// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_TORQUE_CONSTANTS_H_ #define V8_TORQUE_CONSTANTS_H_ #include <cstring> #include <string> #include "src/base/flags.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace torque { static const char* const CONSTEXPR_TYPE_PREFIX = "constexpr "; static const char* const NEVER_TYPE_STRING = "never"; static const char* const CONSTEXPR_BOOL_TYPE_STRING = "constexpr bool"; static const char* const CONSTEXPR_STRING_TYPE_STRING = "constexpr string"; static const char* const CONSTEXPR_INTPTR_TYPE_STRING = "constexpr intptr"; static const char* const CONSTEXPR_INSTANCE_TYPE_TYPE_STRING = "constexpr InstanceType"; static const char* const BOOL_TYPE_STRING = "bool"; static const char* const VOID_TYPE_STRING = "void"; static const char* const ARGUMENTS_TYPE_STRING = "Arguments"; static const char* const CONTEXT_TYPE_STRING = "Context"; static const char* const NO_CONTEXT_TYPE_STRING = "NoContext"; static const char* const NATIVE_CONTEXT_TYPE_STRING = "NativeContext"; static const char* const JS_FUNCTION_TYPE_STRING = "JSFunction"; static const char* const MAP_TYPE_STRING = "Map"; static const char* const OBJECT_TYPE_STRING = "Object"; static const char* const HEAP_OBJECT_TYPE_STRING = "HeapObject"; static const char* const TAGGED_ZERO_PATTERN_TYPE_STRING = "TaggedZeroPattern"; static const char* const JSANY_TYPE_STRING = "JSAny"; static const char* const JSOBJECT_TYPE_STRING = "JSObject"; static const char* const SMI_TYPE_STRING = "Smi"; static const char* const TAGGED_TYPE_STRING = "Tagged"; static const char* const STRONG_TAGGED_TYPE_STRING = "StrongTagged"; static const char* const UNINITIALIZED_TYPE_STRING = "Uninitialized"; static const char* const UNINITIALIZED_HEAP_OBJECT_TYPE_STRING = "UninitializedHeapObject"; static const char* const RAWPTR_TYPE_STRING = "RawPtr"; static const char* const EXTERNALPTR_TYPE_STRING = "ExternalPointer"; static const char* const CONST_STRING_TYPE_STRING = "constexpr string"; static const char* const STRING_TYPE_STRING = "String"; static const char* const NUMBER_TYPE_STRING = "Number"; static const char* const BUILTIN_POINTER_TYPE_STRING = "BuiltinPtr"; static const char* const INTPTR_TYPE_STRING = "intptr"; static const char* const UINTPTR_TYPE_STRING = "uintptr"; static const char* const INT64_TYPE_STRING = "int64"; static const char* const UINT64_TYPE_STRING = "uint64"; static const char* const INT31_TYPE_STRING = "int31"; static const char* const INT32_TYPE_STRING = "int32"; static const char* const UINT31_TYPE_STRING = "uint31"; static const char* const UINT32_TYPE_STRING = "uint32"; static const char* const INT16_TYPE_STRING = "int16"; static const char* const UINT16_TYPE_STRING = "uint16"; static const char* const INT8_TYPE_STRING = "int8"; static const char* const UINT8_TYPE_STRING = "uint8"; static const char* const BINT_TYPE_STRING = "bint"; static const char* const CHAR8_TYPE_STRING = "char8"; static const char* const CHAR16_TYPE_STRING = "char16"; static const char* const FLOAT32_TYPE_STRING = "float32"; static const char* const FLOAT64_TYPE_STRING = "float64"; static const char* const FLOAT64_OR_HOLE_TYPE_STRING = "float64_or_hole"; static const char* const CONST_INT31_TYPE_STRING = "constexpr int31"; static const char* const CONST_INT32_TYPE_STRING = "constexpr int32"; static const char* const CONST_FLOAT64_TYPE_STRING = "constexpr float64"; static const char* const TORQUE_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE_STRING = "torque_internal"; static const char* const MUTABLE_REFERENCE_TYPE_STRING = "MutableReference"; static const char* const CONST_REFERENCE_TYPE_STRING = "ConstReference"; static const char* const MUTABLE_SLICE_TYPE_STRING = "MutableSlice"; static const char* const CONST_SLICE_TYPE_STRING = "ConstSlice"; static const char* const WEAK_TYPE_STRING = "Weak"; static const char* const SMI_TAGGED_TYPE_STRING = "SmiTagged"; static const char* const LAZY_TYPE_STRING = "Lazy"; static const char* const UNINITIALIZED_ITERATOR_TYPE_STRING = "UninitializedIterator"; static const char* const GENERIC_TYPE_INSTANTIATION_NAMESPACE_STRING = "_generic_type_instantiation_namespace"; static const char* const FIXED_ARRAY_BASE_TYPE_STRING = "FixedArrayBase"; static const char* const WEAK_HEAP_OBJECT = "WeakHeapObject"; static const char* const STATIC_ASSERT_MACRO_STRING = "StaticAssert"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_GENERATE_PRINT = "@generatePrint"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_NO_VERIFIER = "@noVerifier"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_ABSTRACT = "@abstract"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_HAS_SAME_INSTANCE_TYPE_AS_PARENT = "@hasSameInstanceTypeAsParent"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_GENERATE_CPP_CLASS = "@generateCppClass"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_CUSTOM_MAP = "@customMap"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_CUSTOM_CPP_CLASS = "@customCppClass"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_HIGHEST_INSTANCE_TYPE_WITHIN_PARENT = "@highestInstanceTypeWithinParentClassRange"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_LOWEST_INSTANCE_TYPE_WITHIN_PARENT = "@lowestInstanceTypeWithinParentClassRange"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_RESERVE_BITS_IN_INSTANCE_TYPE = "@reserveBitsInInstanceType"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_INSTANCE_TYPE_VALUE = "@apiExposedInstanceTypeValue"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_IF = "@if"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_IFNOT = "@ifnot"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_GENERATE_BODY_DESCRIPTOR = "@generateBodyDescriptor"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_EXPORT = "@export"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_DO_NOT_GENERATE_CAST = "@doNotGenerateCast"; static const char* const ANNOTATION_USE_PARENT_TYPE_CHECKER = "@useParentTypeChecker"; // Generate C++ accessors with relaxed store semantics. // Weak<T> and MaybeObject fields always use relaxed store. static const char* const ANNOTATION_CPP_RELAXED_STORE = "@cppRelaxedStore"; // Generate C++ accessors with relaxed load semantics. static const char* const ANNOTATION_CPP_RELAXED_LOAD = "@cppRelaxedLoad"; // Generate C++ accessors with release store semantics. static const char* const ANNOTATION_CPP_RELEASE_STORE = "@cppReleaseStore"; // Generate C++ accessors with acquire load semantics. static const char* const ANNOTATION_CPP_ACQUIRE_LOAD = "@cppAcquireLoad"; inline bool IsConstexprName(const std::string& name) { return name.substr(0, std::strlen(CONSTEXPR_TYPE_PREFIX)) == CONSTEXPR_TYPE_PREFIX; } inline std::string GetNonConstexprName(const std::string& name) { if (!IsConstexprName(name)) return name; return name.substr(std::strlen(CONSTEXPR_TYPE_PREFIX)); } inline std::string GetConstexprName(const std::string& name) { if (IsConstexprName(name)) return name; return CONSTEXPR_TYPE_PREFIX + name; } enum class AbstractTypeFlag { kNone = 0, kTransient = 1 << 0, kConstexpr = 1 << 1, kUseParentTypeChecker = 1 << 2, }; using AbstractTypeFlags = base::Flags<AbstractTypeFlag>; enum class ClassFlag { kNone = 0, kExtern = 1 << 0, kGeneratePrint = 1 << 1, kGenerateVerify = 1 << 2, kTransient = 1 << 3, kAbstract = 1 << 4, kIsShape = 1 << 5, kHasSameInstanceTypeAsParent = 1 << 6, kGenerateCppClassDefinitions = 1 << 7, kCustomCppClass = 1 << 8, kHighestInstanceTypeWithinParent = 1 << 9, kLowestInstanceTypeWithinParent = 1 << 10, kUndefinedLayout = 1 << 11, kGenerateBodyDescriptor = 1 << 12, kExport = 1 << 13, kDoNotGenerateCast = 1 << 14, kCustomMap = 1 << 15, }; using ClassFlags = base::Flags<ClassFlag>; enum class StructFlag { kNone = 0, kExport = 1 << 0 }; using StructFlags = base::Flags<StructFlag>; enum class FieldSynchronization { kNone, kRelaxed, kAcquireRelease, }; } // namespace torque } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #endif // V8_TORQUE_CONSTANTS_H_