// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import {groupBy} from '../helper.mjs'; import {App} from '../index.mjs' import {SelectRelatedEvent, ToolTipEvent} from './events.mjs'; import {CSSColor, delay, DOM, formatBytes, gradientStopsFromGroups, V8CustomElement} from './helper.mjs'; DOM.defineCustomElement('view/script-panel', (templateText) => class SourcePanel extends V8CustomElement { _selectedSourcePositions = []; _sourcePositionsToMarkNodes = []; _scripts = []; _script; constructor() { super(templateText); this.scriptDropdown.addEventListener( 'change', e => this._handleSelectScript(e)); this.$('#selectedRelatedButton').onclick = this._handleSelectRelated.bind(this); } get script() { return this.$('#script'); } get scriptNode() { return this.$('.scriptNode'); } set script(script) { if (this._script === script) return; this._script = script; this._renderSourcePanel(); this._updateScriptDropdownSelection(); } set selectedSourcePositions(sourcePositions) { this._selectedSourcePositions = sourcePositions; // TODO: highlight multiple scripts this.script = sourcePositions[0]?.script; this._focusSelectedMarkers(); } set focusedSourcePositions(sourcePositions) { this.selectedSourcePositions = sourcePositions; } set scripts(scripts) { this._scripts = scripts; this._initializeScriptDropdown(); } get scriptDropdown() { return this.$('#script-dropdown'); } _initializeScriptDropdown() { this._scripts.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name)); let select = this.scriptDropdown; select.options.length = 0; for (const script of this._scripts) { const option = document.createElement('option'); const size = formatBytes(script.source.length); option.text = `${script.name} (id=${script.id} size=${size})`; option.script = script; select.add(option); } } _updateScriptDropdownSelection() { this.scriptDropdown.selectedIndex = this._script ? this._scripts.indexOf(this._script) : -1; } async _renderSourcePanel() { let scriptNode; if (this._script) { await delay(1); const builder = new LineBuilder(this, this._script); scriptNode = builder.createScriptNode(); this._sourcePositionsToMarkNodes = builder.sourcePositionToMarkers; } else { scriptNode = DOM.div(); this._selectedMarkNodes = undefined; this._sourcePositionsToMarkNodes = new Map(); } const oldScriptNode = this.script.childNodes[1]; this.script.replaceChild(scriptNode, oldScriptNode); } async _focusSelectedMarkers() { await delay(100); // Remove all marked nodes. for (let markNode of this._sourcePositionsToMarkNodes.values()) { markNode.className = ''; } for (let sourcePosition of this._selectedSourcePositions) { if (sourcePosition.script !== this._script) continue; this._sourcePositionsToMarkNodes.get(sourcePosition).className = 'marked'; } this._scrollToFirstSourcePosition() } _scrollToFirstSourcePosition() { const sourcePosition = this._selectedSourcePositions.find( each => each.script === this._script); if (!sourcePosition) return; const markNode = this._sourcePositionsToMarkNodes.get(sourcePosition); markNode.scrollIntoView( {behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest', inline: 'center'}); } _handleSelectScript(e) { const option = this.scriptDropdown.options[this.scriptDropdown.selectedIndex]; this.script = option.script; } _handleSelectRelated(e) { if (!this._script) return; this.dispatchEvent(new SelectRelatedEvent(this._script)); } handleSourcePositionClick(e) { const sourcePosition = e.target.sourcePosition; this.dispatchEvent(new SelectRelatedEvent(sourcePosition)); } handleSourcePositionMouseOver(e) { const entries = e.target.sourcePosition.entries; let text = groupBy(entries, each => each.constructor, true) .map(group => { let text = `${group.key.name}: ${group.count}\n` text += groupBy(group.entries, each => each.type, true) .map(group => { return ` - ${group.key}: ${group.count}`; }) .join('\n'); return text; }) .join('\n'); this.dispatchEvent(new ToolTipEvent(text, e.target)); } }); class SourcePositionIterator { _entries; _index = 0; constructor(sourcePositions) { this._entries = sourcePositions; } * forLine(lineIndex) { this._findStart(lineIndex); while (!this._done() && this._current().line === lineIndex) { yield this._current(); this._next(); } } _findStart(lineIndex) { while (!this._done() && this._current().line < lineIndex) { this._next(); } } _current() { return this._entries[this._index]; } _done() { return this._index + 1 >= this._entries.length; } _next() { this._index++; } } function* lineIterator(source) { let current = 0; let line = 1; while (current < source.length) { const next = source.indexOf('\n', current); if (next === -1) break; yield [line, source.substring(current, next)]; line++; current = next + 1; } if (current < source.length) yield [line, source.substring(current)]; } class LineBuilder { static _colorMap = (function() { const map = new Map(); let i = 0; for (let type of App.allEventTypes) { map.set(type, CSSColor.at(i++)); } return map; })(); static get colorMap() { return this._colorMap; } _script; _clickHandler; _mouseoverHandler; _sourcePositions; _sourcePositionToMarkers = new Map(); constructor(panel, script) { this._script = script; this._clickHandler = panel.handleSourcePositionClick.bind(panel); this._mouseoverHandler = panel.handleSourcePositionMouseOver.bind(panel); // TODO: sort on script finalization. script.sourcePositions.sort((a, b) => { if (a.line === b.line) return a.column - b.column; return a.line - b.line; }); this._sourcePositions = new SourcePositionIterator(script.sourcePositions); } get sourcePositionToMarkers() { return this._sourcePositionToMarkers; } createScriptNode() { const scriptNode = DOM.div('scriptNode'); for (let [lineIndex, line] of lineIterator(this._script.source)) { scriptNode.appendChild(this._createLineNode(lineIndex, line)); } return scriptNode; } _createLineNode(lineIndex, line) { const lineNode = DOM.span(); let columnIndex = 0; for (const sourcePosition of this._sourcePositions.forLine(lineIndex)) { const nextColumnIndex = sourcePosition.column - 1; lineNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode( line.substring(columnIndex, nextColumnIndex))); columnIndex = nextColumnIndex; lineNode.appendChild( this._createMarkerNode(line[columnIndex], sourcePosition)); columnIndex++; } lineNode.appendChild( document.createTextNode(line.substring(columnIndex) + '\n')); return lineNode; } _createMarkerNode(text, sourcePosition) { const marker = document.createElement('mark'); this._sourcePositionToMarkers.set(sourcePosition, marker); marker.textContent = text; marker.sourcePosition = sourcePosition; marker.onclick = this._clickHandler; marker.onmouseover = this._mouseoverHandler; const entries = sourcePosition.entries; const stops = gradientStopsFromGroups( entries.length, '%', groupBy(entries, entry => entry.constructor), type => LineBuilder.colorMap.get(type)); marker.style.backgroundImage = `linear-gradient(0deg,${stops.join(',')})` return marker; } }