// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module test {
  macro ElementsKindTestHelper1(kind: constexpr ElementsKind): bool {
    if constexpr((kind == UINT8_ELEMENTS) || (kind == UINT16_ELEMENTS)) {
        return true;
    else {
      return false;

  macro ElementsKindTestHelper2(kind: constexpr ElementsKind): bool {
    return ((kind == UINT8_ELEMENTS) || (kind == UINT16_ELEMENTS));

  macro ElementsKindTestHelper3(kind: constexpr ElementsKind): constexpr bool {
    return ((kind == UINT8_ELEMENTS) || (kind == UINT16_ELEMENTS));

  macro LabelTestHelper1(): never
  labels Label1 {
    goto Label1;

  macro LabelTestHelper2(): never
  labels Label2(Smi) {
    goto Label2(42);

  macro LabelTestHelper3(): never
  labels Label3(String, Smi) {
    goto Label3('foo', 7);

  macro TestConstexpr1() {

  macro TestConstexprIf() {

  macro TestConstexprReturn() {

  macro TestGotoLabel(): Boolean {
    try {
      LabelTestHelper1() otherwise Label1;
    label Label1 {
      return True;

  macro TestGotoLabelWithOneParameter(): Boolean {
    try {
      LabelTestHelper2() otherwise Label2;
    label Label2(smi: Smi) {
      check(smi == 42);
      return True;

  macro TestGotoLabelWithTwoParameters(): Boolean {
    try {
      LabelTestHelper3() otherwise Label3;
    label Label3(str: String, smi: Smi) {
      check(str == 'foo');
      check(smi == 7);
      return True;

  builtin GenericBuiltinTest<T : type>(c: Context, param: T): Object {
    return Null;

  GenericBuiltinTest<Object>(c: Context, param: Object): Object {
    return param;

  macro TestBuiltinSpecialization(c: Context) {
    check(GenericBuiltinTest<Smi>(c, 0) == Null);
    check(GenericBuiltinTest<Smi>(c, 1) == Null);
    check(GenericBuiltinTest<Object>(c, Undefined) == Undefined);
    check(GenericBuiltinTest<Object>(c, Undefined) == Undefined);

  macro LabelTestHelper4(flag: constexpr bool): never labels Label4, Label5 {
    if constexpr(flag) {
      goto Label4;
    } else {
      goto Label5;

  macro CallLabelTestHelper4(flag: constexpr bool): bool {
    try {
      LabelTestHelper4(flag) otherwise Label4, Label5;
    label Label4 {
      return true;
    label Label5 {
      return false;

  macro TestPartiallyUnusedLabel(): Boolean {
    let r1: bool = CallLabelTestHelper4(true);
    let r2: bool = CallLabelTestHelper4(false);

    if (r1 && !r2) {
      return True;
    } else {
      return False;

  macro GenericMacroTest<T : type>(param: T): Object {
    return Undefined;

  GenericMacroTest<Object>(param2: Object): Object {
    return param2;

  macro GenericMacroTestWithLabels<T : type>(param: T): Object labels X {
    return Undefined;

  GenericMacroTestWithLabels<Object>(param2: Object): Object labels Y {
    return param2;

  macro TestMacroSpecialization() {
    try {
      check(GenericMacroTest<Smi>(0) == Undefined);
      check(GenericMacroTest<Smi>(1) == Undefined);
      check(GenericMacroTest<Object>(Null) == Null);
      check(GenericMacroTest<Object>(False) == False);
      check(GenericMacroTest<Object>(True) == True);
      check(GenericMacroTestWithLabels<Smi>(0) otherwise Fail == Undefined);
      check(GenericMacroTestWithLabels<Smi>(0) otherwise Fail == Undefined);
      check(GenericMacroTestWithLabels<Object>(Null) otherwise Fail == Null);
      check(GenericMacroTestWithLabels<Object>(False) otherwise Fail == False);
    label Fail {

  builtin TestHelperPlus1(context: Context, x: Smi): Smi {
    return x + 1;
  builtin TestHelperPlus2(context: Context, x: Smi): Smi {
    return x + 2;

  macro TestFunctionPointers(context: Context): Boolean {
    let fptr: builtin(Context, Smi) => Smi = TestHelperPlus1;
    check(fptr(context, 42) == 43);
    fptr = TestHelperPlus2;
    check(fptr(context, 42) == 44);
    return True;

  macro TestVariableRedeclaration(context: Context): Boolean {
    let var1: int31 = from_constexpr<bool>(42 == 0) ? 0 : 1;
    let var2: int31 = from_constexpr<bool>(42 == 0) ? 1 : 0;
    return True;

  macro TestTernaryOperator(x: Smi): Smi {
    let b: bool = x < 0 ? true : false;
    return b ? x - 10 : x + 100;

  macro TestFunctionPointerToGeneric(c: Context) {
    let fptr1: builtin(Context, Smi) => Object = GenericBuiltinTest<Smi>;
    let fptr2: builtin(Context, Object) => Object = GenericBuiltinTest<Object>;

    check(fptr1(c, 0) == Null);
    check(fptr1(c, 1) == Null);
    check(fptr2(c, Undefined) == Undefined);
    check(fptr2(c, Undefined) == Undefined);

  type SmiToSmi = builtin(Smi) => Smi;
  macro TestTypeAlias(x: SmiToSmi): Code {
    return x;

  macro TestUnsafeCast(c: Context, n: Number): Boolean {
    if (TaggedIsSmi(n)) {
      let m: Smi = unsafe_cast<Smi>(n);

      check(TestHelperPlus1(c, m) == 11);
      return True;
    return False;

  macro TestHexLiteral() {
    check(convert<intptr>(0xffff) + 1 == 0x10000);
    check(convert<intptr>(-0xffff) == -65535);

  macro TestLargeIntegerLiterals(c: Context) {
    let x: int32 = 0x40000000;
    let y: int32 = 0x7fffffff;

  macro TestMultilineAssert() {
    let someVeryLongVariableNameThatWillCauseLineBreaks: Smi = 5;
        someVeryLongVariableNameThatWillCauseLineBreaks > 0 &&
        someVeryLongVariableNameThatWillCauseLineBreaks < 10);

  macro TestNewlineInString() {
    Print('Hello, World!\n');

  const kConstexprConst: constexpr int31 = 5;
  const kIntptrConst: intptr = 4;
  const kSmiConst: Smi = 3;

  macro TestModuleConstBindings() {
    check(kConstexprConst == Int32Constant(5));
    check(kIntptrConst == 4);
    check(kSmiConst == 3);

  macro TestLocalConstBindings() {
    const x : constexpr int31 = 3;
    const x_smi : Smi = x;
      const x : Smi = x + from_constexpr<Smi>(1);
      check(x == x_smi + 1);
      const x_smi : Smi = x;
      check(x == x_smi);
      check(x == 4);
    check(x_smi == 3);
    check(x == x_smi);

  struct TestStructA {
    indexes: FixedArray;
    i: Smi;
    k: Number;

  struct TestStructB {
    x: TestStructA;
    y: Smi;

  macro TestStruct1(i: TestStructA): Smi {
    return i.i;

  macro TestStruct2(): TestStructA {
    return TestStructA{unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(kEmptyFixedArray), 27, 31};

  macro TestStruct3(): TestStructA {
    let a: TestStructA =
    TestStructA{unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(kEmptyFixedArray), 13, 5};
    let b: TestStructA = a;
    let c: TestStructA = TestStruct2();
    a.i = TestStruct1(c);
    a.k = a.i;
    let d: TestStructB;
    d.x = a;
    d = TestStructB{a, 7};
    let e: TestStructA = d.x;
    let f: Smi = TestStructA{unsafe_cast<FixedArray>(kEmptyFixedArray), 27, 31}.i;
    f = TestStruct2().i;
    return a;

  struct TestStructC {
    x : TestStructA;
    y : TestStructA;

  macro TestStruct4(): TestStructC {
    return TestStructC{TestStruct2(), TestStruct2()};

  // This macro tests different versions of the for-loop where some parts
  // are (not) present.
  macro TestForLoop() {
    let sum: Smi = 0;
    for (let i: Smi = 0; i < 5; ++i) sum += i;
    check(sum == 10);

    sum = 0;
    let j: Smi = 0;
    for (; j < 5; ++j) sum += j;
    check(sum == 10);

    sum = 0;
    j = 0;
    for (; j < 5;) sum += j++;
    check(sum == 10);

    // Check that break works. No test expression.
    sum = 0;
    for (let i: Smi = 0;; ++i) {
      if (i == 5) break;
      sum += i;
    check(sum == 10);

    sum = 0;
    j = 0;
    for (;;) {
      if (j == 5) break;
      sum += j;
    check(sum == 10);

    // The following tests are the same as above, but use continue to skip
    // index 3.
    sum = 0;
    for (let i: Smi = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
      if (i == 3) continue;
      sum += i;
    check(sum == 7);

    sum = 0;
    j = 0;
    for (; j < 5; ++j) {
      if (j == 3) continue;
      sum += j;
    check(sum == 7);

    sum = 0;
    j = 0;
    for (; j < 5;) {
      if (j == 3) {
      sum += j;
    check(sum == 7);

    sum = 0;
    for (let i: Smi = 0;; ++i) {
      if (i == 3) continue;
      if (i == 5) break;
      sum += i;
    check(sum == 7);

    sum = 0;
    j = 0;
    for (;;) {
      if (j == 3) {

      if (j == 5) break;
      sum += j;
    check(sum == 7);

  macro TestSubtyping(x : Smi) {
    const foo : Object = x;

  macro IncrementIfSmi<A : type>(x : A) : A {
    typeswitch (x) {
      case (x : Smi) {
        return x + 1;
      } case (o : A) {
        return o;

  macro TypeswitchExample(x : Number | FixedArray) : int32 {
    let result : int32 = 0;
    typeswitch (IncrementIfSmi<(Number|FixedArray)>(x)) {
      case (x : FixedArray) {
        result = result + 1;
      } case (Number) {
        result = result + 2;

    result = result * 10;

    typeswitch (IncrementIfSmi<(Number|FixedArray)>(x)) {
      case (x : Smi) {
        result = result + convert<int32>(x);
      } case (a : FixedArray) {
        result = result + convert<int32>(a.length);
      } case (x : HeapNumber) {
        result = result + 7;

    return result;

  macro TestTypeswitch() {
    check(TypeswitchExample(from_constexpr<Smi>(5)) == 26);
    const a : FixedArray = AllocateZeroedFixedArray(3);
    check(TypeswitchExample(a) == 13);
    check(TypeswitchExample(from_constexpr<Number>(0.5)) == 27);

  macro ExampleGenericOverload<A: type>(o : Object) : A {
    return o;
  macro ExampleGenericOverload<A: type>(o : Smi) : A {
    return o + 1;

  macro TestGenericOverload() {
    const x_smi : Smi = 5;
    const x_object : Object = x_smi;
    check(ExampleGenericOverload<Smi>(x_smi) == 6);
    check(unsafe_cast<Smi>(ExampleGenericOverload<Object>(x_object)) == 5);