// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/heap/objects-visiting.h" #include "src/heap/heap-inl.h" #include "src/heap/mark-compact-inl.h" #include "src/heap/objects-visiting-inl.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { // We don't record weak slots during marking or scavenges. Instead we do it // once when we complete mark-compact cycle. Note that write barrier has no // effect if we are already in the middle of compacting mark-sweep cycle and we // have to record slots manually. static bool MustRecordSlots(Heap* heap) { return heap->gc_state() == Heap::MARK_COMPACT && heap->mark_compact_collector()->is_compacting(); } template <class T> struct WeakListVisitor; template <class T> Object VisitWeakList(Heap* heap, Object list, WeakObjectRetainer* retainer) { HeapObject undefined = ReadOnlyRoots(heap).undefined_value(); Object head = undefined; T tail; bool record_slots = MustRecordSlots(heap); while (list != undefined) { // Check whether to keep the candidate in the list. T candidate = T::cast(list); Object retained = retainer->RetainAs(list); // Move to the next element before the WeakNext is cleared. list = WeakListVisitor<T>::WeakNext(candidate); if (retained != Object()) { if (head == undefined) { // First element in the list. head = retained; } else { // Subsequent elements in the list. DCHECK(!tail.is_null()); WeakListVisitor<T>::SetWeakNext(tail, HeapObject::cast(retained)); if (record_slots) { HeapObject slot_holder = WeakListVisitor<T>::WeakNextHolder(tail); int slot_offset = WeakListVisitor<T>::WeakNextOffset(); ObjectSlot slot = slot_holder.RawField(slot_offset); MarkCompactCollector::RecordSlot(slot_holder, slot, HeapObject::cast(retained)); } } // Retained object is new tail. DCHECK(!retained.IsUndefined(heap->isolate())); candidate = T::cast(retained); tail = candidate; // tail is a live object, visit it. WeakListVisitor<T>::VisitLiveObject(heap, tail, retainer); } else { WeakListVisitor<T>::VisitPhantomObject(heap, candidate); } } // Terminate the list if there is one or more elements. if (!tail.is_null()) WeakListVisitor<T>::SetWeakNext(tail, undefined); return head; } template <class T> static void ClearWeakList(Heap* heap, Object list) { Object undefined = ReadOnlyRoots(heap).undefined_value(); while (list != undefined) { T candidate = T::cast(list); list = WeakListVisitor<T>::WeakNext(candidate); WeakListVisitor<T>::SetWeakNext(candidate, undefined); } } template <> struct WeakListVisitor<CodeT> { static void SetWeakNext(CodeT code, Object next) { CodeDataContainerFromCodeT(code).set_next_code_link( next, UPDATE_WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER); } static Object WeakNext(CodeT code) { return CodeDataContainerFromCodeT(code).next_code_link(); } static HeapObject WeakNextHolder(CodeT code) { return CodeDataContainerFromCodeT(code); } static int WeakNextOffset() { return CodeDataContainer::kNextCodeLinkOffset; } static void VisitLiveObject(Heap*, CodeT, WeakObjectRetainer*) {} static void VisitPhantomObject(Heap* heap, CodeT code) { // Even though the code is dying, its code_data_container can still be // alive. Clear the next_code_link slot to avoid a dangling pointer. SetWeakNext(code, ReadOnlyRoots(heap).undefined_value()); } }; template <> struct WeakListVisitor<Context> { static void SetWeakNext(Context context, Object next) { context.set(Context::NEXT_CONTEXT_LINK, next, UPDATE_WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER); } static Object WeakNext(Context context) { return context.next_context_link(); } static HeapObject WeakNextHolder(Context context) { return context; } static int WeakNextOffset() { return FixedArray::SizeFor(Context::NEXT_CONTEXT_LINK); } static void VisitLiveObject(Heap* heap, Context context, WeakObjectRetainer* retainer) { if (heap->gc_state() == Heap::MARK_COMPACT) { // Record the slots of the weak entries in the native context. for (int idx = Context::FIRST_WEAK_SLOT; idx < Context::NATIVE_CONTEXT_SLOTS; ++idx) { ObjectSlot slot = context.RawField(Context::OffsetOfElementAt(idx)); MarkCompactCollector::RecordSlot(context, slot, HeapObject::cast(*slot)); } // Code objects are always allocated in Code space, we do not have to // visit them during scavenges. DoWeakList<CodeT>(heap, context, retainer, Context::OPTIMIZED_CODE_LIST); DoWeakList<CodeT>(heap, context, retainer, Context::DEOPTIMIZED_CODE_LIST); } } template <class T> static void DoWeakList(Heap* heap, Context context, WeakObjectRetainer* retainer, int index) { // Visit the weak list, removing dead intermediate elements. Object list_head = VisitWeakList<T>(heap, context.get(index), retainer); // Update the list head. context.set(index, list_head, UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER); if (MustRecordSlots(heap)) { // Record the updated slot if necessary. ObjectSlot head_slot = context.RawField(FixedArray::SizeFor(index)); heap->mark_compact_collector()->RecordSlot(context, head_slot, HeapObject::cast(list_head)); } } static void VisitPhantomObject(Heap* heap, Context context) { ClearWeakList<CodeT>(heap, context.get(Context::OPTIMIZED_CODE_LIST)); ClearWeakList<CodeT>(heap, context.get(Context::DEOPTIMIZED_CODE_LIST)); } }; template <> struct WeakListVisitor<AllocationSite> { static void SetWeakNext(AllocationSite obj, Object next) { obj.set_weak_next(next, UPDATE_WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER); } static Object WeakNext(AllocationSite obj) { return obj.weak_next(); } static HeapObject WeakNextHolder(AllocationSite obj) { return obj; } static int WeakNextOffset() { return AllocationSite::kWeakNextOffset; } static void VisitLiveObject(Heap*, AllocationSite, WeakObjectRetainer*) {} static void VisitPhantomObject(Heap*, AllocationSite) {} }; template <> struct WeakListVisitor<JSFinalizationRegistry> { static void SetWeakNext(JSFinalizationRegistry obj, HeapObject next) { obj.set_next_dirty(next, UPDATE_WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER); } static Object WeakNext(JSFinalizationRegistry obj) { return obj.next_dirty(); } static HeapObject WeakNextHolder(JSFinalizationRegistry obj) { return obj; } static int WeakNextOffset() { return JSFinalizationRegistry::kNextDirtyOffset; } static void VisitLiveObject(Heap* heap, JSFinalizationRegistry obj, WeakObjectRetainer*) { heap->set_dirty_js_finalization_registries_list_tail(obj); } static void VisitPhantomObject(Heap*, JSFinalizationRegistry) {} }; template Object VisitWeakList<Context>(Heap* heap, Object list, WeakObjectRetainer* retainer); template Object VisitWeakList<AllocationSite>(Heap* heap, Object list, WeakObjectRetainer* retainer); template Object VisitWeakList<JSFinalizationRegistry>( Heap* heap, Object list, WeakObjectRetainer* retainer); } // namespace internal } // namespace v8