// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <map>

#include "include/v8-platform.h"
#include "src/base/atomic-utils.h"
#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/base/platform/condition-variable.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

class Cancelable;
class Isolate;

// Keeps track of cancelable tasks. It is possible to register and remove tasks
// from any fore- and background task/thread.
class CancelableTaskManager {

  // Registers a new cancelable {task}. Returns the unique {id} of the task that
  // can be used to try to abort a task by calling {Abort}.
  uint32_t Register(Cancelable* task);

  // Try to abort running a task identified by {id}. The possible outcomes are:
  // (1) The task is already finished running and thus has been removed from
  //     the manager.
  // (2) The task is currently running and cannot be canceled anymore.
  // (3) The task is not yet running (or finished) so it is canceled and
  //     removed.
  // Returns {false} for (1) and (2), and {true} for (3).
  bool TryAbort(uint32_t id);

  // Cancels all remaining registered tasks and waits for tasks that are
  // already running.
  void CancelAndWait();

  // Only called by {Cancelable} destructor. The task is done with executing,
  // but needs to be removed.
  void RemoveFinishedTask(uint32_t id);

  // To mitigate the ABA problem, the api refers to tasks through an id.
  uint32_t task_id_counter_;

  // A set of cancelable tasks that are currently registered.
  std::map<uint32_t, Cancelable*> cancelable_tasks_;

  // Mutex and condition variable enabling concurrent register and removing, as
  // well as waiting for background tasks on {CancelAndWait}.
  base::ConditionVariable cancelable_tasks_barrier_;
  base::Mutex mutex_;

  friend class Cancelable;


class Cancelable {
  explicit Cancelable(CancelableTaskManager* parent);
  virtual ~Cancelable();

  // Never invoke after handing over the task to the platform! The reason is
  // that {Cancelable} is used in combination with {v8::Task} and handed to
  // a platform. This step transfers ownership to the platform, which destroys
  // the task after running it. Since the exact time is not known, we cannot
  // access the object after handing it to a platform.
  uint32_t id() { return id_; }

  bool TryRun() { return status_.TrySetValue(kWaiting, kRunning); }
  bool IsRunning() { return status_.Value() == kRunning; }
  intptr_t CancelAttempts() { return cancel_counter_.Value(); }

  // Identifies the state a cancelable task is in:
  // |kWaiting|: The task is scheduled and waiting to be executed. {TryRun} will
  //   succeed.
  // |kCanceled|: The task has been canceled. {TryRun} will fail.
  // |kRunning|: The task is currently running and cannot be canceled anymore.
  enum Status {

  // Use {CancelableTaskManager} to abort a task that has not yet been
  // executed.
  bool Cancel() {
    if (status_.TrySetValue(kWaiting, kCanceled)) {
      return true;
    return false;

  CancelableTaskManager* parent_;
  base::AtomicValue<Status> status_;
  uint32_t id_;

  // The counter is incremented for failing tries to cancel a task. This can be
  // used by the task itself as an indication how often external entities tried
  // to abort it.
  base::AtomicNumber<intptr_t> cancel_counter_;

  friend class CancelableTaskManager;


// Multiple inheritance can be used because Task is a pure interface.
class CancelableTask : public Cancelable, public Task {
  explicit CancelableTask(Isolate* isolate);

  // Task overrides.
  void Run() final {
    if (TryRun()) {

  virtual void RunInternal() = 0;

  Isolate* isolate() { return isolate_; }

  Isolate* isolate_;

// Multiple inheritance can be used because IdleTask is a pure interface.
class CancelableIdleTask : public Cancelable, public IdleTask {
  explicit CancelableIdleTask(Isolate* isolate);

  // IdleTask overrides.
  void Run(double deadline_in_seconds) final {
    if (TryRun()) {

  virtual void RunInternal(double deadline_in_seconds) = 0;

  Isolate* isolate() { return isolate_; }

  Isolate* isolate_;

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8

#endif  // V8_CANCELABLE_TASK_H_