// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/signature.h" #include "src/handles.h" #include "src/v8.h" #include "src/zone-containers.h" #include "src/wasm/ast-decoder.h" #include "src/wasm/encoder.h" #include "src/wasm/leb-helper.h" #include "src/wasm/wasm-macro-gen.h" #include "src/wasm/wasm-module.h" #include "src/wasm/wasm-opcodes.h" #include "src/v8memory.h" #if DEBUG #define TRACE(...) \ do { \ if (FLAG_trace_wasm_encoder) PrintF(__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (false) #else #define TRACE(...) #endif namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace wasm { /*TODO: add error cases for adding too many locals, too many functions and bad indices in body */ namespace { void EmitUint8(byte** b, uint8_t x) { Memory::uint8_at(*b) = x; *b += 1; } void EmitUint16(byte** b, uint16_t x) { WriteUnalignedUInt16(*b, x); *b += 2; } void EmitUint32(byte** b, uint32_t x) { WriteUnalignedUInt32(*b, x); *b += 4; } void EmitVarInt(byte** b, size_t val) { LEBHelper::write_u32v(b, static_cast<uint32_t>(val)); } // Sections all start with a size, but it's unknown at the start. // We generate a large varint which we then fixup later when the size is known. // // TODO(jfb) Not strictly necessary since sizes are calculated ahead of time. const size_t kPaddedVarintSize = 5; void FixupSection(byte* start, byte* end) { // Same as LEBHelper::write_u32v, but fixed-width with zeroes in the MSBs. size_t val = end - start - kPaddedVarintSize; TRACE(" fixup %u\n", (unsigned)val); for (size_t pos = 0; pos != kPaddedVarintSize; ++pos) { size_t next = val >> 7; byte out = static_cast<byte>(val & 0x7f); if (pos != kPaddedVarintSize - 1) { *(start++) = 0x80 | out; val = next; } else { *(start++) = out; // TODO(jfb) check that the pre-allocated fixup size isn't overflowed. } } } // Returns the start of the section, where the section VarInt size is. byte* EmitSection(WasmSection::Code code, byte** b) { // Emit the section name. const char* name = WasmSection::getName(code); TRACE("emit section: %s\n", name); size_t length = WasmSection::getNameLength(code); EmitVarInt(b, length); // Section name string size. for (size_t i = 0; i != length; ++i) EmitUint8(b, name[i]); // Emit a placeholder for the length. byte* start = *b; for (size_t padding = 0; padding != kPaddedVarintSize; ++padding) { EmitUint8(b, 0xff); // Will get fixed up later. } return start; } } // namespace WasmFunctionBuilder::WasmFunctionBuilder(Zone* zone) : locals_(zone), exported_(0), body_(zone), name_(zone) {} void WasmFunctionBuilder::EmitVarInt(uint32_t val) { byte buffer[8]; byte* ptr = buffer; LEBHelper::write_u32v(&ptr, val); for (byte* p = buffer; p < ptr; p++) { body_.push_back(*p); } } void WasmFunctionBuilder::SetSignature(FunctionSig* sig) { DCHECK(!locals_.has_sig()); locals_.set_sig(sig); } uint32_t WasmFunctionBuilder::AddLocal(LocalType type) { DCHECK(locals_.has_sig()); return locals_.AddLocals(1, type); } void WasmFunctionBuilder::EmitGetLocal(uint32_t local_index) { EmitWithVarInt(kExprGetLocal, local_index); } void WasmFunctionBuilder::EmitSetLocal(uint32_t local_index) { EmitWithVarInt(kExprSetLocal, local_index); } void WasmFunctionBuilder::EmitCode(const byte* code, uint32_t code_size) { for (size_t i = 0; i < code_size; i++) { body_.push_back(code[i]); } } void WasmFunctionBuilder::Emit(WasmOpcode opcode) { body_.push_back(static_cast<byte>(opcode)); } void WasmFunctionBuilder::EmitWithU8(WasmOpcode opcode, const byte immediate) { body_.push_back(static_cast<byte>(opcode)); body_.push_back(immediate); } void WasmFunctionBuilder::EmitWithU8U8(WasmOpcode opcode, const byte imm1, const byte imm2) { body_.push_back(static_cast<byte>(opcode)); body_.push_back(imm1); body_.push_back(imm2); } void WasmFunctionBuilder::EmitWithVarInt(WasmOpcode opcode, uint32_t immediate) { body_.push_back(static_cast<byte>(opcode)); EmitVarInt(immediate); } void WasmFunctionBuilder::EmitI32Const(int32_t value) { // TODO(titzer): variable-length signed and unsigned i32 constants. if (-128 <= value && value <= 127) { EmitWithU8(kExprI8Const, static_cast<byte>(value)); } else { byte code[] = {WASM_I32V_5(value)}; EmitCode(code, sizeof(code)); } } void WasmFunctionBuilder::Exported(uint8_t flag) { exported_ = flag; } void WasmFunctionBuilder::SetName(const char* name, int name_length) { name_.clear(); if (name_length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < name_length; i++) { name_.push_back(*(name + i)); } } } WasmFunctionEncoder* WasmFunctionBuilder::Build(Zone* zone, WasmModuleBuilder* mb) const { WasmFunctionEncoder* e = new (zone) WasmFunctionEncoder(zone, locals_, exported_); // TODO(titzer): lame memcpy here. e->body_.insert(e->body_.begin(), body_.begin(), body_.end()); e->signature_index_ = mb->AddSignature(locals_.get_sig()); e->name_.insert(e->name_.begin(), name_.begin(), name_.end()); return e; } WasmFunctionEncoder::WasmFunctionEncoder(Zone* zone, LocalDeclEncoder locals, bool exported) : locals_(locals), exported_(exported), body_(zone), name_(zone) {} uint32_t WasmFunctionEncoder::HeaderSize() const { uint32_t size = 3; size += 2; if (HasName()) { uint32_t name_size = NameSize(); size += static_cast<uint32_t>(LEBHelper::sizeof_u32v(name_size)) + name_size; } return size; } uint32_t WasmFunctionEncoder::BodySize(void) const { return static_cast<uint32_t>(body_.size() + locals_.Size()); } uint32_t WasmFunctionEncoder::NameSize() const { return HasName() ? static_cast<uint32_t>(name_.size()) : 0; } void WasmFunctionEncoder::Serialize(byte* buffer, byte** header, byte** body) const { uint8_t decl_bits = (exported_ ? kDeclFunctionExport : 0) | (HasName() ? kDeclFunctionName : 0); EmitUint8(header, decl_bits); EmitUint16(header, signature_index_); if (HasName()) { EmitVarInt(header, NameSize()); for (size_t i = 0; i < name_.size(); ++i) { EmitUint8(header, name_[i]); } } EmitUint16(header, static_cast<uint16_t>(body_.size() + locals_.Size())); (*header) += locals_.Emit(*header); if (body_.size() > 0) { std::memcpy(*header, &body_[0], body_.size()); (*header) += body_.size(); } } WasmDataSegmentEncoder::WasmDataSegmentEncoder(Zone* zone, const byte* data, uint32_t size, uint32_t dest) : data_(zone), dest_(dest) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { data_.push_back(data[i]); } } uint32_t WasmDataSegmentEncoder::HeaderSize() const { static const int kDataSegmentSize = 13; return kDataSegmentSize; } uint32_t WasmDataSegmentEncoder::BodySize() const { return static_cast<uint32_t>(data_.size()); } void WasmDataSegmentEncoder::Serialize(byte* buffer, byte** header, byte** body) const { EmitVarInt(header, dest_); EmitVarInt(header, static_cast<uint32_t>(data_.size())); std::memcpy(*header, &data_[0], data_.size()); (*header) += data_.size(); } WasmModuleBuilder::WasmModuleBuilder(Zone* zone) : zone_(zone), signatures_(zone), imports_(zone), functions_(zone), data_segments_(zone), indirect_functions_(zone), globals_(zone), signature_map_(zone), start_function_index_(-1) {} uint32_t WasmModuleBuilder::AddFunction() { functions_.push_back(new (zone_) WasmFunctionBuilder(zone_)); return static_cast<uint32_t>(functions_.size() - 1); } WasmFunctionBuilder* WasmModuleBuilder::FunctionAt(size_t index) { if (functions_.size() > index) { return functions_.at(index); } else { return nullptr; } } void WasmModuleBuilder::AddDataSegment(WasmDataSegmentEncoder* data) { data_segments_.push_back(data); } bool WasmModuleBuilder::CompareFunctionSigs::operator()(FunctionSig* a, FunctionSig* b) const { if (a->return_count() < b->return_count()) return true; if (a->return_count() > b->return_count()) return false; if (a->parameter_count() < b->parameter_count()) return true; if (a->parameter_count() > b->parameter_count()) return false; for (size_t r = 0; r < a->return_count(); r++) { if (a->GetReturn(r) < b->GetReturn(r)) return true; if (a->GetReturn(r) > b->GetReturn(r)) return false; } for (size_t p = 0; p < a->parameter_count(); p++) { if (a->GetParam(p) < b->GetParam(p)) return true; if (a->GetParam(p) > b->GetParam(p)) return false; } return false; } uint32_t WasmModuleBuilder::AddSignature(FunctionSig* sig) { SignatureMap::iterator pos = signature_map_.find(sig); if (pos != signature_map_.end()) { return pos->second; } else { uint32_t index = static_cast<uint32_t>(signatures_.size()); signature_map_[sig] = index; signatures_.push_back(sig); return index; } } void WasmModuleBuilder::AddIndirectFunction(uint32_t index) { indirect_functions_.push_back(index); } uint32_t WasmModuleBuilder::AddImport(const char* name, int name_length, FunctionSig* sig) { imports_.push_back({AddSignature(sig), name, name_length}); return static_cast<uint32_t>(imports_.size() - 1); } void WasmModuleBuilder::MarkStartFunction(uint32_t index) { start_function_index_ = index; } WasmModuleWriter* WasmModuleBuilder::Build(Zone* zone) { WasmModuleWriter* writer = new (zone) WasmModuleWriter(zone); for (auto import : imports_) { writer->imports_.push_back(import); } for (auto function : functions_) { writer->functions_.push_back(function->Build(zone, this)); } for (auto segment : data_segments_) { writer->data_segments_.push_back(segment); } for (auto sig : signatures_) { writer->signatures_.push_back(sig); } for (auto index : indirect_functions_) { writer->indirect_functions_.push_back(index); } for (auto global : globals_) { writer->globals_.push_back(global); } writer->start_function_index_ = start_function_index_; return writer; } uint32_t WasmModuleBuilder::AddGlobal(MachineType type, bool exported) { globals_.push_back(std::make_pair(type, exported)); return static_cast<uint32_t>(globals_.size() - 1); } WasmModuleWriter::WasmModuleWriter(Zone* zone) : imports_(zone), functions_(zone), data_segments_(zone), signatures_(zone), indirect_functions_(zone), globals_(zone) {} struct Sizes { size_t header_size; size_t body_size; size_t total() { return header_size + body_size; } void Add(size_t header, size_t body) { header_size += header; body_size += body; } void AddSection(WasmSection::Code code, size_t other_size) { Add(kPaddedVarintSize + LEBHelper::sizeof_u32v(WasmSection::getNameLength(code)) + WasmSection::getNameLength(code), 0); if (other_size) Add(LEBHelper::sizeof_u32v(other_size), 0); } }; WasmModuleIndex* WasmModuleWriter::WriteTo(Zone* zone) const { Sizes sizes = {0, 0}; sizes.Add(2 * sizeof(uint32_t), 0); // header if (globals_.size() > 0) { sizes.AddSection(WasmSection::Code::Globals, globals_.size()); /* These globals never have names, so are always 3 bytes. */ sizes.Add(3 * globals_.size(), 0); TRACE("Size after globals: %u, %u\n", (unsigned)sizes.header_size, (unsigned)sizes.body_size); } if (signatures_.size() > 0) { sizes.AddSection(WasmSection::Code::Signatures, signatures_.size()); for (auto sig : signatures_) { sizes.Add(1 + LEBHelper::sizeof_u32v(sig->parameter_count()) + sig->parameter_count() + LEBHelper::sizeof_u32v(sig->return_count()) + sig->return_count(), 0); } TRACE("Size after signatures: %u, %u\n", (unsigned)sizes.header_size, (unsigned)sizes.body_size); } if (functions_.size() > 0) { sizes.AddSection(WasmSection::Code::OldFunctions, functions_.size()); for (auto function : functions_) { sizes.Add(function->HeaderSize() + function->BodySize(), function->NameSize()); } TRACE("Size after functions: %u, %u\n", (unsigned)sizes.header_size, (unsigned)sizes.body_size); } if (imports_.size() > 0) { sizes.AddSection(WasmSection::Code::ImportTable, imports_.size()); for (auto import : imports_) { sizes.Add(LEBHelper::sizeof_u32v(import.sig_index), 0); sizes.Add(LEBHelper::sizeof_u32v(import.name_length), 0); sizes.Add(import.name_length, 0); sizes.Add(1, 0); } TRACE("Size after imports: %u, %u\n", (unsigned)sizes.header_size, (unsigned)sizes.body_size); } if (indirect_functions_.size() > 0) { sizes.AddSection(WasmSection::Code::FunctionTable, indirect_functions_.size()); for (auto function_index : indirect_functions_) { sizes.Add(LEBHelper::sizeof_u32v(function_index), 0); } TRACE("Size after indirect functions: %u, %u\n", (unsigned)sizes.header_size, (unsigned)sizes.body_size); } sizes.AddSection(WasmSection::Code::Memory, 0); sizes.Add(kDeclMemorySize, 0); TRACE("Size after memory: %u, %u\n", (unsigned)sizes.header_size, (unsigned)sizes.body_size); if (start_function_index_ >= 0) { sizes.AddSection(WasmSection::Code::StartFunction, 0); sizes.Add(LEBHelper::sizeof_u32v(start_function_index_), 0); TRACE("Size after start: %u, %u\n", (unsigned)sizes.header_size, (unsigned)sizes.body_size); } if (data_segments_.size() > 0) { sizes.AddSection(WasmSection::Code::DataSegments, data_segments_.size()); for (auto segment : data_segments_) { sizes.Add(segment->HeaderSize(), segment->BodySize()); } TRACE("Size after data segments: %u, %u\n", (unsigned)sizes.header_size, (unsigned)sizes.body_size); } if (sizes.body_size > 0) { sizes.AddSection(WasmSection::Code::End, 0); TRACE("Size after end: %u, %u\n", (unsigned)sizes.header_size, (unsigned)sizes.body_size); } ZoneVector<uint8_t> buffer_vector(sizes.total(), zone); byte* buffer = &buffer_vector[0]; byte* header = buffer; byte* body = buffer + sizes.header_size; // -- emit magic ------------------------------------------------------------- TRACE("emit magic\n"); EmitUint32(&header, kWasmMagic); EmitUint32(&header, kWasmVersion); // -- emit globals ----------------------------------------------------------- if (globals_.size() > 0) { byte* section = EmitSection(WasmSection::Code::Globals, &header); EmitVarInt(&header, globals_.size()); for (auto global : globals_) { EmitVarInt(&header, 0); // Length of the global name. EmitUint8(&header, WasmOpcodes::MemTypeCodeFor(global.first)); EmitUint8(&header, global.second); } FixupSection(section, header); } // -- emit signatures -------------------------------------------------------- if (signatures_.size() > 0) { byte* section = EmitSection(WasmSection::Code::Signatures, &header); EmitVarInt(&header, signatures_.size()); for (FunctionSig* sig : signatures_) { EmitUint8(&header, kWasmFunctionTypeForm); EmitVarInt(&header, sig->parameter_count()); for (size_t j = 0; j < sig->parameter_count(); j++) { EmitUint8(&header, WasmOpcodes::LocalTypeCodeFor(sig->GetParam(j))); } EmitVarInt(&header, sig->return_count()); for (size_t j = 0; j < sig->return_count(); j++) { EmitUint8(&header, WasmOpcodes::LocalTypeCodeFor(sig->GetReturn(j))); } } FixupSection(section, header); } // -- emit imports ----------------------------------------------------------- if (imports_.size() > 0) { byte* section = EmitSection(WasmSection::Code::ImportTable, &header); EmitVarInt(&header, imports_.size()); for (auto import : imports_) { EmitVarInt(&header, import.sig_index); EmitVarInt(&header, import.name_length); std::memcpy(header, import.name, import.name_length); header += import.name_length; EmitVarInt(&header, 0); } FixupSection(section, header); } // -- emit functions --------------------------------------------------------- if (functions_.size() > 0) { byte* section = EmitSection(WasmSection::Code::OldFunctions, &header); EmitVarInt(&header, functions_.size()); for (auto func : functions_) { func->Serialize(buffer, &header, &body); } FixupSection(section, header); } // -- emit function table ---------------------------------------------------- if (indirect_functions_.size() > 0) { byte* section = EmitSection(WasmSection::Code::FunctionTable, &header); EmitVarInt(&header, indirect_functions_.size()); for (auto index : indirect_functions_) { EmitVarInt(&header, index); } FixupSection(section, header); } // -- emit memory declaration ------------------------------------------------ { byte* section = EmitSection(WasmSection::Code::Memory, &header); EmitVarInt(&header, 16); // min memory size EmitVarInt(&header, 16); // max memory size EmitUint8(&header, 0); // memory export static_assert(kDeclMemorySize == 3, "memory size must match emit above"); FixupSection(section, header); } // -- emit start function index ---------------------------------------------- if (start_function_index_ >= 0) { byte* section = EmitSection(WasmSection::Code::StartFunction, &header); EmitVarInt(&header, start_function_index_); FixupSection(section, header); } // -- emit data segments ----------------------------------------------------- if (data_segments_.size() > 0) { byte* section = EmitSection(WasmSection::Code::DataSegments, &header); EmitVarInt(&header, data_segments_.size()); for (auto segment : data_segments_) { segment->Serialize(buffer, &header, &body); } FixupSection(section, header); } if (sizes.body_size > 0) { byte* section = EmitSection(WasmSection::Code::End, &header); FixupSection(section, header); } return new (zone) WasmModuleIndex(buffer, buffer + sizes.total()); } } // namespace wasm } // namespace internal } // namespace v8