// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "src/objects/elements-kind.h"
#include "src/objects/internal-index.h"
#include "src/objects/keys.h"
#include "src/objects/objects.h"

namespace v8 {
namespace internal {

class JSTypedArray;

// Abstract base class for handles that can operate on objects with differing
// ElementsKinds.
class ElementsAccessor {
  ElementsAccessor() = default;
  virtual ~ElementsAccessor() = default;

  // Returns a shared ElementsAccessor for the specified ElementsKind.
  static ElementsAccessor* ForKind(ElementsKind elements_kind) {
    DCHECK_LT(static_cast<int>(elements_kind), kElementsKindCount);
    return elements_accessors_[elements_kind];

  // Checks the elements of an object for consistency, asserting when a problem
  // is found.
  virtual void Validate(JSObject obj) = 0;

  // Returns true if a holder contains an element with the specified index
  // without iterating up the prototype chain. The first version takes the
  // backing store to use for the check, which must be compatible with the
  // ElementsKind of the ElementsAccessor; the second version uses
  // holder->elements() as the backing store. If a |filter| is specified,
  // the PropertyAttributes of the element at the given index are compared
  // to the given |filter|. If they match/overlap, the given index is ignored.
  // Note that only Dictionary elements have custom
  // PropertyAttributes associated, hence the |filter| argument is ignored for
  virtual bool HasElement(JSObject holder, uint32_t index,
                          FixedArrayBase backing_store,
                          PropertyFilter filter = ALL_PROPERTIES) = 0;

  inline bool HasElement(JSObject holder, uint32_t index,
                         PropertyFilter filter = ALL_PROPERTIES);

  // Note: this is currently not implemented for string wrapper and
  // typed array elements.
  virtual bool HasEntry(JSObject holder, InternalIndex entry) = 0;

  virtual Handle<Object> Get(Handle<JSObject> holder, InternalIndex entry) = 0;

  virtual bool HasAccessors(JSObject holder) = 0;
  virtual size_t NumberOfElements(JSObject holder) = 0;

  // Modifies the length data property as specified for JSArrays and resizes the
  // underlying backing store accordingly. The method honors the semantics of
  // changing array sizes as defined in EcmaScript 5.1, i.e. array that
  // have non-deletable elements can only be shrunk to the size of highest
  // element that is non-deletable.
  virtual void SetLength(Handle<JSArray> holder, uint32_t new_length) = 0;

  // Copy all indices that have elements from |object| into the given
  // KeyAccumulator. For Dictionary-based element-kinds we filter out elements
  // whose PropertyAttribute match |filter|.
  V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT virtual ExceptionStatus CollectElementIndices(
      Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store,
      KeyAccumulator* keys) = 0;

  V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT inline ExceptionStatus CollectElementIndices(
      Handle<JSObject> object, KeyAccumulator* keys);

  virtual Maybe<bool> CollectValuesOrEntries(
      Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> object,
      Handle<FixedArray> values_or_entries, bool get_entries, int* nof_items,
      PropertyFilter filter = ALL_PROPERTIES) = 0;

  virtual MaybeHandle<FixedArray> PrependElementIndices(
      Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store,
      Handle<FixedArray> keys, GetKeysConversion convert,
      PropertyFilter filter = ALL_PROPERTIES) = 0;

  inline MaybeHandle<FixedArray> PrependElementIndices(
      Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<FixedArray> keys,
      GetKeysConversion convert, PropertyFilter filter = ALL_PROPERTIES);

  V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT virtual ExceptionStatus AddElementsToKeyAccumulator(
      Handle<JSObject> receiver, KeyAccumulator* accumulator,
      AddKeyConversion convert) = 0;

  virtual void TransitionElementsKind(Handle<JSObject> object,
                                      Handle<Map> map) = 0;
  virtual void GrowCapacityAndConvert(Handle<JSObject> object,
                                      uint32_t capacity) = 0;
  // Unlike GrowCapacityAndConvert do not attempt to convert the backing store
  // and simply return false in this case.
  virtual bool GrowCapacity(Handle<JSObject> object, uint32_t index) = 0;

  static void InitializeOncePerProcess();
  static void TearDown();

  virtual void Set(Handle<JSObject> holder, InternalIndex entry,
                   Object value) = 0;

  virtual void Add(Handle<JSObject> object, uint32_t index,
                   Handle<Object> value, PropertyAttributes attributes,
                   uint32_t new_capacity) = 0;

  static Handle<JSArray> Concat(Isolate* isolate, JavaScriptArguments* args,
                                uint32_t concat_size, uint32_t result_length);

  virtual uint32_t Push(Handle<JSArray> receiver, JavaScriptArguments* args,
                        uint32_t push_size) = 0;

  virtual uint32_t Unshift(Handle<JSArray> receiver, JavaScriptArguments* args,
                           uint32_t unshift_size) = 0;

  virtual Handle<Object> Pop(Handle<JSArray> receiver) = 0;

  virtual Handle<Object> Shift(Handle<JSArray> receiver) = 0;

  virtual Handle<NumberDictionary> Normalize(Handle<JSObject> object) = 0;

  virtual size_t GetCapacity(JSObject holder, FixedArrayBase backing_store) = 0;

  virtual Object Fill(Handle<JSObject> receiver, Handle<Object> obj_value,
                      size_t start, size_t end) = 0;

  // Check an Object's own elements for an element (using SameValueZero
  // semantics)
  virtual Maybe<bool> IncludesValue(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                    Handle<Object> value, size_t start,
                                    size_t length) = 0;

  // Check an Object's own elements for the index of an element (using SameValue
  // semantics)
  virtual Maybe<int64_t> IndexOfValue(Isolate* isolate,
                                      Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                      Handle<Object> value, size_t start,
                                      size_t length) = 0;

  virtual Maybe<int64_t> LastIndexOfValue(Handle<JSObject> receiver,
                                          Handle<Object> value,
                                          size_t start) = 0;

  virtual void Reverse(JSObject receiver) = 0;

  virtual void CopyElements(Isolate* isolate, Handle<FixedArrayBase> source,
                            ElementsKind source_kind,
                            Handle<FixedArrayBase> destination, int size) = 0;

  virtual Object CopyElements(Handle<Object> source,
                              Handle<JSObject> destination, size_t length,
                              size_t offset) = 0;

  virtual Handle<FixedArray> CreateListFromArrayLike(Isolate* isolate,
                                                     Handle<JSObject> object,
                                                     uint32_t length) = 0;

  virtual void CopyTypedArrayElementsSlice(JSTypedArray source,
                                           JSTypedArray destination,
                                           size_t start, size_t end) = 0;

  friend class LookupIterator;

  // Element handlers distinguish between entries and indices when they
  // manipulate elements. Entries refer to elements in terms of their location
  // in the underlying storage's backing store representation, and are between 0
  // and GetCapacity. Indices refer to elements in terms of the value that would
  // be specified in JavaScript to access the element. In most implementations,
  // indices are equivalent to entries. In the NumberDictionary
  // ElementsAccessor, entries are mapped to an index using the KeyAt method on
  // the NumberDictionary.
  virtual InternalIndex GetEntryForIndex(Isolate* isolate, JSObject holder,
                                         FixedArrayBase backing_store,
                                         size_t index) = 0;

  virtual PropertyDetails GetDetails(JSObject holder, InternalIndex entry) = 0;
  virtual void Reconfigure(Handle<JSObject> object,
                           Handle<FixedArrayBase> backing_store,
                           InternalIndex entry, Handle<Object> value,
                           PropertyAttributes attributes) = 0;

  // Deletes an element in an object.
  virtual void Delete(Handle<JSObject> holder, InternalIndex entry) = 0;

  // NOTE: this method violates the handlified function signature convention:
  // raw pointer parameter |source_holder| in the function that allocates.
  // This is done intentionally to avoid ArrayConcat() builtin performance
  // degradation.
  virtual void CopyElements(JSObject source_holder, uint32_t source_start,
                            ElementsKind source_kind,
                            Handle<FixedArrayBase> destination,
                            uint32_t destination_start, int copy_size) = 0;

  V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static ElementsAccessor** elements_accessors_;


V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeHandle<Object> ArrayConstructInitializeElements(
    Handle<JSArray> array, JavaScriptArguments* args);

// Called directly from CSA.
// {raw_context}: Context pointer.
// {raw_source}: JSArray pointer.
// {raw_destination}: JSTypedArray pointer.
void CopyFastNumberJSArrayElementsToTypedArray(Address raw_context,
                                               Address raw_source,
                                               Address raw_destination,
                                               uintptr_t length,
                                               uintptr_t offset);
// {raw_source}, {raw_destination}: JSTypedArray pointers.
void CopyTypedArrayElementsToTypedArray(Address raw_source,
                                        Address raw_destination,
                                        uintptr_t length, uintptr_t offset);
// {raw_source}, {raw_destination}: JSTypedArray pointers.
void CopyTypedArrayElementsSlice(Address raw_source, Address raw_destination,
                                 uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end);

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace v8