// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/json/json-parser.h" #include "src/base/strings.h" #include "src/common/globals.h" #include "src/common/message-template.h" #include "src/debug/debug.h" #include "src/execution/frames-inl.h" #include "src/numbers/conversions.h" #include "src/numbers/hash-seed-inl.h" #include "src/objects/field-type.h" #include "src/objects/hash-table-inl.h" #include "src/objects/map-updater.h" #include "src/objects/objects-inl.h" #include "src/objects/property-descriptor.h" #include "src/strings/char-predicates-inl.h" #include "src/strings/string-hasher.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { namespace { constexpr JsonToken GetOneCharJsonToken(uint8_t c) { // clang-format off return c == '"' ? JsonToken::STRING : IsDecimalDigit(c) ? JsonToken::NUMBER : c == '-' ? JsonToken::NUMBER : c == '[' ? JsonToken::LBRACK : c == '{' ? JsonToken::LBRACE : c == ']' ? JsonToken::RBRACK : c == '}' ? JsonToken::RBRACE : c == 't' ? JsonToken::TRUE_LITERAL : c == 'f' ? JsonToken::FALSE_LITERAL : c == 'n' ? JsonToken::NULL_LITERAL : c == ' ' ? JsonToken::WHITESPACE : c == '\t' ? JsonToken::WHITESPACE : c == '\r' ? JsonToken::WHITESPACE : c == '\n' ? JsonToken::WHITESPACE : c == ':' ? JsonToken::COLON : c == ',' ? JsonToken::COMMA : JsonToken::ILLEGAL; // clang-format on } // Table of one-character tokens, by character (0x00..0xFF only). static const constexpr JsonToken one_char_json_tokens[256] = { #define CALL_GET_SCAN_FLAGS(N) GetOneCharJsonToken(N), INT_0_TO_127_LIST(CALL_GET_SCAN_FLAGS) #undef CALL_GET_SCAN_FLAGS #define CALL_GET_SCAN_FLAGS(N) GetOneCharJsonToken(128 + N), INT_0_TO_127_LIST(CALL_GET_SCAN_FLAGS) #undef CALL_GET_SCAN_FLAGS }; enum class EscapeKind : uint8_t { kIllegal, kSelf, kBackspace, kTab, kNewLine, kFormFeed, kCarriageReturn, kUnicode }; using EscapeKindField = base::BitField8<EscapeKind, 0, 3>; using MayTerminateStringField = EscapeKindField::Next<bool, 1>; using NumberPartField = MayTerminateStringField::Next<bool, 1>; constexpr bool MayTerminateJsonString(uint8_t flags) { return MayTerminateStringField::decode(flags); } constexpr EscapeKind GetEscapeKind(uint8_t flags) { return EscapeKindField::decode(flags); } constexpr bool IsNumberPart(uint8_t flags) { return NumberPartField::decode(flags); } constexpr uint8_t GetJsonScanFlags(uint8_t c) { // clang-format off return (c == 'b' ? EscapeKindField::encode(EscapeKind::kBackspace) : c == 't' ? EscapeKindField::encode(EscapeKind::kTab) : c == 'n' ? EscapeKindField::encode(EscapeKind::kNewLine) : c == 'f' ? EscapeKindField::encode(EscapeKind::kFormFeed) : c == 'r' ? EscapeKindField::encode(EscapeKind::kCarriageReturn) : c == 'u' ? EscapeKindField::encode(EscapeKind::kUnicode) : c == '"' ? EscapeKindField::encode(EscapeKind::kSelf) : c == '\\' ? EscapeKindField::encode(EscapeKind::kSelf) : c == '/' ? EscapeKindField::encode(EscapeKind::kSelf) : EscapeKindField::encode(EscapeKind::kIllegal)) | (c < 0x20 ? MayTerminateStringField::encode(true) : c == '"' ? MayTerminateStringField::encode(true) : c == '\\' ? MayTerminateStringField::encode(true) : MayTerminateStringField::encode(false)) | NumberPartField::encode(c == '.' || c == 'e' || c == 'E' || IsDecimalDigit(c) || c == '-' || c == '+'); // clang-format on } // Table of one-character scan flags, by character (0x00..0xFF only). static const constexpr uint8_t character_json_scan_flags[256] = { #define CALL_GET_SCAN_FLAGS(N) GetJsonScanFlags(N), INT_0_TO_127_LIST(CALL_GET_SCAN_FLAGS) #undef CALL_GET_SCAN_FLAGS #define CALL_GET_SCAN_FLAGS(N) GetJsonScanFlags(128 + N), INT_0_TO_127_LIST(CALL_GET_SCAN_FLAGS) #undef CALL_GET_SCAN_FLAGS }; } // namespace MaybeHandle<Object> JsonParseInternalizer::Internalize(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> object, Handle<Object> reviver) { DCHECK(reviver->IsCallable()); JsonParseInternalizer internalizer(isolate, Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(reviver)); Handle<JSObject> holder = isolate->factory()->NewJSObject(isolate->object_function()); Handle<String> name = isolate->factory()->empty_string(); JSObject::AddProperty(isolate, holder, name, object, NONE); return internalizer.InternalizeJsonProperty(holder, name); } MaybeHandle<Object> JsonParseInternalizer::InternalizeJsonProperty( Handle<JSReceiver> holder, Handle<String> name) { HandleScope outer_scope(isolate_); Handle<Object> value; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate_, value, Object::GetPropertyOrElement(isolate_, holder, name), Object); if (value->IsJSReceiver()) { Handle<JSReceiver> object = Handle<JSReceiver>::cast(value); Maybe<bool> is_array = Object::IsArray(object); if (is_array.IsNothing()) return MaybeHandle<Object>(); if (is_array.FromJust()) { Handle<Object> length_object; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate_, length_object, Object::GetLengthFromArrayLike(isolate_, object), Object); double length = length_object->Number(); for (double i = 0; i < length; i++) { HandleScope inner_scope(isolate_); Handle<Object> index = isolate_->factory()->NewNumber(i); Handle<String> index_name = isolate_->factory()->NumberToString(index); if (!RecurseAndApply(object, index_name)) return MaybeHandle<Object>(); } } else { Handle<FixedArray> contents; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate_, contents, KeyAccumulator::GetKeys(isolate_, object, KeyCollectionMode::kOwnOnly, ENUMERABLE_STRINGS, GetKeysConversion::kConvertToString), Object); for (int i = 0; i < contents->length(); i++) { HandleScope inner_scope(isolate_); Handle<String> key_name(String::cast(contents->get(i)), isolate_); if (!RecurseAndApply(object, key_name)) return MaybeHandle<Object>(); } } } Handle<Object> argv[] = {name, value}; Handle<Object> result; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION( isolate_, result, Execution::Call(isolate_, reviver_, holder, 2, argv), Object); return outer_scope.CloseAndEscape(result); } bool JsonParseInternalizer::RecurseAndApply(Handle<JSReceiver> holder, Handle<String> name) { STACK_CHECK(isolate_, false); Handle<Object> result; ASSIGN_RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION_VALUE( isolate_, result, InternalizeJsonProperty(holder, name), false); Maybe<bool> change_result = Nothing<bool>(); if (result->IsUndefined(isolate_)) { change_result = JSReceiver::DeletePropertyOrElement(holder, name, LanguageMode::kSloppy); } else { PropertyDescriptor desc; desc.set_value(result); desc.set_configurable(true); desc.set_enumerable(true); desc.set_writable(true); change_result = JSReceiver::DefineOwnProperty(isolate_, holder, name, &desc, Just(kDontThrow)); } MAYBE_RETURN(change_result, false); return true; } template <typename Char> JsonParser<Char>::JsonParser(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> source) : isolate_(isolate), hash_seed_(HashSeed(isolate)), object_constructor_(isolate_->object_function()), original_source_(source) { size_t start = 0; size_t length = source->length(); PtrComprCageBase cage_base(isolate); if (source->IsSlicedString(cage_base)) { SlicedString string = SlicedString::cast(*source); start = string.offset(); String parent = string.parent(cage_base); if (parent.IsThinString(cage_base)) parent = ThinString::cast(parent).actual(cage_base); source_ = handle(parent, isolate); } else { source_ = String::Flatten(isolate, source); } if (StringShape(*source_, cage_base).IsExternal()) { chars_ = static_cast<const Char*>( SeqExternalString::cast(*source_).GetChars(cage_base)); chars_may_relocate_ = false; } else { DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc; isolate->main_thread_local_heap()->AddGCEpilogueCallback( UpdatePointersCallback, this); chars_ = SeqString::cast(*source_).GetChars(no_gc); chars_may_relocate_ = true; } cursor_ = chars_ + start; end_ = cursor_ + length; } template <typename Char> bool JsonParser<Char>::IsSpecialString() { // The special cases are undefined, NaN, Infinity, and {} being passed to the // parse method int offset = original_source_->IsSlicedString() ? SlicedString::cast(*original_source_).offset() : 0; size_t length = original_source_->length(); #define CASES(V) \ V("[object Object]") \ V("undefined") \ V("Infinity") \ V("NaN") switch (length) { #define CASE(n) \ case arraysize(n) - 1: \ return CompareCharsEqual(chars_ + offset, n, arraysize(n) - 1); CASES(CASE) default: return false; } #undef CASE #undef CASES } template <typename Char> MessageTemplate JsonParser<Char>::GetErrorMessageWithEllipses( Handle<Object>& arg, Handle<Object>& arg2, int pos) { MessageTemplate message; Factory* factory = this->factory(); arg = factory->LookupSingleCharacterStringFromCode(*cursor_); int origin_source_length = original_source_->length(); // only provide context for strings with at least // kMinOriginalSourceLengthForContext charcacters in length if (origin_source_length >= kMinOriginalSourceLengthForContext) { int substring_start = 0; int substring_end = origin_source_length; if (pos < kMaxContextCharacters) { message = MessageTemplate::kJsonParseUnexpectedTokenStartStringWithContext; // Output the string followed by elipses substring_end = pos + kMaxContextCharacters; } else if (pos >= kMaxContextCharacters && pos < origin_source_length - kMaxContextCharacters) { message = MessageTemplate::kJsonParseUnexpectedTokenSurroundStringWithContext; // Add context before and after position of bad token surrounded by // elipses substring_start = pos - kMaxContextCharacters; substring_end = pos + kMaxContextCharacters; } else { message = MessageTemplate::kJsonParseUnexpectedTokenEndStringWithContext; // Add ellipses followed by some context before bad token substring_start = pos - kMaxContextCharacters; } arg2 = factory->NewSubString(original_source_, substring_start, substring_end); } else { arg2 = original_source_; // Output the entire string without ellipses but provide the token which // was unexpected message = MessageTemplate::kJsonParseUnexpectedTokenShortString; } return message; } template <typename Char> MessageTemplate JsonParser<Char>::LookUpErrorMessageForJsonToken( JsonToken token, Handle<Object>& arg, Handle<Object>& arg2, int pos) { MessageTemplate message; switch (token) { case JsonToken::EOS: message = MessageTemplate::kJsonParseUnexpectedEOS; break; case JsonToken::NUMBER: message = MessageTemplate::kJsonParseUnexpectedTokenNumber; break; case JsonToken::STRING: message = MessageTemplate::kJsonParseUnexpectedTokenString; break; default: // Output entire string without ellipses and don't provide the token // that was unexpected because it makes the error messages more confusing if (IsSpecialString()) { arg = original_source_; message = MessageTemplate::kJsonParseShortString; } else { message = GetErrorMessageWithEllipses(arg, arg2, pos); } } return message; } template <typename Char> void JsonParser<Char>::ReportUnexpectedToken( JsonToken token, base::Optional<MessageTemplate> errorMessage) { // Some exception (for example stack overflow) is already pending. if (isolate_->has_pending_exception()) return; // Parse failed. Current character is the unexpected token. Factory* factory = this->factory(); int offset = original_source_->IsSlicedString() ? SlicedString::cast(*original_source_).offset() : 0; int pos = position() - offset; Handle<Object> arg(Smi::FromInt(pos), isolate()); Handle<Object> arg2; MessageTemplate message = errorMessage ? errorMessage.value() : LookUpErrorMessageForJsonToken(token, arg, arg2, pos); Handle<Script> script(factory->NewScript(original_source_)); if (isolate()->NeedsSourcePositionsForProfiling()) { Script::InitLineEnds(isolate(), script); } StackTraceFrameIterator it(isolate_); if (!it.done() && it.is_javascript()) { FrameSummary summary = it.GetTopValidFrame(); script->set_eval_from_shared(summary.AsJavaScript().function()->shared()); if (summary.script()->IsScript()) { script->set_origin_options( Script::cast(*summary.script()).origin_options()); } } // We should sent compile error event because we compile JSON object in // separated source file. isolate()->debug()->OnCompileError(script); MessageLocation location(script, pos, pos + 1); isolate()->ThrowAt(factory->NewSyntaxError(message, arg, arg2), &location); // Move the cursor to the end so we won't be able to proceed parsing. cursor_ = end_; } template <typename Char> void JsonParser<Char>::ReportUnexpectedCharacter(base::uc32 c) { JsonToken token = JsonToken::ILLEGAL; if (c == kEndOfString) { token = JsonToken::EOS; } else if (c <= unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar) { token = one_char_json_tokens[c]; } return ReportUnexpectedToken(token); } template <typename Char> JsonParser<Char>::~JsonParser() { if (StringShape(*source_).IsExternal()) { // Check that the string shape hasn't changed. Otherwise our GC hooks are // broken. SeqExternalString::cast(*source_); } else { // Check that the string shape hasn't changed. Otherwise our GC hooks are // broken. SeqString::cast(*source_); isolate()->main_thread_local_heap()->RemoveGCEpilogueCallback( UpdatePointersCallback, this); } } template <typename Char> MaybeHandle<Object> JsonParser<Char>::ParseJson() { MaybeHandle<Object> result = ParseJsonValue(); if (!Check(JsonToken::EOS)) ReportUnexpectedToken( peek(), MessageTemplate::kJsonParseUnexpectedNonWhiteSpaceCharacter); if (isolate_->has_pending_exception()) return MaybeHandle<Object>(); return result; } MaybeHandle<Object> InternalizeJsonProperty(Handle<JSObject> holder, Handle<String> key); template <typename Char> void JsonParser<Char>::SkipWhitespace() { next_ = JsonToken::EOS; cursor_ = std::find_if(cursor_, end_, [this](Char c) { JsonToken current = V8_LIKELY(c <= unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar) ? one_char_json_tokens[c] : JsonToken::ILLEGAL; bool result = current != JsonToken::WHITESPACE; if (result) next_ = current; return result; }); } template <typename Char> base::uc32 JsonParser<Char>::ScanUnicodeCharacter() { base::uc32 value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int digit = base::HexValue(NextCharacter()); if (V8_UNLIKELY(digit < 0)) return kInvalidUnicodeCharacter; value = value * 16 + digit; } return value; } // Parse any JSON value. template <typename Char> JsonString JsonParser<Char>::ScanJsonPropertyKey(JsonContinuation* cont) { { DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc; const Char* start = cursor_; base::uc32 first = CurrentCharacter(); if (first == '\\' && NextCharacter() == 'u') first = ScanUnicodeCharacter(); if (IsDecimalDigit(first)) { if (first == '0') { if (NextCharacter() == '"') { advance(); // Record element information. cont->elements++; DCHECK_LE(0, cont->max_index); return JsonString(0); } } else { uint32_t index = first - '0'; while (true) { cursor_ = std::find_if(cursor_ + 1, end_, [&index](Char c) { return !TryAddArrayIndexChar(&index, c); }); if (CurrentCharacter() == '"') { advance(); // Record element information. cont->elements++; cont->max_index = std::max(cont->max_index, index); return JsonString(index); } if (CurrentCharacter() == '\\' && NextCharacter() == 'u') { if (TryAddArrayIndexChar(&index, ScanUnicodeCharacter())) continue; } break; } } } // Reset cursor_ to start if the key is not an index. cursor_ = start; } return ScanJsonString(true); } namespace { Handle<Map> ParentOfDescriptorOwner(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Map> maybe_root, Handle<Map> source, int descriptor) { if (descriptor == 0) { DCHECK_EQ(0, maybe_root->NumberOfOwnDescriptors()); return maybe_root; } return handle(source->FindFieldOwner(isolate, InternalIndex(descriptor - 1)), isolate); } } // namespace template <typename Char> Handle<Object> JsonParser<Char>::BuildJsonObject( const JsonContinuation& cont, const SmallVector<JsonProperty>& property_stack, Handle<Map> feedback) { size_t start = cont.index; int length = static_cast<int>(property_stack.size() - start); int named_length = length - cont.elements; Handle<Map> initial_map = factory()->ObjectLiteralMapFromCache( isolate_->native_context(), named_length); Handle<Map> map = initial_map; Handle<FixedArrayBase> elements = factory()->empty_fixed_array(); // First store the elements. if (cont.elements > 0) { // Store as dictionary elements if that would use less memory. if (ShouldConvertToSlowElements(cont.elements, cont.max_index + 1)) { Handle<NumberDictionary> elms = NumberDictionary::New(isolate_, cont.elements); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { const JsonProperty& property = property_stack[start + i]; if (!property.string.is_index()) continue; uint32_t index = property.string.index(); Handle<Object> value = property.value; elms = NumberDictionary::Set(isolate_, elms, index, value); } map = Map::AsElementsKind(isolate_, map, DICTIONARY_ELEMENTS); elements = elms; } else { Handle<FixedArray> elms = factory()->NewFixedArrayWithHoles(cont.max_index + 1); DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc; WriteBarrierMode mode = elms->GetWriteBarrierMode(no_gc); DCHECK_EQ(HOLEY_ELEMENTS, map->elements_kind()); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { const JsonProperty& property = property_stack[start + i]; if (!property.string.is_index()) continue; uint32_t index = property.string.index(); Handle<Object> value = property.value; elms->set(static_cast<int>(index), *value, mode); } elements = elms; } } int feedback_descriptors = (feedback.is_null() || feedback->elements_kind() != map->elements_kind() || feedback->instance_size() != map->instance_size()) ? 0 : feedback->NumberOfOwnDescriptors(); int i; int descriptor = 0; int new_mutable_double = 0; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { const JsonProperty& property = property_stack[start + i]; if (property.string.is_index()) continue; Handle<String> expected; Handle<Map> target; InternalIndex descriptor_index(descriptor); if (descriptor < feedback_descriptors) { expected = handle(String::cast(feedback->instance_descriptors(isolate_).GetKey( descriptor_index)), isolate_); } else { TransitionsAccessor transitions(isolate(), *map); expected = transitions.ExpectedTransitionKey(); if (!expected.is_null()) { // Directly read out the target while reading out the key, otherwise it // might die while building the string below. target = TransitionsAccessor(isolate(), *map).ExpectedTransitionTarget(); } } Handle<String> key = MakeString(property.string, expected); if (key.is_identical_to(expected)) { if (descriptor < feedback_descriptors) target = feedback; } else { if (descriptor < feedback_descriptors) { map = ParentOfDescriptorOwner(isolate_, map, feedback, descriptor); feedback_descriptors = 0; } if (!TransitionsAccessor(isolate(), *map) .FindTransitionToField(key) .ToHandle(&target)) { break; } } Handle<Object> value = property.value; PropertyDetails details = target->instance_descriptors(isolate_).GetDetails(descriptor_index); Representation expected_representation = details.representation(); if (!value->FitsRepresentation(expected_representation)) { Representation representation = value->OptimalRepresentation(isolate()); representation = representation.generalize(expected_representation); if (!expected_representation.CanBeInPlaceChangedTo(representation)) { map = ParentOfDescriptorOwner(isolate_, map, target, descriptor); break; } Handle<FieldType> value_type = value->OptimalType(isolate(), representation); MapUpdater::GeneralizeField(isolate(), target, descriptor_index, details.constness(), representation, value_type); } else if (expected_representation.IsHeapObject() && !target->instance_descriptors(isolate()) .GetFieldType(descriptor_index) .NowContains(value)) { Handle<FieldType> value_type = value->OptimalType(isolate(), expected_representation); MapUpdater::GeneralizeField(isolate(), target, descriptor_index, details.constness(), expected_representation, value_type); } else if (expected_representation.IsDouble() && value->IsSmi()) { new_mutable_double++; } DCHECK(target->instance_descriptors(isolate()) .GetFieldType(descriptor_index) .NowContains(value)); map = target; descriptor++; } // Fast path: Write all transitioned named properties. if (i == length && descriptor < feedback_descriptors) { map = ParentOfDescriptorOwner(isolate_, map, map, descriptor); } // Preallocate all mutable heap numbers so we don't need to allocate while // setting up the object. Otherwise verification of that object may fail. Handle<ByteArray> mutable_double_buffer; // Allocate enough space so we can double-align the payload. const int kMutableDoubleSize = sizeof(double) * 2; static_assert(HeapNumber::kSize <= kMutableDoubleSize); if (new_mutable_double > 0) { mutable_double_buffer = factory()->NewByteArray(kMutableDoubleSize * new_mutable_double); } Handle<JSObject> object = initial_map->is_dictionary_map() ? factory()->NewSlowJSObjectFromMap(map) : factory()->NewJSObjectFromMap(map); object->set_elements(*elements); { descriptor = 0; DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc; WriteBarrierMode mode = object->GetWriteBarrierMode(no_gc); Address mutable_double_address = mutable_double_buffer.is_null() ? 0 : reinterpret_cast<Address>( mutable_double_buffer->GetDataStartAddress()); Address filler_address = mutable_double_address; if (kTaggedSize != kDoubleSize) { if (IsAligned(mutable_double_address, kDoubleAlignment)) { mutable_double_address += kTaggedSize; } else { filler_address += HeapNumber::kSize; } } for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { const JsonProperty& property = property_stack[start + j]; if (property.string.is_index()) continue; InternalIndex descriptor_index(descriptor); PropertyDetails details = map->instance_descriptors(isolate()).GetDetails(descriptor_index); Object value = *property.value; FieldIndex index = FieldIndex::ForDescriptor(*map, descriptor_index); descriptor++; if (details.representation().IsDouble()) { if (value.IsSmi()) { if (kTaggedSize != kDoubleSize) { // Write alignment filler. HeapObject filler = HeapObject::FromAddress(filler_address); filler.set_map_after_allocation( *factory()->one_pointer_filler_map()); filler_address += kMutableDoubleSize; } uint64_t bits = base::bit_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<double>(Smi::ToInt(value))); // Allocate simple heapnumber with immortal map, with non-pointer // payload, so we can skip notifying object layout change. HeapObject hn = HeapObject::FromAddress(mutable_double_address); hn.set_map_after_allocation(*factory()->heap_number_map()); HeapNumber::cast(hn).set_value_as_bits(bits, kRelaxedStore); value = hn; mutable_double_address += kMutableDoubleSize; } else { DCHECK(value.IsHeapNumber()); HeapObject::cast(value).set_map(*factory()->heap_number_map(), kReleaseStore); } } object->RawFastInobjectPropertyAtPut(index, value, mode); } // Make all mutable HeapNumbers alive. if (!mutable_double_buffer.is_null()) { #ifdef DEBUG Address end = reinterpret_cast<Address>(mutable_double_buffer->GetDataEndAddress()); if (kTaggedSize != kDoubleSize) { DCHECK_EQ(std::min(filler_address, mutable_double_address), end); DCHECK_GE(filler_address, end); DCHECK_GE(mutable_double_address, end); } else { DCHECK_EQ(mutable_double_address, end); } #endif // Before setting the length of mutable_double_buffer back to zero, we // must ensure that the sweeper is not running or has already swept the // object's page. Otherwise the GC can add the contents of // mutable_double_buffer to the free list. isolate()->heap()->EnsureSweepingCompleted(*mutable_double_buffer); mutable_double_buffer->set_length(0); } } // Slow path: define remaining named properties. for (; i < length; i++) { HandleScope scope(isolate_); const JsonProperty& property = property_stack[start + i]; if (property.string.is_index()) continue; Handle<String> key = MakeString(property.string); #ifdef DEBUG uint32_t index; DCHECK(!key->AsArrayIndex(&index)); #endif Handle<Object> value = property.value; LookupIterator it(isolate_, object, key, object, LookupIterator::OWN); JSObject::DefineOwnPropertyIgnoreAttributes(&it, value, NONE).Check(); } return object; } template <typename Char> Handle<Object> JsonParser<Char>::BuildJsonArray( const JsonContinuation& cont, const SmallVector<Handle<Object>>& element_stack) { size_t start = cont.index; int length = static_cast<int>(element_stack.size() - start); ElementsKind kind = PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS; for (size_t i = start; i < element_stack.size(); i++) { Object value = *element_stack[i]; if (value.IsHeapObject()) { if (HeapObject::cast(value).IsHeapNumber()) { kind = PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS; } else { kind = PACKED_ELEMENTS; break; } } } Handle<JSArray> array = factory()->NewJSArray(kind, length, length); if (kind == PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS) { DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc; FixedDoubleArray elements = FixedDoubleArray::cast(array->elements()); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { elements.set(i, element_stack[start + i]->Number()); } } else { DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc; FixedArray elements = FixedArray::cast(array->elements()); WriteBarrierMode mode = kind == PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS ? SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER : elements.GetWriteBarrierMode(no_gc); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { elements.set(i, *element_stack[start + i], mode); } } return array; } // Parse any JSON value. template <typename Char> MaybeHandle<Object> JsonParser<Char>::ParseJsonValue() { std::vector<JsonContinuation> cont_stack; SmallVector<JsonProperty> property_stack; SmallVector<Handle<Object>> element_stack; cont_stack.reserve(16); JsonContinuation cont(isolate_, JsonContinuation::kReturn, 0); Handle<Object> value; while (true) { // Produce a json value. // // Iterate until a value is produced. Starting but not immediately finishing // objects and arrays will cause the loop to continue until a first member // is completed. while (true) { SkipWhitespace(); // The switch is immediately followed by 'break' so we can use 'break' to // break out of the loop, and 'continue' to continue the loop. switch (peek()) { case JsonToken::STRING: Consume(JsonToken::STRING); value = MakeString(ScanJsonString(false)); break; case JsonToken::NUMBER: value = ParseJsonNumber(); break; case JsonToken::LBRACE: { Consume(JsonToken::LBRACE); if (Check(JsonToken::RBRACE)) { // TODO(verwaest): Directly use the map instead. value = factory()->NewJSObject(object_constructor_); break; } // Start parsing an object with properties. cont_stack.emplace_back(std::move(cont)); cont = JsonContinuation(isolate_, JsonContinuation::kObjectProperty, property_stack.size()); // Parse the property key. ExpectNext(JsonToken::STRING, MessageTemplate::kJsonParseExpectedPropNameOrRBrace); property_stack.emplace_back(ScanJsonPropertyKey(&cont)); ExpectNext(JsonToken::COLON, MessageTemplate::kJsonParseExpectedColonAfterPropertyName); // Continue to start producing the first property value. continue; } case JsonToken::LBRACK: Consume(JsonToken::LBRACK); if (Check(JsonToken::RBRACK)) { value = factory()->NewJSArray(0, PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS); break; } // Start parsing an array with elements. cont_stack.emplace_back(std::move(cont)); cont = JsonContinuation(isolate_, JsonContinuation::kArrayElement, element_stack.size()); // Continue to start producing the first array element. continue; case JsonToken::TRUE_LITERAL: ScanLiteral("true"); value = factory()->true_value(); break; case JsonToken::FALSE_LITERAL: ScanLiteral("false"); value = factory()->false_value(); break; case JsonToken::NULL_LITERAL: ScanLiteral("null"); value = factory()->null_value(); break; case JsonToken::COLON: case JsonToken::COMMA: case JsonToken::ILLEGAL: case JsonToken::RBRACE: case JsonToken::RBRACK: case JsonToken::EOS: ReportUnexpectedCharacter(CurrentCharacter()); // Pop the continuation stack to correctly tear down handle scopes. while (!cont_stack.empty()) { cont = std::move(cont_stack.back()); cont_stack.pop_back(); } return MaybeHandle<Object>(); case JsonToken::WHITESPACE: UNREACHABLE(); } // Done producing a value, consume it. break; } // Consume a produced json value. // // Iterate as long as values are produced (arrays or object literals are // finished). while (true) { // The switch is immediately followed by 'break' so we can use 'break' to // break out of the loop, and 'continue' to continue the loop. switch (cont.type()) { case JsonContinuation::kReturn: return cont.scope.CloseAndEscape(value); case JsonContinuation::kObjectProperty: { // Store the previous property value into its property info. property_stack.back().value = value; if (V8_LIKELY(Check(JsonToken::COMMA))) { // Parse the property key. ExpectNext( JsonToken::STRING, MessageTemplate::kJsonParseExpectedDoubleQuotedPropertyName); property_stack.emplace_back(ScanJsonPropertyKey(&cont)); ExpectNext(JsonToken::COLON); // Break to start producing the subsequent property value. break; } Handle<Map> feedback; if (cont_stack.size() > 0 && cont_stack.back().type() == JsonContinuation::kArrayElement && cont_stack.back().index < element_stack.size() && element_stack.back()->IsJSObject()) { Map maybe_feedback = JSObject::cast(*element_stack.back()).map(); // Don't consume feedback from objects with a map that's detached // from the transition tree. if (!maybe_feedback.IsDetached(isolate_)) { feedback = handle(maybe_feedback, isolate_); if (feedback->is_deprecated()) { feedback = Map::Update(isolate_, feedback); } } } value = BuildJsonObject(cont, property_stack, feedback); property_stack.resize_no_init(cont.index); Expect(JsonToken::RBRACE, MessageTemplate::kJsonParseExpectedCommaOrRBrace); // Return the object. value = cont.scope.CloseAndEscape(value); // Pop the continuation. cont = std::move(cont_stack.back()); cont_stack.pop_back(); // Consume to produced object. continue; } case JsonContinuation::kArrayElement: { // Store the previous element on the stack. element_stack.emplace_back(value); // Break to start producing the subsequent element value. if (V8_LIKELY(Check(JsonToken::COMMA))) break; value = BuildJsonArray(cont, element_stack); element_stack.resize_no_init(cont.index); Expect(JsonToken::RBRACK, MessageTemplate::kJsonParseExpectedCommaOrRBrack); // Return the array. value = cont.scope.CloseAndEscape(value); // Pop the continuation. cont = std::move(cont_stack.back()); cont_stack.pop_back(); // Consume the produced array. continue; } } // Done consuming a value. Produce next value. break; } } } template <typename Char> void JsonParser<Char>::AdvanceToNonDecimal() { cursor_ = std::find_if(cursor_, end_, [](Char c) { return !IsDecimalDigit(c); }); } template <typename Char> Handle<Object> JsonParser<Char>::ParseJsonNumber() { double number; int sign = 1; { const Char* start = cursor_; DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc; base::uc32 c = *cursor_; if (c == '-') { sign = -1; c = NextCharacter(); } if (c == '0') { // Prefix zero is only allowed if it's the only digit before // a decimal point or exponent. c = NextCharacter(); if (base::IsInRange(c, 0, static_cast<int32_t>(unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar)) && IsNumberPart(character_json_scan_flags[c])) { if (V8_UNLIKELY(IsDecimalDigit(c))) { AllowGarbageCollection allow_before_exception; ReportUnexpectedToken(JsonToken::NUMBER); return handle(Smi::FromInt(0), isolate_); } } else if (sign > 0) { return handle(Smi::FromInt(0), isolate_); } } else { const Char* smi_start = cursor_; AdvanceToNonDecimal(); if (V8_UNLIKELY(smi_start == cursor_)) { AllowGarbageCollection allow_before_exception; ReportUnexpectedToken( JsonToken::ILLEGAL, MessageTemplate::kJsonParseNoNumberAfterMinusSign); return handle(Smi::FromInt(0), isolate_); } c = CurrentCharacter(); static_assert(Smi::IsValid(-999999999)); static_assert(Smi::IsValid(999999999)); const int kMaxSmiLength = 9; if ((cursor_ - smi_start) <= kMaxSmiLength && (!base::IsInRange(c, 0, static_cast<int32_t>(unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar)) || !IsNumberPart(character_json_scan_flags[c]))) { // Smi. int32_t i = 0; for (; smi_start != cursor_; smi_start++) { DCHECK(IsDecimalDigit(*smi_start)); i = (i * 10) + ((*smi_start) - '0'); } // TODO(verwaest): Cache? return handle(Smi::FromInt(i * sign), isolate_); } } if (CurrentCharacter() == '.') { c = NextCharacter(); if (!IsDecimalDigit(c)) { AllowGarbageCollection allow_before_exception; ReportUnexpectedToken( JsonToken::ILLEGAL, MessageTemplate::kJsonParseUnterminatedFractionalNumber); return handle(Smi::FromInt(0), isolate_); } AdvanceToNonDecimal(); } if (AsciiAlphaToLower(CurrentCharacter()) == 'e') { c = NextCharacter(); if (c == '-' || c == '+') c = NextCharacter(); if (!IsDecimalDigit(c)) { AllowGarbageCollection allow_before_exception; ReportUnexpectedToken( JsonToken::ILLEGAL, MessageTemplate::kJsonParseExponentPartMissingNumber); return handle(Smi::FromInt(0), isolate_); } AdvanceToNonDecimal(); } base::Vector<const Char> chars(start, cursor_ - start); number = StringToDouble(chars, NO_CONVERSION_FLAGS, // Hex, octal or trailing junk. std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()); DCHECK(!std::isnan(number)); } return factory()->NewNumber(number); } namespace { template <typename Char> bool Matches(const base::Vector<const Char>& chars, Handle<String> string) { DCHECK(!string.is_null()); return string->IsEqualTo(chars); } } // namespace template <typename Char> template <typename SinkSeqString> Handle<String> JsonParser<Char>::DecodeString( const JsonString& string, Handle<SinkSeqString> intermediate, Handle<String> hint) { using SinkChar = typename SinkSeqString::Char; { DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc; SinkChar* dest = intermediate->GetChars(no_gc); if (!string.has_escape()) { DCHECK(!string.internalize()); CopyChars(dest, chars_ + string.start(), string.length()); return intermediate; } DecodeString(dest, string.start(), string.length()); if (!string.internalize()) return intermediate; base::Vector<const SinkChar> data(dest, string.length()); if (!hint.is_null() && Matches(data, hint)) return hint; } return factory()->InternalizeString(intermediate, 0, string.length()); } template <typename Char> Handle<String> JsonParser<Char>::MakeString(const JsonString& string, Handle<String> hint) { if (string.length() == 0) return factory()->empty_string(); if (string.internalize() && !string.has_escape()) { if (!hint.is_null()) { base::Vector<const Char> data(chars_ + string.start(), string.length()); if (Matches(data, hint)) return hint; } if (chars_may_relocate_) { return factory()->InternalizeString(Handle<SeqString>::cast(source_), string.start(), string.length(), string.needs_conversion()); } base::Vector<const Char> chars(chars_ + string.start(), string.length()); return factory()->InternalizeString(chars, string.needs_conversion()); } if (sizeof(Char) == 1 ? V8_LIKELY(!string.needs_conversion()) : string.needs_conversion()) { Handle<SeqOneByteString> intermediate = factory()->NewRawOneByteString(string.length()).ToHandleChecked(); return DecodeString(string, intermediate, hint); } Handle<SeqTwoByteString> intermediate = factory()->NewRawTwoByteString(string.length()).ToHandleChecked(); return DecodeString(string, intermediate, hint); } template <typename Char> template <typename SinkChar> void JsonParser<Char>::DecodeString(SinkChar* sink, int start, int length) { SinkChar* sink_start = sink; const Char* cursor = chars_ + start; while (true) { const Char* end = cursor + length - (sink - sink_start); cursor = std::find_if(cursor, end, [&sink](Char c) { if (c == '\\') return true; *sink++ = c; return false; }); if (cursor == end) return; cursor++; switch (GetEscapeKind(character_json_scan_flags[*cursor])) { case EscapeKind::kSelf: *sink++ = *cursor; break; case EscapeKind::kBackspace: *sink++ = '\x08'; break; case EscapeKind::kTab: *sink++ = '\x09'; break; case EscapeKind::kNewLine: *sink++ = '\x0A'; break; case EscapeKind::kFormFeed: *sink++ = '\x0C'; break; case EscapeKind::kCarriageReturn: *sink++ = '\x0D'; break; case EscapeKind::kUnicode: { base::uc32 value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { value = value * 16 + base::HexValue(*++cursor); } if (value <= static_cast<base::uc32>(unibrow::Utf16::kMaxNonSurrogateCharCode)) { *sink++ = value; } else { *sink++ = unibrow::Utf16::LeadSurrogate(value); *sink++ = unibrow::Utf16::TrailSurrogate(value); } break; } case EscapeKind::kIllegal: UNREACHABLE(); } cursor++; } } template <typename Char> JsonString JsonParser<Char>::ScanJsonString(bool needs_internalization) { DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc; int start = position(); int offset = start; bool has_escape = false; base::uc32 bits = 0; while (true) { cursor_ = std::find_if(cursor_, end_, [&bits](Char c) { if (sizeof(Char) == 2 && V8_UNLIKELY(c > unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar)) { bits |= c; return false; } return MayTerminateJsonString(character_json_scan_flags[c]); }); if (V8_UNLIKELY(is_at_end())) { AllowGarbageCollection allow_before_exception; ReportUnexpectedToken(JsonToken::ILLEGAL, MessageTemplate::kJsonParseUnterminatedString); break; } if (*cursor_ == '"') { int end = position(); advance(); int length = end - offset; bool convert = sizeof(Char) == 1 ? bits > unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar : bits <= unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar; return JsonString(start, length, convert, needs_internalization, has_escape); } if (*cursor_ == '\\') { has_escape = true; base::uc32 c = NextCharacter(); if (V8_UNLIKELY(!base::IsInRange( c, 0, static_cast<int32_t>(unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar)))) { AllowGarbageCollection allow_before_exception; ReportUnexpectedCharacter(c); break; } switch (GetEscapeKind(character_json_scan_flags[c])) { case EscapeKind::kSelf: case EscapeKind::kBackspace: case EscapeKind::kTab: case EscapeKind::kNewLine: case EscapeKind::kFormFeed: case EscapeKind::kCarriageReturn: offset += 1; break; case EscapeKind::kUnicode: { base::uc32 value = ScanUnicodeCharacter(); if (value == kInvalidUnicodeCharacter) { AllowGarbageCollection allow_before_exception; ReportUnexpectedToken(JsonToken::ILLEGAL, MessageTemplate::kJsonParseBadUnicodeEscape); return JsonString(); } bits |= value; // \uXXXX results in either 1 or 2 Utf16 characters, depending on // whether the decoded value requires a surrogate pair. offset += 5 - (value > static_cast<base::uc32>( unibrow::Utf16::kMaxNonSurrogateCharCode)); break; } case EscapeKind::kIllegal: AllowGarbageCollection allow_before_exception; ReportUnexpectedToken(JsonToken::ILLEGAL, MessageTemplate::kJsonParseBadEscapedCharacter); return JsonString(); } advance(); continue; } DCHECK_LT(*cursor_, 0x20); AllowGarbageCollection allow_before_exception; ReportUnexpectedToken(JsonToken::ILLEGAL, MessageTemplate::kJsonParseBadControlCharacter); break; } return JsonString(); } // Explicit instantiation. template class JsonParser<uint8_t>; template class JsonParser<uint16_t>; } // namespace internal } // namespace v8