// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/torque/cc-generator.h" #include "src/common/globals.h" #include "src/torque/global-context.h" #include "src/torque/type-oracle.h" #include "src/torque/types.h" #include "src/torque/utils.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace torque { base::Optional<Stack<std::string>> CCGenerator::EmitGraph( Stack<std::string> parameters) { for (BottomOffset i = {0}; i < parameters.AboveTop(); ++i) { SetDefinitionVariable(DefinitionLocation::Parameter(i.offset), parameters.Peek(i)); } // Redirect the output of non-declarations into a buffer and only output // declarations right away. std::stringstream out_buffer; std::ostream* old_out = out_; out_ = &out_buffer; EmitInstruction(GotoInstruction{cfg_.start()}, ¶meters); for (Block* block : cfg_.blocks()) { if (cfg_.end() && *cfg_.end() == block) continue; if (block->IsDead()) continue; EmitBlock(block); } base::Optional<Stack<std::string>> result; if (cfg_.end()) { result = EmitBlock(*cfg_.end()); } // All declarations have been printed now, so we can append the buffered // output and redirect back to the original output stream. out_ = old_out; out() << out_buffer.str(); return result; } Stack<std::string> CCGenerator::EmitBlock(const Block* block) { out() << "\n"; out() << " " << BlockName(block) << ":\n"; Stack<std::string> stack; for (BottomOffset i = {0}; i < block->InputTypes().AboveTop(); ++i) { const auto& def = block->InputDefinitions().Peek(i); stack.Push(DefinitionToVariable(def)); if (def.IsPhiFromBlock(block)) { decls() << " " << (is_cc_debug_ ? block->InputTypes().Peek(i)->GetDebugType() : block->InputTypes().Peek(i)->GetRuntimeType()) << " " << stack.Top() << "{}; USE(" << stack.Top() << ");\n"; } } for (const Instruction& instruction : block->instructions()) { TorqueCodeGenerator::EmitInstruction(instruction, &stack); } return stack; } void CCGenerator::EmitSourcePosition(SourcePosition pos, bool always_emit) { const std::string& file = SourceFileMap::AbsolutePath(pos.source); if (always_emit || !previous_position_.CompareStartIgnoreColumn(pos)) { // Lines in Torque SourcePositions are zero-based, while the // CodeStubAssembler and downwind systems are one-based. out() << " // " << file << ":" << (pos.start.line + 1) << "\n"; previous_position_ = pos; } } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction( const PushUninitializedInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { ReportError("Not supported in C++ output: PushUninitialized"); } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction( const PushBuiltinPointerInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { ReportError("Not supported in C++ output: PushBuiltinPointer"); } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction( const NamespaceConstantInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { ReportError("Not supported in C++ output: NamespaceConstantInstruction"); } std::vector<std::string> CCGenerator::ProcessArgumentsCommon( const TypeVector& parameter_types, std::vector<std::string> constexpr_arguments, Stack<std::string>* stack) { std::vector<std::string> args; for (auto it = parameter_types.rbegin(); it != parameter_types.rend(); ++it) { const Type* type = *it; VisitResult arg; if (type->IsConstexpr()) { args.push_back(std::move(constexpr_arguments.back())); constexpr_arguments.pop_back(); } else { std::stringstream s; size_t slot_count = LoweredSlotCount(type); VisitResult arg = VisitResult(type, stack->TopRange(slot_count)); EmitCCValue(arg, *stack, s); args.push_back(s.str()); stack->PopMany(slot_count); } } std::reverse(args.begin(), args.end()); return args; } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const CallIntrinsicInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { TypeVector parameter_types = instruction.intrinsic->signature().parameter_types.types; std::vector<std::string> args = ProcessArgumentsCommon( parameter_types, instruction.constexpr_arguments, stack); Stack<std::string> pre_call_stack = *stack; const Type* return_type = instruction.intrinsic->signature().return_type; std::vector<std::string> results; const auto lowered = LowerType(return_type); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lowered.size(); ++i) { results.push_back(DefinitionToVariable(instruction.GetValueDefinition(i))); stack->Push(results.back()); decls() << " " << (is_cc_debug_ ? lowered[i]->GetDebugType() : lowered[i]->GetRuntimeType()) << " " << stack->Top() << "{}; USE(" << stack->Top() << ");\n"; } out() << " "; if (return_type->StructSupertype()) { out() << "std::tie("; PrintCommaSeparatedList(out(), results); out() << ") = "; } else { if (results.size() == 1) { out() << results[0] << " = "; } } if (instruction.intrinsic->ExternalName() == "%RawDownCast") { if (parameter_types.size() != 1) { ReportError("%RawDownCast must take a single parameter"); } const Type* original_type = parameter_types[0]; bool is_subtype = return_type->IsSubtypeOf(original_type) || (original_type == TypeOracle::GetUninitializedHeapObjectType() && return_type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetHeapObjectType())); if (!is_subtype) { ReportError("%RawDownCast error: ", *return_type, " is not a subtype of ", *original_type); } if (!original_type->StructSupertype() && return_type->GetRuntimeType() != original_type->GetRuntimeType()) { out() << "static_cast<" << return_type->GetRuntimeType() << ">"; } } else if (instruction.intrinsic->ExternalName() == "%GetClassMapConstant") { ReportError("C++ generator doesn't yet support %GetClassMapConstant"); } else if (instruction.intrinsic->ExternalName() == "%FromConstexpr") { if (parameter_types.size() != 1 || !parameter_types[0]->IsConstexpr()) { ReportError( "%FromConstexpr must take a single parameter with constexpr " "type"); } if (return_type->IsConstexpr()) { ReportError("%FromConstexpr must return a non-constexpr type"); } if (return_type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetSmiType())) { if (is_cc_debug_) { out() << "Internals::IntToSmi"; } else { out() << "Smi::FromInt"; } } // Wrap the raw constexpr value in a static_cast to ensure that // enums get properly casted to their backing integral value. out() << "(CastToUnderlyingTypeIfEnum"; } else { ReportError("no built in intrinsic with name " + instruction.intrinsic->ExternalName()); } out() << "("; PrintCommaSeparatedList(out(), args); if (instruction.intrinsic->ExternalName() == "%FromConstexpr") { out() << ")"; } out() << ");\n"; } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const CallCsaMacroInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { TypeVector parameter_types = instruction.macro->signature().parameter_types.types; std::vector<std::string> args = ProcessArgumentsCommon( parameter_types, instruction.constexpr_arguments, stack); Stack<std::string> pre_call_stack = *stack; const Type* return_type = instruction.macro->signature().return_type; std::vector<std::string> results; const auto lowered = LowerType(return_type); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lowered.size(); ++i) { results.push_back(DefinitionToVariable(instruction.GetValueDefinition(i))); stack->Push(results.back()); decls() << " " << (is_cc_debug_ ? lowered[i]->GetDebugType() : lowered[i]->GetRuntimeType()) << " " << stack->Top() << "{}; USE(" << stack->Top() << ");\n"; } // We should have inlined any calls requiring complex control flow. CHECK(!instruction.catch_block); out() << (is_cc_debug_ ? " ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(" : " "); if (return_type->StructSupertype().has_value()) { out() << "std::tie("; PrintCommaSeparatedList(out(), results); out() << (is_cc_debug_ ? "), " : ") = "); } else { if (results.size() == 1) { out() << results[0] << (is_cc_debug_ ? ", " : " = "); } else { DCHECK_EQ(0, results.size()); } } if (is_cc_debug_) { out() << instruction.macro->CCDebugName() << "(accessor"; if (!args.empty()) out() << ", "; } else { out() << instruction.macro->CCName() << "("; } PrintCommaSeparatedList(out(), args); if (is_cc_debug_) { out() << "));\n"; } else { out() << ");\n"; } } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction( const CallCsaMacroAndBranchInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { ReportError("Not supported in C++ output: CallCsaMacroAndBranch"); } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const MakeLazyNodeInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { ReportError("Not supported in C++ output: MakeLazyNode"); } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const CallBuiltinInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { ReportError("Not supported in C++ output: CallBuiltin"); } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction( const CallBuiltinPointerInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { ReportError("Not supported in C++ output: CallBuiltinPointer"); } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const CallRuntimeInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { ReportError("Not supported in C++ output: CallRuntime"); } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const BranchInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { out() << " if (" << stack->Pop() << ") {\n"; EmitGoto(instruction.if_true, stack, " "); out() << " } else {\n"; EmitGoto(instruction.if_false, stack, " "); out() << " }\n"; } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const ConstexprBranchInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { out() << " if ((" << instruction.condition << ")) {\n"; EmitGoto(instruction.if_true, stack, " "); out() << " } else {\n"; EmitGoto(instruction.if_false, stack, " "); out() << " }\n"; } void CCGenerator::EmitGoto(const Block* destination, Stack<std::string>* stack, std::string indentation) { const auto& destination_definitions = destination->InputDefinitions(); DCHECK_EQ(stack->Size(), destination_definitions.Size()); for (BottomOffset i = {0}; i < stack->AboveTop(); ++i) { DefinitionLocation def = destination_definitions.Peek(i); if (def.IsPhiFromBlock(destination)) { out() << indentation << DefinitionToVariable(def) << " = " << stack->Peek(i) << ";\n"; } } out() << indentation << "goto " << BlockName(destination) << ";\n"; } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const GotoInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { EmitGoto(instruction.destination, stack, " "); } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const GotoExternalInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { ReportError("Not supported in C++ output: GotoExternal"); } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const ReturnInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { ReportError("Not supported in C++ output: Return"); } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction( const PrintConstantStringInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { out() << " std::cout << " << StringLiteralQuote(instruction.message) << ";\n"; } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const AbortInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { switch (instruction.kind) { case AbortInstruction::Kind::kUnreachable: DCHECK(instruction.message.empty()); out() << " UNREACHABLE();\n"; break; case AbortInstruction::Kind::kDebugBreak: DCHECK(instruction.message.empty()); out() << " base::OS::DebugBreak();\n"; break; case AbortInstruction::Kind::kAssertionFailure: { std::string file = StringLiteralQuote( SourceFileMap::PathFromV8Root(instruction.pos.source)); out() << " CHECK(false, \"Failed Torque assertion: '\"" << StringLiteralQuote(instruction.message) << "\"' at \"" << file << "\":\"" << StringLiteralQuote( std::to_string(instruction.pos.start.line + 1)) << ");\n"; break; } } } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const UnsafeCastInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { const std::string str = "static_cast<" + instruction.destination_type->GetRuntimeType() + ">(" + stack->Top() + ")"; stack->Poke(stack->AboveTop() - 1, str); SetDefinitionVariable(instruction.GetValueDefinition(), str); } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const LoadReferenceInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { std::string result_name = DefinitionToVariable(instruction.GetValueDefinition()); std::string offset = stack->Pop(); std::string object = stack->Pop(); stack->Push(result_name); if (!is_cc_debug_) { std::string result_type = instruction.type->GetRuntimeType(); decls() << " " << result_type << " " << result_name << "{}; USE(" << result_name << ");\n"; out() << " " << result_name << " = "; if (instruction.type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetTaggedType())) { // Currently, all of the tagged loads we emit are for smi values, so there // is no point in providing an PtrComprCageBase. If at some point we start // emitting loads for tagged fields which might be HeapObjects, then we // should plumb an PtrComprCageBase through the generated functions that // need it. if (!instruction.type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetSmiType())) { Error( "Not supported in C++ output: LoadReference on non-smi tagged " "value"); } // References and slices can cause some values to have the Torque type // HeapObject|TaggedZeroPattern, which is output as "Object". TaggedField // requires HeapObject, so we need a cast. out() << "TaggedField<" << result_type << ">::load(*static_cast<HeapObject*>(&" << object << "), static_cast<int>(" << offset << "));\n"; } else { out() << "(" << object << ").ReadField<" << result_type << ">(" << offset << ");\n"; } } else { std::string result_type = instruction.type->GetDebugType(); decls() << " " << result_type << " " << result_name << "{}; USE(" << result_name << ");\n"; if (instruction.type->IsSubtypeOf(TypeOracle::GetTaggedType())) { out() << " READ_TAGGED_FIELD_OR_FAIL(" << result_name << ", accessor, " << object << ", static_cast<int>(" << offset << "));\n"; } else { out() << " READ_FIELD_OR_FAIL(" << result_type << ", " << result_name << ", accessor, " << object << ", " << offset << ");\n"; } } } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const StoreReferenceInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { ReportError("Not supported in C++ output: StoreReference"); } namespace { std::string GetBitFieldSpecialization(const Type* container, const BitField& field) { std::stringstream stream; stream << "base::BitField<" << field.name_and_type.type->GetConstexprGeneratedTypeName() << ", " << field.offset << ", " << field.num_bits << ", " << container->GetConstexprGeneratedTypeName() << ">"; return stream.str(); } } // namespace void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const LoadBitFieldInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { std::string result_name = DefinitionToVariable(instruction.GetValueDefinition()); std::string bit_field_struct = stack->Pop(); stack->Push(result_name); const Type* struct_type = instruction.bit_field_struct_type; decls() << " " << instruction.bit_field.name_and_type.type->GetRuntimeType() << " " << result_name << "{}; USE(" << result_name << ");\n"; base::Optional<const Type*> smi_tagged_type = Type::MatchUnaryGeneric(struct_type, TypeOracle::GetSmiTaggedGeneric()); if (smi_tagged_type) { // Get the untagged value and its type. if (is_cc_debug_) { bit_field_struct = "Internals::SmiValue(" + bit_field_struct + ")"; } else { bit_field_struct = bit_field_struct + ".value()"; } struct_type = *smi_tagged_type; } out() << " " << result_name << " = CastToUnderlyingTypeIfEnum(" << GetBitFieldSpecialization(struct_type, instruction.bit_field) << "::decode(" << bit_field_struct << "));\n"; } void CCGenerator::EmitInstruction(const StoreBitFieldInstruction& instruction, Stack<std::string>* stack) { ReportError("Not supported in C++ output: StoreBitField"); } namespace { void CollectAllFields(const VisitResult& result, const Stack<std::string>& values, std::vector<std::string>& all_fields) { if (!result.IsOnStack()) { all_fields.push_back(result.constexpr_value()); } else if (auto struct_type = result.type()->StructSupertype()) { for (const Field& field : (*struct_type)->fields()) { CollectAllFields(ProjectStructField(result, field.name_and_type.name), values, all_fields); } } else { DCHECK_EQ(1, result.stack_range().Size()); all_fields.push_back(values.Peek(result.stack_range().begin())); } } } // namespace // static void CCGenerator::EmitCCValue(VisitResult result, const Stack<std::string>& values, std::ostream& out) { std::vector<std::string> all_fields; CollectAllFields(result, values, all_fields); if (all_fields.size() == 1) { out << all_fields[0]; } else { out << "std::make_tuple("; PrintCommaSeparatedList(out, all_fields); out << ")"; } } } // namespace torque } // namespace internal } // namespace v8