// Copyright 2006-2008 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <errno.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iomanip> #include "include/libplatform/libplatform.h" #include "src/base/platform/platform.h" #include "src/base/platform/wrappers.h" #include "src/base/sanitizer/msan.h" #include "src/base/vector.h" #include "src/codegen/assembler-arch.h" #include "src/codegen/source-position-table.h" #include "src/flags/flags.h" #include "src/snapshot/context-serializer.h" #include "src/snapshot/embedded/embedded-file-writer.h" #include "src/snapshot/snapshot.h" #include "src/snapshot/startup-serializer.h" namespace { class SnapshotFileWriter { public: void SetSnapshotFile(const char* snapshot_cpp_file) { snapshot_cpp_path_ = snapshot_cpp_file; } void SetStartupBlobFile(const char* snapshot_blob_file) { snapshot_blob_path_ = snapshot_blob_file; } void WriteSnapshot(v8::StartupData blob) const { // TODO(crbug/633159): if we crash before the files have been fully created, // we end up with a corrupted snapshot file. The build step would succeed, // but the build target is unusable. Ideally we would write out temporary // files and only move them to the final destination as last step. v8::base::Vector<const i::byte> blob_vector( reinterpret_cast<const i::byte*>(blob.data), blob.raw_size); MaybeWriteSnapshotFile(blob_vector); MaybeWriteStartupBlob(blob_vector); } private: void MaybeWriteStartupBlob( const v8::base::Vector<const i::byte>& blob) const { if (!snapshot_blob_path_) return; FILE* fp = GetFileDescriptorOrDie(snapshot_blob_path_); size_t written = fwrite(blob.begin(), 1, blob.length(), fp); v8::base::Fclose(fp); if (written != static_cast<size_t>(blob.length())) { i::PrintF("Writing snapshot file failed.. Aborting.\n"); remove(snapshot_blob_path_); exit(1); } } void MaybeWriteSnapshotFile( const v8::base::Vector<const i::byte>& blob) const { if (!snapshot_cpp_path_) return; FILE* fp = GetFileDescriptorOrDie(snapshot_cpp_path_); WriteSnapshotFilePrefix(fp); WriteSnapshotFileData(fp, blob); WriteSnapshotFileSuffix(fp); v8::base::Fclose(fp); } static void WriteSnapshotFilePrefix(FILE* fp) { fprintf(fp, "// Autogenerated snapshot file. Do not edit.\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "#include \"src/init/v8.h\"\n"); fprintf(fp, "#include \"src/base/platform/platform.h\"\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "#include \"src/snapshot/snapshot.h\"\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "namespace v8 {\n"); fprintf(fp, "namespace internal {\n\n"); } static void WriteSnapshotFileSuffix(FILE* fp) { fprintf(fp, "const v8::StartupData* Snapshot::DefaultSnapshotBlob() {\n"); fprintf(fp, " return &blob;\n"); fprintf(fp, "}\n\n"); fprintf(fp, "} // namespace internal\n"); fprintf(fp, "} // namespace v8\n"); } static void WriteSnapshotFileData( FILE* fp, const v8::base::Vector<const i::byte>& blob) { fprintf(fp, "alignas(kPointerAlignment) static const byte blob_data[] = {\n"); WriteBinaryContentsAsCArray(fp, blob); fprintf(fp, "};\n"); fprintf(fp, "static const int blob_size = %d;\n", blob.length()); fprintf(fp, "static const v8::StartupData blob =\n"); fprintf(fp, "{ (const char*) blob_data, blob_size };\n"); } static void WriteBinaryContentsAsCArray( FILE* fp, const v8::base::Vector<const i::byte>& blob) { for (int i = 0; i < blob.length(); i++) { if ((i & 0x1F) == 0x1F) fprintf(fp, "\n"); if (i > 0) fprintf(fp, ","); fprintf(fp, "%u", static_cast<unsigned char>(blob.at(i))); } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } static FILE* GetFileDescriptorOrDie(const char* filename) { FILE* fp = v8::base::OS::FOpen(filename, "wb"); if (fp == nullptr) { i::PrintF("Unable to open file \"%s\" for writing.\n", filename); exit(1); } return fp; } const char* snapshot_cpp_path_ = nullptr; const char* snapshot_blob_path_ = nullptr; }; char* GetExtraCode(char* filename, const char* description) { if (filename == nullptr || strlen(filename) == 0) return nullptr; ::printf("Loading script for %s: %s\n", description, filename); FILE* file = v8::base::OS::FOpen(filename, "rb"); if (file == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open '%s': errno %d\n", filename, errno); exit(1); } fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size_t size = ftell(file); rewind(file); char* chars = new char[size + 1]; chars[size] = '\0'; for (size_t i = 0; i < size;) { size_t read = fread(&chars[i], 1, size - i, file); if (ferror(file)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to read '%s': errno %d\n", filename, errno); exit(1); } i += read; } v8::base::Fclose(file); return chars; } v8::StartupData CreateSnapshotDataBlob(v8::Isolate* isolate, const char* embedded_source) { v8::base::ElapsedTimer timer; timer.Start(); v8::StartupData result = i::CreateSnapshotDataBlobInternal( v8::SnapshotCreator::FunctionCodeHandling::kClear, embedded_source, isolate); if (i::FLAG_profile_deserialization) { i::PrintF("[Creating snapshot took %0.3f ms]\n", timer.Elapsed().InMillisecondsF()); } timer.Stop(); return result; } v8::StartupData WarmUpSnapshotDataBlob(v8::StartupData cold_snapshot_blob, const char* warmup_source) { v8::base::ElapsedTimer timer; timer.Start(); v8::StartupData result = i::WarmUpSnapshotDataBlobInternal(cold_snapshot_blob, warmup_source); if (i::FLAG_profile_deserialization) { i::PrintF("Warming up snapshot took %0.3f ms\n", timer.Elapsed().InMillisecondsF()); } timer.Stop(); return result; } void WriteEmbeddedFile(i::EmbeddedFileWriter* writer) { i::EmbeddedData embedded_blob = i::EmbeddedData::FromBlob(); writer->WriteEmbedded(&embedded_blob); } using CounterMap = std::map<std::string, int>; CounterMap* counter_map_ = nullptr; void MaybeSetCounterFunction(v8::Isolate* isolate) { // If --native-code-counters is on then we enable all counters to make // sure we generate code to increment them from the snapshot. // // Note: For the sake of the mksnapshot, the counter function must only // return distinct addresses for each counter s.t. the serializer can properly // distinguish between them. In theory it should be okay to just return an // incremented int value each time this function is called, but we play it // safe and return a real distinct memory location tied to every counter name. if (i::FLAG_native_code_counters) { counter_map_ = new CounterMap(); isolate->SetCounterFunction([](const char* name) -> int* { auto map_entry = counter_map_->find(name); if (map_entry == counter_map_->end()) { counter_map_->emplace(name, 0); } return &counter_map_->at(name); }); } } } // namespace int main(int argc, char** argv) { v8::base::EnsureConsoleOutput(); // Make mksnapshot runs predictable to create reproducible snapshots. i::FLAG_predictable = true; // Print the usage if an error occurs when parsing the command line // flags or if the help flag is set. using HelpOptions = i::FlagList::HelpOptions; std::string usage = "Usage: " + std::string(argv[0]) + " [--startup-src=file]" + " [--startup-blob=file]" + " [--embedded-src=file]" + " [--embedded-variant=label]" + " [--target-arch=arch]" + " [--target-os=os] [extras]\n\n"; int result = i::FlagList::SetFlagsFromCommandLine( &argc, argv, true, HelpOptions(HelpOptions::kExit, usage.c_str())); if (result > 0 || (argc > 3)) { i::PrintF(stdout, "%s", usage.c_str()); return result; } i::CpuFeatures::Probe(true); v8::V8::InitializeICUDefaultLocation(argv[0]); std::unique_ptr<v8::Platform> platform = v8::platform::NewDefaultPlatform(); v8::V8::InitializePlatform(platform.get()); v8::V8::Initialize(); { SnapshotFileWriter snapshot_writer; snapshot_writer.SetSnapshotFile(i::FLAG_startup_src); snapshot_writer.SetStartupBlobFile(i::FLAG_startup_blob); i::EmbeddedFileWriter embedded_writer; embedded_writer.SetEmbeddedFile(i::FLAG_embedded_src); embedded_writer.SetEmbeddedVariant(i::FLAG_embedded_variant); embedded_writer.SetTargetArch(i::FLAG_target_arch); embedded_writer.SetTargetOs(i::FLAG_target_os); std::unique_ptr<char> embed_script( GetExtraCode(argc >= 2 ? argv[1] : nullptr, "embedding")); std::unique_ptr<char> warmup_script( GetExtraCode(argc >= 3 ? argv[2] : nullptr, "warm up")); i::DisableEmbeddedBlobRefcounting(); v8::StartupData blob; { v8::Isolate* isolate = v8::Isolate::Allocate(); MaybeSetCounterFunction(isolate); // Set code range such that relative jumps for builtins to // builtin calls in the snapshot are possible. i::Isolate* i_isolate = reinterpret_cast<i::Isolate*>(isolate); size_t code_range_size_mb = i::kMaximalCodeRangeSize == 0 ? i::kMaxPCRelativeCodeRangeInMB : std::min(i::kMaximalCodeRangeSize / i::MB, i::kMaxPCRelativeCodeRangeInMB); v8::ResourceConstraints constraints; constraints.set_code_range_size_in_bytes(code_range_size_mb * i::MB); i_isolate->heap()->ConfigureHeap(constraints); // The isolate contains data from builtin compilation that needs // to be written out if builtins are embedded. i_isolate->RegisterEmbeddedFileWriter(&embedded_writer); blob = CreateSnapshotDataBlob(isolate, embed_script.get()); // At this point, the Isolate has been torn down but the embedded blob // is still alive (we called DisableEmbeddedBlobRefcounting above). // That's fine as far as the embedded file writer is concerned. WriteEmbeddedFile(&embedded_writer); } if (warmup_script) { v8::StartupData cold = blob; blob = WarmUpSnapshotDataBlob(cold, warmup_script.get()); delete[] cold.data; } delete counter_map_; CHECK(blob.data); snapshot_writer.WriteSnapshot(blob); delete[] blob.data; } i::FreeCurrentEmbeddedBlob(); v8::V8::Dispose(); v8::V8::ShutdownPlatform(); return 0; }