// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_IA32_LITHIUM_IA32_H_ #define V8_IA32_LITHIUM_IA32_H_ #include "src/hydrogen.h" #include "src/lithium.h" #include "src/lithium-allocator.h" #include "src/safepoint-table.h" #include "src/utils.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { // Forward declarations. class LCodeGen; #define LITHIUM_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION_LIST(V) \ V(AccessArgumentsAt) \ V(AddI) \ V(AllocateBlockContext) \ V(Allocate) \ V(ApplyArguments) \ V(ArgumentsElements) \ V(ArgumentsLength) \ V(ArithmeticD) \ V(ArithmeticT) \ V(BitI) \ V(BoundsCheck) \ V(Branch) \ V(CallJSFunction) \ V(CallWithDescriptor) \ V(CallFunction) \ V(CallNew) \ V(CallNewArray) \ V(CallRuntime) \ V(CallStub) \ V(CheckInstanceType) \ V(CheckMaps) \ V(CheckMapValue) \ V(CheckNonSmi) \ V(CheckSmi) \ V(CheckValue) \ V(ClampDToUint8) \ V(ClampIToUint8) \ V(ClampTToUint8) \ V(ClassOfTestAndBranch) \ V(CompareMinusZeroAndBranch) \ V(CompareNumericAndBranch) \ V(CmpObjectEqAndBranch) \ V(CmpHoleAndBranch) \ V(CmpMapAndBranch) \ V(CmpT) \ V(ConstantD) \ V(ConstantE) \ V(ConstantI) \ V(ConstantS) \ V(ConstantT) \ V(ConstructDouble) \ V(Context) \ V(DateField) \ V(DebugBreak) \ V(DeclareGlobals) \ V(Deoptimize) \ V(DivByConstI) \ V(DivByPowerOf2I) \ V(DivI) \ V(DoubleBits) \ V(DoubleToI) \ V(DoubleToSmi) \ V(Drop) \ V(Dummy) \ V(DummyUse) \ V(FlooringDivByConstI) \ V(FlooringDivByPowerOf2I) \ V(FlooringDivI) \ V(ForInCacheArray) \ V(ForInPrepareMap) \ V(FunctionLiteral) \ V(GetCachedArrayIndex) \ V(Goto) \ V(HasCachedArrayIndexAndBranch) \ V(HasInstanceTypeAndBranch) \ V(InnerAllocatedObject) \ V(InstanceOf) \ V(InstanceOfKnownGlobal) \ V(InstructionGap) \ V(Integer32ToDouble) \ V(InvokeFunction) \ V(IsConstructCallAndBranch) \ V(IsObjectAndBranch) \ V(IsStringAndBranch) \ V(IsSmiAndBranch) \ V(IsUndetectableAndBranch) \ V(Label) \ V(LazyBailout) \ V(LoadContextSlot) \ V(LoadFieldByIndex) \ V(LoadFunctionPrototype) \ V(LoadGlobalCell) \ V(LoadGlobalGeneric) \ V(LoadKeyed) \ V(LoadKeyedGeneric) \ V(LoadNamedField) \ V(LoadNamedGeneric) \ V(LoadRoot) \ V(MapEnumLength) \ V(MathAbs) \ V(MathClz32) \ V(MathExp) \ V(MathFloor) \ V(MathLog) \ V(MathMinMax) \ V(MathPowHalf) \ V(MathRound) \ V(MathSqrt) \ V(ModByConstI) \ V(ModByPowerOf2I) \ V(ModI) \ V(MulI) \ V(NumberTagD) \ V(NumberTagI) \ V(NumberTagU) \ V(NumberUntagD) \ V(OsrEntry) \ V(Parameter) \ V(Power) \ V(PushArgument) \ V(RegExpLiteral) \ V(Return) \ V(SeqStringGetChar) \ V(SeqStringSetChar) \ V(ShiftI) \ V(SmiTag) \ V(SmiUntag) \ V(StackCheck) \ V(StoreCodeEntry) \ V(StoreContextSlot) \ V(StoreFrameContext) \ V(StoreGlobalCell) \ V(StoreKeyed) \ V(StoreKeyedGeneric) \ V(StoreNamedField) \ V(StoreNamedGeneric) \ V(StringAdd) \ V(StringCharCodeAt) \ V(StringCharFromCode) \ V(StringCompareAndBranch) \ V(SubI) \ V(TaggedToI) \ V(ThisFunction) \ V(ToFastProperties) \ V(TransitionElementsKind) \ V(TrapAllocationMemento) \ V(Typeof) \ V(TypeofIsAndBranch) \ V(Uint32ToDouble) \ V(UnknownOSRValue) \ V(WrapReceiver) #define DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(type, mnemonic) \ virtual Opcode opcode() const V8_FINAL V8_OVERRIDE { \ return LInstruction::k##type; \ } \ virtual void CompileToNative(LCodeGen* generator) V8_FINAL V8_OVERRIDE; \ virtual const char* Mnemonic() const V8_FINAL V8_OVERRIDE { \ return mnemonic; \ } \ static L##type* cast(LInstruction* instr) { \ ASSERT(instr->Is##type()); \ return reinterpret_cast(instr); \ } #define DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(type) \ H##type* hydrogen() const { \ return H##type::cast(hydrogen_value()); \ } class LInstruction : public ZoneObject { public: LInstruction() : environment_(NULL), hydrogen_value_(NULL), bit_field_(IsCallBits::encode(false)) { } virtual ~LInstruction() {} virtual void CompileToNative(LCodeGen* generator) = 0; virtual const char* Mnemonic() const = 0; virtual void PrintTo(StringStream* stream); virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream); virtual void PrintOutputOperandTo(StringStream* stream); enum Opcode { // Declare a unique enum value for each instruction. #define DECLARE_OPCODE(type) k##type, LITHIUM_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION_LIST(DECLARE_OPCODE) kNumberOfInstructions #undef DECLARE_OPCODE }; virtual Opcode opcode() const = 0; // Declare non-virtual type testers for all leaf IR classes. #define DECLARE_PREDICATE(type) \ bool Is##type() const { return opcode() == k##type; } LITHIUM_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION_LIST(DECLARE_PREDICATE) #undef DECLARE_PREDICATE // Declare virtual predicates for instructions that don't have // an opcode. virtual bool IsGap() const { return false; } virtual bool IsControl() const { return false; } void set_environment(LEnvironment* env) { environment_ = env; } LEnvironment* environment() const { return environment_; } bool HasEnvironment() const { return environment_ != NULL; } void set_pointer_map(LPointerMap* p) { pointer_map_.set(p); } LPointerMap* pointer_map() const { return pointer_map_.get(); } bool HasPointerMap() const { return pointer_map_.is_set(); } void set_hydrogen_value(HValue* value) { hydrogen_value_ = value; } HValue* hydrogen_value() const { return hydrogen_value_; } virtual void SetDeferredLazyDeoptimizationEnvironment(LEnvironment* env) { } void MarkAsCall() { bit_field_ = IsCallBits::update(bit_field_, true); } bool IsCall() const { return IsCallBits::decode(bit_field_); } // Interface to the register allocator and iterators. bool ClobbersTemps() const { return IsCall(); } bool ClobbersRegisters() const { return IsCall(); } virtual bool ClobbersDoubleRegisters(Isolate* isolate) const { return IsCall(); } virtual bool HasResult() const = 0; virtual LOperand* result() const = 0; bool HasDoubleRegisterResult(); bool HasDoubleRegisterInput(); LOperand* FirstInput() { return InputAt(0); } LOperand* Output() { return HasResult() ? result() : NULL; } virtual bool HasInterestingComment(LCodeGen* gen) const { return true; } #ifdef DEBUG void VerifyCall(); #endif private: // Iterator support. friend class InputIterator; virtual int InputCount() = 0; virtual LOperand* InputAt(int i) = 0; friend class TempIterator; virtual int TempCount() = 0; virtual LOperand* TempAt(int i) = 0; class IsCallBits: public BitField {}; LEnvironment* environment_; SetOncePointer pointer_map_; HValue* hydrogen_value_; int bit_field_; }; // R = number of result operands (0 or 1). template class LTemplateResultInstruction : public LInstruction { public: // Allow 0 or 1 output operands. STATIC_ASSERT(R == 0 || R == 1); virtual bool HasResult() const V8_FINAL V8_OVERRIDE { return R != 0 && result() != NULL; } void set_result(LOperand* operand) { results_[0] = operand; } LOperand* result() const { return results_[0]; } protected: EmbeddedContainer results_; }; // R = number of result operands (0 or 1). // I = number of input operands. // T = number of temporary operands. template class LTemplateInstruction : public LTemplateResultInstruction { protected: EmbeddedContainer inputs_; EmbeddedContainer temps_; private: // Iterator support. virtual int InputCount() V8_FINAL V8_OVERRIDE { return I; } virtual LOperand* InputAt(int i) V8_FINAL V8_OVERRIDE { return inputs_[i]; } virtual int TempCount() V8_FINAL V8_OVERRIDE { return T; } virtual LOperand* TempAt(int i) V8_FINAL V8_OVERRIDE { return temps_[i]; } }; class LGap : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 0, 0> { public: explicit LGap(HBasicBlock* block) : block_(block) { parallel_moves_[BEFORE] = NULL; parallel_moves_[START] = NULL; parallel_moves_[END] = NULL; parallel_moves_[AFTER] = NULL; } // Can't use the DECLARE-macro here because of sub-classes. virtual bool IsGap() const V8_FINAL V8_OVERRIDE { return true; } virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; static LGap* cast(LInstruction* instr) { ASSERT(instr->IsGap()); return reinterpret_cast(instr); } bool IsRedundant() const; HBasicBlock* block() const { return block_; } enum InnerPosition { BEFORE, START, END, AFTER, FIRST_INNER_POSITION = BEFORE, LAST_INNER_POSITION = AFTER }; LParallelMove* GetOrCreateParallelMove(InnerPosition pos, Zone* zone) { if (parallel_moves_[pos] == NULL) { parallel_moves_[pos] = new(zone) LParallelMove(zone); } return parallel_moves_[pos]; } LParallelMove* GetParallelMove(InnerPosition pos) { return parallel_moves_[pos]; } private: LParallelMove* parallel_moves_[LAST_INNER_POSITION + 1]; HBasicBlock* block_; }; class LInstructionGap V8_FINAL : public LGap { public: explicit LInstructionGap(HBasicBlock* block) : LGap(block) { } virtual bool HasInterestingComment(LCodeGen* gen) const V8_OVERRIDE { return !IsRedundant(); } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(InstructionGap, "gap") }; class LGoto V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 0, 0> { public: explicit LGoto(HBasicBlock* block) : block_(block) { } virtual bool HasInterestingComment(LCodeGen* gen) const V8_OVERRIDE; DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(Goto, "goto") virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsControl() const V8_OVERRIDE { return true; } int block_id() const { return block_->block_id(); } virtual bool ClobbersDoubleRegisters(Isolate* isolate) const V8_OVERRIDE { return false; } bool jumps_to_join() const { return block_->predecessors()->length() > 1; } private: HBasicBlock* block_; }; class LLazyBailout V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 0, 0> { public: DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(LazyBailout, "lazy-bailout") }; class LDummy V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 0, 0> { public: explicit LDummy() { } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(Dummy, "dummy") }; class LDummyUse V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LDummyUse(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(DummyUse, "dummy-use") }; class LDeoptimize V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 0, 0> { public: virtual bool IsControl() const V8_OVERRIDE { return true; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(Deoptimize, "deoptimize") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Deoptimize) }; class LLabel V8_FINAL : public LGap { public: explicit LLabel(HBasicBlock* block) : LGap(block), replacement_(NULL) { } virtual bool HasInterestingComment(LCodeGen* gen) const V8_OVERRIDE { return false; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(Label, "label") virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; int block_id() const { return block()->block_id(); } bool is_loop_header() const { return block()->IsLoopHeader(); } bool is_osr_entry() const { return block()->is_osr_entry(); } Label* label() { return &label_; } LLabel* replacement() const { return replacement_; } void set_replacement(LLabel* label) { replacement_ = label; } bool HasReplacement() const { return replacement_ != NULL; } private: Label label_; LLabel* replacement_; }; class LParameter V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 0, 0> { public: virtual bool HasInterestingComment(LCodeGen* gen) const V8_OVERRIDE { return false; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(Parameter, "parameter") }; class LCallStub V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LCallStub(LOperand* context) { inputs_[0] = context; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CallStub, "call-stub") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CallStub) }; class LUnknownOSRValue V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 0, 0> { public: virtual bool HasInterestingComment(LCodeGen* gen) const V8_OVERRIDE { return false; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(UnknownOSRValue, "unknown-osr-value") }; template class LControlInstruction: public LTemplateInstruction<0, I, T> { public: LControlInstruction() : false_label_(NULL), true_label_(NULL) { } virtual bool IsControl() const V8_FINAL V8_OVERRIDE { return true; } int SuccessorCount() { return hydrogen()->SuccessorCount(); } HBasicBlock* SuccessorAt(int i) { return hydrogen()->SuccessorAt(i); } int TrueDestination(LChunk* chunk) { return chunk->LookupDestination(true_block_id()); } int FalseDestination(LChunk* chunk) { return chunk->LookupDestination(false_block_id()); } Label* TrueLabel(LChunk* chunk) { if (true_label_ == NULL) { true_label_ = chunk->GetAssemblyLabel(TrueDestination(chunk)); } return true_label_; } Label* FalseLabel(LChunk* chunk) { if (false_label_ == NULL) { false_label_ = chunk->GetAssemblyLabel(FalseDestination(chunk)); } return false_label_; } protected: int true_block_id() { return SuccessorAt(0)->block_id(); } int false_block_id() { return SuccessorAt(1)->block_id(); } private: HControlInstruction* hydrogen() { return HControlInstruction::cast(this->hydrogen_value()); } Label* false_label_; Label* true_label_; }; class LWrapReceiver V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 1> { public: LWrapReceiver(LOperand* receiver, LOperand* function, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = receiver; inputs_[1] = function; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* receiver() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* function() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(WrapReceiver, "wrap-receiver") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(WrapReceiver) }; class LApplyArguments V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 4, 0> { public: LApplyArguments(LOperand* function, LOperand* receiver, LOperand* length, LOperand* elements) { inputs_[0] = function; inputs_[1] = receiver; inputs_[2] = length; inputs_[3] = elements; } LOperand* function() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* receiver() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* length() { return inputs_[2]; } LOperand* elements() { return inputs_[3]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ApplyArguments, "apply-arguments") }; class LAccessArgumentsAt V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 3, 0> { public: LAccessArgumentsAt(LOperand* arguments, LOperand* length, LOperand* index) { inputs_[0] = arguments; inputs_[1] = length; inputs_[2] = index; } LOperand* arguments() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* length() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* index() { return inputs_[2]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(AccessArgumentsAt, "access-arguments-at") virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; }; class LArgumentsLength V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LArgumentsLength(LOperand* elements) { inputs_[0] = elements; } LOperand* elements() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ArgumentsLength, "arguments-length") }; class LArgumentsElements V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 0, 0> { public: DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ArgumentsElements, "arguments-elements") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(ArgumentsElements) }; class LDebugBreak V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 0, 0> { public: DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(DebugBreak, "break") }; class LModByPowerOf2I V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: LModByPowerOf2I(LOperand* dividend, int32_t divisor) { inputs_[0] = dividend; divisor_ = divisor; } LOperand* dividend() { return inputs_[0]; } int32_t divisor() const { return divisor_; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ModByPowerOf2I, "mod-by-power-of-2-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Mod) private: int32_t divisor_; }; class LModByConstI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 2> { public: LModByConstI(LOperand* dividend, int32_t divisor, LOperand* temp1, LOperand* temp2) { inputs_[0] = dividend; divisor_ = divisor; temps_[0] = temp1; temps_[1] = temp2; } LOperand* dividend() { return inputs_[0]; } int32_t divisor() const { return divisor_; } LOperand* temp1() { return temps_[0]; } LOperand* temp2() { return temps_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ModByConstI, "mod-by-const-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Mod) private: int32_t divisor_; }; class LModI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 1> { public: LModI(LOperand* left, LOperand* right, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = left; inputs_[1] = right; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* left() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* right() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ModI, "mod-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Mod) }; class LDivByPowerOf2I V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: LDivByPowerOf2I(LOperand* dividend, int32_t divisor) { inputs_[0] = dividend; divisor_ = divisor; } LOperand* dividend() { return inputs_[0]; } int32_t divisor() const { return divisor_; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(DivByPowerOf2I, "div-by-power-of-2-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Div) private: int32_t divisor_; }; class LDivByConstI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 2> { public: LDivByConstI(LOperand* dividend, int32_t divisor, LOperand* temp1, LOperand* temp2) { inputs_[0] = dividend; divisor_ = divisor; temps_[0] = temp1; temps_[1] = temp2; } LOperand* dividend() { return inputs_[0]; } int32_t divisor() const { return divisor_; } LOperand* temp1() { return temps_[0]; } LOperand* temp2() { return temps_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(DivByConstI, "div-by-const-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Div) private: int32_t divisor_; }; class LDivI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 1> { public: LDivI(LOperand* dividend, LOperand* divisor, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = dividend; inputs_[1] = divisor; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* dividend() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* divisor() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(DivI, "div-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(BinaryOperation) }; class LFlooringDivByPowerOf2I V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: LFlooringDivByPowerOf2I(LOperand* dividend, int32_t divisor) { inputs_[0] = dividend; divisor_ = divisor; } LOperand* dividend() { return inputs_[0]; } int32_t divisor() const { return divisor_; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(FlooringDivByPowerOf2I, "flooring-div-by-power-of-2-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(MathFloorOfDiv) private: int32_t divisor_; }; class LFlooringDivByConstI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 3> { public: LFlooringDivByConstI(LOperand* dividend, int32_t divisor, LOperand* temp1, LOperand* temp2, LOperand* temp3) { inputs_[0] = dividend; divisor_ = divisor; temps_[0] = temp1; temps_[1] = temp2; temps_[2] = temp3; } LOperand* dividend() { return inputs_[0]; } int32_t divisor() const { return divisor_; } LOperand* temp1() { return temps_[0]; } LOperand* temp2() { return temps_[1]; } LOperand* temp3() { return temps_[2]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(FlooringDivByConstI, "flooring-div-by-const-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(MathFloorOfDiv) private: int32_t divisor_; }; class LFlooringDivI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 1> { public: LFlooringDivI(LOperand* dividend, LOperand* divisor, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = dividend; inputs_[1] = divisor; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* dividend() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* divisor() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(FlooringDivI, "flooring-div-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(MathFloorOfDiv) }; class LMulI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 1> { public: LMulI(LOperand* left, LOperand* right, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = left; inputs_[1] = right; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* left() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* right() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(MulI, "mul-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Mul) }; class LCompareNumericAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<2, 0> { public: LCompareNumericAndBranch(LOperand* left, LOperand* right) { inputs_[0] = left; inputs_[1] = right; } LOperand* left() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* right() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CompareNumericAndBranch, "compare-numeric-and-branch") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CompareNumericAndBranch) Token::Value op() const { return hydrogen()->token(); } bool is_double() const { return hydrogen()->representation().IsDouble(); } virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream); }; class LMathFloor V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LMathFloor(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(MathFloor, "math-floor") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(UnaryMathOperation) }; class LMathRound V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 1> { public: LMathRound(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(MathRound, "math-round") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(UnaryMathOperation) }; class LMathAbs V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LMathAbs(LOperand* context, LOperand* value) { inputs_[1] = context; inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(MathAbs, "math-abs") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(UnaryMathOperation) }; class LMathLog V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LMathLog(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(MathLog, "math-log") }; class LMathClz32 V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LMathClz32(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(MathClz32, "math-clz32") }; class LMathExp V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 2> { public: LMathExp(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp1, LOperand* temp2) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp1; temps_[1] = temp2; ExternalReference::InitializeMathExpData(); } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp1() { return temps_[0]; } LOperand* temp2() { return temps_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(MathExp, "math-exp") }; class LMathSqrt V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LMathSqrt(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(MathSqrt, "math-sqrt") }; class LMathPowHalf V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 1> { public: LMathPowHalf(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(MathPowHalf, "math-pow-half") }; class LCmpObjectEqAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<2, 0> { public: LCmpObjectEqAndBranch(LOperand* left, LOperand* right) { inputs_[0] = left; inputs_[1] = right; } LOperand* left() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* right() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CmpObjectEqAndBranch, "cmp-object-eq-and-branch") }; class LCmpHoleAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<1, 0> { public: explicit LCmpHoleAndBranch(LOperand* object) { inputs_[0] = object; } LOperand* object() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CmpHoleAndBranch, "cmp-hole-and-branch") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CompareHoleAndBranch) }; class LCompareMinusZeroAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<1, 1> { public: LCompareMinusZeroAndBranch(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CompareMinusZeroAndBranch, "cmp-minus-zero-and-branch") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CompareMinusZeroAndBranch) }; class LIsObjectAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<1, 1> { public: LIsObjectAndBranch(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(IsObjectAndBranch, "is-object-and-branch") virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; }; class LIsStringAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<1, 1> { public: LIsStringAndBranch(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(IsStringAndBranch, "is-string-and-branch") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(IsStringAndBranch) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; }; class LIsSmiAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<1, 0> { public: explicit LIsSmiAndBranch(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(IsSmiAndBranch, "is-smi-and-branch") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(IsSmiAndBranch) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; }; class LIsUndetectableAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<1, 1> { public: LIsUndetectableAndBranch(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(IsUndetectableAndBranch, "is-undetectable-and-branch") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(IsUndetectableAndBranch) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; }; class LStringCompareAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<3, 0> { public: LStringCompareAndBranch(LOperand* context, LOperand* left, LOperand* right) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = left; inputs_[2] = right; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* left() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* right() { return inputs_[2]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(StringCompareAndBranch, "string-compare-and-branch") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(StringCompareAndBranch) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; Token::Value op() const { return hydrogen()->token(); } }; class LHasInstanceTypeAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<1, 1> { public: LHasInstanceTypeAndBranch(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(HasInstanceTypeAndBranch, "has-instance-type-and-branch") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(HasInstanceTypeAndBranch) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; }; class LGetCachedArrayIndex V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LGetCachedArrayIndex(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(GetCachedArrayIndex, "get-cached-array-index") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(GetCachedArrayIndex) }; class LHasCachedArrayIndexAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<1, 0> { public: explicit LHasCachedArrayIndexAndBranch(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(HasCachedArrayIndexAndBranch, "has-cached-array-index-and-branch") virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; }; class LIsConstructCallAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<0, 1> { public: explicit LIsConstructCallAndBranch(LOperand* temp) { temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(IsConstructCallAndBranch, "is-construct-call-and-branch") }; class LClassOfTestAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<1, 2> { public: LClassOfTestAndBranch(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp, LOperand* temp2) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; temps_[1] = temp2; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } LOperand* temp2() { return temps_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ClassOfTestAndBranch, "class-of-test-and-branch") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(ClassOfTestAndBranch) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; }; class LCmpT V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 3, 0> { public: LCmpT(LOperand* context, LOperand* left, LOperand* right) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = left; inputs_[2] = right; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CmpT, "cmp-t") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CompareGeneric) LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } Token::Value op() const { return hydrogen()->token(); } }; class LInstanceOf V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 3, 0> { public: LInstanceOf(LOperand* context, LOperand* left, LOperand* right) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = left; inputs_[2] = right; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(InstanceOf, "instance-of") }; class LInstanceOfKnownGlobal V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 1> { public: LInstanceOfKnownGlobal(LOperand* context, LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(InstanceOfKnownGlobal, "instance-of-known-global") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(InstanceOfKnownGlobal) Handle function() const { return hydrogen()->function(); } LEnvironment* GetDeferredLazyDeoptimizationEnvironment() { return lazy_deopt_env_; } virtual void SetDeferredLazyDeoptimizationEnvironment( LEnvironment* env) V8_OVERRIDE { lazy_deopt_env_ = env; } private: LEnvironment* lazy_deopt_env_; }; class LBoundsCheck V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 2, 0> { public: LBoundsCheck(LOperand* index, LOperand* length) { inputs_[0] = index; inputs_[1] = length; } LOperand* index() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* length() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(BoundsCheck, "bounds-check") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(BoundsCheck) }; class LBitI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LBitI(LOperand* left, LOperand* right) { inputs_[0] = left; inputs_[1] = right; } LOperand* left() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* right() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(BitI, "bit-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Bitwise) Token::Value op() const { return hydrogen()->op(); } }; class LShiftI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LShiftI(Token::Value op, LOperand* left, LOperand* right, bool can_deopt) : op_(op), can_deopt_(can_deopt) { inputs_[0] = left; inputs_[1] = right; } LOperand* left() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* right() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ShiftI, "shift-i") Token::Value op() const { return op_; } bool can_deopt() const { return can_deopt_; } private: Token::Value op_; bool can_deopt_; }; class LSubI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LSubI(LOperand* left, LOperand* right) { inputs_[0] = left; inputs_[1] = right; } LOperand* left() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* right() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(SubI, "sub-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Sub) }; class LConstantI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 0, 0> { public: DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ConstantI, "constant-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Constant) int32_t value() const { return hydrogen()->Integer32Value(); } }; class LConstantS V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 0, 0> { public: DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ConstantS, "constant-s") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Constant) Smi* value() const { return Smi::FromInt(hydrogen()->Integer32Value()); } }; class LConstantD V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 0, 1> { public: explicit LConstantD(LOperand* temp) { temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ConstantD, "constant-d") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Constant) double value() const { return hydrogen()->DoubleValue(); } }; class LConstantE V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 0, 0> { public: DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ConstantE, "constant-e") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Constant) ExternalReference value() const { return hydrogen()->ExternalReferenceValue(); } }; class LConstantT V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 0, 0> { public: DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ConstantT, "constant-t") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Constant) Handle value(Isolate* isolate) const { return hydrogen()->handle(isolate); } }; class LBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<1, 1> { public: LBranch(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(Branch, "branch") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Branch) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; }; class LCmpMapAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<1, 0> { public: explicit LCmpMapAndBranch(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CmpMapAndBranch, "cmp-map-and-branch") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CompareMap) Handle map() const { return hydrogen()->map().handle(); } }; class LMapEnumLength V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LMapEnumLength(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(MapEnumLength, "map-enum-length") }; class LDateField V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 1> { public: LDateField(LOperand* date, LOperand* temp, Smi* index) : index_(index) { inputs_[0] = date; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* date() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(DateField, "date-field") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(DateField) Smi* index() const { return index_; } private: Smi* index_; }; class LSeqStringGetChar V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LSeqStringGetChar(LOperand* string, LOperand* index) { inputs_[0] = string; inputs_[1] = index; } LOperand* string() const { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* index() const { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(SeqStringGetChar, "seq-string-get-char") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(SeqStringGetChar) }; class LSeqStringSetChar V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 4, 0> { public: LSeqStringSetChar(LOperand* context, LOperand* string, LOperand* index, LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = string; inputs_[2] = index; inputs_[3] = value; } LOperand* string() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* index() { return inputs_[2]; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[3]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(SeqStringSetChar, "seq-string-set-char") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(SeqStringSetChar) }; class LAddI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LAddI(LOperand* left, LOperand* right) { inputs_[0] = left; inputs_[1] = right; } LOperand* left() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* right() { return inputs_[1]; } static bool UseLea(HAdd* add) { return !add->CheckFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow) && add->BetterLeftOperand()->UseCount() > 1; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(AddI, "add-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Add) }; class LMathMinMax V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LMathMinMax(LOperand* left, LOperand* right) { inputs_[0] = left; inputs_[1] = right; } LOperand* left() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* right() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(MathMinMax, "math-min-max") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(MathMinMax) }; class LPower V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LPower(LOperand* left, LOperand* right) { inputs_[0] = left; inputs_[1] = right; } LOperand* left() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* right() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(Power, "power") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Power) }; class LArithmeticD V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LArithmeticD(Token::Value op, LOperand* left, LOperand* right) : op_(op) { inputs_[0] = left; inputs_[1] = right; } LOperand* left() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* right() { return inputs_[1]; } Token::Value op() const { return op_; } virtual Opcode opcode() const V8_OVERRIDE { return LInstruction::kArithmeticD; } virtual void CompileToNative(LCodeGen* generator) V8_OVERRIDE; virtual const char* Mnemonic() const V8_OVERRIDE; private: Token::Value op_; }; class LArithmeticT V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 3, 0> { public: LArithmeticT(Token::Value op, LOperand* context, LOperand* left, LOperand* right) : op_(op) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = left; inputs_[2] = right; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* left() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* right() { return inputs_[2]; } virtual Opcode opcode() const V8_OVERRIDE { return LInstruction::kArithmeticT; } virtual void CompileToNative(LCodeGen* generator) V8_OVERRIDE; virtual const char* Mnemonic() const V8_OVERRIDE; Token::Value op() const { return op_; } private: Token::Value op_; }; class LReturn V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 3, 0> { public: explicit LReturn(LOperand* value, LOperand* context, LOperand* parameter_count) { inputs_[0] = value; inputs_[1] = context; inputs_[2] = parameter_count; } bool has_constant_parameter_count() { return parameter_count()->IsConstantOperand(); } LConstantOperand* constant_parameter_count() { ASSERT(has_constant_parameter_count()); return LConstantOperand::cast(parameter_count()); } LOperand* parameter_count() { return inputs_[2]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(Return, "return") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Return) }; class LLoadNamedField V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LLoadNamedField(LOperand* object) { inputs_[0] = object; } LOperand* object() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(LoadNamedField, "load-named-field") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(LoadNamedField) }; class LLoadNamedGeneric V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LLoadNamedGeneric(LOperand* context, LOperand* object) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = object; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* object() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(LoadNamedGeneric, "load-named-generic") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(LoadNamedGeneric) Handle name() const { return hydrogen()->name(); } }; class LLoadFunctionPrototype V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 1> { public: LLoadFunctionPrototype(LOperand* function, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = function; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* function() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(LoadFunctionPrototype, "load-function-prototype") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(LoadFunctionPrototype) }; class LLoadRoot V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 0, 0> { public: DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(LoadRoot, "load-root") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(LoadRoot) Heap::RootListIndex index() const { return hydrogen()->index(); } }; class LLoadKeyed V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LLoadKeyed(LOperand* elements, LOperand* key) { inputs_[0] = elements; inputs_[1] = key; } LOperand* elements() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* key() { return inputs_[1]; } ElementsKind elements_kind() const { return hydrogen()->elements_kind(); } bool is_external() const { return hydrogen()->is_external(); } bool is_fixed_typed_array() const { return hydrogen()->is_fixed_typed_array(); } bool is_typed_elements() const { return is_external() || is_fixed_typed_array(); } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(LoadKeyed, "load-keyed") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(LoadKeyed) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; uint32_t base_offset() const { return hydrogen()->base_offset(); } bool key_is_smi() { return hydrogen()->key()->representation().IsTagged(); } }; inline static bool ExternalArrayOpRequiresTemp( Representation key_representation, ElementsKind elements_kind) { // Operations that require the key to be divided by two to be converted into // an index cannot fold the scale operation into a load and need an extra // temp register to do the work. return key_representation.IsSmi() && (elements_kind == EXTERNAL_INT8_ELEMENTS || elements_kind == EXTERNAL_UINT8_ELEMENTS || elements_kind == EXTERNAL_UINT8_CLAMPED_ELEMENTS || elements_kind == UINT8_ELEMENTS || elements_kind == INT8_ELEMENTS || elements_kind == UINT8_CLAMPED_ELEMENTS); } class LLoadKeyedGeneric V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 3, 0> { public: LLoadKeyedGeneric(LOperand* context, LOperand* obj, LOperand* key) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = obj; inputs_[2] = key; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* object() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* key() { return inputs_[2]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(LoadKeyedGeneric, "load-keyed-generic") }; class LLoadGlobalCell V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 0, 0> { public: DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(LoadGlobalCell, "load-global-cell") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(LoadGlobalCell) }; class LLoadGlobalGeneric V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LLoadGlobalGeneric(LOperand* context, LOperand* global_object) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = global_object; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* global_object() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(LoadGlobalGeneric, "load-global-generic") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(LoadGlobalGeneric) Handle name() const { return hydrogen()->name(); } bool for_typeof() const { return hydrogen()->for_typeof(); } }; class LStoreGlobalCell V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 1, 0> { public: explicit LStoreGlobalCell(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(StoreGlobalCell, "store-global-cell") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(StoreGlobalCell) }; class LLoadContextSlot V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LLoadContextSlot(LOperand* context) { inputs_[0] = context; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(LoadContextSlot, "load-context-slot") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(LoadContextSlot) int slot_index() { return hydrogen()->slot_index(); } virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; }; class LStoreContextSlot V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 2, 1> { public: LStoreContextSlot(LOperand* context, LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(StoreContextSlot, "store-context-slot") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(StoreContextSlot) int slot_index() { return hydrogen()->slot_index(); } virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; }; class LPushArgument V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 1, 0> { public: explicit LPushArgument(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(PushArgument, "push-argument") }; class LDrop V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 0, 0> { public: explicit LDrop(int count) : count_(count) { } int count() const { return count_; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(Drop, "drop") private: int count_; }; class LStoreCodeEntry V8_FINAL: public LTemplateInstruction<0, 2, 0> { public: LStoreCodeEntry(LOperand* function, LOperand* code_object) { inputs_[0] = function; inputs_[1] = code_object; } LOperand* function() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* code_object() { return inputs_[1]; } virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream); DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(StoreCodeEntry, "store-code-entry") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(StoreCodeEntry) }; class LInnerAllocatedObject V8_FINAL: public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LInnerAllocatedObject(LOperand* base_object, LOperand* offset) { inputs_[0] = base_object; inputs_[1] = offset; } LOperand* base_object() const { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* offset() const { return inputs_[1]; } virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream); DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(InnerAllocatedObject, "inner-allocated-object") }; class LThisFunction V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 0, 0> { public: DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ThisFunction, "this-function") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(ThisFunction) }; class LContext V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 0, 0> { public: DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(Context, "context") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Context) }; class LDeclareGlobals V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 1, 0> { public: explicit LDeclareGlobals(LOperand* context) { inputs_[0] = context; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(DeclareGlobals, "declare-globals") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(DeclareGlobals) }; class LCallJSFunction V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LCallJSFunction(LOperand* function) { inputs_[0] = function; } LOperand* function() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CallJSFunction, "call-js-function") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CallJSFunction) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; int arity() const { return hydrogen()->argument_count() - 1; } }; class LCallWithDescriptor V8_FINAL : public LTemplateResultInstruction<1> { public: LCallWithDescriptor(const CallInterfaceDescriptor* descriptor, const ZoneList& operands, Zone* zone) : inputs_(descriptor->environment_length() + 1, zone) { ASSERT(descriptor->environment_length() + 1 == operands.length()); inputs_.AddAll(operands, zone); } LOperand* target() const { return inputs_[0]; } private: DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CallWithDescriptor, "call-with-descriptor") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CallWithDescriptor) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; int arity() const { return hydrogen()->argument_count() - 1; } ZoneList inputs_; // Iterator support. virtual int InputCount() V8_FINAL V8_OVERRIDE { return inputs_.length(); } virtual LOperand* InputAt(int i) V8_FINAL V8_OVERRIDE { return inputs_[i]; } virtual int TempCount() V8_FINAL V8_OVERRIDE { return 0; } virtual LOperand* TempAt(int i) V8_FINAL V8_OVERRIDE { return NULL; } }; class LInvokeFunction V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LInvokeFunction(LOperand* context, LOperand* function) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = function; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* function() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(InvokeFunction, "invoke-function") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(InvokeFunction) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; int arity() const { return hydrogen()->argument_count() - 1; } }; class LCallFunction V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: explicit LCallFunction(LOperand* context, LOperand* function) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = function; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* function() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CallFunction, "call-function") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CallFunction) int arity() const { return hydrogen()->argument_count() - 1; } }; class LCallNew V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LCallNew(LOperand* context, LOperand* constructor) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = constructor; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* constructor() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CallNew, "call-new") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CallNew) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; int arity() const { return hydrogen()->argument_count() - 1; } }; class LCallNewArray V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LCallNewArray(LOperand* context, LOperand* constructor) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = constructor; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* constructor() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CallNewArray, "call-new-array") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CallNewArray) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; int arity() const { return hydrogen()->argument_count() - 1; } }; class LCallRuntime V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LCallRuntime(LOperand* context) { inputs_[0] = context; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CallRuntime, "call-runtime") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CallRuntime) virtual bool ClobbersDoubleRegisters(Isolate* isolate) const V8_OVERRIDE { return save_doubles() == kDontSaveFPRegs; } const Runtime::Function* function() const { return hydrogen()->function(); } int arity() const { return hydrogen()->argument_count(); } SaveFPRegsMode save_doubles() const { return hydrogen()->save_doubles(); } }; class LInteger32ToDouble V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LInteger32ToDouble(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(Integer32ToDouble, "int32-to-double") }; class LUint32ToDouble V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LUint32ToDouble(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(Uint32ToDouble, "uint32-to-double") }; class LNumberTagI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 1> { public: LNumberTagI(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(NumberTagI, "number-tag-i") }; class LNumberTagU V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 1> { public: LNumberTagU(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(NumberTagU, "number-tag-u") }; class LNumberTagD V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 1> { public: LNumberTagD(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(NumberTagD, "number-tag-d") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Change) }; // Sometimes truncating conversion from a tagged value to an int32. class LDoubleToI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 1> { public: LDoubleToI(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(DoubleToI, "double-to-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(UnaryOperation) bool truncating() { return hydrogen()->CanTruncateToInt32(); } }; class LDoubleToSmi V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LDoubleToSmi(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(DoubleToSmi, "double-to-smi") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(UnaryOperation) }; // Truncating conversion from a tagged value to an int32. class LTaggedToI V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 1> { public: LTaggedToI(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(TaggedToI, "tagged-to-i") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Change) bool truncating() { return hydrogen()->CanTruncateToInt32(); } }; class LSmiTag V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LSmiTag(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(SmiTag, "smi-tag") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Change) }; class LNumberUntagD V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 1> { public: explicit LNumberUntagD(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(NumberUntagD, "double-untag") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Change); }; class LSmiUntag V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: LSmiUntag(LOperand* value, bool needs_check) : needs_check_(needs_check) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(SmiUntag, "smi-untag") bool needs_check() const { return needs_check_; } private: bool needs_check_; }; class LStoreNamedField V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 2, 2> { public: LStoreNamedField(LOperand* obj, LOperand* val, LOperand* temp, LOperand* temp_map) { inputs_[0] = obj; inputs_[1] = val; temps_[0] = temp; temps_[1] = temp_map; } LOperand* object() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } LOperand* temp_map() { return temps_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(StoreNamedField, "store-named-field") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(StoreNamedField) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; }; class LStoreNamedGeneric V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 3, 0> { public: LStoreNamedGeneric(LOperand* context, LOperand* object, LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = object; inputs_[2] = value; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* object() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[2]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(StoreNamedGeneric, "store-named-generic") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(StoreNamedGeneric) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; Handle name() const { return hydrogen()->name(); } StrictMode strict_mode() { return hydrogen()->strict_mode(); } }; class LStoreKeyed V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 3, 0> { public: LStoreKeyed(LOperand* obj, LOperand* key, LOperand* val) { inputs_[0] = obj; inputs_[1] = key; inputs_[2] = val; } bool is_external() const { return hydrogen()->is_external(); } bool is_fixed_typed_array() const { return hydrogen()->is_fixed_typed_array(); } bool is_typed_elements() const { return is_external() || is_fixed_typed_array(); } LOperand* elements() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* key() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[2]; } ElementsKind elements_kind() const { return hydrogen()->elements_kind(); } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(StoreKeyed, "store-keyed") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(StoreKeyed) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; uint32_t base_offset() const { return hydrogen()->base_offset(); } bool NeedsCanonicalization() { return hydrogen()->NeedsCanonicalization(); } }; class LStoreKeyedGeneric V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 4, 0> { public: LStoreKeyedGeneric(LOperand* context, LOperand* object, LOperand* key, LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = object; inputs_[2] = key; inputs_[3] = value; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* object() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* key() { return inputs_[2]; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[3]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(StoreKeyedGeneric, "store-keyed-generic") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(StoreKeyedGeneric) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; StrictMode strict_mode() { return hydrogen()->strict_mode(); } }; class LTransitionElementsKind V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 2, 2> { public: LTransitionElementsKind(LOperand* object, LOperand* context, LOperand* new_map_temp, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = object; inputs_[1] = context; temps_[0] = new_map_temp; temps_[1] = temp; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* object() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* new_map_temp() { return temps_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(TransitionElementsKind, "transition-elements-kind") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(TransitionElementsKind) virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; Handle original_map() { return hydrogen()->original_map().handle(); } Handle transitioned_map() { return hydrogen()->transitioned_map().handle(); } ElementsKind from_kind() { return hydrogen()->from_kind(); } ElementsKind to_kind() { return hydrogen()->to_kind(); } }; class LTrapAllocationMemento V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 1, 1> { public: LTrapAllocationMemento(LOperand* object, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = object; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* object() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(TrapAllocationMemento, "trap-allocation-memento") }; class LStringAdd V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 3, 0> { public: LStringAdd(LOperand* context, LOperand* left, LOperand* right) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = left; inputs_[2] = right; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* left() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* right() { return inputs_[2]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(StringAdd, "string-add") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(StringAdd) }; class LStringCharCodeAt V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 3, 0> { public: LStringCharCodeAt(LOperand* context, LOperand* string, LOperand* index) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = string; inputs_[2] = index; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* string() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* index() { return inputs_[2]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(StringCharCodeAt, "string-char-code-at") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(StringCharCodeAt) }; class LStringCharFromCode V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LStringCharFromCode(LOperand* context, LOperand* char_code) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = char_code; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* char_code() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(StringCharFromCode, "string-char-from-code") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(StringCharFromCode) }; class LCheckValue V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 1, 0> { public: explicit LCheckValue(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CheckValue, "check-value") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CheckValue) }; class LCheckInstanceType V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 1, 1> { public: LCheckInstanceType(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CheckInstanceType, "check-instance-type") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CheckInstanceType) }; class LCheckMaps V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 1, 0> { public: explicit LCheckMaps(LOperand* value = NULL) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CheckMaps, "check-maps") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CheckMaps) }; class LCheckSmi V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LCheckSmi(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CheckSmi, "check-smi") }; class LClampDToUint8 V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LClampDToUint8(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* unclamped() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ClampDToUint8, "clamp-d-to-uint8") }; class LClampIToUint8 V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LClampIToUint8(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* unclamped() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ClampIToUint8, "clamp-i-to-uint8") }; class LClampTToUint8 V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 1> { public: LClampTToUint8(LOperand* value, LOperand* temp_xmm) { inputs_[0] = value; temps_[0] = temp_xmm; } LOperand* unclamped() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* temp_xmm() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ClampTToUint8, "clamp-t-to-uint8") }; class LCheckNonSmi V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 1, 0> { public: explicit LCheckNonSmi(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CheckNonSmi, "check-non-smi") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(CheckHeapObject) }; class LDoubleBits V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LDoubleBits(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(DoubleBits, "double-bits") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(DoubleBits) }; class LConstructDouble V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LConstructDouble(LOperand* hi, LOperand* lo) { inputs_[0] = hi; inputs_[1] = lo; } LOperand* hi() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* lo() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ConstructDouble, "construct-double") }; class LAllocate V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 1> { public: LAllocate(LOperand* context, LOperand* size, LOperand* temp) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = size; temps_[0] = temp; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* size() { return inputs_[1]; } LOperand* temp() { return temps_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(Allocate, "allocate") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(Allocate) }; class LRegExpLiteral V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LRegExpLiteral(LOperand* context) { inputs_[0] = context; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(RegExpLiteral, "regexp-literal") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(RegExpLiteral) }; class LFunctionLiteral V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LFunctionLiteral(LOperand* context) { inputs_[0] = context; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(FunctionLiteral, "function-literal") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(FunctionLiteral) }; class LToFastProperties V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LToFastProperties(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ToFastProperties, "to-fast-properties") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(ToFastProperties) }; class LTypeof V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LTypeof(LOperand* context, LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = value; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(Typeof, "typeof") }; class LTypeofIsAndBranch V8_FINAL : public LControlInstruction<1, 0> { public: explicit LTypeofIsAndBranch(LOperand* value) { inputs_[0] = value; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(TypeofIsAndBranch, "typeof-is-and-branch") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(TypeofIsAndBranch) Handle type_literal() { return hydrogen()->type_literal(); } virtual void PrintDataTo(StringStream* stream) V8_OVERRIDE; }; class LOsrEntry V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 0, 0> { public: virtual bool HasInterestingComment(LCodeGen* gen) const V8_OVERRIDE { return false; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(OsrEntry, "osr-entry") }; class LStackCheck V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 1, 0> { public: explicit LStackCheck(LOperand* context) { inputs_[0] = context; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(StackCheck, "stack-check") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(StackCheck) Label* done_label() { return &done_label_; } private: Label done_label_; }; class LForInPrepareMap V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LForInPrepareMap(LOperand* context, LOperand* object) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = object; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* object() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ForInPrepareMap, "for-in-prepare-map") }; class LForInCacheArray V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 1, 0> { public: explicit LForInCacheArray(LOperand* map) { inputs_[0] = map; } LOperand* map() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(ForInCacheArray, "for-in-cache-array") int idx() { return HForInCacheArray::cast(this->hydrogen_value())->idx(); } }; class LCheckMapValue V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<0, 2, 0> { public: LCheckMapValue(LOperand* value, LOperand* map) { inputs_[0] = value; inputs_[1] = map; } LOperand* value() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* map() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(CheckMapValue, "check-map-value") }; class LLoadFieldByIndex V8_FINAL : public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LLoadFieldByIndex(LOperand* object, LOperand* index) { inputs_[0] = object; inputs_[1] = index; } LOperand* object() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* index() { return inputs_[1]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(LoadFieldByIndex, "load-field-by-index") }; class LStoreFrameContext: public LTemplateInstruction<0, 1, 0> { public: explicit LStoreFrameContext(LOperand* context) { inputs_[0] = context; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(StoreFrameContext, "store-frame-context") }; class LAllocateBlockContext: public LTemplateInstruction<1, 2, 0> { public: LAllocateBlockContext(LOperand* context, LOperand* function) { inputs_[0] = context; inputs_[1] = function; } LOperand* context() { return inputs_[0]; } LOperand* function() { return inputs_[1]; } Handle scope_info() { return hydrogen()->scope_info(); } DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION(AllocateBlockContext, "allocate-block-context") DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR(AllocateBlockContext) }; class LChunkBuilder; class LPlatformChunk V8_FINAL : public LChunk { public: LPlatformChunk(CompilationInfo* info, HGraph* graph) : LChunk(info, graph), num_double_slots_(0) { } int GetNextSpillIndex(RegisterKind kind); LOperand* GetNextSpillSlot(RegisterKind kind); int num_double_slots() const { return num_double_slots_; } private: int num_double_slots_; }; class LChunkBuilder V8_FINAL : public LChunkBuilderBase { public: LChunkBuilder(CompilationInfo* info, HGraph* graph, LAllocator* allocator) : LChunkBuilderBase(graph->zone()), chunk_(NULL), info_(info), graph_(graph), status_(UNUSED), current_instruction_(NULL), current_block_(NULL), next_block_(NULL), allocator_(allocator) { } Isolate* isolate() const { return graph_->isolate(); } // Build the sequence for the graph. LPlatformChunk* Build(); // Declare methods that deal with the individual node types. #define DECLARE_DO(type) LInstruction* Do##type(H##type* node); HYDROGEN_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION_LIST(DECLARE_DO) #undef DECLARE_DO LInstruction* DoMathFloor(HUnaryMathOperation* instr); LInstruction* DoMathRound(HUnaryMathOperation* instr); LInstruction* DoMathAbs(HUnaryMathOperation* instr); LInstruction* DoMathLog(HUnaryMathOperation* instr); LInstruction* DoMathExp(HUnaryMathOperation* instr); LInstruction* DoMathSqrt(HUnaryMathOperation* instr); LInstruction* DoMathPowHalf(HUnaryMathOperation* instr); LInstruction* DoMathClz32(HUnaryMathOperation* instr); LInstruction* DoDivByPowerOf2I(HDiv* instr); LInstruction* DoDivByConstI(HDiv* instr); LInstruction* DoDivI(HDiv* instr); LInstruction* DoModByPowerOf2I(HMod* instr); LInstruction* DoModByConstI(HMod* instr); LInstruction* DoModI(HMod* instr); LInstruction* DoFlooringDivByPowerOf2I(HMathFloorOfDiv* instr); LInstruction* DoFlooringDivByConstI(HMathFloorOfDiv* instr); LInstruction* DoFlooringDivI(HMathFloorOfDiv* instr); private: enum Status { UNUSED, BUILDING, DONE, ABORTED }; LPlatformChunk* chunk() const { return chunk_; } CompilationInfo* info() const { return info_; } HGraph* graph() const { return graph_; } bool is_unused() const { return status_ == UNUSED; } bool is_building() const { return status_ == BUILDING; } bool is_done() const { return status_ == DONE; } bool is_aborted() const { return status_ == ABORTED; } void Abort(BailoutReason reason); // Methods for getting operands for Use / Define / Temp. LUnallocated* ToUnallocated(Register reg); LUnallocated* ToUnallocated(XMMRegister reg); // Methods for setting up define-use relationships. MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* Use(HValue* value, LUnallocated* operand); MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* UseFixed(HValue* value, Register fixed_register); MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* UseFixedDouble(HValue* value, XMMRegister fixed_register); // A value that is guaranteed to be allocated to a register. // Operand created by UseRegister is guaranteed to be live until the end of // instruction. This means that register allocator will not reuse it's // register for any other operand inside instruction. // Operand created by UseRegisterAtStart is guaranteed to be live only at // instruction start. Register allocator is free to assign the same register // to some other operand used inside instruction (i.e. temporary or // output). MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* UseRegister(HValue* value); MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* UseRegisterAtStart(HValue* value); // An input operand in a register that may be trashed. MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* UseTempRegister(HValue* value); // An input operand in a register or stack slot. MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* Use(HValue* value); MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* UseAtStart(HValue* value); // An input operand in a register, stack slot or a constant operand. MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* UseOrConstant(HValue* value); MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* UseOrConstantAtStart(HValue* value); // An input operand in a fixed register or a constant operand. MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* UseFixedOrConstant(HValue* value, Register fixed_register); // An input operand in a register or a constant operand. MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* UseRegisterOrConstant(HValue* value); MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* UseRegisterOrConstantAtStart(HValue* value); // An input operand in a constant operand. MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* UseConstant(HValue* value); // An input operand in register, stack slot or a constant operand. // Will not be moved to a register even if one is freely available. virtual MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* UseAny(HValue* value) V8_OVERRIDE; // Temporary operand that must be in a register. MUST_USE_RESULT LUnallocated* TempRegister(); MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* FixedTemp(Register reg); MUST_USE_RESULT LOperand* FixedTemp(XMMRegister reg); // Methods for setting up define-use relationships. // Return the same instruction that they are passed. LInstruction* Define(LTemplateResultInstruction<1>* instr, LUnallocated* result); LInstruction* DefineAsRegister(LTemplateResultInstruction<1>* instr); LInstruction* DefineAsSpilled(LTemplateResultInstruction<1>* instr, int index); LInstruction* DefineSameAsFirst(LTemplateResultInstruction<1>* instr); LInstruction* DefineFixed(LTemplateResultInstruction<1>* instr, Register reg); LInstruction* DefineFixedDouble(LTemplateResultInstruction<1>* instr, XMMRegister reg); // Assigns an environment to an instruction. An instruction which can // deoptimize must have an environment. LInstruction* AssignEnvironment(LInstruction* instr); // Assigns a pointer map to an instruction. An instruction which can // trigger a GC or a lazy deoptimization must have a pointer map. LInstruction* AssignPointerMap(LInstruction* instr); enum CanDeoptimize { CAN_DEOPTIMIZE_EAGERLY, CANNOT_DEOPTIMIZE_EAGERLY }; LOperand* GetSeqStringSetCharOperand(HSeqStringSetChar* instr); // Marks a call for the register allocator. Assigns a pointer map to // support GC and lazy deoptimization. Assigns an environment to support // eager deoptimization if CAN_DEOPTIMIZE_EAGERLY. LInstruction* MarkAsCall( LInstruction* instr, HInstruction* hinstr, CanDeoptimize can_deoptimize = CANNOT_DEOPTIMIZE_EAGERLY); void VisitInstruction(HInstruction* current); void AddInstruction(LInstruction* instr, HInstruction* current); void DoBasicBlock(HBasicBlock* block, HBasicBlock* next_block); LInstruction* DoShift(Token::Value op, HBitwiseBinaryOperation* instr); LInstruction* DoArithmeticD(Token::Value op, HArithmeticBinaryOperation* instr); LInstruction* DoArithmeticT(Token::Value op, HBinaryOperation* instr); LOperand* GetStoreKeyedValueOperand(HStoreKeyed* instr); LPlatformChunk* chunk_; CompilationInfo* info_; HGraph* const graph_; Status status_; HInstruction* current_instruction_; HBasicBlock* current_block_; HBasicBlock* next_block_; LAllocator* allocator_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LChunkBuilder); }; #undef DECLARE_HYDROGEN_ACCESSOR #undef DECLARE_CONCRETE_INSTRUCTION } } // namespace v8::internal #endif // V8_IA32_LITHIUM_IA32_H_