// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef WASM_RUN_UTILS_H #define WASM_RUN_UTILS_H #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <memory> #include "src/base/accounting-allocator.h" #include "src/base/utils/random-number-generator.h" #include "src/compiler/graph-visualizer.h" #include "src/compiler/int64-lowering.h" #include "src/compiler/js-graph.h" #include "src/compiler/node.h" #include "src/compiler/pipeline.h" #include "src/compiler/wasm-compiler.h" #include "src/compiler/zone-pool.h" #include "src/wasm/ast-decoder.h" #include "src/wasm/wasm-interpreter.h" #include "src/wasm/wasm-js.h" #include "src/wasm/wasm-macro-gen.h" #include "src/wasm/wasm-module.h" #include "src/wasm/wasm-opcodes.h" #include "src/zone.h" #include "test/cctest/cctest.h" #include "test/cctest/compiler/call-tester.h" #include "test/cctest/compiler/graph-builder-tester.h" static const uint32_t kMaxFunctions = 10; enum WasmExecutionMode { kExecuteInterpreted, kExecuteCompiled }; // TODO(titzer): check traps more robustly in tests. // Currently, in tests, we just return 0xdeadbeef from the function in which // the trap occurs if the runtime context is not available to throw a JavaScript // exception. #define CHECK_TRAP32(x) \ CHECK_EQ(0xdeadbeef, (bit_cast<uint32_t>(x)) & 0xFFFFFFFF) #define CHECK_TRAP64(x) \ CHECK_EQ(0xdeadbeefdeadbeef, (bit_cast<uint64_t>(x)) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) #define CHECK_TRAP(x) CHECK_TRAP32(x) #define WASM_RUNNER_MAX_NUM_PARAMETERS 4 #define WASM_WRAPPER_RETURN_VALUE 8754 #define BUILD(r, ...) \ do { \ byte code[] = {__VA_ARGS__}; \ r.Build(code, code + arraysize(code)); \ } while (false) namespace { using namespace v8::base; using namespace v8::internal; using namespace v8::internal::compiler; using namespace v8::internal::wasm; const uint32_t kMaxGlobalsSize = 128; // A helper for module environments that adds the ability to allocate memory // and global variables. Contains a built-in {WasmModule} and // {WasmModuleInstance}. class TestingModule : public ModuleEnv { public: explicit TestingModule(WasmExecutionMode mode = kExecuteCompiled) : execution_mode_(mode), instance_(&module_), isolate_(CcTest::InitIsolateOnce()), global_offset(0), interpreter_(mode == kExecuteInterpreted ? new WasmInterpreter(&instance_, &allocator_) : nullptr) { module = &module_; instance = &instance_; instance->module = &module_; instance->globals_start = global_data; module_.globals_size = kMaxGlobalsSize; instance->mem_start = nullptr; instance->mem_size = 0; origin = kWasmOrigin; memset(global_data, 0, sizeof(global_data)); } ~TestingModule() { if (instance->mem_start) { free(instance->mem_start); } if (interpreter_) delete interpreter_; } byte* AddMemory(uint32_t size) { CHECK_NULL(instance->mem_start); CHECK_EQ(0, instance->mem_size); instance->mem_start = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(malloc(size)); CHECK(instance->mem_start); memset(instance->mem_start, 0, size); instance->mem_size = size; return raw_mem_start<byte>(); } template <typename T> T* AddMemoryElems(uint32_t count) { AddMemory(count * sizeof(T)); return raw_mem_start<T>(); } template <typename T> T* AddGlobal(LocalType type) { const WasmGlobal* global = AddGlobal(type); return reinterpret_cast<T*>(instance->globals_start + global->offset); } byte AddSignature(FunctionSig* sig) { module_.signatures.push_back(sig); size_t size = module->signatures.size(); CHECK(size < 127); return static_cast<byte>(size - 1); } template <typename T> T* raw_mem_start() { DCHECK(instance->mem_start); return reinterpret_cast<T*>(instance->mem_start); } template <typename T> T* raw_mem_end() { DCHECK(instance->mem_start); return reinterpret_cast<T*>(instance->mem_start + instance->mem_size); } template <typename T> T raw_mem_at(int i) { DCHECK(instance->mem_start); return ReadMemory(&(reinterpret_cast<T*>(instance->mem_start)[i])); } template <typename T> T raw_val_at(int i) { return ReadMemory(reinterpret_cast<T*>(instance->mem_start + i)); } template <typename T> void WriteMemory(T* p, T val) { WriteLittleEndianValue<T>(p, val); } template <typename T> T ReadMemory(T* p) { return ReadLittleEndianValue<T>(p); } // Zero-initialize the memory. void BlankMemory() { byte* raw = raw_mem_start<byte>(); memset(raw, 0, instance->mem_size); } // Pseudo-randomly intialize the memory. void RandomizeMemory(unsigned int seed = 88) { byte* raw = raw_mem_start<byte>(); byte* end = raw_mem_end<byte>(); v8::base::RandomNumberGenerator rng; rng.SetSeed(seed); rng.NextBytes(raw, end - raw); } uint32_t AddFunction(FunctionSig* sig, Handle<Code> code) { if (module->functions.size() == 0) { // TODO(titzer): Reserving space here to avoid the underlying WasmFunction // structs from moving. module_.functions.reserve(kMaxFunctions); } uint32_t index = static_cast<uint32_t>(module->functions.size()); module_.functions.push_back({sig, index, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}); instance->function_code.push_back(code); if (interpreter_) { const WasmFunction* function = &module->functions.back(); int interpreter_index = interpreter_->AddFunctionForTesting(function); CHECK_EQ(index, static_cast<uint32_t>(interpreter_index)); } DCHECK_LT(index, kMaxFunctions); // limited for testing. return index; } uint32_t AddJsFunction(FunctionSig* sig, const char* source) { Handle<JSFunction> jsfunc = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(v8::Utils::OpenHandle( *v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast(CompileRun(source)))); uint32_t index = AddFunction(sig, Handle<Code>::null()); Handle<Code> code = CompileWasmToJSWrapper(isolate_, jsfunc, sig, index, Handle<String>::null(), Handle<String>::null()); instance->function_code[index] = code; return index; } Handle<JSFunction> WrapCode(uint32_t index) { // Wrap the code so it can be called as a JS function. Handle<String> name = isolate_->factory()->NewStringFromStaticChars("main"); Handle<JSObject> module_object = Handle<JSObject>(0, isolate_); Handle<Code> code = instance->function_code[index]; WasmJs::InstallWasmFunctionMap(isolate_, isolate_->native_context()); Handle<Code> ret_code = compiler::CompileJSToWasmWrapper(isolate_, this, code, index); FunctionSig* funcSig = this->module->functions[index].sig; Handle<ByteArray> exportedSig = isolate_->factory()->NewByteArray( static_cast<int>(funcSig->parameter_count() + funcSig->return_count()), TENURED); exportedSig->copy_in(0, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(funcSig->raw_data()), exportedSig->length()); Handle<JSFunction> ret = WrapExportCodeAsJSFunction( isolate_, ret_code, name, static_cast<int>(this->module->functions[index].sig->parameter_count()), exportedSig, module_object); return ret; } void SetFunctionCode(uint32_t index, Handle<Code> code) { instance->function_code[index] = code; } void AddIndirectFunctionTable(uint16_t* functions, uint32_t table_size) { module_.function_tables.push_back( {table_size, table_size, std::vector<uint16_t>()}); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < table_size; ++i) { module_.function_tables.back().values.push_back(functions[i]); } Handle<FixedArray> values = BuildFunctionTable( isolate_, static_cast<int>(module_.function_tables.size() - 1), &module_); instance->function_tables.push_back(values); } void PopulateIndirectFunctionTable() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < instance->function_tables.size(); i++) { PopulateFunctionTable(instance->function_tables[i], module_.function_tables[i].size, &instance->function_code); } } WasmFunction* GetFunctionAt(int index) { return &module_.functions[index]; } WasmInterpreter* interpreter() { return interpreter_; } WasmExecutionMode execution_mode() { return execution_mode_; } private: WasmExecutionMode execution_mode_; WasmModule module_; WasmModuleInstance instance_; Isolate* isolate_; v8::base::AccountingAllocator allocator_; uint32_t global_offset; V8_ALIGNED(8) byte global_data[kMaxGlobalsSize]; // preallocated global data. WasmInterpreter* interpreter_; const WasmGlobal* AddGlobal(LocalType type) { byte size = WasmOpcodes::MemSize(WasmOpcodes::MachineTypeFor(type)); global_offset = (global_offset + size - 1) & ~(size - 1); // align module_.globals.push_back({0, 0, type, global_offset, false}); global_offset += size; // limit number of globals. CHECK_LT(global_offset, kMaxGlobalsSize); return &module->globals.back(); } }; inline void TestBuildingGraph(Zone* zone, JSGraph* jsgraph, ModuleEnv* module, FunctionSig* sig, SourcePositionTable* source_position_table, const byte* start, const byte* end) { compiler::WasmGraphBuilder builder(zone, jsgraph, sig, source_position_table); DecodeResult result = BuildTFGraph(zone->allocator(), &builder, module, sig, start, end); if (result.failed()) { ptrdiff_t pc = result.error_pc - result.start; ptrdiff_t pt = result.error_pt - result.start; std::ostringstream str; str << "Verification failed: " << result.error_code << " pc = +" << pc; if (result.error_pt) str << ", pt = +" << pt; str << ", msg = " << result.error_msg.get(); FATAL(str.str().c_str()); } builder.Int64LoweringForTesting(); if (FLAG_trace_turbo_graph) { OFStream os(stdout); os << AsRPO(*jsgraph->graph()); } } template <typename ReturnType> class WasmFunctionWrapper : public HandleAndZoneScope, private GraphAndBuilders { public: WasmFunctionWrapper() : GraphAndBuilders(main_zone()), inner_code_node_(nullptr), signature_(nullptr) { // One additional parameter for the pointer to the return value memory. Signature<MachineType>::Builder sig_builder( zone(), 1, WASM_RUNNER_MAX_NUM_PARAMETERS + 1); sig_builder.AddReturn(MachineType::Int32()); for (int i = 0; i < WASM_RUNNER_MAX_NUM_PARAMETERS + 1; i++) { sig_builder.AddParam(MachineType::Pointer()); } signature_ = sig_builder.Build(); } void Init(CallDescriptor* descriptor, MachineType p0 = MachineType::None(), MachineType p1 = MachineType::None(), MachineType p2 = MachineType::None(), MachineType p3 = MachineType::None()) { // Create the TF graph for the wrapper. The wrapper always takes four // pointers as parameters, but may not pass the values of all pointers to // the actual test function. // Function, effect, and control. Node** parameters = zone()->template NewArray<Node*>(WASM_RUNNER_MAX_NUM_PARAMETERS + 3); graph()->SetStart(graph()->NewNode(common()->Start(6))); Node* effect = graph()->start(); int parameter_count = 0; // Dummy node which gets replaced in SetInnerCode. inner_code_node_ = graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(0)); parameters[parameter_count++] = inner_code_node_; if (p0 != MachineType::None()) { parameters[parameter_count] = graph()->NewNode( machine()->Load(p0), graph()->NewNode(common()->Parameter(0), graph()->start()), graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(0)), effect, graph()->start()); effect = parameters[parameter_count++]; } if (p1 != MachineType::None()) { parameters[parameter_count] = graph()->NewNode( machine()->Load(p0), graph()->NewNode(common()->Parameter(1), graph()->start()), graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(0)), effect, graph()->start()); effect = parameters[parameter_count++]; } if (p2 != MachineType::None()) { parameters[parameter_count] = graph()->NewNode( machine()->Load(p0), graph()->NewNode(common()->Parameter(2), graph()->start()), graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(0)), effect, graph()->start()); effect = parameters[parameter_count++]; } if (p3 != MachineType::None()) { parameters[parameter_count] = graph()->NewNode( machine()->Load(p0), graph()->NewNode(common()->Parameter(3), graph()->start()), graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(0)), effect, graph()->start()); effect = parameters[parameter_count++]; } parameters[parameter_count++] = effect; parameters[parameter_count++] = graph()->start(); Node* call = graph()->NewNode(common()->Call(descriptor), parameter_count, parameters); effect = graph()->NewNode( machine()->Store( StoreRepresentation(MachineTypeForC<ReturnType>().representation(), WriteBarrierKind::kNoWriteBarrier)), graph()->NewNode(common()->Parameter(WASM_RUNNER_MAX_NUM_PARAMETERS), graph()->start()), graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(0)), call, effect, graph()->start()); Node* r = graph()->NewNode( common()->Return(), graph()->NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(WASM_WRAPPER_RETURN_VALUE)), effect, graph()->start()); graph()->SetEnd(graph()->NewNode(common()->End(2), r, graph()->start())); } void SetInnerCode(Handle<Code> code_handle) { NodeProperties::ChangeOp(inner_code_node_, common()->HeapConstant(code_handle)); } Handle<Code> GetWrapperCode() { if (code_.is_null()) { Isolate* isolate = CcTest::InitIsolateOnce(); CallDescriptor* descriptor = Linkage::GetSimplifiedCDescriptor(zone(), signature_, true); if (kPointerSize == 4) { // One additional parameter for the pointer of the return value. Signature<MachineRepresentation>::Builder rep_builder( zone(), 1, WASM_RUNNER_MAX_NUM_PARAMETERS + 1); rep_builder.AddReturn(MachineRepresentation::kWord32); for (int i = 0; i < WASM_RUNNER_MAX_NUM_PARAMETERS + 1; i++) { rep_builder.AddParam(MachineRepresentation::kWord32); } Int64Lowering r(graph(), machine(), common(), zone(), rep_builder.Build()); r.LowerGraph(); } CompilationInfo info(ArrayVector("testing"), isolate, graph()->zone()); code_ = Pipeline::GenerateCodeForTesting(&info, descriptor, graph(), nullptr); CHECK(!code_.is_null()); #ifdef ENABLE_DISASSEMBLER if (FLAG_print_opt_code) { OFStream os(stdout); code_->Disassemble("wasm wrapper", os); } #endif } return code_; } Signature<MachineType>* signature() const { return signature_; } private: Node* inner_code_node_; Handle<Code> code_; Signature<MachineType>* signature_; }; // A helper for compiling WASM functions for testing. This class can create a // standalone function if {module} is NULL or a function within a // {TestingModule}. It contains the internal state for compilation (i.e. // TurboFan graph) and interpretation (by adding to the interpreter manually). class WasmFunctionCompiler : public HandleAndZoneScope, private GraphAndBuilders { public: explicit WasmFunctionCompiler( FunctionSig* sig, WasmExecutionMode mode, Vector<const char> debug_name = ArrayVector("<WASM UNNAMED>")) : GraphAndBuilders(main_zone()), execution_mode_(mode), jsgraph(this->isolate(), this->graph(), this->common(), nullptr, nullptr, this->machine()), sig(sig), descriptor_(nullptr), testing_module_(nullptr), debug_name_(debug_name), local_decls(main_zone(), sig), source_position_table_(this->graph()), interpreter_(nullptr) { // Create our own function. function_ = new WasmFunction(); function_->sig = sig; function_->func_index = 0; function_->sig_index = 0; if (mode == kExecuteInterpreted) { interpreter_ = new WasmInterpreter(nullptr, zone()->allocator()); int index = interpreter_->AddFunctionForTesting(function_); CHECK_EQ(0, index); } } explicit WasmFunctionCompiler( FunctionSig* sig, TestingModule* module, Vector<const char> debug_name = ArrayVector("<WASM UNNAMED>")) : GraphAndBuilders(main_zone()), execution_mode_(module->execution_mode()), jsgraph(this->isolate(), this->graph(), this->common(), nullptr, nullptr, this->machine()), sig(sig), descriptor_(nullptr), testing_module_(module), debug_name_(debug_name), local_decls(main_zone(), sig), source_position_table_(this->graph()), interpreter_(module->interpreter()) { // Get a new function from the testing module. int index = module->AddFunction(sig, Handle<Code>::null()); function_ = testing_module_->GetFunctionAt(index); } ~WasmFunctionCompiler() { if (testing_module_) return; // testing module owns the below things. delete function_; if (interpreter_) delete interpreter_; } WasmExecutionMode execution_mode_; JSGraph jsgraph; FunctionSig* sig; // The call descriptor is initialized when the function is compiled. CallDescriptor* descriptor_; TestingModule* testing_module_; Vector<const char> debug_name_; WasmFunction* function_; LocalDeclEncoder local_decls; SourcePositionTable source_position_table_; WasmInterpreter* interpreter_; Isolate* isolate() { return main_isolate(); } Graph* graph() const { return main_graph_; } Zone* zone() const { return graph()->zone(); } CommonOperatorBuilder* common() { return &main_common_; } MachineOperatorBuilder* machine() { return &main_machine_; } void InitializeDescriptor() { if (descriptor_ == nullptr) { descriptor_ = testing_module_->GetWasmCallDescriptor(main_zone(), sig); } } CallDescriptor* descriptor() { return descriptor_; } uint32_t function_index() { return function_->func_index; } void Build(const byte* start, const byte* end) { // Build the TurboFan graph. local_decls.Prepend(main_zone(), &start, &end); TestBuildingGraph(main_zone(), &jsgraph, testing_module_, sig, &source_position_table_, start, end); if (interpreter_) { // Add the code to the interpreter. CHECK(interpreter_->SetFunctionCodeForTesting(function_, start, end)); } } byte AllocateLocal(LocalType type) { uint32_t index = local_decls.AddLocals(1, type); byte result = static_cast<byte>(index); DCHECK_EQ(index, result); return result; } Handle<Code> Compile() { InitializeDescriptor(); CallDescriptor* desc = descriptor_; if (kPointerSize == 4) { desc = testing_module_->GetI32WasmCallDescriptor(this->zone(), desc); } CompilationInfo info(debug_name_, this->isolate(), this->zone(), Code::ComputeFlags(Code::WASM_FUNCTION)); std::unique_ptr<CompilationJob> job(Pipeline::NewWasmCompilationJob( &info, graph(), desc, &source_position_table_)); if (job->OptimizeGraph() != CompilationJob::SUCCEEDED || job->GenerateCode() != CompilationJob::SUCCEEDED) return Handle<Code>::null(); Handle<Code> code = info.code(); // Length is always 2, since usually <wasm_obj, func_index> is stored in // the deopt data. Here, we only store the function index. DCHECK(code->deoptimization_data() == nullptr || code->deoptimization_data()->length() == 0); Handle<FixedArray> deopt_data = isolate()->factory()->NewFixedArray(2, TENURED); deopt_data->set(1, Smi::FromInt(static_cast<int>(function_index()))); deopt_data->set_length(2); code->set_deoptimization_data(*deopt_data); #ifdef ENABLE_DISASSEMBLER if (FLAG_print_opt_code) { OFStream os(stdout); code->Disassemble("wasm code", os); } #endif return code; } uint32_t CompileAndAdd(uint16_t sig_index = 0) { CHECK(testing_module_); function_->sig_index = sig_index; Handle<Code> code = Compile(); testing_module_->SetFunctionCode(function_index(), code); return function_index(); } // Set the context, such that e.g. runtime functions can be called. void SetModuleContext() { if (!testing_module_->instance->context.is_null()) { CHECK(testing_module_->instance->context.is_identical_to( main_isolate()->native_context())); return; } testing_module_->instance->context = main_isolate()->native_context(); } }; // A helper class to build graphs from Wasm bytecode, generate machine // code, and run that code. template <typename ReturnType> class WasmRunner { public: WasmRunner(WasmExecutionMode execution_mode, MachineType p0 = MachineType::None(), MachineType p1 = MachineType::None(), MachineType p2 = MachineType::None(), MachineType p3 = MachineType::None()) : zone(&allocator_), compiled_(false), signature_(MachineTypeForC<ReturnType>() == MachineType::None() ? 0 : 1, GetParameterCount(p0, p1, p2, p3), storage_), compiler_(&signature_, execution_mode) { InitSigStorage(p0, p1, p2, p3); } WasmRunner(TestingModule* module, MachineType p0 = MachineType::None(), MachineType p1 = MachineType::None(), MachineType p2 = MachineType::None(), MachineType p3 = MachineType::None()) : zone(&allocator_), compiled_(false), signature_(MachineTypeForC<ReturnType>() == MachineType::None() ? 0 : 1, GetParameterCount(p0, p1, p2, p3), storage_), compiler_(&signature_, module) { DCHECK(module); InitSigStorage(p0, p1, p2, p3); } void InitSigStorage(MachineType p0, MachineType p1, MachineType p2, MachineType p3) { int index = 0; MachineType ret = MachineTypeForC<ReturnType>(); if (ret != MachineType::None()) { storage_[index++] = WasmOpcodes::LocalTypeFor(ret); } if (p0 != MachineType::None()) storage_[index++] = WasmOpcodes::LocalTypeFor(p0); if (p1 != MachineType::None()) storage_[index++] = WasmOpcodes::LocalTypeFor(p1); if (p2 != MachineType::None()) storage_[index++] = WasmOpcodes::LocalTypeFor(p2); if (p3 != MachineType::None()) storage_[index++] = WasmOpcodes::LocalTypeFor(p3); compiler_.InitializeDescriptor(); wrapper_.Init(compiler_.descriptor(), p0, p1, p2, p3); } // Builds a graph from the given Wasm code and generates the machine // code and call wrapper for that graph. This method must not be called // more than once. void Build(const byte* start, const byte* end) { CHECK(!compiled_); compiled_ = true; compiler_.Build(start, end); if (!interpret()) { // Compile machine code and install it into the module. Handle<Code> code = compiler_.Compile(); if (compiler_.testing_module_) { // Update the table of function code in the module. compiler_.testing_module_->SetFunctionCode( compiler_.function_->func_index, code); } wrapper_.SetInnerCode(code); } } ReturnType Call() { if (interpret()) { return CallInterpreter(Vector<WasmVal>(nullptr, 0)); } else { return Call(0, 0, 0, 0); } } template <typename P0> ReturnType Call(P0 p0) { if (interpret()) { WasmVal args[] = {WasmVal(p0)}; return CallInterpreter(ArrayVector(args)); } else { return Call(p0, 0, 0, 0); } } template <typename P0, typename P1> ReturnType Call(P0 p0, P1 p1) { if (interpret()) { WasmVal args[] = {WasmVal(p0), WasmVal(p1)}; return CallInterpreter(ArrayVector(args)); } else { return Call(p0, p1, 0, 0); } } template <typename P0, typename P1, typename P2> ReturnType Call(P0 p0, P1 p1, P2 p2) { if (interpret()) { WasmVal args[] = {WasmVal(p0), WasmVal(p1), WasmVal(p2)}; return CallInterpreter(ArrayVector(args)); } else { return Call(p0, p1, p2, 0); } } template <typename P0, typename P1, typename P2, typename P3> ReturnType Call(P0 p0, P1 p1, P2 p2, P3 p3) { if (interpret()) { WasmVal args[] = {WasmVal(p0), WasmVal(p1), WasmVal(p2), WasmVal(p3)}; return CallInterpreter(ArrayVector(args)); } else { CodeRunner<int32_t> runner(CcTest::InitIsolateOnce(), wrapper_.GetWrapperCode(), wrapper_.signature()); ReturnType return_value; int32_t result = runner.Call<void*, void*, void*, void*, void*>( &p0, &p1, &p2, &p3, &return_value); CHECK_EQ(WASM_WRAPPER_RETURN_VALUE, result); return return_value; } } ReturnType CallInterpreter(Vector<WasmVal> args) { CHECK_EQ(args.length(), static_cast<int>(compiler_.function_->sig->parameter_count())); WasmInterpreter::Thread* thread = interpreter()->GetThread(0); thread->Reset(); thread->PushFrame(compiler_.function_, args.start()); if (thread->Run() == WasmInterpreter::FINISHED) { WasmVal val = thread->GetReturnValue(); return val.to<ReturnType>(); } else if (thread->state() == WasmInterpreter::TRAPPED) { // TODO(titzer): return the correct trap code int64_t result = 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef; return static_cast<ReturnType>(result); } else { // TODO(titzer): falling off end ReturnType val = 0; return val; } } byte AllocateLocal(LocalType type) { return compiler_.AllocateLocal(type); } WasmFunction* function() { return compiler_.function_; } WasmInterpreter* interpreter() { return compiler_.interpreter_; } protected: v8::base::AccountingAllocator allocator_; Zone zone; bool compiled_; LocalType storage_[WASM_RUNNER_MAX_NUM_PARAMETERS]; FunctionSig signature_; WasmFunctionCompiler compiler_; WasmFunctionWrapper<ReturnType> wrapper_; bool interpret() { return compiler_.execution_mode_ == kExecuteInterpreted; } static size_t GetParameterCount(MachineType p0, MachineType p1, MachineType p2, MachineType p3) { if (p0 == MachineType::None()) return 0; if (p1 == MachineType::None()) return 1; if (p2 == MachineType::None()) return 2; if (p3 == MachineType::None()) return 3; return 4; } }; // A macro to define tests that run in different engine configurations. // Currently only supports compiled tests, but a future // RunWasmInterpreted_##name version will allow each test to also run in the // interpreter. #define WASM_EXEC_TEST(name) \ void RunWasm_##name(WasmExecutionMode execution_mode); \ TEST(RunWasmCompiled_##name) { RunWasm_##name(kExecuteCompiled); } \ TEST(RunWasmInterpreted_##name) { RunWasm_##name(kExecuteInterpreted); } \ void RunWasm_##name(WasmExecutionMode execution_mode) } // namespace #endif