// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "src/debug/debug-scopes.h" #include <memory> #include "src/ast/ast.h" #include "src/ast/scopes.h" #include "src/common/globals.h" #include "src/debug/debug.h" #include "src/execution/frames-inl.h" #include "src/execution/isolate-inl.h" #include "src/objects/js-generator-inl.h" #include "src/objects/source-text-module.h" #include "src/parsing/parse-info.h" #include "src/parsing/parsing.h" #include "src/parsing/rewriter.h" #include "src/utils/ostreams.h" namespace v8 { namespace internal { ScopeIterator::ScopeIterator(Isolate* isolate, FrameInspector* frame_inspector, ScopeIterator::Option option) : isolate_(isolate), frame_inspector_(frame_inspector), function_(frame_inspector_->GetFunction()), script_(frame_inspector_->GetScript()) { if (!frame_inspector->GetContext()->IsContext()) { // Optimized frame, context or function cannot be materialized. Give up. return; } context_ = Handle<Context>::cast(frame_inspector->GetContext()); // We should not instantiate a ScopeIterator for wasm frames. DCHECK_NE(Script::TYPE_WASM, frame_inspector->GetScript()->type()); TryParseAndRetrieveScopes(option); } ScopeIterator::~ScopeIterator() { delete info_; } Handle<Object> ScopeIterator::GetFunctionDebugName() const { if (!function_.is_null()) return JSFunction::GetDebugName(function_); if (!context_->IsNativeContext()) { DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; ScopeInfo closure_info = context_->closure_context().scope_info(); Handle<String> debug_name(closure_info.FunctionDebugName(), isolate_); if (debug_name->length() > 0) return debug_name; } return isolate_->factory()->undefined_value(); } ScopeIterator::ScopeIterator(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSFunction> function) : isolate_(isolate), context_(function->context(), isolate) { if (!function->shared().IsSubjectToDebugging()) { context_ = Handle<Context>(); return; } script_ = handle(Script::cast(function->shared().script()), isolate); UnwrapEvaluationContext(); } ScopeIterator::ScopeIterator(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSGeneratorObject> generator) : isolate_(isolate), generator_(generator), function_(generator->function(), isolate), context_(generator->context(), isolate), script_(Script::cast(function_->shared().script()), isolate) { CHECK(function_->shared().IsSubjectToDebugging()); TryParseAndRetrieveScopes(DEFAULT); } void ScopeIterator::Restart() { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(frame_inspector_); function_ = frame_inspector_->GetFunction(); context_ = Handle<Context>::cast(frame_inspector_->GetContext()); current_scope_ = start_scope_; DCHECK_NOT_NULL(current_scope_); UnwrapEvaluationContext(); } namespace { // Takes the scope of a parsed script, a function and a break location // inside the function. The result is the innermost lexical scope around // the break point, which serves as the starting point of the ScopeIterator. // And the scope of the function that was passed in (called closure scope). // // The start scope is guaranteed to be either the closure scope itself, // or a child of the closure scope. class ScopeChainRetriever { public: ScopeChainRetriever(DeclarationScope* scope, Handle<JSFunction> function, int position) : scope_(scope), break_scope_start_(function->shared().StartPosition()), break_scope_end_(function->shared().EndPosition()), is_default_constructor_( IsDefaultConstructor(function->shared().kind())), position_(position) { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(scope); RetrieveScopes(); } DeclarationScope* ClosureScope() { return closure_scope_; } Scope* StartScope() { return start_scope_; } private: DeclarationScope* scope_; const int break_scope_start_; const int break_scope_end_; const bool is_default_constructor_; const int position_; DeclarationScope* closure_scope_ = nullptr; Scope* start_scope_ = nullptr; void RetrieveScopes() { if (is_default_constructor_) { // Even though the DefaultBaseConstructor is a child of a Class scope, the // source positions are *not* nested. This means the actual scope for the // DefaultBaseConstructor needs to be found by doing a DFS. RetrieveScopeChainDefaultConstructor(scope_); } else { RetrieveScopeChain(); } DCHECK_NOT_NULL(closure_scope_); DCHECK_NOT_NULL(start_scope_); } bool RetrieveScopeChainDefaultConstructor(Scope* scope) { const int beg_pos = scope->start_position(); const int end_pos = scope->end_position(); if (beg_pos == position_ && end_pos == position_) { DCHECK(scope->is_function_scope()); DCHECK( IsDefaultConstructor(scope->AsDeclarationScope()->function_kind())); start_scope_ = scope; closure_scope_ = scope->AsDeclarationScope(); return true; } for (Scope* inner_scope = scope->inner_scope(); inner_scope != nullptr; inner_scope = inner_scope->sibling()) { if (RetrieveScopeChainDefaultConstructor(inner_scope)) return true; } return false; } void RetrieveScopeChain() { Scope* parent = nullptr; Scope* current = scope_; SetClosureScopeIfFound(current); while (parent != current) { parent = current; for (Scope* inner_scope = current->inner_scope(); inner_scope != nullptr; inner_scope = inner_scope->sibling()) { if (SetClosureScopeIfFound(inner_scope) || ContainsPosition(inner_scope)) { current = inner_scope; break; } } } start_scope_ = current; } bool SetClosureScopeIfFound(Scope* scope) { const int start = scope->start_position(); const int end = scope->end_position(); if (start == break_scope_start_ && end == break_scope_end_) { closure_scope_ = scope->AsDeclarationScope(); return true; } return false; } bool ContainsPosition(Scope* scope) { const int start = scope->start_position(); const int end = scope->end_position(); // In case the closure_scope_ hasn't been found yet, we are less strict // about recursing downwards. This might be the case for nested arrow // functions that have the same end position. const bool position_fits_end = closure_scope_ ? position_ < end : position_ <= end; return start < position_ && position_fits_end; } }; } // namespace void ScopeIterator::TryParseAndRetrieveScopes(ScopeIterator::Option option) { // Catch the case when the debugger stops in an internal function. Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info(function_->shared(), isolate_); Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info(shared_info->scope_info(), isolate_); if (shared_info->script().IsUndefined(isolate_)) { current_scope_ = closure_scope_ = nullptr; context_ = handle(function_->context(), isolate_); function_ = Handle<JSFunction>(); return; } // Class fields initializer functions don't have any scope // information. We short circuit the parsing of the class literal // and return an empty context here. if (IsClassMembersInitializerFunction(shared_info->kind())) { current_scope_ = closure_scope_ = nullptr; context_ = Handle<Context>(); function_ = Handle<JSFunction>(); return; } bool ignore_nested_scopes = false; if (shared_info->HasBreakInfo() && frame_inspector_ != nullptr) { // The source position at return is always the end of the function, // which is not consistent with the current scope chain. Therefore all // nested with, catch and block contexts are skipped, and we can only // inspect the function scope. // This can only happen if we set a break point inside right before the // return, which requires a debug info to be available. Handle<DebugInfo> debug_info(shared_info->GetDebugInfo(), isolate_); // Find the break point where execution has stopped. BreakLocation location = BreakLocation::FromFrame(debug_info, GetFrame()); ignore_nested_scopes = location.IsReturn(); } // Reparse the code and analyze the scopes. Handle<Script> script(Script::cast(shared_info->script()), isolate_); info_ = new ParseInfo(isolate_, script); info_->set_eager(); if (scope_info->scope_type() == EVAL_SCOPE || script->is_wrapped()) { info_->set_eval(); if (!context_->IsNativeContext()) { info_->set_outer_scope_info(handle(context_->scope_info(), isolate_)); } // Language mode may be inherited from the eval caller. // Retrieve it from shared function info. info_->set_language_mode(shared_info->language_mode()); } else if (scope_info->scope_type() == MODULE_SCOPE) { DCHECK(info_->is_module()); } else { DCHECK(scope_info->scope_type() == SCRIPT_SCOPE || scope_info->scope_type() == FUNCTION_SCOPE); } if (parsing::ParseAny(info_, shared_info, isolate_) && Rewriter::Rewrite(info_)) { info_->ast_value_factory()->Internalize(isolate_); DeclarationScope* literal_scope = info_->literal()->scope(); ScopeChainRetriever scope_chain_retriever(literal_scope, function_, GetSourcePosition()); start_scope_ = scope_chain_retriever.StartScope(); current_scope_ = start_scope_; // In case of a FUNCTION_SCOPE, the ScopeIterator expects // {closure_scope_} to be set to the scope of the function. closure_scope_ = scope_info->scope_type() == FUNCTION_SCOPE ? scope_chain_retriever.ClosureScope() : literal_scope; CHECK(DeclarationScope::Analyze(info_)); if (ignore_nested_scopes) { current_scope_ = closure_scope_; start_scope_ = current_scope_; if (closure_scope_->NeedsContext()) { context_ = handle(context_->closure_context(), isolate_); } } UnwrapEvaluationContext(); } else { // A failed reparse indicates that the preparser has diverged from the // parser or that the preparse data given to the initial parse has been // faulty. We fail in debug mode but in release mode we only provide the // information we get from the context chain but nothing about // completely stack allocated scopes or stack allocated locals. // Or it could be due to stack overflow. // Silently fail by presenting an empty context chain. CHECK(isolate_->has_pending_exception()); isolate_->clear_pending_exception(); context_ = Handle<Context>(); } } void ScopeIterator::UnwrapEvaluationContext() { if (!context_->IsDebugEvaluateContext()) return; Context current = *context_; do { Object wrapped = current.get(Context::WRAPPED_CONTEXT_INDEX); if (wrapped.IsContext()) { current = Context::cast(wrapped); } else { DCHECK(!current.previous().is_null()); current = current.previous(); } } while (current.IsDebugEvaluateContext()); context_ = handle(current, isolate_); } Handle<JSObject> ScopeIterator::MaterializeScopeDetails() { // Calculate the size of the result. Handle<FixedArray> details = isolate_->factory()->NewFixedArray(kScopeDetailsSize); // Fill in scope details. details->set(kScopeDetailsTypeIndex, Smi::FromInt(Type())); Handle<JSObject> scope_object = ScopeObject(Mode::ALL); details->set(kScopeDetailsObjectIndex, *scope_object); if (Type() == ScopeTypeGlobal || Type() == ScopeTypeScript) { return isolate_->factory()->NewJSArrayWithElements(details); } else if (HasContext()) { Handle<Object> closure_name = GetFunctionDebugName(); details->set(kScopeDetailsNameIndex, *closure_name); details->set(kScopeDetailsStartPositionIndex, Smi::FromInt(start_position())); details->set(kScopeDetailsEndPositionIndex, Smi::FromInt(end_position())); if (InInnerScope()) { details->set(kScopeDetailsFunctionIndex, *function_); } } return isolate_->factory()->NewJSArrayWithElements(details); } bool ScopeIterator::HasPositionInfo() { return InInnerScope() || !context_->IsNativeContext(); } int ScopeIterator::start_position() { if (InInnerScope()) return current_scope_->start_position(); if (context_->IsNativeContext()) return 0; return context_->closure_context().scope_info().StartPosition(); } int ScopeIterator::end_position() { if (InInnerScope()) return current_scope_->end_position(); if (context_->IsNativeContext()) return 0; return context_->closure_context().scope_info().EndPosition(); } bool ScopeIterator::DeclaresLocals(Mode mode) const { ScopeType type = Type(); if (type == ScopeTypeWith) return mode == Mode::ALL; if (type == ScopeTypeGlobal) return mode == Mode::ALL; bool declares_local = false; auto visitor = [&](Handle<String> name, Handle<Object> value) { declares_local = true; return true; }; VisitScope(visitor, mode); return declares_local; } bool ScopeIterator::HasContext() const { return !InInnerScope() || current_scope_->NeedsContext(); } void ScopeIterator::AdvanceOneScope() { if (current_scope_->NeedsContext()) { DCHECK(!context_->previous().is_null()); context_ = handle(context_->previous(), isolate_); } DCHECK(current_scope_->outer_scope() != nullptr); current_scope_ = current_scope_->outer_scope(); } void ScopeIterator::AdvanceToNonHiddenScope() { do { AdvanceOneScope(); } while (current_scope_->is_hidden()); } void ScopeIterator::AdvanceContext() { DCHECK(!context_->IsNativeContext()); context_ = handle(context_->previous(), isolate_); // While advancing one context, we need to advance at least one // scope, but until we hit the next scope that actually requires // a context. All the locals collected along the way build the // blacklist for debug-evaluate for this context. locals_ = StringSet::New(isolate_); do { if (!current_scope_ || !current_scope_->outer_scope()) break; current_scope_ = current_scope_->outer_scope(); CollectLocalsFromCurrentScope(); } while (!current_scope_->NeedsContext()); } void ScopeIterator::Next() { DCHECK(!Done()); ScopeType scope_type = Type(); if (scope_type == ScopeTypeGlobal) { // The global scope is always the last in the chain. DCHECK(context_->IsNativeContext()); context_ = Handle<Context>(); DCHECK(Done()); return; } bool inner = InInnerScope(); if (current_scope_ == closure_scope_) function_ = Handle<JSFunction>(); if (scope_type == ScopeTypeScript) { DCHECK_IMPLIES(InInnerScope(), current_scope_->is_script_scope()); seen_script_scope_ = true; if (context_->IsScriptContext()) { context_ = handle(context_->previous(), isolate_); } } else if (!inner) { AdvanceContext(); } else { DCHECK_NOT_NULL(current_scope_); AdvanceToNonHiddenScope(); if (!InInnerScope() && current_scope_ != closure_scope_) { // Edge case when we just go past {closure_scope_}. This case // already needs to start collecting locals for the blacklist. locals_ = StringSet::New(isolate_); CollectLocalsFromCurrentScope(); } } UnwrapEvaluationContext(); } // Return the type of the current scope. ScopeIterator::ScopeType ScopeIterator::Type() const { DCHECK(!Done()); if (InInnerScope()) { switch (current_scope_->scope_type()) { case FUNCTION_SCOPE: DCHECK_IMPLIES(current_scope_->NeedsContext(), context_->IsFunctionContext() || context_->IsDebugEvaluateContext()); return ScopeTypeLocal; case MODULE_SCOPE: DCHECK_IMPLIES(current_scope_->NeedsContext(), context_->IsModuleContext()); return ScopeTypeModule; case SCRIPT_SCOPE: DCHECK_IMPLIES( current_scope_->NeedsContext(), context_->IsScriptContext() || context_->IsNativeContext()); return ScopeTypeScript; case WITH_SCOPE: DCHECK_IMPLIES(current_scope_->NeedsContext(), context_->IsWithContext()); return ScopeTypeWith; case CATCH_SCOPE: DCHECK(context_->IsCatchContext()); return ScopeTypeCatch; case BLOCK_SCOPE: case CLASS_SCOPE: DCHECK_IMPLIES(current_scope_->NeedsContext(), context_->IsBlockContext()); return ScopeTypeBlock; case EVAL_SCOPE: DCHECK_IMPLIES(current_scope_->NeedsContext(), context_->IsEvalContext()); return ScopeTypeEval; } UNREACHABLE(); } if (context_->IsNativeContext()) { DCHECK(context_->global_object().IsJSGlobalObject()); // If we are at the native context and have not yet seen script scope, // fake it. return seen_script_scope_ ? ScopeTypeGlobal : ScopeTypeScript; } if (context_->IsFunctionContext() || context_->IsEvalContext() || context_->IsDebugEvaluateContext()) { return ScopeTypeClosure; } if (context_->IsCatchContext()) { return ScopeTypeCatch; } if (context_->IsBlockContext()) { return ScopeTypeBlock; } if (context_->IsModuleContext()) { return ScopeTypeModule; } if (context_->IsScriptContext()) { return ScopeTypeScript; } DCHECK(context_->IsWithContext()); return ScopeTypeWith; } Handle<JSObject> ScopeIterator::ScopeObject(Mode mode) { DCHECK(!Done()); ScopeType type = Type(); if (type == ScopeTypeGlobal) { DCHECK_EQ(Mode::ALL, mode); return handle(context_->global_proxy(), isolate_); } if (type == ScopeTypeWith) { DCHECK_EQ(Mode::ALL, mode); return WithContextExtension(); } Handle<JSObject> scope = isolate_->factory()->NewJSObjectWithNullProto(); auto visitor = [=](Handle<String> name, Handle<Object> value) { JSObject::AddProperty(isolate_, scope, name, value, NONE); return false; }; VisitScope(visitor, mode); return scope; } void ScopeIterator::VisitScope(const Visitor& visitor, Mode mode) const { switch (Type()) { case ScopeTypeLocal: case ScopeTypeClosure: case ScopeTypeCatch: case ScopeTypeBlock: case ScopeTypeEval: return VisitLocalScope(visitor, mode); case ScopeTypeModule: if (InInnerScope()) { return VisitLocalScope(visitor, mode); } DCHECK_EQ(Mode::ALL, mode); return VisitModuleScope(visitor); case ScopeTypeScript: DCHECK_EQ(Mode::ALL, mode); return VisitScriptScope(visitor); case ScopeTypeWith: case ScopeTypeGlobal: UNREACHABLE(); } } bool ScopeIterator::SetVariableValue(Handle<String> name, Handle<Object> value) { DCHECK(!Done()); name = isolate_->factory()->InternalizeString(name); switch (Type()) { case ScopeTypeGlobal: case ScopeTypeWith: break; case ScopeTypeEval: case ScopeTypeBlock: case ScopeTypeCatch: case ScopeTypeModule: if (InInnerScope()) return SetLocalVariableValue(name, value); if (Type() == ScopeTypeModule && SetModuleVariableValue(name, value)) { return true; } return SetContextVariableValue(name, value); case ScopeTypeLocal: case ScopeTypeClosure: if (InInnerScope()) { DCHECK_EQ(ScopeTypeLocal, Type()); if (SetLocalVariableValue(name, value)) return true; // There may not be an associated context since we're InInnerScope(). if (!current_scope_->NeedsContext()) return false; } else { DCHECK_EQ(ScopeTypeClosure, Type()); if (SetContextVariableValue(name, value)) return true; } // The above functions only set variables statically declared in the // function. There may be eval-introduced variables. Check them in // SetContextExtensionValue. return SetContextExtensionValue(name, value); case ScopeTypeScript: return SetScriptVariableValue(name, value); } return false; } bool ScopeIterator::ClosureScopeHasThisReference() const { return !closure_scope_->has_this_declaration() && closure_scope_->HasThisReference(); } void ScopeIterator::CollectLocalsFromCurrentScope() { DCHECK(locals_->IsStringSet()); for (Variable* var : *current_scope_->locals()) { if (var->location() == VariableLocation::PARAMETER || var->location() == VariableLocation::LOCAL) { locals_ = StringSet::Add(isolate_, locals_, var->name()); } } } #ifdef DEBUG // Debug print of the content of the current scope. void ScopeIterator::DebugPrint() { StdoutStream os; DCHECK(!Done()); switch (Type()) { case ScopeIterator::ScopeTypeGlobal: os << "Global:\n"; context_->Print(os); break; case ScopeIterator::ScopeTypeLocal: { os << "Local:\n"; if (current_scope_->NeedsContext()) { context_->Print(os); if (context_->has_extension()) { Handle<HeapObject> extension(context_->extension(), isolate_); DCHECK(extension->IsJSContextExtensionObject()); extension->Print(os); } } break; } case ScopeIterator::ScopeTypeWith: os << "With:\n"; context_->extension().Print(os); break; case ScopeIterator::ScopeTypeCatch: os << "Catch:\n"; context_->extension().Print(os); context_->get(Context::THROWN_OBJECT_INDEX).Print(os); break; case ScopeIterator::ScopeTypeClosure: os << "Closure:\n"; context_->Print(os); if (context_->has_extension()) { Handle<HeapObject> extension(context_->extension(), isolate_); DCHECK(extension->IsJSContextExtensionObject()); extension->Print(os); } break; case ScopeIterator::ScopeTypeScript: os << "Script:\n"; context_->global_object().native_context().script_context_table().Print( os); break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } PrintF("\n"); } #endif int ScopeIterator::GetSourcePosition() { if (frame_inspector_) { return frame_inspector_->GetSourcePosition(); } else { DCHECK(!generator_.is_null()); SharedFunctionInfo::EnsureSourcePositionsAvailable( isolate_, handle(generator_->function().shared(), isolate_)); return generator_->source_position(); } } void ScopeIterator::VisitScriptScope(const Visitor& visitor) const { Handle<JSGlobalObject> global(context_->global_object(), isolate_); Handle<ScriptContextTable> script_contexts( global->native_context().script_context_table(), isolate_); // Skip the first script since that just declares 'this'. for (int context_index = 1; context_index < script_contexts->used(); context_index++) { Handle<Context> context = ScriptContextTable::GetContext( isolate_, script_contexts, context_index); Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info(context->scope_info(), isolate_); if (VisitContextLocals(visitor, scope_info, context)) return; } } void ScopeIterator::VisitModuleScope(const Visitor& visitor) const { DCHECK(context_->IsModuleContext()); Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info(context_->scope_info(), isolate_); if (VisitContextLocals(visitor, scope_info, context_)) return; int count_index = scope_info->ModuleVariableCountIndex(); int module_variable_count = Smi::cast(scope_info->get(count_index)).value(); Handle<SourceTextModule> module(context_->module(), isolate_); for (int i = 0; i < module_variable_count; ++i) { int index; Handle<String> name; { String raw_name; scope_info->ModuleVariable(i, &raw_name, &index); if (ScopeInfo::VariableIsSynthetic(raw_name)) continue; name = handle(raw_name, isolate_); } Handle<Object> value = SourceTextModule::LoadVariable(isolate_, module, index); // Reflect variables under TDZ as undeclared in scope object. if (value->IsTheHole(isolate_)) continue; if (visitor(name, value)) return; } } bool ScopeIterator::VisitContextLocals(const Visitor& visitor, Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info, Handle<Context> context) const { // Fill all context locals to the context extension. for (int i = 0; i < scope_info->ContextLocalCount(); ++i) { Handle<String> name(scope_info->ContextLocalName(i), isolate_); if (ScopeInfo::VariableIsSynthetic(*name)) continue; int context_index = Context::MIN_CONTEXT_SLOTS + i; Handle<Object> value(context->get(context_index), isolate_); // Reflect variables under TDZ as undefined in scope object. if (value->IsTheHole(isolate_)) continue; if (visitor(name, value)) return true; } return false; } bool ScopeIterator::VisitLocals(const Visitor& visitor, Mode mode) const { if (mode == Mode::STACK && current_scope_->is_declaration_scope() && current_scope_->AsDeclarationScope()->has_this_declaration()) { // TODO(bmeurer): We should refactor the general variable lookup // around "this", since the current way is rather hacky when the // receiver is context-allocated. auto this_var = current_scope_->AsDeclarationScope()->receiver(); Handle<Object> receiver = this_var->location() == VariableLocation::CONTEXT ? handle(context_->get(this_var->index()), isolate_) : frame_inspector_ == nullptr ? handle(generator_->receiver(), isolate_) : frame_inspector_->GetReceiver(); if (receiver->IsOptimizedOut(isolate_) || receiver->IsTheHole(isolate_)) { receiver = isolate_->factory()->undefined_value(); } if (visitor(isolate_->factory()->this_string(), receiver)) return true; } if (current_scope_->is_function_scope()) { Variable* function_var = current_scope_->AsDeclarationScope()->function_var(); if (function_var != nullptr) { Handle<JSFunction> function = frame_inspector_->GetFunction(); Handle<String> name = function_var->name(); if (visitor(name, function)) return true; } } for (Variable* var : *current_scope_->locals()) { DCHECK(!var->is_this()); if (ScopeInfo::VariableIsSynthetic(*var->name())) continue; int index = var->index(); Handle<Object> value; switch (var->location()) { case VariableLocation::LOOKUP: UNREACHABLE(); break; case VariableLocation::UNALLOCATED: continue; case VariableLocation::PARAMETER: { if (frame_inspector_ == nullptr) { // Get the variable from the suspended generator. DCHECK(!generator_.is_null()); FixedArray parameters_and_registers = generator_->parameters_and_registers(); DCHECK_LT(index, parameters_and_registers.length()); value = handle(parameters_and_registers.get(index), isolate_); } else { value = frame_inspector_->GetParameter(index); if (value->IsOptimizedOut(isolate_)) { value = isolate_->factory()->undefined_value(); } } break; } case VariableLocation::LOCAL: if (frame_inspector_ == nullptr) { // Get the variable from the suspended generator. DCHECK(!generator_.is_null()); FixedArray parameters_and_registers = generator_->parameters_and_registers(); int parameter_count = function_->shared().scope_info().ParameterCount(); index += parameter_count; DCHECK_LT(index, parameters_and_registers.length()); value = handle(parameters_and_registers.get(index), isolate_); if (value->IsTheHole(isolate_)) { value = isolate_->factory()->undefined_value(); } } else { value = frame_inspector_->GetExpression(index); if (value->IsOptimizedOut(isolate_)) { // We'll rematerialize this later. if (current_scope_->is_declaration_scope() && current_scope_->AsDeclarationScope()->arguments() == var) { continue; } value = isolate_->factory()->undefined_value(); } else if (value->IsTheHole(isolate_)) { // Reflect variables under TDZ as undeclared in scope object. continue; } } break; case VariableLocation::CONTEXT: if (mode == Mode::STACK) continue; DCHECK(var->IsContextSlot()); value = handle(context_->get(index), isolate_); // Reflect variables under TDZ as undeclared in scope object. if (value->IsTheHole(isolate_)) continue; break; case VariableLocation::MODULE: { if (mode == Mode::STACK) continue; // if (var->IsExport()) continue; Handle<SourceTextModule> module(context_->module(), isolate_); value = SourceTextModule::LoadVariable(isolate_, module, var->index()); // Reflect variables under TDZ as undeclared in scope object. if (value->IsTheHole(isolate_)) continue; break; } } if (visitor(var->name(), value)) return true; } return false; } // Retrieve the with-context extension object. If the extension object is // a proxy, return an empty object. Handle<JSObject> ScopeIterator::WithContextExtension() { DCHECK(context_->IsWithContext()); if (context_->extension_receiver().IsJSProxy()) { return isolate_->factory()->NewJSObjectWithNullProto(); } return handle(JSObject::cast(context_->extension_receiver()), isolate_); } // Create a plain JSObject which materializes the block scope for the specified // block context. void ScopeIterator::VisitLocalScope(const Visitor& visitor, Mode mode) const { if (InInnerScope()) { if (VisitLocals(visitor, mode)) return; if (mode == Mode::STACK && Type() == ScopeTypeLocal) { // Hide |this| in arrow functions that may be embedded in other functions // but don't force |this| to be context-allocated. Otherwise we'd find the // wrong |this| value. if (!closure_scope_->has_this_declaration() && !closure_scope_->HasThisReference()) { if (visitor(isolate_->factory()->this_string(), isolate_->factory()->undefined_value())) return; } // Add |arguments| to the function scope even if it wasn't used. // Currently we don't yet support materializing the arguments object of // suspended generators. We'd need to read the arguments out from the // suspended generator rather than from an activation as // FunctionGetArguments does. if (frame_inspector_ != nullptr && !closure_scope_->is_arrow_scope() && (closure_scope_->arguments() == nullptr || frame_inspector_->GetExpression(closure_scope_->arguments()->index()) ->IsOptimizedOut(isolate_))) { JavaScriptFrame* frame = GetFrame(); Handle<JSObject> arguments = Accessors::FunctionGetArguments( frame, frame_inspector_->inlined_frame_index()); if (visitor(isolate_->factory()->arguments_string(), arguments)) return; } } } else { DCHECK_EQ(Mode::ALL, mode); Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info(context_->scope_info(), isolate_); if (VisitContextLocals(visitor, scope_info, context_)) return; } if (mode == Mode::ALL && HasContext()) { DCHECK(!context_->IsScriptContext()); DCHECK(!context_->IsNativeContext()); DCHECK(!context_->IsWithContext()); if (!context_->scope_info().SloppyEvalCanExtendVars()) return; if (context_->extension_object().is_null()) return; Handle<JSObject> extension(context_->extension_object(), isolate_); Handle<FixedArray> keys = KeyAccumulator::GetKeys(extension, KeyCollectionMode::kOwnOnly, ENUMERABLE_STRINGS) .ToHandleChecked(); for (int i = 0; i < keys->length(); i++) { // Names of variables introduced by eval are strings. DCHECK(keys->get(i).IsString()); Handle<String> key(String::cast(keys->get(i)), isolate_); Handle<Object> value = JSReceiver::GetDataProperty(extension, key); if (visitor(key, value)) return; } } } bool ScopeIterator::SetLocalVariableValue(Handle<String> variable_name, Handle<Object> new_value) { // TODO(verwaest): Walk parameters backwards, not forwards. // TODO(verwaest): Use VariableMap rather than locals() list for lookup. for (Variable* var : *current_scope_->locals()) { if (String::Equals(isolate_, var->name(), variable_name)) { int index = var->index(); switch (var->location()) { case VariableLocation::LOOKUP: case VariableLocation::UNALLOCATED: // Drop assignments to unallocated locals. DCHECK(var->is_this() || *variable_name == ReadOnlyRoots(isolate_).arguments_string()); return false; case VariableLocation::PARAMETER: { if (var->is_this()) return false; if (frame_inspector_ == nullptr) { // Set the variable in the suspended generator. DCHECK(!generator_.is_null()); Handle<FixedArray> parameters_and_registers( generator_->parameters_and_registers(), isolate_); DCHECK_LT(index, parameters_and_registers->length()); parameters_and_registers->set(index, *new_value); } else { JavaScriptFrame* frame = GetFrame(); if (frame->is_optimized()) return false; frame->SetParameterValue(index, *new_value); } return true; } case VariableLocation::LOCAL: if (frame_inspector_ == nullptr) { // Set the variable in the suspended generator. DCHECK(!generator_.is_null()); int parameter_count = function_->shared().scope_info().ParameterCount(); index += parameter_count; Handle<FixedArray> parameters_and_registers( generator_->parameters_and_registers(), isolate_); DCHECK_LT(index, parameters_and_registers->length()); parameters_and_registers->set(index, *new_value); } else { // Set the variable on the stack. JavaScriptFrame* frame = GetFrame(); if (frame->is_optimized()) return false; frame->SetExpression(index, *new_value); } return true; case VariableLocation::CONTEXT: DCHECK(var->IsContextSlot()); context_->set(index, *new_value); return true; case VariableLocation::MODULE: if (!var->IsExport()) return false; Handle<SourceTextModule> module(context_->module(), isolate_); SourceTextModule::StoreVariable(module, var->index(), new_value); return true; } UNREACHABLE(); } } return false; } bool ScopeIterator::SetContextExtensionValue(Handle<String> variable_name, Handle<Object> new_value) { if (!context_->has_extension()) return false; DCHECK(context_->extension_object().IsJSContextExtensionObject()); Handle<JSObject> ext(context_->extension_object(), isolate_); LookupIterator it(isolate_, ext, variable_name, LookupIterator::OWN); Maybe<bool> maybe = JSReceiver::HasOwnProperty(ext, variable_name); DCHECK(maybe.IsJust()); if (!maybe.FromJust()) return false; CHECK(Object::SetDataProperty(&it, new_value).ToChecked()); return true; } bool ScopeIterator::SetContextVariableValue(Handle<String> variable_name, Handle<Object> new_value) { DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; VariableMode mode; InitializationFlag flag; MaybeAssignedFlag maybe_assigned_flag; IsStaticFlag is_static_flag; int slot_index = ScopeInfo::ContextSlotIndex(context_->scope_info(), *variable_name, &mode, &flag, &maybe_assigned_flag, &is_static_flag); if (slot_index < 0) return false; context_->set(slot_index, *new_value); return true; } bool ScopeIterator::SetModuleVariableValue(Handle<String> variable_name, Handle<Object> new_value) { DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc; int cell_index; VariableMode mode; InitializationFlag init_flag; MaybeAssignedFlag maybe_assigned_flag; cell_index = context_->scope_info().ModuleIndex( *variable_name, &mode, &init_flag, &maybe_assigned_flag); // Setting imports is currently not supported. if (SourceTextModuleDescriptor::GetCellIndexKind(cell_index) != SourceTextModuleDescriptor::kExport) { return false; } Handle<SourceTextModule> module(context_->module(), isolate_); SourceTextModule::StoreVariable(module, cell_index, new_value); return true; } bool ScopeIterator::SetScriptVariableValue(Handle<String> variable_name, Handle<Object> new_value) { Handle<ScriptContextTable> script_contexts( context_->global_object().native_context().script_context_table(), isolate_); ScriptContextTable::LookupResult lookup_result; if (ScriptContextTable::Lookup(isolate_, *script_contexts, *variable_name, &lookup_result)) { Handle<Context> script_context = ScriptContextTable::GetContext( isolate_, script_contexts, lookup_result.context_index); script_context->set(lookup_result.slot_index, *new_value); return true; } return false; } } // namespace internal } // namespace v8