// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/compiler/escape-analysis.h" #include "src/bootstrapper.h" #include "src/compiler/linkage.h" #include "src/compiler/node-matchers.h" #include "src/compiler/operator-properties.h" #include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h" #include "src/zone/zone-list-inl.h" // TODO(mstarzinger): Fix zone-handle-set.h instead! #ifdef DEBUG #define TRACE(...) \ do { \ if (FLAG_trace_turbo_escape) PrintF(__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (false) #else #define TRACE(...) #endif namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace compiler { template <class T> class Sidetable { public: explicit Sidetable(Zone* zone) : map_(zone) {} T& operator[](const Node* node) { NodeId id = node->id(); if (id >= map_.size()) { map_.resize(id + 1); } return map_[id]; } private: ZoneVector<T> map_; }; template <class T> class SparseSidetable { public: explicit SparseSidetable(Zone* zone, T def_value = T()) : def_value_(std::move(def_value)), map_(zone) {} void Set(const Node* node, T value) { auto iter = map_.find(node->id()); if (iter != map_.end()) { iter->second = std::move(value); } else if (value != def_value_) { map_.insert(iter, std::make_pair(node->id(), std::move(value))); } } const T& Get(const Node* node) const { auto iter = map_.find(node->id()); return iter != map_.end() ? iter->second : def_value_; } private: T def_value_; ZoneUnorderedMap<NodeId, T> map_; }; // Keeps track of the changes to the current node during reduction. // Encapsulates the current state of the IR graph and the reducer state like // side-tables. All access to the IR and the reducer state should happen through // a ReduceScope to ensure that changes and dependencies are tracked and all // necessary node revisitations happen. class ReduceScope { public: typedef EffectGraphReducer::Reduction Reduction; explicit ReduceScope(Node* node, Reduction* reduction) : current_node_(node), reduction_(reduction) {} protected: Node* current_node() const { return current_node_; } Reduction* reduction() { return reduction_; } private: Node* current_node_; Reduction* reduction_; }; // A VariableTracker object keeps track of the values of variables at all points // of the effect chain and introduces new phi nodes when necessary. // Initially and by default, variables are mapped to nullptr, which means that // the variable allocation point does not dominate the current point on the // effect chain. We map variables that represent uninitialized memory to the // Dead node to ensure it is not read. // Unmapped values are impossible by construction, it is indistinguishable if a // PersistentMap does not contain an element or maps it to the default element. class VariableTracker { private: // The state of all variables at one point in the effect chain. class State { typedef PersistentMap<Variable, Node*> Map; public: explicit State(Zone* zone) : map_(zone) {} Node* Get(Variable var) const { CHECK(var != Variable::Invalid()); return map_.Get(var); } void Set(Variable var, Node* node) { CHECK(var != Variable::Invalid()); return map_.Set(var, node); } Map::iterator begin() const { return map_.begin(); } Map::iterator end() const { return map_.end(); } bool operator!=(const State& other) const { return map_ != other.map_; } private: Map map_; }; public: VariableTracker(JSGraph* graph, EffectGraphReducer* reducer, Zone* zone); Variable NewVariable() { return Variable(next_variable_++); } Node* Get(Variable var, Node* effect) { return table_.Get(effect).Get(var); } Zone* zone() { return zone_; } class Scope : public ReduceScope { public: Scope(VariableTracker* tracker, Node* node, Reduction* reduction); ~Scope(); Maybe<Node*> Get(Variable var) { Node* node = current_state_.Get(var); if (node && node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kDead) { // TODO(tebbi): We use {Dead} as a sentinel for uninitialized memory. // Reading uninitialized memory can only happen in unreachable code. In // this case, we have to mark the object as escaping to avoid dead nodes // in the graph. This is a workaround that should be removed once we can // handle dead nodes everywhere. return Nothing<Node*>(); } return Just(node); } void Set(Variable var, Node* node) { current_state_.Set(var, node); } private: VariableTracker* states_; State current_state_; }; private: State MergeInputs(Node* effect_phi); Zone* zone_; JSGraph* graph_; SparseSidetable<State> table_; ZoneVector<Node*> buffer_; EffectGraphReducer* reducer_; int next_variable_ = 0; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VariableTracker); }; // Encapsulates the current state of the escape analysis reducer to preserve // invariants regarding changes and re-visitation. class EscapeAnalysisTracker : public ZoneObject { public: EscapeAnalysisTracker(JSGraph* jsgraph, EffectGraphReducer* reducer, Zone* zone) : virtual_objects_(zone), replacements_(zone), variable_states_(jsgraph, reducer, zone), jsgraph_(jsgraph), zone_(zone) {} class Scope : public VariableTracker::Scope { public: Scope(EffectGraphReducer* reducer, EscapeAnalysisTracker* tracker, Node* node, Reduction* reduction) : VariableTracker::Scope(&tracker->variable_states_, node, reduction), tracker_(tracker), reducer_(reducer) {} const VirtualObject* GetVirtualObject(Node* node) { VirtualObject* vobject = tracker_->virtual_objects_.Get(node); if (vobject) vobject->AddDependency(current_node()); return vobject; } // Create or retrieve a virtual object for the current node. const VirtualObject* InitVirtualObject(int size) { DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kAllocate, current_node()->opcode()); VirtualObject* vobject = tracker_->virtual_objects_.Get(current_node()); if (vobject) { CHECK(vobject->size() == size); } else { vobject = tracker_->NewVirtualObject(size); } if (vobject) vobject->AddDependency(current_node()); vobject_ = vobject; return vobject; } void SetVirtualObject(Node* object) { vobject_ = tracker_->virtual_objects_.Get(object); } void SetEscaped(Node* node) { if (VirtualObject* object = tracker_->virtual_objects_.Get(node)) { if (object->HasEscaped()) return; TRACE("Setting %s#%d to escaped because of use by %s#%d\n", node->op()->mnemonic(), node->id(), current_node()->op()->mnemonic(), current_node()->id()); object->SetEscaped(); object->RevisitDependants(reducer_); } } // The inputs of the current node have to be accessed through the scope to // ensure that they respect the node replacements. Node* ValueInput(int i) { return tracker_->ResolveReplacement( NodeProperties::GetValueInput(current_node(), i)); } Node* ContextInput() { return tracker_->ResolveReplacement( NodeProperties::GetContextInput(current_node())); } void SetReplacement(Node* replacement) { replacement_ = replacement; vobject_ = replacement ? tracker_->virtual_objects_.Get(replacement) : nullptr; if (replacement) { TRACE("Set %s#%d as replacement.\n", replacement->op()->mnemonic(), replacement->id()); } else { TRACE("Set nullptr as replacement.\n"); } } void MarkForDeletion() { SetReplacement(tracker_->jsgraph_->Dead()); } ~Scope() { if (replacement_ != tracker_->replacements_[current_node()] || vobject_ != tracker_->virtual_objects_.Get(current_node())) { reduction()->set_value_changed(); } tracker_->replacements_[current_node()] = replacement_; tracker_->virtual_objects_.Set(current_node(), vobject_); } private: EscapeAnalysisTracker* tracker_; EffectGraphReducer* reducer_; VirtualObject* vobject_ = nullptr; Node* replacement_ = nullptr; }; Node* GetReplacementOf(Node* node) { return replacements_[node]; } Node* ResolveReplacement(Node* node) { if (Node* replacement = GetReplacementOf(node)) { return replacement; } return node; } private: friend class EscapeAnalysisResult; static const size_t kMaxTrackedObjects = 100; VirtualObject* NewVirtualObject(int size) { if (next_object_id_ >= kMaxTrackedObjects) return nullptr; return new (zone_) VirtualObject(&variable_states_, next_object_id_++, size); } SparseSidetable<VirtualObject*> virtual_objects_; Sidetable<Node*> replacements_; VariableTracker variable_states_; VirtualObject::Id next_object_id_ = 0; JSGraph* const jsgraph_; Zone* const zone_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(EscapeAnalysisTracker); }; EffectGraphReducer::EffectGraphReducer( Graph* graph, std::function<void(Node*, Reduction*)> reduce, Zone* zone) : graph_(graph), state_(graph, kNumStates), revisit_(zone), stack_(zone), reduce_(reduce) {} void EffectGraphReducer::ReduceFrom(Node* node) { // Perform DFS and eagerly trigger revisitation as soon as possible. // A stack element {node, i} indicates that input i of node should be visited // next. DCHECK(stack_.empty()); stack_.push({node, 0}); while (!stack_.empty()) { Node* current = stack_.top().node; int& input_index = stack_.top().input_index; if (input_index < current->InputCount()) { Node* input = current->InputAt(input_index); input_index++; switch (state_.Get(input)) { case State::kVisited: // The input is already reduced. break; case State::kOnStack: // The input is on the DFS stack right now, so it will be revisited // later anyway. break; case State::kUnvisited: case State::kRevisit: { state_.Set(input, State::kOnStack); stack_.push({input, 0}); break; } } } else { stack_.pop(); Reduction reduction; reduce_(current, &reduction); for (Edge edge : current->use_edges()) { // Mark uses for revisitation. Node* use = edge.from(); if (NodeProperties::IsEffectEdge(edge)) { if (reduction.effect_changed()) Revisit(use); } else { if (reduction.value_changed()) Revisit(use); } } state_.Set(current, State::kVisited); // Process the revisitation buffer immediately. This improves performance // of escape analysis. Using a stack for {revisit_} reverses the order in // which the revisitation happens. This also seems to improve performance. while (!revisit_.empty()) { Node* revisit = revisit_.top(); if (state_.Get(revisit) == State::kRevisit) { state_.Set(revisit, State::kOnStack); stack_.push({revisit, 0}); } revisit_.pop(); } } } } void EffectGraphReducer::Revisit(Node* node) { if (state_.Get(node) == State::kVisited) { TRACE(" Queueing for revisit: %s#%d\n", node->op()->mnemonic(), node->id()); state_.Set(node, State::kRevisit); revisit_.push(node); } } VariableTracker::VariableTracker(JSGraph* graph, EffectGraphReducer* reducer, Zone* zone) : zone_(zone), graph_(graph), table_(zone, State(zone)), buffer_(zone), reducer_(reducer) {} VariableTracker::Scope::Scope(VariableTracker* states, Node* node, Reduction* reduction) : ReduceScope(node, reduction), states_(states), current_state_(states->zone_) { switch (node->opcode()) { case IrOpcode::kEffectPhi: current_state_ = states_->MergeInputs(node); break; default: int effect_inputs = node->op()->EffectInputCount(); if (effect_inputs == 1) { current_state_ = states_->table_.Get(NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node, 0)); } else { DCHECK_EQ(0, effect_inputs); } } } VariableTracker::Scope::~Scope() { if (!reduction()->effect_changed() && states_->table_.Get(current_node()) != current_state_) { reduction()->set_effect_changed(); } states_->table_.Set(current_node(), current_state_); } VariableTracker::State VariableTracker::MergeInputs(Node* effect_phi) { // A variable that is mapped to [nullptr] was not assigned a value on every // execution path to the current effect phi. Relying on the invariant that // every variable is initialized (at least with a sentinel like the Dead // node), this means that the variable initialization does not dominate the // current point. So for loop effect phis, we can keep nullptr for a variable // as long as the first input of the loop has nullptr for this variable. For // non-loop effect phis, we can even keep it nullptr as long as any input has // nullptr. DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kEffectPhi, effect_phi->opcode()); int arity = effect_phi->op()->EffectInputCount(); Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(effect_phi, 0); TRACE("control: %s#%d\n", control->op()->mnemonic(), control->id()); bool is_loop = control->opcode() == IrOpcode::kLoop; buffer_.reserve(arity + 1); State first_input = table_.Get(NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(effect_phi, 0)); State result = first_input; for (std::pair<Variable, Node*> var_value : first_input) { if (Node* value = var_value.second) { Variable var = var_value.first; TRACE("var %i:\n", var.id_); buffer_.clear(); buffer_.push_back(value); bool identical_inputs = true; int num_defined_inputs = 1; TRACE(" input 0: %s#%d\n", value->op()->mnemonic(), value->id()); for (int i = 1; i < arity; ++i) { Node* next_value = table_.Get(NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(effect_phi, i)).Get(var); if (next_value != value) identical_inputs = false; if (next_value != nullptr) { num_defined_inputs++; TRACE(" input %i: %s#%d\n", i, next_value->op()->mnemonic(), next_value->id()); } else { TRACE(" input %i: nullptr\n", i); } buffer_.push_back(next_value); } Node* old_value = table_.Get(effect_phi).Get(var); if (old_value) { TRACE(" old: %s#%d\n", old_value->op()->mnemonic(), old_value->id()); } else { TRACE(" old: nullptr\n"); } // Reuse a previously created phi node if possible. if (old_value && old_value->opcode() == IrOpcode::kPhi && NodeProperties::GetControlInput(old_value, 0) == control) { // Since a phi node can never dominate its control node, // [old_value] cannot originate from the inputs. Thus [old_value] // must have been created by a previous reduction of this [effect_phi]. for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i) { NodeProperties::ReplaceValueInput( old_value, buffer_[i] ? buffer_[i] : graph_->Dead(), i); // This change cannot affect the rest of the reducer, so there is no // need to trigger additional revisitations. } result.Set(var, old_value); } else { if (num_defined_inputs == 1 && is_loop) { // For loop effect phis, the variable initialization dominates iff it // dominates the first input. DCHECK_EQ(2, arity); DCHECK_EQ(value, buffer_[0]); result.Set(var, value); } else if (num_defined_inputs < arity) { // If the variable is undefined on some input of this non-loop effect // phi, then its initialization does not dominate this point. result.Set(var, nullptr); } else { DCHECK_EQ(num_defined_inputs, arity); // We only create a phi if the values are different. if (identical_inputs) { result.Set(var, value); } else { TRACE("Creating new phi\n"); buffer_.push_back(control); Node* phi = graph_->graph()->NewNode( graph_->common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, arity), arity + 1, &buffer_.front()); // TODO(tebbi): Computing precise types here is tricky, because of // the necessary revisitations. If we really need this, we should // probably do it afterwards. NodeProperties::SetType(phi, Type::Any()); reducer_->AddRoot(phi); result.Set(var, phi); } } } #ifdef DEBUG if (Node* result_node = result.Get(var)) { TRACE(" result: %s#%d\n", result_node->op()->mnemonic(), result_node->id()); } else { TRACE(" result: nullptr\n"); } #endif } } return result; } namespace { int OffsetOfFieldAccess(const Operator* op) { DCHECK(op->opcode() == IrOpcode::kLoadField || op->opcode() == IrOpcode::kStoreField); FieldAccess access = FieldAccessOf(op); return access.offset; } Maybe<int> OffsetOfElementsAccess(const Operator* op, Node* index_node) { DCHECK(op->opcode() == IrOpcode::kLoadElement || op->opcode() == IrOpcode::kStoreElement); Type* index_type = NodeProperties::GetType(index_node); if (!index_type->Is(Type::OrderedNumber())) return Nothing<int>(); double max = index_type->Max(); double min = index_type->Min(); int index = static_cast<int>(min); if (!(index == min && index == max)) return Nothing<int>(); ElementAccess access = ElementAccessOf(op); DCHECK_GE(ElementSizeLog2Of(access.machine_type.representation()), kPointerSizeLog2); return Just(access.header_size + (index << ElementSizeLog2Of( access.machine_type.representation()))); } Node* LowerCompareMapsWithoutLoad(Node* checked_map, ZoneHandleSet<Map> const& checked_against, JSGraph* jsgraph) { Node* true_node = jsgraph->TrueConstant(); Node* false_node = jsgraph->FalseConstant(); Node* replacement = false_node; for (Handle<Map> map : checked_against) { Node* map_node = jsgraph->HeapConstant(map); // We cannot create a HeapConstant type here as we are off-thread. NodeProperties::SetType(map_node, Type::Internal()); Node* comparison = jsgraph->graph()->NewNode( jsgraph->simplified()->ReferenceEqual(), checked_map, map_node); NodeProperties::SetType(comparison, Type::Boolean()); if (replacement == false_node) { replacement = comparison; } else { replacement = jsgraph->graph()->NewNode( jsgraph->common()->Select(MachineRepresentation::kTaggedPointer), comparison, true_node, replacement); NodeProperties::SetType(replacement, Type::Boolean()); } } return replacement; } void ReduceNode(const Operator* op, EscapeAnalysisTracker::Scope* current, JSGraph* jsgraph) { switch (op->opcode()) { case IrOpcode::kAllocate: { NumberMatcher size(current->ValueInput(0)); if (!size.HasValue()) break; int size_int = static_cast<int>(size.Value()); if (size_int != size.Value()) break; if (const VirtualObject* vobject = current->InitVirtualObject(size_int)) { // Initialize with dead nodes as a sentinel for uninitialized memory. for (Variable field : *vobject) { current->Set(field, jsgraph->Dead()); } } break; } case IrOpcode::kFinishRegion: current->SetVirtualObject(current->ValueInput(0)); break; case IrOpcode::kStoreField: { Node* object = current->ValueInput(0); Node* value = current->ValueInput(1); const VirtualObject* vobject = current->GetVirtualObject(object); Variable var; if (vobject && !vobject->HasEscaped() && vobject->FieldAt(OffsetOfFieldAccess(op)).To(&var)) { current->Set(var, value); current->MarkForDeletion(); } else { current->SetEscaped(object); current->SetEscaped(value); } break; } case IrOpcode::kStoreElement: { Node* object = current->ValueInput(0); Node* index = current->ValueInput(1); Node* value = current->ValueInput(2); const VirtualObject* vobject = current->GetVirtualObject(object); int offset; Variable var; if (vobject && !vobject->HasEscaped() && OffsetOfElementsAccess(op, index).To(&offset) && vobject->FieldAt(offset).To(&var)) { current->Set(var, value); current->MarkForDeletion(); } else { current->SetEscaped(value); current->SetEscaped(object); } break; } case IrOpcode::kLoadField: { Node* object = current->ValueInput(0); const VirtualObject* vobject = current->GetVirtualObject(object); Variable var; Node* value; if (vobject && !vobject->HasEscaped() && vobject->FieldAt(OffsetOfFieldAccess(op)).To(&var) && current->Get(var).To(&value)) { current->SetReplacement(value); } else { current->SetEscaped(object); } break; } case IrOpcode::kLoadElement: { Node* object = current->ValueInput(0); Node* index = current->ValueInput(1); const VirtualObject* vobject = current->GetVirtualObject(object); int offset; Variable var; Node* value; if (vobject && !vobject->HasEscaped() && OffsetOfElementsAccess(op, index).To(&offset) && vobject->FieldAt(offset).To(&var) && current->Get(var).To(&value)) { current->SetReplacement(value); } else { current->SetEscaped(object); } break; } case IrOpcode::kTypeGuard: { // The type-guard is re-introduced in the final reducer if the types // don't match. current->SetReplacement(current->ValueInput(0)); break; } case IrOpcode::kReferenceEqual: { Node* left = current->ValueInput(0); Node* right = current->ValueInput(1); const VirtualObject* left_object = current->GetVirtualObject(left); const VirtualObject* right_object = current->GetVirtualObject(right); Node* replacement = nullptr; if (left_object && !left_object->HasEscaped()) { if (right_object && !right_object->HasEscaped() && left_object->id() == right_object->id()) { replacement = jsgraph->TrueConstant(); } else { replacement = jsgraph->FalseConstant(); } } else if (right_object && !right_object->HasEscaped()) { replacement = jsgraph->FalseConstant(); } if (replacement) { // TODO(tebbi) This is a workaround for uninhabited types. If we // replaced a value of uninhabited type with a constant, we would // widen the type of the node. This could produce inconsistent // types (which might confuse representation selection). We get // around this by refusing to constant-fold and escape-analyze // if the type is not inhabited. if (!NodeProperties::GetType(left)->IsNone() && !NodeProperties::GetType(right)->IsNone()) { current->SetReplacement(replacement); } else { current->SetEscaped(left); current->SetEscaped(right); } } break; } case IrOpcode::kCheckMaps: { CheckMapsParameters params = CheckMapsParametersOf(op); Node* checked = current->ValueInput(0); const VirtualObject* vobject = current->GetVirtualObject(checked); Variable map_field; Node* map; if (vobject && !vobject->HasEscaped() && vobject->FieldAt(HeapObject::kMapOffset).To(&map_field) && current->Get(map_field).To(&map)) { if (map) { Type* const map_type = NodeProperties::GetType(map); if (map_type->IsHeapConstant() && params.maps().contains( bit_cast<Handle<Map>>(map_type->AsHeapConstant()->Value()))) { current->MarkForDeletion(); break; } } else { // If the variable has no value, we have not reached the fixed-point // yet. break; } } current->SetEscaped(checked); break; } case IrOpcode::kCompareMaps: { Node* object = current->ValueInput(0); const VirtualObject* vobject = current->GetVirtualObject(object); Variable map_field; Node* object_map; if (vobject && !vobject->HasEscaped() && vobject->FieldAt(HeapObject::kMapOffset).To(&map_field) && current->Get(map_field).To(&object_map)) { if (object_map) { current->SetReplacement(LowerCompareMapsWithoutLoad( object_map, CompareMapsParametersOf(op).maps(), jsgraph)); break; } else { // If the variable has no value, we have not reached the fixed-point // yet. break; } } current->SetEscaped(object); break; } case IrOpcode::kCheckHeapObject: { Node* checked = current->ValueInput(0); switch (checked->opcode()) { case IrOpcode::kAllocate: case IrOpcode::kFinishRegion: case IrOpcode::kHeapConstant: current->SetReplacement(checked); break; default: current->SetEscaped(checked); break; } break; } case IrOpcode::kMapGuard: { Node* object = current->ValueInput(0); const VirtualObject* vobject = current->GetVirtualObject(object); if (vobject && !vobject->HasEscaped()) { current->MarkForDeletion(); } break; } case IrOpcode::kStateValues: case IrOpcode::kFrameState: // These uses are always safe. break; default: { // For unknown nodes, treat all value inputs as escaping. int value_input_count = op->ValueInputCount(); for (int i = 0; i < value_input_count; ++i) { Node* input = current->ValueInput(i); current->SetEscaped(input); } if (OperatorProperties::HasContextInput(op)) { current->SetEscaped(current->ContextInput()); } break; } } } } // namespace void EscapeAnalysis::Reduce(Node* node, Reduction* reduction) { const Operator* op = node->op(); TRACE("Reducing %s#%d\n", op->mnemonic(), node->id()); EscapeAnalysisTracker::Scope current(this, tracker_, node, reduction); ReduceNode(op, ¤t, jsgraph()); } EscapeAnalysis::EscapeAnalysis(JSGraph* jsgraph, Zone* zone) : EffectGraphReducer( jsgraph->graph(), [this](Node* node, Reduction* reduction) { Reduce(node, reduction); }, zone), tracker_(new (zone) EscapeAnalysisTracker(jsgraph, this, zone)), jsgraph_(jsgraph) {} Node* EscapeAnalysisResult::GetReplacementOf(Node* node) { Node* replacement = tracker_->GetReplacementOf(node); // Replacements cannot have replacements. This is important to ensure // re-visitation: If a replacement is replaced, then all nodes accessing // the replacement have to be updated. if (replacement) DCHECK_NULL(tracker_->GetReplacementOf(replacement)); return replacement; } Node* EscapeAnalysisResult::GetVirtualObjectField(const VirtualObject* vobject, int field, Node* effect) { return tracker_->variable_states_.Get(vobject->FieldAt(field).FromJust(), effect); } const VirtualObject* EscapeAnalysisResult::GetVirtualObject(Node* node) { return tracker_->virtual_objects_.Get(node); } VirtualObject::VirtualObject(VariableTracker* var_states, VirtualObject::Id id, int size) : Dependable(var_states->zone()), id_(id), fields_(var_states->zone()) { DCHECK_EQ(0, size % kPointerSize); TRACE("Creating VirtualObject id:%d size:%d\n", id, size); int num_fields = size / kPointerSize; fields_.reserve(num_fields); for (int i = 0; i < num_fields; ++i) { fields_.push_back(var_states->NewVariable()); } } #undef TRACE } // namespace compiler } // namespace internal } // namespace v8