// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_COMPILER_JS_OPERATOR_H_ #define V8_COMPILER_JS_OPERATOR_H_ #include "src/base/compiler-specific.h" #include "src/codegen/tnode.h" #include "src/compiler/common-operator.h" #include "src/compiler/feedback-source.h" #include "src/compiler/globals.h" #include "src/compiler/node-properties.h" #include "src/compiler/node.h" #include "src/compiler/opcodes.h" #include "src/handles/maybe-handles.h" #include "src/objects/type-hints.h" #include "src/runtime/runtime.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { class AllocationSite; class ObjectBoilerplateDescription; class ArrayBoilerplateDescription; class FeedbackCell; class SharedFunctionInfo; namespace wasm { class ValueType; } namespace compiler { // Forward declarations. class JSGraph; class Operator; struct JSOperatorGlobalCache; // Macro lists. #define JS_UNOP_WITH_FEEDBACK(V) \ JS_BITWISE_UNOP_LIST(V) \ JS_ARITH_UNOP_LIST(V) #define JS_BINOP_WITH_FEEDBACK(V) \ JS_ARITH_BINOP_LIST(V) \ JS_BITWISE_BINOP_LIST(V) \ JS_COMPARE_BINOP_LIST(V) \ V(JSInstanceOf, InstanceOf) // Predicates. class JSOperator final : public AllStatic { public: static constexpr bool IsUnaryWithFeedback(Operator::Opcode opcode) { #define CASE(Name, ...) \ case IrOpcode::k##Name: \ return true; switch (opcode) { JS_UNOP_WITH_FEEDBACK(CASE); default: return false; } #undef CASE return false; } static constexpr bool IsBinaryWithFeedback(Operator::Opcode opcode) { #define CASE(Name, ...) \ case IrOpcode::k##Name: \ return true; switch (opcode) { JS_BINOP_WITH_FEEDBACK(CASE); default: return false; } #undef CASE return false; } }; // Defines the frequency a given Call/Construct site was executed. For some // call sites the frequency is not known. class CallFrequency final { public: CallFrequency() : value_(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()) {} explicit CallFrequency(float value) : value_(value) { DCHECK(!std::isnan(value)); } bool IsKnown() const { return !IsUnknown(); } bool IsUnknown() const { return std::isnan(value_); } float value() const { DCHECK(IsKnown()); return value_; } bool operator==(CallFrequency const& that) const { return bit_cast<uint32_t>(this->value_) == bit_cast<uint32_t>(that.value_); } bool operator!=(CallFrequency const& that) const { return !(*this == that); } friend size_t hash_value(CallFrequency const& f) { return bit_cast<uint32_t>(f.value_); } static constexpr float kNoFeedbackCallFrequency = -1; private: float value_; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, CallFrequency const&); // Defines the flags for a JavaScript call forwarding parameters. This // is used as parameter by JSConstructForwardVarargs operators. class ConstructForwardVarargsParameters final { public: ConstructForwardVarargsParameters(size_t arity, uint32_t start_index) : bit_field_(ArityField::encode(arity) | StartIndexField::encode(start_index)) {} size_t arity() const { return ArityField::decode(bit_field_); } uint32_t start_index() const { return StartIndexField::decode(bit_field_); } bool operator==(ConstructForwardVarargsParameters const& that) const { return this->bit_field_ == that.bit_field_; } bool operator!=(ConstructForwardVarargsParameters const& that) const { return !(*this == that); } private: friend size_t hash_value(ConstructForwardVarargsParameters const& p) { return p.bit_field_; } using ArityField = base::BitField<size_t, 0, 16>; using StartIndexField = base::BitField<uint32_t, 16, 16>; uint32_t const bit_field_; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, ConstructForwardVarargsParameters const&); ConstructForwardVarargsParameters const& ConstructForwardVarargsParametersOf( Operator const*) V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; // Defines the arity (parameters plus the target and new target) and the // feedback for a JavaScript constructor call. This is used as a parameter by // JSConstruct, JSConstructWithArrayLike, and JSConstructWithSpread operators. class ConstructParameters final { public: // A separate declaration to get around circular declaration dependencies. // Checked to equal JSConstructNode::kExtraInputCount below. static constexpr int kExtraConstructInputCount = 3; ConstructParameters(uint32_t arity, CallFrequency const& frequency, FeedbackSource const& feedback) : arity_(arity), frequency_(frequency), feedback_(feedback) { DCHECK_GE(arity, kExtraConstructInputCount); DCHECK(is_int32(arity)); } // TODO(jgruber): Consider removing `arity()` and just storing the arity // without extra args in ConstructParameters. Every spot that creates // ConstructParameters artifically adds the extra args. Every spot that uses // ConstructParameters artificially subtracts the extra args. // We keep them for now for consistency with other spots // that expect `arity()` to include extra args. uint32_t arity() const { return arity_; } int arity_without_implicit_args() const { return static_cast<int>(arity_ - kExtraConstructInputCount); } CallFrequency const& frequency() const { return frequency_; } FeedbackSource const& feedback() const { return feedback_; } private: uint32_t const arity_; CallFrequency const frequency_; FeedbackSource const feedback_; }; bool operator==(ConstructParameters const&, ConstructParameters const&); bool operator!=(ConstructParameters const&, ConstructParameters const&); size_t hash_value(ConstructParameters const&); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, ConstructParameters const&); ConstructParameters const& ConstructParametersOf(Operator const*); // Defines the flags for a JavaScript call forwarding parameters. This // is used as parameter by JSCallForwardVarargs operators. class CallForwardVarargsParameters final { public: CallForwardVarargsParameters(size_t arity, uint32_t start_index) : bit_field_(ArityField::encode(arity) | StartIndexField::encode(start_index)) {} size_t arity() const { return ArityField::decode(bit_field_); } uint32_t start_index() const { return StartIndexField::decode(bit_field_); } bool operator==(CallForwardVarargsParameters const& that) const { return this->bit_field_ == that.bit_field_; } bool operator!=(CallForwardVarargsParameters const& that) const { return !(*this == that); } private: friend size_t hash_value(CallForwardVarargsParameters const& p) { return p.bit_field_; } using ArityField = base::BitField<size_t, 0, 15>; using StartIndexField = base::BitField<uint32_t, 15, 15>; uint32_t const bit_field_; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, CallForwardVarargsParameters const&); CallForwardVarargsParameters const& CallForwardVarargsParametersOf( Operator const*) V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; // Defines the arity (parameters plus the target and receiver) and the call // flags for a JavaScript function call. This is used as a parameter by JSCall, // JSCallWithArrayLike and JSCallWithSpread operators. class CallParameters final { public: // A separate declaration to get around circular declaration dependencies. // Checked to equal JSCallNode::kExtraInputCount below. static constexpr int kExtraCallInputCount = 3; CallParameters(size_t arity, CallFrequency const& frequency, FeedbackSource const& feedback, ConvertReceiverMode convert_mode, SpeculationMode speculation_mode, CallFeedbackRelation feedback_relation) : bit_field_(ArityField::encode(arity) | CallFeedbackRelationField::encode(feedback_relation) | SpeculationModeField::encode(speculation_mode) | ConvertReceiverModeField::encode(convert_mode)), frequency_(frequency), feedback_(feedback) { // CallFeedbackRelation is ignored if the feedback slot is invalid. DCHECK_IMPLIES(speculation_mode == SpeculationMode::kAllowSpeculation, feedback.IsValid()); DCHECK_IMPLIES(!feedback.IsValid(), feedback_relation == CallFeedbackRelation::kUnrelated); DCHECK_GE(arity, kExtraCallInputCount); DCHECK(is_int32(arity)); } // TODO(jgruber): Consider removing `arity()` and just storing the arity // without extra args in CallParameters. size_t arity() const { return ArityField::decode(bit_field_); } int arity_without_implicit_args() const { return static_cast<int>(arity() - kExtraCallInputCount); } CallFrequency const& frequency() const { return frequency_; } ConvertReceiverMode convert_mode() const { return ConvertReceiverModeField::decode(bit_field_); } FeedbackSource const& feedback() const { return feedback_; } SpeculationMode speculation_mode() const { return SpeculationModeField::decode(bit_field_); } CallFeedbackRelation feedback_relation() const { return CallFeedbackRelationField::decode(bit_field_); } bool operator==(CallParameters const& that) const { return this->bit_field_ == that.bit_field_ && this->frequency_ == that.frequency_ && this->feedback_ == that.feedback_; } bool operator!=(CallParameters const& that) const { return !(*this == that); } private: friend size_t hash_value(CallParameters const& p) { FeedbackSource::Hash feedback_hash; return base::hash_combine(p.bit_field_, p.frequency_, feedback_hash(p.feedback_)); } using ArityField = base::BitField<size_t, 0, 27>; using CallFeedbackRelationField = base::BitField<CallFeedbackRelation, 27, 2>; using SpeculationModeField = base::BitField<SpeculationMode, 29, 1>; using ConvertReceiverModeField = base::BitField<ConvertReceiverMode, 30, 2>; uint32_t const bit_field_; CallFrequency const frequency_; FeedbackSource const feedback_; }; size_t hash_value(CallParameters const&); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, CallParameters const&); const CallParameters& CallParametersOf(const Operator* op); // Defines the arity and the ID for a runtime function call. This is used as a // parameter by JSCallRuntime operators. class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE CallRuntimeParameters final { public: CallRuntimeParameters(Runtime::FunctionId id, size_t arity) : id_(id), arity_(arity) {} Runtime::FunctionId id() const { return id_; } size_t arity() const { return arity_; } private: const Runtime::FunctionId id_; const size_t arity_; }; bool operator==(CallRuntimeParameters const&, CallRuntimeParameters const&); bool operator!=(CallRuntimeParameters const&, CallRuntimeParameters const&); size_t hash_value(CallRuntimeParameters const&); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, CallRuntimeParameters const&); V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE const CallRuntimeParameters& CallRuntimeParametersOf( const Operator* op); // Defines the location of a context slot relative to a specific scope. This is // used as a parameter by JSLoadContext and JSStoreContext operators and allows // accessing a context-allocated variable without keeping track of the scope. class ContextAccess final { public: ContextAccess(size_t depth, size_t index, bool immutable); size_t depth() const { return depth_; } size_t index() const { return index_; } bool immutable() const { return immutable_; } private: // For space reasons, we keep this tightly packed, otherwise we could just use // a simple int/int/bool POD. const bool immutable_; const uint16_t depth_; const uint32_t index_; }; bool operator==(ContextAccess const&, ContextAccess const&); bool operator!=(ContextAccess const&, ContextAccess const&); size_t hash_value(ContextAccess const&); V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, ContextAccess const&); V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE ContextAccess const& ContextAccessOf(Operator const*); // Defines the slot count and ScopeType for a new function or eval context. This // is used as a parameter by the JSCreateFunctionContext operator. class CreateFunctionContextParameters final { public: CreateFunctionContextParameters(const ScopeInfoRef& scope_info, int slot_count, ScopeType scope_type) : scope_info_(scope_info), slot_count_(slot_count), scope_type_(scope_type) {} ScopeInfoRef scope_info(JSHeapBroker* broker) const { return scope_info_.AsRef(broker); } int slot_count() const { return slot_count_; } ScopeType scope_type() const { return scope_type_; } private: const ScopeInfoTinyRef scope_info_; int const slot_count_; ScopeType const scope_type_; friend bool operator==(CreateFunctionContextParameters const& lhs, CreateFunctionContextParameters const& rhs); friend bool operator!=(CreateFunctionContextParameters const& lhs, CreateFunctionContextParameters const& rhs); friend size_t hash_value(CreateFunctionContextParameters const& parameters); friend std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, CreateFunctionContextParameters const& parameters); }; CreateFunctionContextParameters const& CreateFunctionContextParametersOf( Operator const*); // Defines parameters for JSDefineNamedOwnProperty operator. class DefineNamedOwnPropertyParameters final { public: DefineNamedOwnPropertyParameters(const NameRef& name, FeedbackSource const& feedback) : name_(name), feedback_(feedback) {} NameRef name(JSHeapBroker* broker) const { return name_.AsRef(broker); } FeedbackSource const& feedback() const { return feedback_; } private: const NameTinyRef name_; FeedbackSource const feedback_; friend bool operator==(DefineNamedOwnPropertyParameters const&, DefineNamedOwnPropertyParameters const&); friend bool operator!=(DefineNamedOwnPropertyParameters const&, DefineNamedOwnPropertyParameters const&); friend size_t hash_value(DefineNamedOwnPropertyParameters const&); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, DefineNamedOwnPropertyParameters const&); }; const DefineNamedOwnPropertyParameters& DefineNamedOwnPropertyParametersOf( const Operator* op); // Defines the feedback, i.e., vector and index, for storing a data property in // an object literal. This is used as a parameter by JSCreateEmptyLiteralArray // and JSDefineKeyedOwnPropertyInLiteral operators. class FeedbackParameter final { public: explicit FeedbackParameter(FeedbackSource const& feedback) : feedback_(feedback) {} FeedbackSource const& feedback() const { return feedback_; } private: FeedbackSource const feedback_; }; bool operator==(FeedbackParameter const&, FeedbackParameter const&); bool operator!=(FeedbackParameter const&, FeedbackParameter const&); size_t hash_value(FeedbackParameter const&); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, FeedbackParameter const&); const FeedbackParameter& FeedbackParameterOf(const Operator* op); // Defines the property of an object for a named access. This is // used as a parameter by the JSLoadNamed and JSSetNamedProperty operators. class NamedAccess final { public: NamedAccess(LanguageMode language_mode, const NameRef& name, FeedbackSource const& feedback) : name_(name), feedback_(feedback), language_mode_(language_mode) {} NameRef name(JSHeapBroker* broker) const { return name_.AsRef(broker); } LanguageMode language_mode() const { return language_mode_; } FeedbackSource const& feedback() const { return feedback_; } private: const NameTinyRef name_; FeedbackSource const feedback_; LanguageMode const language_mode_; friend bool operator==(NamedAccess const&, NamedAccess const&); friend bool operator!=(NamedAccess const&, NamedAccess const&); friend size_t hash_value(NamedAccess const&); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, NamedAccess const&); }; const NamedAccess& NamedAccessOf(const Operator* op); // Defines the property being loaded from an object by a named load. This is // used as a parameter by JSLoadGlobal operator. class LoadGlobalParameters final { public: LoadGlobalParameters(const NameRef& name, const FeedbackSource& feedback, TypeofMode typeof_mode) : name_(name), feedback_(feedback), typeof_mode_(typeof_mode) {} NameRef name(JSHeapBroker* broker) const { return name_.AsRef(broker); } TypeofMode typeof_mode() const { return typeof_mode_; } const FeedbackSource& feedback() const { return feedback_; } private: const NameTinyRef name_; const FeedbackSource feedback_; const TypeofMode typeof_mode_; friend bool operator==(LoadGlobalParameters const&, LoadGlobalParameters const&); friend bool operator!=(LoadGlobalParameters const&, LoadGlobalParameters const&); friend size_t hash_value(LoadGlobalParameters const&); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, LoadGlobalParameters const&); }; const LoadGlobalParameters& LoadGlobalParametersOf(const Operator* op); // Defines the property being stored to an object by a named store. This is // used as a parameter by JSStoreGlobal operator. class StoreGlobalParameters final { public: StoreGlobalParameters(LanguageMode language_mode, const FeedbackSource& feedback, const NameRef& name) : language_mode_(language_mode), name_(name), feedback_(feedback) {} LanguageMode language_mode() const { return language_mode_; } FeedbackSource const& feedback() const { return feedback_; } NameRef name(JSHeapBroker* broker) const { return name_.AsRef(broker); } private: LanguageMode const language_mode_; const NameTinyRef name_; FeedbackSource const feedback_; friend bool operator==(StoreGlobalParameters const&, StoreGlobalParameters const&); friend bool operator!=(StoreGlobalParameters const&, StoreGlobalParameters const&); friend size_t hash_value(StoreGlobalParameters const&); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, StoreGlobalParameters const&); }; const StoreGlobalParameters& StoreGlobalParametersOf(const Operator* op); // Defines the property of an object for a keyed access. This is used // as a parameter by the JSLoadProperty and JSSetKeyedProperty // operators. class PropertyAccess final { public: PropertyAccess(LanguageMode language_mode, FeedbackSource const& feedback) : feedback_(feedback), language_mode_(language_mode) {} LanguageMode language_mode() const { return language_mode_; } FeedbackSource const& feedback() const { return feedback_; } private: FeedbackSource const feedback_; LanguageMode const language_mode_; }; bool operator==(PropertyAccess const&, PropertyAccess const&); bool operator!=(PropertyAccess const&, PropertyAccess const&); size_t hash_value(PropertyAccess const&); V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, PropertyAccess const&); PropertyAccess const& PropertyAccessOf(const Operator* op); // CreateArgumentsType is used as parameter to JSCreateArguments nodes. CreateArgumentsType const& CreateArgumentsTypeOf(const Operator* op); // Defines shared information for the array that should be created. This is // used as parameter by JSCreateArray operators. class CreateArrayParameters final { public: CreateArrayParameters(size_t arity, base::Optional<AllocationSiteRef> site) : arity_(arity), site_(site) {} size_t arity() const { return arity_; } base::Optional<AllocationSiteRef> site(JSHeapBroker* broker) const { return AllocationSiteTinyRef::AsOptionalRef(broker, site_); } private: size_t const arity_; base::Optional<AllocationSiteTinyRef> const site_; friend bool operator==(CreateArrayParameters const&, CreateArrayParameters const&); friend bool operator!=(CreateArrayParameters const&, CreateArrayParameters const&); friend size_t hash_value(CreateArrayParameters const&); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, CreateArrayParameters const&); }; const CreateArrayParameters& CreateArrayParametersOf(const Operator* op); // Defines shared information for the array iterator that should be created. // This is used as parameter by JSCreateArrayIterator operators. class CreateArrayIteratorParameters final { public: explicit CreateArrayIteratorParameters(IterationKind kind) : kind_(kind) {} IterationKind kind() const { return kind_; } private: IterationKind const kind_; }; bool operator==(CreateArrayIteratorParameters const&, CreateArrayIteratorParameters const&); bool operator!=(CreateArrayIteratorParameters const&, CreateArrayIteratorParameters const&); size_t hash_value(CreateArrayIteratorParameters const&); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, CreateArrayIteratorParameters const&); const CreateArrayIteratorParameters& CreateArrayIteratorParametersOf( const Operator* op); // Defines shared information for the array iterator that should be created. // This is used as parameter by JSCreateCollectionIterator operators. class CreateCollectionIteratorParameters final { public: explicit CreateCollectionIteratorParameters(CollectionKind collection_kind, IterationKind iteration_kind) : collection_kind_(collection_kind), iteration_kind_(iteration_kind) { CHECK(!(collection_kind == CollectionKind::kSet && iteration_kind == IterationKind::kKeys)); } CollectionKind collection_kind() const { return collection_kind_; } IterationKind iteration_kind() const { return iteration_kind_; } private: CollectionKind const collection_kind_; IterationKind const iteration_kind_; }; bool operator==(CreateCollectionIteratorParameters const&, CreateCollectionIteratorParameters const&); bool operator!=(CreateCollectionIteratorParameters const&, CreateCollectionIteratorParameters const&); size_t hash_value(CreateCollectionIteratorParameters const&); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, CreateCollectionIteratorParameters const&); const CreateCollectionIteratorParameters& CreateCollectionIteratorParametersOf( const Operator* op); // Defines shared information for the bound function that should be created. // This is used as parameter by JSCreateBoundFunction operators. class CreateBoundFunctionParameters final { public: CreateBoundFunctionParameters(size_t arity, const MapRef& map) : arity_(arity), map_(map) {} size_t arity() const { return arity_; } MapRef map(JSHeapBroker* broker) const { return map_.AsRef(broker); } private: size_t const arity_; const MapTinyRef map_; friend bool operator==(CreateBoundFunctionParameters const&, CreateBoundFunctionParameters const&); friend bool operator!=(CreateBoundFunctionParameters const&, CreateBoundFunctionParameters const&); friend size_t hash_value(CreateBoundFunctionParameters const&); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, CreateBoundFunctionParameters const&); }; const CreateBoundFunctionParameters& CreateBoundFunctionParametersOf( const Operator* op); // Defines shared information for the closure that should be created. This is // used as a parameter by JSCreateClosure operators. class CreateClosureParameters final { public: CreateClosureParameters(const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared_info, const CodeTRef& code, AllocationType allocation) : shared_info_(shared_info), code_(code), allocation_(allocation) {} SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_info(JSHeapBroker* broker) const { return shared_info_.AsRef(broker); } CodeTRef code(JSHeapBroker* broker) const { return code_.AsRef(broker); } AllocationType allocation() const { return allocation_; } private: const SharedFunctionInfoTinyRef shared_info_; const CodeTTinyRef code_; AllocationType const allocation_; friend bool operator==(CreateClosureParameters const&, CreateClosureParameters const&); friend bool operator!=(CreateClosureParameters const&, CreateClosureParameters const&); friend size_t hash_value(CreateClosureParameters const&); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, CreateClosureParameters const&); }; const CreateClosureParameters& CreateClosureParametersOf(const Operator* op); class GetTemplateObjectParameters final { public: GetTemplateObjectParameters(const TemplateObjectDescriptionRef& description, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared, FeedbackSource const& feedback) : description_(description), shared_(shared), feedback_(feedback) {} TemplateObjectDescriptionRef description(JSHeapBroker* broker) const { return description_.AsRef(broker); } SharedFunctionInfoRef shared(JSHeapBroker* broker) const { return shared_.AsRef(broker); } FeedbackSource const& feedback() const { return feedback_; } private: const TemplateObjectDescriptionTinyRef description_; const SharedFunctionInfoTinyRef shared_; FeedbackSource const feedback_; friend bool operator==(GetTemplateObjectParameters const&, GetTemplateObjectParameters const&); friend bool operator!=(GetTemplateObjectParameters const&, GetTemplateObjectParameters const&); friend size_t hash_value(GetTemplateObjectParameters const&); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, GetTemplateObjectParameters const&); }; const GetTemplateObjectParameters& GetTemplateObjectParametersOf( const Operator* op); // Defines shared information for the literal that should be created. This is // used as parameter by JSCreateLiteralArray, JSCreateLiteralObject and // JSCreateLiteralRegExp operators. class CreateLiteralParameters final { public: CreateLiteralParameters(const HeapObjectRef& constant, FeedbackSource const& feedback, int length, int flags) : constant_(constant), feedback_(feedback), length_(length), flags_(flags) {} HeapObjectRef constant(JSHeapBroker* broker) const { return constant_.AsRef(broker); } FeedbackSource const& feedback() const { return feedback_; } int length() const { return length_; } int flags() const { return flags_; } private: const HeapObjectTinyRef constant_; FeedbackSource const feedback_; int const length_; int const flags_; friend bool operator==(CreateLiteralParameters const&, CreateLiteralParameters const&); friend bool operator!=(CreateLiteralParameters const&, CreateLiteralParameters const&); friend size_t hash_value(CreateLiteralParameters const&); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, CreateLiteralParameters const&); }; const CreateLiteralParameters& CreateLiteralParametersOf(const Operator* op); class CloneObjectParameters final { public: CloneObjectParameters(FeedbackSource const& feedback, int flags) : feedback_(feedback), flags_(flags) {} FeedbackSource const& feedback() const { return feedback_; } int flags() const { return flags_; } private: FeedbackSource const feedback_; int const flags_; }; bool operator==(CloneObjectParameters const&, CloneObjectParameters const&); bool operator!=(CloneObjectParameters const&, CloneObjectParameters const&); size_t hash_value(CloneObjectParameters const&); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, CloneObjectParameters const&); const CloneObjectParameters& CloneObjectParametersOf(const Operator* op); // Defines the shared information for the iterator symbol thats loaded and // called. This is used as a parameter by JSGetIterator operator. class GetIteratorParameters final { public: GetIteratorParameters(const FeedbackSource& load_feedback, const FeedbackSource& call_feedback) : load_feedback_(load_feedback), call_feedback_(call_feedback) {} FeedbackSource const& loadFeedback() const { return load_feedback_; } FeedbackSource const& callFeedback() const { return call_feedback_; } private: FeedbackSource const load_feedback_; FeedbackSource const call_feedback_; }; bool operator==(GetIteratorParameters const&, GetIteratorParameters const&); bool operator!=(GetIteratorParameters const&, GetIteratorParameters const&); size_t hash_value(GetIteratorParameters const&); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, GetIteratorParameters const&); const GetIteratorParameters& GetIteratorParametersOf(const Operator* op); enum class ForInMode : uint8_t { kUseEnumCacheKeysAndIndices, kUseEnumCacheKeys, kGeneric }; size_t hash_value(ForInMode const&); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, ForInMode const&); class ForInParameters final { public: ForInParameters(const FeedbackSource& feedback, ForInMode mode) : feedback_(feedback), mode_(mode) {} const FeedbackSource& feedback() const { return feedback_; } ForInMode mode() const { return mode_; } private: const FeedbackSource feedback_; const ForInMode mode_; }; bool operator==(ForInParameters const&, ForInParameters const&); bool operator!=(ForInParameters const&, ForInParameters const&); size_t hash_value(ForInParameters const&); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, ForInParameters const&); const ForInParameters& ForInParametersOf(const Operator* op); #if V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY class JSWasmCallParameters { public: explicit JSWasmCallParameters(const wasm::WasmModule* module, const wasm::FunctionSig* signature, FeedbackSource const& feedback) : module_(module), signature_(signature), feedback_(feedback) { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(module); DCHECK_NOT_NULL(signature); } const wasm::WasmModule* module() const { return module_; } const wasm::FunctionSig* signature() const { return signature_; } FeedbackSource const& feedback() const { return feedback_; } int input_count() const; int arity_without_implicit_args() const; private: const wasm::WasmModule* const module_; const wasm::FunctionSig* const signature_; const FeedbackSource feedback_; }; JSWasmCallParameters const& JSWasmCallParametersOf(const Operator* op) V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, JSWasmCallParameters const&); size_t hash_value(JSWasmCallParameters const&); bool operator==(JSWasmCallParameters const&, JSWasmCallParameters const&); #endif // V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY int RegisterCountOf(Operator const* op) V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int GeneratorStoreValueCountOf(const Operator* op) V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; int RestoreRegisterIndexOf(const Operator* op) V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; ScopeInfoRef ScopeInfoOf(JSHeapBroker* broker, const Operator* op) V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; bool operator==(ScopeInfoTinyRef const&, ScopeInfoTinyRef const&); bool operator!=(ScopeInfoTinyRef const&, ScopeInfoTinyRef const&); size_t hash_value(ScopeInfoTinyRef const&); V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, ScopeInfoTinyRef const&); // Interface for building JavaScript-level operators, e.g. directly from the // AST. Most operators have no parameters, thus can be globally shared for all // graphs. class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE JSOperatorBuilder final : public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(ZoneObject) { public: explicit JSOperatorBuilder(Zone* zone); JSOperatorBuilder(const JSOperatorBuilder&) = delete; JSOperatorBuilder& operator=(const JSOperatorBuilder&) = delete; const Operator* Equal(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* StrictEqual(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* LessThan(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* GreaterThan(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* LessThanOrEqual(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* GreaterThanOrEqual(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* BitwiseOr(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* BitwiseXor(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* BitwiseAnd(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* ShiftLeft(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* ShiftRight(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* ShiftRightLogical(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* Add(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* Subtract(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* Multiply(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* Divide(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* Modulus(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* Exponentiate(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* BitwiseNot(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* Decrement(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* Increment(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* Negate(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* ToLength(); const Operator* ToName(); const Operator* ToNumber(); const Operator* ToNumberConvertBigInt(); const Operator* ToNumeric(); const Operator* ToObject(); const Operator* ToString(); const Operator* Create(); const Operator* CreateArguments(CreateArgumentsType type); const Operator* CreateArray(size_t arity, base::Optional<AllocationSiteRef> site); const Operator* CreateArrayIterator(IterationKind); const Operator* CreateAsyncFunctionObject(int register_count); const Operator* CreateCollectionIterator(CollectionKind, IterationKind); const Operator* CreateBoundFunction(size_t arity, const MapRef& map); const Operator* CreateClosure( const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared_info, const CodeTRef& code, AllocationType allocation = AllocationType::kYoung); const Operator* CreateIterResultObject(); const Operator* CreateStringIterator(); const Operator* CreateKeyValueArray(); const Operator* CreateObject(); const Operator* CreatePromise(); const Operator* CreateTypedArray(); const Operator* CreateLiteralArray( const ArrayBoilerplateDescriptionRef& constant, FeedbackSource const& feedback, int literal_flags, int number_of_elements); const Operator* CreateEmptyLiteralArray(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* CreateArrayFromIterable(); const Operator* CreateEmptyLiteralObject(); const Operator* CreateLiteralObject( const ObjectBoilerplateDescriptionRef& constant, FeedbackSource const& feedback, int literal_flags, int number_of_properties); const Operator* CloneObject(FeedbackSource const& feedback, int literal_flags); const Operator* CreateLiteralRegExp(const StringRef& constant_pattern, FeedbackSource const& feedback, int literal_flags); const Operator* GetTemplateObject( const TemplateObjectDescriptionRef& description, const SharedFunctionInfoRef& shared, FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* CallForwardVarargs(size_t arity, uint32_t start_index); const Operator* Call( size_t arity, CallFrequency const& frequency = CallFrequency(), FeedbackSource const& feedback = FeedbackSource(), ConvertReceiverMode convert_mode = ConvertReceiverMode::kAny, SpeculationMode speculation_mode = SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation, CallFeedbackRelation feedback_relation = CallFeedbackRelation::kUnrelated); const Operator* CallWithArrayLike( CallFrequency const& frequency, const FeedbackSource& feedback = FeedbackSource{}, SpeculationMode speculation_mode = SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation, CallFeedbackRelation feedback_relation = CallFeedbackRelation::kTarget); const Operator* CallWithSpread( uint32_t arity, CallFrequency const& frequency = CallFrequency(), FeedbackSource const& feedback = FeedbackSource(), SpeculationMode speculation_mode = SpeculationMode::kDisallowSpeculation, CallFeedbackRelation feedback_relation = CallFeedbackRelation::kTarget); const Operator* CallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId id); const Operator* CallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId id, size_t arity); const Operator* CallRuntime(const Runtime::Function* function, size_t arity); #if V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY const Operator* CallWasm(const wasm::WasmModule* wasm_module, const wasm::FunctionSig* wasm_signature, FeedbackSource const& feedback); #endif // V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY const Operator* ConstructForwardVarargs(size_t arity, uint32_t start_index); const Operator* Construct(uint32_t arity, CallFrequency const& frequency = CallFrequency(), FeedbackSource const& feedback = FeedbackSource()); const Operator* ConstructWithArrayLike(CallFrequency const& frequency, FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* ConstructWithSpread( uint32_t arity, CallFrequency const& frequency = CallFrequency(), FeedbackSource const& feedback = FeedbackSource()); const Operator* LoadProperty(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* LoadNamed(const NameRef& name, FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* LoadNamedFromSuper(const NameRef& name, FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* SetKeyedProperty(LanguageMode language_mode, FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* DefineKeyedOwnProperty(LanguageMode language_mode, FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* SetNamedProperty(LanguageMode language_mode, const NameRef& name, FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* DefineNamedOwnProperty(const NameRef& name, FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* DefineKeyedOwnPropertyInLiteral( const FeedbackSource& feedback); const Operator* StoreInArrayLiteral(const FeedbackSource& feedback); const Operator* DeleteProperty(); const Operator* HasProperty(FeedbackSource const& feedback); const Operator* GetSuperConstructor(); const Operator* CreateGeneratorObject(); const Operator* LoadGlobal(const NameRef& name, const FeedbackSource& feedback, TypeofMode typeof_mode = TypeofMode::kNotInside); const Operator* StoreGlobal(LanguageMode language_mode, const NameRef& name, const FeedbackSource& feedback); const Operator* HasContextExtension(size_t depth); const Operator* LoadContext(size_t depth, size_t index, bool immutable); const Operator* StoreContext(size_t depth, size_t index); const Operator* LoadModule(int32_t cell_index); const Operator* StoreModule(int32_t cell_index); const Operator* GetImportMeta(); const Operator* HasInPrototypeChain(); const Operator* InstanceOf(const FeedbackSource& feedback); const Operator* OrdinaryHasInstance(); const Operator* AsyncFunctionEnter(); const Operator* AsyncFunctionReject(); const Operator* AsyncFunctionResolve(); const Operator* ForInEnumerate(); const Operator* ForInNext(ForInMode mode, const FeedbackSource& feedback); const Operator* ForInPrepare(ForInMode mode, const FeedbackSource& feedback); const Operator* LoadMessage(); const Operator* StoreMessage(); // Used to implement Ignition's SuspendGenerator bytecode. const Operator* GeneratorStore(int value_count); // Used to implement Ignition's SwitchOnGeneratorState bytecode. const Operator* GeneratorRestoreContinuation(); const Operator* GeneratorRestoreContext(); // Used to implement Ignition's ResumeGenerator bytecode. const Operator* GeneratorRestoreRegister(int index); const Operator* GeneratorRestoreInputOrDebugPos(); const Operator* StackCheck(StackCheckKind kind); const Operator* Debugger(); const Operator* FulfillPromise(); const Operator* PerformPromiseThen(); const Operator* PromiseResolve(); const Operator* RejectPromise(); const Operator* ResolvePromise(); const Operator* CreateFunctionContext(const ScopeInfoRef& scope_info, int slot_count, ScopeType scope_type); const Operator* CreateCatchContext(const ScopeInfoRef& scope_info); const Operator* CreateWithContext(const ScopeInfoRef& scope_info); const Operator* CreateBlockContext(const ScopeInfoRef& scpope_info); const Operator* ObjectIsArray(); const Operator* ParseInt(); const Operator* RegExpTest(); const Operator* GetIterator(FeedbackSource const& load_feedback, FeedbackSource const& call_feedback); private: Zone* zone() const { return zone_; } const JSOperatorGlobalCache& cache_; Zone* const zone_; }; // Node wrappers. class JSNodeWrapperBase : public NodeWrapper { public: explicit constexpr JSNodeWrapperBase(Node* node) : NodeWrapper(node) {} // Valid iff this node has a context input. TNode<Object> context() const { // Could be a Context or NoContextConstant. return TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast( NodeProperties::GetContextInput(node())); } // Valid iff this node has exactly one effect input. Effect effect() const { DCHECK_EQ(node()->op()->EffectInputCount(), 1); return Effect{NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node())}; } // Valid iff this node has exactly one control input. Control control() const { DCHECK_EQ(node()->op()->ControlInputCount(), 1); return Control{NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node())}; } // Valid iff this node has a frame state input. FrameState frame_state() const { return FrameState{NodeProperties::GetFrameStateInput(node())}; } }; #define DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS(Name, name, TheIndex, Type) \ static constexpr int Name##Index() { return TheIndex; } \ TNode<Type> name() const { \ return TNode<Type>::UncheckedCast( \ NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node(), TheIndex)); \ } class JSUnaryOpNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSUnaryOpNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK(JSOperator::IsUnaryWithFeedback(node->opcode())); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Value, value, 0, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 1, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; #define V(JSName, ...) using JSName##Node = JSUnaryOpNode; JS_UNOP_WITH_FEEDBACK(V) #undef V class JSBinaryOpNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSBinaryOpNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK(JSOperator::IsBinaryWithFeedback(node->opcode())); } const FeedbackParameter& Parameters() const { return FeedbackParameterOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Left, left, 0, Object) \ V(Right, right, 1, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 2, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; #define V(JSName, ...) using JSName##Node = JSBinaryOpNode; JS_BINOP_WITH_FEEDBACK(V) #undef V class JSGetIteratorNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSGetIteratorNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSGetIterator, node->opcode()); } const GetIteratorParameters& Parameters() const { return GetIteratorParametersOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Receiver, receiver, 0, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 1, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSCloneObjectNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSCloneObjectNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSCloneObject, node->opcode()); } const CloneObjectParameters& Parameters() const { return CloneObjectParametersOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Source, source, 0, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 1, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSGetTemplateObjectNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSGetTemplateObjectNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSGetTemplateObject, node->opcode()); } const GetTemplateObjectParameters& Parameters() const { return GetTemplateObjectParametersOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 0, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSCreateLiteralOpNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSCreateLiteralOpNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK(node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSCreateLiteralArray || node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSCreateLiteralObject || node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSCreateLiteralRegExp); } const CreateLiteralParameters& Parameters() const { return CreateLiteralParametersOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 0, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; using JSCreateLiteralArrayNode = JSCreateLiteralOpNode; using JSCreateLiteralObjectNode = JSCreateLiteralOpNode; using JSCreateLiteralRegExpNode = JSCreateLiteralOpNode; class JSHasPropertyNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSHasPropertyNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSHasProperty, node->opcode()); } const PropertyAccess& Parameters() const { return PropertyAccessOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Object, object, 0, Object) \ V(Key, key, 1, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 2, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSLoadPropertyNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSLoadPropertyNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSLoadProperty, node->opcode()); } const PropertyAccess& Parameters() const { return PropertyAccessOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Object, object, 0, Object) \ V(Key, key, 1, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 2, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSSetKeyedPropertyNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSSetKeyedPropertyNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSSetKeyedProperty, node->opcode()); } const PropertyAccess& Parameters() const { return PropertyAccessOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Object, object, 0, Object) \ V(Key, key, 1, Object) \ V(Value, value, 2, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 3, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSDefineKeyedOwnPropertyNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSDefineKeyedOwnPropertyNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSDefineKeyedOwnProperty, node->opcode()); } const PropertyAccess& Parameters() const { return PropertyAccessOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Object, object, 0, Object) \ V(Key, key, 1, Object) \ V(Value, value, 2, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 3, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; namespace js_node_wrapper_utils { // Avoids template definitions in the .cc file. TNode<Oddball> UndefinedConstant(JSGraph* jsgraph); } // namespace js_node_wrapper_utils class JSCallOrConstructNode : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSCallOrConstructNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK(IsValidNode(node)); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Target, target, 0, Object) \ V(ReceiverOrNewTarget, receiver_or_new_target, 1, Object) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS // Besides actual arguments, JSCall nodes (and variants) also take the // following. Note that we rely on the fact that all variants (JSCall, // JSCallWithArrayLike, JSCallWithSpread, JSConstruct, // JSConstructWithArrayLike, JSConstructWithSpread, JSWasmCall) have the same // underlying node layout. static constexpr int kTargetInputCount = 1; static constexpr int kReceiverOrNewTargetInputCount = 1; static constexpr int kFeedbackVectorInputCount = 1; static constexpr int kExtraInputCount = kTargetInputCount + kReceiverOrNewTargetInputCount + kFeedbackVectorInputCount; STATIC_ASSERT(kExtraInputCount == CallParameters::kExtraCallInputCount); STATIC_ASSERT(kExtraInputCount == ConstructParameters::kExtraConstructInputCount); // Just for static asserts for spots that rely on node layout. static constexpr bool kFeedbackVectorIsLastInput = true; // Some spots rely on the fact that call and construct variants have the same // layout. static constexpr bool kHaveIdenticalLayouts = true; // This is the arity fed into Call/ConstructArguments. static constexpr int ArityForArgc(int parameters) { return parameters + kExtraInputCount; } static constexpr int FirstArgumentIndex() { return ReceiverOrNewTargetIndex() + 1; } static constexpr int ArgumentIndex(int i) { return FirstArgumentIndex() + i; } TNode<Object> Argument(int i) const { DCHECK_LT(i, ArgumentCount()); return TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast( NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node(), ArgumentIndex(i))); } int LastArgumentIndex() const { DCHECK_GT(ArgumentCount(), 0); return ArgumentIndex(ArgumentCount() - 1); } TNode<Object> LastArgument() const { DCHECK_GT(ArgumentCount(), 0); return Argument(ArgumentCount() - 1); } TNode<Object> ArgumentOr(int i, Node* default_value) const { return i < ArgumentCount() ? Argument(i) : TNode<Object>::UncheckedCast(default_value); } TNode<Object> ArgumentOrUndefined(int i, JSGraph* jsgraph) const { return ArgumentOr(i, js_node_wrapper_utils::UndefinedConstant(jsgraph)); } virtual int ArgumentCount() const = 0; static constexpr int FeedbackVectorIndexForArgc(int argc) { STATIC_ASSERT(kFeedbackVectorIsLastInput); return ArgumentIndex(argc - 1) + 1; } int FeedbackVectorIndex() const { return FeedbackVectorIndexForArgc(ArgumentCount()); } TNode<HeapObject> feedback_vector() const { return TNode<HeapObject>::UncheckedCast( NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node(), FeedbackVectorIndex())); } private: static constexpr bool IsValidNode(Node* node) { return node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSCall || node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSCallWithArrayLike || node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSCallWithSpread || node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSConstruct || node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSConstructWithArrayLike || node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSConstructWithSpread #if V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY || node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kJSWasmCall #endif // V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY ; // NOLINT(whitespace/semicolon) } }; template <int kOpcode> bool IsExpectedOpcode(int opcode) { return opcode == kOpcode; } template <int kOpcode1, int kOpcode2, int... kOpcodes> bool IsExpectedOpcode(int opcode) { return opcode == kOpcode1 || IsExpectedOpcode<kOpcode2, kOpcodes...>(opcode); } template <int... kOpcodes> class JSCallNodeBase final : public JSCallOrConstructNode { public: explicit constexpr JSCallNodeBase(Node* node) : JSCallOrConstructNode(node) { DCHECK(IsExpectedOpcode<kOpcodes...>(node->opcode())); } const CallParameters& Parameters() const { return CallParametersOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Target, target, 0, Object) \ V(Receiver, receiver, 1, Object) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS static constexpr int kReceiverInputCount = 1; STATIC_ASSERT(kReceiverInputCount == JSCallOrConstructNode::kReceiverOrNewTargetInputCount); int ArgumentCount() const override { // Note: The count reported by this function depends only on the parameter, // thus adding/removing inputs will not affect it. return Parameters().arity_without_implicit_args(); } }; using JSCallNode = JSCallNodeBase<IrOpcode::kJSCall>; using JSCallWithSpreadNode = JSCallNodeBase<IrOpcode::kJSCallWithSpread>; using JSCallWithArrayLikeNode = JSCallNodeBase<IrOpcode::kJSCallWithArrayLike>; using JSCallWithArrayLikeOrSpreadNode = JSCallNodeBase<IrOpcode::kJSCallWithArrayLike, IrOpcode::kJSCallWithSpread>; #if V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY class JSWasmCallNode final : public JSCallOrConstructNode { public: explicit constexpr JSWasmCallNode(Node* node) : JSCallOrConstructNode(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSWasmCall, node->opcode()); } const JSWasmCallParameters& Parameters() const { return OpParameter<JSWasmCallParameters>(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Target, target, 0, Object) \ V(Receiver, receiver, 1, Object) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS static constexpr int kReceiverInputCount = 1; STATIC_ASSERT(kReceiverInputCount == JSCallOrConstructNode::kReceiverOrNewTargetInputCount); int ArgumentCount() const override { // Note: The count reported by this function depends only on the parameter // count, thus adding/removing inputs will not affect it. return Parameters().arity_without_implicit_args(); } static Type TypeForWasmReturnType(const wasm::ValueType& type); }; #endif // V8_ENABLE_WEBASSEMBLY template <int kOpcode> class JSConstructNodeBase final : public JSCallOrConstructNode { public: explicit constexpr JSConstructNodeBase(Node* node) : JSCallOrConstructNode(node) { DCHECK_EQ(kOpcode, node->opcode()); } const ConstructParameters& Parameters() const { return ConstructParametersOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Target, target, 0, Object) \ V(NewTarget, new_target, 1, Object) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS static constexpr int kNewTargetInputCount = 1; STATIC_ASSERT(kNewTargetInputCount == JSCallOrConstructNode::kReceiverOrNewTargetInputCount); int ArgumentCount() const { // Note: The count reported by this function depends only on the parameter, // thus adding/removing inputs will not affect it. return Parameters().arity_without_implicit_args(); } }; using JSConstructNode = JSConstructNodeBase<IrOpcode::kJSConstruct>; using JSConstructWithSpreadNode = JSConstructNodeBase<IrOpcode::kJSConstructWithSpread>; using JSConstructWithArrayLikeNode = JSConstructNodeBase<IrOpcode::kJSConstructWithArrayLike>; class JSLoadNamedNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSLoadNamedNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSLoadNamed, node->opcode()); } const NamedAccess& Parameters() const { return NamedAccessOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Object, object, 0, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 1, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSLoadNamedFromSuperNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSLoadNamedFromSuperNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSLoadNamedFromSuper, node->opcode()); } const NamedAccess& Parameters() const { return NamedAccessOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Receiver, receiver, 0, Object) \ V(HomeObject, home_object, 1, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 2, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSSetNamedPropertyNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSSetNamedPropertyNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSSetNamedProperty, node->opcode()); } const NamedAccess& Parameters() const { return NamedAccessOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Object, object, 0, Object) \ V(Value, value, 1, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 2, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSDefineNamedOwnPropertyNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSDefineNamedOwnPropertyNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSDefineNamedOwnProperty, node->opcode()); } const DefineNamedOwnPropertyParameters& Parameters() const { return DefineNamedOwnPropertyParametersOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Object, object, 0, Object) \ V(Value, value, 1, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 2, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSStoreGlobalNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSStoreGlobalNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSStoreGlobal, node->opcode()); } const StoreGlobalParameters& Parameters() const { return StoreGlobalParametersOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Value, value, 0, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 1, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSLoadGlobalNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSLoadGlobalNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSLoadGlobal, node->opcode()); } const LoadGlobalParameters& Parameters() const { return LoadGlobalParametersOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 0, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSCreateEmptyLiteralArrayNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSCreateEmptyLiteralArrayNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSCreateEmptyLiteralArray, node->opcode()); } const FeedbackParameter& Parameters() const { return FeedbackParameterOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 0, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSDefineKeyedOwnPropertyInLiteralNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSDefineKeyedOwnPropertyInLiteralNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSDefineKeyedOwnPropertyInLiteral, node->opcode()); } const FeedbackParameter& Parameters() const { return FeedbackParameterOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Object, object, 0, Object) \ V(Name, name, 1, Object) \ V(Value, value, 2, Object) \ V(Flags, flags, 3, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 4, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSStoreInArrayLiteralNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSStoreInArrayLiteralNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSStoreInArrayLiteral, node->opcode()); } const FeedbackParameter& Parameters() const { return FeedbackParameterOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Array, array, 0, Object) \ V(Index, index, 1, Object) \ V(Value, value, 2, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 3, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSCreateClosureNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSCreateClosureNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSCreateClosure, node->opcode()); } const CreateClosureParameters& Parameters() const { return CreateClosureParametersOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) V(FeedbackCell, feedback_cell, 0, FeedbackCell) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS FeedbackCellRef GetFeedbackCellRefChecked(JSHeapBroker* broker) const; }; class JSForInPrepareNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSForInPrepareNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSForInPrepare, node->opcode()); } const ForInParameters& Parameters() const { return ForInParametersOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Enumerator, enumerator, 0, Object) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 1, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; class JSForInNextNode final : public JSNodeWrapperBase { public: explicit constexpr JSForInNextNode(Node* node) : JSNodeWrapperBase(node) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSForInNext, node->opcode()); } const ForInParameters& Parameters() const { return ForInParametersOf(node()->op()); } #define INPUTS(V) \ V(Receiver, receiver, 0, Object) \ V(CacheArray, cache_array, 1, Object) \ V(CacheType, cache_type, 2, Object) \ V(Index, index, 3, Smi) \ V(FeedbackVector, feedback_vector, 4, HeapObject) INPUTS(DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS) #undef INPUTS }; #undef DEFINE_INPUT_ACCESSORS } // namespace compiler } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #endif // V8_COMPILER_JS_OPERATOR_H_