// Copyright 2006-2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

(function(global, utils) {
"use strict";

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Imports

var ErrorToString;
var GlobalArray = global.Array;
var IsNaN = global.isNaN;
var JSONStringify = global.JSON.stringify;
var MakeError;
var MapEntries;
var MapIteratorNext;
var MathMin = global.Math.min;
var promiseStatusSymbol = utils.ImportNow("promise_status_symbol");
var promiseValueSymbol = utils.ImportNow("promise_value_symbol");
var SetIteratorNext;
var SetValues;
var SymbolToString;

utils.Import(function(from) {
  ErrorToString = from.ErrorToString;
  MakeError = from.MakeError;
  MapEntries = from.MapEntries;
  MapIteratorNext = from.MapIteratorNext;
  SetIteratorNext = from.SetIteratorNext;
  SetValues = from.SetValues;
  SymbolToString = from.SymbolToString;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Mirror hierarchy:
// - Mirror
//   - ValueMirror
//     - UndefinedMirror
//     - NullMirror
//     - BooleanMirror
//     - NumberMirror
//     - StringMirror
//     - SymbolMirror
//     - ObjectMirror
//       - FunctionMirror
//         - UnresolvedFunctionMirror
//       - ArrayMirror
//       - DateMirror
//       - RegExpMirror
//       - ErrorMirror
//       - PromiseMirror
//       - MapMirror
//       - SetMirror
//       - IteratorMirror
//       - GeneratorMirror
//   - PropertyMirror
//   - InternalPropertyMirror
//   - FrameMirror
//   - ScriptMirror
//   - ScopeMirror

// Type names of the different mirrors.
var MirrorType = {
  UNDEFINED_TYPE : 'undefined',
  NULL_TYPE : 'null',
  BOOLEAN_TYPE : 'boolean',
  NUMBER_TYPE : 'number',
  STRING_TYPE : 'string',
  SYMBOL_TYPE : 'symbol',
  OBJECT_TYPE : 'object',
  FUNCTION_TYPE : 'function',
  REGEXP_TYPE : 'regexp',
  ERROR_TYPE : 'error',
  PROPERTY_TYPE : 'property',
  INTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE : 'internalProperty',
  FRAME_TYPE : 'frame',
  SCRIPT_TYPE : 'script',
  CONTEXT_TYPE : 'context',
  SCOPE_TYPE : 'scope',
  PROMISE_TYPE : 'promise',
  MAP_TYPE : 'map',
  SET_TYPE : 'set',
  ITERATOR_TYPE : 'iterator',
  GENERATOR_TYPE : 'generator',

// Handle id counters.
var next_handle_ = 0;
var next_transient_handle_ = -1;

// Mirror cache.
var mirror_cache_ = [];
var mirror_cache_enabled_ = true;

function MirrorCacheIsEmpty() {
  return next_handle_ == 0 && mirror_cache_.length == 0;

function ToggleMirrorCache(value) {
  mirror_cache_enabled_ = value;

function ClearMirrorCache(value) {
  next_handle_ = 0;
  mirror_cache_ = [];

function ObjectIsPromise(value) {
  return IS_RECEIVER(value) &&
         !IS_UNDEFINED(%DebugGetProperty(value, promiseStatusSymbol));

 * Returns the mirror for a specified value or object.
 * @param {value or Object} value the value or object to retreive the mirror for
 * @param {boolean} transient indicate whether this object is transient and
 *    should not be added to the mirror cache. The default is not transient.
 * @returns {Mirror} the mirror reflects the passed value or object
function MakeMirror(value, opt_transient) {
  var mirror;

  // Look for non transient mirrors in the mirror cache.
  if (!opt_transient && mirror_cache_enabled_) {
    for (var id in mirror_cache_) {
      mirror = mirror_cache_[id];
      if (mirror.value() === value) {
        return mirror;
      // Special check for NaN as NaN == NaN is false.
      if (mirror.isNumber() && IsNaN(mirror.value()) &&
          typeof value == 'number' && IsNaN(value)) {
        return mirror;

  if (IS_UNDEFINED(value)) {
    mirror = new UndefinedMirror();
  } else if (IS_NULL(value)) {
    mirror = new NullMirror();
  } else if (IS_BOOLEAN(value)) {
    mirror = new BooleanMirror(value);
  } else if (IS_NUMBER(value)) {
    mirror = new NumberMirror(value);
  } else if (IS_STRING(value)) {
    mirror = new StringMirror(value);
  } else if (IS_SYMBOL(value)) {
    mirror = new SymbolMirror(value);
  } else if (IS_ARRAY(value)) {
    mirror = new ArrayMirror(value);
  } else if (IS_DATE(value)) {
    mirror = new DateMirror(value);
  } else if (IS_FUNCTION(value)) {
    mirror = new FunctionMirror(value);
  } else if (IS_REGEXP(value)) {
    mirror = new RegExpMirror(value);
  } else if (IS_ERROR(value)) {
    mirror = new ErrorMirror(value);
  } else if (IS_SCRIPT(value)) {
    mirror = new ScriptMirror(value);
  } else if (IS_MAP(value) || IS_WEAKMAP(value)) {
    mirror = new MapMirror(value);
  } else if (IS_SET(value) || IS_WEAKSET(value)) {
    mirror = new SetMirror(value);
  } else if (IS_MAP_ITERATOR(value) || IS_SET_ITERATOR(value)) {
    mirror = new IteratorMirror(value);
  } else if (ObjectIsPromise(value)) {
    mirror = new PromiseMirror(value);
  } else if (IS_GENERATOR(value)) {
    mirror = new GeneratorMirror(value);
  } else {
    mirror = new ObjectMirror(value, MirrorType.OBJECT_TYPE, opt_transient);

  if (mirror_cache_enabled_) mirror_cache_[mirror.handle()] = mirror;
  return mirror;

 * Returns the mirror for a specified mirror handle.
 * @param {number} handle the handle to find the mirror for
 * @returns {Mirror or undefiend} the mirror with the requested handle or
 *     undefined if no mirror with the requested handle was found
function LookupMirror(handle) {
  if (!mirror_cache_enabled_) {
    throw MakeError(kDebugger, "Mirror cache is disabled");
  return mirror_cache_[handle];

 * Returns the mirror for the undefined value.
 * @returns {Mirror} the mirror reflects the undefined value
function GetUndefinedMirror() {
  return MakeMirror(UNDEFINED);

 * Inherit the prototype methods from one constructor into another.
 * The Function.prototype.inherits from lang.js rewritten as a standalone
 * function (not on Function.prototype). NOTE: If this file is to be loaded
 * during bootstrapping this function needs to be revritten using some native
 * functions as prototype setup using normal JavaScript does not work as
 * expected during bootstrapping (see mirror.js in r114903).
 * @param {function} ctor Constructor function which needs to inherit the
 *     prototype
 * @param {function} superCtor Constructor function to inherit prototype from
function inherits(ctor, superCtor) {
  var tempCtor = function(){};
  tempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype;
  ctor.super_ = superCtor.prototype;
  ctor.prototype = new tempCtor();
  ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor;

// Maximum length when sending strings through the JSON protocol.
var kMaxProtocolStringLength = 80;

// A copy of the PropertyType enum from property-details.h
var PropertyType = {};
PropertyType.Data                        = 0;
PropertyType.DataConstant                = 2;
PropertyType.AccessorConstant            = 3;

// Different attributes for a property.
var PropertyAttribute = {};
PropertyAttribute.None       = NONE;
PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly   = READ_ONLY;
PropertyAttribute.DontEnum   = DONT_ENUM;
PropertyAttribute.DontDelete = DONT_DELETE;

// A copy of the scope types from runtime-debug.cc.
// NOTE: these constants should be backward-compatible, so
// add new ones to the end of this list.
var ScopeType = { Global: 0,
                  Local: 1,
                  With: 2,
                  Closure: 3,
                  Catch: 4,
                  Block: 5,
                  Script: 6 };

 * Base class for all mirror objects.
 * @param {string} type The type of the mirror
 * @constructor
function Mirror(type) {
  this.type_ = type;

Mirror.prototype.type = function() {
  return this.type_;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a value.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a value.
Mirror.prototype.isValue = function() {
  return this instanceof ValueMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects the undefined value.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects the undefined value.
Mirror.prototype.isUndefined = function() {
  return this instanceof UndefinedMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects the null value.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects the null value
Mirror.prototype.isNull = function() {
  return this instanceof NullMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a boolean value.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a boolean value
Mirror.prototype.isBoolean = function() {
  return this instanceof BooleanMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a number value.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a number value
Mirror.prototype.isNumber = function() {
  return this instanceof NumberMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a string value.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a string value
Mirror.prototype.isString = function() {
  return this instanceof StringMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a symbol.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a symbol
Mirror.prototype.isSymbol = function() {
  return this instanceof SymbolMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects an object.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects an object
Mirror.prototype.isObject = function() {
  return this instanceof ObjectMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a function.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a function
Mirror.prototype.isFunction = function() {
  return this instanceof FunctionMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects an unresolved function.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects an unresolved function
Mirror.prototype.isUnresolvedFunction = function() {
  return this instanceof UnresolvedFunctionMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects an array.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects an array
Mirror.prototype.isArray = function() {
  return this instanceof ArrayMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a date.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a date
Mirror.prototype.isDate = function() {
  return this instanceof DateMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a regular expression.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a regular expression
Mirror.prototype.isRegExp = function() {
  return this instanceof RegExpMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects an error.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects an error
Mirror.prototype.isError = function() {
  return this instanceof ErrorMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a promise.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a promise
Mirror.prototype.isPromise = function() {
  return this instanceof PromiseMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a generator object.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a generator object
Mirror.prototype.isGenerator = function() {
  return this instanceof GeneratorMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a property.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a property
Mirror.prototype.isProperty = function() {
  return this instanceof PropertyMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects an internal property.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects an internal property
Mirror.prototype.isInternalProperty = function() {
  return this instanceof InternalPropertyMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a stack frame.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a stack frame
Mirror.prototype.isFrame = function() {
  return this instanceof FrameMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a script.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a script
Mirror.prototype.isScript = function() {
  return this instanceof ScriptMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a context.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a context
Mirror.prototype.isContext = function() {
  return this instanceof ContextMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a scope.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a scope
Mirror.prototype.isScope = function() {
  return this instanceof ScopeMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a map.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a map
Mirror.prototype.isMap = function() {
  return this instanceof MapMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects a set.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a set
Mirror.prototype.isSet = function() {
  return this instanceof SetMirror;

 * Check whether the mirror reflects an iterator.
 * @returns {boolean} True if the mirror reflects an iterator
Mirror.prototype.isIterator = function() {
  return this instanceof IteratorMirror;

 * Allocate a handle id for this object.
Mirror.prototype.allocateHandle_ = function() {
  if (mirror_cache_enabled_) this.handle_ = next_handle_++;

 * Allocate a transient handle id for this object. Transient handles are
 * negative.
Mirror.prototype.allocateTransientHandle_ = function() {
  this.handle_ = next_transient_handle_--;

Mirror.prototype.toText = function() {
  // Simpel to text which is used when on specialization in subclass.
  return "#<" + this.constructor.name + ">";

 * Base class for all value mirror objects.
 * @param {string} type The type of the mirror
 * @param {value} value The value reflected by this mirror
 * @param {boolean} transient indicate whether this object is transient with a
 *    transient handle
 * @constructor
 * @extends Mirror
function ValueMirror(type, value, transient) {
  %_Call(Mirror, this, type);
  this.value_ = value;
  if (!transient) {
  } else {
inherits(ValueMirror, Mirror);

Mirror.prototype.handle = function() {
  return this.handle_;

 * Check whether this is a primitive value.
 * @return {boolean} True if the mirror reflects a primitive value
ValueMirror.prototype.isPrimitive = function() {
  var type = this.type();
  return type === 'undefined' ||
         type === 'null' ||
         type === 'boolean' ||
         type === 'number' ||
         type === 'string' ||
         type === 'symbol';

 * Get the actual value reflected by this mirror.
 * @return {value} The value reflected by this mirror
ValueMirror.prototype.value = function() {
  return this.value_;

 * Mirror object for Undefined.
 * @constructor
 * @extends ValueMirror
function UndefinedMirror() {
  %_Call(ValueMirror, this, MirrorType.UNDEFINED_TYPE, UNDEFINED);
inherits(UndefinedMirror, ValueMirror);

UndefinedMirror.prototype.toText = function() {
  return 'undefined';

 * Mirror object for null.
 * @constructor
 * @extends ValueMirror
function NullMirror() {
  %_Call(ValueMirror, this, MirrorType.NULL_TYPE, null);
inherits(NullMirror, ValueMirror);

NullMirror.prototype.toText = function() {
  return 'null';

 * Mirror object for boolean values.
 * @param {boolean} value The boolean value reflected by this mirror
 * @constructor
 * @extends ValueMirror
function BooleanMirror(value) {
  %_Call(ValueMirror, this, MirrorType.BOOLEAN_TYPE, value);
inherits(BooleanMirror, ValueMirror);

BooleanMirror.prototype.toText = function() {
  return this.value_ ? 'true' : 'false';

 * Mirror object for number values.
 * @param {number} value The number value reflected by this mirror
 * @constructor
 * @extends ValueMirror
function NumberMirror(value) {
  %_Call(ValueMirror, this, MirrorType.NUMBER_TYPE, value);
inherits(NumberMirror, ValueMirror);

NumberMirror.prototype.toText = function() {
  return %_NumberToString(this.value_);

 * Mirror object for string values.
 * @param {string} value The string value reflected by this mirror
 * @constructor
 * @extends ValueMirror
function StringMirror(value) {
  %_Call(ValueMirror, this, MirrorType.STRING_TYPE, value);
inherits(StringMirror, ValueMirror);

StringMirror.prototype.length = function() {
  return this.value_.length;

StringMirror.prototype.getTruncatedValue = function(maxLength) {
  if (maxLength != -1 && this.length() > maxLength) {
    return this.value_.substring(0, maxLength) +
           '... (length: ' + this.length() + ')';
  return this.value_;

StringMirror.prototype.toText = function() {
  return this.getTruncatedValue(kMaxProtocolStringLength);

 * Mirror object for a Symbol
 * @param {Object} value The Symbol
 * @constructor
 * @extends Mirror
function SymbolMirror(value) {
  %_Call(ValueMirror, this, MirrorType.SYMBOL_TYPE, value);
inherits(SymbolMirror, ValueMirror);

SymbolMirror.prototype.description = function() {
  return %SymbolDescription(%_ValueOf(this.value_));

SymbolMirror.prototype.toText = function() {
  return %_Call(SymbolToString, this.value_);

 * Mirror object for objects.
 * @param {object} value The object reflected by this mirror
 * @param {boolean} transient indicate whether this object is transient with a
 *    transient handle
 * @constructor
 * @extends ValueMirror
function ObjectMirror(value, type, transient) {
  type = type || MirrorType.OBJECT_TYPE;
  %_Call(ValueMirror, this, type, value, transient);
inherits(ObjectMirror, ValueMirror);

ObjectMirror.prototype.className = function() {
  return %_ClassOf(this.value_);

ObjectMirror.prototype.constructorFunction = function() {
  return MakeMirror(%DebugGetProperty(this.value_, 'constructor'));

ObjectMirror.prototype.prototypeObject = function() {
  return MakeMirror(%DebugGetProperty(this.value_, 'prototype'));

ObjectMirror.prototype.protoObject = function() {
  return MakeMirror(%DebugGetPrototype(this.value_));

ObjectMirror.prototype.hasNamedInterceptor = function() {
  // Get information on interceptors for this object.
  var x = %GetInterceptorInfo(this.value_);
  return (x & 2) != 0;

ObjectMirror.prototype.hasIndexedInterceptor = function() {
  // Get information on interceptors for this object.
  var x = %GetInterceptorInfo(this.value_);
  return (x & 1) != 0;

 * Return the property names for this object.
 * @param {number} kind Indicate whether named, indexed or both kinds of
 *     properties are requested
 * @param {number} limit Limit the number of names returend to the specified
 * @return {Array} Property names for this object
ObjectMirror.prototype.propertyNames = function() {
  return %GetOwnPropertyKeys(this.value_, PROPERTY_FILTER_NONE);

 * Return the properties for this object as an array of PropertyMirror objects.
 * @param {number} kind Indicate whether named, indexed or both kinds of
 *     properties are requested
 * @param {number} limit Limit the number of properties returned to the
       specified value
 * @return {Array} Property mirrors for this object
ObjectMirror.prototype.properties = function() {
  var names = this.propertyNames();
  var properties = new GlobalArray(names.length);
  for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
    properties[i] = this.property(names[i]);

  return properties;

 * Return the internal properties for this object as an array of
 * InternalPropertyMirror objects.
 * @return {Array} Property mirrors for this object
ObjectMirror.prototype.internalProperties = function() {
  return ObjectMirror.GetInternalProperties(this.value_);

ObjectMirror.prototype.property = function(name) {
  var details = %DebugGetPropertyDetails(this.value_, TO_NAME(name));
  if (details) {
    return new PropertyMirror(this, name, details);

  // Nothing found.
  return GetUndefinedMirror();

 * Try to find a property from its value.
 * @param {Mirror} value The property value to look for
 * @return {PropertyMirror} The property with the specified value. If no
 *     property was found with the specified value UndefinedMirror is returned
ObjectMirror.prototype.lookupProperty = function(value) {
  var properties = this.properties();

  // Look for property value in properties.
  for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {

    // Skip properties which are defined through accessors.
    var property = properties[i];
    if (property.propertyType() != PropertyType.AccessorConstant) {
      if (property.value_ === value.value_) {
        return property;

  // Nothing found.
  return GetUndefinedMirror();

 * Returns objects which has direct references to this object
 * @param {number} opt_max_objects Optional parameter specifying the maximum
 *     number of referencing objects to return.
 * @return {Array} The objects which has direct references to this object.
ObjectMirror.prototype.referencedBy = function(opt_max_objects) {
  // Find all objects with direct references to this object.
  var result = %DebugReferencedBy(this.value_,
                                  Mirror.prototype, opt_max_objects || 0);

  // Make mirrors for all the references found.
  for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
    result[i] = MakeMirror(result[i]);

  return result;

ObjectMirror.prototype.toText = function() {
  var name;
  var ctor = this.constructorFunction();
  if (!ctor.isFunction()) {
    name = this.className();
  } else {
    name = ctor.name();
    if (!name) {
      name = this.className();
  return '#<' + name + '>';

 * Return the internal properties of the value, such as [[PrimitiveValue]] of
 * scalar wrapper objects, properties of the bound function and properties of
 * the promise.
 * This method is done static to be accessible from Debug API with the bare
 * values without mirrors.
 * @return {Array} array (possibly empty) of InternalProperty instances
ObjectMirror.GetInternalProperties = function(value) {
  var properties = %DebugGetInternalProperties(value);
  var result = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i += 2) {
    result.push(new InternalPropertyMirror(properties[i], properties[i + 1]));
  return result;

 * Mirror object for functions.
 * @param {function} value The function object reflected by this mirror.
 * @constructor
 * @extends ObjectMirror
function FunctionMirror(value) {
  %_Call(ObjectMirror, this, value, MirrorType.FUNCTION_TYPE);
  this.resolved_ = true;
inherits(FunctionMirror, ObjectMirror);

 * Returns whether the function is resolved.
 * @return {boolean} True if the function is resolved. Unresolved functions can
 *     only originate as functions from stack frames
FunctionMirror.prototype.resolved = function() {
  return this.resolved_;

 * Returns the name of the function.
 * @return {string} Name of the function
FunctionMirror.prototype.name = function() {
  return %FunctionGetName(this.value_);

 * Returns the displayName if it is set, otherwise name, otherwise inferred
 * name.
 * @return {string} Name of the function
FunctionMirror.prototype.debugName = function() {
  return %FunctionGetDebugName(this.value_);

 * Returns the inferred name of the function.
 * @return {string} Name of the function
FunctionMirror.prototype.inferredName = function() {
  return %FunctionGetInferredName(this.value_);

 * Returns the source code for the function.
 * @return {string or undefined} The source code for the function. If the
 *     function is not resolved undefined will be returned.
FunctionMirror.prototype.source = function() {
  // Return source if function is resolved. Otherwise just fall through to
  // return undefined.
  if (this.resolved()) {
    return %FunctionToString(this.value_);

 * Returns the script object for the function.
 * @return {ScriptMirror or undefined} Script object for the function or
 *     undefined if the function has no script
FunctionMirror.prototype.script = function() {
  // Return script if function is resolved. Otherwise just fall through
  // to return undefined.
  if (this.resolved()) {
    if (this.script_) {
      return this.script_;
    var script = %FunctionGetScript(this.value_);
    if (script) {
      return this.script_ = MakeMirror(script);

 * Returns the script source position for the function. Only makes sense
 * for functions which has a script defined.
 * @return {Number or undefined} in-script position for the function
FunctionMirror.prototype.sourcePosition_ = function() {
  // Return position if function is resolved. Otherwise just fall
  // through to return undefined.
  if (this.resolved()) {
    return %FunctionGetScriptSourcePosition(this.value_);

 * Returns the script source location object for the function. Only makes sense
 * for functions which has a script defined.
 * @return {Location or undefined} in-script location for the function begin
FunctionMirror.prototype.sourceLocation = function() {
  if (this.resolved()) {
    var script = this.script();
    if (script) {
      return script.locationFromPosition(this.sourcePosition_(), true);

 * Returns objects constructed by this function.
 * @param {number} opt_max_instances Optional parameter specifying the maximum
 *     number of instances to return.
 * @return {Array or undefined} The objects constructed by this function.
FunctionMirror.prototype.constructedBy = function(opt_max_instances) {
  if (this.resolved()) {
    // Find all objects constructed from this function.
    var result = %DebugConstructedBy(this.value_, opt_max_instances || 0);

    // Make mirrors for all the instances found.
    for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
      result[i] = MakeMirror(result[i]);

    return result;
  } else {
    return [];

FunctionMirror.prototype.scopeCount = function() {
  if (this.resolved()) {
    if (IS_UNDEFINED(this.scopeCount_)) {
      this.scopeCount_ = %GetFunctionScopeCount(this.value());
    return this.scopeCount_;
  } else {
    return 0;

FunctionMirror.prototype.scope = function(index) {
  if (this.resolved()) {
    return new ScopeMirror(UNDEFINED, this, index);

FunctionMirror.prototype.toText = function() {
  return this.source();

FunctionMirror.prototype.context = function() {
  if (this.resolved()) {
    if (!this._context)
      this._context = new ContextMirror(%FunctionGetContextData(this.value_));
    return this._context;

 * Mirror object for unresolved functions.
 * @param {string} value The name for the unresolved function reflected by this
 *     mirror.
 * @constructor
 * @extends ObjectMirror
function UnresolvedFunctionMirror(value) {
  // Construct this using the ValueMirror as an unresolved function is not a
  // real object but just a string.
  %_Call(ValueMirror, this, MirrorType.FUNCTION_TYPE, value);
  this.propertyCount_ = 0;
  this.elementCount_ = 0;
  this.resolved_ = false;
inherits(UnresolvedFunctionMirror, FunctionMirror);

UnresolvedFunctionMirror.prototype.className = function() {
  return 'Function';

UnresolvedFunctionMirror.prototype.constructorFunction = function() {
  return GetUndefinedMirror();

UnresolvedFunctionMirror.prototype.prototypeObject = function() {
  return GetUndefinedMirror();

UnresolvedFunctionMirror.prototype.protoObject = function() {
  return GetUndefinedMirror();

UnresolvedFunctionMirror.prototype.name = function() {
  return this.value_;

UnresolvedFunctionMirror.prototype.inferredName = function() {
  return UNDEFINED;

UnresolvedFunctionMirror.prototype.propertyNames = function(kind, limit) {
  return [];

 * Mirror object for arrays.
 * @param {Array} value The Array object reflected by this mirror
 * @constructor
 * @extends ObjectMirror
function ArrayMirror(value) {
  %_Call(ObjectMirror, this, value);
inherits(ArrayMirror, ObjectMirror);

ArrayMirror.prototype.length = function() {
  return this.value_.length;

ArrayMirror.prototype.indexedPropertiesFromRange = function(opt_from_index,
                                                            opt_to_index) {
  var from_index = opt_from_index || 0;
  var to_index = opt_to_index || this.length() - 1;
  if (from_index > to_index) return new GlobalArray();
  var values = new GlobalArray(to_index - from_index + 1);
  for (var i = from_index; i <= to_index; i++) {
    var details = %DebugGetPropertyDetails(this.value_, TO_STRING(i));
    var value;
    if (details) {
      value = new PropertyMirror(this, i, details);
    } else {
      value = GetUndefinedMirror();
    values[i - from_index] = value;
  return values;

 * Mirror object for dates.
 * @param {Date} value The Date object reflected by this mirror
 * @constructor
 * @extends ObjectMirror
function DateMirror(value) {
  %_Call(ObjectMirror, this, value);
inherits(DateMirror, ObjectMirror);

DateMirror.prototype.toText = function() {
  var s = JSONStringify(this.value_);
  return s.substring(1, s.length - 1);  // cut quotes

 * Mirror object for regular expressions.
 * @param {RegExp} value The RegExp object reflected by this mirror
 * @constructor
 * @extends ObjectMirror
function RegExpMirror(value) {
  %_Call(ObjectMirror, this, value, MirrorType.REGEXP_TYPE);
inherits(RegExpMirror, ObjectMirror);

 * Returns the source to the regular expression.
 * @return {string or undefined} The source to the regular expression
RegExpMirror.prototype.source = function() {
  return this.value_.source;

 * Returns whether this regular expression has the global (g) flag set.
 * @return {boolean} Value of the global flag
RegExpMirror.prototype.global = function() {
  return this.value_.global;

 * Returns whether this regular expression has the ignore case (i) flag set.
 * @return {boolean} Value of the ignore case flag
RegExpMirror.prototype.ignoreCase = function() {
  return this.value_.ignoreCase;

 * Returns whether this regular expression has the multiline (m) flag set.
 * @return {boolean} Value of the multiline flag
RegExpMirror.prototype.multiline = function() {
  return this.value_.multiline;

 * Returns whether this regular expression has the sticky (y) flag set.
 * @return {boolean} Value of the sticky flag
RegExpMirror.prototype.sticky = function() {
  return this.value_.sticky;

 * Returns whether this regular expression has the unicode (u) flag set.
 * @return {boolean} Value of the unicode flag
RegExpMirror.prototype.unicode = function() {
  return this.value_.unicode;

RegExpMirror.prototype.toText = function() {
  // Simpel to text which is used when on specialization in subclass.
  return "/" + this.source() + "/";

 * Mirror object for error objects.
 * @param {Error} value The error object reflected by this mirror
 * @constructor
 * @extends ObjectMirror
function ErrorMirror(value) {
  %_Call(ObjectMirror, this, value, MirrorType.ERROR_TYPE);
inherits(ErrorMirror, ObjectMirror);

 * Returns the message for this eror object.
 * @return {string or undefined} The message for this eror object
ErrorMirror.prototype.message = function() {
  return this.value_.message;

ErrorMirror.prototype.toText = function() {
  // Use the same text representation as in messages.js.
  var text;
  try {
    text = %_Call(ErrorToString, this.value_);
  } catch (e) {
    text = '#<Error>';
  return text;

 * Mirror object for a Promise object.
 * @param {Object} value The Promise object
 * @constructor
 * @extends ObjectMirror
function PromiseMirror(value) {
  %_Call(ObjectMirror, this, value, MirrorType.PROMISE_TYPE);
inherits(PromiseMirror, ObjectMirror);

function PromiseGetStatus_(value) {
  var status = %DebugGetProperty(value, promiseStatusSymbol);
  if (status == 0) return "pending";
  if (status == 1) return "resolved";
  return "rejected";

function PromiseGetValue_(value) {
  return %DebugGetProperty(value, promiseValueSymbol);

PromiseMirror.prototype.status = function() {
  return PromiseGetStatus_(this.value_);

PromiseMirror.prototype.promiseValue = function() {
  return MakeMirror(PromiseGetValue_(this.value_));

function MapMirror(value) {
  %_Call(ObjectMirror, this, value, MirrorType.MAP_TYPE);
inherits(MapMirror, ObjectMirror);

 * Returns an array of key/value pairs of a map.
 * This will keep keys alive for WeakMaps.
 * @param {number=} opt_limit Max elements to return.
 * @returns {Array.<Object>} Array of key/value pairs of a map.
MapMirror.prototype.entries = function(opt_limit) {
  var result = [];

  if (IS_WEAKMAP(this.value_)) {
    var entries = %GetWeakMapEntries(this.value_, opt_limit || 0);
    for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i += 2) {
        key: entries[i],
        value: entries[i + 1]
    return result;

  var iter = %_Call(MapEntries, this.value_);
  var next;
  while ((!opt_limit || result.length < opt_limit) &&
         !(next = iter.next()).done) {
      key: next.value[0],
      value: next.value[1]
  return result;

function SetMirror(value) {
  %_Call(ObjectMirror, this, value, MirrorType.SET_TYPE);
inherits(SetMirror, ObjectMirror);

function IteratorGetValues_(iter, next_function, opt_limit) {
  var result = [];
  var next;
  while ((!opt_limit || result.length < opt_limit) &&
         !(next = %_Call(next_function, iter)).done) {
  return result;

 * Returns an array of elements of a set.
 * This will keep elements alive for WeakSets.
 * @param {number=} opt_limit Max elements to return.
 * @returns {Array.<Object>} Array of elements of a set.
SetMirror.prototype.values = function(opt_limit) {
  if (IS_WEAKSET(this.value_)) {
    return %GetWeakSetValues(this.value_, opt_limit || 0);

  var iter = %_Call(SetValues, this.value_);
  return IteratorGetValues_(iter, SetIteratorNext, opt_limit);

function IteratorMirror(value) {
  %_Call(ObjectMirror, this, value, MirrorType.ITERATOR_TYPE);
inherits(IteratorMirror, ObjectMirror);

 * Returns a preview of elements of an iterator.
 * Does not change the backing iterator state.
 * @param {number=} opt_limit Max elements to return.
 * @returns {Array.<Object>} Array of elements of an iterator.
IteratorMirror.prototype.preview = function(opt_limit) {
  if (IS_MAP_ITERATOR(this.value_)) {
    return IteratorGetValues_(%MapIteratorClone(this.value_),
  } else if (IS_SET_ITERATOR(this.value_)) {
    return IteratorGetValues_(%SetIteratorClone(this.value_),

 * Mirror object for a Generator object.
 * @param {Object} data The Generator object
 * @constructor
 * @extends Mirror
function GeneratorMirror(value) {
  %_Call(ObjectMirror, this, value, MirrorType.GENERATOR_TYPE);
inherits(GeneratorMirror, ObjectMirror);

function GeneratorGetStatus_(value) {
  var continuation = %GeneratorGetContinuation(value);
  if (continuation < 0) return "running";
  if (continuation == 0) return "closed";
  return "suspended";

GeneratorMirror.prototype.status = function() {
  return GeneratorGetStatus_(this.value_);

GeneratorMirror.prototype.sourcePosition_ = function() {
  return %GeneratorGetSourcePosition(this.value_);

GeneratorMirror.prototype.sourceLocation = function() {
  var pos = this.sourcePosition_();
  if (!IS_UNDEFINED(pos)) {
    var script = this.func().script();
    if (script) {
      return script.locationFromPosition(pos, true);

GeneratorMirror.prototype.func = function() {
  if (!this.func_) {
    this.func_ = MakeMirror(%GeneratorGetFunction(this.value_));
  return this.func_;

GeneratorMirror.prototype.receiver = function() {
  if (!this.receiver_) {
    this.receiver_ = MakeMirror(%GeneratorGetReceiver(this.value_));
  return this.receiver_;

 * Base mirror object for properties.
 * @param {ObjectMirror} mirror The mirror object having this property
 * @param {string} name The name of the property
 * @param {Array} details Details about the property
 * @constructor
 * @extends Mirror
function PropertyMirror(mirror, name, details) {
  %_Call(Mirror, this, MirrorType.PROPERTY_TYPE);
  this.mirror_ = mirror;
  this.name_ = name;
  this.value_ = details[0];
  this.details_ = details[1];
  this.is_interceptor_ = details[2];
  if (details.length > 3) {
    this.exception_ = details[3];
    this.getter_ = details[4];
    this.setter_ = details[5];
inherits(PropertyMirror, Mirror);

PropertyMirror.prototype.isReadOnly = function() {
  return (this.attributes() & PropertyAttribute.ReadOnly) != 0;

PropertyMirror.prototype.isEnum = function() {
  return (this.attributes() & PropertyAttribute.DontEnum) == 0;

PropertyMirror.prototype.canDelete = function() {
  return (this.attributes() & PropertyAttribute.DontDelete) == 0;

PropertyMirror.prototype.name = function() {
  return this.name_;

PropertyMirror.prototype.isIndexed = function() {
  for (var i = 0; i < this.name_.length; i++) {
    if (this.name_[i] < '0' || '9' < this.name_[i]) {
      return false;
  return true;

PropertyMirror.prototype.value = function() {
  return MakeMirror(this.value_, false);

 * Returns whether this property value is an exception.
 * @return {booolean} True if this property value is an exception
PropertyMirror.prototype.isException = function() {
  return this.exception_ ? true : false;

PropertyMirror.prototype.attributes = function() {
  return %DebugPropertyAttributesFromDetails(this.details_);

PropertyMirror.prototype.propertyType = function() {
  return %DebugPropertyTypeFromDetails(this.details_);

PropertyMirror.prototype.insertionIndex = function() {
  return %DebugPropertyIndexFromDetails(this.details_);

 * Returns whether this property has a getter defined through __defineGetter__.
 * @return {booolean} True if this property has a getter
PropertyMirror.prototype.hasGetter = function() {
  return this.getter_ ? true : false;

 * Returns whether this property has a setter defined through __defineSetter__.
 * @return {booolean} True if this property has a setter
PropertyMirror.prototype.hasSetter = function() {
  return this.setter_ ? true : false;

 * Returns the getter for this property defined through __defineGetter__.
 * @return {Mirror} FunctionMirror reflecting the getter function or
 *     UndefinedMirror if there is no getter for this property
PropertyMirror.prototype.getter = function() {
  if (this.hasGetter()) {
    return MakeMirror(this.getter_);
  } else {
    return GetUndefinedMirror();

 * Returns the setter for this property defined through __defineSetter__.
 * @return {Mirror} FunctionMirror reflecting the setter function or
 *     UndefinedMirror if there is no setter for this property
PropertyMirror.prototype.setter = function() {
  if (this.hasSetter()) {
    return MakeMirror(this.setter_);
  } else {
    return GetUndefinedMirror();

 * Returns whether this property is natively implemented by the host or a set
 * through JavaScript code.
 * @return {boolean} True if the property is
 *     UndefinedMirror if there is no setter for this property
PropertyMirror.prototype.isNative = function() {
  return this.is_interceptor_ ||
         ((this.propertyType() == PropertyType.AccessorConstant) &&
          !this.hasGetter() && !this.hasSetter());

 * Mirror object for internal properties. Internal property reflects properties
 * not accessible from user code such as [[BoundThis]] in bound function.
 * Their names are merely symbolic.
 * @param {string} name The name of the property
 * @param {value} property value
 * @constructor
 * @extends Mirror
function InternalPropertyMirror(name, value) {
  %_Call(Mirror, this, MirrorType.INTERNAL_PROPERTY_TYPE);
  this.name_ = name;
  this.value_ = value;
inherits(InternalPropertyMirror, Mirror);

InternalPropertyMirror.prototype.name = function() {
  return this.name_;

InternalPropertyMirror.prototype.value = function() {
  return MakeMirror(this.value_, false);

var kFrameDetailsFrameIdIndex = 0;
var kFrameDetailsReceiverIndex = 1;
var kFrameDetailsFunctionIndex = 2;
var kFrameDetailsArgumentCountIndex = 3;
var kFrameDetailsLocalCountIndex = 4;
var kFrameDetailsSourcePositionIndex = 5;
var kFrameDetailsConstructCallIndex = 6;
var kFrameDetailsAtReturnIndex = 7;
var kFrameDetailsFlagsIndex = 8;
var kFrameDetailsFirstDynamicIndex = 9;

var kFrameDetailsNameIndex = 0;
var kFrameDetailsValueIndex = 1;
var kFrameDetailsNameValueSize = 2;

var kFrameDetailsFlagDebuggerFrameMask = 1 << 0;
var kFrameDetailsFlagOptimizedFrameMask = 1 << 1;
var kFrameDetailsFlagInlinedFrameIndexMask = 7 << 2;

 * Wrapper for the frame details information retreived from the VM. The frame
 * details from the VM is an array with the following content. See runtime.cc
 * Runtime_GetFrameDetails.
 *     0: Id
 *     1: Receiver
 *     2: Function
 *     3: Argument count
 *     4: Local count
 *     5: Source position
 *     6: Construct call
 *     7: Is at return
 *     8: Flags (debugger frame, optimized frame, inlined frame index)
 *     Arguments name, value
 *     Locals name, value
 *     Return value if any
 * @param {number} break_id Current break id
 * @param {number} index Frame number
 * @constructor
function FrameDetails(break_id, index) {
  this.break_id_ = break_id;
  this.details_ = %GetFrameDetails(break_id, index);

FrameDetails.prototype.frameId = function() {
  return this.details_[kFrameDetailsFrameIdIndex];

FrameDetails.prototype.receiver = function() {
  return this.details_[kFrameDetailsReceiverIndex];

FrameDetails.prototype.func = function() {
  return this.details_[kFrameDetailsFunctionIndex];

FrameDetails.prototype.isConstructCall = function() {
  return this.details_[kFrameDetailsConstructCallIndex];

FrameDetails.prototype.isAtReturn = function() {
  return this.details_[kFrameDetailsAtReturnIndex];

FrameDetails.prototype.isDebuggerFrame = function() {
  var f = kFrameDetailsFlagDebuggerFrameMask;
  return (this.details_[kFrameDetailsFlagsIndex] & f) == f;

FrameDetails.prototype.isOptimizedFrame = function() {
  var f = kFrameDetailsFlagOptimizedFrameMask;
  return (this.details_[kFrameDetailsFlagsIndex] & f) == f;

FrameDetails.prototype.isInlinedFrame = function() {
  return this.inlinedFrameIndex() > 0;

FrameDetails.prototype.inlinedFrameIndex = function() {
  var f = kFrameDetailsFlagInlinedFrameIndexMask;
  return (this.details_[kFrameDetailsFlagsIndex] & f) >> 2;

FrameDetails.prototype.argumentCount = function() {
  return this.details_[kFrameDetailsArgumentCountIndex];

FrameDetails.prototype.argumentName = function(index) {
  if (index >= 0 && index < this.argumentCount()) {
    return this.details_[kFrameDetailsFirstDynamicIndex +
                         index * kFrameDetailsNameValueSize +

FrameDetails.prototype.argumentValue = function(index) {
  if (index >= 0 && index < this.argumentCount()) {
    return this.details_[kFrameDetailsFirstDynamicIndex +
                         index * kFrameDetailsNameValueSize +

FrameDetails.prototype.localCount = function() {
  return this.details_[kFrameDetailsLocalCountIndex];

FrameDetails.prototype.sourcePosition = function() {
  return this.details_[kFrameDetailsSourcePositionIndex];

FrameDetails.prototype.localName = function(index) {
  if (index >= 0 && index < this.localCount()) {
    var locals_offset = kFrameDetailsFirstDynamicIndex +
                        this.argumentCount() * kFrameDetailsNameValueSize;
    return this.details_[locals_offset +
                         index * kFrameDetailsNameValueSize +

FrameDetails.prototype.localValue = function(index) {
  if (index >= 0 && index < this.localCount()) {
    var locals_offset = kFrameDetailsFirstDynamicIndex +
                        this.argumentCount() * kFrameDetailsNameValueSize;
    return this.details_[locals_offset +
                         index * kFrameDetailsNameValueSize +

FrameDetails.prototype.returnValue = function() {
  var return_value_offset =
      kFrameDetailsFirstDynamicIndex +
      (this.argumentCount() + this.localCount()) * kFrameDetailsNameValueSize;
  if (this.details_[kFrameDetailsAtReturnIndex]) {
    return this.details_[return_value_offset];

FrameDetails.prototype.scopeCount = function() {
  if (IS_UNDEFINED(this.scopeCount_)) {
    this.scopeCount_ = %GetScopeCount(this.break_id_, this.frameId());
  return this.scopeCount_;

 * Mirror object for stack frames.
 * @param {number} break_id The break id in the VM for which this frame is
 * @param {number} index The frame index (top frame is index 0)
 * @constructor
 * @extends Mirror
function FrameMirror(break_id, index) {
  %_Call(Mirror, this, MirrorType.FRAME_TYPE);
  this.break_id_ = break_id;
  this.index_ = index;
  this.details_ = new FrameDetails(break_id, index);
inherits(FrameMirror, Mirror);

FrameMirror.prototype.details = function() {
  return this.details_;

FrameMirror.prototype.index = function() {
  return this.index_;

FrameMirror.prototype.func = function() {
  if (this.func_) {
    return this.func_;

  // Get the function for this frame from the VM.
  var f = this.details_.func();

  // Create a function mirror. NOTE: MakeMirror cannot be used here as the
  // value returned from the VM might be a string if the function for the
  // frame is unresolved.
  if (IS_FUNCTION(f)) {
    return this.func_ = MakeMirror(f);
  } else {
    return new UnresolvedFunctionMirror(f);

FrameMirror.prototype.receiver = function() {
  return MakeMirror(this.details_.receiver());

FrameMirror.prototype.isConstructCall = function() {
  return this.details_.isConstructCall();

FrameMirror.prototype.isAtReturn = function() {
  return this.details_.isAtReturn();

FrameMirror.prototype.isDebuggerFrame = function() {
  return this.details_.isDebuggerFrame();

FrameMirror.prototype.isOptimizedFrame = function() {
  return this.details_.isOptimizedFrame();

FrameMirror.prototype.isInlinedFrame = function() {
  return this.details_.isInlinedFrame();

FrameMirror.prototype.inlinedFrameIndex = function() {
  return this.details_.inlinedFrameIndex();

FrameMirror.prototype.argumentCount = function() {
  return this.details_.argumentCount();

FrameMirror.prototype.argumentName = function(index) {
  return this.details_.argumentName(index);

FrameMirror.prototype.argumentValue = function(index) {
  return MakeMirror(this.details_.argumentValue(index));

FrameMirror.prototype.localCount = function() {
  return this.details_.localCount();

FrameMirror.prototype.localName = function(index) {
  return this.details_.localName(index);

FrameMirror.prototype.localValue = function(index) {
  return MakeMirror(this.details_.localValue(index));

FrameMirror.prototype.returnValue = function() {
  return MakeMirror(this.details_.returnValue());

FrameMirror.prototype.sourcePosition = function() {
  return this.details_.sourcePosition();

FrameMirror.prototype.sourceLocation = function() {
  var func = this.func();
  if (func.resolved()) {
    var script = func.script();
    if (script) {
      return script.locationFromPosition(this.sourcePosition(), true);

FrameMirror.prototype.sourceLine = function() {
  var location = this.sourceLocation();
  if (location) {
    return location.line;

FrameMirror.prototype.sourceColumn = function() {
  var location = this.sourceLocation();
  if (location) {
    return location.column;

FrameMirror.prototype.sourceLineText = function() {
  var location = this.sourceLocation();
  if (location) {
    return location.sourceText();

FrameMirror.prototype.scopeCount = function() {
  return this.details_.scopeCount();

FrameMirror.prototype.scope = function(index) {
  return new ScopeMirror(this, UNDEFINED, index);

FrameMirror.prototype.allScopes = function(opt_ignore_nested_scopes) {
  var scopeDetails = %GetAllScopesDetails(this.break_id_,
  var result = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < scopeDetails.length; ++i) {
    result.push(new ScopeMirror(this, UNDEFINED, i, scopeDetails[i]));
  return result;

FrameMirror.prototype.evaluate = function(source, disable_break,
                                          opt_context_object) {
  return MakeMirror(%DebugEvaluate(this.break_id_,

FrameMirror.prototype.invocationText = function() {
  // Format frame invoaction (receiver, function and arguments).
  var result = '';
  var func = this.func();
  var receiver = this.receiver();
  if (this.isConstructCall()) {
    // For constructor frames display new followed by the function name.
    result += 'new ';
    result += func.name() ? func.name() : '[anonymous]';
  } else if (this.isDebuggerFrame()) {
    result += '[debugger]';
  } else {
    // If the receiver has a className which is 'global' don't display it.
    var display_receiver =
      !receiver.className || (receiver.className() != 'global');
    if (display_receiver) {
      result += receiver.toText();
    // Try to find the function as a property in the receiver. Include the
    // prototype chain in the lookup.
    var property = GetUndefinedMirror();
    if (receiver.isObject()) {
      for (var r = receiver;
           !r.isNull() && property.isUndefined();
           r = r.protoObject()) {
        property = r.lookupProperty(func);
    if (!property.isUndefined()) {
      // The function invoked was found on the receiver. Use the property name
      // for the backtrace.
      if (!property.isIndexed()) {
        if (display_receiver) {
          result += '.';
        result += property.name();
      } else {
        result += '[';
        result += property.name();
        result += ']';
      // Also known as - if the name in the function doesn't match the name
      // under which it was looked up.
      if (func.name() && func.name() != property.name()) {
        result += '(aka ' + func.name() + ')';
    } else {
      // The function invoked was not found on the receiver. Use the function
      // name if available for the backtrace.
      if (display_receiver) {
        result += '.';
      result += func.name() ? func.name() : '[anonymous]';

  // Render arguments for normal frames.
  if (!this.isDebuggerFrame()) {
    result += '(';
    for (var i = 0; i < this.argumentCount(); i++) {
      if (i != 0) result += ', ';
      if (this.argumentName(i)) {
        result += this.argumentName(i);
        result += '=';
      result += this.argumentValue(i).toText();
    result += ')';

  if (this.isAtReturn()) {
    result += ' returning ';
    result += this.returnValue().toText();

  return result;

FrameMirror.prototype.sourceAndPositionText = function() {
  // Format source and position.
  var result = '';
  var func = this.func();
  if (func.resolved()) {
    var script = func.script();
    if (script) {
      if (script.name()) {
        result += script.name();
      } else {
        result += '[unnamed]';
      if (!this.isDebuggerFrame()) {
        var location = this.sourceLocation();
        result += ' line ';
        result += !IS_UNDEFINED(location) ? (location.line + 1) : '?';
        result += ' column ';
        result += !IS_UNDEFINED(location) ? (location.column + 1) : '?';
        if (!IS_UNDEFINED(this.sourcePosition())) {
          result += ' (position ' + (this.sourcePosition() + 1) + ')';
    } else {
      result += '[no source]';
  } else {
    result += '[unresolved]';

  return result;

FrameMirror.prototype.localsText = function() {
  // Format local variables.
  var result = '';
  var locals_count = this.localCount();
  if (locals_count > 0) {
    for (var i = 0; i < locals_count; ++i) {
      result += '      var ';
      result += this.localName(i);
      result += ' = ';
      result += this.localValue(i).toText();
      if (i < locals_count - 1) result += '\n';

  return result;

FrameMirror.prototype.restart = function() {
  var result = %LiveEditRestartFrame(this.break_id_, this.index_);
  if (IS_UNDEFINED(result)) {
    result = "Failed to find requested frame";
  return result;

FrameMirror.prototype.toText = function(opt_locals) {
  var result = '';
  result += '#' + (this.index() <= 9 ? '0' : '') + this.index();
  result += ' ';
  result += this.invocationText();
  result += ' ';
  result += this.sourceAndPositionText();
  if (opt_locals) {
    result += '\n';
    result += this.localsText();
  return result;

// This indexes correspond definitions in debug-scopes.h.
var kScopeDetailsTypeIndex = 0;
var kScopeDetailsObjectIndex = 1;
var kScopeDetailsNameIndex = 2;
var kScopeDetailsStartPositionIndex = 3;
var kScopeDetailsEndPositionIndex = 4;
var kScopeDetailsFunctionIndex = 5;

function ScopeDetails(frame, fun, index, opt_details) {
  if (frame) {
    this.break_id_ = frame.break_id_;
    this.details_ = opt_details ||
    this.frame_id_ = frame.details_.frameId();
    this.inlined_frame_id_ = frame.details_.inlinedFrameIndex();
  } else {
    this.details_ = opt_details || %GetFunctionScopeDetails(fun.value(), index);
    this.fun_value_ = fun.value();
    this.break_id_ = UNDEFINED;
  this.index_ = index;

ScopeDetails.prototype.type = function() {
  if (!IS_UNDEFINED(this.break_id_)) {
  return this.details_[kScopeDetailsTypeIndex];

ScopeDetails.prototype.object = function() {
  if (!IS_UNDEFINED(this.break_id_)) {
  return this.details_[kScopeDetailsObjectIndex];

ScopeDetails.prototype.name = function() {
  if (!IS_UNDEFINED(this.break_id_)) {
  return this.details_[kScopeDetailsNameIndex];

ScopeDetails.prototype.startPosition = function() {
  if (!IS_UNDEFINED(this.break_id_)) {
  return this.details_[kScopeDetailsStartPositionIndex];

ScopeDetails.prototype.endPosition = function() {
  if (!IS_UNDEFINED(this.break_id_)) {
  return this.details_[kScopeDetailsEndPositionIndex];

ScopeDetails.prototype.func = function() {
  if (!IS_UNDEFINED(this.break_id_)) {
  return this.details_[kScopeDetailsFunctionIndex];

ScopeDetails.prototype.setVariableValueImpl = function(name, new_value) {
  var raw_res;
  if (!IS_UNDEFINED(this.break_id_)) {
    raw_res = %SetScopeVariableValue(this.break_id_, this.frame_id_,
        this.inlined_frame_id_, this.index_, name, new_value);
  } else {
    raw_res = %SetScopeVariableValue(this.fun_value_, null, null, this.index_,
        name, new_value);
  if (!raw_res) throw MakeError(kDebugger, "Failed to set variable value");

 * Mirror object for scope of frame or function. Either frame or function must
 * be specified.
 * @param {FrameMirror} frame The frame this scope is a part of
 * @param {FunctionMirror} function The function this scope is a part of
 * @param {number} index The scope index in the frame
 * @param {Array=} opt_details Raw scope details data
 * @constructor
 * @extends Mirror
function ScopeMirror(frame, fun, index, opt_details) {
  %_Call(Mirror, this, MirrorType.SCOPE_TYPE);
  if (frame) {
    this.frame_index_ = frame.index_;
  } else {
    this.frame_index_ = UNDEFINED;
  this.scope_index_ = index;
  this.details_ = new ScopeDetails(frame, fun, index, opt_details);
inherits(ScopeMirror, Mirror);

ScopeMirror.prototype.details = function() {
  return this.details_;

ScopeMirror.prototype.frameIndex = function() {
  return this.frame_index_;

ScopeMirror.prototype.scopeIndex = function() {
  return this.scope_index_;

ScopeMirror.prototype.scopeType = function() {
  return this.details_.type();

ScopeMirror.prototype.scopeObject = function() {
  // For local, closure and script scopes create a transient mirror
  // as these objects are created on the fly materializing the local
  // or closure scopes and therefore will not preserve identity.
  var transient = this.scopeType() == ScopeType.Local ||
                  this.scopeType() == ScopeType.Closure ||
                  this.scopeType() == ScopeType.Script;
  return MakeMirror(this.details_.object(), transient);

ScopeMirror.prototype.setVariableValue = function(name, new_value) {
  this.details_.setVariableValueImpl(name, new_value);

 * Mirror object for script source.
 * @param {Script} script The script object
 * @constructor
 * @extends Mirror
function ScriptMirror(script) {
  %_Call(Mirror, this, MirrorType.SCRIPT_TYPE);
  this.script_ = script;
  this.context_ = new ContextMirror(script.context_data);
inherits(ScriptMirror, Mirror);

ScriptMirror.prototype.value = function() {
  return this.script_;

ScriptMirror.prototype.name = function() {
  return this.script_.name || this.script_.nameOrSourceURL();

ScriptMirror.prototype.id = function() {
  return this.script_.id;

ScriptMirror.prototype.source = function() {
  return this.script_.source;

ScriptMirror.prototype.setSource = function(source) {
  %DebugSetScriptSource(this.script_, source);

ScriptMirror.prototype.lineOffset = function() {
  return this.script_.line_offset;

ScriptMirror.prototype.columnOffset = function() {
  return this.script_.column_offset;

ScriptMirror.prototype.data = function() {
  return this.script_.data;

ScriptMirror.prototype.scriptType = function() {
  return this.script_.type;

ScriptMirror.prototype.compilationType = function() {
  return this.script_.compilation_type;

ScriptMirror.prototype.lineCount = function() {
  return this.script_.lineCount();

ScriptMirror.prototype.locationFromPosition = function(
    position, include_resource_offset) {
  return this.script_.locationFromPosition(position, include_resource_offset);

ScriptMirror.prototype.sourceSlice = function (opt_from_line, opt_to_line) {
  return this.script_.sourceSlice(opt_from_line, opt_to_line);

ScriptMirror.prototype.context = function() {
  return this.context_;

ScriptMirror.prototype.evalFromScript = function() {
  return MakeMirror(this.script_.eval_from_script);

ScriptMirror.prototype.evalFromFunctionName = function() {
  return MakeMirror(this.script_.eval_from_function_name);

ScriptMirror.prototype.evalFromLocation = function() {
  var eval_from_script = this.evalFromScript();
  if (!eval_from_script.isUndefined()) {
    var position = this.script_.eval_from_script_position;
    return eval_from_script.locationFromPosition(position, true);

ScriptMirror.prototype.toText = function() {
  var result = '';
  result += this.name();
  result += ' (lines: ';
  if (this.lineOffset() > 0) {
    result += this.lineOffset();
    result += '-';
    result += this.lineOffset() + this.lineCount() - 1;
  } else {
    result += this.lineCount();
  result += ')';
  return result;

 * Mirror object for context.
 * @param {Object} data The context data
 * @constructor
 * @extends Mirror
function ContextMirror(data) {
  %_Call(Mirror, this, MirrorType.CONTEXT_TYPE);
  this.data_ = data;
inherits(ContextMirror, Mirror);

ContextMirror.prototype.data = function() {
  return this.data_;

 * Returns a mirror serializer
 * @param {boolean} details Set to true to include details
 * @param {Object} options Options comtrolling the serialization
 *     The following options can be set:
 *       includeSource: include ths full source of scripts
 * @returns {MirrorSerializer} mirror serializer
function MakeMirrorSerializer(details, options) {
  return new JSONProtocolSerializer(details, options);

 * Object for serializing a mirror objects and its direct references.
 * @param {boolean} details Indicates whether to include details for the mirror
 *     serialized
 * @constructor
function JSONProtocolSerializer(details, options) {
  this.details_ = details;
  this.options_ = options;
  this.mirrors_ = [ ];

 * Returns a serialization of an object reference. The referenced object are
 * added to the serialization state.
 * @param {Mirror} mirror The mirror to serialize
 * @returns {String} JSON serialization
JSONProtocolSerializer.prototype.serializeReference = function(mirror) {
  return this.serialize_(mirror, true, true);

 * Returns a serialization of an object value. The referenced objects are
 * added to the serialization state.
 * @param {Mirror} mirror The mirror to serialize
 * @returns {String} JSON serialization
JSONProtocolSerializer.prototype.serializeValue = function(mirror) {
  var json = this.serialize_(mirror, false, true);
  return json;

 * Returns a serialization of all the objects referenced.
 * @param {Mirror} mirror The mirror to serialize.
 * @returns {Array.<Object>} Array of the referenced objects converted to
 *     protcol objects.
JSONProtocolSerializer.prototype.serializeReferencedObjects = function() {
  // Collect the protocol representation of the referenced objects in an array.
  var content = [];

  // Get the number of referenced objects.
  var count = this.mirrors_.length;

  for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    content.push(this.serialize_(this.mirrors_[i], false, false));

  return content;

JSONProtocolSerializer.prototype.includeSource_ = function() {
  return this.options_ && this.options_.includeSource;

JSONProtocolSerializer.prototype.inlineRefs_ = function() {
  return this.options_ && this.options_.inlineRefs;

JSONProtocolSerializer.prototype.maxStringLength_ = function() {
  if (IS_UNDEFINED(this.options_) ||
      IS_UNDEFINED(this.options_.maxStringLength)) {
    return kMaxProtocolStringLength;
  return this.options_.maxStringLength;

JSONProtocolSerializer.prototype.add_ = function(mirror) {
  // If this mirror is already in the list just return.
  for (var i = 0; i < this.mirrors_.length; i++) {
    if (this.mirrors_[i] === mirror) {

  // Add the mirror to the list of mirrors to be serialized.

 * Formats mirror object to protocol reference object with some data that can
 * be used to display the value in debugger.
 * @param {Mirror} mirror Mirror to serialize.
 * @return {Object} Protocol reference object.
JSONProtocolSerializer.prototype.serializeReferenceWithDisplayData_ =
    function(mirror) {
  var o = {};
  o.ref = mirror.handle();
  o.type = mirror.type();
  switch (mirror.type()) {
    case MirrorType.UNDEFINED_TYPE:
    case MirrorType.NULL_TYPE:
    case MirrorType.BOOLEAN_TYPE:
    case MirrorType.NUMBER_TYPE:
      o.value = mirror.value();
    case MirrorType.STRING_TYPE:
      o.value = mirror.getTruncatedValue(this.maxStringLength_());
    case MirrorType.SYMBOL_TYPE:
      o.description = mirror.description();
    case MirrorType.FUNCTION_TYPE:
      o.name = mirror.name();
      o.inferredName = mirror.inferredName();
      if (mirror.script()) {
        o.scriptId = mirror.script().id();
    case MirrorType.ERROR_TYPE:
    case MirrorType.REGEXP_TYPE:
      o.value = mirror.toText();
    case MirrorType.OBJECT_TYPE:
      o.className = mirror.className();
  return o;

JSONProtocolSerializer.prototype.serialize_ = function(mirror, reference,
                                                       details) {
  // If serializing a reference to a mirror just return the reference and add
  // the mirror to the referenced mirrors.
  if (reference &&
      (mirror.isValue() || mirror.isScript() || mirror.isContext())) {
    if (this.inlineRefs_() && mirror.isValue()) {
      return this.serializeReferenceWithDisplayData_(mirror);
    } else {
      return {'ref' : mirror.handle()};

  // Collect the JSON property/value pairs.
  var content = {};

  // Add the mirror handle.
  if (mirror.isValue() || mirror.isScript() || mirror.isContext()) {
    content.handle = mirror.handle();

  // Always add the type.
  content.type = mirror.type();

  switch (mirror.type()) {
    case MirrorType.UNDEFINED_TYPE:
    case MirrorType.NULL_TYPE:
      // Undefined and null are represented just by their type.

    case MirrorType.BOOLEAN_TYPE:
      // Boolean values are simply represented by their value.
      content.value = mirror.value();

    case MirrorType.NUMBER_TYPE:
      // Number values are simply represented by their value.
      content.value = NumberToJSON_(mirror.value());

    case MirrorType.STRING_TYPE:
      // String values might have their value cropped to keep down size.
      if (this.maxStringLength_() != -1 &&
          mirror.length() > this.maxStringLength_()) {
        var str = mirror.getTruncatedValue(this.maxStringLength_());
        content.value = str;
        content.fromIndex = 0;
        content.toIndex = this.maxStringLength_();
      } else {
        content.value = mirror.value();
      content.length = mirror.length();

    case MirrorType.SYMBOL_TYPE:
      content.description = mirror.description();

    case MirrorType.OBJECT_TYPE:
    case MirrorType.FUNCTION_TYPE:
    case MirrorType.ERROR_TYPE:
    case MirrorType.REGEXP_TYPE:
    case MirrorType.PROMISE_TYPE:
    case MirrorType.GENERATOR_TYPE:
      // Add object representation.
      this.serializeObject_(mirror, content, details);

    case MirrorType.PROPERTY_TYPE:
      throw MakeError(kDebugger,
                     'PropertyMirror cannot be serialized independently');

    case MirrorType.FRAME_TYPE:
      // Add object representation.
      this.serializeFrame_(mirror, content);

    case MirrorType.SCOPE_TYPE:
      // Add object representation.
      this.serializeScope_(mirror, content);

    case MirrorType.SCRIPT_TYPE:
      // Script is represented by id, name and source attributes.
      if (mirror.name()) {
        content.name = mirror.name();
      content.id = mirror.id();
      content.lineOffset = mirror.lineOffset();
      content.columnOffset = mirror.columnOffset();
      content.lineCount = mirror.lineCount();
      if (mirror.data()) {
        content.data = mirror.data();
      if (this.includeSource_()) {
        content.source = mirror.source();
      } else {
        var sourceStart = mirror.source().substring(0, 80);
        content.sourceStart = sourceStart;
      content.sourceLength = mirror.source().length;
      content.scriptType = mirror.scriptType();
      content.compilationType = mirror.compilationType();
      // For compilation type eval emit information on the script from which
      // eval was called if a script is present.
      if (mirror.compilationType() == 1 &&
          mirror.evalFromScript()) {
        content.evalFromScript =
        var evalFromLocation = mirror.evalFromLocation();
        if (evalFromLocation) {
          content.evalFromLocation = { line: evalFromLocation.line,
                                       column: evalFromLocation.column };
        if (mirror.evalFromFunctionName()) {
          content.evalFromFunctionName = mirror.evalFromFunctionName();
      if (mirror.context()) {
        content.context = this.serializeReference(mirror.context());

    case MirrorType.CONTEXT_TYPE:
      content.data = mirror.data();

  // Always add the text representation.
  content.text = mirror.toText();

  // Create and return the JSON string.
  return content;

 * Serialize object information to the following JSON format.
 *   {"className":"<class name>",
 *    "constructorFunction":{"ref":<number>},
 *    "protoObject":{"ref":<number>},
 *    "prototypeObject":{"ref":<number>},
 *    "namedInterceptor":<boolean>,
 *    "indexedInterceptor":<boolean>,
 *    "properties":[<properties>],
 *    "internalProperties":[<internal properties>]}
JSONProtocolSerializer.prototype.serializeObject_ = function(mirror, content,
                                                             details) {
  // Add general object properties.
  content.className = mirror.className();
  content.constructorFunction =
  content.protoObject = this.serializeReference(mirror.protoObject());
  content.prototypeObject = this.serializeReference(mirror.prototypeObject());

  // Add flags to indicate whether there are interceptors.
  if (mirror.hasNamedInterceptor()) {
    content.namedInterceptor = true;
  if (mirror.hasIndexedInterceptor()) {
    content.indexedInterceptor = true;

  if (mirror.isFunction()) {
    // Add function specific properties.
    content.name = mirror.name();
    if (!IS_UNDEFINED(mirror.inferredName())) {
      content.inferredName = mirror.inferredName();
    content.resolved = mirror.resolved();
    if (mirror.resolved()) {
      content.source = mirror.source();
    if (mirror.script()) {
      content.script = this.serializeReference(mirror.script());
      content.scriptId = mirror.script().id();

      serializeLocationFields(mirror.sourceLocation(), content);

    content.scopes = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < mirror.scopeCount(); i++) {
      var scope = mirror.scope(i);
        type: scope.scopeType(),
        index: i

  if (mirror.isGenerator()) {
    // Add generator specific properties.

    // Either 'running', 'closed', or 'suspended'.
    content.status = mirror.status();

    content.func = this.serializeReference(mirror.func())
    content.receiver = this.serializeReference(mirror.receiver())

    // If the generator is suspended, the content add line/column properties.
    serializeLocationFields(mirror.sourceLocation(), content);

    // TODO(wingo): Also serialize a reference to the context (scope chain).

  if (mirror.isDate()) {
    // Add date specific properties.
    content.value = mirror.value();

  if (mirror.isPromise()) {
    // Add promise specific properties.
    content.status = mirror.status();
    content.promiseValue = this.serializeReference(mirror.promiseValue());

  // Add actual properties - named properties followed by indexed properties.
  var properties = mirror.propertyNames();
  for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
    var propertyMirror = mirror.property(properties[i]);
    properties[i] = this.serializeProperty_(propertyMirror);
    if (details) {
  content.properties = properties;

  var internalProperties = mirror.internalProperties();
  if (internalProperties.length > 0) {
    var ip = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < internalProperties.length; i++) {
    content.internalProperties = ip;

 * Serialize location information to the following JSON format:
 *   "position":"<position>",
 *   "line":"<line>",
 *   "column":"<column>",
 * @param {SourceLocation} location The location to serialize, may be undefined.
function serializeLocationFields (location, content) {
  if (!location) {
  content.position = location.position;
  var line = location.line;
  if (!IS_UNDEFINED(line)) {
    content.line = line;
  var column = location.column;
  if (!IS_UNDEFINED(column)) {
    content.column = column;

 * Serialize property information to the following JSON format for building the
 * array of properties.
 *   {"name":"<property name>",
 *    "attributes":<number>,
 *    "propertyType":<number>,
 *    "ref":<number>}
 * If the attribute for the property is PropertyAttribute.None it is not added.
 * Here are a couple of examples.
 *   {"name":"hello","propertyType":0,"ref":1}
 *   {"name":"length","attributes":7,"propertyType":3,"ref":2}
 * @param {PropertyMirror} propertyMirror The property to serialize.
 * @returns {Object} Protocol object representing the property.
JSONProtocolSerializer.prototype.serializeProperty_ = function(propertyMirror) {
  var result = {};

  result.name = propertyMirror.name();
  var propertyValue = propertyMirror.value();
  if (this.inlineRefs_() && propertyValue.isValue()) {
    result.value = this.serializeReferenceWithDisplayData_(propertyValue);
  } else {
    if (propertyMirror.attributes() != PropertyAttribute.None) {
      result.attributes = propertyMirror.attributes();
    result.propertyType = propertyMirror.propertyType();
    result.ref = propertyValue.handle();
  return result;

 * Serialize internal property information to the following JSON format for
 * building the array of properties.
 *   {"name":"<property name>",
 *    "ref":<number>}
 *   {"name":"[[BoundThis]]","ref":117}
 * @param {InternalPropertyMirror} propertyMirror The property to serialize.
 * @returns {Object} Protocol object representing the property.
JSONProtocolSerializer.prototype.serializeInternalProperty_ =
    function(propertyMirror) {
  var result = {};

  result.name = propertyMirror.name();
  var propertyValue = propertyMirror.value();
  if (this.inlineRefs_() && propertyValue.isValue()) {
    result.value = this.serializeReferenceWithDisplayData_(propertyValue);
  } else {
    result.ref = propertyValue.handle();
  return result;

JSONProtocolSerializer.prototype.serializeFrame_ = function(mirror, content) {
  content.index = mirror.index();
  content.receiver = this.serializeReference(mirror.receiver());
  var func = mirror.func();
  content.func = this.serializeReference(func);
  var script = func.script();
  if (script) {
    content.script = this.serializeReference(script);
  content.constructCall = mirror.isConstructCall();
  content.atReturn = mirror.isAtReturn();
  if (mirror.isAtReturn()) {
    content.returnValue = this.serializeReference(mirror.returnValue());
  content.debuggerFrame = mirror.isDebuggerFrame();
  var x = new GlobalArray(mirror.argumentCount());
  for (var i = 0; i < mirror.argumentCount(); i++) {
    var arg = {};
    var argument_name = mirror.argumentName(i);
    if (argument_name) {
      arg.name = argument_name;
    arg.value = this.serializeReference(mirror.argumentValue(i));
    x[i] = arg;
  content.arguments = x;
  var x = new GlobalArray(mirror.localCount());
  for (var i = 0; i < mirror.localCount(); i++) {
    var local = {};
    local.name = mirror.localName(i);
    local.value = this.serializeReference(mirror.localValue(i));
    x[i] = local;
  content.locals = x;
  serializeLocationFields(mirror.sourceLocation(), content);
  var source_line_text = mirror.sourceLineText();
  if (!IS_UNDEFINED(source_line_text)) {
    content.sourceLineText = source_line_text;

  content.scopes = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < mirror.scopeCount(); i++) {
    var scope = mirror.scope(i);
      type: scope.scopeType(),
      index: i

JSONProtocolSerializer.prototype.serializeScope_ = function(mirror, content) {
  content.index = mirror.scopeIndex();
  content.frameIndex = mirror.frameIndex();
  content.type = mirror.scopeType();
  content.object = this.inlineRefs_() ?
                   this.serializeValue(mirror.scopeObject()) :

 * Convert a number to a protocol value. For all finite numbers the number
 * itself is returned. For non finite numbers NaN, Infinite and
 * -Infinite the string representation "NaN", "Infinite" or "-Infinite"
 * (not including the quotes) is returned.
 * @param {number} value The number value to convert to a protocol value.
 * @returns {number|string} Protocol value.
function NumberToJSON_(value) {
  if (IsNaN(value)) {
    return 'NaN';
  if (!NUMBER_IS_FINITE(value)) {
    if (value > 0) {
      return 'Infinity';
    } else {
      return '-Infinity';
  return value;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Exports

utils.InstallFunctions(global, DONT_ENUM, [
  "MakeMirror", MakeMirror,
  "MakeMirrorSerializer", MakeMirrorSerializer,
  "LookupMirror", LookupMirror,
  "ToggleMirrorCache", ToggleMirrorCache,
  "MirrorCacheIsEmpty", MirrorCacheIsEmpty,

utils.InstallConstants(global, [
  "ScopeType", ScopeType,
  "PropertyType", PropertyType,
  "PropertyAttribute", PropertyAttribute,
  "Mirror", Mirror,
  "ValueMirror", ValueMirror,
  "UndefinedMirror", UndefinedMirror,
  "NullMirror", NullMirror,
  "BooleanMirror", BooleanMirror,
  "NumberMirror", NumberMirror,
  "StringMirror", StringMirror,
  "SymbolMirror", SymbolMirror,
  "ObjectMirror", ObjectMirror,
  "FunctionMirror", FunctionMirror,
  "UnresolvedFunctionMirror", UnresolvedFunctionMirror,
  "ArrayMirror", ArrayMirror,
  "DateMirror", DateMirror,
  "RegExpMirror", RegExpMirror,
  "ErrorMirror", ErrorMirror,
  "PromiseMirror", PromiseMirror,
  "MapMirror", MapMirror,
  "SetMirror", SetMirror,
  "IteratorMirror", IteratorMirror,
  "GeneratorMirror", GeneratorMirror,
  "PropertyMirror", PropertyMirror,
  "InternalPropertyMirror", InternalPropertyMirror,
  "FrameMirror", FrameMirror,
  "ScriptMirror", ScriptMirror,
  "ScopeMirror", ScopeMirror,
  "FrameDetails", FrameDetails,

// Functions needed by the debugger runtime.
utils.InstallFunctions(utils, DONT_ENUM, [
  "ClearMirrorCache", ClearMirrorCache

// Export to debug.js
utils.Export(function(to) {
  to.MirrorType = MirrorType;