// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/ast/ast.h" #include "src/messages.h" #include "src/parsing/parameter-initializer-rewriter.h" #include "src/parsing/parser.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { void Parser::PatternRewriter::DeclareAndInitializeVariables( Block* block, const DeclarationDescriptor* declaration_descriptor, const DeclarationParsingResult::Declaration* declaration, ZoneList<const AstRawString*>* names, bool* ok) { PatternRewriter rewriter; DCHECK(block->ignore_completion_value()); rewriter.scope_ = declaration_descriptor->scope; rewriter.parser_ = declaration_descriptor->parser; rewriter.context_ = BINDING; rewriter.pattern_ = declaration->pattern; rewriter.initializer_position_ = declaration->initializer_position; rewriter.block_ = block; rewriter.descriptor_ = declaration_descriptor; rewriter.names_ = names; rewriter.ok_ = ok; rewriter.recursion_level_ = 0; rewriter.RecurseIntoSubpattern(rewriter.pattern_, declaration->initializer); } void Parser::PatternRewriter::RewriteDestructuringAssignment( Parser* parser, RewritableExpression* to_rewrite, Scope* scope) { PatternRewriter rewriter; DCHECK(!to_rewrite->is_rewritten()); bool ok = true; rewriter.scope_ = scope; rewriter.parser_ = parser; rewriter.context_ = ASSIGNMENT; rewriter.pattern_ = to_rewrite; rewriter.block_ = nullptr; rewriter.descriptor_ = nullptr; rewriter.names_ = nullptr; rewriter.ok_ = &ok; rewriter.recursion_level_ = 0; rewriter.RecurseIntoSubpattern(rewriter.pattern_, nullptr); DCHECK(ok); } Expression* Parser::PatternRewriter::RewriteDestructuringAssignment( Parser* parser, Assignment* assignment, Scope* scope) { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(assignment); DCHECK_EQ(Token::ASSIGN, assignment->op()); auto to_rewrite = parser->factory()->NewRewritableExpression(assignment); RewriteDestructuringAssignment(parser, to_rewrite, scope); return to_rewrite->expression(); } bool Parser::PatternRewriter::IsAssignmentContext(PatternContext c) const { return c == ASSIGNMENT || c == ASSIGNMENT_INITIALIZER; } bool Parser::PatternRewriter::IsBindingContext(PatternContext c) const { return c == BINDING || c == INITIALIZER; } Parser::PatternRewriter::PatternContext Parser::PatternRewriter::SetAssignmentContextIfNeeded(Expression* node) { PatternContext old_context = context(); // AssignmentExpressions may occur in the Initializer position of a // SingleNameBinding. Such expressions should not prompt a change in the // pattern's context. if (node->IsAssignment() && node->AsAssignment()->op() == Token::ASSIGN && !IsInitializerContext()) { set_context(ASSIGNMENT); } return old_context; } Parser::PatternRewriter::PatternContext Parser::PatternRewriter::SetInitializerContextIfNeeded(Expression* node) { // Set appropriate initializer context for BindingElement and // AssignmentElement nodes PatternContext old_context = context(); bool is_destructuring_assignment = node->IsRewritableExpression() && !node->AsRewritableExpression()->is_rewritten(); bool is_assignment = node->IsAssignment() && node->AsAssignment()->op() == Token::ASSIGN; if (is_destructuring_assignment || is_assignment) { switch (old_context) { case BINDING: set_context(INITIALIZER); break; case ASSIGNMENT: set_context(ASSIGNMENT_INITIALIZER); break; default: break; } } return old_context; } void Parser::PatternRewriter::VisitVariableProxy(VariableProxy* pattern) { Expression* value = current_value_; if (IsAssignmentContext()) { // In an assignment context, simply perform the assignment Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment( Token::ASSIGN, pattern, value, pattern->position()); block_->statements()->Add( factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assignment, pattern->position()), zone()); return; } descriptor_->scope->RemoveUnresolved(pattern); // Declare variable. // Note that we *always* must treat the initial value via a separate init // assignment for variables and constants because the value must be assigned // when the variable is encountered in the source. But the variable/constant // is declared (and set to 'undefined') upon entering the function within // which the variable or constant is declared. Only function variables have // an initial value in the declaration (because they are initialized upon // entering the function). // // If we have a legacy const declaration, in an inner scope, the proxy // is always bound to the declared variable (independent of possibly // surrounding 'with' statements). // For let/const declarations in harmony mode, we can also immediately // pre-resolve the proxy because it resides in the same scope as the // declaration. const AstRawString* name = pattern->raw_name(); VariableProxy* proxy = parser_->NewUnresolved(name, descriptor_->mode); Declaration* declaration = factory()->NewVariableDeclaration( proxy, descriptor_->mode, descriptor_->scope, descriptor_->declaration_pos); Variable* var = parser_->Declare(declaration, descriptor_->declaration_kind, descriptor_->mode != VAR, ok_, descriptor_->hoist_scope); if (!*ok_) return; DCHECK_NOT_NULL(var); DCHECK(!proxy->is_resolved() || proxy->var() == var); var->set_initializer_position(initializer_position_); DCHECK(initializer_position_ != RelocInfo::kNoPosition); Scope* declaration_scope = IsLexicalVariableMode(descriptor_->mode) ? descriptor_->scope : descriptor_->scope->DeclarationScope(); if (declaration_scope->num_var_or_const() > kMaxNumFunctionLocals) { parser_->ReportMessage(MessageTemplate::kTooManyVariables); *ok_ = false; return; } if (names_) { names_->Add(name, zone()); } // Initialize variables if needed. A // declaration of the form: // // var v = x; // // is syntactic sugar for: // // var v; v = x; // // In particular, we need to re-lookup 'v' (in scope_, not // declaration_scope) as it may be a different 'v' than the 'v' in the // declaration (e.g., if we are inside a 'with' statement or 'catch' // block). // // However, note that const declarations are different! A const // declaration of the form: // // const c = x; // // is *not* syntactic sugar for: // // const c; c = x; // // The "variable" c initialized to x is the same as the declared // one - there is no re-lookup (see the last parameter of the // Declare() call above). Scope* initialization_scope = IsImmutableVariableMode(descriptor_->mode) ? declaration_scope : descriptor_->scope; // Global variable declarations must be compiled in a specific // way. When the script containing the global variable declaration // is entered, the global variable must be declared, so that if it // doesn't exist (on the global object itself, see ES5 errata) it // gets created with an initial undefined value. This is handled // by the declarations part of the function representing the // top-level global code; see Runtime::DeclareGlobalVariable. If // it already exists (in the object or in a prototype), it is // *not* touched until the variable declaration statement is // executed. // // Executing the variable declaration statement will always // guarantee to give the global object an own property. // This way, global variable declarations can shadow // properties in the prototype chain, but only after the variable // declaration statement has been executed. This is important in // browsers where the global object (window) has lots of // properties defined in prototype objects. if (initialization_scope->is_script_scope() && !IsLexicalVariableMode(descriptor_->mode)) { // Compute the arguments for the runtime // call.test-parsing/InitializedDeclarationsInStrictForOfError ZoneList<Expression*>* arguments = new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(3, zone()); // We have at least 1 parameter. arguments->Add( factory()->NewStringLiteral(name, descriptor_->declaration_pos), zone()); CallRuntime* initialize; if (IsImmutableVariableMode(descriptor_->mode)) { arguments->Add(value, zone()); // Construct the call to Runtime_InitializeConstGlobal // and add it to the initialization statement block. // Note that the function does different things depending on // the number of arguments (1 or 2). initialize = factory()->NewCallRuntime(Runtime::kInitializeConstGlobal, arguments, value->position()); value = NULL; // zap the value to avoid the unnecessary assignment } else { // Add language mode. // We may want to pass singleton to avoid Literal allocations. LanguageMode language_mode = initialization_scope->language_mode(); arguments->Add( factory()->NewNumberLiteral(language_mode, RelocInfo::kNoPosition), zone()); // Be careful not to assign a value to the global variable if // we're in a with. The initialization value should not // necessarily be stored in the global object in that case, // which is why we need to generate a separate assignment node. if (value != NULL && !descriptor_->scope->inside_with()) { arguments->Add(value, zone()); // Construct the call to Runtime_InitializeVarGlobal // and add it to the initialization statement block. initialize = factory()->NewCallRuntime(Runtime::kInitializeVarGlobal, arguments, value->position()); value = NULL; // zap the value to avoid the unnecessary assignment } else { initialize = NULL; } } if (initialize != NULL) { block_->statements()->Add( factory()->NewExpressionStatement(initialize, initialize->position()), zone()); } } else if (value != nullptr && IsLexicalVariableMode(descriptor_->mode)) { // For 'let' and 'const' declared variables the initialization always // assigns to the declared variable. DCHECK_NOT_NULL(proxy); DCHECK_NOT_NULL(proxy->var()); DCHECK_NOT_NULL(value); // Add break location for destructured sub-pattern. int pos = IsSubPattern() ? pattern->position() : value->position(); Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(Token::INIT, proxy, value, pos); block_->statements()->Add( factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assignment, pos), zone()); value = NULL; } // Add an assignment node to the initialization statement block if we still // have a pending initialization value. if (value != NULL) { DCHECK(descriptor_->mode == VAR); // 'var' initializations are simply assignments (with all the consequences // if they are inside a 'with' statement - they may change a 'with' object // property). VariableProxy* proxy = initialization_scope->NewUnresolved(factory(), name); // Add break location for destructured sub-pattern. int pos = IsSubPattern() ? pattern->position() : value->position(); Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(Token::INIT, proxy, value, pos); block_->statements()->Add( factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assignment, pos), zone()); } } Variable* Parser::PatternRewriter::CreateTempVar(Expression* value) { auto temp = scope()->NewTemporary(ast_value_factory()->empty_string()); if (value != nullptr) { auto assignment = factory()->NewAssignment( Token::ASSIGN, factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp), value, RelocInfo::kNoPosition); block_->statements()->Add( factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assignment, RelocInfo::kNoPosition), zone()); } return temp; } void Parser::PatternRewriter::VisitRewritableExpression( RewritableExpression* node) { // If this is not a destructuring assignment... if (!IsAssignmentContext() || !node->expression()->IsAssignment()) { // Mark the node as rewritten to prevent redundant rewriting, and // perform BindingPattern rewriting DCHECK(!node->is_rewritten()); node->Rewrite(node->expression()); return node->expression()->Accept(this); } if (node->is_rewritten()) return; DCHECK(IsAssignmentContext()); Assignment* assign = node->expression()->AsAssignment(); DCHECK_NOT_NULL(assign); DCHECK_EQ(Token::ASSIGN, assign->op()); auto initializer = assign->value(); auto value = initializer; if (IsInitializerContext()) { // let {<pattern> = <init>} = <value> // becomes // temp = <value>; // <pattern> = temp === undefined ? <init> : temp; auto temp_var = CreateTempVar(current_value_); Expression* is_undefined = factory()->NewCompareOperation( Token::EQ_STRICT, factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp_var), factory()->NewUndefinedLiteral(RelocInfo::kNoPosition), RelocInfo::kNoPosition); value = factory()->NewConditional(is_undefined, initializer, factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp_var), RelocInfo::kNoPosition); } PatternContext old_context = SetAssignmentContextIfNeeded(initializer); int pos = assign->position(); Block* old_block = block_; block_ = factory()->NewBlock(nullptr, 8, true, pos); Variable* temp = nullptr; Expression* pattern = assign->target(); Expression* old_value = current_value_; current_value_ = value; if (pattern->IsObjectLiteral()) { VisitObjectLiteral(pattern->AsObjectLiteral(), &temp); } else { DCHECK(pattern->IsArrayLiteral()); VisitArrayLiteral(pattern->AsArrayLiteral(), &temp); } DCHECK_NOT_NULL(temp); current_value_ = old_value; Expression* expr = factory()->NewDoExpression(block_, temp, pos); node->Rewrite(expr); block_ = old_block; if (block_) { block_->statements()->Add(factory()->NewExpressionStatement(expr, pos), zone()); } return set_context(old_context); } // Two cases for scope rewriting the scope of default parameters: // - Eagerly parsed arrow functions are initially parsed as having // expressions in the enclosing scope, but when the arrow is encountered, // need to be in the scope of the function. // - When an extra declaration scope needs to be inserted to account for // a sloppy eval in a default parameter or function body, the expressions // needs to be in that new inner scope which was added after initial // parsing. // Each of these cases can be handled by rewriting the contents of the // expression to the current scope. The source scope is typically the outer // scope when one case occurs; when both cases occur, both scopes need to // be included as the outer scope. (Both rewritings still need to be done // to account for lazily parsed arrow functions which hit the second case.) // TODO(littledan): Remove the outer_scope parameter of // RewriteParameterInitializerScope void Parser::PatternRewriter::RewriteParameterScopes(Expression* expr) { if (!IsBindingContext()) return; if (descriptor_->declaration_kind != DeclarationDescriptor::PARAMETER) return; if (!scope()->is_arrow_scope() && !scope()->is_block_scope()) return; // Either this scope is an arrow scope or a declaration block scope. DCHECK(scope()->is_declaration_scope()); if (scope()->outer_scope()->is_arrow_scope() && scope()->is_block_scope()) { RewriteParameterInitializerScope(parser_->stack_limit(), expr, scope()->outer_scope()->outer_scope(), scope()); } RewriteParameterInitializerScope(parser_->stack_limit(), expr, scope()->outer_scope(), scope()); } void Parser::PatternRewriter::VisitObjectLiteral(ObjectLiteral* pattern, Variable** temp_var) { auto temp = *temp_var = CreateTempVar(current_value_); block_->statements()->Add(parser_->BuildAssertIsCoercible(temp), zone()); for (ObjectLiteralProperty* property : *pattern->properties()) { PatternContext context = SetInitializerContextIfNeeded(property->value()); // Computed property names contain expressions which might require // scope rewriting. if (!property->key()->IsLiteral()) RewriteParameterScopes(property->key()); RecurseIntoSubpattern( property->value(), factory()->NewProperty(factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp), property->key(), RelocInfo::kNoPosition)); set_context(context); } } void Parser::PatternRewriter::VisitObjectLiteral(ObjectLiteral* node) { Variable* temp_var = nullptr; VisitObjectLiteral(node, &temp_var); } void Parser::PatternRewriter::VisitArrayLiteral(ArrayLiteral* node, Variable** temp_var) { DCHECK(block_->ignore_completion_value()); auto temp = *temp_var = CreateTempVar(current_value_); auto iterator = CreateTempVar(parser_->GetIterator( factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp), factory(), RelocInfo::kNoPosition)); auto done = CreateTempVar( factory()->NewBooleanLiteral(false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition)); auto result = CreateTempVar(); auto v = CreateTempVar(); auto completion = CreateTempVar(); auto nopos = RelocInfo::kNoPosition; // For the purpose of iterator finalization, we temporarily set block_ to a // new block. In the main body of this function, we write to block_ (both // explicitly and implicitly via recursion). At the end of the function, we // wrap this new block in a try-finally statement, restore block_ to its // original value, and add the try-finally statement to block_. auto target = block_; block_ = factory()->NewBlock(nullptr, 8, true, nopos); Spread* spread = nullptr; for (Expression* value : *node->values()) { if (value->IsSpread()) { spread = value->AsSpread(); break; } PatternContext context = SetInitializerContextIfNeeded(value); // if (!done) { // done = true; // If .next, .done or .value throws, don't close. // result = IteratorNext(iterator); // if (result.done) { // v = undefined; // } else { // v = result.value; // done = false; // } // } Statement* if_not_done; { auto result_done = factory()->NewProperty( factory()->NewVariableProxy(result), factory()->NewStringLiteral(ast_value_factory()->done_string(), RelocInfo::kNoPosition), RelocInfo::kNoPosition); auto assign_undefined = factory()->NewAssignment( Token::ASSIGN, factory()->NewVariableProxy(v), factory()->NewUndefinedLiteral(RelocInfo::kNoPosition), RelocInfo::kNoPosition); auto assign_value = factory()->NewAssignment( Token::ASSIGN, factory()->NewVariableProxy(v), factory()->NewProperty( factory()->NewVariableProxy(result), factory()->NewStringLiteral(ast_value_factory()->value_string(), RelocInfo::kNoPosition), RelocInfo::kNoPosition), RelocInfo::kNoPosition); auto unset_done = factory()->NewAssignment( Token::ASSIGN, factory()->NewVariableProxy(done), factory()->NewBooleanLiteral(false, RelocInfo::kNoPosition), RelocInfo::kNoPosition); auto inner_else = factory()->NewBlock(nullptr, 2, true, RelocInfo::kNoPosition); inner_else->statements()->Add( factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assign_value, nopos), zone()); inner_else->statements()->Add( factory()->NewExpressionStatement(unset_done, nopos), zone()); auto inner_if = factory()->NewIfStatement( result_done, factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assign_undefined, nopos), inner_else, nopos); auto next_block = factory()->NewBlock(nullptr, 3, true, RelocInfo::kNoPosition); next_block->statements()->Add( factory()->NewExpressionStatement( factory()->NewAssignment( Token::ASSIGN, factory()->NewVariableProxy(done), factory()->NewBooleanLiteral(true, nopos), nopos), nopos), zone()); next_block->statements()->Add( factory()->NewExpressionStatement( parser_->BuildIteratorNextResult( factory()->NewVariableProxy(iterator), result, RelocInfo::kNoPosition), RelocInfo::kNoPosition), zone()); next_block->statements()->Add(inner_if, zone()); if_not_done = factory()->NewIfStatement( factory()->NewUnaryOperation(Token::NOT, factory()->NewVariableProxy(done), RelocInfo::kNoPosition), next_block, factory()->NewEmptyStatement(RelocInfo::kNoPosition), RelocInfo::kNoPosition); } block_->statements()->Add(if_not_done, zone()); if (!(value->IsLiteral() && value->AsLiteral()->raw_value()->IsTheHole())) { { // completion = kAbruptCompletion; Expression* proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(completion); Expression* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment( Token::ASSIGN, proxy, factory()->NewSmiLiteral(kAbruptCompletion, nopos), nopos); block_->statements()->Add( factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assignment, nopos), zone()); } RecurseIntoSubpattern(value, factory()->NewVariableProxy(v)); { // completion = kNormalCompletion; Expression* proxy = factory()->NewVariableProxy(completion); Expression* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment( Token::ASSIGN, proxy, factory()->NewSmiLiteral(kNormalCompletion, nopos), nopos); block_->statements()->Add( factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assignment, nopos), zone()); } } set_context(context); } if (spread != nullptr) { // A spread can only occur as the last component. It is not handled by // RecurseIntoSubpattern above. // let array = []; // while (!done) { // done = true; // If .next, .done or .value throws, don't close. // result = IteratorNext(iterator); // if (!result.done) { // %AppendElement(array, result.value); // done = false; // } // } // let array = []; Variable* array; { auto empty_exprs = new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(0, zone()); array = CreateTempVar(factory()->NewArrayLiteral( empty_exprs, // Reuse pattern's literal index - it is unused since there is no // actual literal allocated. node->literal_index(), RelocInfo::kNoPosition)); } // done = true; Statement* set_done = factory()->NewExpressionStatement( factory()->NewAssignment( Token::ASSIGN, factory()->NewVariableProxy(done), factory()->NewBooleanLiteral(true, nopos), nopos), nopos); // result = IteratorNext(iterator); Statement* get_next = factory()->NewExpressionStatement( parser_->BuildIteratorNextResult(factory()->NewVariableProxy(iterator), result, nopos), nopos); // %AppendElement(array, result.value); Statement* append_element; { auto args = new (zone()) ZoneList<Expression*>(2, zone()); args->Add(factory()->NewVariableProxy(array), zone()); args->Add(factory()->NewProperty( factory()->NewVariableProxy(result), factory()->NewStringLiteral( ast_value_factory()->value_string(), nopos), nopos), zone()); append_element = factory()->NewExpressionStatement( factory()->NewCallRuntime(Runtime::kAppendElement, args, nopos), nopos); } // done = false; Statement* unset_done = factory()->NewExpressionStatement( factory()->NewAssignment( Token::ASSIGN, factory()->NewVariableProxy(done), factory()->NewBooleanLiteral(false, nopos), nopos), nopos); // if (!result.done) { #append_element; #unset_done } Statement* maybe_append_and_unset_done; { Expression* result_done = factory()->NewProperty(factory()->NewVariableProxy(result), factory()->NewStringLiteral( ast_value_factory()->done_string(), nopos), nopos); Block* then = factory()->NewBlock(nullptr, 2, true, nopos); then->statements()->Add(append_element, zone()); then->statements()->Add(unset_done, zone()); maybe_append_and_unset_done = factory()->NewIfStatement( factory()->NewUnaryOperation(Token::NOT, result_done, nopos), then, factory()->NewEmptyStatement(nopos), nopos); } // while (!done) { // #set_done; // #get_next; // #maybe_append_and_unset_done; // } WhileStatement* loop = factory()->NewWhileStatement(nullptr, nopos); { Expression* condition = factory()->NewUnaryOperation( Token::NOT, factory()->NewVariableProxy(done), nopos); Block* body = factory()->NewBlock(nullptr, 3, true, nopos); body->statements()->Add(set_done, zone()); body->statements()->Add(get_next, zone()); body->statements()->Add(maybe_append_and_unset_done, zone()); loop->Initialize(condition, body); } block_->statements()->Add(loop, zone()); RecurseIntoSubpattern(spread->expression(), factory()->NewVariableProxy(array)); } Expression* closing_condition = factory()->NewUnaryOperation( Token::NOT, factory()->NewVariableProxy(done), nopos); parser_->FinalizeIteratorUse(completion, closing_condition, iterator, block_, target); block_ = target; } void Parser::PatternRewriter::VisitArrayLiteral(ArrayLiteral* node) { Variable* temp_var = nullptr; VisitArrayLiteral(node, &temp_var); } void Parser::PatternRewriter::VisitAssignment(Assignment* node) { // let {<pattern> = <init>} = <value> // becomes // temp = <value>; // <pattern> = temp === undefined ? <init> : temp; DCHECK_EQ(Token::ASSIGN, node->op()); auto initializer = node->value(); auto value = initializer; auto temp = CreateTempVar(current_value_); if (IsInitializerContext()) { Expression* is_undefined = factory()->NewCompareOperation( Token::EQ_STRICT, factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp), factory()->NewUndefinedLiteral(RelocInfo::kNoPosition), RelocInfo::kNoPosition); value = factory()->NewConditional(is_undefined, initializer, factory()->NewVariableProxy(temp), RelocInfo::kNoPosition); } // Initializer may have been parsed in the wrong scope. RewriteParameterScopes(initializer); PatternContext old_context = SetAssignmentContextIfNeeded(initializer); RecurseIntoSubpattern(node->target(), value); set_context(old_context); } // =============== AssignmentPattern only ================== void Parser::PatternRewriter::VisitProperty(v8::internal::Property* node) { DCHECK(IsAssignmentContext()); auto value = current_value_; Assignment* assignment = factory()->NewAssignment(Token::ASSIGN, node, value, node->position()); block_->statements()->Add( factory()->NewExpressionStatement(assignment, RelocInfo::kNoPosition), zone()); } // =============== UNREACHABLE ============================= void Parser::PatternRewriter::Visit(AstNode* node) { UNREACHABLE(); } #define NOT_A_PATTERN(Node) \ void Parser::PatternRewriter::Visit##Node(v8::internal::Node*) { \ UNREACHABLE(); \ } NOT_A_PATTERN(BinaryOperation) NOT_A_PATTERN(Block) NOT_A_PATTERN(BreakStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(Call) NOT_A_PATTERN(CallNew) NOT_A_PATTERN(CallRuntime) NOT_A_PATTERN(CaseClause) NOT_A_PATTERN(ClassLiteral) NOT_A_PATTERN(CompareOperation) NOT_A_PATTERN(Conditional) NOT_A_PATTERN(ContinueStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(CountOperation) NOT_A_PATTERN(DebuggerStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(DoExpression) NOT_A_PATTERN(DoWhileStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(EmptyStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(EmptyParentheses) NOT_A_PATTERN(ExpressionStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(ForInStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(ForOfStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(ForStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(FunctionDeclaration) NOT_A_PATTERN(FunctionLiteral) NOT_A_PATTERN(IfStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(ImportDeclaration) NOT_A_PATTERN(Literal) NOT_A_PATTERN(NativeFunctionLiteral) NOT_A_PATTERN(RegExpLiteral) NOT_A_PATTERN(ReturnStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(SloppyBlockFunctionStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(Spread) NOT_A_PATTERN(SuperPropertyReference) NOT_A_PATTERN(SuperCallReference) NOT_A_PATTERN(SwitchStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(ThisFunction) NOT_A_PATTERN(Throw) NOT_A_PATTERN(TryCatchStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(TryFinallyStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(UnaryOperation) NOT_A_PATTERN(VariableDeclaration) NOT_A_PATTERN(WhileStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(WithStatement) NOT_A_PATTERN(Yield) #undef NOT_A_PATTERN } // namespace internal } // namespace v8