// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include <iomanip> #include "src/execution/isolate-utils.h" #include "src/objects/code.h" #include "src/codegen/assembler-inl.h" #include "src/codegen/cpu-features.h" #include "src/codegen/reloc-info.h" #include "src/codegen/safepoint-table.h" #include "src/deoptimizer/deoptimizer.h" #include "src/interpreter/bytecode-array-iterator.h" #include "src/interpreter/bytecode-decoder.h" #include "src/interpreter/interpreter.h" #include "src/objects/allocation-site-inl.h" #include "src/roots/roots-inl.h" #include "src/snapshot/embedded/embedded-data.h" #include "src/utils/ostreams.h" #ifdef ENABLE_DISASSEMBLER #include "src/codegen/code-comments.h" #include "src/diagnostics/disasm.h" #include "src/diagnostics/disassembler.h" #include "src/diagnostics/eh-frame.h" #endif namespace v8 { namespace internal { Address Code::SafepointTableAddress() const { return MetadataStart() + safepoint_table_offset(); } int Code::safepoint_table_size() const { DCHECK_GE(handler_table_offset() - safepoint_table_offset(), 0); return handler_table_offset() - safepoint_table_offset(); } bool Code::has_safepoint_table() const { return safepoint_table_size() > 0; } Address Code::HandlerTableAddress() const { return MetadataStart() + handler_table_offset(); } int Code::handler_table_size() const { DCHECK_GE(constant_pool_offset() - handler_table_offset(), 0); return constant_pool_offset() - handler_table_offset(); } bool Code::has_handler_table() const { return handler_table_size() > 0; } int Code::constant_pool_size() const { const int size = code_comments_offset() - constant_pool_offset(); DCHECK_IMPLIES(!FLAG_enable_embedded_constant_pool, size == 0); DCHECK_GE(size, 0); return size; } bool Code::has_constant_pool() const { return constant_pool_size() > 0; } int Code::code_comments_size() const { DCHECK_GE(unwinding_info_offset() - code_comments_offset(), 0); return unwinding_info_offset() - code_comments_offset(); } bool Code::has_code_comments() const { return code_comments_size() > 0; } void Code::ClearEmbeddedObjects(Heap* heap) { HeapObject undefined = ReadOnlyRoots(heap).undefined_value(); int mode_mask = RelocInfo::EmbeddedObjectModeMask(); for (RelocIterator it(*this, mode_mask); !it.done(); it.next()) { DCHECK(RelocInfo::IsEmbeddedObjectMode(it.rinfo()->rmode())); it.rinfo()->set_target_object(heap, undefined, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER); } set_embedded_objects_cleared(true); } void Code::Relocate(intptr_t delta) { for (RelocIterator it(*this, RelocInfo::kApplyMask); !it.done(); it.next()) { it.rinfo()->apply(delta); } FlushICache(); } void Code::FlushICache() const { FlushInstructionCache(raw_instruction_start(), raw_instruction_size()); } void Code::CopyFromNoFlush(Heap* heap, const CodeDesc& desc) { // Copy code. STATIC_ASSERT(kOnHeapBodyIsContiguous); CopyBytes(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(raw_instruction_start()), desc.buffer, static_cast<size_t>(desc.instr_size)); // TODO(jgruber,v8:11036): Merge with the above. CopyBytes(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(raw_instruction_start() + desc.instr_size), desc.unwinding_info, static_cast<size_t>(desc.unwinding_info_size)); // Copy reloc info. CopyRelocInfoToByteArray(unchecked_relocation_info(), desc); // Unbox handles and relocate. Assembler* origin = desc.origin; const int mode_mask = RelocInfo::PostCodegenRelocationMask(); for (RelocIterator it(*this, mode_mask); !it.done(); it.next()) { RelocInfo::Mode mode = it.rinfo()->rmode(); if (RelocInfo::IsEmbeddedObjectMode(mode)) { Handle<HeapObject> p = it.rinfo()->target_object_handle(origin); it.rinfo()->set_target_object(heap, *p, UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER, SKIP_ICACHE_FLUSH); } else if (RelocInfo::IsCodeTargetMode(mode)) { // Rewrite code handles to direct pointers to the first instruction in the // code object. Handle<Object> p = it.rinfo()->target_object_handle(origin); Code code = Code::cast(*p); it.rinfo()->set_target_address(code.raw_instruction_start(), UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER, SKIP_ICACHE_FLUSH); } else if (RelocInfo::IsRuntimeEntry(mode)) { Address p = it.rinfo()->target_runtime_entry(origin); it.rinfo()->set_target_runtime_entry(p, UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER, SKIP_ICACHE_FLUSH); } else { intptr_t delta = raw_instruction_start() - reinterpret_cast<Address>(desc.buffer); it.rinfo()->apply(delta); } } } SafepointEntry Code::GetSafepointEntry(Address pc) { SafepointTable table(*this); return table.FindEntry(pc); } int Code::OffHeapInstructionSize() const { DCHECK(is_off_heap_trampoline()); if (Isolate::CurrentEmbeddedBlobCode() == nullptr) { return raw_instruction_size(); } EmbeddedData d = EmbeddedData::FromBlob(); return d.InstructionSizeOfBuiltin(builtin_index()); } Address Code::OffHeapInstructionStart() const { DCHECK(is_off_heap_trampoline()); if (Isolate::CurrentEmbeddedBlobCode() == nullptr) { return raw_instruction_size(); } EmbeddedData d = EmbeddedData::FromBlob(); return d.InstructionStartOfBuiltin(builtin_index()); } Address Code::OffHeapInstructionEnd() const { DCHECK(is_off_heap_trampoline()); if (Isolate::CurrentEmbeddedBlobCode() == nullptr) { return raw_instruction_size(); } EmbeddedData d = EmbeddedData::FromBlob(); return d.InstructionStartOfBuiltin(builtin_index()) + d.InstructionSizeOfBuiltin(builtin_index()); } int Code::OffHeapMetadataSize() const { DCHECK(is_off_heap_trampoline()); if (Isolate::CurrentEmbeddedBlobCode() == nullptr) { return raw_instruction_size(); } EmbeddedData d = EmbeddedData::FromBlob(); return d.MetadataSizeOfBuiltin(builtin_index()); } Address Code::OffHeapMetadataStart() const { DCHECK(is_off_heap_trampoline()); if (Isolate::CurrentEmbeddedBlobCode() == nullptr) { return raw_instruction_size(); } EmbeddedData d = EmbeddedData::FromBlob(); return d.MetadataStartOfBuiltin(builtin_index()); } Address Code::OffHeapMetadataEnd() const { DCHECK(is_off_heap_trampoline()); if (Isolate::CurrentEmbeddedBlobCode() == nullptr) { return raw_instruction_size(); } EmbeddedData d = EmbeddedData::FromBlob(); return d.MetadataStartOfBuiltin(builtin_index()) + d.MetadataSizeOfBuiltin(builtin_index()); } int AbstractCode::SourcePosition(int offset) { Object maybe_table = source_position_table(); if (maybe_table.IsException()) return kNoSourcePosition; ByteArray source_position_table = ByteArray::cast(maybe_table); // Subtract one because the current PC is one instruction after the call site. if (IsCode()) offset--; int position = 0; for (SourcePositionTableIterator iterator( source_position_table, SourcePositionTableIterator::kJavaScriptOnly, SourcePositionTableIterator::kDontSkipFunctionEntry); !iterator.done() && iterator.code_offset() <= offset; iterator.Advance()) { position = iterator.source_position().ScriptOffset(); } return position; } int AbstractCode::SourceStatementPosition(int offset) { // First find the closest position. int position = SourcePosition(offset); // Now find the closest statement position before the position. int statement_position = 0; for (SourcePositionTableIterator it(source_position_table()); !it.done(); it.Advance()) { if (it.is_statement()) { int p = it.source_position().ScriptOffset(); if (statement_position < p && p <= position) { statement_position = p; } } } return statement_position; } bool Code::CanDeoptAt(Address pc) { DeoptimizationData deopt_data = DeoptimizationData::cast(deoptimization_data()); Address code_start_address = InstructionStart(); for (int i = 0; i < deopt_data.DeoptCount(); i++) { if (deopt_data.Pc(i).value() == -1) continue; Address address = code_start_address + deopt_data.Pc(i).value(); if (address == pc && deopt_data.BytecodeOffset(i) != BailoutId::None()) { return true; } } return false; } bool Code::IsIsolateIndependent(Isolate* isolate) { static constexpr int kModeMask = RelocInfo::AllRealModesMask() & ~RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::CONST_POOL) & ~RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::OFF_HEAP_TARGET) & ~RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::VENEER_POOL); STATIC_ASSERT(kModeMask == (RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::RELATIVE_CODE_TARGET) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::COMPRESSED_EMBEDDED_OBJECT) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::FULL_EMBEDDED_OBJECT) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::EXTERNAL_REFERENCE) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::INTERNAL_REFERENCE) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::INTERNAL_REFERENCE_ENCODED) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::RUNTIME_ENTRY) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::WASM_CALL) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::WASM_STUB_CALL))); #if defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_PPC) || defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_PPC64) || \ defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS64) return RelocIterator(*this, kModeMask).done(); #elif defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_X64) || defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM64) || \ defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_ARM) || defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_MIPS) || \ defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_S390) || defined(V8_TARGET_ARCH_IA32) for (RelocIterator it(*this, kModeMask); !it.done(); it.next()) { // On these platforms we emit relative builtin-to-builtin // jumps for isolate independent builtins in the snapshot. They are later // rewritten as pc-relative jumps to the off-heap instruction stream and are // thus process-independent. See also: FinalizeEmbeddedCodeTargets. if (RelocInfo::IsCodeTargetMode(it.rinfo()->rmode())) { Address target_address = it.rinfo()->target_address(); if (InstructionStream::PcIsOffHeap(isolate, target_address)) continue; Code target = Code::GetCodeFromTargetAddress(target_address); CHECK(target.IsCode()); if (Builtins::IsIsolateIndependentBuiltin(target)) continue; } return false; } #else #error Unsupported architecture. #endif return true; } // Multiple native contexts live on the same heap, and V8 currently // draws no clear distinction between native-context-dependent and // independent objects. A good guideline is "objects embedded into // bytecode are nc-independent", since bytecode is shared between // native contexts. Among others, this is the case for ScopeInfo, // SharedFunctionInfo, String, etc. bool Code::IsNativeContextIndependent(Isolate* isolate) { static constexpr int kModeMask = RelocInfo::AllRealModesMask() & ~RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::CONST_POOL) & ~RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::EXTERNAL_REFERENCE) & ~RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::INTERNAL_REFERENCE) & ~RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::INTERNAL_REFERENCE_ENCODED) & ~RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::OFF_HEAP_TARGET) & ~RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::RUNTIME_ENTRY) & ~RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::VENEER_POOL); STATIC_ASSERT(kModeMask == (RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::RELATIVE_CODE_TARGET) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::COMPRESSED_EMBEDDED_OBJECT) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::FULL_EMBEDDED_OBJECT) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::WASM_CALL) | RelocInfo::ModeMask(RelocInfo::WASM_STUB_CALL))); bool is_independent = true; for (RelocIterator it(*this, kModeMask); !it.done(); it.next()) { if (RelocInfo::IsEmbeddedObjectMode(it.rinfo()->rmode())) { HeapObject o = it.rinfo()->target_object(); // TODO(jgruber,v8:8888): Extend this with further NCI objects, // and define a more systematic // IsNativeContextIndependent<T>() predicate. if (o.IsString()) continue; if (o.IsScopeInfo()) continue; if (o.IsHeapNumber()) continue; if (o.IsBigInt()) continue; if (o.IsSharedFunctionInfo()) continue; if (o.IsArrayBoilerplateDescription()) continue; if (o.IsObjectBoilerplateDescription()) continue; if (o.IsTemplateObjectDescription()) continue; if (o.IsFixedArray()) { // Some uses of FixedArray are valid. // 1. Passed as arg to %DeclareGlobals, contains only strings // and SFIs. // 2. Passed as arg to %DefineClass. No well defined contents. // .. ? // TODO(jgruber): Consider assigning dedicated instance // types instead of assuming fixed arrays are okay. continue; } // Other objects are expected to be context-dependent. PrintF("Found native-context-dependent object:\n"); o.Print(); o.map().Print(); } is_independent = false; } return is_independent; } bool Code::Inlines(SharedFunctionInfo sfi) { // We can only check for inlining for optimized code. DCHECK(is_optimized_code()); DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; DeoptimizationData const data = DeoptimizationData::cast(deoptimization_data()); if (data.length() == 0) return false; if (data.SharedFunctionInfo() == sfi) return true; FixedArray const literals = data.LiteralArray(); int const inlined_count = data.InlinedFunctionCount().value(); for (int i = 0; i < inlined_count; ++i) { if (SharedFunctionInfo::cast(literals.get(i)) == sfi) return true; } return false; } Code::OptimizedCodeIterator::OptimizedCodeIterator(Isolate* isolate) { isolate_ = isolate; Object list = isolate->heap()->native_contexts_list(); next_context_ = list.IsUndefined(isolate_) ? NativeContext() : NativeContext::cast(list); } Code Code::OptimizedCodeIterator::Next() { do { Object next; if (!current_code_.is_null()) { // Get next code in the linked list. next = current_code_.next_code_link(); } else if (!next_context_.is_null()) { // Linked list of code exhausted. Get list of next context. next = next_context_.OptimizedCodeListHead(); Object next_context = next_context_.next_context_link(); next_context_ = next_context.IsUndefined(isolate_) ? NativeContext() : NativeContext::cast(next_context); } else { // Exhausted contexts. return Code(); } current_code_ = next.IsUndefined(isolate_) ? Code() : Code::cast(next); } while (current_code_.is_null()); DCHECK(CodeKindCanDeoptimize(current_code_.kind())); return current_code_; } Handle<DeoptimizationData> DeoptimizationData::New(Isolate* isolate, int deopt_entry_count, AllocationType allocation) { return Handle<DeoptimizationData>::cast(isolate->factory()->NewFixedArray( LengthFor(deopt_entry_count), allocation)); } Handle<DeoptimizationData> DeoptimizationData::Empty(Isolate* isolate) { return Handle<DeoptimizationData>::cast( isolate->factory()->empty_fixed_array()); } SharedFunctionInfo DeoptimizationData::GetInlinedFunction(int index) { if (index == -1) { return SharedFunctionInfo::cast(SharedFunctionInfo()); } else { return SharedFunctionInfo::cast(LiteralArray().get(index)); } } #ifdef ENABLE_DISASSEMBLER const char* Code::GetName(Isolate* isolate) const { if (kind() == CodeKind::BYTECODE_HANDLER) { return isolate->interpreter()->LookupNameOfBytecodeHandler(*this); } else { // There are some handlers and ICs that we can also find names for with // Builtins::Lookup. return isolate->builtins()->Lookup(raw_instruction_start()); } } namespace { void print_pc(std::ostream& os, int pc) { if (pc == -1) { os << "NA"; } else { os << std::hex << pc << std::dec; } } } // anonymous namespace void DeoptimizationData::DeoptimizationDataPrint(std::ostream& os) { // NOLINT if (length() == 0) { os << "Deoptimization Input Data invalidated by lazy deoptimization\n"; return; } disasm::NameConverter converter; int const inlined_function_count = InlinedFunctionCount().value(); os << "Inlined functions (count = " << inlined_function_count << ")\n"; for (int id = 0; id < inlined_function_count; ++id) { Object info = LiteralArray().get(id); os << " " << Brief(SharedFunctionInfo::cast(info)) << "\n"; } os << "\n"; int deopt_count = DeoptCount(); os << "Deoptimization Input Data (deopt points = " << deopt_count << ")\n"; if (0 != deopt_count) { os << " index bytecode-offset pc"; if (FLAG_print_code_verbose) os << " commands"; os << "\n"; } for (int i = 0; i < deopt_count; i++) { os << std::setw(6) << i << " " << std::setw(15) << BytecodeOffset(i).ToInt() << " " << std::setw(4); print_pc(os, Pc(i).value()); os << std::setw(2); if (!FLAG_print_code_verbose) { os << "\n"; continue; } // Print details of the frame translation. int translation_index = TranslationIndex(i).value(); TranslationIterator iterator(TranslationByteArray(), translation_index); Translation::Opcode opcode = static_cast<Translation::Opcode>(iterator.Next()); DCHECK(Translation::BEGIN == opcode); int frame_count = iterator.Next(); int jsframe_count = iterator.Next(); int update_feedback_count = iterator.Next(); os << " " << Translation::StringFor(opcode) << " {frame count=" << frame_count << ", js frame count=" << jsframe_count << ", update_feedback_count=" << update_feedback_count << "}\n"; while (iterator.HasNext() && Translation::BEGIN != (opcode = static_cast<Translation::Opcode>(iterator.Next()))) { os << std::setw(31) << " " << Translation::StringFor(opcode) << " "; switch (opcode) { case Translation::BEGIN: UNREACHABLE(); break; case Translation::INTERPRETED_FRAME: { int bytecode_offset = iterator.Next(); int shared_info_id = iterator.Next(); unsigned height = iterator.Next(); int return_value_offset = iterator.Next(); int return_value_count = iterator.Next(); Object shared_info = LiteralArray().get(shared_info_id); os << "{bytecode_offset=" << bytecode_offset << ", function=" << Brief(SharedFunctionInfo::cast(shared_info).DebugName()) << ", height=" << height << ", retval=@" << return_value_offset << "(#" << return_value_count << ")}"; break; } case Translation::CONSTRUCT_STUB_FRAME: { int bailout_id = iterator.Next(); int shared_info_id = iterator.Next(); Object shared_info = LiteralArray().get(shared_info_id); unsigned height = iterator.Next(); os << "{bailout_id=" << bailout_id << ", function=" << Brief(SharedFunctionInfo::cast(shared_info).DebugName()) << ", height=" << height << "}"; break; } case Translation::BUILTIN_CONTINUATION_FRAME: case Translation::JAVA_SCRIPT_BUILTIN_CONTINUATION_FRAME: case Translation::JAVA_SCRIPT_BUILTIN_CONTINUATION_WITH_CATCH_FRAME: { int bailout_id = iterator.Next(); int shared_info_id = iterator.Next(); Object shared_info = LiteralArray().get(shared_info_id); unsigned height = iterator.Next(); os << "{bailout_id=" << bailout_id << ", function=" << Brief(SharedFunctionInfo::cast(shared_info).DebugName()) << ", height=" << height << "}"; break; } case Translation::ARGUMENTS_ADAPTOR_FRAME: { int shared_info_id = iterator.Next(); Object shared_info = LiteralArray().get(shared_info_id); unsigned height = iterator.Next(); os << "{function=" << Brief(SharedFunctionInfo::cast(shared_info).DebugName()) << ", height=" << height << "}"; break; } case Translation::REGISTER: { int reg_code = iterator.Next(); os << "{input=" << converter.NameOfCPURegister(reg_code) << "}"; break; } case Translation::INT32_REGISTER: { int reg_code = iterator.Next(); os << "{input=" << converter.NameOfCPURegister(reg_code) << " (int32)}"; break; } case Translation::INT64_REGISTER: { int reg_code = iterator.Next(); os << "{input=" << converter.NameOfCPURegister(reg_code) << " (int64)}"; break; } case Translation::UINT32_REGISTER: { int reg_code = iterator.Next(); os << "{input=" << converter.NameOfCPURegister(reg_code) << " (uint32)}"; break; } case Translation::BOOL_REGISTER: { int reg_code = iterator.Next(); os << "{input=" << converter.NameOfCPURegister(reg_code) << " (bool)}"; break; } case Translation::FLOAT_REGISTER: { int reg_code = iterator.Next(); os << "{input=" << FloatRegister::from_code(reg_code) << "}"; break; } case Translation::DOUBLE_REGISTER: { int reg_code = iterator.Next(); os << "{input=" << DoubleRegister::from_code(reg_code) << "}"; break; } case Translation::STACK_SLOT: { int input_slot_index = iterator.Next(); os << "{input=" << input_slot_index << "}"; break; } case Translation::INT32_STACK_SLOT: { int input_slot_index = iterator.Next(); os << "{input=" << input_slot_index << " (int32)}"; break; } case Translation::INT64_STACK_SLOT: { int input_slot_index = iterator.Next(); os << "{input=" << input_slot_index << " (int64)}"; break; } case Translation::UINT32_STACK_SLOT: { int input_slot_index = iterator.Next(); os << "{input=" << input_slot_index << " (uint32)}"; break; } case Translation::BOOL_STACK_SLOT: { int input_slot_index = iterator.Next(); os << "{input=" << input_slot_index << " (bool)}"; break; } case Translation::FLOAT_STACK_SLOT: case Translation::DOUBLE_STACK_SLOT: { int input_slot_index = iterator.Next(); os << "{input=" << input_slot_index << "}"; break; } case Translation::LITERAL: { int literal_index = iterator.Next(); Object literal_value = LiteralArray().get(literal_index); os << "{literal_id=" << literal_index << " (" << Brief(literal_value) << ")}"; break; } case Translation::DUPLICATED_OBJECT: { int object_index = iterator.Next(); os << "{object_index=" << object_index << "}"; break; } case Translation::ARGUMENTS_ELEMENTS: { CreateArgumentsType arguments_type = static_cast<CreateArgumentsType>(iterator.Next()); os << "{arguments_type=" << arguments_type << "}"; break; } case Translation::ARGUMENTS_LENGTH: { os << "{arguments_length}"; break; } case Translation::CAPTURED_OBJECT: { int args_length = iterator.Next(); os << "{length=" << args_length << "}"; break; } case Translation::UPDATE_FEEDBACK: { int literal_index = iterator.Next(); FeedbackSlot slot(iterator.Next()); os << "{feedback={vector_index=" << literal_index << ", slot=" << slot << "}}"; break; } } os << "\n"; } } } namespace { inline void DisassembleCodeRange(Isolate* isolate, std::ostream& os, Code code, Address begin, size_t size, Address current_pc) { Address end = begin + size; AllowHandleAllocation allow_handles; DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; HandleScope handle_scope(isolate); Disassembler::Decode(isolate, &os, reinterpret_cast<byte*>(begin), reinterpret_cast<byte*>(end), CodeReference(handle(code, isolate)), current_pc); } } // namespace void Code::Disassemble(const char* name, std::ostream& os, Isolate* isolate, Address current_pc) { os << "kind = " << CodeKindToString(kind()) << "\n"; if (name == nullptr) { name = GetName(isolate); } if ((name != nullptr) && (name[0] != '\0')) { os << "name = " << name << "\n"; } if (CodeKindIsOptimizedJSFunction(kind())) { os << "stack_slots = " << stack_slots() << "\n"; } os << "compiler = " << (is_turbofanned() ? "turbofan" : "unknown") << "\n"; os << "address = " << reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr()) << "\n\n"; if (is_off_heap_trampoline()) { int trampoline_size = raw_instruction_size(); os << "Trampoline (size = " << trampoline_size << ")\n"; DisassembleCodeRange(isolate, os, *this, raw_instruction_start(), trampoline_size, current_pc); os << "\n"; } { int code_size = InstructionSize(); os << "Instructions (size = " << code_size << ")\n"; DisassembleCodeRange(isolate, os, *this, InstructionStart(), code_size, current_pc); if (int pool_size = constant_pool_size()) { DCHECK_EQ(pool_size & kPointerAlignmentMask, 0); os << "\nConstant Pool (size = " << pool_size << ")\n"; Vector<char> buf = Vector<char>::New(50); intptr_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t*>(MetadataStart() + constant_pool_offset()); for (int i = 0; i < pool_size; i += kSystemPointerSize, ptr++) { SNPrintF(buf, "%4d %08" V8PRIxPTR, i, *ptr); os << static_cast<const void*>(ptr) << " " << buf.begin() << "\n"; } } } os << "\n"; { SourcePositionTableIterator it( SourcePositionTable(), SourcePositionTableIterator::kJavaScriptOnly); if (!it.done()) { os << "Source positions:\n pc offset position\n"; for (; !it.done(); it.Advance()) { os << std::setw(10) << std::hex << it.code_offset() << std::dec << std::setw(10) << it.source_position().ScriptOffset() << (it.is_statement() ? " statement" : "") << "\n"; } os << "\n"; } } { SourcePositionTableIterator it(SourcePositionTable(), SourcePositionTableIterator::kExternalOnly); if (!it.done()) { os << "External Source positions:\n pc offset fileid line\n"; for (; !it.done(); it.Advance()) { DCHECK(it.source_position().IsExternal()); os << std::setw(10) << std::hex << it.code_offset() << std::dec << std::setw(10) << it.source_position().ExternalFileId() << std::setw(10) << it.source_position().ExternalLine() << "\n"; } os << "\n"; } } if (CodeKindCanDeoptimize(kind())) { DeoptimizationData data = DeoptimizationData::cast(this->deoptimization_data()); data.DeoptimizationDataPrint(os); } os << "\n"; if (has_safepoint_info()) { SafepointTable table(*this); os << "Safepoints (size = " << table.size() << ")\n"; for (unsigned i = 0; i < table.length(); i++) { unsigned pc_offset = table.GetPcOffset(i); os << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(InstructionStart() + pc_offset) << " "; os << std::setw(6) << std::hex << pc_offset << " " << std::setw(4); int trampoline_pc = table.GetTrampolinePcOffset(i); print_pc(os, trampoline_pc); os << std::dec << " "; table.PrintEntry(i, os); os << " (sp -> fp) "; SafepointEntry entry = table.GetEntry(i); if (entry.has_deoptimization_index()) { os << std::setw(6) << entry.deoptimization_index(); } else { os << "<none>"; } os << "\n"; } os << "\n"; } if (has_handler_table()) { HandlerTable table(*this); os << "Handler Table (size = " << table.NumberOfReturnEntries() << ")\n"; if (CodeKindIsOptimizedJSFunction(kind())) table.HandlerTableReturnPrint(os); os << "\n"; } os << "RelocInfo (size = " << relocation_size() << ")\n"; for (RelocIterator it(*this); !it.done(); it.next()) { it.rinfo()->Print(isolate, os); } os << "\n"; if (has_unwinding_info()) { os << "UnwindingInfo (size = " << unwinding_info_size() << ")\n"; EhFrameDisassembler eh_frame_disassembler( reinterpret_cast<byte*>(unwinding_info_start()), reinterpret_cast<byte*>(unwinding_info_end())); eh_frame_disassembler.DisassembleToStream(os); os << "\n"; } if (has_code_comments()) { PrintCodeCommentsSection(os, code_comments(), code_comments_size()); } } #endif // ENABLE_DISASSEMBLER void BytecodeArray::Disassemble(std::ostream& os) { DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; os << "Parameter count " << parameter_count() << "\n"; os << "Register count " << register_count() << "\n"; os << "Frame size " << frame_size() << "\n"; Address base_address = GetFirstBytecodeAddress(); SourcePositionTableIterator source_positions(SourcePositionTable()); // Storage for backing the handle passed to the iterator. This handle won't be // updated by the gc, but that's ok because we've disallowed GCs anyway. BytecodeArray handle_storage = *this; Handle<BytecodeArray> handle(reinterpret_cast<Address*>(&handle_storage)); interpreter::BytecodeArrayIterator iterator(handle); while (!iterator.done()) { if (!source_positions.done() && iterator.current_offset() == source_positions.code_offset()) { os << std::setw(5) << source_positions.source_position().ScriptOffset(); os << (source_positions.is_statement() ? " S> " : " E> "); source_positions.Advance(); } else { os << " "; } Address current_address = base_address + iterator.current_offset(); os << reinterpret_cast<const void*>(current_address) << " @ " << std::setw(4) << iterator.current_offset() << " : "; interpreter::BytecodeDecoder::Decode( os, reinterpret_cast<byte*>(current_address), static_cast<int>(parameter_count())); if (interpreter::Bytecodes::IsJump(iterator.current_bytecode())) { Address jump_target = base_address + iterator.GetJumpTargetOffset(); os << " (" << reinterpret_cast<void*>(jump_target) << " @ " << iterator.GetJumpTargetOffset() << ")"; } if (interpreter::Bytecodes::IsSwitch(iterator.current_bytecode())) { os << " {"; bool first_entry = true; for (const auto& entry : iterator.GetJumpTableTargetOffsets()) { if (first_entry) { first_entry = false; } else { os << ","; } os << " " << entry.case_value << ": @" << entry.target_offset; } os << " }"; } os << std::endl; iterator.Advance(); } os << "Constant pool (size = " << constant_pool().length() << ")\n"; #ifdef OBJECT_PRINT if (constant_pool().length() > 0) { constant_pool().Print(os); } #endif os << "Handler Table (size = " << handler_table().length() << ")\n"; #ifdef ENABLE_DISASSEMBLER if (handler_table().length() > 0) { HandlerTable table(*this); table.HandlerTableRangePrint(os); } #endif ByteArray source_position_table = SourcePositionTable(); os << "Source Position Table (size = " << source_position_table.length() << ")\n"; #ifdef OBJECT_PRINT if (source_position_table.length() > 0) { os << Brief(source_position_table) << std::endl; } #endif } void BytecodeArray::CopyBytecodesTo(BytecodeArray to) { BytecodeArray from = *this; DCHECK_EQ(from.length(), to.length()); CopyBytes(reinterpret_cast<byte*>(to.GetFirstBytecodeAddress()), reinterpret_cast<byte*>(from.GetFirstBytecodeAddress()), from.length()); } void BytecodeArray::MakeOlder() { // BytecodeArray is aged in concurrent marker. // The word must be completely within the byte code array. Address age_addr = address() + kBytecodeAgeOffset; DCHECK_LE(RoundDown(age_addr, kTaggedSize) + kTaggedSize, address() + Size()); Age age = bytecode_age(); if (age < kLastBytecodeAge) { base::AsAtomic8::Relaxed_CompareAndSwap( reinterpret_cast<base::Atomic8*>(age_addr), age, age + 1); } DCHECK_GE(bytecode_age(), kFirstBytecodeAge); DCHECK_LE(bytecode_age(), kLastBytecodeAge); } bool BytecodeArray::IsOld() const { return bytecode_age() >= kIsOldBytecodeAge; } DependentCode DependentCode::GetDependentCode(Handle<HeapObject> object) { if (object->IsMap()) { return Handle<Map>::cast(object)->dependent_code(); } else if (object->IsPropertyCell()) { return Handle<PropertyCell>::cast(object)->dependent_code(); } else if (object->IsAllocationSite()) { return Handle<AllocationSite>::cast(object)->dependent_code(); } UNREACHABLE(); } void DependentCode::SetDependentCode(Handle<HeapObject> object, Handle<DependentCode> dep) { if (object->IsMap()) { Handle<Map>::cast(object)->set_dependent_code(*dep); } else if (object->IsPropertyCell()) { Handle<PropertyCell>::cast(object)->set_dependent_code(*dep); } else if (object->IsAllocationSite()) { Handle<AllocationSite>::cast(object)->set_dependent_code(*dep); } else { UNREACHABLE(); } } void DependentCode::InstallDependency(Isolate* isolate, const MaybeObjectHandle& code, Handle<HeapObject> object, DependencyGroup group) { if (V8_UNLIKELY(FLAG_trace_code_dependencies)) { StdoutStream{} << "Installing dependency of [" << code->GetHeapObject() << "] on [" << object << "] in group [" << DependencyGroupName(group) << "]\n"; } Handle<DependentCode> old_deps(DependentCode::GetDependentCode(object), isolate); Handle<DependentCode> new_deps = InsertWeakCode(isolate, old_deps, group, code); // Update the list head if necessary. if (!new_deps.is_identical_to(old_deps)) DependentCode::SetDependentCode(object, new_deps); } Handle<DependentCode> DependentCode::InsertWeakCode( Isolate* isolate, Handle<DependentCode> entries, DependencyGroup group, const MaybeObjectHandle& code) { if (entries->length() == 0 || entries->group() > group) { // There is no such group. return DependentCode::New(isolate, group, code, entries); } if (entries->group() < group) { // The group comes later in the list. Handle<DependentCode> old_next(entries->next_link(), isolate); Handle<DependentCode> new_next = InsertWeakCode(isolate, old_next, group, code); if (!old_next.is_identical_to(new_next)) { entries->set_next_link(*new_next); } return entries; } DCHECK_EQ(group, entries->group()); int count = entries->count(); // Check for existing entry to avoid duplicates. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (entries->object_at(i) == *code) return entries; } if (entries->length() < kCodesStartIndex + count + 1) { entries = EnsureSpace(isolate, entries); // Count could have changed, reload it. count = entries->count(); } entries->set_object_at(count, *code); entries->set_count(count + 1); return entries; } Handle<DependentCode> DependentCode::New(Isolate* isolate, DependencyGroup group, const MaybeObjectHandle& object, Handle<DependentCode> next) { Handle<DependentCode> result = Handle<DependentCode>::cast(isolate->factory()->NewWeakFixedArray( kCodesStartIndex + 1, AllocationType::kOld)); result->set_next_link(*next); result->set_flags(GroupField::encode(group) | CountField::encode(1)); result->set_object_at(0, *object); return result; } Handle<DependentCode> DependentCode::EnsureSpace( Isolate* isolate, Handle<DependentCode> entries) { if (entries->Compact()) return entries; int capacity = kCodesStartIndex + DependentCode::Grow(entries->count()); int grow_by = capacity - entries->length(); return Handle<DependentCode>::cast( isolate->factory()->CopyWeakFixedArrayAndGrow(entries, grow_by)); } bool DependentCode::Compact() { int old_count = count(); int new_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < old_count; i++) { MaybeObject obj = object_at(i); if (!obj->IsCleared()) { if (i != new_count) { copy(i, new_count); } new_count++; } } set_count(new_count); for (int i = new_count; i < old_count; i++) { clear_at(i); } return new_count < old_count; } bool DependentCode::MarkCodeForDeoptimization( DependentCode::DependencyGroup group) { if (this->length() == 0 || this->group() > group) { // There is no such group. return false; } if (this->group() < group) { // The group comes later in the list. return next_link().MarkCodeForDeoptimization(group); } DCHECK_EQ(group, this->group()); DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation_scope; // Mark all the code that needs to be deoptimized. bool marked = false; int count = this->count(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { MaybeObject obj = object_at(i); if (obj->IsCleared()) continue; Code code = Code::cast(obj->GetHeapObjectAssumeWeak()); if (!code.marked_for_deoptimization()) { code.SetMarkedForDeoptimization(DependencyGroupName(group)); marked = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { clear_at(i); } set_count(0); return marked; } void DependentCode::DeoptimizeDependentCodeGroup( DependentCode::DependencyGroup group) { DisallowHeapAllocation no_allocation_scope; bool marked = MarkCodeForDeoptimization(group); if (marked) { DCHECK(AllowCodeDependencyChange::IsAllowed()); Deoptimizer::DeoptimizeMarkedCode(GetIsolateFromWritableObject(*this)); } } void Code::SetMarkedForDeoptimization(const char* reason) { set_marked_for_deoptimization(true); Deoptimizer::TraceMarkForDeoptimization(*this, reason); } const char* DependentCode::DependencyGroupName(DependencyGroup group) { switch (group) { case kTransitionGroup: return "transition"; case kPrototypeCheckGroup: return "prototype-check"; case kPropertyCellChangedGroup: return "property-cell-changed"; case kFieldConstGroup: return "field-const"; case kFieldTypeGroup: return "field-type"; case kFieldRepresentationGroup: return "field-representation"; case kInitialMapChangedGroup: return "initial-map-changed"; case kAllocationSiteTenuringChangedGroup: return "allocation-site-tenuring-changed"; case kAllocationSiteTransitionChangedGroup: return "allocation-site-transition-changed"; } UNREACHABLE(); } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8