// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

namespace runtime {
extern transitioning runtime
ObjectIsExtensible(implicit context: Context)(JSAny): JSAny;

extern transitioning runtime
JSReceiverPreventExtensionsThrow(implicit context: Context)(JSReceiver): JSAny;

extern transitioning runtime
JSReceiverPreventExtensionsDontThrow(implicit context: Context)(JSReceiver):

extern transitioning runtime
JSReceiverGetPrototypeOf(implicit context: Context)(JSReceiver): JSAny;

extern transitioning runtime
JSReceiverSetPrototypeOfThrow(implicit context: Context)(
    JSReceiver, JSAny): JSAny;

extern transitioning runtime
JSReceiverSetPrototypeOfDontThrow(implicit context: Context)(
    JSReceiver, JSAny): JSAny;

extern transitioning runtime ObjectCreate(implicit context: Context)(
    JSAny, JSAny): JSAny;
}  // namespace runtime

namespace object {
transitioning macro
ObjectIsExtensibleImpl(implicit context: Context)(object: JSAny): JSAny {
  const objectJSReceiver = Cast<JSReceiver>(object) otherwise return False;
  const objectJSProxy = Cast<JSProxy>(objectJSReceiver)
      otherwise return runtime::ObjectIsExtensible(objectJSReceiver);
  return proxy::ProxyIsExtensible(objectJSProxy);

transitioning macro
ObjectPreventExtensionsThrow(implicit context: Context)(object: JSAny): JSAny {
  const objectJSReceiver = Cast<JSReceiver>(object) otherwise return object;
  const objectJSProxy = Cast<JSProxy>(objectJSReceiver)
      otherwise return runtime::JSReceiverPreventExtensionsThrow(objectJSReceiver);
  proxy::ProxyPreventExtensions(objectJSProxy, True);
  return objectJSReceiver;

transitioning macro
ObjectPreventExtensionsDontThrow(implicit context: Context)(object: JSAny):
    JSAny {
  const objectJSReceiver = Cast<JSReceiver>(object) otherwise return False;
  const objectJSProxy = Cast<JSProxy>(objectJSReceiver)
      otherwise return runtime::JSReceiverPreventExtensionsDontThrow(
  return proxy::ProxyPreventExtensions(objectJSProxy, False);

transitioning macro
ObjectGetPrototypeOfImpl(implicit context: Context)(object: JSAny): JSAny {
  const objectJSReceiver: JSReceiver = ToObject_Inline(context, object);
  return object::JSReceiverGetPrototypeOf(objectJSReceiver);

transitioning macro
JSReceiverGetPrototypeOf(implicit context: Context)(object: JSReceiver): JSAny {
  const objectJSProxy = Cast<JSProxy>(object)
      otherwise return runtime::JSReceiverGetPrototypeOf(object);
  return proxy::ProxyGetPrototypeOf(objectJSProxy);

transitioning macro
ObjectSetPrototypeOfThrow(implicit context: Context)(
    object: JSAny, proto: JSReceiver|Null): JSAny {
  const objectJSReceiver = Cast<JSReceiver>(object) otherwise return object;
  const objectJSProxy = Cast<JSProxy>(objectJSReceiver)
      otherwise return runtime::JSReceiverSetPrototypeOfThrow(
      objectJSReceiver, proto);
  proxy::ProxySetPrototypeOf(objectJSProxy, proto, True);
  return objectJSReceiver;

transitioning macro
ObjectSetPrototypeOfDontThrow(implicit context: Context)(
    object: JSAny, proto: JSReceiver|Null): JSAny {
  const objectJSReceiver = Cast<JSReceiver>(object) otherwise return False;
  const objectJSProxy = Cast<JSProxy>(objectJSReceiver)
      otherwise return runtime::JSReceiverSetPrototypeOfDontThrow(
      objectJSReceiver, proto);
  return proxy::ProxySetPrototypeOf(objectJSProxy, proto, False);

transitioning builtin CreateObjectWithoutProperties(implicit context: Context)(
    prototype: JSAny): JSAny {
  try {
    let map: Map;
    let properties: NameDictionary|SwissNameDictionary|EmptyFixedArray;
    typeswitch (prototype) {
      case (Null): {
        map = *NativeContextSlot(
          properties =
          properties = AllocateNameDictionary(kNameDictionaryInitialCapacity);
      case (prototype: JSReceiver): {
        properties = kEmptyFixedArray;
        const objectFunction =
        map = UnsafeCast<Map>(objectFunction.prototype_or_initial_map);
        if (prototype != map.prototype) {
          const prototypeInfo = prototype.map.PrototypeInfo() otherwise Runtime;
          typeswitch (prototypeInfo.object_create_map) {
            case (Undefined): {
              goto Runtime;
            case (weak_map: Weak<Map>): {
              map = WeakToStrong(weak_map) otherwise Runtime;
      case (JSAny): {
        goto Runtime;
    return AllocateJSObjectFromMap(map, properties);
  } label Runtime deferred {
    return runtime::ObjectCreate(prototype, Undefined);

// ES6 section Object.isExtensible ( O )
transitioning javascript builtin
ObjectIsExtensible(js-implicit context: NativeContext)(object: JSAny): JSAny {
  return object::ObjectIsExtensibleImpl(object);

// ES6 section Object.preventExtensions ( O )
transitioning javascript builtin
ObjectPreventExtensions(js-implicit context: NativeContext)(object: JSAny):
    JSAny {
  return object::ObjectPreventExtensionsThrow(object);

// ES6 section Object.getPrototypeOf ( O )
transitioning javascript builtin
ObjectGetPrototypeOf(js-implicit context: NativeContext)(object: JSAny): JSAny {
  return object::ObjectGetPrototypeOfImpl(object);

// ES6 section Object.setPrototypeOf ( O, proto )
transitioning javascript builtin ObjectSetPrototypeOf(
    js-implicit context: NativeContext)(object: JSAny, proto: JSAny): JSAny {
  // 1. Set O to ? RequireObjectCoercible(O).
  RequireObjectCoercible(object, 'Object.setPrototypeOf');

  // 2. If Type(proto) is neither Object nor Null, throw a TypeError
  // exception.
  // 3. If Type(O) is not Object, return O.
  // 4. Let status be ? O.[[SetPrototypeOf]](proto).
  // 5. If status is false, throw a TypeError exception.
  // 6. Return O.
  typeswitch (proto) {
    case (proto: JSReceiver|Null): {
      return object::ObjectSetPrototypeOfThrow(object, proto);
    case (JSAny): {
      ThrowTypeError(MessageTemplate::kProtoObjectOrNull, proto);

// ES #sec-object.prototype.tostring
transitioning javascript builtin ObjectPrototypeToString(
    js-implicit context: Context, receiver: JSAny)(): String {
  return ObjectToString(context, receiver);

// ES #sec-object.prototype.valueof
transitioning javascript builtin ObjectPrototypeValueOf(
    js-implicit context: Context, receiver: JSAny)(): JSReceiver {
  // 1. Return ? ToObject(this value).
  return ToObject_Inline(context, receiver);

// ES #sec-object.prototype.tolocalestring
transitioning javascript builtin ObjectPrototypeToLocaleString(
    js-implicit context: Context, receiver: JSAny)(): JSAny {
  // 1. Let O be the this value.
  // 2. Return ? Invoke(O, "toString").
  if (receiver == Null || receiver == Undefined) deferred {
  const method = GetProperty(receiver, 'toString');
  return Call(context, method, receiver);
}  // namespace object