, 2); if (!result_.is(rax)) { __ movp(result_, rax); } call_helper.AfterCall(masm); __ jmp(&exit_); __ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharCodeAtSlowCase); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // StringCharFromCodeGenerator void StringCharFromCodeGenerator::GenerateFast(MacroAssembler* masm) { // Fast case of Heap::LookupSingleCharacterStringFromCode. __ JumpIfNotSmi(code_, &slow_case_); __ SmiCompare(code_, Smi::FromInt(String::kMaxOneByteCharCode)); __ j(above, &slow_case_); __ LoadRoot(result_, Heap::kSingleCharacterStringCacheRootIndex); SmiIndex index = masm->SmiToIndex(kScratchRegister, code_, kPointerSizeLog2); __ movp(result_, FieldOperand(result_, index.reg, index.scale, FixedArray::kHeaderSize)); __ CompareRoot(result_, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex); __ j(equal, &slow_case_); __ bind(&exit_); } void StringCharFromCodeGenerator::GenerateSlow( MacroAssembler* masm, const RuntimeCallHelper& call_helper) { __ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughToCharFromCodeSlowCase); __ bind(&slow_case_); call_helper.BeforeCall(masm); __ Push(code_); __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kCharFromCode, 1); if (!result_.is(rax)) { __ movp(result_, rax); } call_helper.AfterCall(masm); __ jmp(&exit_); __ Abort(kUnexpectedFallthroughFromCharFromCodeSlowCase); } void StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharacters(MacroAssembler* masm, Register dest, Register src, Register count, String::Encoding encoding) { // Nothing to do for zero characters. Label done; __ testl(count, count); __ j(zero, &done, Label::kNear); // Make count the number of bytes to copy. if (encoding == String::TWO_BYTE_ENCODING) { STATIC_ASSERT(2 == sizeof(uc16)); __ addl(count, count); } // Copy remaining characters. Label loop; __ bind(&loop); __ movb(kScratchRegister, Operand(src, 0)); __ movb(Operand(dest, 0), kScratchRegister); __ incp(src); __ incp(dest); __ decl(count); __ j(not_zero, &loop); __ bind(&done); } void SubStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { Label runtime; // Stack frame on entry. // rsp[0] : return address // rsp[8] : to // rsp[16] : from // rsp[24] : string enum SubStringStubArgumentIndices { STRING_ARGUMENT_INDEX, FROM_ARGUMENT_INDEX, TO_ARGUMENT_INDEX, SUB_STRING_ARGUMENT_COUNT }; StackArgumentsAccessor args(rsp, SUB_STRING_ARGUMENT_COUNT, ARGUMENTS_DONT_CONTAIN_RECEIVER); // Make sure first argument is a string. __ movp(rax, args.GetArgumentOperand(STRING_ARGUMENT_INDEX)); STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0); __ testl(rax, Immediate(kSmiTagMask)); __ j(zero, &runtime); Condition is_string = masm->IsObjectStringType(rax, rbx, rbx); __ j(NegateCondition(is_string), &runtime); // rax: string // rbx: instance type // Calculate length of sub string using the smi values. __ movp(rcx, args.GetArgumentOperand(TO_ARGUMENT_INDEX)); __ movp(rdx, args.GetArgumentOperand(FROM_ARGUMENT_INDEX)); __ JumpUnlessBothNonNegativeSmi(rcx, rdx, &runtime); __ SmiSub(rcx, rcx, rdx); // Overflow doesn't happen. __ cmpp(rcx, FieldOperand(rax, String::kLengthOffset)); Label not_original_string; // Shorter than original string's length: an actual substring. __ j(below, ¬_original_string, Label::kNear); // Longer than original string's length or negative: unsafe arguments. __ j(above, &runtime); // Return original string. Counters* counters = isolate()->counters(); __ IncrementCounter(counters->sub_string_native(), 1); __ ret(SUB_STRING_ARGUMENT_COUNT * kPointerSize); __ bind(¬_original_string); Label single_char; __ SmiCompare(rcx, Smi::FromInt(1)); __ j(equal, &single_char); __ SmiToInteger32(rcx, rcx); // rax: string // rbx: instance type // rcx: sub string length // rdx: from index (smi) // Deal with different string types: update the index if necessary // and put the underlying string into edi. Label underlying_unpacked, sliced_string, seq_or_external_string; // If the string is not indirect, it can only be sequential or external. STATIC_ASSERT(kIsIndirectStringMask == (kSlicedStringTag & kConsStringTag)); STATIC_ASSERT(kIsIndirectStringMask != 0); __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kIsIndirectStringMask)); __ j(zero, &seq_or_external_string, Label::kNear); __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kSlicedNotConsMask)); __ j(not_zero, &sliced_string, Label::kNear); // Cons string. Check whether it is flat, then fetch first part. // Flat cons strings have an empty second part. __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(rax, ConsString::kSecondOffset), Heap::kempty_stringRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, &runtime); __ movp(rdi, FieldOperand(rax, ConsString::kFirstOffset)); // Update instance type. __ movp(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movzxbl(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); __ jmp(&underlying_unpacked, Label::kNear); __ bind(&sliced_string); // Sliced string. Fetch parent and correct start index by offset. __ addp(rdx, FieldOperand(rax, SlicedString::kOffsetOffset)); __ movp(rdi, FieldOperand(rax, SlicedString::kParentOffset)); // Update instance type. __ movp(rbx, FieldOperand(rdi, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movzxbl(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); __ jmp(&underlying_unpacked, Label::kNear); __ bind(&seq_or_external_string); // Sequential or external string. Just move string to the correct register. __ movp(rdi, rax); __ bind(&underlying_unpacked); if (FLAG_string_slices) { Label copy_routine; // rdi: underlying subject string // rbx: instance type of underlying subject string // rdx: adjusted start index (smi) // rcx: length // If coming from the make_two_character_string path, the string // is too short to be sliced anyways. __ cmpp(rcx, Immediate(SlicedString::kMinLength)); // Short slice. Copy instead of slicing. __ j(less, ©_routine); // Allocate new sliced string. At this point we do not reload the instance // type including the string encoding because we simply rely on the info // provided by the original string. It does not matter if the original // string's encoding is wrong because we always have to recheck encoding of // the newly created string's parent anyways due to externalized strings. Label two_byte_slice, set_slice_header; STATIC_ASSERT((kStringEncodingMask & kOneByteStringTag) != 0); STATIC_ASSERT((kStringEncodingMask & kTwoByteStringTag) == 0); __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kStringEncodingMask)); __ j(zero, &two_byte_slice, Label::kNear); __ AllocateOneByteSlicedString(rax, rbx, r14, &runtime); __ jmp(&set_slice_header, Label::kNear); __ bind(&two_byte_slice); __ AllocateTwoByteSlicedString(rax, rbx, r14, &runtime); __ bind(&set_slice_header); __ Integer32ToSmi(rcx, rcx); __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, SlicedString::kLengthOffset), rcx); __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, SlicedString::kHashFieldOffset), Immediate(String::kEmptyHashField)); __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, SlicedString::kParentOffset), rdi); __ movp(FieldOperand(rax, SlicedString::kOffsetOffset), rdx); __ IncrementCounter(counters->sub_string_native(), 1); __ ret(3 * kPointerSize); __ bind(©_routine); } // rdi: underlying subject string // rbx: instance type of underlying subject string // rdx: adjusted start index (smi) // rcx: length // The subject string can only be external or sequential string of either // encoding at this point. Label two_byte_sequential, sequential_string; STATIC_ASSERT(kExternalStringTag != 0); STATIC_ASSERT(kSeqStringTag == 0); __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kExternalStringTag)); __ j(zero, &sequential_string); // Handle external string. // Rule out short external strings. STATIC_ASSERT(kShortExternalStringTag != 0); __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kShortExternalStringMask)); __ j(not_zero, &runtime); __ movp(rdi, FieldOperand(rdi, ExternalString::kResourceDataOffset)); // Move the pointer so that offset-wise, it looks like a sequential string. STATIC_ASSERT(SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize == SeqOneByteString::kHeaderSize); __ subp(rdi, Immediate(SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag)); __ bind(&sequential_string); STATIC_ASSERT((kOneByteStringTag & kStringEncodingMask) != 0); __ testb(rbx, Immediate(kStringEncodingMask)); __ j(zero, &two_byte_sequential); // Allocate the result. __ AllocateOneByteString(rax, rcx, r11, r14, r15, &runtime); // rax: result string // rcx: result string length { // Locate character of sub string start. SmiIndex smi_as_index = masm->SmiToIndex(rdx, rdx, times_1); __ leap(r14, Operand(rdi, smi_as_index.reg, smi_as_index.scale, SeqOneByteString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag)); } // Locate first character of result. __ leap(rdi, FieldOperand(rax, SeqOneByteString::kHeaderSize)); // rax: result string // rcx: result length // r14: first character of result // rsi: character of sub string start StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharacters( masm, rdi, r14, rcx, String::ONE_BYTE_ENCODING); __ IncrementCounter(counters->sub_string_native(), 1); __ ret(SUB_STRING_ARGUMENT_COUNT * kPointerSize); __ bind(&two_byte_sequential); // Allocate the result. __ AllocateTwoByteString(rax, rcx, r11, r14, r15, &runtime); // rax: result string // rcx: result string length { // Locate character of sub string start. SmiIndex smi_as_index = masm->SmiToIndex(rdx, rdx, times_2); __ leap(r14, Operand(rdi, smi_as_index.reg, smi_as_index.scale, SeqOneByteString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag)); } // Locate first character of result. __ leap(rdi, FieldOperand(rax, SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize)); // rax: result string // rcx: result length // rdi: first character of result // r14: character of sub string start StringHelper::GenerateCopyCharacters( masm, rdi, r14, rcx, String::TWO_BYTE_ENCODING); __ IncrementCounter(counters->sub_string_native(), 1); __ ret(SUB_STRING_ARGUMENT_COUNT * kPointerSize); // Just jump to runtime to create the sub string. __ bind(&runtime); __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kSubString, 3, 1); __ bind(&single_char); // rax: string // rbx: instance type // rcx: sub string length (smi) // rdx: from index (smi) StringCharAtGenerator generator(rax, rdx, rcx, rax, &runtime, &runtime, &runtime, STRING_INDEX_IS_NUMBER, RECEIVER_IS_STRING); generator.GenerateFast(masm); __ ret(SUB_STRING_ARGUMENT_COUNT * kPointerSize); generator.SkipSlow(masm, &runtime); } void ToNumberStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // The ToNumber stub takes one argument in rax. Label not_smi; __ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, ¬_smi, Label::kNear); __ Ret(); __ bind(¬_smi); Label not_heap_number; __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset), Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, ¬_heap_number, Label::kNear); __ Ret(); __ bind(¬_heap_number); Label not_string, slow_string; __ CmpObjectType(rax, FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE, rdi); // rax: object // rdi: object map __ j(above_equal, ¬_string, Label::kNear); // Check if string has a cached array index. __ testl(FieldOperand(rax, String::kHashFieldOffset), Immediate(String::kContainsCachedArrayIndexMask)); __ j(not_zero, &slow_string, Label::kNear); __ movl(rax, FieldOperand(rax, String::kHashFieldOffset)); __ IndexFromHash(rax, rax); __ Ret(); __ bind(&slow_string); __ PopReturnAddressTo(rcx); // Pop return address. __ Push(rax); // Push argument. __ PushReturnAddressFrom(rcx); // Push return address. __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kStringToNumber, 1, 1); __ bind(¬_string); Label not_oddball; __ CmpInstanceType(rdi, ODDBALL_TYPE); __ j(not_equal, ¬_oddball, Label::kNear); __ movp(rax, FieldOperand(rax, Oddball::kToNumberOffset)); __ Ret(); __ bind(¬_oddball); __ PopReturnAddressTo(rcx); // Pop return address. __ Push(rax); // Push argument. __ PushReturnAddressFrom(rcx); // Push return address. __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kToNumber, 1, 1); } void ToStringStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // The ToString stub takes one argument in rax. Label is_number; __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &is_number, Label::kNear); Label not_string; __ CmpObjectType(rax, FIRST_NONSTRING_TYPE, rdi); // rax: receiver // rdi: receiver map __ j(above_equal, ¬_string, Label::kNear); __ Ret(); __ bind(¬_string); Label not_heap_number; __ CompareRoot(rdi, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, ¬_heap_number, Label::kNear); __ bind(&is_number); NumberToStringStub stub(isolate()); __ TailCallStub(&stub); __ bind(¬_heap_number); Label not_oddball; __ CmpInstanceType(rdi, ODDBALL_TYPE); __ j(not_equal, ¬_oddball, Label::kNear); __ movp(rax, FieldOperand(rax, Oddball::kToStringOffset)); __ Ret(); __ bind(¬_oddball); __ PopReturnAddressTo(rcx); // Pop return address. __ Push(rax); // Push argument. __ PushReturnAddressFrom(rcx); // Push return address. __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kToString, 1, 1); } void StringHelper::GenerateFlatOneByteStringEquals(MacroAssembler* masm, Register left, Register right, Register scratch1, Register scratch2) { Register length = scratch1; // Compare lengths. Label check_zero_length; __ movp(length, FieldOperand(left, String::kLengthOffset)); __ SmiCompare(length, FieldOperand(right, String::kLengthOffset)); __ j(equal, &check_zero_length, Label::kNear); __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(NOT_EQUAL)); __ ret(0); // Check if the length is zero. Label compare_chars; __ bind(&check_zero_length); STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0); __ SmiTest(length); __ j(not_zero, &compare_chars, Label::kNear); __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(EQUAL)); __ ret(0); // Compare characters. __ bind(&compare_chars); Label strings_not_equal; GenerateOneByteCharsCompareLoop(masm, left, right, length, scratch2, &strings_not_equal, Label::kNear); // Characters are equal. __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(EQUAL)); __ ret(0); // Characters are not equal. __ bind(&strings_not_equal); __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(NOT_EQUAL)); __ ret(0); } void StringHelper::GenerateCompareFlatOneByteStrings( MacroAssembler* masm, Register left, Register right, Register scratch1, Register scratch2, Register scratch3, Register scratch4) { // Ensure that you can always subtract a string length from a non-negative // number (e.g. another length). STATIC_ASSERT(String::kMaxLength < 0x7fffffff); // Find minimum length and length difference. __ movp(scratch1, FieldOperand(left, String::kLengthOffset)); __ movp(scratch4, scratch1); __ SmiSub(scratch4, scratch4, FieldOperand(right, String::kLengthOffset)); // Register scratch4 now holds left.length - right.length. const Register length_difference = scratch4; Label left_shorter; __ j(less, &left_shorter, Label::kNear); // The right string isn't longer that the left one. // Get the right string's length by subtracting the (non-negative) difference // from the left string's length. __ SmiSub(scratch1, scratch1, length_difference); __ bind(&left_shorter); // Register scratch1 now holds Min(left.length, right.length). const Register min_length = scratch1; Label compare_lengths; // If min-length is zero, go directly to comparing lengths. __ SmiTest(min_length); __ j(zero, &compare_lengths, Label::kNear); // Compare loop. Label result_not_equal; GenerateOneByteCharsCompareLoop( masm, left, right, min_length, scratch2, &result_not_equal, // In debug-code mode, SmiTest below might push // the target label outside the near range. Label::kFar); // Completed loop without finding different characters. // Compare lengths (precomputed). __ bind(&compare_lengths); __ SmiTest(length_difference); Label length_not_equal; __ j(not_zero, &length_not_equal, Label::kNear); // Result is EQUAL. __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(EQUAL)); __ ret(0); Label result_greater; Label result_less; __ bind(&length_not_equal); __ j(greater, &result_greater, Label::kNear); __ jmp(&result_less, Label::kNear); __ bind(&result_not_equal); // Unequal comparison of left to right, either character or length. __ j(above, &result_greater, Label::kNear); __ bind(&result_less); // Result is LESS. __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(LESS)); __ ret(0); // Result is GREATER. __ bind(&result_greater); __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(GREATER)); __ ret(0); } void StringHelper::GenerateOneByteCharsCompareLoop( MacroAssembler* masm, Register left, Register right, Register length, Register scratch, Label* chars_not_equal, Label::Distance near_jump) { // Change index to run from -length to -1 by adding length to string // start. This means that loop ends when index reaches zero, which // doesn't need an additional compare. __ SmiToInteger32(length, length); __ leap(left, FieldOperand(left, length, times_1, SeqOneByteString::kHeaderSize)); __ leap(right, FieldOperand(right, length, times_1, SeqOneByteString::kHeaderSize)); __ negq(length); Register index = length; // index = -length; // Compare loop. Label loop; __ bind(&loop); __ movb(scratch, Operand(left, index, times_1, 0)); __ cmpb(scratch, Operand(right, index, times_1, 0)); __ j(not_equal, chars_not_equal, near_jump); __ incq(index); __ j(not_zero, &loop); } void StringCompareStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // ----------- S t a t e ------------- // -- rdx : left string // -- rax : right string // -- rsp[0] : return address // ----------------------------------- __ AssertString(rdx); __ AssertString(rax); // Check for identity. Label not_same; __ cmpp(rdx, rax); __ j(not_equal, ¬_same, Label::kNear); __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(EQUAL)); __ IncrementCounter(isolate()->counters()->string_compare_native(), 1); __ Ret(); __ bind(¬_same); // Check that both are sequential one-byte strings. Label runtime; __ JumpIfNotBothSequentialOneByteStrings(rdx, rax, rcx, rbx, &runtime); // Inline comparison of one-byte strings. __ IncrementCounter(isolate()->counters()->string_compare_native(), 1); StringHelper::GenerateCompareFlatOneByteStrings(masm, rdx, rax, rcx, rbx, rdi, r8); // Call the runtime; it returns -1 (less), 0 (equal), or 1 (greater) // tagged as a small integer. __ bind(&runtime); __ PopReturnAddressTo(rcx); __ Push(rdx); __ Push(rax); __ PushReturnAddressFrom(rcx); __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCompare, 2, 1); } void BinaryOpICWithAllocationSiteStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // ----------- S t a t e ------------- // -- rdx : left // -- rax : right // -- rsp[0] : return address // ----------------------------------- // Load rcx with the allocation site. We stick an undefined dummy value here // and replace it with the real allocation site later when we instantiate this // stub in BinaryOpICWithAllocationSiteStub::GetCodeCopyFromTemplate(). __ Move(rcx, handle(isolate()->heap()->undefined_value())); // Make sure that we actually patched the allocation site. if (FLAG_debug_code) { __ testb(rcx, Immediate(kSmiTagMask)); __ Assert(not_equal, kExpectedAllocationSite); __ Cmp(FieldOperand(rcx, HeapObject::kMapOffset), isolate()->factory()->allocation_site_map()); __ Assert(equal, kExpectedAllocationSite); } // Tail call into the stub that handles binary operations with allocation // sites. BinaryOpWithAllocationSiteStub stub(isolate(), state()); __ TailCallStub(&stub); } void CompareICStub::GenerateBooleans(MacroAssembler* masm) { DCHECK_EQ(CompareICState::BOOLEAN, state()); Label miss; Label::Distance const miss_distance = masm->emit_debug_code() ? Label::kFar : Label::kNear; __ JumpIfSmi(rdx, &miss, miss_distance); __ movp(rcx, FieldOperand(rdx, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &miss, miss_distance); __ movp(rbx, FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ JumpIfNotRoot(rcx, Heap::kBooleanMapRootIndex, &miss, miss_distance); __ JumpIfNotRoot(rbx, Heap::kBooleanMapRootIndex, &miss, miss_distance); if (op() != Token::EQ_STRICT && is_strong(strength())) { __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kThrowStrongModeImplicitConversion, 0, 1); } else { if (!Token::IsEqualityOp(op())) { __ movp(rax, FieldOperand(rax, Oddball::kToNumberOffset)); __ AssertSmi(rax); __ movp(rdx, FieldOperand(rdx, Oddball::kToNumberOffset)); __ AssertSmi(rdx); __ xchgp(rax, rdx); } __ subp(rax, rdx); __ Ret(); } __ bind(&miss); GenerateMiss(masm); } void CompareICStub::GenerateSmis(MacroAssembler* masm) { DCHECK(state() == CompareICState::SMI); Label miss; __ JumpIfNotBothSmi(rdx, rax, &miss, Label::kNear); if (GetCondition() == equal) { // For equality we do not care about the sign of the result. __ subp(rax, rdx); } else { Label done; __ subp(rdx, rax); __ j(no_overflow, &done, Label::kNear); // Correct sign of result in case of overflow. __ notp(rdx); __ bind(&done); __ movp(rax, rdx); } __ ret(0); __ bind(&miss); GenerateMiss(masm); } void CompareICStub::GenerateNumbers(MacroAssembler* masm) { DCHECK(state() == CompareICState::NUMBER); Label generic_stub; Label unordered, maybe_undefined1, maybe_undefined2; Label miss; if (left() == CompareICState::SMI) { __ JumpIfNotSmi(rdx, &miss); } if (right() == CompareICState::SMI) { __ JumpIfNotSmi(rax, &miss); } // Load left and right operand. Label done, left, left_smi, right_smi; __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &right_smi, Label::kNear); __ CompareMap(rax, isolate()->factory()->heap_number_map()); __ j(not_equal, &maybe_undefined1, Label::kNear); __ movsd(xmm1, FieldOperand(rax, HeapNumber::kValueOffset)); __ jmp(&left, Label::kNear); __ bind(&right_smi); __ SmiToInteger32(rcx, rax); // Can't clobber rax yet. __ Cvtlsi2sd(xmm1, rcx); __ bind(&left); __ JumpIfSmi(rdx, &left_smi, Label::kNear); __ CompareMap(rdx, isolate()->factory()->heap_number_map()); __ j(not_equal, &maybe_undefined2, Label::kNear); __ movsd(xmm0, FieldOperand(rdx, HeapNumber::kValueOffset)); __ jmp(&done); __ bind(&left_smi); __ SmiToInteger32(rcx, rdx); // Can't clobber rdx yet. __ Cvtlsi2sd(xmm0, rcx); __ bind(&done); // Compare operands __ ucomisd(xmm0, xmm1); // Don't base result on EFLAGS when a NaN is involved. __ j(parity_even, &unordered, Label::kNear); // Return a result of -1, 0, or 1, based on EFLAGS. // Performing mov, because xor would destroy the flag register. __ movl(rax, Immediate(0)); __ movl(rcx, Immediate(0)); __ setcc(above, rax); // Add one to zero if carry clear and not equal. __ sbbp(rax, rcx); // Subtract one if below (aka. carry set). __ ret(0); __ bind(&unordered); __ bind(&generic_stub); CompareICStub stub(isolate(), op(), strength(), CompareICState::GENERIC, CompareICState::GENERIC, CompareICState::GENERIC); __ jmp(stub.GetCode(), RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET); __ bind(&maybe_undefined1); if (Token::IsOrderedRelationalCompareOp(op())) { __ Cmp(rax, isolate()->factory()->undefined_value()); __ j(not_equal, &miss); __ JumpIfSmi(rdx, &unordered); __ CmpObjectType(rdx, HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE, rcx); __ j(not_equal, &maybe_undefined2, Label::kNear); __ jmp(&unordered); } __ bind(&maybe_undefined2); if (Token::IsOrderedRelationalCompareOp(op())) { __ Cmp(rdx, isolate()->factory()->undefined_value()); __ j(equal, &unordered); } __ bind(&miss); GenerateMiss(masm); } void CompareICStub::GenerateInternalizedStrings(MacroAssembler* masm) { DCHECK(state() == CompareICState::INTERNALIZED_STRING); DCHECK(GetCondition() == equal); // Registers containing left and right operands respectively. Register left = rdx; Register right = rax; Register tmp1 = rcx; Register tmp2 = rbx; // Check that both operands are heap objects. Label miss; Condition cond = masm->CheckEitherSmi(left, right, tmp1); __ j(cond, &miss, Label::kNear); // Check that both operands are internalized strings. __ movp(tmp1, FieldOperand(left, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movp(tmp2, FieldOperand(right, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movzxbp(tmp1, FieldOperand(tmp1, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); __ movzxbp(tmp2, FieldOperand(tmp2, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); STATIC_ASSERT(kInternalizedTag == 0 && kStringTag == 0); __ orp(tmp1, tmp2); __ testb(tmp1, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask | kIsNotInternalizedMask)); __ j(not_zero, &miss, Label::kNear); // Internalized strings are compared by identity. Label done; __ cmpp(left, right); // Make sure rax is non-zero. At this point input operands are // guaranteed to be non-zero. DCHECK(right.is(rax)); __ j(not_equal, &done, Label::kNear); STATIC_ASSERT(EQUAL == 0); STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0); __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(EQUAL)); __ bind(&done); __ ret(0); __ bind(&miss); GenerateMiss(masm); } void CompareICStub::GenerateUniqueNames(MacroAssembler* masm) { DCHECK(state() == CompareICState::UNIQUE_NAME); DCHECK(GetCondition() == equal); // Registers containing left and right operands respectively. Register left = rdx; Register right = rax; Register tmp1 = rcx; Register tmp2 = rbx; // Check that both operands are heap objects. Label miss; Condition cond = masm->CheckEitherSmi(left, right, tmp1); __ j(cond, &miss, Label::kNear); // Check that both operands are unique names. This leaves the instance // types loaded in tmp1 and tmp2. __ movp(tmp1, FieldOperand(left, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movp(tmp2, FieldOperand(right, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movzxbp(tmp1, FieldOperand(tmp1, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); __ movzxbp(tmp2, FieldOperand(tmp2, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); __ JumpIfNotUniqueNameInstanceType(tmp1, &miss, Label::kNear); __ JumpIfNotUniqueNameInstanceType(tmp2, &miss, Label::kNear); // Unique names are compared by identity. Label done; __ cmpp(left, right); // Make sure rax is non-zero. At this point input operands are // guaranteed to be non-zero. DCHECK(right.is(rax)); __ j(not_equal, &done, Label::kNear); STATIC_ASSERT(EQUAL == 0); STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0); __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(EQUAL)); __ bind(&done); __ ret(0); __ bind(&miss); GenerateMiss(masm); } void CompareICStub::GenerateStrings(MacroAssembler* masm) { DCHECK(state() == CompareICState::STRING); Label miss; bool equality = Token::IsEqualityOp(op()); // Registers containing left and right operands respectively. Register left = rdx; Register right = rax; Register tmp1 = rcx; Register tmp2 = rbx; Register tmp3 = rdi; // Check that both operands are heap objects. Condition cond = masm->CheckEitherSmi(left, right, tmp1); __ j(cond, &miss); // Check that both operands are strings. This leaves the instance // types loaded in tmp1 and tmp2. __ movp(tmp1, FieldOperand(left, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movp(tmp2, FieldOperand(right, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ movzxbp(tmp1, FieldOperand(tmp1, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); __ movzxbp(tmp2, FieldOperand(tmp2, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset)); __ movp(tmp3, tmp1); STATIC_ASSERT(kNotStringTag != 0); __ orp(tmp3, tmp2); __ testb(tmp3, Immediate(kIsNotStringMask)); __ j(not_zero, &miss); // Fast check for identical strings. Label not_same; __ cmpp(left, right); __ j(not_equal, ¬_same, Label::kNear); STATIC_ASSERT(EQUAL == 0); STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0); __ Move(rax, Smi::FromInt(EQUAL)); __ ret(0); // Handle not identical strings. __ bind(¬_same); // Check that both strings are internalized strings. If they are, we're done // because we already know they are not identical. We also know they are both // strings. if (equality) { Label do_compare; STATIC_ASSERT(kInternalizedTag == 0); __ orp(tmp1, tmp2); __ testb(tmp1, Immediate(kIsNotInternalizedMask)); __ j(not_zero, &do_compare, Label::kNear); // Make sure rax is non-zero. At this point input operands are // guaranteed to be non-zero. DCHECK(right.is(rax)); __ ret(0); __ bind(&do_compare); } // Check that both strings are sequential one-byte. Label runtime; __ JumpIfNotBothSequentialOneByteStrings(left, right, tmp1, tmp2, &runtime); // Compare flat one-byte strings. Returns when done. if (equality) { StringHelper::GenerateFlatOneByteStringEquals(masm, left, right, tmp1, tmp2); } else { StringHelper::GenerateCompareFlatOneByteStrings( masm, left, right, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, kScratchRegister); } // Handle more complex cases in runtime. __ bind(&runtime); __ PopReturnAddressTo(tmp1); __ Push(left); __ Push(right); __ PushReturnAddressFrom(tmp1); if (equality) { __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kStringEquals, 2, 1); } else { __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCompare, 2, 1); } __ bind(&miss); GenerateMiss(masm); } void CompareICStub::GenerateObjects(MacroAssembler* masm) { DCHECK(state() == CompareICState::OBJECT); Label miss; Condition either_smi = masm->CheckEitherSmi(rdx, rax); __ j(either_smi, &miss, Label::kNear); __ CmpObjectType(rax, JS_OBJECT_TYPE, rcx); __ j(not_equal, &miss, Label::kNear); __ CmpObjectType(rdx, JS_OBJECT_TYPE, rcx); __ j(not_equal, &miss, Label::kNear); DCHECK(GetCondition() == equal); __ subp(rax, rdx); __ ret(0); __ bind(&miss); GenerateMiss(masm); } void CompareICStub::GenerateKnownObjects(MacroAssembler* masm) { Label miss; Handle<WeakCell> cell = Map::WeakCellForMap(known_map_); Condition either_smi = masm->CheckEitherSmi(rdx, rax); __ j(either_smi, &miss, Label::kNear); __ GetWeakValue(rdi, cell); __ cmpp(FieldOperand(rdx, HeapObject::kMapOffset), rdi); __ j(not_equal, &miss, Label::kNear); __ cmpp(FieldOperand(rax, HeapObject::kMapOffset), rdi); __ j(not_equal, &miss, Label::kNear); if (Token::IsEqualityOp(op())) { __ subp(rax, rdx); __ ret(0); } else if (is_strong(strength())) { __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kThrowStrongModeImplicitConversion, 0, 1); } else { __ PopReturnAddressTo(rcx); __ Push(rdx); __ Push(rax); __ Push(Smi::FromInt(NegativeComparisonResult(GetCondition()))); __ PushReturnAddressFrom(rcx); __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kCompare, 3, 1); } __ bind(&miss); GenerateMiss(masm); } void CompareICStub::GenerateMiss(MacroAssembler* masm) { { // Call the runtime system in a fresh internal frame. FrameScope scope(masm, StackFrame::INTERNAL); __ Push(rdx); __ Push(rax); __ Push(rdx); __ Push(rax); __ Push(Smi::FromInt(op())); __ CallRuntime(Runtime::kCompareIC_Miss, 3); // Compute the entry point of the rewritten stub. __ leap(rdi, FieldOperand(rax, Code::kHeaderSize)); __ Pop(rax); __ Pop(rdx); } // Do a tail call to the rewritten stub. __ jmp(rdi); } void NameDictionaryLookupStub::GenerateNegativeLookup(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* miss, Label* done, Register properties, Handle<Name> name, Register r0) { DCHECK(name->IsUniqueName()); // If names of slots in range from 1 to kProbes - 1 for the hash value are // not equal to the name and kProbes-th slot is not used (its name is the // undefined value), it guarantees the hash table doesn't contain the // property. It's true even if some slots represent deleted properties // (their names are the hole value). for (int i = 0; i < kInlinedProbes; i++) { // r0 points to properties hash. // Compute the masked index: (hash + i + i * i) & mask. Register index = r0; // Capacity is smi 2^n. __ SmiToInteger32(index, FieldOperand(properties, kCapacityOffset)); __ decl(index); __ andp(index, Immediate(name->Hash() + NameDictionary::GetProbeOffset(i))); // Scale the index by multiplying by the entry size. STATIC_ASSERT(NameDictionary::kEntrySize == 3); __ leap(index, Operand(index, index, times_2, 0)); // index *= 3. Register entity_name = r0; // Having undefined at this place means the name is not contained. STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagSize == 1); __ movp(entity_name, Operand(properties, index, times_pointer_size, kElementsStartOffset - kHeapObjectTag)); __ Cmp(entity_name, masm->isolate()->factory()->undefined_value()); __ j(equal, done); // Stop if found the property. __ Cmp(entity_name, Handle<Name>(name)); __ j(equal, miss); Label good; // Check for the hole and skip. __ CompareRoot(entity_name, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex); __ j(equal, &good, Label::kNear); // Check if the entry name is not a unique name. __ movp(entity_name, FieldOperand(entity_name, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ JumpIfNotUniqueNameInstanceType( FieldOperand(entity_name, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset), miss); __ bind(&good); } NameDictionaryLookupStub stub(masm->isolate(), properties, r0, r0, NEGATIVE_LOOKUP); __ Push(Handle<Object>(name)); __ Push(Immediate(name->Hash())); __ CallStub(&stub); __ testp(r0, r0); __ j(not_zero, miss); __ jmp(done); } // Probe the name dictionary in the |elements| register. Jump to the // |done| label if a property with the given name is found leaving the // index into the dictionary in |r1|. Jump to the |miss| label // otherwise. void NameDictionaryLookupStub::GeneratePositiveLookup(MacroAssembler* masm, Label* miss, Label* done, Register elements, Register name, Register r0, Register r1) { DCHECK(!elements.is(r0)); DCHECK(!elements.is(r1)); DCHECK(!name.is(r0)); DCHECK(!name.is(r1)); __ AssertName(name); __ SmiToInteger32(r0, FieldOperand(elements, kCapacityOffset)); __ decl(r0); for (int i = 0; i < kInlinedProbes; i++) { // Compute the masked index: (hash + i + i * i) & mask. __ movl(r1, FieldOperand(name, Name::kHashFieldOffset)); __ shrl(r1, Immediate(Name::kHashShift)); if (i > 0) { __ addl(r1, Immediate(NameDictionary::GetProbeOffset(i))); } __ andp(r1, r0); // Scale the index by multiplying by the entry size. STATIC_ASSERT(NameDictionary::kEntrySize == 3); __ leap(r1, Operand(r1, r1, times_2, 0)); // r1 = r1 * 3 // Check if the key is identical to the name. __ cmpp(name, Operand(elements, r1, times_pointer_size, kElementsStartOffset - kHeapObjectTag)); __ j(equal, done); } NameDictionaryLookupStub stub(masm->isolate(), elements, r0, r1, POSITIVE_LOOKUP); __ Push(name); __ movl(r0, FieldOperand(name, Name::kHashFieldOffset)); __ shrl(r0, Immediate(Name::kHashShift)); __ Push(r0); __ CallStub(&stub); __ testp(r0, r0); __ j(zero, miss); __ jmp(done); } void NameDictionaryLookupStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // This stub overrides SometimesSetsUpAFrame() to return false. That means // we cannot call anything that could cause a GC from this stub. // Stack frame on entry: // rsp[0 * kPointerSize] : return address. // rsp[1 * kPointerSize] : key's hash. // rsp[2 * kPointerSize] : key. // Registers: // dictionary_: NameDictionary to probe. // result_: used as scratch. // index_: will hold an index of entry if lookup is successful. // might alias with result_. // Returns: // result_ is zero if lookup failed, non zero otherwise. Label in_dictionary, maybe_in_dictionary, not_in_dictionary; Register scratch = result(); __ SmiToInteger32(scratch, FieldOperand(dictionary(), kCapacityOffset)); __ decl(scratch); __ Push(scratch); // If names of slots in range from 1 to kProbes - 1 for the hash value are // not equal to the name and kProbes-th slot is not used (its name is the // undefined value), it guarantees the hash table doesn't contain the // property. It's true even if some slots represent deleted properties // (their names are the null value). StackArgumentsAccessor args(rsp, 2, ARGUMENTS_DONT_CONTAIN_RECEIVER, kPointerSize); for (int i = kInlinedProbes; i < kTotalProbes; i++) { // Compute the masked index: (hash + i + i * i) & mask. __ movp(scratch, args.GetArgumentOperand(1)); if (i > 0) { __ addl(scratch, Immediate(NameDictionary::GetProbeOffset(i))); } __ andp(scratch, Operand(rsp, 0)); // Scale the index by multiplying by the entry size. STATIC_ASSERT(NameDictionary::kEntrySize == 3); __ leap(index(), Operand(scratch, scratch, times_2, 0)); // index *= 3. // Having undefined at this place means the name is not contained. __ movp(scratch, Operand(dictionary(), index(), times_pointer_size, kElementsStartOffset - kHeapObjectTag)); __ Cmp(scratch, isolate()->factory()->undefined_value()); __ j(equal, ¬_in_dictionary); // Stop if found the property. __ cmpp(scratch, args.GetArgumentOperand(0)); __ j(equal, &in_dictionary); if (i != kTotalProbes - 1 && mode() == NEGATIVE_LOOKUP) { // If we hit a key that is not a unique name during negative // lookup we have to bailout as this key might be equal to the // key we are looking for. // Check if the entry name is not a unique name. __ movp(scratch, FieldOperand(scratch, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ JumpIfNotUniqueNameInstanceType( FieldOperand(scratch, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset), &maybe_in_dictionary); } } __ bind(&maybe_in_dictionary); // If we are doing negative lookup then probing failure should be // treated as a lookup success. For positive lookup probing failure // should be treated as lookup failure. if (mode() == POSITIVE_LOOKUP) { __ movp(scratch, Immediate(0)); __ Drop(1); __ ret(2 * kPointerSize); } __ bind(&in_dictionary); __ movp(scratch, Immediate(1)); __ Drop(1); __ ret(2 * kPointerSize); __ bind(¬_in_dictionary); __ movp(scratch, Immediate(0)); __ Drop(1); __ ret(2 * kPointerSize); } void StoreBufferOverflowStub::GenerateFixedRegStubsAheadOfTime( Isolate* isolate) { StoreBufferOverflowStub stub1(isolate, kDontSaveFPRegs); stub1.GetCode(); StoreBufferOverflowStub stub2(isolate, kSaveFPRegs); stub2.GetCode(); } // Takes the input in 3 registers: address_ value_ and object_. A pointer to // the value has just been written into the object, now this stub makes sure // we keep the GC informed. The word in the object where the value has been // written is in the address register. void RecordWriteStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { Label skip_to_incremental_noncompacting; Label skip_to_incremental_compacting; // The first two instructions are generated with labels so as to get the // offset fixed up correctly by the bind(Label*) call. We patch it back and // forth between a compare instructions (a nop in this position) and the // real branch when we start and stop incremental heap marking. // See RecordWriteStub::Patch for details. __ jmp(&skip_to_incremental_noncompacting, Label::kNear); __ jmp(&skip_to_incremental_compacting, Label::kFar); if (remembered_set_action() == EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET) { __ RememberedSetHelper(object(), address(), value(), save_fp_regs_mode(), MacroAssembler::kReturnAtEnd); } else { __ ret(0); } __ bind(&skip_to_incremental_noncompacting); GenerateIncremental(masm, INCREMENTAL); __ bind(&skip_to_incremental_compacting); GenerateIncremental(masm, INCREMENTAL_COMPACTION); // Initial mode of the stub is expected to be STORE_BUFFER_ONLY. // Will be checked in IncrementalMarking::ActivateGeneratedStub. masm->set_byte_at(0, kTwoByteNopInstruction); masm->set_byte_at(2, kFiveByteNopInstruction); } void RecordWriteStub::GenerateIncremental(MacroAssembler* masm, Mode mode) { regs_.Save(masm); if (remembered_set_action() == EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET) { Label dont_need_remembered_set; __ movp(regs_.scratch0(), Operand(regs_.address(), 0)); __ JumpIfNotInNewSpace(regs_.scratch0(), regs_.scratch0(), &dont_need_remembered_set); __ CheckPageFlag(regs_.object(), regs_.scratch0(), 1 << MemoryChunk::SCAN_ON_SCAVENGE, not_zero, &dont_need_remembered_set); // First notify the incremental marker if necessary, then update the // remembered set. CheckNeedsToInformIncrementalMarker( masm, kUpdateRememberedSetOnNoNeedToInformIncrementalMarker, mode); InformIncrementalMarker(masm); regs_.Restore(masm); __ RememberedSetHelper(object(), address(), value(), save_fp_regs_mode(), MacroAssembler::kReturnAtEnd); __ bind(&dont_need_remembered_set); } CheckNeedsToInformIncrementalMarker( masm, kReturnOnNoNeedToInformIncrementalMarker, mode); InformIncrementalMarker(masm); regs_.Restore(masm); __ ret(0); } void RecordWriteStub::InformIncrementalMarker(MacroAssembler* masm) { regs_.SaveCallerSaveRegisters(masm, save_fp_regs_mode()); Register address = arg_reg_1.is(regs_.address()) ? kScratchRegister : regs_.address(); DCHECK(!address.is(regs_.object())); DCHECK(!address.is(arg_reg_1)); __ Move(address, regs_.address()); __ Move(arg_reg_1, regs_.object()); // TODO(gc) Can we just set address arg2 in the beginning? __ Move(arg_reg_2, address); __ LoadAddress(arg_reg_3, ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate())); int argument_count = 3; AllowExternalCallThatCantCauseGC scope(masm); __ PrepareCallCFunction(argument_count); __ CallCFunction( ExternalReference::incremental_marking_record_write_function(isolate()), argument_count); regs_.RestoreCallerSaveRegisters(masm, save_fp_regs_mode()); } void RecordWriteStub::CheckNeedsToInformIncrementalMarker( MacroAssembler* masm, OnNoNeedToInformIncrementalMarker on_no_need, Mode mode) { Label on_black; Label need_incremental; Label need_incremental_pop_object; __ movp(regs_.scratch0(), Immediate(~Page::kPageAlignmentMask)); __ andp(regs_.scratch0(), regs_.object()); __ movp(regs_.scratch1(), Operand(regs_.scratch0(), MemoryChunk::kWriteBarrierCounterOffset)); __ subp(regs_.scratch1(), Immediate(1)); __ movp(Operand(regs_.scratch0(), MemoryChunk::kWriteBarrierCounterOffset), regs_.scratch1()); __ j(negative, &need_incremental); // Let's look at the color of the object: If it is not black we don't have // to inform the incremental marker. __ JumpIfBlack(regs_.object(), regs_.scratch0(), regs_.scratch1(), &on_black, Label::kNear); regs_.Restore(masm); if (on_no_need == kUpdateRememberedSetOnNoNeedToInformIncrementalMarker) { __ RememberedSetHelper(object(), address(), value(), save_fp_regs_mode(), MacroAssembler::kReturnAtEnd); } else { __ ret(0); } __ bind(&on_black); // Get the value from the slot. __ movp(regs_.scratch0(), Operand(regs_.address(), 0)); if (mode == INCREMENTAL_COMPACTION) { Label ensure_not_white; __ CheckPageFlag(regs_.scratch0(), // Contains value. regs_.scratch1(), // Scratch. MemoryChunk::kEvacuationCandidateMask, zero, &ensure_not_white, Label::kNear); __ CheckPageFlag(regs_.object(), regs_.scratch1(), // Scratch. MemoryChunk::kSkipEvacuationSlotsRecordingMask, zero, &need_incremental); __ bind(&ensure_not_white); } // We need an extra register for this, so we push the object register // temporarily. __ Push(regs_.object()); __ EnsureNotWhite(regs_.scratch0(), // The value. regs_.scratch1(), // Scratch. regs_.object(), // Scratch. &need_incremental_pop_object, Label::kNear); __ Pop(regs_.object()); regs_.Restore(masm); if (on_no_need == kUpdateRememberedSetOnNoNeedToInformIncrementalMarker) { __ RememberedSetHelper(object(), address(), value(), save_fp_regs_mode(), MacroAssembler::kReturnAtEnd); } else { __ ret(0); } __ bind(&need_incremental_pop_object); __ Pop(regs_.object()); __ bind(&need_incremental); // Fall through when we need to inform the incremental marker. } void StoreArrayLiteralElementStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // ----------- S t a t e ------------- // -- rax : element value to store // -- rcx : element index as smi // -- rsp[0] : return address // -- rsp[8] : array literal index in function // -- rsp[16] : array literal // clobbers rbx, rdx, rdi // ----------------------------------- Label element_done; Label double_elements; Label smi_element; Label slow_elements; Label fast_elements; // Get array literal index, array literal and its map. StackArgumentsAccessor args(rsp, 2, ARGUMENTS_DONT_CONTAIN_RECEIVER); __ movp(rdx, args.GetArgumentOperand(1)); __ movp(rbx, args.GetArgumentOperand(0)); __ movp(rdi, FieldOperand(rbx, JSObject::kMapOffset)); __ CheckFastElements(rdi, &double_elements); // FAST_*_SMI_ELEMENTS or FAST_*_ELEMENTS __ JumpIfSmi(rax, &smi_element); __ CheckFastSmiElements(rdi, &fast_elements); // Store into the array literal requires a elements transition. Call into // the runtime. __ bind(&slow_elements); __ PopReturnAddressTo(rdi); __ Push(rbx); __ Push(rcx); __ Push(rax); __ movp(rbx, Operand(rbp, JavaScriptFrameConstants::kFunctionOffset)); __ Push(FieldOperand(rbx, JSFunction::kLiteralsOffset)); __ Push(rdx); __ PushReturnAddressFrom(rdi); __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kStoreArrayLiteralElement, 5, 1); // Array literal has ElementsKind of FAST_*_ELEMENTS and value is an object. __ bind(&fast_elements); __ SmiToInteger32(kScratchRegister, rcx); __ movp(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, JSObject::kElementsOffset)); __ leap(rcx, FieldOperand(rbx, kScratchRegister, times_pointer_size, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize)); __ movp(Operand(rcx, 0), rax); // Update the write barrier for the array store. __ RecordWrite(rbx, rcx, rax, kDontSaveFPRegs, EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET, OMIT_SMI_CHECK); __ ret(0); // Array literal has ElementsKind of FAST_*_SMI_ELEMENTS or // FAST_*_ELEMENTS, and value is Smi. __ bind(&smi_element); __ SmiToInteger32(kScratchRegister, rcx); __ movp(rbx, FieldOperand(rbx, JSObject::kElementsOffset)); __ movp(FieldOperand(rbx, kScratchRegister, times_pointer_size, FixedArrayBase::kHeaderSize), rax); __ ret(0); // Array literal has ElementsKind of FAST_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS. __ bind(&double_elements); __ movp(r9, FieldOperand(rbx, JSObject::kElementsOffset)); __ SmiToInteger32(r11, rcx); __ StoreNumberToDoubleElements(rax, r9, r11, xmm0, &slow_elements); __ ret(0); } void StubFailureTrampolineStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { CEntryStub ces(isolate(), 1, kSaveFPRegs); __ Call(ces.GetCode(), RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET); int parameter_count_offset = StubFailureTrampolineFrame::kCallerStackParameterCountFrameOffset; __ movp(rbx, MemOperand(rbp, parameter_count_offset)); masm->LeaveFrame(StackFrame::STUB_FAILURE_TRAMPOLINE); __ PopReturnAddressTo(rcx); int additional_offset = function_mode() == JS_FUNCTION_STUB_MODE ? kPointerSize : 0; __ leap(rsp, MemOperand(rsp, rbx, times_pointer_size, additional_offset)); __ jmp(rcx); // Return to IC Miss stub, continuation still on stack. } void LoadICTrampolineStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { __ EmitLoadTypeFeedbackVector(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister()); LoadICStub stub(isolate(), state()); stub.GenerateForTrampoline(masm); } void KeyedLoadICTrampolineStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { __ EmitLoadTypeFeedbackVector(LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister()); KeyedLoadICStub stub(isolate(), state()); stub.GenerateForTrampoline(masm); } static void HandleArrayCases(MacroAssembler* masm, Register feedback, Register receiver_map, Register scratch1, Register scratch2, Register scratch3, bool is_polymorphic, Label* miss) { // feedback initially contains the feedback array Label next_loop, prepare_next; Label start_polymorphic; Register counter = scratch1; Register length = scratch2; Register cached_map = scratch3; __ movp(cached_map, FieldOperand(feedback, FixedArray::OffsetOfElementAt(0))); __ cmpp(receiver_map, FieldOperand(cached_map, WeakCell::kValueOffset)); __ j(not_equal, &start_polymorphic); // found, now call handler. Register handler = feedback; __ movp(handler, FieldOperand(feedback, FixedArray::OffsetOfElementAt(1))); __ leap(handler, FieldOperand(handler, Code::kHeaderSize)); __ jmp(handler); // Polymorphic, we have to loop from 2 to N __ bind(&start_polymorphic); __ SmiToInteger32(length, FieldOperand(feedback, FixedArray::kLengthOffset)); if (!is_polymorphic) { // If the IC could be monomorphic we have to make sure we don't go past the // end of the feedback array. __ cmpl(length, Immediate(2)); __ j(equal, miss); } __ movl(counter, Immediate(2)); __ bind(&next_loop); __ movp(cached_map, FieldOperand(feedback, counter, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize)); __ cmpp(receiver_map, FieldOperand(cached_map, WeakCell::kValueOffset)); __ j(not_equal, &prepare_next); __ movp(handler, FieldOperand(feedback, counter, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize)); __ leap(handler, FieldOperand(handler, Code::kHeaderSize)); __ jmp(handler); __ bind(&prepare_next); __ addl(counter, Immediate(2)); __ cmpl(counter, length); __ j(less, &next_loop); // We exhausted our array of map handler pairs. __ jmp(miss); } static void HandleMonomorphicCase(MacroAssembler* masm, Register receiver, Register receiver_map, Register feedback, Register vector, Register integer_slot, Label* compare_map, Label* load_smi_map, Label* try_array) { __ JumpIfSmi(receiver, load_smi_map); __ movp(receiver_map, FieldOperand(receiver, 0)); __ bind(compare_map); __ cmpp(receiver_map, FieldOperand(feedback, WeakCell::kValueOffset)); __ j(not_equal, try_array); Register handler = feedback; __ movp(handler, FieldOperand(vector, integer_slot, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize)); __ leap(handler, FieldOperand(handler, Code::kHeaderSize)); __ jmp(handler); } void LoadICStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { GenerateImpl(masm, false); } void LoadICStub::GenerateForTrampoline(MacroAssembler* masm) { GenerateImpl(masm, true); } void LoadICStub::GenerateImpl(MacroAssembler* masm, bool in_frame) { Register receiver = LoadWithVectorDescriptor::ReceiverRegister(); // rdx Register name = LoadWithVectorDescriptor::NameRegister(); // rcx Register vector = LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister(); // rbx Register slot = LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister(); // rax Register feedback = rdi; Register integer_slot = r8; Register receiver_map = r9; __ SmiToInteger32(integer_slot, slot); __ movp(feedback, FieldOperand(vector, integer_slot, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize)); // Try to quickly handle the monomorphic case without knowing for sure // if we have a weak cell in feedback. We do know it's safe to look // at WeakCell::kValueOffset. Label try_array, load_smi_map, compare_map; Label not_array, miss; HandleMonomorphicCase(masm, receiver, receiver_map, feedback, vector, integer_slot, &compare_map, &load_smi_map, &try_array); // Is it a fixed array? __ bind(&try_array); __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(feedback, 0), Heap::kFixedArrayMapRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, ¬_array); HandleArrayCases(masm, feedback, receiver_map, integer_slot, r11, r15, true, &miss); __ bind(¬_array); __ CompareRoot(feedback, Heap::kmegamorphic_symbolRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, &miss); Code::Flags code_flags = Code::RemoveTypeAndHolderFromFlags( Code::ComputeHandlerFlags(Code::LOAD_IC)); masm->isolate()->stub_cache()->GenerateProbe( masm, Code::LOAD_IC, code_flags, receiver, name, feedback, no_reg); __ bind(&miss); LoadIC::GenerateMiss(masm); __ bind(&load_smi_map); __ LoadRoot(receiver_map, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex); __ jmp(&compare_map); } void KeyedLoadICStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { GenerateImpl(masm, false); } void KeyedLoadICStub::GenerateForTrampoline(MacroAssembler* masm) { GenerateImpl(masm, true); } void KeyedLoadICStub::GenerateImpl(MacroAssembler* masm, bool in_frame) { Register receiver = LoadWithVectorDescriptor::ReceiverRegister(); // rdx Register key = LoadWithVectorDescriptor::NameRegister(); // rcx Register vector = LoadWithVectorDescriptor::VectorRegister(); // rbx Register slot = LoadWithVectorDescriptor::SlotRegister(); // rax Register feedback = rdi; Register integer_slot = r8; Register receiver_map = r9; __ SmiToInteger32(integer_slot, slot); __ movp(feedback, FieldOperand(vector, integer_slot, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize)); // Try to quickly handle the monomorphic case without knowing for sure // if we have a weak cell in feedback. We do know it's safe to look // at WeakCell::kValueOffset. Label try_array, load_smi_map, compare_map; Label not_array, miss; HandleMonomorphicCase(masm, receiver, receiver_map, feedback, vector, integer_slot, &compare_map, &load_smi_map, &try_array); __ bind(&try_array); // Is it a fixed array? __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(feedback, 0), Heap::kFixedArrayMapRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, ¬_array); // We have a polymorphic element handler. Label polymorphic, try_poly_name; __ bind(&polymorphic); HandleArrayCases(masm, feedback, receiver_map, integer_slot, r11, r15, true, &miss); __ bind(¬_array); // Is it generic? __ CompareRoot(feedback, Heap::kmegamorphic_symbolRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, &try_poly_name); Handle<Code> megamorphic_stub = KeyedLoadIC::ChooseMegamorphicStub(masm->isolate(), GetExtraICState()); __ jmp(megamorphic_stub, RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET); __ bind(&try_poly_name); // We might have a name in feedback, and a fixed array in the next slot. __ cmpp(key, feedback); __ j(not_equal, &miss); // If the name comparison succeeded, we know we have a fixed array with // at least one map/handler pair. __ movp(feedback, FieldOperand(vector, integer_slot, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize)); HandleArrayCases(masm, feedback, receiver_map, integer_slot, r11, r15, false, &miss); __ bind(&miss); KeyedLoadIC::GenerateMiss(masm); __ bind(&load_smi_map); __ LoadRoot(receiver_map, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex); __ jmp(&compare_map); } void VectorStoreICTrampolineStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { __ EmitLoadTypeFeedbackVector(VectorStoreICDescriptor::VectorRegister()); VectorStoreICStub stub(isolate(), state()); stub.GenerateForTrampoline(masm); } void VectorKeyedStoreICTrampolineStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { __ EmitLoadTypeFeedbackVector(VectorStoreICDescriptor::VectorRegister()); VectorKeyedStoreICStub stub(isolate(), state()); stub.GenerateForTrampoline(masm); } void VectorStoreICStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { GenerateImpl(masm, false); } void VectorStoreICStub::GenerateForTrampoline(MacroAssembler* masm) { GenerateImpl(masm, true); } void VectorStoreICStub::GenerateImpl(MacroAssembler* masm, bool in_frame) { Register receiver = VectorStoreICDescriptor::ReceiverRegister(); // rdx Register key = VectorStoreICDescriptor::NameRegister(); // rcx Register vector = VectorStoreICDescriptor::VectorRegister(); // rbx Register slot = VectorStoreICDescriptor::SlotRegister(); // rdi DCHECK(VectorStoreICDescriptor::ValueRegister().is(rax)); // rax Register feedback = r8; Register integer_slot = r9; Register receiver_map = r11; DCHECK(!AreAliased(feedback, integer_slot, vector, slot, receiver_map)); __ SmiToInteger32(integer_slot, slot); __ movp(feedback, FieldOperand(vector, integer_slot, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize)); // Try to quickly handle the monomorphic case without knowing for sure // if we have a weak cell in feedback. We do know it's safe to look // at WeakCell::kValueOffset. Label try_array, load_smi_map, compare_map; Label not_array, miss; HandleMonomorphicCase(masm, receiver, receiver_map, feedback, vector, integer_slot, &compare_map, &load_smi_map, &try_array); // Is it a fixed array? __ bind(&try_array); __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(feedback, 0), Heap::kFixedArrayMapRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, ¬_array); HandleArrayCases(masm, feedback, receiver_map, integer_slot, r14, r15, true, &miss); __ bind(¬_array); __ CompareRoot(feedback, Heap::kmegamorphic_symbolRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, &miss); Code::Flags code_flags = Code::RemoveTypeAndHolderFromFlags( Code::ComputeHandlerFlags(Code::STORE_IC)); masm->isolate()->stub_cache()->GenerateProbe(masm, Code::STORE_IC, code_flags, receiver, key, feedback, no_reg); __ bind(&miss); StoreIC::GenerateMiss(masm); __ bind(&load_smi_map); __ LoadRoot(receiver_map, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex); __ jmp(&compare_map); } void VectorKeyedStoreICStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { GenerateImpl(masm, false); } void VectorKeyedStoreICStub::GenerateForTrampoline(MacroAssembler* masm) { GenerateImpl(masm, true); } static void HandlePolymorphicKeyedStoreCase(MacroAssembler* masm, Register receiver_map, Register feedback, Register scratch, Register scratch1, Register scratch2, Label* miss) { // feedback initially contains the feedback array Label next, next_loop, prepare_next; Label transition_call; Register cached_map = scratch; Register counter = scratch1; Register length = scratch2; // Polymorphic, we have to loop from 0 to N - 1 __ movp(counter, Immediate(0)); __ movp(length, FieldOperand(feedback, FixedArray::kLengthOffset)); __ SmiToInteger32(length, length); __ bind(&next_loop); __ movp(cached_map, FieldOperand(feedback, counter, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize)); __ cmpp(receiver_map, FieldOperand(cached_map, WeakCell::kValueOffset)); __ j(not_equal, &prepare_next); __ movp(cached_map, FieldOperand(feedback, counter, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize)); __ CompareRoot(cached_map, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, &transition_call); __ movp(feedback, FieldOperand(feedback, counter, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + 2 * kPointerSize)); __ leap(feedback, FieldOperand(feedback, Code::kHeaderSize)); __ jmp(feedback); __ bind(&transition_call); DCHECK(receiver_map.is(VectorStoreTransitionDescriptor::MapRegister())); __ movp(receiver_map, FieldOperand(cached_map, WeakCell::kValueOffset)); // The weak cell may have been cleared. __ JumpIfSmi(receiver_map, miss); // Get the handler in value. __ movp(feedback, FieldOperand(feedback, counter, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + 2 * kPointerSize)); __ leap(feedback, FieldOperand(feedback, Code::kHeaderSize)); __ jmp(feedback); __ bind(&prepare_next); __ addl(counter, Immediate(3)); __ cmpl(counter, length); __ j(less, &next_loop); // We exhausted our array of map handler pairs. __ jmp(miss); } void VectorKeyedStoreICStub::GenerateImpl(MacroAssembler* masm, bool in_frame) { Register receiver = VectorStoreICDescriptor::ReceiverRegister(); // rdx Register key = VectorStoreICDescriptor::NameRegister(); // rcx Register vector = VectorStoreICDescriptor::VectorRegister(); // rbx Register slot = VectorStoreICDescriptor::SlotRegister(); // rdi DCHECK(VectorStoreICDescriptor::ValueRegister().is(rax)); // rax Register feedback = r8; Register integer_slot = r9; Register receiver_map = r11; DCHECK(!AreAliased(feedback, integer_slot, vector, slot, receiver_map)); __ SmiToInteger32(integer_slot, slot); __ movp(feedback, FieldOperand(vector, integer_slot, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize)); // Try to quickly handle the monomorphic case without knowing for sure // if we have a weak cell in feedback. We do know it's safe to look // at WeakCell::kValueOffset. Label try_array, load_smi_map, compare_map; Label not_array, miss; HandleMonomorphicCase(masm, receiver, receiver_map, feedback, vector, integer_slot, &compare_map, &load_smi_map, &try_array); // Is it a fixed array? __ bind(&try_array); __ CompareRoot(FieldOperand(feedback, 0), Heap::kFixedArrayMapRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, ¬_array); HandlePolymorphicKeyedStoreCase(masm, receiver_map, feedback, integer_slot, r15, r14, &miss); __ bind(¬_array); Label try_poly_name; __ CompareRoot(feedback, Heap::kmegamorphic_symbolRootIndex); __ j(not_equal, &try_poly_name); Handle<Code> megamorphic_stub = KeyedStoreIC::ChooseMegamorphicStub(masm->isolate(), GetExtraICState()); __ jmp(megamorphic_stub, RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET); __ bind(&try_poly_name); // We might have a name in feedback, and a fixed array in the next slot. __ cmpp(key, feedback); __ j(not_equal, &miss); // If the name comparison succeeded, we know we have a fixed array with // at least one map/handler pair. __ movp(feedback, FieldOperand(vector, integer_slot, times_pointer_size, FixedArray::kHeaderSize + kPointerSize)); HandleArrayCases(masm, feedback, receiver_map, integer_slot, r14, r15, false, &miss); __ bind(&miss); KeyedStoreIC::GenerateMiss(masm); __ bind(&load_smi_map); __ LoadRoot(receiver_map, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex); __ jmp(&compare_map); } void CallICTrampolineStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { __ EmitLoadTypeFeedbackVector(rbx); CallICStub stub(isolate(), state()); __ jmp(stub.GetCode(), RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET); } void ProfileEntryHookStub::MaybeCallEntryHook(MacroAssembler* masm) { if (masm->isolate()->function_entry_hook() != NULL) { ProfileEntryHookStub stub(masm->isolate()); masm->CallStub(&stub); } } void ProfileEntryHookStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // This stub can be called from essentially anywhere, so it needs to save // all volatile and callee-save registers. const size_t kNumSavedRegisters = 2; __ pushq(arg_reg_1); __ pushq(arg_reg_2); // Calculate the original stack pointer and store it in the second arg. __ leap(arg_reg_2, Operand(rsp, kNumSavedRegisters * kRegisterSize + kPCOnStackSize)); // Calculate the function address to the first arg. __ movp(arg_reg_1, Operand(rsp, kNumSavedRegisters * kRegisterSize)); __ subp(arg_reg_1, Immediate(Assembler::kShortCallInstructionLength)); // Save the remainder of the volatile registers. masm->PushCallerSaved(kSaveFPRegs, arg_reg_1, arg_reg_2); // Call the entry hook function. __ Move(rax, FUNCTION_ADDR(isolate()->function_entry_hook()), Assembler::RelocInfoNone()); AllowExternalCallThatCantCauseGC scope(masm); const int kArgumentCount = 2; __ PrepareCallCFunction(kArgumentCount); __ CallCFunction(rax, kArgumentCount); // Restore volatile regs. masm->PopCallerSaved(kSaveFPRegs, arg_reg_1, arg_reg_2); __ popq(arg_reg_2); __ popq(arg_reg_1); __ Ret(); } template<class T> static void CreateArrayDispatch(MacroAssembler* masm, AllocationSiteOverrideMode mode) { if (mode == DISABLE_ALLOCATION_SITES) { T stub(masm->isolate(), GetInitialFastElementsKind(), mode); __ TailCallStub(&stub); } else if (mode == DONT_OVERRIDE) { int last_index = GetSequenceIndexFromFastElementsKind( TERMINAL_FAST_ELEMENTS_KIND); for (int i = 0; i <= last_index; ++i) { Label next; ElementsKind kind = GetFastElementsKindFromSequenceIndex(i); __ cmpl(rdx, Immediate(kind)); __ j(not_equal, &next); T stub(masm->isolate(), kind); __ TailCallStub(&stub); __ bind(&next); } // If we reached this point there is a problem. __ Abort(kUnexpectedElementsKindInArrayConstructor); } else { UNREACHABLE(); } } static void CreateArrayDispatchOneArgument(MacroAssembler* masm, AllocationSiteOverrideMode mode) { // rbx - allocation site (if mode != DISABLE_ALLOCATION_SITES) // rdx - kind (if mode != DISABLE_ALLOCATION_SITES) // rax - number of arguments // rdi - constructor? // rsp[0] - return address // rsp[8] - last argument Handle<Object> undefined_sentinel( masm->isolate()->heap()->undefined_value(), masm->isolate()); Label normal_sequence; if (mode == DONT_OVERRIDE) { STATIC_ASSERT(FAST_SMI_ELEMENTS == 0); STATIC_ASSERT(FAST_HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS == 1); STATIC_ASSERT(FAST_ELEMENTS == 2); STATIC_ASSERT(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS == 3); STATIC_ASSERT(FAST_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS == 4); STATIC_ASSERT(FAST_HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS == 5); // is the low bit set? If so, we are holey and that is good. __ testb(rdx, Immediate(1)); __ j(not_zero, &normal_sequence); } // look at the first argument StackArgumentsAccessor args(rsp, 1, ARGUMENTS_DONT_CONTAIN_RECEIVER); __ movp(rcx, args.GetArgumentOperand(0)); __ testp(rcx, rcx); __ j(zero, &normal_sequence); if (mode == DISABLE_ALLOCATION_SITES) { ElementsKind initial = GetInitialFastElementsKind(); ElementsKind holey_initial = GetHoleyElementsKind(initial); ArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub stub_holey(masm->isolate(), holey_initial, DISABLE_ALLOCATION_SITES); __ TailCallStub(&stub_holey); __ bind(&normal_sequence); ArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub stub(masm->isolate(), initial, DISABLE_ALLOCATION_SITES); __ TailCallStub(&stub); } else if (mode == DONT_OVERRIDE) { // We are going to create a holey array, but our kind is non-holey. // Fix kind and retry (only if we have an allocation site in the slot). __ incl(rdx); if (FLAG_debug_code) { Handle<Map> allocation_site_map = masm->isolate()->factory()->allocation_site_map(); __ Cmp(FieldOperand(rbx, 0), allocation_site_map); __ Assert(equal, kExpectedAllocationSite); } // Save the resulting elements kind in type info. We can't just store r3 // in the AllocationSite::transition_info field because elements kind is // restricted to a portion of the field...upper bits need to be left alone. STATIC_ASSERT(AllocationSite::ElementsKindBits::kShift == 0); __ SmiAddConstant(FieldOperand(rbx, AllocationSite::kTransitionInfoOffset), Smi::FromInt(kFastElementsKindPackedToHoley)); __ bind(&normal_sequence); int last_index = GetSequenceIndexFromFastElementsKind( TERMINAL_FAST_ELEMENTS_KIND); for (int i = 0; i <= last_index; ++i) { Label next; ElementsKind kind = GetFastElementsKindFromSequenceIndex(i); __ cmpl(rdx, Immediate(kind)); __ j(not_equal, &next); ArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub stub(masm->isolate(), kind); __ TailCallStub(&stub); __ bind(&next); } // If we reached this point there is a problem. __ Abort(kUnexpectedElementsKindInArrayConstructor); } else { UNREACHABLE(); } } template<class T> static void ArrayConstructorStubAheadOfTimeHelper(Isolate* isolate) { int to_index = GetSequenceIndexFromFastElementsKind( TERMINAL_FAST_ELEMENTS_KIND); for (int i = 0; i <= to_index; ++i) { ElementsKind kind = GetFastElementsKindFromSequenceIndex(i); T stub(isolate, kind); stub.GetCode(); if (AllocationSite::GetMode(kind) != DONT_TRACK_ALLOCATION_SITE) { T stub1(isolate, kind, DISABLE_ALLOCATION_SITES); stub1.GetCode(); } } } void ArrayConstructorStubBase::GenerateStubsAheadOfTime(Isolate* isolate) { ArrayConstructorStubAheadOfTimeHelper<ArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub>( isolate); ArrayConstructorStubAheadOfTimeHelper<ArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub>( isolate); ArrayConstructorStubAheadOfTimeHelper<ArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub>( isolate); } void InternalArrayConstructorStubBase::GenerateStubsAheadOfTime( Isolate* isolate) { ElementsKind kinds[2] = { FAST_ELEMENTS, FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS }; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // For internal arrays we only need a few things InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub stubh1(isolate, kinds[i]); stubh1.GetCode(); InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub stubh2(isolate, kinds[i]); stubh2.GetCode(); InternalArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub stubh3(isolate, kinds[i]); stubh3.GetCode(); } } void ArrayConstructorStub::GenerateDispatchToArrayStub( MacroAssembler* masm, AllocationSiteOverrideMode mode) { if (argument_count() == ANY) { Label not_zero_case, not_one_case; __ testp(rax, rax); __ j(not_zero, ¬_zero_case); CreateArrayDispatch<ArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub>(masm, mode); __ bind(¬_zero_case); __ cmpl(rax, Immediate(1)); __ j(greater, ¬_one_case); CreateArrayDispatchOneArgument(masm, mode); __ bind(¬_one_case); CreateArrayDispatch<ArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub>(masm, mode); } else if (argument_count() == NONE) { CreateArrayDispatch<ArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub>(masm, mode); } else if (argument_count() == ONE) { CreateArrayDispatchOneArgument(masm, mode); } else if (argument_count() == MORE_THAN_ONE) { CreateArrayDispatch<ArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub>(masm, mode); } else { UNREACHABLE(); } } void ArrayConstructorStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // ----------- S t a t e ------------- // -- rax : argc // -- rbx : AllocationSite or undefined // -- rdi : constructor // -- rdx : original constructor // -- rsp[0] : return address // -- rsp[8] : last argument // ----------------------------------- if (FLAG_debug_code) { // The array construct code is only set for the global and natives // builtin Array functions which always have maps. // Initial map for the builtin Array function should be a map. __ movp(rcx, FieldOperand(rdi, JSFunction::kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset)); // Will both indicate a NULL and a Smi. STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0); Condition not_smi = NegateCondition(masm->CheckSmi(rcx)); __ Check(not_smi, kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction); __ CmpObjectType(rcx, MAP_TYPE, rcx); __ Check(equal, kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction); // We should either have undefined in rbx or a valid AllocationSite __ AssertUndefinedOrAllocationSite(rbx); } Label subclassing; __ cmpp(rdi, rdx); __ j(not_equal, &subclassing); Label no_info; // If the feedback vector is the undefined value call an array constructor // that doesn't use AllocationSites. __ CompareRoot(rbx, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex); __ j(equal, &no_info); // Only look at the lower 16 bits of the transition info. __ movp(rdx, FieldOperand(rbx, AllocationSite::kTransitionInfoOffset)); __ SmiToInteger32(rdx, rdx); STATIC_ASSERT(AllocationSite::ElementsKindBits::kShift == 0); __ andp(rdx, Immediate(AllocationSite::ElementsKindBits::kMask)); GenerateDispatchToArrayStub(masm, DONT_OVERRIDE); __ bind(&no_info); GenerateDispatchToArrayStub(masm, DISABLE_ALLOCATION_SITES); // Subclassing __ bind(&subclassing); __ Pop(rcx); // return address. __ Push(rdi); __ Push(rdx); // Adjust argc. switch (argument_count()) { case ANY: case MORE_THAN_ONE: __ addp(rax, Immediate(2)); break; case NONE: __ movp(rax, Immediate(2)); break; case ONE: __ movp(rax, Immediate(3)); break; } __ Push(rcx); __ JumpToExternalReference( ExternalReference(Runtime::kArrayConstructorWithSubclassing, isolate()), 1); } void InternalArrayConstructorStub::GenerateCase( MacroAssembler* masm, ElementsKind kind) { Label not_zero_case, not_one_case; Label normal_sequence; __ testp(rax, rax); __ j(not_zero, ¬_zero_case); InternalArrayNoArgumentConstructorStub stub0(isolate(), kind); __ TailCallStub(&stub0); __ bind(¬_zero_case); __ cmpl(rax, Immediate(1)); __ j(greater, ¬_one_case); if (IsFastPackedElementsKind(kind)) { // We might need to create a holey array // look at the first argument StackArgumentsAccessor args(rsp, 1, ARGUMENTS_DONT_CONTAIN_RECEIVER); __ movp(rcx, args.GetArgumentOperand(0)); __ testp(rcx, rcx); __ j(zero, &normal_sequence); InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub stub1_holey(isolate(), GetHoleyElementsKind(kind)); __ TailCallStub(&stub1_holey); } __ bind(&normal_sequence); InternalArraySingleArgumentConstructorStub stub1(isolate(), kind); __ TailCallStub(&stub1); __ bind(¬_one_case); InternalArrayNArgumentsConstructorStub stubN(isolate(), kind); __ TailCallStub(&stubN); } void InternalArrayConstructorStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // ----------- S t a t e ------------- // -- rax : argc // -- rdi : constructor // -- rsp[0] : return address // -- rsp[8] : last argument // ----------------------------------- if (FLAG_debug_code) { // The array construct code is only set for the global and natives // builtin Array functions which always have maps. // Initial map for the builtin Array function should be a map. __ movp(rcx, FieldOperand(rdi, JSFunction::kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset)); // Will both indicate a NULL and a Smi. STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0); Condition not_smi = NegateCondition(masm->CheckSmi(rcx)); __ Check(not_smi, kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction); __ CmpObjectType(rcx, MAP_TYPE, rcx); __ Check(equal, kUnexpectedInitialMapForArrayFunction); } // Figure out the right elements kind __ movp(rcx, FieldOperand(rdi, JSFunction::kPrototypeOrInitialMapOffset)); // Load the map's "bit field 2" into |result|. We only need the first byte, // but the following masking takes care of that anyway. __ movzxbp(rcx, FieldOperand(rcx, Map::kBitField2Offset)); // Retrieve elements_kind from bit field 2. __ DecodeField<Map::ElementsKindBits>(rcx); if (FLAG_debug_code) { Label done; __ cmpl(rcx, Immediate(FAST_ELEMENTS)); __ j(equal, &done); __ cmpl(rcx, Immediate(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)); __ Assert(equal, kInvalidElementsKindForInternalArrayOrInternalPackedArray); __ bind(&done); } Label fast_elements_case; __ cmpl(rcx, Immediate(FAST_ELEMENTS)); __ j(equal, &fast_elements_case); GenerateCase(masm, FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS); __ bind(&fast_elements_case); GenerateCase(masm, FAST_ELEMENTS); } void LoadGlobalViaContextStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { Register context_reg = rsi; Register slot_reg = rbx; Register result_reg = rax; Label slow_case; // Go up context chain to the script context. for (int i = 0; i < depth(); ++i) { __ movp(rdi, ContextOperand(context_reg, Context::PREVIOUS_INDEX)); context_reg = rdi; } // Load the PropertyCell value at the specified slot. __ movp(result_reg, ContextOperand(context_reg, slot_reg)); __ movp(result_reg, FieldOperand(result_reg, PropertyCell::kValueOffset)); // Check that value is not the_hole. __ CompareRoot(result_reg, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex); __ j(equal, &slow_case, Label::kNear); __ Ret(); // Fallback to the runtime. __ bind(&slow_case); __ Integer32ToSmi(slot_reg, slot_reg); __ PopReturnAddressTo(kScratchRegister); __ Push(slot_reg); __ Push(kScratchRegister); __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kLoadGlobalViaContext, 1, 1); } void StoreGlobalViaContextStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { Register context_reg = rsi; Register slot_reg = rbx; Register value_reg = rax; Register cell_reg = r8; Register cell_details_reg = rdx; Register cell_value_reg = r9; Label fast_heapobject_case, fast_smi_case, slow_case; if (FLAG_debug_code) { __ CompareRoot(value_reg, Heap::kTheHoleValueRootIndex); __ Check(not_equal, kUnexpectedValue); } // Go up context chain to the script context. for (int i = 0; i < depth(); ++i) { __ movp(rdi, ContextOperand(context_reg, Context::PREVIOUS_INDEX)); context_reg = rdi; } // Load the PropertyCell at the specified slot. __ movp(cell_reg, ContextOperand(context_reg, slot_reg)); // Load PropertyDetails for the cell (actually only the cell_type, kind and // READ_ONLY bit of attributes). __ SmiToInteger32(cell_details_reg, FieldOperand(cell_reg, PropertyCell::kDetailsOffset)); __ andl(cell_details_reg, Immediate(PropertyDetails::PropertyCellTypeField::kMask | PropertyDetails::KindField::kMask | PropertyDetails::kAttributesReadOnlyMask)); // Check if PropertyCell holds mutable data. Label not_mutable_data; __ cmpl(cell_details_reg, Immediate(PropertyDetails::PropertyCellTypeField::encode( PropertyCellType::kMutable) | PropertyDetails::KindField::encode(kData))); __ j(not_equal, ¬_mutable_data); __ JumpIfSmi(value_reg, &fast_smi_case); __ bind(&fast_heapobject_case); __ movp(FieldOperand(cell_reg, PropertyCell::kValueOffset), value_reg); __ RecordWriteField(cell_reg, PropertyCell::kValueOffset, value_reg, cell_value_reg, kDontSaveFPRegs, EMIT_REMEMBERED_SET, OMIT_SMI_CHECK); // RecordWriteField clobbers the value register, so we need to reload. __ movp(value_reg, FieldOperand(cell_reg, PropertyCell::kValueOffset)); __ Ret(); __ bind(¬_mutable_data); // Check if PropertyCell value matches the new value (relevant for Constant, // ConstantType and Undefined cells). Label not_same_value; __ movp(cell_value_reg, FieldOperand(cell_reg, PropertyCell::kValueOffset)); __ cmpp(cell_value_reg, value_reg); __ j(not_equal, ¬_same_value, FLAG_debug_code ? Label::kFar : Label::kNear); // Make sure the PropertyCell is not marked READ_ONLY. __ testl(cell_details_reg, Immediate(PropertyDetails::kAttributesReadOnlyMask)); __ j(not_zero, &slow_case); if (FLAG_debug_code) { Label done; // This can only be true for Constant, ConstantType and Undefined cells, // because we never store the_hole via this stub. __ cmpl(cell_details_reg, Immediate(PropertyDetails::PropertyCellTypeField::encode( PropertyCellType::kConstant) | PropertyDetails::KindField::encode(kData))); __ j(equal, &done); __ cmpl(cell_details_reg, Immediate(PropertyDetails::PropertyCellTypeField::encode( PropertyCellType::kConstantType) | PropertyDetails::KindField::encode(kData))); __ j(equal, &done); __ cmpl(cell_details_reg, Immediate(PropertyDetails::PropertyCellTypeField::encode( PropertyCellType::kUndefined) | PropertyDetails::KindField::encode(kData))); __ Check(equal, kUnexpectedValue); __ bind(&done); } __ Ret(); __ bind(¬_same_value); // Check if PropertyCell contains data with constant type (and is not // READ_ONLY). __ cmpl(cell_details_reg, Immediate(PropertyDetails::PropertyCellTypeField::encode( PropertyCellType::kConstantType) | PropertyDetails::KindField::encode(kData))); __ j(not_equal, &slow_case, Label::kNear); // Now either both old and new values must be SMIs or both must be heap // objects with same map. Label value_is_heap_object; __ JumpIfNotSmi(value_reg, &value_is_heap_object, Label::kNear); __ JumpIfNotSmi(cell_value_reg, &slow_case, Label::kNear); // Old and new values are SMIs, no need for a write barrier here. __ bind(&fast_smi_case); __ movp(FieldOperand(cell_reg, PropertyCell::kValueOffset), value_reg); __ Ret(); __ bind(&value_is_heap_object); __ JumpIfSmi(cell_value_reg, &slow_case, Label::kNear); Register cell_value_map_reg = cell_value_reg; __ movp(cell_value_map_reg, FieldOperand(cell_value_reg, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ cmpp(cell_value_map_reg, FieldOperand(value_reg, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ j(equal, &fast_heapobject_case); // Fallback to the runtime. __ bind(&slow_case); __ Integer32ToSmi(slot_reg, slot_reg); __ PopReturnAddressTo(kScratchRegister); __ Push(slot_reg); __ Push(value_reg); __ Push(kScratchRegister); __ TailCallRuntime(is_strict(language_mode()) ? Runtime::kStoreGlobalViaContext_Strict : Runtime::kStoreGlobalViaContext_Sloppy, 2, 1); } static int Offset(ExternalReference ref0, ExternalReference ref1) { int64_t offset = (ref0.address() - ref1.address()); // Check that fits into int. DCHECK(static_cast<int>(offset) == offset); return static_cast<int>(offset); } // Prepares stack to put arguments (aligns and so on). WIN64 calling // convention requires to put the pointer to the return value slot into // rcx (rcx must be preserverd until CallApiFunctionAndReturn). Saves // context (rsi). Clobbers rax. Allocates arg_stack_space * kPointerSize // inside the exit frame (not GCed) accessible via StackSpaceOperand. static void PrepareCallApiFunction(MacroAssembler* masm, int arg_stack_space) { __ EnterApiExitFrame(arg_stack_space); } // Calls an API function. Allocates HandleScope, extracts returned value // from handle and propagates exceptions. Clobbers r14, r15, rbx and // caller-save registers. Restores context. On return removes // stack_space * kPointerSize (GCed). static void CallApiFunctionAndReturn(MacroAssembler* masm, Register function_address, ExternalReference thunk_ref, Register thunk_last_arg, int stack_space, Operand* stack_space_operand, Operand return_value_operand, Operand* context_restore_operand) { Label prologue; Label promote_scheduled_exception; Label delete_allocated_handles; Label leave_exit_frame; Label write_back; Isolate* isolate = masm->isolate(); Factory* factory = isolate->factory(); ExternalReference next_address = ExternalReference::handle_scope_next_address(isolate); const int kNextOffset = 0; const int kLimitOffset = Offset( ExternalReference::handle_scope_limit_address(isolate), next_address); const int kLevelOffset = Offset( ExternalReference::handle_scope_level_address(isolate), next_address); ExternalReference scheduled_exception_address = ExternalReference::scheduled_exception_address(isolate); DCHECK(rdx.is(function_address) || r8.is(function_address)); // Allocate HandleScope in callee-save registers. Register prev_next_address_reg = r14; Register prev_limit_reg = rbx; Register base_reg = r15; __ Move(base_reg, next_address); __ movp(prev_next_address_reg, Operand(base_reg, kNextOffset)); __ movp(prev_limit_reg, Operand(base_reg, kLimitOffset)); __ addl(Operand(base_reg, kLevelOffset), Immediate(1)); if (FLAG_log_timer_events) { FrameScope frame(masm, StackFrame::MANUAL); __ PushSafepointRegisters(); __ PrepareCallCFunction(1); __ LoadAddress(arg_reg_1, ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate)); __ CallCFunction(ExternalReference::log_enter_external_function(isolate), 1); __ PopSafepointRegisters(); } Label profiler_disabled; Label end_profiler_check; __ Move(rax, ExternalReference::is_profiling_address(isolate)); __ cmpb(Operand(rax, 0), Immediate(0)); __ j(zero, &profiler_disabled); // Third parameter is the address of the actual getter function. __ Move(thunk_last_arg, function_address); __ Move(rax, thunk_ref); __ jmp(&end_profiler_check); __ bind(&profiler_disabled); // Call the api function! __ Move(rax, function_address); __ bind(&end_profiler_check); // Call the api function! __ call(rax); if (FLAG_log_timer_events) { FrameScope frame(masm, StackFrame::MANUAL); __ PushSafepointRegisters(); __ PrepareCallCFunction(1); __ LoadAddress(arg_reg_1, ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate)); __ CallCFunction(ExternalReference::log_leave_external_function(isolate), 1); __ PopSafepointRegisters(); } // Load the value from ReturnValue __ movp(rax, return_value_operand); __ bind(&prologue); // No more valid handles (the result handle was the last one). Restore // previous handle scope. __ subl(Operand(base_reg, kLevelOffset), Immediate(1)); __ movp(Operand(base_reg, kNextOffset), prev_next_address_reg); __ cmpp(prev_limit_reg, Operand(base_reg, kLimitOffset)); __ j(not_equal, &delete_allocated_handles); // Leave the API exit frame. __ bind(&leave_exit_frame); bool restore_context = context_restore_operand != NULL; if (restore_context) { __ movp(rsi, *context_restore_operand); } if (stack_space_operand != nullptr) { __ movp(rbx, *stack_space_operand); } __ LeaveApiExitFrame(!restore_context); // Check if the function scheduled an exception. __ Move(rdi, scheduled_exception_address); __ Cmp(Operand(rdi, 0), factory->the_hole_value()); __ j(not_equal, &promote_scheduled_exception); #if DEBUG // Check if the function returned a valid JavaScript value. Label ok; Register return_value = rax; Register map = rcx; __ JumpIfSmi(return_value, &ok, Label::kNear); __ movp(map, FieldOperand(return_value, HeapObject::kMapOffset)); __ CmpInstanceType(map, LAST_NAME_TYPE); __ j(below_equal, &ok, Label::kNear); __ CmpInstanceType(map, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE); __ j(above_equal, &ok, Label::kNear); __ CompareRoot(map, Heap::kHeapNumberMapRootIndex); __ j(equal, &ok, Label::kNear); __ CompareRoot(return_value, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex); __ j(equal, &ok, Label::kNear); __ CompareRoot(return_value, Heap::kTrueValueRootIndex); __ j(equal, &ok, Label::kNear); __ CompareRoot(return_value, Heap::kFalseValueRootIndex); __ j(equal, &ok, Label::kNear); __ CompareRoot(return_value, Heap::kNullValueRootIndex); __ j(equal, &ok, Label::kNear); __ Abort(kAPICallReturnedInvalidObject); __ bind(&ok); #endif if (stack_space_operand != nullptr) { DCHECK_EQ(stack_space, 0); __ PopReturnAddressTo(rcx); __ addq(rsp, rbx); __ jmp(rcx); } else { __ ret(stack_space * kPointerSize); } // Re-throw by promoting a scheduled exception. __ bind(&promote_scheduled_exception); __ TailCallRuntime(Runtime::kPromoteScheduledException, 0, 1); // HandleScope limit has changed. Delete allocated extensions. __ bind(&delete_allocated_handles); __ movp(Operand(base_reg, kLimitOffset), prev_limit_reg); __ movp(prev_limit_reg, rax); __ LoadAddress(arg_reg_1, ExternalReference::isolate_address(isolate)); __ LoadAddress(rax, ExternalReference::delete_handle_scope_extensions(isolate)); __ call(rax); __ movp(rax, prev_limit_reg); __ jmp(&leave_exit_frame); } static void CallApiFunctionStubHelper(MacroAssembler* masm, const ParameterCount& argc, bool return_first_arg, bool call_data_undefined) { // ----------- S t a t e ------------- // -- rdi : callee // -- rbx : call_data // -- rcx : holder // -- rdx : api_function_address // -- rsi : context // -- rax : number of arguments if argc is a register // -- rsp[0] : return address // -- rsp[8] : last argument // -- ... // -- rsp[argc * 8] : first argument // -- rsp[(argc + 1) * 8] : receiver // ----------------------------------- Register callee = rdi; Register call_data = rbx; Register holder = rcx; Register api_function_address = rdx; Register context = rsi; Register return_address = r8; typedef FunctionCallbackArguments FCA; STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kContextSaveIndex == 6); STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kCalleeIndex == 5); STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kDataIndex == 4); STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kReturnValueOffset == 3); STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kReturnValueDefaultValueIndex == 2); STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kIsolateIndex == 1); STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kHolderIndex == 0); STATIC_ASSERT(FCA::kArgsLength == 7); DCHECK(argc.is_immediate() || rax.is(argc.reg())); __ PopReturnAddressTo(return_address); // context save __ Push(context); // callee __ Push(callee); // call data __ Push(call_data); Register scratch = call_data; if (!call_data_undefined) { __ LoadRoot(scratch, Heap::kUndefinedValueRootIndex); } // return value __ Push(scratch); // return value default __ Push(scratch); // isolate __ Move(scratch, ExternalReference::isolate_address(masm->isolate())); __ Push(scratch); // holder __ Push(holder); __ movp(scratch, rsp); // Push return address back on stack. __ PushReturnAddressFrom(return_address); // load context from callee __ movp(context, FieldOperand(callee, JSFunction::kContextOffset)); // Allocate the v8::Arguments structure in the arguments' space since // it's not controlled by GC. const int kApiStackSpace = 4; PrepareCallApiFunction(masm, kApiStackSpace); // FunctionCallbackInfo::implicit_args_. __ movp(StackSpaceOperand(0), scratch); if (argc.is_immediate()) { __ addp(scratch, Immediate((argc.immediate() + FCA::kArgsLength - 1) * kPointerSize)); // FunctionCallbackInfo::values_. __ movp(StackSpaceOperand(1), scratch); // FunctionCallbackInfo::length_. __ Set(StackSpaceOperand(2), argc.immediate()); // FunctionCallbackInfo::is_construct_call_. __ Set(StackSpaceOperand(3), 0); } else { __ leap(scratch, Operand(scratch, argc.reg(), times_pointer_size, (FCA::kArgsLength - 1) * kPointerSize)); // FunctionCallbackInfo::values_. __ movp(StackSpaceOperand(1), scratch); // FunctionCallbackInfo::length_. __ movp(StackSpaceOperand(2), argc.reg()); // FunctionCallbackInfo::is_construct_call_. __ leap(argc.reg(), Operand(argc.reg(), times_pointer_size, (FCA::kArgsLength + 1) * kPointerSize)); __ movp(StackSpaceOperand(3), argc.reg()); } #if defined(__MINGW64__) || defined(_WIN64) Register arguments_arg = rcx; Register callback_arg = rdx; #else Register arguments_arg = rdi; Register callback_arg = rsi; #endif // It's okay if api_function_address == callback_arg // but not arguments_arg DCHECK(!api_function_address.is(arguments_arg)); // v8::InvocationCallback's argument. __ leap(arguments_arg, StackSpaceOperand(0)); ExternalReference thunk_ref = ExternalReference::invoke_function_callback(masm->isolate()); // Accessor for FunctionCallbackInfo and first js arg. StackArgumentsAccessor args_from_rbp(rbp, FCA::kArgsLength + 1, ARGUMENTS_DONT_CONTAIN_RECEIVER); Operand context_restore_operand = args_from_rbp.GetArgumentOperand( FCA::kArgsLength - FCA::kContextSaveIndex); Operand is_construct_call_operand = StackSpaceOperand(3); Operand return_value_operand = args_from_rbp.GetArgumentOperand( return_first_arg ? 0 : FCA::kArgsLength - FCA::kReturnValueOffset); int stack_space = 0; Operand* stack_space_operand = &is_construct_call_operand; if (argc.is_immediate()) { stack_space = argc.immediate() + FCA::kArgsLength + 1; stack_space_operand = nullptr; } CallApiFunctionAndReturn(masm, api_function_address, thunk_ref, callback_arg, stack_space, stack_space_operand, return_value_operand, &context_restore_operand); } void CallApiFunctionStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { bool call_data_undefined = this->call_data_undefined(); CallApiFunctionStubHelper(masm, ParameterCount(rax), false, call_data_undefined); } void CallApiAccessorStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { bool is_store = this->is_store(); int argc = this->argc(); bool call_data_undefined = this->call_data_undefined(); CallApiFunctionStubHelper(masm, ParameterCount(argc), is_store, call_data_undefined); } void CallApiGetterStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) { // ----------- S t a t e ------------- // -- rsp[0] : return address // -- rsp[8] : name // -- rsp[16 - kArgsLength*8] : PropertyCallbackArguments object // -- ... // -- r8 : api_function_address // ----------------------------------- #if defined(__MINGW64__) || defined(_WIN64) Register getter_arg = r8; Register accessor_info_arg = rdx; Register name_arg = rcx; #else Register getter_arg = rdx; Register accessor_info_arg = rsi; Register name_arg = rdi; #endif Register api_function_address = ApiGetterDescriptor::function_address(); DCHECK(api_function_address.is(r8)); Register scratch = rax; // v8::Arguments::values_ and handler for name. const int kStackSpace = PropertyCallbackArguments::kArgsLength + 1; // Allocate v8::AccessorInfo in non-GCed stack space. const int kArgStackSpace = 1; __ leap(name_arg, Operand(rsp, kPCOnStackSize)); PrepareCallApiFunction(masm, kArgStackSpace); __ leap(scratch, Operand(name_arg, 1 * kPointerSize)); // v8::PropertyAccessorInfo::args_. __ movp(StackSpaceOperand(0), scratch); // The context register (rsi) has been saved in PrepareCallApiFunction and // could be used to pass arguments. __ leap(accessor_info_arg, StackSpaceOperand(0)); ExternalReference thunk_ref = ExternalReference::invoke_accessor_getter_callback(isolate()); // It's okay if api_function_address == getter_arg // but not accessor_info_arg or name_arg DCHECK(!api_function_address.is(accessor_info_arg) && !api_function_address.is(name_arg)); // The name handler is counted as an argument. StackArgumentsAccessor args(rbp, PropertyCallbackArguments::kArgsLength); Operand return_value_operand = args.GetArgumentOperand( PropertyCallbackArguments::kArgsLength - 1 - PropertyCallbackArguments::kReturnValueOffset); CallApiFunctionAndReturn(masm, api_function_address, thunk_ref, getter_arg, kStackSpace, nullptr, return_value_operand, NULL); } #undef __ } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #endif // V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64