// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Flags: --validate-asm --allow-natives-syntax

var stdlib = this;
let kMinHeapSize = 4096;

function assertValidAsm(func) {
  assertTrue(%IsAsmWasmCode(func), "must be valid asm code");

function assertWasm(expected, func, ffi) {
  print("Testing " + func.name + "...");
      expected, func(stdlib, ffi, new ArrayBuffer(kMinHeapSize)).caller());

function EmptyTest(a, b, c) {
  "use asm";
  function caller() {
    return 11;
  function empty() {
  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(11, EmptyTest);

function VoidReturnTest(a, b, c) {
  "use asm";
  function caller() {
    return 19;
  function empty() {
    var x = 0;
    if (x) return;
  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(19, VoidReturnTest);

function IntTest(a, b, c) {
  "use asm";
  function sum(a, b) {
    a = a|0;
    b = b|0;
    var c = 0;
    var d = 3.0;
    var e = 0;
    e = ~~d;  // double conversion
    c = (b + 1)|0
    return (a + c + 1)|0;

  function caller() {
    return sum(77,22) | 0;

  return {caller: caller};


function Float64Test() {
  "use asm";
  function sum(a, b) {
    a = +a;
    b = +b;
    return +(a + b);

  function caller() {
    var a = 0.0;
    var ret = 0;
    a = +sum(70.1,10.2);
    if (a == 80.3) {
      ret = 1|0;
    } else {
      ret = 0|0;
    return ret|0;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(1, Float64Test);

function BadModule() {
  "use asm";
  function caller(a, b) {
    a = a|0;
    b = b+0;
    var c = 0;
    c = (b + 1)|0
    return (a + c + 1)|0;

  function caller() {
    return call(1, 2)|0;

  return {caller: caller};


function TestReturnInBlock() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    if(1) {
          return 1;
    return 0;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(1, TestReturnInBlock);

function TestAddSimple() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var x = 0;
    x = (x + 1)|0;
    return x|0;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(1, TestAddSimple);

function TestWhileSimple() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var x = 0;
    while((x|0) < 5) {
      x = (x + 1)|0;
    return x|0;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(5, TestWhileSimple);

function TestWhileWithoutBraces() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var x = 0;
    while((x|0) <= 3)
      x = (x + 1)|0;
    return x|0;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(4, TestWhileWithoutBraces);

function TestReturnInWhile() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var x = 0;
    while((x|0) < 10) {
      x = (x + 6)|0;
      return x|0;
    return x|0;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(6, TestReturnInWhile);

function TestReturnInWhileWithoutBraces() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var x = 0;
    while((x|0) < 5)
      return 7;
    return x|0;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(7, TestReturnInWhileWithoutBraces);

function TestBreakInIf() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    label: {
      if(1) break label;
      return 11;
    return 12;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(12, TestBreakInIf);

function TestBreakInIfInDoWhileFalse() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    do {
      if(1) break;
      return 11;
    } while(0);
    return 12;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(12, TestBreakInIfInDoWhileFalse);

function TestBreakInElse() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    do {
      if(0) ;
      else break;
      return 14;
    } while(0);
    return 15;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(15, TestBreakInElse);

function TestBreakInWhile() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    while(1) {
    return 8;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(8, TestBreakInWhile);

function TestBreakInIfInWhile() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    while(1) {
      if (1) break;
      else break;
    return 8;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(8, TestBreakInIfInWhile);

function TestBreakInNestedWhile() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var x = 1.0;
    var ret = 0;
    while(x < 1.5) {
      x = +(x + 0.25);
    if (x == 1.5) {
      ret = 9;
    return ret|0;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(9, TestBreakInNestedWhile);

function TestBreakInBlock() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var x = 0;
    abc: {
      x = 10;
      if ((x|0) == 10) {
        break abc;
      x = 20;
    return x|0;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(10, TestBreakInBlock);

function TestBreakInNamedWhile() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var x = 0;
    outer: while (1) {
      x = (x + 1)|0;
      while ((x|0) == 11) {
        break outer;
    return x|0;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(11, TestBreakInNamedWhile);

function TestContinue() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var x = 5;
    var ret = 0;
    while ((x|0) >= 0) {
      x = (x - 1)|0;
      if ((x|0) == 2) {
      ret = (ret - 1)|0;
    return ret|0;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(-5, TestContinue);

function TestContinueInNamedWhile() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var x = 5;
    var y = 0;
    var ret = 0;
    outer: while ((x|0) > 0) {
      x = (x - 1)|0;
      y = 0;
      while ((y|0) < 5) {
        if ((x|0) == 3) {
          continue outer;
        ret = (ret + 1)|0;
        y = (y + 1)|0;
    return ret|0;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(20, TestContinueInNamedWhile);

function TestContinueInDoWhileFalse() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    do {
    } while (0);
    return 47;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(47, TestContinueInDoWhileFalse);

function TestContinueInForLoop() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var i = 0;
    for (; (i|0) < 10; i = (i+1)|0) {
    return 4711;

  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(4711, TestContinueInForLoop);

function TestNot() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var a = 0;
    a = !(2 > 3);
    return a | 0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(1, TestNot);

function TestNotEquals() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var a = 3;
    if ((a|0) != 2) {
      return 21;
    return 0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(21, TestNotEquals);

function TestUnsignedComparison() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var a = 0xffffffff;
    if ((a>>>0) > (0>>>0)) {
      return 22;
    return 0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(22, TestUnsignedComparison);

function TestMixedAdd() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var a = 0x80000000;
    var b = 0x7fffffff;
    var c = 0;
    c = ((a>>>0) + b)|0;
    if ((c >>> 0) > (0>>>0)) {
      if ((c|0) < 0) {
        return 23;
    return 0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(23, TestMixedAdd);

function TestConvertI32() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var a = 1.5;
    if ((~~(a + a)) == 3) {
      return 24;
    return 0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(24, TestConvertI32);

function TestConvertF64FromInt() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var a = 1;
    if ((+((a + a)|0)) > 1.5) {
      return 25;
    return 0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(25, TestConvertF64FromInt);

function TestConvertF64FromUnsigned() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var a = 0xffffffff;
    if ((+(a>>>0)) > 0.0) {
      if((+(a|0)) < 0.0) {
        return 26;
    return 0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(26, TestConvertF64FromUnsigned);

function TestModInt() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var a = -83;
    var b = 28;
    return ((a|0)%(b|0))|0;

  return {caller:caller};


function TestModUnsignedInt() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var a = 0x80000000;  //2147483648
    var b = 10;
    return ((a>>>0)%(b>>>0))|0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(8, TestModUnsignedInt);

function TestModDouble() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var a = 5.25;
    var b = 2.5;
    if (a%b == 0.25) {
      return 28;
    return 0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(28, TestModDouble);

function TestModDoubleNegative() {
  "use asm";

  function caller() {
    var a = -34359738368.25;
    var b = 2.5;
    if (a%b == -0.75) {
      return 28;
    return 0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(28, TestModDoubleNegative);

(function () {
function TestNamedFunctions() {
  "use asm";

  var a = 0.0;
  var b = 0.0;

  function add() {
    return +(a + b);

  function init() {
    a = 43.25;
    b = 34.25;

  return {init:init,

var module_decl = eval('(' + TestNamedFunctions.toString() + ')');
var module = module_decl(stdlib);
assertEquals(77.5, module.add());

(function () {
function TestGlobalsWithInit() {
  "use asm";

  var a = 43.25;
  var b = 34.25;

  function add() {
    return +(a + b);

  return {add:add};

var module_decl = eval('(' + TestGlobalsWithInit.toString() + ')');
var module = module_decl(stdlib);
assertEquals(77.5, module.add());

function TestForLoop() {
  "use asm"

  function caller() {
    var ret = 0;
    var i = 0;
    for (i = 2; (i|0) <= 10; i = (i+1)|0) {
      ret = (ret + i) | 0;
    return ret|0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(54, TestForLoop);

function TestForLoopWithoutInit() {
  "use asm"

  function caller() {
    var ret = 0;
    var i = 0;
    for (; (i|0) < 10; i = (i+1)|0) {
      ret = (ret + 10) | 0;
    return ret|0;

  return {caller:caller};


function TestForLoopWithoutCondition() {
  "use asm"

  function caller() {
    var ret = 0;
    var i = 0;
    for (i=1;; i = (i+1)|0) {
      ret = (ret + i) | 0;
      if ((i|0) == 11) {
    return ret|0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(66, TestForLoopWithoutCondition);

function TestForLoopWithoutNext() {
  "use asm"

  function caller() {
    var i = 0;
    for (i=1; (i|0) < 41;) {
      i = (i + 1) | 0;
    return i|0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(41, TestForLoopWithoutNext);

function TestForLoopWithoutBody() {
  "use asm"

  function caller() {
    var i = 0;
    for (i=1; (i|0) < 45 ; i = (i+1)|0) {
    return i|0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(45, TestForLoopWithoutBody);

function TestDoWhile() {
  "use asm"

  function caller() {
    var i = 0;
    var ret = 21;
    do {
      ret = (ret + ret)|0;
      i = (i + 1)|0;
    } while ((i|0) < 2);
    return ret|0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(84, TestDoWhile);

function TestConditional() {
  "use asm"

  function caller() {
    var x = 1;
    return (((x|0) > 0) ? 41 : 71)|0;

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(41, TestConditional);

function TestInitFunctionWithNoGlobals() {
  "use asm";
  function caller() {
    return 51;
  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(51, TestInitFunctionWithNoGlobals);

(function () {
function TestExportNameDifferentFromFunctionName() {
  "use asm";
  function caller() {
    return 55;
  return {alt_caller:caller};

var module_decl = eval(
  '(' + TestExportNameDifferentFromFunctionName.toString() + ')');
var module = module_decl(stdlib);
assertEquals(55, module.alt_caller());

function TestFunctionTableSingleFunction() {
  "use asm";

  function dummy() {
    return 71;

  function caller() {
    // TODO(jpp): the parser optimizes function_table[0&0] to function table[0].
    var v = 0;
    return function_table[v&0]() | 0;

  var function_table = [dummy]

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(71, TestFunctionTableSingleFunction);

function TestFunctionTableMultipleFunctions() {
  "use asm";

  function inc1(x) {
    x = x|0;
    return (x+1)|0;

  function inc2(x) {
    x = x|0;
    return (x+2)|0;

  function caller() {
    var i = 0, j = 1;
    if ((function_table[i&1](50)|0) == 51) {
      if ((function_table[j&1](60)|0) == 62) {
        return 73;
    return 0;

  var function_table = [inc1, inc2]

  return {caller:caller};

assertWasm(73, TestFunctionTableMultipleFunctions);

(function () {
function TestFunctionTable(stdlib, foreign, buffer) {
  "use asm";

  function add(a, b) {
    a = a|0;
    b = b|0;
    return (a+b)|0;

  function sub(a, b) {
    a = a|0;
    b = b|0;
    return (a-b)|0;

  function inc(a) {
    a = a|0;
    return (a+1)|0;

  function caller(table_id, fun_id, arg1, arg2) {
    table_id = table_id|0;
    fun_id = fun_id|0;
    arg1 = arg1|0;
    arg2 = arg2|0;
    if ((table_id|0) == 0) {
      return funBin[fun_id&3](arg1, arg2)|0;
    } else if ((table_id|0) == 1) {
      return fun[fun_id&0](arg1)|0;
    return 0;

  var funBin = [add, sub, sub, add];
  var fun = [inc];

  return {caller:caller};

var module = TestFunctionTable(stdlib);
assertEquals(55, module.caller(0, 0, 33, 22));
assertEquals(11, module.caller(0, 1, 33, 22));
assertEquals(9, module.caller(0, 2, 54, 45));
assertEquals(99, module.caller(0, 3, 54, 45));
assertEquals(23, module.caller(0, 4, 12, 11));
assertEquals(31, module.caller(1, 0, 30, 11));

(function TestComma() {
  function CommaModule() {
    "use asm";

    function ifunc(a, b) {
      a = +a;
      b = b | 0;
      return (a, b) | 0;

    function dfunc(a, b) {
      a = a | 0;
      b = +b;
      return +(a, b);

    return {ifunc: ifunc, dfunc: dfunc};

  var module_decl = eval('(' + CommaModule.toString() + ')');
  var m = module_decl(stdlib);
  assertEquals(123, m.ifunc(456.7, 123));
  assertEquals(123.4, m.dfunc(456, 123.4));

function TestFloatAsDouble(stdlib) {
  "use asm";
  var fround = stdlib.Math.fround;
  function func() {
    var x = fround(1.0);
    return +fround(x);
  return {caller: func};
assertWasm(1, TestFloatAsDouble);

function TestOr() {
  "use asm";
  function func() {
    var x = 1;
    var y = 2;
    return (x | y) | 0;
  return {caller: func};

assertWasm(3, TestOr);

function TestAnd() {
  "use asm";
  function func() {
    var x = 3;
    var y = 2;
    return (x & y) | 0;
  return {caller: func};

assertWasm(2, TestAnd);

function TestXor() {
  "use asm";
  function func() {
    var x = 3;
    var y = 2;
    return (x ^ y) | 0;
  return {caller: func};

assertWasm(1, TestXor);

function TestIntegerMultiplyBothWays(stdlib, foreign, heap) {
  "use asm";
  function func() {
    var a = 1;
    return (((a * 3)|0) + ((4 * a)|0)) | 0;
  return {caller: func};

assertWasm(7, TestIntegerMultiplyBothWays);

(function TestBadAssignDoubleFromIntish() {
  function Module(stdlib, foreign, heap) {
    "use asm";
    function func() {
      var a = 1;
      var b = 3.0;
      b = a;
    return {func: func};

(function TestBadAssignIntFromDouble() {
  function Module(stdlib, foreign, heap) {
    "use asm";
    function func() {
      var a = 1;
      var b = 3.0;
      a = b;
    return {func: func};

(function TestBadMultiplyIntish() {
  function Module(stdlib, foreign, heap) {
    "use asm";
    function func() {
      var a = 1;
      return ((a + a) * 4) | 0;
    return {func: func};

(function TestBadCastFromInt() {
  function Module(stdlib, foreign, heap) {
    "use asm";
    function func() {
      var a = 1;
      return +a;
    return {func: func};

function TestAndNegative() {
  "use asm";
  function func() {
    var x = 1;
    var y = 2;
    var z = 0;
    z = x + y & -1;
    return z | 0;
  return {caller: func};

assertWasm(3, TestAndNegative);

function TestNegativeDouble() {
  "use asm";
  function func() {
    var x = -34359738368.25;
    var y = -2.5;
    return +(x + y);
  return {caller: func};

assertWasm(-34359738370.75, TestNegativeDouble);

(function TestBadAndDouble() {
  function Module() {
    "use asm";
    function func() {
      var x = 1.0;
      var y = 2.0;
      return (x & y) | 0;
    return {func: func};


(function TestBadExportKey() {
  function Module() {
    "use asm";
    function func() {
    return {123: func};


// TODO(bradnelson): Technically invalid, but useful to cover unicode, revises
// and re-enable.
(function TestUnicodeExportKey() {
  function Module() {
    "use asm";
    function func() {
      return 42;
    return {"\u00d1\u00e6": func};

  var m = Module(stdlib);
  assertEquals(42, m.Ñæ());

function TestAndIntAndHeapValue(stdlib, foreign, buffer) {
  "use asm";
  var HEAP32 = new stdlib.Int32Array(buffer);
  function func() {
    var x = 0;
    x = HEAP32[0] & -1;
    return x | 0;
  return {caller: func};

assertWasm(0, TestAndIntAndHeapValue);

function TestOutOfBoundsConversion($a,$b,$c){'use asm';
  function aaa() {
    var f = 0.0;
    var a = 0;
    f = 5616315000.000001;
    a = ~~f >>>0;
    return a | 0;
  return { caller : aaa };

assertWasm(1321347704, TestOutOfBoundsConversion);

(function TestUnsignedLiterals() {
  function asmModule() {
    "use asm";
    function u0xffffffff() {
      var f = 0xffffffff;
      return +(f >>> 0);
    function u0x80000000() {
      var f = 0x80000000;
      return +(f >>> 0);
    function u0x87654321() {
      var f = 0x87654321;
      return +(f >>> 0);
    return {
      u0xffffffff: u0xffffffff,
      u0x80000000: u0x80000000,
      u0x87654321: u0x87654321,
  var decl = eval('(' + asmModule.toString() + ')');
  var wasm = decl(stdlib);
  assertEquals(0xffffffff, wasm.u0xffffffff());
  assertEquals(0x80000000, wasm.u0x80000000());
  assertEquals(0x87654321, wasm.u0x87654321());

function TestIfWithUnsigned() {
  "use asm";
  function main() {
    if (2147483658) { // 2^31 + 10
      return 231;
    return 0;
  return {caller:main};

assertWasm(231, TestIfWithUnsigned);

function TestLoopsWithUnsigned() {
  "use asm";
  function main() {
    var val = 1;
    var count = 0;
    for (val = 2147483648; 2147483648;) {
      val = 2147483649;
    while (val>>>0) {
      val = (val + 1) | 0;
      count = (count + 1)|0;
      if ((count|0) == 9) {
    count = 0;
    do {
      val = (val + 2) | 0;
      count = (count + 1)|0;
      if ((count|0) == 5) {
    } while (0xffffffff);
    if ((val>>>0) == 2147483668) {
      return 323;
    return 0;
  return {caller:main};

assertWasm(323, TestLoopsWithUnsigned);

function TestSingleFunctionModule() {
  "use asm";
  function add(a, b) {
    a = a | 0;
    b = b | 0;
    return (a + b) | 0;
  return add;

assertEquals(7, TestSingleFunctionModule()(3, 4));

function TestNotZero() {
  "use asm";
  function caller() {
    if (!0) {
      return 44;
    } else {
      return 55;
    return 0;
  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(44, TestNotZero);

function TestNotOne() {
  "use asm";
  function caller() {
    if (!1) {
      return 44;
    } else {
      return 55;
    return 0;
  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(55, TestNotOne);

function TestDotfulFloat(stdlib) {
  "use asm";
  var fround = stdlib.Math.fround;
  var foo = fround(55.0);
  function caller() {
    return +foo;
  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(55, TestDotfulFloat);

function TestDotfulLocalFloat(stdlib) {
  "use asm";
  var fround = stdlib.Math.fround;
  function caller() {
    var foo = fround(55.0);
    return +foo;
  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(55, TestDotfulLocalFloat);

function TestDotlessFloat(stdlib) {
  "use asm";
  var fround = stdlib.Math.fround;
  var foo = fround(55);
  function caller() {
    return +foo;
  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(55, TestDotlessFloat);

function TestDotlessLocalFloat(stdlib) {
  "use asm";
  var fround = stdlib.Math.fround;
  function caller() {
    var foo = fround(55);
    return +foo;
  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(55, TestDotlessLocalFloat);

function TestFloatGlobals(stdlib) {
  "use asm";
  var fround = stdlib.Math.fround;
  var foo = fround(1.25);
  function caller() {
    foo = fround(foo + fround(1.0));
    foo = fround(foo + fround(1.0));
    return +foo;
  return {caller: caller};

assertWasm(3.25, TestFloatGlobals);

(function TestExportTwice() {
  function asmModule() {
    "use asm";
    function foo() {
      return 42;
    return {bar: foo, baz: foo};
  var m = asmModule();
  assertEquals(42, m.bar());
  assertEquals(42, m.baz());

(function TestGenerator() {
  function* asmModule() {
    "use asm";
    function foo() {
      return 42;
    return {foo: foo};

(function TestAsyncFunction() {
  async function asmModule() {
    "use asm";
    function foo() {
      return 42;
    return {foo: foo};