#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # for py2/py3 compatibility from __future__ import print_function import os import shutil import tempfile import traceback import unittest import auto_push from auto_push import LastReleaseBailout import auto_roll import common_includes from common_includes import * import create_release from create_release import * import merge_to_branch from merge_to_branch import MergeToBranch from auto_tag import AutoTag import roll_merge from roll_merge import RollMerge TEST_CONFIG = { "DEFAULT_CWD": None, "BRANCHNAME": "test-prepare-push", "PERSISTFILE_BASENAME": "/tmp/test-create-releases-tempfile", "PATCH_FILE": "/tmp/test-v8-create-releases-tempfile-tempfile-patch", "COMMITMSG_FILE": "/tmp/test-v8-create-releases-tempfile-commitmsg", "CHROMIUM": "/tmp/test-create-releases-tempfile-chromium", "SETTINGS_LOCATION": None, "ALREADY_MERGING_SENTINEL_FILE": "/tmp/test-merge-to-branch-tempfile-already-merging", "TEMPORARY_PATCH_FILE": "/tmp/test-merge-to-branch-tempfile-temporary-patch", } AUTO_PUSH_ARGS = [ "-a", "author@chromium.org", "-r", "reviewer@chromium.org", ] class ToplevelTest(unittest.TestCase): def testSaniniziteVersionTags(self): self.assertEquals("4.8.230", SanitizeVersionTag("4.8.230")) self.assertEquals("4.8.230", SanitizeVersionTag("tags/4.8.230")) self.assertEquals(None, SanitizeVersionTag("candidate")) def testNormalizeVersionTags(self): input = ["4.8.230", "tags/4.8.230", "tags/", "", "", "tags/4.8.223", "tags/4.8.231", "candidates"] expected = ["4.8.230", "4.8.230", "", "", "", "4.8.223", "4.8.231", ] self.assertEquals(expected, NormalizeVersionTags(input)) def Cmd(*args, **kwargs): """Convenience function returning a shell command test expectation.""" return { "name": "command", "args": args, "ret": args[-1], "cb": kwargs.get("cb"), "cwd": kwargs.get("cwd", TEST_CONFIG["DEFAULT_CWD"]), } def RL(text, cb=None): """Convenience function returning a readline test expectation.""" return { "name": "readline", "args": [], "ret": text, "cb": cb, "cwd": None, } def URL(*args, **kwargs): """Convenience function returning a readurl test expectation.""" return { "name": "readurl", "args": args[:-1], "ret": args[-1], "cb": kwargs.get("cb"), "cwd": None, } class SimpleMock(object): def __init__(self): self._recipe = [] self._index = -1 def Expect(self, recipe): self._recipe = recipe def Call(self, name, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover self._index += 1 try: expected_call = self._recipe[self._index] except IndexError: raise NoRetryException("Calling %s %s" % (name, " ".join(args))) if not isinstance(expected_call, dict): raise NoRetryException("Found wrong expectation type for %s %s" % (name, " ".join(args))) if expected_call["name"] != name: raise NoRetryException("Expected action: %s %s - Actual: %s" % (expected_call["name"], expected_call["args"], name)) # Check if the given working directory matches the expected one. if expected_call["cwd"] != kwargs.get("cwd"): raise NoRetryException("Expected cwd: %s in %s %s - Actual: %s" % (expected_call["cwd"], expected_call["name"], expected_call["args"], kwargs.get("cwd"))) # The number of arguments in the expectation must match the actual # arguments. if len(args) > len(expected_call['args']): raise NoRetryException("When calling %s with arguments, the " "expectations must consist of at least as many arguments." % name) # Compare expected and actual arguments. for (expected_arg, actual_arg) in zip(expected_call['args'], args): if expected_arg != actual_arg: raise NoRetryException("Expected: %s - Actual: %s" % (expected_arg, actual_arg)) # The expected call contains an optional callback for checking the context # at the time of the call. if expected_call['cb']: try: expected_call['cb']() except: tb = traceback.format_exc() raise NoRetryException("Caught exception from callback: %s" % tb) # If the return value is an exception, raise it instead of returning. if isinstance(expected_call['ret'], Exception): raise expected_call['ret'] return expected_call['ret'] def AssertFinished(self): # pragma: no cover if self._index < len(self._recipe) -1: raise NoRetryException("Called mock too seldom: %d vs. %d" % (self._index, len(self._recipe))) class ScriptTest(unittest.TestCase): def MakeEmptyTempFile(self): handle, name = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(handle) self._tmp_files.append(name) return name def MakeEmptyTempDirectory(self): name = tempfile.mkdtemp() self._tmp_files.append(name) return name def WriteFakeVersionFile(self, major=3, minor=22, build=4, patch=0): version_file = os.path.join(TEST_CONFIG["DEFAULT_CWD"], VERSION_FILE) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(version_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(version_file)) with open(version_file, "w") as f: f.write(" // Some line...\n") f.write("\n") f.write("#define V8_MAJOR_VERSION %s\n" % major) f.write("#define V8_MINOR_VERSION %s\n" % minor) f.write("#define V8_BUILD_NUMBER %s\n" % build) f.write("#define V8_PATCH_LEVEL %s\n" % patch) f.write(" // Some line...\n") f.write("#define V8_IS_CANDIDATE_VERSION 0\n") def WriteFakeWatchlistsFile(self): watchlists_file = os.path.join(TEST_CONFIG["DEFAULT_CWD"], WATCHLISTS_FILE) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(watchlists_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(watchlists_file)) with open(watchlists_file, "w") as f: content = """ 'merges': [ # Only enabled on branches created with tools/release/create_release.py # 'v8-merges@googlegroups.com', ], """ f.write(content) def MakeStep(self): """Convenience wrapper.""" options = ScriptsBase(TEST_CONFIG, self, self._state).MakeOptions([]) return MakeStep(step_class=Step, state=self._state, config=TEST_CONFIG, side_effect_handler=self, options=options) def RunStep(self, script=CreateRelease, step_class=Step, args=None): """Convenience wrapper.""" args = args if args is not None else ["-m", "-a=author", "-r=reviewer", ] return script(TEST_CONFIG, self, self._state).RunSteps([step_class], args) def Call(self, fun, *args, **kwargs): print("Calling %s with %s and %s" % (str(fun), str(args), str(kwargs))) def Command(self, cmd, args="", prefix="", pipe=True, cwd=None): print("%s %s" % (cmd, args)) print("in %s" % cwd) return self._mock.Call("command", cmd + " " + args, cwd=cwd) def ReadLine(self): return self._mock.Call("readline") def ReadURL(self, url, params): if params is not None: return self._mock.Call("readurl", url, params) else: return self._mock.Call("readurl", url) def Sleep(self, seconds): pass def GetUTCStamp(self): return "1000000" def Expect(self, *args): """Convenience wrapper.""" self._mock.Expect(*args) def setUp(self): self._mock = SimpleMock() self._tmp_files = [] self._state = {} TEST_CONFIG["DEFAULT_CWD"] = self.MakeEmptyTempDirectory() def tearDown(self): if os.path.exists(TEST_CONFIG["PERSISTFILE_BASENAME"]): shutil.rmtree(TEST_CONFIG["PERSISTFILE_BASENAME"]) # Clean up temps. Doesn't work automatically. for name in self._tmp_files: if os.path.isfile(name): os.remove(name) if os.path.isdir(name): shutil.rmtree(name) self._mock.AssertFinished() def testGitMock(self): self.Expect([Cmd("git --version", "git version 1.2.3"), Cmd("git dummy", "")]) self.assertEquals("git version 1.2.3", self.MakeStep().Git("--version")) self.assertEquals("", self.MakeStep().Git("dummy")) def testCommonPrepareDefault(self): self.Expect([ Cmd("git status -s -uno", ""), Cmd("git checkout -f origin/master", ""), Cmd("git fetch", ""), Cmd("git branch", " branch1\n* %s" % TEST_CONFIG["BRANCHNAME"]), RL("Y"), Cmd("git branch -D %s" % TEST_CONFIG["BRANCHNAME"], ""), ]) self.MakeStep().CommonPrepare() self.MakeStep().PrepareBranch() def testCommonPrepareNoConfirm(self): self.Expect([ Cmd("git status -s -uno", ""), Cmd("git checkout -f origin/master", ""), Cmd("git fetch", ""), Cmd("git branch", " branch1\n* %s" % TEST_CONFIG["BRANCHNAME"]), RL("n"), ]) self.MakeStep().CommonPrepare() self.assertRaises(Exception, self.MakeStep().PrepareBranch) def testCommonPrepareDeleteBranchFailure(self): self.Expect([ Cmd("git status -s -uno", ""), Cmd("git checkout -f origin/master", ""), Cmd("git fetch", ""), Cmd("git branch", " branch1\n* %s" % TEST_CONFIG["BRANCHNAME"]), RL("Y"), Cmd("git branch -D %s" % TEST_CONFIG["BRANCHNAME"], None), ]) self.MakeStep().CommonPrepare() self.assertRaises(Exception, self.MakeStep().PrepareBranch) def testInitialEnvironmentChecks(self): TextToFile("", os.path.join(TEST_CONFIG["DEFAULT_CWD"], ".git")) os.environ["EDITOR"] = "vi" self.Expect([ Cmd("which vi", "/usr/bin/vi"), ]) self.MakeStep().InitialEnvironmentChecks(TEST_CONFIG["DEFAULT_CWD"]) def testTagTimeout(self): self.Expect([ Cmd("git fetch", ""), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%H --grep=\"Title\" origin/tag_name", ""), Cmd("git fetch", ""), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%H --grep=\"Title\" origin/tag_name", ""), Cmd("git fetch", ""), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%H --grep=\"Title\" origin/tag_name", ""), Cmd("git fetch", ""), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%H --grep=\"Title\" origin/tag_name", ""), ]) args = ["--branch", "candidates", "ab12345"] self._state["version"] = "tag_name" self._state["commit_title"] = "Title" self.assertRaises(Exception, lambda: self.RunStep(RollMerge, TagRevision, args)) def testReadAndPersistVersion(self): self.WriteFakeVersionFile(build=5) step = self.MakeStep() step.ReadAndPersistVersion() self.assertEquals("3", step["major"]) self.assertEquals("22", step["minor"]) self.assertEquals("5", step["build"]) self.assertEquals("0", step["patch"]) def testRegex(self): self.assertEqual("(issue 321)", re.sub(r"BUG=v8:(.*)$", r"(issue \1)", "BUG=v8:321")) self.assertEqual("(Chromium issue 321)", re.sub(r"BUG=(.*)$", r"(Chromium issue \1)", "BUG=321")) cl = " too little\n\ttab\ttab\n too much\n trailing " cl = MSub(r"\t", r" ", cl) cl = MSub(r"^ {1,7}([^ ])", r" \1", cl) cl = MSub(r"^ {9,80}([^ ])", r" \1", cl) cl = MSub(r" +$", r"", cl) self.assertEqual(" too little\n" " tab tab\n" " too much\n" " trailing", cl) self.assertEqual("//\n#define V8_BUILD_NUMBER 3\n", MSub(r"(?<=#define V8_BUILD_NUMBER)(?P<space>\s+)\d*$", r"\g<space>3", "//\n#define V8_BUILD_NUMBER 321\n")) TAGS = """ 4425.0 3.9.6 3.22.4 test_tag """ # Version as tag: Version on master: 3.22.6. # Make sure that the latest version is def testIncrementVersion(self): self.Expect([ Cmd("git fetch origin +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*", ""), Cmd("git tag", self.TAGS), Cmd("git checkout -f origin/master -- include/v8-version.h", "", cb=lambda: self.WriteFakeVersionFile(3, 22, 6)), ]) self.RunStep(CreateRelease, IncrementVersion) self.assertEquals("3", self._state["new_major"]) self.assertEquals("22", self._state["new_minor"]) self.assertEquals("7", self._state["new_build"]) self.assertEquals("0", self._state["new_patch"]) def testBootstrapper(self): work_dir = self.MakeEmptyTempDirectory() class FakeScript(ScriptsBase): def _Steps(self): return [] # Use the test configuration without the fake testing default work dir. fake_config = dict(TEST_CONFIG) del(fake_config["DEFAULT_CWD"]) self.Expect([ Cmd("fetch v8", "", cwd=work_dir), ]) FakeScript(fake_config, self).Run(["--work-dir", work_dir]) def testCreateRelease(self): TextToFile("", os.path.join(TEST_CONFIG["DEFAULT_CWD"], ".git")) # The version file on master has build level 5. self.WriteFakeVersionFile(build=5) commit_msg = """Version 3.22.5 TBR=reviewer@chromium.org""" def CheckVersionCommit(): commit = FileToText(TEST_CONFIG["COMMITMSG_FILE"]) self.assertEquals(commit_msg, commit) version = FileToText( os.path.join(TEST_CONFIG["DEFAULT_CWD"], VERSION_FILE)) self.assertTrue(re.search(r"#define V8_MINOR_VERSION\s+22", version)) self.assertTrue(re.search(r"#define V8_BUILD_NUMBER\s+5", version)) self.assertFalse(re.search(r"#define V8_BUILD_NUMBER\s+6", version)) self.assertTrue(re.search(r"#define V8_PATCH_LEVEL\s+0", version)) self.assertTrue( re.search(r"#define V8_IS_CANDIDATE_VERSION\s+0", version)) expectations = [ Cmd("git fetch origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*", ""), Cmd("git checkout -f origin/master", "", cb=self.WriteFakeWatchlistsFile), Cmd("git branch", ""), Cmd("git fetch origin +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*", ""), Cmd("git tag", self.TAGS), Cmd("git checkout -f origin/master -- include/v8-version.h", "", cb=self.WriteFakeVersionFile), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%H 3.22.4", "release_hash\n"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s release_hash", "Version 3.22.4\n"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%H release_hash^", "abc3\n"), Cmd("git log --format=%H abc3..push_hash", "rev1\n"), Cmd("git push origin push_hash:refs/heads/3.22.5", ""), Cmd("git reset --hard origin/master", ""), Cmd("git new-branch work-branch --upstream origin/3.22.5", ""), Cmd("git checkout -f 3.22.4 -- include/v8-version.h", "", cb=self.WriteFakeVersionFile), Cmd("git commit -aF \"%s\"" % TEST_CONFIG["COMMITMSG_FILE"], "", cb=CheckVersionCommit), Cmd("git cl upload --send-mail " "-f --bypass-hooks --no-autocc --message-file " "\"%s\"" % TEST_CONFIG["COMMITMSG_FILE"], ""), Cmd("git cl land --bypass-hooks -f", ""), Cmd("git fetch", ""), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%H --grep=" "\"Version 3.22.5\" origin/3.22.5", "hsh_to_tag"), Cmd("git tag 3.22.5 hsh_to_tag", ""), Cmd("git push origin refs/tags/3.22.5:refs/tags/3.22.5", ""), Cmd("git checkout -f origin/master", ""), Cmd("git branch", "* master\n work-branch\n"), Cmd("git branch -D work-branch", ""), Cmd("git gc", ""), ] self.Expect(expectations) args = ["-a", "author@chromium.org", "-r", "reviewer@chromium.org", "--revision", "push_hash"] CreateRelease(TEST_CONFIG, self).Run(args) # Note: The version file is on build number 5 again in the end of this test # since the git command that merges to master is mocked out. # Check for correct content of the WATCHLISTS file watchlists_content = FileToText(os.path.join(TEST_CONFIG["DEFAULT_CWD"], WATCHLISTS_FILE)) expected_watchlists_content = """ 'merges': [ # Only enabled on branches created with tools/release/create_release.py 'v8-merges@googlegroups.com', ], """ self.assertEqual(watchlists_content, expected_watchlists_content) C_V8_22624_LOG = """V8 CL. git-svn-id: https://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@22624 123 """ C_V8_123455_LOG = """V8 CL. git-svn-id: https://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@123455 123 """ C_V8_123456_LOG = """V8 CL. git-svn-id: https://v8.googlecode.com/svn/branches/bleeding_edge@123456 123 """ ROLL_COMMIT_MSG = """Update V8 to version 3.22.4. Summary of changes available at: https://chromium.googlesource.com/v8/v8/+log/last_rol..roll_hsh Please follow these instructions for assigning/CC'ing issues: https://v8.dev/docs/triage-issues Please close rolling in case of a roll revert: https://v8-roll.appspot.com/ This only works with a Google account. CQ_INCLUDE_TRYBOTS=luci.chromium.try:linux-blink-rel CQ_INCLUDE_TRYBOTS=luci.chromium.try:linux_optional_gpu_tests_rel CQ_INCLUDE_TRYBOTS=luci.chromium.try:mac_optional_gpu_tests_rel CQ_INCLUDE_TRYBOTS=luci.chromium.try:win_optional_gpu_tests_rel CQ_INCLUDE_TRYBOTS=luci.chromium.try:android_optional_gpu_tests_rel TBR=reviewer@chromium.org""" # Snippet from the original DEPS file. FAKE_DEPS = """ vars = { "v8_revision": "last_roll_hsh", } deps = { "src/v8": (Var("googlecode_url") % "v8") + "/" + Var("v8_branch") + "@" + Var("v8_revision"), } """ def testChromiumRollUpToDate(self): TEST_CONFIG["CHROMIUM"] = self.MakeEmptyTempDirectory() json_output_file = os.path.join(TEST_CONFIG["CHROMIUM"], "out.json") TextToFile(self.FAKE_DEPS, os.path.join(TEST_CONFIG["CHROMIUM"], "DEPS")) chrome_dir = TEST_CONFIG["CHROMIUM"] self.Expect([ Cmd("git fetch origin", ""), Cmd("git fetch origin +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*", ""), Cmd("gclient getdep -r src/v8", "last_roll_hsh", cwd=chrome_dir), Cmd("git describe --tags last_roll_hsh", "3.22.4"), Cmd("git fetch origin +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*", ""), Cmd("git rev-list --max-age=395200 --tags", "bad_tag\nroll_hsh\nhash_123"), Cmd("git describe --tags bad_tag", ""), Cmd("git describe --tags roll_hsh", "3.22.4"), Cmd("git describe --tags hash_123", "3.22.3"), Cmd("git describe --tags roll_hsh", "3.22.4"), Cmd("git describe --tags hash_123", "3.22.3"), ]) result = auto_roll.AutoRoll(TEST_CONFIG, self).Run( AUTO_PUSH_ARGS + [ "-c", TEST_CONFIG["CHROMIUM"], "--json-output", json_output_file]) self.assertEquals(0, result) json_output = json.loads(FileToText(json_output_file)) self.assertEquals("up_to_date", json_output["monitoring_state"]) def testChromiumRoll(self): # Setup fake directory structures. TEST_CONFIG["CHROMIUM"] = self.MakeEmptyTempDirectory() json_output_file = os.path.join(TEST_CONFIG["CHROMIUM"], "out.json") TextToFile(self.FAKE_DEPS, os.path.join(TEST_CONFIG["CHROMIUM"], "DEPS")) TextToFile("", os.path.join(TEST_CONFIG["CHROMIUM"], ".git")) chrome_dir = TEST_CONFIG["CHROMIUM"] os.makedirs(os.path.join(chrome_dir, "v8")) def WriteDeps(): TextToFile("Some line\n \"v8_revision\": \"22624\",\n some line", os.path.join(chrome_dir, "DEPS")) expectations = [ Cmd("git fetch origin", ""), Cmd("git fetch origin +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*", ""), Cmd("gclient getdep -r src/v8", "last_roll_hsh", cwd=chrome_dir), Cmd("git describe --tags last_roll_hsh", ""), Cmd("git fetch origin +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*", ""), Cmd("git rev-list --max-age=395200 --tags", "bad_tag\nroll_hsh\nhash_123"), Cmd("git describe --tags bad_tag", ""), Cmd("git describe --tags roll_hsh", "3.22.4"), Cmd("git describe --tags hash_123", "3.22.3"), Cmd("git describe --tags roll_hsh", "3.22.4"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s roll_hsh", "Version 3.22.4\n"), Cmd("git describe --tags roll_hsh", "3.22.4"), Cmd("git describe --tags last_roll_hsh", ""), Cmd("git status -s -uno", "", cwd=chrome_dir), Cmd("git checkout -f master", "", cwd=chrome_dir), Cmd("git branch", "", cwd=chrome_dir), Cmd("git pull", "", cwd=chrome_dir), Cmd("git fetch origin", ""), Cmd("git new-branch work-branch", "", cwd=chrome_dir), Cmd("gclient setdep -r src/v8@roll_hsh", "", cb=WriteDeps, cwd=chrome_dir), Cmd(("git commit -am \"%s\" " "--author \"author@chromium.org <author@chromium.org>\"" % self.ROLL_COMMIT_MSG), "", cwd=chrome_dir), Cmd("git cl upload --send-mail -f " "--cq-dry-run --bypass-hooks", "", cwd=chrome_dir), Cmd("git checkout -f master", "", cwd=chrome_dir), Cmd("git branch -D work-branch", "", cwd=chrome_dir), ] self.Expect(expectations) args = ["-a", "author@chromium.org", "-c", chrome_dir, "-r", "reviewer@chromium.org", "--json-output", json_output_file] auto_roll.AutoRoll(TEST_CONFIG, self).Run(args) deps = FileToText(os.path.join(chrome_dir, "DEPS")) self.assertTrue(re.search("\"v8_revision\": \"22624\"", deps)) json_output = json.loads(FileToText(json_output_file)) self.assertEquals("success", json_output["monitoring_state"]) def testCheckLastPushRecently(self): self.Expect([ Cmd("git fetch origin +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*", ""), Cmd("git tag", self.TAGS), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%H 3.22.4", "release_hash\n"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s release_hash", "Version 3.22.4 (based on abc3)\n"), Cmd("git log --format=%H abc3..abc123", "\n"), ]) self._state["candidate"] = "abc123" self.assertEquals(0, self.RunStep( auto_push.AutoPush, LastReleaseBailout, AUTO_PUSH_ARGS)) def testAutoPush(self): self.Expect([ Cmd("git fetch", ""), Cmd("git fetch origin +refs/heads/lkgr:refs/heads/lkgr", ""), Cmd("git show-ref -s refs/heads/lkgr", "abc123\n"), Cmd("git fetch origin +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*", ""), Cmd("git tag", self.TAGS), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%H 3.22.4", "release_hash\n"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s release_hash", "Version 3.22.4 (based on abc3)\n"), Cmd("git log --format=%H abc3..abc123", "some_stuff\n"), ]) auto_push.AutoPush(TEST_CONFIG, self).Run(AUTO_PUSH_ARGS + ["--push"]) state = json.loads(FileToText("%s-state.json" % TEST_CONFIG["PERSISTFILE_BASENAME"])) self.assertEquals("abc123", state["candidate"]) def testRollMerge(self): TEST_CONFIG["ALREADY_MERGING_SENTINEL_FILE"] = self.MakeEmptyTempFile() TextToFile("", os.path.join(TEST_CONFIG["DEFAULT_CWD"], ".git")) self.WriteFakeVersionFile(build=5) os.environ["EDITOR"] = "vi" extra_patch = self.MakeEmptyTempFile() def VerifyPatch(patch): return lambda: self.assertEquals(patch, FileToText(TEST_CONFIG["TEMPORARY_PATCH_FILE"])) msg = """Version (cherry-pick) Merged ab12345 Merged ab23456 Merged ab34567 Merged ab45678 Merged ab56789 Title4 Title2 Title3 Title1 Revert "Something" BUG=123,234,345,456,567,v8:123 """ def VerifyLand(): commit = FileToText(TEST_CONFIG["COMMITMSG_FILE"]) self.assertEquals(msg, commit) version = FileToText( os.path.join(TEST_CONFIG["DEFAULT_CWD"], VERSION_FILE)) self.assertTrue(re.search(r"#define V8_MINOR_VERSION\s+22", version)) self.assertTrue(re.search(r"#define V8_BUILD_NUMBER\s+5", version)) self.assertTrue(re.search(r"#define V8_PATCH_LEVEL\s+1", version)) self.assertTrue( re.search(r"#define V8_IS_CANDIDATE_VERSION\s+0", version)) self.Expect([ Cmd("git status -s -uno", ""), Cmd("git checkout -f origin/master", ""), Cmd("git fetch", ""), Cmd("git branch", " branch1\n* branch2\n"), Cmd("git new-branch %s --upstream refs/remotes/origin/candidates" % TEST_CONFIG["BRANCHNAME"], ""), Cmd(("git log --format=%H --grep=\"Port ab12345\" " "--reverse origin/master"), "ab45678\nab23456"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab45678", "Title1"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab23456", "Title2"), Cmd(("git log --format=%H --grep=\"Port ab23456\" " "--reverse origin/master"), ""), Cmd(("git log --format=%H --grep=\"Port ab34567\" " "--reverse origin/master"), "ab56789"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab56789", "Title3"), RL("Y"), # Automatically add corresponding ports (ab34567, ab56789)? # Simulate git being down which stops the script. Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab12345", None), # Restart script in the failing step. Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab12345", "Title4"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab23456", "Title2"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab34567", "Title3"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab45678", "Title1"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab56789", "Revert \"Something\""), Cmd("git log -1 ab12345", "Title4\nBUG=123\nBUG=234"), Cmd("git log -1 ab23456", "Title2\n BUG = v8:123,345"), Cmd("git log -1 ab34567", "Title3\nBUG=567, 456"), Cmd("git log -1 ab45678", "Title1\nBUG="), Cmd("git log -1 ab56789", "Revert \"Something\"\nBUG=none"), Cmd("git log -1 -p ab12345", "patch4"), Cmd(("git apply --index --reject \"%s\"" % TEST_CONFIG["TEMPORARY_PATCH_FILE"]), "", cb=VerifyPatch("patch4")), Cmd("git log -1 -p ab23456", "patch2"), Cmd(("git apply --index --reject \"%s\"" % TEST_CONFIG["TEMPORARY_PATCH_FILE"]), "", cb=VerifyPatch("patch2")), Cmd("git log -1 -p ab34567", "patch3"), Cmd(("git apply --index --reject \"%s\"" % TEST_CONFIG["TEMPORARY_PATCH_FILE"]), "", cb=VerifyPatch("patch3")), Cmd("git log -1 -p ab45678", "patch1"), Cmd(("git apply --index --reject \"%s\"" % TEST_CONFIG["TEMPORARY_PATCH_FILE"]), "", cb=VerifyPatch("patch1")), Cmd("git log -1 -p ab56789", "patch5\n"), Cmd(("git apply --index --reject \"%s\"" % TEST_CONFIG["TEMPORARY_PATCH_FILE"]), "", cb=VerifyPatch("patch5\n")), Cmd("git apply --index --reject \"%s\"" % extra_patch, ""), RL("Y"), # Automatically increment patch level? Cmd("git commit -aF \"%s\"" % TEST_CONFIG["COMMITMSG_FILE"], ""), RL("reviewer@chromium.org"), # V8 reviewer. Cmd("git cl upload --send-mail -r \"reviewer@chromium.org\" " "--bypass-hooks --cc \"ulan@chromium.org\"", ""), Cmd("git checkout -f %s" % TEST_CONFIG["BRANCHNAME"], ""), RL("LGTM"), # Enter LGTM for V8 CL. Cmd("git cl presubmit", "Presubmit successfull\n"), Cmd("git cl land -f --bypass-hooks", "Closing issue\n", cb=VerifyLand), Cmd("git fetch", ""), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%H --grep=\"" "Version (cherry-pick)" "\" refs/remotes/origin/candidates", ""), Cmd("git fetch", ""), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%H --grep=\"" "Version (cherry-pick)" "\" refs/remotes/origin/candidates", "hsh_to_tag"), Cmd("git tag hsh_to_tag", ""), Cmd("git push origin refs/tags/", ""), Cmd("git checkout -f origin/master", ""), Cmd("git branch -D %s" % TEST_CONFIG["BRANCHNAME"], ""), ]) # ab12345 and ab34567 are patches. ab23456 (included) and ab45678 are the # MIPS ports of ab12345. ab56789 is the MIPS port of ab34567. args = ["-f", "-p", extra_patch, "--branch", "candidates", "ab12345", "ab23456", "ab34567"] # The first run of the script stops because of git being down. self.assertRaises(GitFailedException, lambda: RollMerge(TEST_CONFIG, self).Run(args)) # Test that state recovery after restarting the script works. args += ["-s", "4"] RollMerge(TEST_CONFIG, self).Run(args) def testMergeToBranch(self): TEST_CONFIG["ALREADY_MERGING_SENTINEL_FILE"] = self.MakeEmptyTempFile() TextToFile("", os.path.join(TEST_CONFIG["DEFAULT_CWD"], ".git")) self.WriteFakeVersionFile(build=5) os.environ["EDITOR"] = "vi" extra_patch = self.MakeEmptyTempFile() def VerifyPatch(patch): return lambda: self.assertEquals(patch, FileToText(TEST_CONFIG["TEMPORARY_PATCH_FILE"])) info_msg = ("NOTE: This script will no longer automatically " "update include/v8-version.h " "and create a tag. This is done automatically by the autotag bot. " "Please call the merge_to_branch.py with --help for more information.") msg = """Merged: Squashed multiple commits. Merged: Title4 Revision: ab12345 Merged: Title2 Revision: ab23456 Merged: Title3 Revision: ab34567 Merged: Title1 Revision: ab45678 Merged: Revert \"Something\" Revision: ab56789 BUG=123,234,345,456,567,v8:123 NOTRY=true NOPRESUBMIT=true NOTREECHECKS=true """ def VerifyLand(): commit = FileToText(TEST_CONFIG["COMMITMSG_FILE"]) self.assertEquals(msg, commit) self.Expect([ Cmd("git status -s -uno", ""), Cmd("git checkout -f origin/master", ""), Cmd("git fetch", ""), Cmd("git branch", " branch1\n* branch2\n"), Cmd("git new-branch %s --upstream refs/remotes/origin/candidates" % TEST_CONFIG["BRANCHNAME"], ""), Cmd(("git log --format=%H --grep=\"^[Pp]ort ab12345\" " "--reverse origin/master"), "ab45678\nab23456"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab45678", "Title1"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab23456", "Title2"), Cmd(("git log --format=%H --grep=\"^[Pp]ort ab23456\" " "--reverse origin/master"), ""), Cmd(("git log --format=%H --grep=\"^[Pp]ort ab34567\" " "--reverse origin/master"), "ab56789"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab56789", "Title3"), RL("Y"), # Automatically add corresponding ports (ab34567, ab56789)? # Simulate git being down which stops the script. Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab12345", None), # Restart script in the failing step. Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab12345", "Title4"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab23456", "Title2"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab34567", "Title3"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab45678", "Title1"), Cmd("git log -1 --format=%s ab56789", "Revert \"Something\""), Cmd("git log -1 ab12345", "Title4\nBUG=123\nBUG=234"), Cmd("git log -1 ab23456", "Title2\n BUG = v8:123,345"), Cmd("git log -1 ab34567", "Title3\nBug: 567, 456,345"), Cmd("git log -1 ab45678", "Title1\nBug:"), Cmd("git log -1 ab56789", "Revert \"Something\"\nBUG=none"), Cmd("git log -1 -p ab12345", "patch4"), Cmd(("git apply --index --reject \"%s\"" % TEST_CONFIG["TEMPORARY_PATCH_FILE"]), "", cb=VerifyPatch("patch4")), Cmd("git log -1 -p ab23456", "patch2"), Cmd(("git apply --index --reject \"%s\"" % TEST_CONFIG["TEMPORARY_PATCH_FILE"]), "", cb=VerifyPatch("patch2")), Cmd("git log -1 -p ab34567", "patch3"), Cmd(("git apply --index --reject \"%s\"" % TEST_CONFIG["TEMPORARY_PATCH_FILE"]), "", cb=VerifyPatch("patch3")), Cmd("git log -1 -p ab45678", "patch1"), Cmd(("git apply --index --reject \"%s\"" % TEST_CONFIG["TEMPORARY_PATCH_FILE"]), "", cb=VerifyPatch("patch1")), Cmd("git log -1 -p ab56789", "patch5\n"), Cmd(("git apply --index --reject \"%s\"" % TEST_CONFIG["TEMPORARY_PATCH_FILE"]), "", cb=VerifyPatch("patch5\n")), Cmd("git apply --index --reject \"%s\"" % extra_patch, ""), Cmd("git commit -aF \"%s\"" % TEST_CONFIG["COMMITMSG_FILE"], ""), RL("reviewer@chromium.org"), # V8 reviewer. Cmd("git cl upload --send-mail -r \"reviewer@chromium.org\" " "--bypass-hooks --cc \"ulan@chromium.org\"", ""), Cmd("git checkout -f %s" % TEST_CONFIG["BRANCHNAME"], ""), RL("LGTM"), # Enter LGTM for V8 CL. Cmd("git cl presubmit", "Presubmit successfull\n"), Cmd("git cl land -f --bypass-hooks", "Closing issue\n", cb=VerifyLand), Cmd("git checkout -f origin/master", ""), Cmd("git branch -D %s" % TEST_CONFIG["BRANCHNAME"], ""), ]) # ab12345 and ab34567 are patches. ab23456 (included) and ab45678 are the # MIPS ports of ab12345. ab56789 is the MIPS port of ab34567. args = ["-f", "-p", extra_patch, "--branch", "candidates", "ab12345", "ab23456", "ab34567"] # The first run of the script stops because of git being down. self.assertRaises(GitFailedException, lambda: MergeToBranch(TEST_CONFIG, self).Run(args)) # Test that state recovery after restarting the script works. args += ["-s", "4"] MergeToBranch(TEST_CONFIG, self).Run(args) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()