// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_OBJECTS_SCOPE_INFO_H_ #define V8_OBJECTS_SCOPE_INFO_H_ #include "src/common/globals.h" #include "src/objects/fixed-array.h" #include "src/objects/function-kind.h" #include "src/objects/objects.h" #include "src/utils/utils.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest_prod.h" // nogncheck #include "torque-generated/bit-fields.h" // Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards): #include "src/objects/object-macros.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { template <typename T> class Handle; class Isolate; template <typename T> class MaybeHandle; class SourceTextModuleInfo; class Scope; class StringSet; class Zone; // ScopeInfo represents information about different scopes of a source // program and the allocation of the scope's variables. Scope information // is stored in a compressed form in ScopeInfo objects and is used // at runtime (stack dumps, deoptimization, etc.). // This object provides quick access to scope info details for runtime // routines. class ScopeInfo : public FixedArray { public: DEFINE_TORQUE_GENERATED_SCOPE_FLAGS() DECL_CAST(ScopeInfo) DECL_PRINTER(ScopeInfo) // Return the type of this scope. ScopeType scope_type() const; // Return the language mode of this scope. LanguageMode language_mode() const; // True if this scope is a (var) declaration scope. bool is_declaration_scope() const; // True if this scope is a class scope. bool is_class_scope() const; // Does this scope make a sloppy eval call? bool SloppyEvalCanExtendVars() const; // Return the number of context slots for code if a context is allocated. This // number consists of three parts: // 1. Size of header for every context. // 2. One context slot per context allocated local. // 3. One context slot for the function name if it is context allocated. // Parameters allocated in the context count as context allocated locals. If // no contexts are allocated for this scope ContextLength returns 0. int ContextLength() const; int ContextHeaderLength() const; bool HasContextExtensionSlot() const; // Does this scope declare a "this" binding? bool HasReceiver() const; // Does this scope declare a "this" binding, and the "this" binding is stack- // or context-allocated? bool HasAllocatedReceiver() const; // Does this scope has class brand (for private methods)? bool HasClassBrand() const; // Does this scope contains a saved class variable context local slot index // for checking receivers of static private methods? bool HasSavedClassVariableIndex() const; // Does this scope declare a "new.target" binding? bool HasNewTarget() const; // Is this scope the scope of a named function expression? V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool HasFunctionName() const; // See SharedFunctionInfo::HasSharedName. V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool HasSharedFunctionName() const; V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool HasInferredFunctionName() const; void SetFunctionName(Object name); void SetInferredFunctionName(String name); // Does this scope belong to a function? bool HasPositionInfo() const; // Return if contexts are allocated for this scope. bool HasContext() const; // Return if this is a function scope with "use asm". inline bool IsAsmModule() const; inline bool HasSimpleParameters() const; // Return the function_name if present. V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Object FunctionName() const; // The function's name if it is non-empty, otherwise the inferred name or an // empty string. String FunctionDebugName() const; // Return the function's inferred name if present. // See SharedFunctionInfo::function_identifier. V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Object InferredFunctionName() const; // Position information accessors. int StartPosition() const; int EndPosition() const; void SetPositionInfo(int start, int end); SourceTextModuleInfo ModuleDescriptorInfo() const; // Return the name of the given context local. String ContextLocalName(int var) const; // Return the mode of the given context local. VariableMode ContextLocalMode(int var) const; // Return whether the given context local variable is static. IsStaticFlag ContextLocalIsStaticFlag(int var) const; // Return the initialization flag of the given context local. InitializationFlag ContextLocalInitFlag(int var) const; bool ContextLocalIsParameter(int var) const; uint32_t ContextLocalParameterNumber(int var) const; // Return the initialization flag of the given context local. MaybeAssignedFlag ContextLocalMaybeAssignedFlag(int var) const; // Return true if this local was introduced by the compiler, and should not be // exposed to the user in a debugger. static bool VariableIsSynthetic(String name); // Lookup support for serialized scope info. Returns the local context slot // index for a given slot name if the slot is present; otherwise // returns a value < 0. The name must be an internalized string. // If the slot is present and mode != nullptr, sets *mode to the corresponding // mode for that variable. static int ContextSlotIndex(ScopeInfo scope_info, String name, VariableMode* mode, InitializationFlag* init_flag, MaybeAssignedFlag* maybe_assigned_flag, IsStaticFlag* is_static_flag); // Lookup metadata of a MODULE-allocated variable. Return 0 if there is no // module variable with the given name (the index value of a MODULE variable // is never 0). int ModuleIndex(String name, VariableMode* mode, InitializationFlag* init_flag, MaybeAssignedFlag* maybe_assigned_flag); // Lookup support for serialized scope info. Returns the function context // slot index if the function name is present and context-allocated (named // function expressions, only), otherwise returns a value < 0. The name // must be an internalized string. int FunctionContextSlotIndex(String name) const; // Lookup support for serialized scope info. Returns the receiver context // slot index if scope has a "this" binding, and the binding is // context-allocated. Otherwise returns a value < 0. int ReceiverContextSlotIndex() const; // Lookup support for serialized scope info. Returns the index of the // saved class variable in context local slots if scope is a class scope // and it contains static private methods that may be accessed. // Otherwise returns a value < 0. int SavedClassVariableContextLocalIndex() const; FunctionKind function_kind() const; // Returns true if this ScopeInfo is linked to a outer ScopeInfo. bool HasOuterScopeInfo() const; // Returns true if this ScopeInfo was created for a debug-evaluate scope. bool IsDebugEvaluateScope() const; // Can be used to mark a ScopeInfo that looks like a with-scope as actually // being a debug-evaluate scope. void SetIsDebugEvaluateScope(); // Return the outer ScopeInfo if present. ScopeInfo OuterScopeInfo() const; bool is_script_scope() const; // Returns true if this ScopeInfo has a blocklist attached containing stack // allocated local variables. V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool HasLocalsBlockList() const; // Returns a list of stack-allocated locals of parent scopes. // Used during local debug-evalute to decide whether a context lookup // can continue upwards after checking this scope. V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE StringSet LocalsBlockList() const; // Returns true if this ScopeInfo was created for a scope that skips the // closest outer class when resolving private names. bool PrivateNameLookupSkipsOuterClass() const; // REPL mode scopes allow re-declaraction of let variables. They come from // debug evaluate but are different to IsDebugEvaluateScope(). bool IsReplModeScope() const; #ifdef DEBUG bool Equals(ScopeInfo other) const; #endif template <typename LocalIsolate> static Handle<ScopeInfo> Create(LocalIsolate* isolate, Zone* zone, Scope* scope, MaybeHandle<ScopeInfo> outer_scope); static Handle<ScopeInfo> CreateForWithScope( Isolate* isolate, MaybeHandle<ScopeInfo> outer_scope); V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Handle<ScopeInfo> CreateForEmptyFunction( Isolate* isolate); static Handle<ScopeInfo> CreateForNativeContext(Isolate* isolate); static Handle<ScopeInfo> CreateGlobalThisBinding(Isolate* isolate); // Creates a copy of a {ScopeInfo} but with the provided locals blocklist // attached. Does nothing if the original {ScopeInfo} already has a field // for a blocklist reserved. V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Handle<ScopeInfo> RecreateWithBlockList( Isolate* isolate, Handle<ScopeInfo> original, Handle<StringSet> blocklist); // Serializes empty scope info. V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static ScopeInfo Empty(Isolate* isolate); // The layout of the static part of a ScopeInfo is as follows. Each entry is // numeric and occupies one array slot. // 1. A set of properties of the scope. // 2. The number of parameters. For non-function scopes this is 0. // 3. The number of non-parameter and parameter variables allocated in the // context. #define FOR_EACH_SCOPE_INFO_NUMERIC_FIELD(V) \ V(Flags) \ V(ParameterCount) \ V(ContextLocalCount) #define FIELD_ACCESSORS(name) \ inline void Set##name(int value); \ inline int name() const; FOR_EACH_SCOPE_INFO_NUMERIC_FIELD(FIELD_ACCESSORS) #undef FIELD_ACCESSORS enum Fields { #define DECL_INDEX(name) k##name, FOR_EACH_SCOPE_INFO_NUMERIC_FIELD(DECL_INDEX) #undef DECL_INDEX kVariablePartIndex }; static const int kFlagsOffset = OffsetOfElementAt(Fields::kFlags); STATIC_ASSERT(LanguageModeSize == 1 << LanguageModeBit::kSize); STATIC_ASSERT(kLastFunctionKind <= FunctionKindBits::kMax); bool IsEmpty() const; private: // The layout of the variable part of a ScopeInfo is as follows: // 1. ContextLocalNames: // Contains the names of local variables and parameters that are allocated // in the context. They are stored in increasing order of the context slot // index starting with Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS. One slot is used per // context local, so in total this part occupies ContextLocalCount() slots // in the array. // 2. ContextLocalInfos: // Contains the variable modes and initialization flags corresponding to // the context locals in ContextLocalNames. One slot is used per // context local, so in total this part occupies ContextLocalCount() // slots in the array. // 3. SavedClassVariableInfo: // If the scope is a class scope and it has static private methods that // may be accessed directly or through eval, one slot is reserved to hold // the context slot index for the class variable. // 4. ReceiverInfo: // If the scope binds a "this" value, one slot is reserved to hold the // context or stack slot index for the variable. // 5. FunctionNameInfo: // If the scope belongs to a named function expression this part contains // information about the function variable. It always occupies two array // slots: a. The name of the function variable. // b. The context or stack slot index for the variable. // 6. InferredFunctionName: // Contains the function's inferred name. // 7. SourcePosition: // Contains two slots with a) the startPosition and b) the endPosition if // the scope belongs to a function or script. // 8. OuterScopeInfoIndex: // The outer scope's ScopeInfo or the hole if there's none. // 9. LocalsBlockList: List of stack allocated local variables. Used by // debug evaluate to properly abort variable lookup when a name clashes // with a stack allocated local that can't be materialized. // 10. SourceTextModuleInfo, ModuleVariableCount, and ModuleVariables: // For a module scope, this part contains the SourceTextModuleInfo, the // number of MODULE-allocated variables, and the metadata of those // variables. For non-module scopes it is empty. int ContextLocalNamesIndex() const; int ContextLocalInfosIndex() const; int SavedClassVariableInfoIndex() const; int ReceiverInfoIndex() const; int FunctionNameInfoIndex() const; int InferredFunctionNameIndex() const; int PositionInfoIndex() const; int OuterScopeInfoIndex() const; V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE int LocalsBlockListIndex() const; int ModuleInfoIndex() const; int ModuleVariableCountIndex() const; int ModuleVariablesIndex() const; static bool NeedsPositionInfo(ScopeType type); enum class BootstrappingType { kScript, kFunction, kNative }; static Handle<ScopeInfo> CreateForBootstrapping(Isolate* isolate, BootstrappingType type); int Lookup(Handle<String> name, int start, int end, VariableMode* mode, VariableLocation* location, InitializationFlag* init_flag, MaybeAssignedFlag* maybe_assigned_flag); // Get metadata of i-th MODULE-allocated variable, where 0 <= i < // ModuleVariableCount. The metadata is returned via out-arguments, which may // be nullptr if the corresponding information is not requested void ModuleVariable(int i, String* name, int* index, VariableMode* mode = nullptr, InitializationFlag* init_flag = nullptr, MaybeAssignedFlag* maybe_assigned_flag = nullptr); static const int kFunctionNameEntries = 2; static const int kPositionInfoEntries = 2; // Hide an inherited member function to ensure that callers have been updated // to use IsEmpty instead. using FixedArray::length; // Properties of variables. using VariableModeField = base::BitField<VariableMode, 0, 4>; using InitFlagField = VariableModeField::Next<InitializationFlag, 1>; using MaybeAssignedFlagField = InitFlagField::Next<MaybeAssignedFlag, 1>; using ParameterNumberField = MaybeAssignedFlagField::Next<uint32_t, 16>; using IsStaticFlagField = ParameterNumberField::Next<IsStaticFlag, 1>; friend class ScopeIterator; friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, VariableAllocationInfo var); OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS(ScopeInfo, FixedArray); FRIEND_TEST(TestWithNativeContext, RecreateScopeInfoWithLocalsBlocklistWorks); }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, VariableAllocationInfo var); } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h" #endif // V8_OBJECTS_SCOPE_INFO_H_