// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/objects/contexts.h" #include "src/ast/modules.h" #include "src/debug/debug.h" #include "src/execution/isolate-inl.h" #include "src/init/bootstrapper.h" #include "src/objects/module-inl.h" #include "src/objects/string-set-inl.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { Handle<ScriptContextTable> ScriptContextTable::Extend( Handle<ScriptContextTable> table, Handle<Context> script_context) { Handle<ScriptContextTable> result; int used = table->used(kAcquireLoad); int length = table->length(); CHECK(used >= 0 && length > 0 && used < length); if (used + kFirstContextSlotIndex == length) { CHECK(length < Smi::kMaxValue / 2); Isolate* isolate = script_context->GetIsolate(); Handle<FixedArray> copy = isolate->factory()->CopyFixedArrayAndGrow(table, length); copy->set_map(ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).script_context_table_map()); result = Handle<ScriptContextTable>::cast(copy); } else { result = table; } DCHECK(script_context->IsScriptContext()); result->set(used + kFirstContextSlotIndex, *script_context); result->set_used(used + 1, kReleaseStore); return result; } void Context::Initialize(Isolate* isolate) { ScopeInfo scope_info = this->scope_info(); int header = scope_info.ContextHeaderLength(); for (int var = 0; var < scope_info.ContextLocalCount(); var++) { if (scope_info.ContextLocalInitFlag(var) == kNeedsInitialization) { set(header + var, ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).the_hole_value()); } } } bool ScriptContextTable::Lookup(Isolate* isolate, ScriptContextTable table, String name, VariableLookupResult* result) { DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc; // Static variables cannot be in script contexts. for (int i = 0; i < table.used(kAcquireLoad); i++) { Context context = table.get_context(i); DCHECK(context.IsScriptContext()); int slot_index = ScopeInfo::ContextSlotIndex(context.scope_info(), name, result); if (slot_index >= 0) { result->context_index = i; result->slot_index = slot_index; return true; } } return false; } bool Context::is_declaration_context() { if (IsFunctionContext() || IsNativeContext() || IsScriptContext() || IsModuleContext()) { return true; } if (IsEvalContext()) { return scope_info().language_mode() == LanguageMode::kStrict; } if (!IsBlockContext()) return false; return scope_info().is_declaration_scope(); } Context Context::declaration_context() { Context current = *this; while (!current.is_declaration_context()) { current = current.previous(); } return current; } Context Context::closure_context() { Context current = *this; while (!current.IsFunctionContext() && !current.IsScriptContext() && !current.IsModuleContext() && !current.IsNativeContext() && !current.IsEvalContext()) { current = current.previous(); } return current; } JSObject Context::extension_object() { DCHECK(IsNativeContext() || IsFunctionContext() || IsBlockContext() || IsEvalContext() || IsCatchContext()); HeapObject object = extension(); if (object.IsUndefined()) return JSObject(); DCHECK(object.IsJSContextExtensionObject() || (IsNativeContext() && object.IsJSGlobalObject())); return JSObject::cast(object); } JSReceiver Context::extension_receiver() { DCHECK(IsNativeContext() || IsWithContext() || IsEvalContext() || IsFunctionContext() || IsBlockContext()); return IsWithContext() ? JSReceiver::cast(extension()) : extension_object(); } ScopeInfo Context::scope_info() { return ScopeInfo::cast(get(SCOPE_INFO_INDEX)); } SourceTextModule Context::module() { Context current = *this; while (!current.IsModuleContext()) { current = current.previous(); } return SourceTextModule::cast(current.extension()); } JSGlobalObject Context::global_object() { return JSGlobalObject::cast(native_context().extension()); } Context Context::script_context() { Context current = *this; while (!current.IsScriptContext()) { current = current.previous(); } return current; } JSGlobalProxy Context::global_proxy() { return native_context().global_proxy_object(); } /** * Lookups a property in an object environment, taking the unscopables into * account. This is used For HasBinding spec algorithms for ObjectEnvironment. */ static Maybe<bool> UnscopableLookup(LookupIterator* it, bool is_with_context) { Isolate* isolate = it->isolate(); Maybe<bool> found = JSReceiver::HasProperty(it); if (!is_with_context || found.IsNothing() || !found.FromJust()) return found; Handle<Object> unscopables; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, unscopables, JSReceiver::GetProperty(isolate, Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(it->GetReceiver()), isolate->factory()->unscopables_symbol()), Nothing<bool>()); if (!unscopables->IsJSReceiver()) return Just(true); Handle<Object> blocklist; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate, blocklist, JSReceiver::GetProperty(isolate, Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(unscopables), it->name()), Nothing<bool>()); return Just(!blocklist->BooleanValue(isolate)); } static PropertyAttributes GetAttributesForMode(VariableMode mode) { DCHECK(IsSerializableVariableMode(mode)); return IsConstVariableMode(mode) ? READ_ONLY : NONE; } // static Handle<Object> Context::Lookup(Handle<Context> context, Handle<String> name, ContextLookupFlags flags, int* index, PropertyAttributes* attributes, InitializationFlag* init_flag, VariableMode* variable_mode, bool* is_sloppy_function_name) { Isolate* isolate = context->GetIsolate(); bool follow_context_chain = (flags & FOLLOW_CONTEXT_CHAIN) != 0; *index = kNotFound; *attributes = ABSENT; *init_flag = kCreatedInitialized; *variable_mode = VariableMode::kVar; if (is_sloppy_function_name != nullptr) { *is_sloppy_function_name = false; } if (FLAG_trace_contexts) { PrintF("Context::Lookup("); name->ShortPrint(); PrintF(")\n"); } do { if (FLAG_trace_contexts) { PrintF(" - looking in context %p", reinterpret_cast<void*>(context->ptr())); if (context->IsScriptContext()) PrintF(" (script context)"); if (context->IsNativeContext()) PrintF(" (native context)"); PrintF("\n"); } // 1. Check global objects, subjects of with, and extension objects. DCHECK_IMPLIES(context->IsEvalContext() && context->has_extension(), context->extension().IsTheHole(isolate)); if ((context->IsNativeContext() || context->IsWithContext() || context->IsFunctionContext() || context->IsBlockContext()) && context->has_extension() && !context->extension_receiver().is_null()) { Handle<JSReceiver> object(context->extension_receiver(), isolate); if (context->IsNativeContext()) { DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc; if (FLAG_trace_contexts) { PrintF(" - trying other script contexts\n"); } // Try other script contexts. ScriptContextTable script_contexts = context->global_object().native_context().script_context_table(); VariableLookupResult r; if (ScriptContextTable::Lookup(isolate, script_contexts, *name, &r)) { Context context = script_contexts.get_context(r.context_index); if (FLAG_trace_contexts) { PrintF("=> found property in script context %d: %p\n", r.context_index, reinterpret_cast<void*>(context.ptr())); } *index = r.slot_index; *variable_mode = r.mode; *init_flag = r.init_flag; *attributes = GetAttributesForMode(r.mode); return handle(context, isolate); } } // Context extension objects needs to behave as if they have no // prototype. So even if we want to follow prototype chains, we need // to only do a local lookup for context extension objects. Maybe<PropertyAttributes> maybe = Nothing<PropertyAttributes>(); if ((flags & FOLLOW_PROTOTYPE_CHAIN) == 0 || object->IsJSContextExtensionObject()) { maybe = JSReceiver::GetOwnPropertyAttributes(object, name); } else { // A with context will never bind "this", but debug-eval may look into // a with context when resolving "this". Other synthetic variables such // as new.target may be resolved as VariableMode::kDynamicLocal due to // bug v8:5405 , skipping them here serves as a workaround until a more // thorough fix can be applied. // TODO(v8:5405): Replace this check with a DCHECK when resolution of // of synthetic variables does not go through this code path. if (ScopeInfo::VariableIsSynthetic(*name)) { DCHECK(context->IsWithContext()); maybe = Just(ABSENT); } else { LookupIterator it(isolate, object, name, object); Maybe<bool> found = UnscopableLookup(&it, context->IsWithContext()); if (found.IsNothing()) { maybe = Nothing<PropertyAttributes>(); } else { // Luckily, consumers of |maybe| only care whether the property // was absent or not, so we can return a dummy |NONE| value // for its attributes when it was present. maybe = Just(found.FromJust() ? NONE : ABSENT); } } } if (maybe.IsNothing()) return Handle<Object>(); DCHECK(!isolate->has_pending_exception()); *attributes = maybe.FromJust(); if (maybe.FromJust() != ABSENT) { if (FLAG_trace_contexts) { PrintF("=> found property in context object %p\n", reinterpret_cast<void*>(object->ptr())); } return object; } } // 2. Check the context proper if it has slots. if (context->IsFunctionContext() || context->IsBlockContext() || context->IsScriptContext() || context->IsEvalContext() || context->IsModuleContext() || context->IsCatchContext()) { DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc; // Use serialized scope information of functions and blocks to search // for the context index. ScopeInfo scope_info = context->scope_info(); VariableLookupResult lookup_result; int slot_index = ScopeInfo::ContextSlotIndex(scope_info, *name, &lookup_result); DCHECK(slot_index < 0 || slot_index >= MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS); if (slot_index >= 0) { // Re-direct lookup to the ScriptContextTable in case we find a hole in // a REPL script context. REPL scripts allow re-declaration of // script-level let bindings. The value itself is stored in the script // context of the first script that declared a variable, all other // script contexts will contain 'the hole' for that particular name. if (scope_info.IsReplModeScope() && context->get(slot_index).IsTheHole(isolate)) { context = Handle<Context>(context->previous(), isolate); continue; } if (FLAG_trace_contexts) { PrintF("=> found local in context slot %d (mode = %hhu)\n", slot_index, static_cast<uint8_t>(lookup_result.mode)); } *index = slot_index; *variable_mode = lookup_result.mode; *init_flag = lookup_result.init_flag; *attributes = GetAttributesForMode(lookup_result.mode); return context; } // Check the slot corresponding to the intermediate context holding // only the function name variable. It's conceptually (and spec-wise) // in an outer scope of the function's declaration scope. if (follow_context_chain && context->IsFunctionContext()) { int function_index = scope_info.FunctionContextSlotIndex(*name); if (function_index >= 0) { if (FLAG_trace_contexts) { PrintF("=> found intermediate function in context slot %d\n", function_index); } *index = function_index; *attributes = READ_ONLY; *init_flag = kCreatedInitialized; *variable_mode = VariableMode::kConst; if (is_sloppy_function_name != nullptr && is_sloppy(scope_info.language_mode())) { *is_sloppy_function_name = true; } return context; } } // Lookup variable in module imports and exports. if (context->IsModuleContext()) { VariableMode mode; InitializationFlag flag; MaybeAssignedFlag maybe_assigned_flag; int cell_index = scope_info.ModuleIndex(*name, &mode, &flag, &maybe_assigned_flag); if (cell_index != 0) { if (FLAG_trace_contexts) { PrintF("=> found in module imports or exports\n"); } *index = cell_index; *variable_mode = mode; *init_flag = flag; *attributes = SourceTextModuleDescriptor::GetCellIndexKind( cell_index) == SourceTextModuleDescriptor::kExport ? GetAttributesForMode(mode) : READ_ONLY; return handle(context->module(), isolate); } } } else if (context->IsDebugEvaluateContext()) { // Check materialized locals. Object ext = context->get(EXTENSION_INDEX); if (ext.IsJSReceiver()) { Handle<JSReceiver> extension(JSReceiver::cast(ext), isolate); LookupIterator it(isolate, extension, name, extension); Maybe<bool> found = JSReceiver::HasProperty(&it); if (found.FromMaybe(false)) { *attributes = NONE; return extension; } } // Check blocklist. Names that are listed, cannot be resolved further. ScopeInfo scope_info = context->scope_info(); if (scope_info.HasLocalsBlockList() && scope_info.LocalsBlockList().Has(isolate, name)) { if (FLAG_trace_contexts) { PrintF(" - name is blocklisted. Aborting.\n"); } break; } // Check the original context, but do not follow its context chain. Object obj = context->get(WRAPPED_CONTEXT_INDEX); if (obj.IsContext()) { Handle<Context> context(Context::cast(obj), isolate); Handle<Object> result = Context::Lookup(context, name, DONT_FOLLOW_CHAINS, index, attributes, init_flag, variable_mode); if (!result.is_null()) return result; } } // 3. Prepare to continue with the previous (next outermost) context. if (context->IsNativeContext()) break; context = Handle<Context>(context->previous(), isolate); } while (follow_context_chain); if (FLAG_trace_contexts) { PrintF("=> no property/slot found\n"); } return Handle<Object>::null(); } void NativeContext::AddOptimizedCode(Code code) { DCHECK(CodeKindCanDeoptimize(code.kind())); DCHECK(code.next_code_link().IsUndefined()); code.set_next_code_link(get(OPTIMIZED_CODE_LIST)); set(OPTIMIZED_CODE_LIST, code, UPDATE_WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER, kReleaseStore); } void NativeContext::SetOptimizedCodeListHead(Object head) { set(OPTIMIZED_CODE_LIST, head, UPDATE_WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER, kReleaseStore); } Object NativeContext::OptimizedCodeListHead() { return get(OPTIMIZED_CODE_LIST); } void NativeContext::SetDeoptimizedCodeListHead(Object head) { set(DEOPTIMIZED_CODE_LIST, head, UPDATE_WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER, kReleaseStore); } Object NativeContext::DeoptimizedCodeListHead() { return get(DEOPTIMIZED_CODE_LIST); } Handle<Object> Context::ErrorMessageForCodeGenerationFromStrings() { Isolate* isolate = GetIsolate(); Handle<Object> result(error_message_for_code_gen_from_strings(), isolate); if (!result->IsUndefined(isolate)) return result; return isolate->factory()->NewStringFromStaticChars( "Code generation from strings disallowed for this context"); } #define COMPARE_NAME(index, type, name) \ if (string->IsOneByteEqualTo(base::StaticCharVector(#name))) return index; int Context::IntrinsicIndexForName(Handle<String> string) { NATIVE_CONTEXT_INTRINSIC_FUNCTIONS(COMPARE_NAME); return kNotFound; } #undef COMPARE_NAME #define COMPARE_NAME(index, type, name) \ { \ const int name_length = static_cast<int>(arraysize(#name)) - 1; \ if ((length == name_length) && strncmp(string, #name, name_length) == 0) \ return index; \ } int Context::IntrinsicIndexForName(const unsigned char* unsigned_string, int length) { const char* string = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(unsigned_string); NATIVE_CONTEXT_INTRINSIC_FUNCTIONS(COMPARE_NAME); return kNotFound; } #undef COMPARE_NAME #ifdef DEBUG bool Context::IsBootstrappingOrValidParentContext(Object object, Context child) { // During bootstrapping we allow all objects to pass as // contexts. This is necessary to fix circular dependencies. if (child.GetIsolate()->bootstrapper()->IsActive()) return true; if (!object.IsContext()) return false; Context context = Context::cast(object); return context.IsNativeContext() || context.IsScriptContext() || context.IsModuleContext() || !child.IsModuleContext(); } #endif void NativeContext::ResetErrorsThrown() { set_errors_thrown(Smi::FromInt(0)); } void NativeContext::IncrementErrorsThrown() { int previous_value = errors_thrown().value(); set_errors_thrown(Smi::FromInt(previous_value + 1)); } int NativeContext::GetErrorsThrown() { return errors_thrown().value(); } STATIC_ASSERT(Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS == 2); STATIC_ASSERT(Context::MIN_CONTEXT_EXTENDED_SLOTS == 3); STATIC_ASSERT(NativeContext::kScopeInfoOffset == Context::OffsetOfElementAt(NativeContext::SCOPE_INFO_INDEX)); STATIC_ASSERT(NativeContext::kPreviousOffset == Context::OffsetOfElementAt(NativeContext::PREVIOUS_INDEX)); STATIC_ASSERT(NativeContext::kExtensionOffset == Context::OffsetOfElementAt(NativeContext::EXTENSION_INDEX)); STATIC_ASSERT(NativeContext::kStartOfStrongFieldsOffset == Context::OffsetOfElementAt(-1)); STATIC_ASSERT(NativeContext::kStartOfWeakFieldsOffset == Context::OffsetOfElementAt(NativeContext::FIRST_WEAK_SLOT)); STATIC_ASSERT(NativeContext::kMicrotaskQueueOffset == Context::SizeFor(NativeContext::NATIVE_CONTEXT_SLOTS)); STATIC_ASSERT(NativeContext::kSize == (Context::SizeFor(NativeContext::NATIVE_CONTEXT_SLOTS) + kSystemPointerSize)); void NativeContext::RunPromiseHook(PromiseHookType type, Handle<JSPromise> promise, Handle<Object> parent) { Isolate* isolate = promise->GetIsolate(); DCHECK(isolate->HasContextPromiseHooks()); int contextSlot; switch (type) { case PromiseHookType::kInit: contextSlot = PROMISE_HOOK_INIT_FUNCTION_INDEX; break; case PromiseHookType::kResolve: contextSlot = PROMISE_HOOK_RESOLVE_FUNCTION_INDEX; break; case PromiseHookType::kBefore: contextSlot = PROMISE_HOOK_BEFORE_FUNCTION_INDEX; break; case PromiseHookType::kAfter: contextSlot = PROMISE_HOOK_AFTER_FUNCTION_INDEX; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } Handle<Object> hook(isolate->native_context()->get(contextSlot), isolate); if (hook->IsUndefined()) return; int argc = type == PromiseHookType::kInit ? 2 : 1; Handle<Object> argv[2] = { Handle<Object>::cast(promise), parent }; Handle<Object> receiver = isolate->global_proxy(); if (Execution::Call(isolate, hook, receiver, argc, argv).is_null()) { DCHECK(isolate->has_pending_exception()); Handle<Object> exception(isolate->pending_exception(), isolate); MessageLocation* no_location = nullptr; Handle<JSMessageObject> message = isolate->CreateMessageOrAbort(exception, no_location); MessageHandler::ReportMessage(isolate, no_location, message); isolate->clear_pending_exception(); } } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8