// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef V8_UNITTESTS_TEST_UTILS_H_ #define V8_UNITTESTS_TEST_UTILS_H_ #include <memory> #include <vector> #include "include/v8.h" #include "src/api/api-inl.h" #include "src/base/macros.h" #include "src/base/utils/random-number-generator.h" #include "src/handles/handles.h" #include "src/objects/objects-inl.h" #include "src/objects/objects.h" #include "src/zone/accounting-allocator.h" #include "src/zone/zone.h" #include "testing/gtest-support.h" namespace v8 { class ArrayBufferAllocator; using CounterMap = std::map<std::string, int>; enum CountersMode { kNoCounters, kEnableCounters }; // RAII-like Isolate instance wrapper. class IsolateWrapper final { public: explicit IsolateWrapper(CountersMode counters_mode); ~IsolateWrapper(); IsolateWrapper(const IsolateWrapper&) = delete; IsolateWrapper& operator=(const IsolateWrapper&) = delete; v8::Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; } private: std::unique_ptr<v8::ArrayBuffer::Allocator> array_buffer_allocator_; std::unique_ptr<CounterMap> counter_map_; v8::Isolate* isolate_; }; // // A set of mixins from which the test fixtures will be constructed. // template <typename TMixin, CountersMode kCountersMode = kNoCounters> class WithIsolateMixin : public TMixin { public: WithIsolateMixin() : isolate_wrapper_(kCountersMode) {} v8::Isolate* v8_isolate() const { return isolate_wrapper_.isolate(); } private: v8::IsolateWrapper isolate_wrapper_; }; template <typename TMixin> class WithIsolateScopeMixin : public TMixin { public: WithIsolateScopeMixin() : isolate_scope_(this->v8_isolate()), handle_scope_(this->v8_isolate()) {} WithIsolateScopeMixin(const WithIsolateScopeMixin&) = delete; WithIsolateScopeMixin& operator=(const WithIsolateScopeMixin&) = delete; v8::Isolate* isolate() const { return this->v8_isolate(); } v8::internal::Isolate* i_isolate() const { return reinterpret_cast<v8::internal::Isolate*>(this->v8_isolate()); } private: v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope_; v8::HandleScope handle_scope_; }; template <typename TMixin> class WithContextMixin : public TMixin { public: WithContextMixin() : context_(Context::New(this->v8_isolate())), context_scope_(context_) {} WithContextMixin(const WithContextMixin&) = delete; WithContextMixin& operator=(const WithContextMixin&) = delete; const Local<Context>& context() const { return v8_context(); } const Local<Context>& v8_context() const { return context_; } Local<Value> RunJS(const char* source) { return RunJS( v8::String::NewFromUtf8(this->v8_isolate(), source).ToLocalChecked()); } Local<Value> RunJS(v8::String::ExternalOneByteStringResource* source) { return RunJS(v8::String::NewExternalOneByte(this->v8_isolate(), source) .ToLocalChecked()); } v8::Local<v8::String> NewString(const char* string) { return v8::String::NewFromUtf8(this->v8_isolate(), string).ToLocalChecked(); } void SetGlobalProperty(const char* name, v8::Local<v8::Value> value) { CHECK(v8_context() ->Global() ->Set(v8_context(), NewString(name), value) .FromJust()); } private: Local<Value> RunJS(Local<String> source) { auto context = this->v8_isolate()->GetCurrentContext(); Local<Script> script = v8::Script::Compile(context, source).ToLocalChecked(); return script->Run(context).ToLocalChecked(); } v8::Local<v8::Context> context_; v8::Context::Scope context_scope_; }; // Use v8::internal::TestWithIsolate if you are testing internals, // aka. directly work with Handles. using TestWithIsolate = // WithIsolateScopeMixin< // WithIsolateMixin< // ::testing::Test>>; // Use v8::internal::TestWithNativeContext if you are testing internals, // aka. directly work with Handles. using TestWithContext = // WithContextMixin< // WithIsolateScopeMixin< // WithIsolateMixin< // ::testing::Test>>>; namespace internal { // Forward declarations. class Factory; template <typename TMixin> class WithInternalIsolateMixin : public TMixin { public: WithInternalIsolateMixin() = default; WithInternalIsolateMixin(const WithInternalIsolateMixin&) = delete; WithInternalIsolateMixin& operator=(const WithInternalIsolateMixin&) = delete; Factory* factory() const { return isolate()->factory(); } Isolate* isolate() const { return TMixin::i_isolate(); } Handle<NativeContext> native_context() const { return isolate()->native_context(); } template <typename T = Object> Handle<T> RunJS(const char* source) { return Handle<T>::cast(RunJSInternal(source)); } Handle<Object> RunJSInternal(const char* source) { return Utils::OpenHandle(*TMixin::RunJS(source)); } template <typename T = Object> Handle<T> RunJS(::v8::String::ExternalOneByteStringResource* source) { return Handle<T>::cast(RunJSInternal(source)); } Handle<Object> RunJSInternal( ::v8::String::ExternalOneByteStringResource* source) { return Utils::OpenHandle(*TMixin::RunJS(source)); } base::RandomNumberGenerator* random_number_generator() const { return isolate()->random_number_generator(); } }; template <typename TMixin> class WithZoneMixin : public TMixin { public: explicit WithZoneMixin(bool support_zone_compression = false) : zone_(&allocator_, ZONE_NAME, support_zone_compression) {} WithZoneMixin(const WithZoneMixin&) = delete; WithZoneMixin& operator=(const WithZoneMixin&) = delete; Zone* zone() { return &zone_; } private: v8::internal::AccountingAllocator allocator_; Zone zone_; }; using TestWithIsolate = // WithInternalIsolateMixin< // WithIsolateScopeMixin< // WithIsolateMixin< // ::testing::Test>>>; using TestWithZone = WithZoneMixin<::testing::Test>; using TestWithIsolateAndZone = // WithZoneMixin< // WithInternalIsolateMixin< // WithIsolateScopeMixin< // WithIsolateMixin< // ::testing::Test>>>>; using TestWithNativeContext = // WithInternalIsolateMixin< // WithContextMixin< // WithIsolateScopeMixin< // WithIsolateMixin< // ::testing::Test>>>>; using TestWithNativeContextAndCounters = // WithInternalIsolateMixin< // WithContextMixin< // WithIsolateScopeMixin< // WithIsolateMixin< // ::testing::Test, kEnableCounters>>>>; using TestWithNativeContextAndZone = // WithZoneMixin< // WithInternalIsolateMixin< // WithContextMixin< // WithIsolateScopeMixin< // WithIsolateMixin< // ::testing::Test>>>>>; class V8_NODISCARD SaveFlags { public: SaveFlags(); ~SaveFlags(); SaveFlags(const SaveFlags&) = delete; SaveFlags& operator=(const SaveFlags&) = delete; private: #define FLAG_MODE_APPLY(ftype, ctype, nam, def, cmt) ctype SAVED_##nam; #include "src/flags/flag-definitions.h" #undef FLAG_MODE_APPLY }; // For GTest. inline void PrintTo(Object o, ::std::ostream* os) { *os << reinterpret_cast<void*>(o.ptr()); } inline void PrintTo(Smi o, ::std::ostream* os) { *os << reinterpret_cast<void*>(o.ptr()); } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8 #endif // V8_UNITTESTS_TEST_UTILS_H_