// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include 'src/builtins/builtins-regexp-gen.h' namespace regexp { extern macro RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::BranchIfFastRegExp_Strict( implicit context: Context)(HeapObject): never labels IsFast, IsSlow; macro IsFastRegExpStrict(implicit context: Context)(o: HeapObject): bool { BranchIfFastRegExp_Strict(o) otherwise return true, return false; } extern macro RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::BranchIfFastRegExp_Permissive( implicit context: Context)(HeapObject): never labels IsFast, IsSlow; @export macro IsFastRegExpPermissive(implicit context: Context)(o: HeapObject): bool { BranchIfFastRegExp_Permissive(o) otherwise return true, return false; } // ES#sec-regexpexec Runtime Semantics: RegExpExec ( R, S ) @export transitioning macro RegExpExec(implicit context: Context)( receiver: JSReceiver, string: String): JSAny { // Take the slow path of fetching the exec property, calling it, and // verifying its return value. const exec = GetProperty(receiver, 'exec'); // Is {exec} callable? typeswitch (exec) { case (execCallable: Callable): { const result = Call(context, execCallable, receiver, string); if (result != Null) { ThrowIfNotJSReceiver( result, MessageTemplate::kInvalidRegExpExecResult, ''); } return result; } case (Object): { const regexp = Cast<JSRegExp>(receiver) otherwise ThrowTypeError( MessageTemplate::kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, 'RegExp.prototype.exec', receiver); return RegExpPrototypeExecSlow(regexp, string); } } } extern macro RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::ConstructNewResultFromMatchInfo( implicit context: Context)( JSRegExp, RegExpMatchInfo, String, Number): JSRegExpResult; const kGlobalOrSticky: constexpr int31 generates 'JSRegExp::kGlobal | JSRegExp::kSticky'; extern macro RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::RegExpExecInternal( implicit context: Context)( JSRegExp, String, Number, RegExpMatchInfo): HeapObject; // ES#sec-regexp.prototype.exec // RegExp.prototype.exec ( string ) // Implements the core of RegExp.prototype.exec but without actually // constructing the JSRegExpResult. Returns a fixed array containing match // indices as returned by RegExpExecStub on successful match, and jumps to // IfDidNotMatch otherwise. transitioning macro RegExpPrototypeExecBodyWithoutResult( implicit context: Context)( regexp: JSRegExp, string: String, regexpLastIndex: Number, isFastPath: constexpr bool): RegExpMatchInfo labels IfDidNotMatch { if (isFastPath) { assert(HasInitialRegExpMap(regexp)); } else { IncrementUseCounter(context, SmiConstant(kRegExpExecCalledOnSlowRegExp)); } let lastIndex = regexpLastIndex; // Check whether the regexp is global or sticky, which determines whether we // update last index later on. const flags = UnsafeCast<Smi>(regexp.flags); const isGlobalOrSticky: intptr = SmiUntag(flags) & IntPtrConstant(kGlobalOrSticky); const shouldUpdateLastIndex: bool = isGlobalOrSticky != 0; // Grab and possibly update last index. if (shouldUpdateLastIndex) { if (!TaggedIsSmi(lastIndex) || (lastIndex > string.length_smi)) { StoreLastIndex(regexp, SmiConstant(0), isFastPath); goto IfDidNotMatch; } } else { lastIndex = SmiConstant(0); } const lastMatchInfo: RegExpMatchInfo = GetRegExpLastMatchInfo(); const matchIndices = RegExpExecInternal(regexp, string, lastIndex, lastMatchInfo); // {match_indices} is either null or the RegExpMatchInfo array. // Return early if exec failed, possibly updating last index. if (matchIndices != Null) { const matchIndicesRegExpMatchInfo = UnsafeCast<RegExpMatchInfo>(matchIndices); if (shouldUpdateLastIndex) { // Update the new last index from {match_indices}. const newLastIndex: Smi = matchIndicesRegExpMatchInfo.GetEndOfCapture(0); StoreLastIndex(regexp, newLastIndex, isFastPath); } return matchIndicesRegExpMatchInfo; } if (shouldUpdateLastIndex) { StoreLastIndex(regexp, SmiConstant(0), isFastPath); } goto IfDidNotMatch; } @export transitioning macro RegExpPrototypeExecBodyWithoutResultFast( implicit context: Context)(regexp: JSRegExp, string: String): RegExpMatchInfo labels IfDidNotMatch { const lastIndex = LoadLastIndexAsLength(regexp, true); return RegExpPrototypeExecBodyWithoutResult(regexp, string, lastIndex, true) otherwise IfDidNotMatch; } transitioning macro RegExpPrototypeExecBodyWithoutResultFast( implicit context: Context)( regexp: JSRegExp, string: String, lastIndex: Number): RegExpMatchInfo labels IfDidNotMatch { return RegExpPrototypeExecBodyWithoutResult(regexp, string, lastIndex, true) otherwise IfDidNotMatch; } // ES#sec-regexp.prototype.exec // RegExp.prototype.exec ( string ) transitioning macro RegExpPrototypeExecBody(implicit context: Context)( receiver: JSReceiver, string: String, isFastPath: constexpr bool): JSAny { let regexp: JSRegExp; if constexpr (isFastPath) { regexp = UnsafeCast<JSRegExp>(receiver); } else { regexp = Cast<JSRegExp>(receiver) otherwise ThrowTypeError( MessageTemplate::kIncompatibleMethodReceiver, 'RegExp.prototype.exec', receiver); } const lastIndex = LoadLastIndexAsLength(regexp, isFastPath); const matchIndices: RegExpMatchInfo = RegExpPrototypeExecBodyWithoutResult( regexp, string, lastIndex, isFastPath) otherwise return Null; return ConstructNewResultFromMatchInfo( regexp, matchIndices, string, lastIndex); } macro LoadRegExpFunction(nativeContext: NativeContext): JSFunction { return *NativeContextSlot(nativeContext, ContextSlot::REGEXP_FUNCTION_INDEX); } // Note this doesn't guarantee const-ness of object properties, just // unchanged object layout. macro HasInitialRegExpMap(implicit context: Context)(o: HeapObject): bool { const nativeContext = LoadNativeContext(context); const function = LoadRegExpFunction(nativeContext); const initialMap = UnsafeCast<Map>(function.prototype_or_initial_map); return initialMap == o.map; } macro IsReceiverInitialRegExpPrototype(implicit context: Context)( receiver: Object): bool { const nativeContext = LoadNativeContext(context); const regexpFun = LoadRegExpFunction(nativeContext); const initialMap = UnsafeCast<Map>(regexpFun.prototype_or_initial_map); const initialPrototype: HeapObject = initialMap.prototype; return TaggedEqual(receiver, initialPrototype); } extern enum Flag constexpr 'JSRegExp::Flag' { kNone, kGlobal, kIgnoreCase, kMultiline, kSticky, kUnicode, kDotAll, kLinear } const kRegExpPrototypeOldFlagGetter: constexpr int31 generates 'v8::Isolate::kRegExpPrototypeOldFlagGetter'; const kRegExpPrototypeStickyGetter: constexpr int31 generates 'v8::Isolate::kRegExpPrototypeStickyGetter'; const kRegExpPrototypeUnicodeGetter: constexpr int31 generates 'v8::Isolate::kRegExpPrototypeUnicodeGetter'; extern macro RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::FastFlagGetter( JSRegExp, constexpr Flag): bool; extern runtime IncrementUseCounter(Context, Smi): void; macro FlagGetter(implicit context: Context)( receiver: Object, flag: constexpr Flag, counter: constexpr int31, methodName: constexpr string): JSAny { typeswitch (receiver) { case (receiver: JSRegExp): { return SelectBooleanConstant(FastFlagGetter(receiver, flag)); } case (Object): { } } if (!IsReceiverInitialRegExpPrototype(receiver)) { ThrowTypeError(MessageTemplate::kRegExpNonRegExp, methodName); } if constexpr (counter != -1) { IncrementUseCounter(context, SmiConstant(counter)); } return Undefined; } // ES6 // ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.global transitioning javascript builtin RegExpPrototypeGlobalGetter( js-implicit context: NativeContext, receiver: JSAny)(): JSAny { return FlagGetter( receiver, Flag::kGlobal, kRegExpPrototypeOldFlagGetter, 'RegExp.prototype.global'); } // ES6 // ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.ignorecase transitioning javascript builtin RegExpPrototypeIgnoreCaseGetter( js-implicit context: NativeContext, receiver: JSAny)(): JSAny { return FlagGetter( receiver, Flag::kIgnoreCase, kRegExpPrototypeOldFlagGetter, 'RegExp.prototype.ignoreCase'); } // ES6 // ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.multiline transitioning javascript builtin RegExpPrototypeMultilineGetter( js-implicit context: NativeContext, receiver: JSAny)(): JSAny { return FlagGetter( receiver, Flag::kMultiline, kRegExpPrototypeOldFlagGetter, 'RegExp.prototype.multiline'); } transitioning javascript builtin RegExpPrototypeLinearGetter( js-implicit context: NativeContext, receiver: JSAny)(): JSAny { return FlagGetter( receiver, Flag::kLinear, kRegExpPrototypeOldFlagGetter, 'RegExp.prototype.linear'); } // ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.dotAll transitioning javascript builtin RegExpPrototypeDotAllGetter( js-implicit context: NativeContext, receiver: JSAny)(): JSAny { const kNoCounter: constexpr int31 = -1; return FlagGetter( receiver, Flag::kDotAll, kNoCounter, 'RegExp.prototype.dotAll'); } // ES6 // ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.sticky transitioning javascript builtin RegExpPrototypeStickyGetter( js-implicit context: NativeContext, receiver: JSAny)(): JSAny { return FlagGetter( receiver, Flag::kSticky, kRegExpPrototypeStickyGetter, 'RegExp.prototype.sticky'); } // ES6 // ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.unicode transitioning javascript builtin RegExpPrototypeUnicodeGetter( js-implicit context: NativeContext, receiver: JSAny)(): JSAny { return FlagGetter( receiver, Flag::kUnicode, kRegExpPrototypeUnicodeGetter, 'RegExp.prototype.unicode'); } extern transitioning macro RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::FlagsGetter(implicit context: Context)( Object, constexpr bool): String; transitioning macro FastFlagsGetter(implicit context: Context)(receiver: FastJSRegExp): String { return FlagsGetter(receiver, true); } transitioning macro SlowFlagsGetter(implicit context: Context)(receiver: JSAny): String { return FlagsGetter(receiver, false); } // ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.flags // TFJ(RegExpPrototypeFlagsGetter, 0, kReceiver) \ transitioning javascript builtin RegExpPrototypeFlagsGetter( js-implicit context: NativeContext, receiver: JSAny)(): String { ThrowIfNotJSReceiver( receiver, MessageTemplate::kRegExpNonObject, 'RegExp.prototype.flags'); // The check is strict because the following code relies on individual flag // getters on the regexp prototype (e.g.: global, sticky, ...). We don't // bother to check these individually. const fastRegexp = Cast<FastJSRegExp>(receiver) otherwise return SlowFlagsGetter(receiver); return FastFlagsGetter(fastRegexp); } extern transitioning macro RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::SlowLoadLastIndex( implicit context: Context)(JSAny): JSAny; extern transitioning macro RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::SlowStoreLastIndex( implicit context: Context)(JSAny, JSAny): void; extern macro RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::FastLoadLastIndex(JSRegExp): Smi; extern macro RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::FastStoreLastIndex(JSRegExp, Smi): void; @export transitioning macro LoadLastIndex(implicit context: Context)( regexp: JSAny, isFastPath: constexpr bool): JSAny { return isFastPath ? FastLoadLastIndex(UnsafeCast<JSRegExp>(regexp)) : SlowLoadLastIndex(regexp); } @export transitioning macro LoadLastIndexAsLength(implicit context: Context)( regexp: JSRegExp, isFastPath: constexpr bool): Number { const lastIndex = LoadLastIndex(regexp, isFastPath); if (isFastPath) { // ToLength on a positive smi is a nop and can be skipped. return UnsafeCast<PositiveSmi>(lastIndex); } else { // Omit ToLength if last_index is a non-negative smi. typeswitch (lastIndex) { case (i: PositiveSmi): { return i; } case (o: JSAny): { return ToLength_Inline(o); } } } } @export transitioning macro StoreLastIndex(implicit context: Context)( regexp: JSAny, value: Number, isFastPath: constexpr bool): void { if (isFastPath) { FastStoreLastIndex(UnsafeCast<JSRegExp>(regexp), UnsafeCast<Smi>(value)); } else { SlowStoreLastIndex(regexp, value); } } extern builtin StringIndexOf(implicit context: Context)(String, String, Smi): Smi; extern macro RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::AdvanceStringIndex( String, Number, bool, constexpr bool): Number; extern macro RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::AdvanceStringIndexFast(String, Smi, bool): Smi; extern macro RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::AdvanceStringIndexSlow(String, Number, bool): Smi; type UseCounterFeature extends int31 constexpr 'v8::Isolate::UseCounterFeature'; const kRegExpMatchIsTrueishOnNonJSRegExp: constexpr UseCounterFeature generates 'v8::Isolate::kRegExpMatchIsTrueishOnNonJSRegExp'; const kRegExpMatchIsFalseishOnJSRegExp: constexpr UseCounterFeature generates 'v8::Isolate::kRegExpMatchIsFalseishOnJSRegExp'; const kRegExpPrototypeSourceGetter: constexpr UseCounterFeature generates 'v8::Isolate::kRegExpPrototypeSourceGetter'; const kRegExpExecCalledOnSlowRegExp: constexpr UseCounterFeature generates 'v8::Isolate::kRegExpExecCalledOnSlowRegExp'; // ES#sec-isregexp IsRegExp ( argument ) @export transitioning macro IsRegExp(implicit context: Context)(obj: JSAny): bool { const receiver = Cast<JSReceiver>(obj) otherwise return false; // Check @match. const value = GetProperty(receiver, MatchSymbolConstant()); if (value == Undefined) { return Is<JSRegExp>(receiver); } assert(value != Undefined); // The common path. Symbol.match exists, equals the RegExpPrototypeMatch // function (and is thus trueish), and the receiver is a JSRegExp. if (ToBoolean(value)) { if (!Is<JSRegExp>(receiver)) { IncrementUseCounter( context, SmiConstant(kRegExpMatchIsTrueishOnNonJSRegExp)); } return true; } assert(!ToBoolean(value)); if (Is<JSRegExp>(receiver)) { IncrementUseCounter(context, SmiConstant(kRegExpMatchIsFalseishOnJSRegExp)); } return false; } extern runtime RegExpInitializeAndCompile( Context, JSRegExp, String, String): JSAny; @export transitioning macro RegExpCreate(implicit context: Context)( nativeContext: NativeContext, maybeString: JSAny, flags: String): JSAny { const regexpFun = LoadRegExpFunction(nativeContext); const initialMap = UnsafeCast<Map>(regexpFun.prototype_or_initial_map); return RegExpCreate(initialMap, maybeString, flags); } @export transitioning macro RegExpCreate(implicit context: Context)( initialMap: Map, maybeString: JSAny, flags: String): JSAny { const pattern: String = maybeString == Undefined ? kEmptyString : ToString_Inline(maybeString); const regexp = UnsafeCast<JSRegExp>(AllocateFastOrSlowJSObjectFromMap(initialMap)); return RegExpInitializeAndCompile(context, regexp, pattern, flags); } }