// Copyright (c) 1994-2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. // All Rights Reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // - Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // - Neither the name of Sun Microsystems or the names of contributors may // be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without // specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS // IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, // EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING // NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // The original source code covered by the above license above has been // modified significantly by Google Inc. // Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. #include "src/assembler.h" #include <cmath> #include "src/api.h" #include "src/base/cpu.h" #include "src/base/functional.h" #include "src/base/lazy-instance.h" #include "src/base/platform/platform.h" #include "src/base/utils/random-number-generator.h" #include "src/builtins.h" #include "src/codegen.h" #include "src/counters.h" #include "src/debug/debug.h" #include "src/deoptimizer.h" #include "src/execution.h" #include "src/ic/ic.h" #include "src/ic/stub-cache.h" #include "src/profiler/cpu-profiler.h" #include "src/regexp/jsregexp.h" #include "src/regexp/regexp-macro-assembler.h" #include "src/regexp/regexp-stack.h" #include "src/register-configuration.h" #include "src/runtime/runtime.h" #include "src/simulator.h" // For flushing instruction cache. #include "src/snapshot/serialize.h" #include "src/token.h" #if V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32 #include "src/ia32/assembler-ia32-inl.h" // NOLINT #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 #include "src/x64/assembler-x64-inl.h" // NOLINT #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM64 #include "src/arm64/assembler-arm64-inl.h" // NOLINT #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM #include "src/arm/assembler-arm-inl.h" // NOLINT #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_PPC #include "src/ppc/assembler-ppc-inl.h" // NOLINT #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS #include "src/mips/assembler-mips-inl.h" // NOLINT #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS64 #include "src/mips64/assembler-mips64-inl.h" // NOLINT #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_X87 #include "src/x87/assembler-x87-inl.h" // NOLINT #else #error "Unknown architecture." #endif // Include native regexp-macro-assembler. #ifndef V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP #if V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32 #include "src/regexp/ia32/regexp-macro-assembler-ia32.h" // NOLINT #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 #include "src/regexp/x64/regexp-macro-assembler-x64.h" // NOLINT #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM64 #include "src/regexp/arm64/regexp-macro-assembler-arm64.h" // NOLINT #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM #include "src/regexp/arm/regexp-macro-assembler-arm.h" // NOLINT #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_PPC #include "src/regexp/ppc/regexp-macro-assembler-ppc.h" // NOLINT #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS #include "src/regexp/mips/regexp-macro-assembler-mips.h" // NOLINT #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS64 #include "src/regexp/mips64/regexp-macro-assembler-mips64.h" // NOLINT #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_X87 #include "src/regexp/x87/regexp-macro-assembler-x87.h" // NOLINT #else // Unknown architecture. #error "Unknown architecture." #endif // Target architecture. #endif // V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP namespace v8 { namespace internal { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Common register code. const char* Register::ToString() { // This is the mapping of allocation indices to registers. DCHECK(reg_code >= 0 && reg_code < kNumRegisters); return RegisterConfiguration::ArchDefault(RegisterConfiguration::CRANKSHAFT) ->GetGeneralRegisterName(reg_code); } bool Register::IsAllocatable() const { return ((1 << reg_code) & RegisterConfiguration::ArchDefault(RegisterConfiguration::CRANKSHAFT) ->allocatable_general_codes_mask()) != 0; } const char* DoubleRegister::ToString() { // This is the mapping of allocation indices to registers. DCHECK(reg_code >= 0 && reg_code < kMaxNumRegisters); return RegisterConfiguration::ArchDefault(RegisterConfiguration::CRANKSHAFT) ->GetDoubleRegisterName(reg_code); } bool DoubleRegister::IsAllocatable() const { return ((1 << reg_code) & RegisterConfiguration::ArchDefault(RegisterConfiguration::CRANKSHAFT) ->allocatable_double_codes_mask()) != 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Common double constants. struct DoubleConstant BASE_EMBEDDED { double min_int; double one_half; double minus_one_half; double negative_infinity; double the_hole_nan; double uint32_bias; }; static DoubleConstant double_constants; const char* const RelocInfo::kFillerCommentString = "DEOPTIMIZATION PADDING"; static bool math_exp_data_initialized = false; static base::Mutex* math_exp_data_mutex = NULL; static double* math_exp_constants_array = NULL; static double* math_exp_log_table_array = NULL; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of AssemblerBase AssemblerBase::AssemblerBase(Isolate* isolate, void* buffer, int buffer_size) : isolate_(isolate), jit_cookie_(0), enabled_cpu_features_(0), emit_debug_code_(FLAG_debug_code), predictable_code_size_(false), // We may use the assembler without an isolate. serializer_enabled_(isolate && isolate->serializer_enabled()), constant_pool_available_(false) { if (FLAG_mask_constants_with_cookie && isolate != NULL) { jit_cookie_ = isolate->random_number_generator()->NextInt(); } own_buffer_ = buffer == NULL; if (buffer_size == 0) buffer_size = kMinimalBufferSize; DCHECK(buffer_size > 0); if (own_buffer_) buffer = NewArray<byte>(buffer_size); buffer_ = static_cast<byte*>(buffer); buffer_size_ = buffer_size; pc_ = buffer_; } AssemblerBase::~AssemblerBase() { if (own_buffer_) DeleteArray(buffer_); } void AssemblerBase::FlushICache(Isolate* isolate, void* start, size_t size) { if (size == 0) return; if (CpuFeatures::IsSupported(COHERENT_CACHE)) return; #if defined(USE_SIMULATOR) Simulator::FlushICache(isolate->simulator_i_cache(), start, size); #else CpuFeatures::FlushICache(start, size); #endif // USE_SIMULATOR } void AssemblerBase::FlushICacheWithoutIsolate(void* start, size_t size) { // Ideally we would just call Isolate::Current() here. However, this flushes // out issues because we usually only need the isolate when in the simulator. Isolate* isolate; #if defined(USE_SIMULATOR) isolate = Isolate::Current(); #else isolate = nullptr; #endif // USE_SIMULATOR FlushICache(isolate, start, size); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of PredictableCodeSizeScope PredictableCodeSizeScope::PredictableCodeSizeScope(AssemblerBase* assembler) : PredictableCodeSizeScope(assembler, -1) {} PredictableCodeSizeScope::PredictableCodeSizeScope(AssemblerBase* assembler, int expected_size) : assembler_(assembler), expected_size_(expected_size), start_offset_(assembler->pc_offset()), old_value_(assembler->predictable_code_size()) { assembler_->set_predictable_code_size(true); } PredictableCodeSizeScope::~PredictableCodeSizeScope() { // TODO(svenpanne) Remove the 'if' when everything works. if (expected_size_ >= 0) { CHECK_EQ(expected_size_, assembler_->pc_offset() - start_offset_); } assembler_->set_predictable_code_size(old_value_); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of CpuFeatureScope #ifdef DEBUG CpuFeatureScope::CpuFeatureScope(AssemblerBase* assembler, CpuFeature f) : assembler_(assembler) { DCHECK(CpuFeatures::IsSupported(f)); old_enabled_ = assembler_->enabled_cpu_features(); uint64_t mask = static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << f; // TODO(svenpanne) This special case below doesn't belong here! #if V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM // ARMv7 is implied by VFP3. if (f == VFP3) { mask |= static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << ARMv7; } #endif assembler_->set_enabled_cpu_features(old_enabled_ | mask); } CpuFeatureScope::~CpuFeatureScope() { assembler_->set_enabled_cpu_features(old_enabled_); } #endif bool CpuFeatures::initialized_ = false; unsigned CpuFeatures::supported_ = 0; unsigned CpuFeatures::cache_line_size_ = 0; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of Label int Label::pos() const { if (pos_ < 0) return -pos_ - 1; if (pos_ > 0) return pos_ - 1; UNREACHABLE(); return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of RelocInfoWriter and RelocIterator // // Relocation information is written backwards in memory, from high addresses // towards low addresses, byte by byte. Therefore, in the encodings listed // below, the first byte listed it at the highest address, and successive // bytes in the record are at progressively lower addresses. // // Encoding // // The most common modes are given single-byte encodings. Also, it is // easy to identify the type of reloc info and skip unwanted modes in // an iteration. // // The encoding relies on the fact that there are fewer than 14 // different relocation modes using standard non-compact encoding. // // The first byte of a relocation record has a tag in its low 2 bits: // Here are the record schemes, depending on the low tag and optional higher // tags. // // Low tag: // 00: embedded_object: [6-bit pc delta] 00 // // 01: code_target: [6-bit pc delta] 01 // // 10: short_data_record: [6-bit pc delta] 10 followed by // [6-bit data delta] [2-bit data type tag] // // 11: long_record [6 bit reloc mode] 11 // followed by pc delta // followed by optional data depending on type. // // 2-bit data type tags, used in short_data_record and data_jump long_record: // code_target_with_id: 00 // position: 01 // statement_position: 10 // deopt_reason: 11 // // If a pc delta exceeds 6 bits, it is split into a remainder that fits into // 6 bits and a part that does not. The latter is encoded as a long record // with PC_JUMP as pseudo reloc info mode. The former is encoded as part of // the following record in the usual way. The long pc jump record has variable // length: // pc-jump: [PC_JUMP] 11 // [7 bits data] 0 // ... // [7 bits data] 1 // (Bits 6..31 of pc delta, with leading zeroes // dropped, and last non-zero chunk tagged with 1.) const int kTagBits = 2; const int kTagMask = (1 << kTagBits) - 1; const int kLongTagBits = 6; const int kShortDataTypeTagBits = 2; const int kShortDataBits = kBitsPerByte - kShortDataTypeTagBits; const int kEmbeddedObjectTag = 0; const int kCodeTargetTag = 1; const int kLocatableTag = 2; const int kDefaultTag = 3; const int kSmallPCDeltaBits = kBitsPerByte - kTagBits; const int kSmallPCDeltaMask = (1 << kSmallPCDeltaBits) - 1; const int RelocInfo::kMaxSmallPCDelta = kSmallPCDeltaMask; const int kChunkBits = 7; const int kChunkMask = (1 << kChunkBits) - 1; const int kLastChunkTagBits = 1; const int kLastChunkTagMask = 1; const int kLastChunkTag = 1; const int kCodeWithIdTag = 0; const int kNonstatementPositionTag = 1; const int kStatementPositionTag = 2; const int kDeoptReasonTag = 3; uint32_t RelocInfoWriter::WriteLongPCJump(uint32_t pc_delta) { // Return if the pc_delta can fit in kSmallPCDeltaBits bits. // Otherwise write a variable length PC jump for the bits that do // not fit in the kSmallPCDeltaBits bits. if (is_uintn(pc_delta, kSmallPCDeltaBits)) return pc_delta; WriteMode(RelocInfo::PC_JUMP); uint32_t pc_jump = pc_delta >> kSmallPCDeltaBits; DCHECK(pc_jump > 0); // Write kChunkBits size chunks of the pc_jump. for (; pc_jump > 0; pc_jump = pc_jump >> kChunkBits) { byte b = pc_jump & kChunkMask; *--pos_ = b << kLastChunkTagBits; } // Tag the last chunk so it can be identified. *pos_ = *pos_ | kLastChunkTag; // Return the remaining kSmallPCDeltaBits of the pc_delta. return pc_delta & kSmallPCDeltaMask; } void RelocInfoWriter::WriteShortTaggedPC(uint32_t pc_delta, int tag) { // Write a byte of tagged pc-delta, possibly preceded by an explicit pc-jump. pc_delta = WriteLongPCJump(pc_delta); *--pos_ = pc_delta << kTagBits | tag; } void RelocInfoWriter::WriteShortTaggedData(intptr_t data_delta, int tag) { *--pos_ = static_cast<byte>(data_delta << kShortDataTypeTagBits | tag); } void RelocInfoWriter::WriteMode(RelocInfo::Mode rmode) { STATIC_ASSERT(RelocInfo::NUMBER_OF_MODES <= (1 << kLongTagBits)); *--pos_ = static_cast<int>((rmode << kTagBits) | kDefaultTag); } void RelocInfoWriter::WriteModeAndPC(uint32_t pc_delta, RelocInfo::Mode rmode) { // Write two-byte tagged pc-delta, possibly preceded by var. length pc-jump. pc_delta = WriteLongPCJump(pc_delta); WriteMode(rmode); *--pos_ = pc_delta; } void RelocInfoWriter::WriteIntData(int number) { for (int i = 0; i < kIntSize; i++) { *--pos_ = static_cast<byte>(number); // Signed right shift is arithmetic shift. Tested in test-utils.cc. number = number >> kBitsPerByte; } } void RelocInfoWriter::WriteData(intptr_t data_delta) { for (int i = 0; i < kIntptrSize; i++) { *--pos_ = static_cast<byte>(data_delta); // Signed right shift is arithmetic shift. Tested in test-utils.cc. data_delta = data_delta >> kBitsPerByte; } } void RelocInfoWriter::WritePosition(int pc_delta, int pos_delta, RelocInfo::Mode rmode) { int pos_type_tag = (rmode == RelocInfo::POSITION) ? kNonstatementPositionTag : kStatementPositionTag; // Check if delta is small enough to fit in a tagged byte. if (is_intn(pos_delta, kShortDataBits)) { WriteShortTaggedPC(pc_delta, kLocatableTag); WriteShortTaggedData(pos_delta, pos_type_tag); } else { // Otherwise, use costly encoding. WriteModeAndPC(pc_delta, rmode); WriteIntData(pos_delta); } } void RelocInfoWriter::FlushPosition() { if (!next_position_candidate_flushed_) { WritePosition(next_position_candidate_pc_delta_, next_position_candidate_pos_delta_, RelocInfo::POSITION); next_position_candidate_pos_delta_ = 0; next_position_candidate_pc_delta_ = 0; next_position_candidate_flushed_ = true; } } void RelocInfoWriter::Write(const RelocInfo* rinfo) { RelocInfo::Mode rmode = rinfo->rmode(); if (rmode != RelocInfo::POSITION) { FlushPosition(); } #ifdef DEBUG byte* begin_pos = pos_; #endif DCHECK(rinfo->rmode() < RelocInfo::NUMBER_OF_MODES); DCHECK(rinfo->pc() - last_pc_ >= 0); // Use unsigned delta-encoding for pc. uint32_t pc_delta = static_cast<uint32_t>(rinfo->pc() - last_pc_); // The two most common modes are given small tags, and usually fit in a byte. if (rmode == RelocInfo::EMBEDDED_OBJECT) { WriteShortTaggedPC(pc_delta, kEmbeddedObjectTag); } else if (rmode == RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET) { WriteShortTaggedPC(pc_delta, kCodeTargetTag); DCHECK(begin_pos - pos_ <= RelocInfo::kMaxCallSize); } else if (rmode == RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET_WITH_ID) { // Use signed delta-encoding for id. DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(rinfo->data()), rinfo->data()); int id_delta = static_cast<int>(rinfo->data()) - last_id_; // Check if delta is small enough to fit in a tagged byte. if (is_intn(id_delta, kShortDataBits)) { WriteShortTaggedPC(pc_delta, kLocatableTag); WriteShortTaggedData(id_delta, kCodeWithIdTag); } else { // Otherwise, use costly encoding. WriteModeAndPC(pc_delta, rmode); WriteIntData(id_delta); } last_id_ = static_cast<int>(rinfo->data()); } else if (rmode == RelocInfo::DEOPT_REASON) { DCHECK(rinfo->data() < (1 << kShortDataBits)); WriteShortTaggedPC(pc_delta, kLocatableTag); WriteShortTaggedData(rinfo->data(), kDeoptReasonTag); } else if (RelocInfo::IsPosition(rmode)) { // Use signed delta-encoding for position. DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(rinfo->data()), rinfo->data()); int pos_delta = static_cast<int>(rinfo->data()) - last_position_; if (rmode == RelocInfo::STATEMENT_POSITION) { WritePosition(pc_delta, pos_delta, rmode); } else { DCHECK_EQ(rmode, RelocInfo::POSITION); if (pc_delta != 0 || last_mode_ != RelocInfo::POSITION) { FlushPosition(); next_position_candidate_pc_delta_ = pc_delta; next_position_candidate_pos_delta_ = pos_delta; } else { next_position_candidate_pos_delta_ += pos_delta; } next_position_candidate_flushed_ = false; } last_position_ = static_cast<int>(rinfo->data()); } else { WriteModeAndPC(pc_delta, rmode); if (RelocInfo::IsComment(rmode)) { WriteData(rinfo->data()); } else if (RelocInfo::IsConstPool(rmode) || RelocInfo::IsVeneerPool(rmode) || RelocInfo::IsDebugBreakSlotAtCall(rmode)) { WriteIntData(static_cast<int>(rinfo->data())); } } last_pc_ = rinfo->pc(); last_mode_ = rmode; #ifdef DEBUG DCHECK(begin_pos - pos_ <= kMaxSize); #endif } inline int RelocIterator::AdvanceGetTag() { return *--pos_ & kTagMask; } inline RelocInfo::Mode RelocIterator::GetMode() { return static_cast<RelocInfo::Mode>((*pos_ >> kTagBits) & ((1 << kLongTagBits) - 1)); } inline void RelocIterator::ReadShortTaggedPC() { rinfo_.pc_ += *pos_ >> kTagBits; } inline void RelocIterator::AdvanceReadPC() { rinfo_.pc_ += *--pos_; } void RelocIterator::AdvanceReadId() { int x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kIntSize; i++) { x |= static_cast<int>(*--pos_) << i * kBitsPerByte; } last_id_ += x; rinfo_.data_ = last_id_; } void RelocIterator::AdvanceReadInt() { int x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kIntSize; i++) { x |= static_cast<int>(*--pos_) << i * kBitsPerByte; } rinfo_.data_ = x; } void RelocIterator::AdvanceReadPosition() { int x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kIntSize; i++) { x |= static_cast<int>(*--pos_) << i * kBitsPerByte; } last_position_ += x; rinfo_.data_ = last_position_; } void RelocIterator::AdvanceReadData() { intptr_t x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kIntptrSize; i++) { x |= static_cast<intptr_t>(*--pos_) << i * kBitsPerByte; } rinfo_.data_ = x; } void RelocIterator::AdvanceReadLongPCJump() { // Read the 32-kSmallPCDeltaBits most significant bits of the // pc jump in kChunkBits bit chunks and shift them into place. // Stop when the last chunk is encountered. uint32_t pc_jump = 0; for (int i = 0; i < kIntSize; i++) { byte pc_jump_part = *--pos_; pc_jump |= (pc_jump_part >> kLastChunkTagBits) << i * kChunkBits; if ((pc_jump_part & kLastChunkTagMask) == 1) break; } // The least significant kSmallPCDeltaBits bits will be added // later. rinfo_.pc_ += pc_jump << kSmallPCDeltaBits; } inline int RelocIterator::GetShortDataTypeTag() { return *pos_ & ((1 << kShortDataTypeTagBits) - 1); } inline void RelocIterator::ReadShortTaggedId() { int8_t signed_b = *pos_; // Signed right shift is arithmetic shift. Tested in test-utils.cc. last_id_ += signed_b >> kShortDataTypeTagBits; rinfo_.data_ = last_id_; } inline void RelocIterator::ReadShortTaggedPosition() { int8_t signed_b = *pos_; // Signed right shift is arithmetic shift. Tested in test-utils.cc. last_position_ += signed_b >> kShortDataTypeTagBits; rinfo_.data_ = last_position_; } inline void RelocIterator::ReadShortTaggedData() { uint8_t unsigned_b = *pos_; rinfo_.data_ = unsigned_b >> kTagBits; } static inline RelocInfo::Mode GetPositionModeFromTag(int tag) { DCHECK(tag == kNonstatementPositionTag || tag == kStatementPositionTag); return (tag == kNonstatementPositionTag) ? RelocInfo::POSITION : RelocInfo::STATEMENT_POSITION; } void RelocIterator::next() { DCHECK(!done()); // Basically, do the opposite of RelocInfoWriter::Write. // Reading of data is as far as possible avoided for unwanted modes, // but we must always update the pc. // // We exit this loop by returning when we find a mode we want. while (pos_ > end_) { int tag = AdvanceGetTag(); if (tag == kEmbeddedObjectTag) { ReadShortTaggedPC(); if (SetMode(RelocInfo::EMBEDDED_OBJECT)) return; } else if (tag == kCodeTargetTag) { ReadShortTaggedPC(); if (SetMode(RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET)) return; } else if (tag == kLocatableTag) { ReadShortTaggedPC(); Advance(); int data_type_tag = GetShortDataTypeTag(); if (data_type_tag == kCodeWithIdTag) { if (SetMode(RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET_WITH_ID)) { ReadShortTaggedId(); return; } } else if (data_type_tag == kDeoptReasonTag) { if (SetMode(RelocInfo::DEOPT_REASON)) { ReadShortTaggedData(); return; } } else { DCHECK(data_type_tag == kNonstatementPositionTag || data_type_tag == kStatementPositionTag); if (mode_mask_ & RelocInfo::kPositionMask) { // Always update the position if we are interested in either // statement positions or non-statement positions. ReadShortTaggedPosition(); if (SetMode(GetPositionModeFromTag(data_type_tag))) return; } } } else { DCHECK(tag == kDefaultTag); RelocInfo::Mode rmode = GetMode(); if (rmode == RelocInfo::PC_JUMP) { AdvanceReadLongPCJump(); } else { AdvanceReadPC(); if (rmode == RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET_WITH_ID) { if (SetMode(rmode)) { AdvanceReadId(); return; } Advance(kIntSize); } else if (RelocInfo::IsComment(rmode)) { if (SetMode(rmode)) { AdvanceReadData(); return; } Advance(kIntptrSize); } else if (RelocInfo::IsPosition(rmode)) { if (mode_mask_ & RelocInfo::kPositionMask) { // Always update the position if we are interested in either // statement positions or non-statement positions. AdvanceReadPosition(); if (SetMode(rmode)) return; } else { Advance(kIntSize); } } else if (RelocInfo::IsConstPool(rmode) || RelocInfo::IsVeneerPool(rmode) || RelocInfo::IsDebugBreakSlotAtCall(rmode)) { if (SetMode(rmode)) { AdvanceReadInt(); return; } Advance(kIntSize); } else if (SetMode(static_cast<RelocInfo::Mode>(rmode))) { return; } } } } if (code_age_sequence_ != NULL) { byte* old_code_age_sequence = code_age_sequence_; code_age_sequence_ = NULL; if (SetMode(RelocInfo::CODE_AGE_SEQUENCE)) { rinfo_.data_ = 0; rinfo_.pc_ = old_code_age_sequence; return; } } done_ = true; } RelocIterator::RelocIterator(Code* code, int mode_mask) { rinfo_.host_ = code; rinfo_.pc_ = code->instruction_start(); rinfo_.data_ = 0; // Relocation info is read backwards. pos_ = code->relocation_start() + code->relocation_size(); end_ = code->relocation_start(); done_ = false; mode_mask_ = mode_mask; last_id_ = 0; last_position_ = 0; byte* sequence = code->FindCodeAgeSequence(); // We get the isolate from the map, because at serialization time // the code pointer has been cloned and isn't really in heap space. Isolate* isolate = code->map()->GetIsolate(); if (sequence != NULL && !Code::IsYoungSequence(isolate, sequence)) { code_age_sequence_ = sequence; } else { code_age_sequence_ = NULL; } if (mode_mask_ == 0) pos_ = end_; next(); } RelocIterator::RelocIterator(const CodeDesc& desc, int mode_mask) { rinfo_.pc_ = desc.buffer; rinfo_.data_ = 0; // Relocation info is read backwards. pos_ = desc.buffer + desc.buffer_size; end_ = pos_ - desc.reloc_size; done_ = false; mode_mask_ = mode_mask; last_id_ = 0; last_position_ = 0; code_age_sequence_ = NULL; if (mode_mask_ == 0) pos_ = end_; next(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of RelocInfo #ifdef DEBUG bool RelocInfo::RequiresRelocation(const CodeDesc& desc) { // Ensure there are no code targets or embedded objects present in the // deoptimization entries, they would require relocation after code // generation. int mode_mask = RelocInfo::kCodeTargetMask | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::EMBEDDED_OBJECT) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::CELL) | RelocInfo::kApplyMask; RelocIterator it(desc, mode_mask); return !it.done(); } #endif #ifdef ENABLE_DISASSEMBLER const char* RelocInfo::RelocModeName(RelocInfo::Mode rmode) { switch (rmode) { case NONE32: return "no reloc 32"; case NONE64: return "no reloc 64"; case EMBEDDED_OBJECT: return "embedded object"; case CONSTRUCT_CALL: return "code target (js construct call)"; case DEBUGGER_STATEMENT: return "debugger statement"; case CODE_TARGET: return "code target"; case CODE_TARGET_WITH_ID: return "code target with id"; case CELL: return "property cell"; case RUNTIME_ENTRY: return "runtime entry"; case COMMENT: return "comment"; case POSITION: return "position"; case STATEMENT_POSITION: return "statement position"; case EXTERNAL_REFERENCE: return "external reference"; case INTERNAL_REFERENCE: return "internal reference"; case INTERNAL_REFERENCE_ENCODED: return "encoded internal reference"; case DEOPT_REASON: return "deopt reason"; case CONST_POOL: return "constant pool"; case VENEER_POOL: return "veneer pool"; case DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_POSITION: return "debug break slot at position"; case DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_RETURN: return "debug break slot at return"; case DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_CALL: return "debug break slot at call"; case DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_CONSTRUCT_CALL: return "debug break slot at construct call"; case CODE_AGE_SEQUENCE: return "code age sequence"; case GENERATOR_CONTINUATION: return "generator continuation"; case NUMBER_OF_MODES: case PC_JUMP: UNREACHABLE(); return "number_of_modes"; } return "unknown relocation type"; } void RelocInfo::Print(Isolate* isolate, std::ostream& os) { // NOLINT os << static_cast<const void*>(pc_) << " " << RelocModeName(rmode_); if (IsComment(rmode_)) { os << " (" << reinterpret_cast<char*>(data_) << ")"; } else if (rmode_ == DEOPT_REASON) { os << " (" << Deoptimizer::GetDeoptReason( static_cast<Deoptimizer::DeoptReason>(data_)) << ")"; } else if (rmode_ == EMBEDDED_OBJECT) { os << " (" << Brief(target_object()) << ")"; } else if (rmode_ == EXTERNAL_REFERENCE) { ExternalReferenceEncoder ref_encoder(isolate); os << " (" << ref_encoder.NameOfAddress(isolate, target_external_reference()) << ") (" << static_cast<const void*>(target_external_reference()) << ")"; } else if (IsCodeTarget(rmode_)) { Code* code = Code::GetCodeFromTargetAddress(target_address()); os << " (" << Code::Kind2String(code->kind()) << ") (" << static_cast<const void*>(target_address()) << ")"; if (rmode_ == CODE_TARGET_WITH_ID) { os << " (id=" << static_cast<int>(data_) << ")"; } } else if (IsPosition(rmode_)) { os << " (" << data() << ")"; } else if (IsRuntimeEntry(rmode_) && isolate->deoptimizer_data() != NULL) { // Depotimization bailouts are stored as runtime entries. int id = Deoptimizer::GetDeoptimizationId( isolate, target_address(), Deoptimizer::EAGER); if (id != Deoptimizer::kNotDeoptimizationEntry) { os << " (deoptimization bailout " << id << ")"; } } else if (IsConstPool(rmode_)) { os << " (size " << static_cast<int>(data_) << ")"; } os << "\n"; } #endif // ENABLE_DISASSEMBLER #ifdef VERIFY_HEAP void RelocInfo::Verify(Isolate* isolate) { switch (rmode_) { case EMBEDDED_OBJECT: Object::VerifyPointer(target_object()); break; case CELL: Object::VerifyPointer(target_cell()); break; case DEBUGGER_STATEMENT: case CONSTRUCT_CALL: case CODE_TARGET_WITH_ID: case CODE_TARGET: { // convert inline target address to code object Address addr = target_address(); CHECK(addr != NULL); // Check that we can find the right code object. Code* code = Code::GetCodeFromTargetAddress(addr); Object* found = isolate->FindCodeObject(addr); CHECK(found->IsCode()); CHECK(code->address() == HeapObject::cast(found)->address()); break; } case INTERNAL_REFERENCE: case INTERNAL_REFERENCE_ENCODED: { Address target = target_internal_reference(); Address pc = target_internal_reference_address(); Code* code = Code::cast(isolate->FindCodeObject(pc)); CHECK(target >= code->instruction_start()); CHECK(target <= code->instruction_end()); break; } case RUNTIME_ENTRY: case COMMENT: case POSITION: case STATEMENT_POSITION: case EXTERNAL_REFERENCE: case DEOPT_REASON: case CONST_POOL: case VENEER_POOL: case DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_POSITION: case DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_RETURN: case DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_CALL: case DEBUG_BREAK_SLOT_AT_CONSTRUCT_CALL: case GENERATOR_CONTINUATION: case NONE32: case NONE64: break; case NUMBER_OF_MODES: case PC_JUMP: UNREACHABLE(); break; case CODE_AGE_SEQUENCE: DCHECK(Code::IsYoungSequence(isolate, pc_) || code_age_stub()->IsCode()); break; } } #endif // VERIFY_HEAP int RelocInfo::DebugBreakCallArgumentsCount(intptr_t data) { return static_cast<int>(data); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of ExternalReference void ExternalReference::SetUp() { double_constants.min_int = kMinInt; double_constants.one_half = 0.5; double_constants.minus_one_half = -0.5; double_constants.the_hole_nan = bit_cast<double>(kHoleNanInt64); double_constants.negative_infinity = -V8_INFINITY; double_constants.uint32_bias = static_cast<double>(static_cast<uint32_t>(0xFFFFFFFF)) + 1; math_exp_data_mutex = new base::Mutex(); } void ExternalReference::InitializeMathExpData() { // Early return? if (math_exp_data_initialized) return; base::LockGuard<base::Mutex> lock_guard(math_exp_data_mutex); if (!math_exp_data_initialized) { // If this is changed, generated code must be adapted too. const int kTableSizeBits = 11; const int kTableSize = 1 << kTableSizeBits; const double kTableSizeDouble = static_cast<double>(kTableSize); math_exp_constants_array = new double[9]; // Input values smaller than this always return 0. math_exp_constants_array[0] = -708.39641853226408; // Input values larger than this always return +Infinity. math_exp_constants_array[1] = 709.78271289338397; math_exp_constants_array[2] = V8_INFINITY; // The rest is black magic. Do not attempt to understand it. It is // loosely based on the "expd" function published at: // http://herumi.blogspot.com/2011/08/fast-double-precision-exponential.html const double constant3 = (1 << kTableSizeBits) / std::log(2.0); math_exp_constants_array[3] = constant3; math_exp_constants_array[4] = static_cast<double>(static_cast<int64_t>(3) << 51); math_exp_constants_array[5] = 1 / constant3; math_exp_constants_array[6] = 3.0000000027955394; math_exp_constants_array[7] = 0.16666666685227835; math_exp_constants_array[8] = 1; math_exp_log_table_array = new double[kTableSize]; for (int i = 0; i < kTableSize; i++) { double value = std::pow(2, i / kTableSizeDouble); uint64_t bits = bit_cast<uint64_t, double>(value); bits &= (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 52) - 1; double mantissa = bit_cast<double, uint64_t>(bits); math_exp_log_table_array[i] = mantissa; } math_exp_data_initialized = true; } } void ExternalReference::TearDownMathExpData() { delete[] math_exp_constants_array; math_exp_constants_array = NULL; delete[] math_exp_log_table_array; math_exp_log_table_array = NULL; delete math_exp_data_mutex; math_exp_data_mutex = NULL; } ExternalReference::ExternalReference(Builtins::CFunctionId id, Isolate* isolate) : address_(Redirect(isolate, Builtins::c_function_address(id))) {} ExternalReference::ExternalReference( ApiFunction* fun, Type type = ExternalReference::BUILTIN_CALL, Isolate* isolate = NULL) : address_(Redirect(isolate, fun->address(), type)) {} ExternalReference::ExternalReference(Builtins::Name name, Isolate* isolate) : address_(isolate->builtins()->builtin_address(name)) {} ExternalReference::ExternalReference(Runtime::FunctionId id, Isolate* isolate) : address_(Redirect(isolate, Runtime::FunctionForId(id)->entry)) {} ExternalReference::ExternalReference(const Runtime::Function* f, Isolate* isolate) : address_(Redirect(isolate, f->entry)) {} ExternalReference ExternalReference::isolate_address(Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate); } ExternalReference::ExternalReference(StatsCounter* counter) : address_(reinterpret_cast<Address>(counter->GetInternalPointer())) {} ExternalReference::ExternalReference(Isolate::AddressId id, Isolate* isolate) : address_(isolate->get_address_from_id(id)) {} ExternalReference::ExternalReference(const SCTableReference& table_ref) : address_(table_ref.address()) {} ExternalReference ExternalReference:: incremental_marking_record_write_function(Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(Redirect( isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(IncrementalMarking::RecordWriteFromCode))); } ExternalReference ExternalReference:: store_buffer_overflow_function(Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(Redirect( isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(StoreBuffer::StoreBufferOverflow))); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::delete_handle_scope_extensions( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(Redirect( isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(HandleScope::DeleteExtensions))); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::get_date_field_function( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(Redirect(isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(JSDate::GetField))); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::get_make_code_young_function( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(Redirect( isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(Code::MakeCodeAgeSequenceYoung))); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::get_mark_code_as_executed_function( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(Redirect( isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(Code::MarkCodeAsExecuted))); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::date_cache_stamp(Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->date_cache()->stamp_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::stress_deopt_count(Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->stress_deopt_count_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::new_deoptimizer_function( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference( Redirect(isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(Deoptimizer::New))); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::compute_output_frames_function( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference( Redirect(isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(Deoptimizer::ComputeOutputFrames))); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::log_enter_external_function( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference( Redirect(isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(Logger::EnterExternal))); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::log_leave_external_function( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference( Redirect(isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(Logger::LeaveExternal))); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::keyed_lookup_cache_keys(Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->keyed_lookup_cache()->keys_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::keyed_lookup_cache_field_offsets( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference( isolate->keyed_lookup_cache()->field_offsets_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::roots_array_start(Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->heap()->roots_array_start()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::allocation_sites_list_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->heap()->allocation_sites_list_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::address_of_stack_limit(Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->stack_guard()->address_of_jslimit()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::address_of_real_stack_limit( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->stack_guard()->address_of_real_jslimit()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::address_of_regexp_stack_limit( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->regexp_stack()->limit_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::new_space_start(Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->heap()->NewSpaceStart()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::store_buffer_top(Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->heap()->store_buffer_top_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::new_space_mask(Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(reinterpret_cast<Address>( isolate->heap()->NewSpaceMask())); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::new_space_allocation_top_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->heap()->NewSpaceAllocationTopAddress()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::new_space_allocation_limit_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->heap()->NewSpaceAllocationLimitAddress()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::old_space_allocation_top_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->heap()->OldSpaceAllocationTopAddress()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::old_space_allocation_limit_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->heap()->OldSpaceAllocationLimitAddress()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::handle_scope_level_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(HandleScope::current_level_address(isolate)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::handle_scope_next_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(HandleScope::current_next_address(isolate)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::handle_scope_limit_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(HandleScope::current_limit_address(isolate)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::scheduled_exception_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->scheduled_exception_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::address_of_pending_message_obj( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->pending_message_obj_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::address_of_min_int() { return ExternalReference(reinterpret_cast<void*>(&double_constants.min_int)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::address_of_one_half() { return ExternalReference(reinterpret_cast<void*>(&double_constants.one_half)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::address_of_minus_one_half() { return ExternalReference( reinterpret_cast<void*>(&double_constants.minus_one_half)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::address_of_negative_infinity() { return ExternalReference( reinterpret_cast<void*>(&double_constants.negative_infinity)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::address_of_the_hole_nan() { return ExternalReference( reinterpret_cast<void*>(&double_constants.the_hole_nan)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::address_of_uint32_bias() { return ExternalReference( reinterpret_cast<void*>(&double_constants.uint32_bias)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::is_profiling_address(Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->cpu_profiler()->is_profiling_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::invoke_function_callback( Isolate* isolate) { Address thunk_address = FUNCTION_ADDR(&InvokeFunctionCallback); ExternalReference::Type thunk_type = ExternalReference::PROFILING_API_CALL; ApiFunction thunk_fun(thunk_address); return ExternalReference(&thunk_fun, thunk_type, isolate); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::invoke_accessor_getter_callback( Isolate* isolate) { Address thunk_address = FUNCTION_ADDR(&InvokeAccessorGetterCallback); ExternalReference::Type thunk_type = ExternalReference::PROFILING_GETTER_CALL; ApiFunction thunk_fun(thunk_address); return ExternalReference(&thunk_fun, thunk_type, isolate); } #ifndef V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP ExternalReference ExternalReference::re_check_stack_guard_state( Isolate* isolate) { Address function; #if V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64 function = FUNCTION_ADDR(RegExpMacroAssemblerX64::CheckStackGuardState); #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32 function = FUNCTION_ADDR(RegExpMacroAssemblerIA32::CheckStackGuardState); #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM64 function = FUNCTION_ADDR(RegExpMacroAssemblerARM64::CheckStackGuardState); #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM function = FUNCTION_ADDR(RegExpMacroAssemblerARM::CheckStackGuardState); #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_PPC function = FUNCTION_ADDR(RegExpMacroAssemblerPPC::CheckStackGuardState); #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS function = FUNCTION_ADDR(RegExpMacroAssemblerMIPS::CheckStackGuardState); #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS64 function = FUNCTION_ADDR(RegExpMacroAssemblerMIPS::CheckStackGuardState); #elif V8_TARGET_ARCH_X87 function = FUNCTION_ADDR(RegExpMacroAssemblerX87::CheckStackGuardState); #else UNREACHABLE(); #endif return ExternalReference(Redirect(isolate, function)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::re_grow_stack(Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference( Redirect(isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::GrowStack))); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::re_case_insensitive_compare_uc16( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(Redirect( isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::CaseInsensitiveCompareUC16))); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::re_word_character_map() { return ExternalReference( NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::word_character_map_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::address_of_static_offsets_vector( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference( reinterpret_cast<Address>(isolate->jsregexp_static_offsets_vector())); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::address_of_regexp_stack_memory_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference( isolate->regexp_stack()->memory_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::address_of_regexp_stack_memory_size( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->regexp_stack()->memory_size_address()); } #endif // V8_INTERPRETED_REGEXP ExternalReference ExternalReference::math_log_double_function( Isolate* isolate) { typedef double (*d2d)(double x); return ExternalReference(Redirect(isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(static_cast<d2d>(std::log)), BUILTIN_FP_CALL)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::math_exp_constants(int constant_index) { DCHECK(math_exp_data_initialized); return ExternalReference( reinterpret_cast<void*>(math_exp_constants_array + constant_index)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::math_exp_log_table() { DCHECK(math_exp_data_initialized); return ExternalReference(reinterpret_cast<void*>(math_exp_log_table_array)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::page_flags(Page* page) { return ExternalReference(reinterpret_cast<Address>(page) + MemoryChunk::kFlagsOffset); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::ForDeoptEntry(Address entry) { return ExternalReference(entry); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::cpu_features() { DCHECK(CpuFeatures::initialized_); return ExternalReference(&CpuFeatures::supported_); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::debug_is_active_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->debug()->is_active_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::debug_after_break_target_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->debug()->after_break_target_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::debug_restarter_frame_function_pointer_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference( isolate->debug()->restarter_frame_function_pointer_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::virtual_handler_register( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->virtual_handler_register_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::virtual_slot_register(Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->virtual_slot_register_address()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::runtime_function_table_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference( const_cast<Runtime::Function*>(Runtime::RuntimeFunctionTable(isolate))); } double power_helper(double x, double y) { int y_int = static_cast<int>(y); if (y == y_int) { return power_double_int(x, y_int); // Returns 1 if exponent is 0. } if (y == 0.5) { return (std::isinf(x)) ? V8_INFINITY : fast_sqrt(x + 0.0); // Convert -0 to +0. } if (y == -0.5) { return (std::isinf(x)) ? 0 : 1.0 / fast_sqrt(x + 0.0); // Convert -0 to +0. } return power_double_double(x, y); } // Helper function to compute x^y, where y is known to be an // integer. Uses binary decomposition to limit the number of // multiplications; see the discussion in "Hacker's Delight" by Henry // S. Warren, Jr., figure 11-6, page 213. double power_double_int(double x, int y) { double m = (y < 0) ? 1 / x : x; unsigned n = (y < 0) ? -y : y; double p = 1; while (n != 0) { if ((n & 1) != 0) p *= m; m *= m; if ((n & 2) != 0) p *= m; m *= m; n >>= 2; } return p; } double power_double_double(double x, double y) { #if (defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR) && \ (!defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_RC) || __MINGW64_VERSION_RC < 1)) || \ defined(V8_OS_AIX) // MinGW64 and AIX have a custom implementation for pow. This handles certain // special cases that are different. if ((x == 0.0 || std::isinf(x)) && y != 0.0 && std::isfinite(y)) { double f; double result = ((x == 0.0) ^ (y > 0)) ? V8_INFINITY : 0; /* retain sign if odd integer exponent */ return ((std::modf(y, &f) == 0.0) && (static_cast<int64_t>(y) & 1)) ? copysign(result, x) : result; } if (x == 2.0) { int y_int = static_cast<int>(y); if (y == y_int) { return std::ldexp(1.0, y_int); } } #endif // The checks for special cases can be dropped in ia32 because it has already // been done in generated code before bailing out here. if (std::isnan(y) || ((x == 1 || x == -1) && std::isinf(y))) { return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); } return std::pow(x, y); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::power_double_double_function( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(Redirect(isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(power_double_double), BUILTIN_FP_FP_CALL)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::power_double_int_function( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(Redirect(isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(power_double_int), BUILTIN_FP_INT_CALL)); } bool EvalComparison(Token::Value op, double op1, double op2) { DCHECK(Token::IsCompareOp(op)); switch (op) { case Token::EQ: case Token::EQ_STRICT: return (op1 == op2); case Token::NE: return (op1 != op2); case Token::LT: return (op1 < op2); case Token::GT: return (op1 > op2); case Token::LTE: return (op1 <= op2); case Token::GTE: return (op1 >= op2); default: UNREACHABLE(); return false; } } ExternalReference ExternalReference::mod_two_doubles_operation( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(Redirect(isolate, FUNCTION_ADDR(modulo), BUILTIN_FP_FP_CALL)); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::debug_step_in_fp_address( Isolate* isolate) { return ExternalReference(isolate->debug()->step_in_fp_addr()); } ExternalReference ExternalReference::fixed_typed_array_base_data_offset() { return ExternalReference(reinterpret_cast<void*>( FixedTypedArrayBase::kDataOffset - kHeapObjectTag)); } bool operator==(ExternalReference lhs, ExternalReference rhs) { return lhs.address() == rhs.address(); } bool operator!=(ExternalReference lhs, ExternalReference rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } size_t hash_value(ExternalReference reference) { return base::hash<Address>()(reference.address()); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ExternalReference reference) { os << static_cast<const void*>(reference.address()); const Runtime::Function* fn = Runtime::FunctionForEntry(reference.address()); if (fn) os << "<" << fn->name << ".entry>"; return os; } void PositionsRecorder::RecordPosition(int pos) { DCHECK(pos != RelocInfo::kNoPosition); DCHECK(pos >= 0); state_.current_position = pos; LOG_CODE_EVENT(assembler_->isolate(), CodeLinePosInfoAddPositionEvent(jit_handler_data_, assembler_->pc_offset(), pos)); } void PositionsRecorder::RecordStatementPosition(int pos) { DCHECK(pos != RelocInfo::kNoPosition); DCHECK(pos >= 0); state_.current_statement_position = pos; LOG_CODE_EVENT(assembler_->isolate(), CodeLinePosInfoAddStatementPositionEvent( jit_handler_data_, assembler_->pc_offset(), pos)); } bool PositionsRecorder::WriteRecordedPositions() { bool written = false; // Write the statement position if it is different from what was written last // time. if (state_.current_statement_position != state_.written_statement_position) { EnsureSpace ensure_space(assembler_); assembler_->RecordRelocInfo(RelocInfo::STATEMENT_POSITION, state_.current_statement_position); state_.written_position = state_.current_statement_position; state_.written_statement_position = state_.current_statement_position; written = true; } // Write the position if it is different from what was written last time and // also different from the statement position that was just written. if (state_.current_position != state_.written_position) { EnsureSpace ensure_space(assembler_); assembler_->RecordRelocInfo(RelocInfo::POSITION, state_.current_position); state_.written_position = state_.current_position; written = true; } // Return whether something was written. return written; } ConstantPoolBuilder::ConstantPoolBuilder(int ptr_reach_bits, int double_reach_bits) { info_[ConstantPoolEntry::INTPTR].entries.reserve(64); info_[ConstantPoolEntry::INTPTR].regular_reach_bits = ptr_reach_bits; info_[ConstantPoolEntry::DOUBLE].regular_reach_bits = double_reach_bits; } ConstantPoolEntry::Access ConstantPoolBuilder::NextAccess( ConstantPoolEntry::Type type) const { const PerTypeEntryInfo& info = info_[type]; if (info.overflow()) return ConstantPoolEntry::OVERFLOWED; int dbl_count = info_[ConstantPoolEntry::DOUBLE].regular_count; int dbl_offset = dbl_count * kDoubleSize; int ptr_count = info_[ConstantPoolEntry::INTPTR].regular_count; int ptr_offset = ptr_count * kPointerSize + dbl_offset; if (type == ConstantPoolEntry::DOUBLE) { // Double overflow detection must take into account the reach for both types int ptr_reach_bits = info_[ConstantPoolEntry::INTPTR].regular_reach_bits; if (!is_uintn(dbl_offset, info.regular_reach_bits) || (ptr_count > 0 && !is_uintn(ptr_offset + kDoubleSize - kPointerSize, ptr_reach_bits))) { return ConstantPoolEntry::OVERFLOWED; } } else { DCHECK(type == ConstantPoolEntry::INTPTR); if (!is_uintn(ptr_offset, info.regular_reach_bits)) { return ConstantPoolEntry::OVERFLOWED; } } return ConstantPoolEntry::REGULAR; } ConstantPoolEntry::Access ConstantPoolBuilder::AddEntry( ConstantPoolEntry& entry, ConstantPoolEntry::Type type) { DCHECK(!emitted_label_.is_bound()); PerTypeEntryInfo& info = info_[type]; const int entry_size = ConstantPoolEntry::size(type); bool merged = false; if (entry.sharing_ok()) { // Try to merge entries std::vector<ConstantPoolEntry>::iterator it = info.shared_entries.begin(); int end = static_cast<int>(info.shared_entries.size()); for (int i = 0; i < end; i++, it++) { if ((entry_size == kPointerSize) ? entry.value() == it->value() : entry.value64() == it->value64()) { // Merge with found entry. entry.set_merged_index(i); merged = true; break; } } } // By definition, merged entries have regular access. DCHECK(!merged || entry.merged_index() < info.regular_count); ConstantPoolEntry::Access access = (merged ? ConstantPoolEntry::REGULAR : NextAccess(type)); // Enforce an upper bound on search time by limiting the search to // unique sharable entries which fit in the regular section. if (entry.sharing_ok() && !merged && access == ConstantPoolEntry::REGULAR) { info.shared_entries.push_back(entry); } else { info.entries.push_back(entry); } // We're done if we found a match or have already triggered the // overflow state. if (merged || info.overflow()) return access; if (access == ConstantPoolEntry::REGULAR) { info.regular_count++; } else { info.overflow_start = static_cast<int>(info.entries.size()) - 1; } return access; } void ConstantPoolBuilder::EmitSharedEntries(Assembler* assm, ConstantPoolEntry::Type type) { PerTypeEntryInfo& info = info_[type]; std::vector<ConstantPoolEntry>& shared_entries = info.shared_entries; const int entry_size = ConstantPoolEntry::size(type); int base = emitted_label_.pos(); DCHECK(base > 0); int shared_end = static_cast<int>(shared_entries.size()); std::vector<ConstantPoolEntry>::iterator shared_it = shared_entries.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < shared_end; i++, shared_it++) { int offset = assm->pc_offset() - base; shared_it->set_offset(offset); // Save offset for merged entries. if (entry_size == kPointerSize) { assm->dp(shared_it->value()); } else { assm->dq(shared_it->value64()); } DCHECK(is_uintn(offset, info.regular_reach_bits)); // Patch load sequence with correct offset. assm->PatchConstantPoolAccessInstruction(shared_it->position(), offset, ConstantPoolEntry::REGULAR, type); } } void ConstantPoolBuilder::EmitGroup(Assembler* assm, ConstantPoolEntry::Access access, ConstantPoolEntry::Type type) { PerTypeEntryInfo& info = info_[type]; const bool overflow = info.overflow(); std::vector<ConstantPoolEntry>& entries = info.entries; std::vector<ConstantPoolEntry>& shared_entries = info.shared_entries; const int entry_size = ConstantPoolEntry::size(type); int base = emitted_label_.pos(); DCHECK(base > 0); int begin; int end; if (access == ConstantPoolEntry::REGULAR) { // Emit any shared entries first EmitSharedEntries(assm, type); } if (access == ConstantPoolEntry::REGULAR) { begin = 0; end = overflow ? info.overflow_start : static_cast<int>(entries.size()); } else { DCHECK(access == ConstantPoolEntry::OVERFLOWED); if (!overflow) return; begin = info.overflow_start; end = static_cast<int>(entries.size()); } std::vector<ConstantPoolEntry>::iterator it = entries.begin(); if (begin > 0) std::advance(it, begin); for (int i = begin; i < end; i++, it++) { // Update constant pool if necessary and get the entry's offset. int offset; ConstantPoolEntry::Access entry_access; if (!it->is_merged()) { // Emit new entry offset = assm->pc_offset() - base; entry_access = access; if (entry_size == kPointerSize) { assm->dp(it->value()); } else { assm->dq(it->value64()); } } else { // Retrieve offset from shared entry. offset = shared_entries[it->merged_index()].offset(); entry_access = ConstantPoolEntry::REGULAR; } DCHECK(entry_access == ConstantPoolEntry::OVERFLOWED || is_uintn(offset, info.regular_reach_bits)); // Patch load sequence with correct offset. assm->PatchConstantPoolAccessInstruction(it->position(), offset, entry_access, type); } } // Emit and return position of pool. Zero implies no constant pool. int ConstantPoolBuilder::Emit(Assembler* assm) { bool emitted = emitted_label_.is_bound(); bool empty = IsEmpty(); if (!emitted) { // Mark start of constant pool. Align if necessary. if (!empty) assm->DataAlign(kDoubleSize); assm->bind(&emitted_label_); if (!empty) { // Emit in groups based on access and type. // Emit doubles first for alignment purposes. EmitGroup(assm, ConstantPoolEntry::REGULAR, ConstantPoolEntry::DOUBLE); EmitGroup(assm, ConstantPoolEntry::REGULAR, ConstantPoolEntry::INTPTR); if (info_[ConstantPoolEntry::DOUBLE].overflow()) { assm->DataAlign(kDoubleSize); EmitGroup(assm, ConstantPoolEntry::OVERFLOWED, ConstantPoolEntry::DOUBLE); } if (info_[ConstantPoolEntry::INTPTR].overflow()) { EmitGroup(assm, ConstantPoolEntry::OVERFLOWED, ConstantPoolEntry::INTPTR); } } } return !empty ? emitted_label_.pos() : 0; } // Platform specific but identical code for all the platforms. void Assembler::RecordDeoptReason(const int reason, const SourcePosition position) { if (FLAG_trace_deopt || isolate()->cpu_profiler()->is_profiling()) { EnsureSpace ensure_space(this); int raw_position = position.IsUnknown() ? 0 : position.raw(); RecordRelocInfo(RelocInfo::POSITION, raw_position); RecordRelocInfo(RelocInfo::DEOPT_REASON, reason); } } void Assembler::RecordComment(const char* msg) { if (FLAG_code_comments) { EnsureSpace ensure_space(this); RecordRelocInfo(RelocInfo::COMMENT, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(msg)); } } void Assembler::RecordGeneratorContinuation() { EnsureSpace ensure_space(this); RecordRelocInfo(RelocInfo::GENERATOR_CONTINUATION); } void Assembler::RecordDebugBreakSlot(RelocInfo::Mode mode, int call_argc) { EnsureSpace ensure_space(this); DCHECK(RelocInfo::IsDebugBreakSlot(mode)); intptr_t data = static_cast<intptr_t>(call_argc); RecordRelocInfo(mode, data); } void Assembler::DataAlign(int m) { DCHECK(m >= 2 && base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(m)); while ((pc_offset() & (m - 1)) != 0) { db(0); } } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8