// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_TORQUE_DECLARABLE_H_ #define V8_TORQUE_DECLARABLE_H_ #include <cassert> #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include "src/base/functional.h" #include "src/base/logging.h" #include "src/torque/ast.h" #include "src/torque/types.h" #include "src/torque/utils.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace torque { class Scope; class Namespace; DECLARE_CONTEXTUAL_VARIABLE(CurrentScope, Scope*); struct QualifiedName { std::vector<std::string> namespace_qualification; std::string name; QualifiedName(std::vector<std::string> namespace_qualification, std::string name) : namespace_qualification(std::move(namespace_qualification)), name(std::move(name)) {} explicit QualifiedName(std::string name) : QualifiedName({}, std::move(name)) {} friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const QualifiedName& name); }; class Declarable { public: virtual ~Declarable() = default; enum Kind { kNamespace, kMacro, kMethod, kBuiltin, kRuntimeFunction, kIntrinsic, kGeneric, kTypeAlias, kExternConstant, kNamespaceConstant }; Kind kind() const { return kind_; } bool IsNamespace() const { return kind() == kNamespace; } bool IsMacro() const { return kind() == kMacro || kind() == kMethod; } bool IsMethod() const { return kind() == kMethod; } bool IsIntrinsic() const { return kind() == kIntrinsic; } bool IsBuiltin() const { return kind() == kBuiltin; } bool IsRuntimeFunction() const { return kind() == kRuntimeFunction; } bool IsGeneric() const { return kind() == kGeneric; } bool IsTypeAlias() const { return kind() == kTypeAlias; } bool IsExternConstant() const { return kind() == kExternConstant; } bool IsNamespaceConstant() const { return kind() == kNamespaceConstant; } bool IsValue() const { return IsExternConstant() || IsNamespaceConstant(); } bool IsScope() const { return IsNamespace() || IsCallable(); } bool IsCallable() const { return IsMacro() || IsBuiltin() || IsRuntimeFunction() || IsIntrinsic() || IsMethod(); } virtual const char* type_name() const { return "<<unknown>>"; } Scope* ParentScope() const { return parent_scope_; } // The SourcePosition of the whole declarable. For example, for a macro // this will encompass not only the signature, but also the body. SourcePosition Position() const { return position_; } void SetPosition(const SourcePosition& position) { position_ = position; } // The SourcePosition of the identifying name of the declarable. For example, // for a macro this will be the SourcePosition of the name. // Note that this SourcePosition might not make sense for all kinds of // declarables, in that case, the default SourcePosition is returned. SourcePosition IdentifierPosition() const { return identifier_position_.source.IsValid() ? identifier_position_ : position_; } void SetIdentifierPosition(const SourcePosition& position) { identifier_position_ = position; } bool IsUserDefined() const { return is_user_defined_; } void SetIsUserDefined(bool is_user_defined) { is_user_defined_ = is_user_defined; } protected: explicit Declarable(Kind kind) : kind_(kind) {} private: const Kind kind_; Scope* const parent_scope_ = CurrentScope::Get(); SourcePosition position_ = CurrentSourcePosition::Get(); SourcePosition identifier_position_ = SourcePosition::Invalid(); bool is_user_defined_ = true; }; #define DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(x, y) \ static x* cast(Declarable* declarable) { \ DCHECK(declarable->Is##x()); \ return static_cast<x*>(declarable); \ } \ static const x* cast(const Declarable* declarable) { \ DCHECK(declarable->Is##x()); \ return static_cast<const x*>(declarable); \ } \ const char* type_name() const override { return #y; } \ static x* DynamicCast(Declarable* declarable) { \ if (!declarable) return nullptr; \ if (!declarable->Is##x()) return nullptr; \ return static_cast<x*>(declarable); \ } \ static const x* DynamicCast(const Declarable* declarable) { \ if (!declarable) return nullptr; \ if (!declarable->Is##x()) return nullptr; \ return static_cast<const x*>(declarable); \ } class Scope : public Declarable { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Scope, scope) explicit Scope(Declarable::Kind kind) : Declarable(kind) {} std::vector<Declarable*> LookupShallow(const QualifiedName& name) { if (name.namespace_qualification.empty()) return declarations_[name.name]; Scope* child = nullptr; for (Declarable* declarable : declarations_[name.namespace_qualification.front()]) { if (Scope* scope = Scope::DynamicCast(declarable)) { if (child != nullptr) { ReportError("ambiguous reference to scope ", name.namespace_qualification.front()); } child = scope; } } if (child == nullptr) return {}; return child->LookupShallow( QualifiedName({name.namespace_qualification.begin() + 1, name.namespace_qualification.end()}, name.name)); } std::vector<Declarable*> Lookup(const QualifiedName& name) { std::vector<Declarable*> result; if (ParentScope()) { result = ParentScope()->Lookup(name); } for (Declarable* declarable : LookupShallow(name)) { result.push_back(declarable); } return result; } template <class T> T* AddDeclarable(const std::string& name, T* declarable) { declarations_[name].push_back(declarable); return declarable; } private: std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<Declarable*>> declarations_; }; class Namespace : public Scope { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Namespace, namespace) explicit Namespace(const std::string& name) : Scope(Declarable::kNamespace), name_(name) {} const std::string& name() const { return name_; } std::string ExternalName() const { return "TorqueGenerated" + CamelifyString(name()) + "BuiltinsAssembler"; } bool IsDefaultNamespace() const; bool IsTestNamespace() const; std::ostream& source_stream() { return source_stream_; } std::ostream& header_stream() { return header_stream_; } std::string source() { return source_stream_.str(); } std::string header() { return header_stream_.str(); } private: std::string name_; std::stringstream header_stream_; std::stringstream source_stream_; }; inline Namespace* CurrentNamespace() { Scope* scope = CurrentScope::Get(); while (true) { if (Namespace* n = Namespace::DynamicCast(scope)) { return n; } scope = scope->ParentScope(); } } class Value : public Declarable { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Value, value) const Identifier* name() const { return name_; } virtual bool IsConst() const { return true; } VisitResult value() const { return *value_; } const Type* type() const { return type_; } void set_value(VisitResult value) { DCHECK(!value_); value_ = value; } protected: Value(Kind kind, const Type* type, Identifier* name) : Declarable(kind), type_(type), name_(name) {} private: const Type* type_; Identifier* name_; base::Optional<VisitResult> value_; }; class NamespaceConstant : public Value { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(NamespaceConstant, constant) Expression* body() { return body_; } std::string ExternalAssemblerName() const { return Namespace::cast(ParentScope())->ExternalName(); } private: friend class Declarations; explicit NamespaceConstant(Identifier* constant_name, const Type* type, Expression* body) : Value(Declarable::kNamespaceConstant, type, constant_name), body_(body) {} Expression* body_; }; class ExternConstant : public Value { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(ExternConstant, constant) private: friend class Declarations; explicit ExternConstant(Identifier* name, const Type* type, std::string value) : Value(Declarable::kExternConstant, type, name) { set_value(VisitResult(type, std::move(value))); } }; class Callable : public Scope { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Callable, callable) const std::string& ExternalName() const { return external_name_; } const std::string& ReadableName() const { return readable_name_; } const Signature& signature() const { return signature_; } const NameVector& parameter_names() const { return signature_.parameter_names; } bool HasReturnValue() const { return !signature_.return_type->IsVoidOrNever(); } void IncrementReturns() { ++returns_; } bool HasReturns() const { return returns_; } bool IsTransitioning() const { return transitioning_; } base::Optional<Statement*> body() const { return body_; } bool IsExternal() const { return !body_.has_value(); } virtual bool ShouldBeInlined() const { return false; } virtual bool ShouldGenerateExternalCode() const { return !ShouldBeInlined(); } protected: Callable(Declarable::Kind kind, std::string external_name, std::string readable_name, Signature signature, bool transitioning, base::Optional<Statement*> body) : Scope(kind), external_name_(std::move(external_name)), readable_name_(std::move(readable_name)), signature_(std::move(signature)), transitioning_(transitioning), returns_(0), body_(body) { DCHECK(!body || *body); } private: std::string external_name_; std::string readable_name_; Signature signature_; bool transitioning_; size_t returns_; base::Optional<Statement*> body_; }; class Macro : public Callable { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Macro, macro) bool ShouldBeInlined() const override { for (const LabelDeclaration& label : signature().labels) { for (const Type* type : label.types) { if (type->IsStructType()) return true; } } // Intrinsics that are used internally in Torque and implemented as torque // code should be inlined and not generate C++ definitions. if (ReadableName()[0] == '%') return true; return Callable::ShouldBeInlined(); } const std::string& external_assembler_name() const { return external_assembler_name_; } bool IsAccessibleFromCSA() const { return accessible_from_csa_; } protected: Macro(Declarable::Kind kind, std::string external_name, std::string readable_name, std::string external_assembler_name, const Signature& signature, bool transitioning, base::Optional<Statement*> body, bool is_user_defined, bool accessible_from_csa) : Callable(kind, std::move(external_name), std::move(readable_name), signature, transitioning, body), external_assembler_name_(std::move(external_assembler_name)), accessible_from_csa_(accessible_from_csa) { SetIsUserDefined(is_user_defined); if (signature.parameter_types.var_args) { ReportError("Varargs are not supported for macros."); } } private: friend class Declarations; Macro(std::string external_name, std::string readable_name, std::string external_assembler_name, const Signature& signature, bool transitioning, base::Optional<Statement*> body, bool is_user_defined, bool accessible_from_csa) : Macro(Declarable::kMacro, std::move(external_name), std::move(readable_name), external_assembler_name, signature, transitioning, body, is_user_defined, accessible_from_csa) {} std::string external_assembler_name_; bool accessible_from_csa_; }; class Method : public Macro { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Method, Method) bool ShouldBeInlined() const override { return Macro::ShouldBeInlined() || signature() .parameter_types.types[signature().implicit_count] ->IsStructType(); } AggregateType* aggregate_type() const { return aggregate_type_; } private: friend class Declarations; Method(AggregateType* aggregate_type, std::string external_name, std::string readable_name, std::string external_assembler_name, const Signature& signature, bool transitioning, Statement* body) : Macro(Declarable::kMethod, std::move(external_name), std::move(readable_name), std::move(external_assembler_name), signature, transitioning, body, true, false), aggregate_type_(aggregate_type) {} AggregateType* aggregate_type_; }; class Builtin : public Callable { public: enum Kind { kStub, kFixedArgsJavaScript, kVarArgsJavaScript }; DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Builtin, builtin) Kind kind() const { return kind_; } bool IsStub() const { return kind_ == kStub; } bool IsVarArgsJavaScript() const { return kind_ == kVarArgsJavaScript; } bool IsFixedArgsJavaScript() const { return kind_ == kFixedArgsJavaScript; } private: friend class Declarations; Builtin(std::string external_name, std::string readable_name, Builtin::Kind kind, const Signature& signature, bool transitioning, base::Optional<Statement*> body) : Callable(Declarable::kBuiltin, std::move(external_name), std::move(readable_name), signature, transitioning, body), kind_(kind) {} Kind kind_; }; class RuntimeFunction : public Callable { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(RuntimeFunction, runtime) private: friend class Declarations; RuntimeFunction(const std::string& name, const Signature& signature, bool transitioning) : Callable(Declarable::kRuntimeFunction, name, name, signature, transitioning, base::nullopt) {} }; class Intrinsic : public Callable { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Intrinsic, intrinsic) private: friend class Declarations; Intrinsic(std::string name, const Signature& signature) : Callable(Declarable::kIntrinsic, name, name, signature, false, base::nullopt) { if (signature.parameter_types.var_args) { ReportError("Varargs are not supported for intrinsics."); } } }; class Generic : public Declarable { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(Generic, generic) GenericDeclaration* declaration() const { return declaration_; } const std::vector<Identifier*> generic_parameters() const { return declaration()->generic_parameters; } const std::string& name() const { return name_; } void AddSpecialization(const TypeVector& type_arguments, Callable* specialization) { DCHECK_EQ(0, specializations_.count(type_arguments)); specializations_[type_arguments] = specialization; } base::Optional<Callable*> GetSpecialization( const TypeVector& type_arguments) const { auto it = specializations_.find(type_arguments); if (it != specializations_.end()) return it->second; return base::nullopt; } base::Optional<TypeVector> InferSpecializationTypes( const TypeVector& explicit_specialization_types, const TypeVector& arguments); private: friend class Declarations; Generic(const std::string& name, GenericDeclaration* declaration) : Declarable(Declarable::kGeneric), name_(name), declaration_(declaration) {} std::string name_; std::unordered_map<TypeVector, Callable*, base::hash<TypeVector>> specializations_; GenericDeclaration* declaration_; }; struct SpecializationKey { Generic* generic; TypeVector specialized_types; }; class TypeAlias : public Declarable { public: DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE(TypeAlias, type_alias) const Type* type() const { if (type_) return *type_; return Resolve(); } const Type* Resolve() const; bool IsRedeclaration() const { return redeclaration_; } SourcePosition GetDeclarationPosition() const { return declaration_position_; } private: friend class Declarations; friend class TypeVisitor; explicit TypeAlias( const Type* type, bool redeclaration, SourcePosition declaration_position = SourcePosition::Invalid()) : Declarable(Declarable::kTypeAlias), type_(type), redeclaration_(redeclaration), declaration_position_(declaration_position) {} explicit TypeAlias( TypeDeclaration* type, bool redeclaration, SourcePosition declaration_position = SourcePosition::Invalid()) : Declarable(Declarable::kTypeAlias), delayed_(type), redeclaration_(redeclaration), declaration_position_(declaration_position) {} mutable bool being_resolved_ = false; mutable base::Optional<TypeDeclaration*> delayed_; mutable base::Optional<const Type*> type_; bool redeclaration_; const SourcePosition declaration_position_; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Callable& m); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Builtin& b); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const RuntimeFunction& b); std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Generic& g); #undef DECLARE_DECLARABLE_BOILERPLATE } // namespace torque } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #endif // V8_TORQUE_DECLARABLE_H_