// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/api/api-inl.h" #include "src/codegen/assembler-inl.h" #include "src/objects/stack-frame-info-inl.h" #include "test/cctest/cctest.h" #include "test/cctest/compiler/value-helper.h" #include "test/cctest/wasm/wasm-run-utils.h" #include "test/common/wasm/test-signatures.h" #include "test/common/wasm/wasm-macro-gen.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace wasm { namespace test_wasm_stack { using v8::Local; using v8::Utils; namespace { #define CHECK_CSTREQ(exp, found) \ do { \ const char* exp_ = (exp); \ const char* found_ = (found); \ DCHECK_NOT_NULL(exp); \ if (V8_UNLIKELY(found_ == nullptr || strcmp(exp_, found_) != 0)) { \ FATAL("Check failed: (%s) != (%s) ('%s' vs '%s').", #exp, #found, exp_, \ found_ ? found_ : "<null>"); \ } \ } while (false) void PrintStackTrace(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local<v8::StackTrace> stack) { printf("Stack Trace (length %d):\n", stack->GetFrameCount()); for (int i = 0, e = stack->GetFrameCount(); i != e; ++i) { v8::Local<v8::StackFrame> frame = stack->GetFrame(isolate, i); v8::Local<v8::String> script = frame->GetScriptName(); v8::Local<v8::String> func = frame->GetFunctionName(); printf( "[%d] (%s) %s:%d:%d\n", i, script.IsEmpty() ? "<null>" : *v8::String::Utf8Value(isolate, script), func.IsEmpty() ? "<null>" : *v8::String::Utf8Value(isolate, func), frame->GetLineNumber(), frame->GetColumn()); } } struct ExceptionInfo { const char* func_name; int line_nr; // 1-based int column; // 1-based }; template <int N> void CheckExceptionInfos(v8::internal::Isolate* i_isolate, Handle<Object> exc, const ExceptionInfo (&excInfos)[N]) { // Check that it's indeed an Error object. CHECK(exc->IsJSError()); v8::Isolate* v8_isolate = reinterpret_cast<v8::Isolate*>(i_isolate); // Extract stack frame from the exception. Local<v8::Value> localExc = Utils::ToLocal(exc); v8::Local<v8::StackTrace> stack = v8::Exception::GetStackTrace(localExc); PrintStackTrace(v8_isolate, stack); CHECK(!stack.IsEmpty()); CHECK_EQ(N, stack->GetFrameCount()); for (int frameNr = 0; frameNr < N; ++frameNr) { v8::Local<v8::StackFrame> frame = stack->GetFrame(v8_isolate, frameNr); v8::String::Utf8Value funName(v8_isolate, frame->GetFunctionName()); CHECK_CSTREQ(excInfos[frameNr].func_name, *funName); // Line and column are 1-based in v8::StackFrame, just as in ExceptionInfo. CHECK_EQ(excInfos[frameNr].line_nr, frame->GetLineNumber()); CHECK_EQ(excInfos[frameNr].column, frame->GetColumn()); } CheckComputeLocation(i_isolate, exc, excInfos[0]); } void CheckComputeLocation(v8::internal::Isolate* i_isolate, Handle<Object> exc, const ExceptionInfo& topLocation) { MessageLocation loc; CHECK(i_isolate->ComputeLocationFromStackTrace(&loc, exc)); printf("loc start: %d, end: %d\n", loc.start_pos(), loc.end_pos()); Handle<JSMessageObject> message = i_isolate->CreateMessage(exc, nullptr); printf("msg start: %d, end: %d, line: %d, col: %d\n", message->GetStartPosition(), message->GetEndPosition(), message->GetLineNumber(), message->GetColumnNumber()); CHECK_EQ(loc.start_pos(), message->GetStartPosition()); CHECK_EQ(loc.end_pos(), message->GetEndPosition()); // In the message, the line is 1-based, but the column is 0-based. CHECK_EQ(topLocation.line_nr, message->GetLineNumber()); CHECK_LE(1, topLocation.column); // TODO(szuend): Remove or re-enable the following check once it is decided // whether Script::PositionInfo.column should be the offset // relative to the module or relative to the function. // CHECK_EQ(topLocation.column - 1, message->GetColumnNumber()); } #undef CHECK_CSTREQ } // namespace // Call from JS to wasm to JS and throw an Error from JS. WASM_EXEC_TEST(CollectDetailedWasmStack_ExplicitThrowFromJs) { TestSignatures sigs; HandleScope scope(CcTest::InitIsolateOnce()); const char* source = "(function js() {\n function a() {\n throw new Error(); };\n a(); })"; Handle<JSFunction> js_function = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(v8::Utils::OpenHandle( *v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast(CompileRun(source)))); ManuallyImportedJSFunction import = {sigs.v_v(), js_function}; uint32_t js_throwing_index = 0; WasmRunner<void> r(execution_tier, &import); // Add a nop such that we don't always get position 1. BUILD(r, WASM_NOP, WASM_CALL_FUNCTION0(js_throwing_index)); uint32_t wasm_index_1 = r.function()->func_index; WasmFunctionCompiler& f2 = r.NewFunction<void>("call_main"); BUILD(f2, WASM_CALL_FUNCTION0(wasm_index_1)); uint32_t wasm_index_2 = f2.function_index(); Handle<JSFunction> js_wasm_wrapper = r.builder().WrapCode(wasm_index_2); Handle<JSFunction> js_trampoline = Handle<JSFunction>::cast( v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast( CompileRun("(function callFn(fn) { fn(); })")))); Isolate* isolate = js_wasm_wrapper->GetIsolate(); isolate->SetCaptureStackTraceForUncaughtExceptions(true, 10, v8::StackTrace::kOverview); Handle<Object> global(isolate->context().global_object(), isolate); MaybeHandle<Object> maybe_exc; Handle<Object> args[] = {js_wasm_wrapper}; MaybeHandle<Object> returnObjMaybe = Execution::TryCall(isolate, js_trampoline, global, 1, args, Execution::MessageHandling::kReport, &maybe_exc); CHECK(returnObjMaybe.is_null()); ExceptionInfo expected_exceptions[] = { {"a", 3, 8}, // - {"js", 4, 2}, // - {"main", 1, 8}, // - {"call_main", 1, 21}, // - {"callFn", 1, 24} // - }; CheckExceptionInfos(isolate, maybe_exc.ToHandleChecked(), expected_exceptions); } // Trigger a trap in wasm, stack should contain a source url. WASM_EXEC_TEST(CollectDetailedWasmStack_WasmUrl) { // Create a WasmRunner with stack checks and traps enabled. WasmRunner<int> r(execution_tier, nullptr, "main", kRuntimeExceptionSupport); std::vector<byte> code(1, kExprUnreachable); r.Build(code.data(), code.data() + code.size()); WasmFunctionCompiler& f = r.NewFunction<int>("call_main"); BUILD(f, WASM_CALL_FUNCTION0(0)); uint32_t wasm_index = f.function_index(); Handle<JSFunction> js_wasm_wrapper = r.builder().WrapCode(wasm_index); Handle<JSFunction> js_trampoline = Handle<JSFunction>::cast( v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast( CompileRun("(function callFn(fn) { fn(); })")))); Isolate* isolate = js_wasm_wrapper->GetIsolate(); isolate->SetCaptureStackTraceForUncaughtExceptions(true, 10, v8::StackTrace::kOverview); // Set the wasm script source url. const char* url = "http://example.com/example.wasm"; const Handle<String> source_url = isolate->factory()->InternalizeUtf8String(url); r.builder().instance_object()->module_object().script().set_source_url( *source_url); // Run the js wrapper. Handle<Object> global(isolate->context().global_object(), isolate); MaybeHandle<Object> maybe_exc; Handle<Object> args[] = {js_wasm_wrapper}; MaybeHandle<Object> maybe_return_obj = Execution::TryCall(isolate, js_trampoline, global, 1, args, Execution::MessageHandling::kReport, &maybe_exc); CHECK(maybe_return_obj.is_null()); Handle<Object> exception = maybe_exc.ToHandleChecked(); // Extract stack trace from the exception. Handle<FixedArray> stack_trace_object = isolate->GetDetailedStackTrace(Handle<JSObject>::cast(exception)); CHECK(!stack_trace_object.is_null()); Handle<StackTraceFrame> stack_frame = Handle<StackTraceFrame>::cast( handle(stack_trace_object->get(0), isolate)); MaybeHandle<String> maybe_stack_trace_str = SerializeStackTraceFrame(isolate, stack_frame); CHECK(!maybe_stack_trace_str.is_null()); Handle<String> stack_trace_str = maybe_stack_trace_str.ToHandleChecked(); // Check if the source_url is part of the stack trace. CHECK_NE(std::string(stack_trace_str->ToCString().get()).find(url), std::string::npos); } // Trigger a trap in wasm, stack should be JS -> wasm -> wasm. WASM_EXEC_TEST(CollectDetailedWasmStack_WasmError) { for (int pos_shift = 0; pos_shift < 3; ++pos_shift) { // Test a position with 1, 2 or 3 bytes needed to represent it. int unreachable_pos = 1 << (8 * pos_shift); TestSignatures sigs; // Create a WasmRunner with stack checks and traps enabled. WasmRunner<int> r(execution_tier, nullptr, "main", kRuntimeExceptionSupport); std::vector<byte> code(unreachable_pos + 1, kExprNop); code[unreachable_pos] = kExprUnreachable; r.Build(code.data(), code.data() + code.size()); uint32_t wasm_index_1 = r.function()->func_index; WasmFunctionCompiler& f2 = r.NewFunction<int>("call_main"); BUILD(f2, WASM_CALL_FUNCTION0(0)); uint32_t wasm_index_2 = f2.function_index(); Handle<JSFunction> js_wasm_wrapper = r.builder().WrapCode(wasm_index_2); Handle<JSFunction> js_trampoline = Handle<JSFunction>::cast( v8::Utils::OpenHandle(*v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast( CompileRun("(function callFn(fn) { fn(); })")))); Isolate* isolate = js_wasm_wrapper->GetIsolate(); isolate->SetCaptureStackTraceForUncaughtExceptions( true, 10, v8::StackTrace::kOverview); Handle<Object> global(isolate->context().global_object(), isolate); MaybeHandle<Object> maybe_exc; Handle<Object> args[] = {js_wasm_wrapper}; MaybeHandle<Object> maybe_return_obj = Execution::TryCall(isolate, js_trampoline, global, 1, args, Execution::MessageHandling::kReport, &maybe_exc); CHECK(maybe_return_obj.is_null()); Handle<Object> exception = maybe_exc.ToHandleChecked(); static constexpr int kMainLocalsLength = 1; const int main_offset = r.builder().GetFunctionAt(wasm_index_1)->code.offset(); const int call_main_offset = r.builder().GetFunctionAt(wasm_index_2)->code.offset(); // Column is 1-based, so add 1 for the expected wasm output. Line number // is always 1. const int expected_main_pos = unreachable_pos + main_offset + kMainLocalsLength + 1; const int expected_call_main_pos = call_main_offset + kMainLocalsLength + 1; ExceptionInfo expected_exceptions[] = { {"main", 1, expected_main_pos}, // - {"call_main", 1, expected_call_main_pos}, // - {"callFn", 1, 24} //- }; CheckExceptionInfos(isolate, exception, expected_exceptions); } } } // namespace test_wasm_stack } // namespace wasm } // namespace internal } // namespace v8