// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

let { Protocol } = InspectorTest.start('Checks Runtime.getProperties method while debugger is paused.');

(async function test() {
  await Protocol.Debugger.enable();
  Protocol.Runtime.evaluate({ expression: 'debugger;' });
  const callFrameId = (await Protocol.Debugger.oncePaused()).params.callFrames[0].callFrameId;

    function testObject5() {
      return logExpressionProperties(`(function(){var r = Object(5); r.foo = 'cat';return r;})()`);

    function testNotOwn() {
      return logExpressionProperties(`({ a: 2, set b(_) {}, get b() {return 5;}, __proto__: { a: 3, c: 4, get d() {return 6;} }})`, { ownProperties: false });

    function testAccessorsOnly() {
      return logExpressionProperties(`({ a: 2, set b(_) {}, get b() {return 5;}, c: 'c', set d(_){} })`, { ownProperties: true, accessorPropertiesOnly: true });

    function testArray() {
      return logExpressionProperties(`['red', 'green', 'blue']`);

    function testBound() {
      return logExpressionProperties('Number.bind({}, 5)');

    function testObjectThrowsLength() {
      return logExpressionProperties(`({get length() { throw 'Length called'; }})`);

    function testTypedArrayWithoutLength() {
      return logExpressionProperties('({__proto__: Uint8Array.prototype})');

    async function testArrayBuffer() {
      let objectId = await evaluateToObjectId('new Uint8Array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]).buffer');
      let props = await Protocol.Runtime.getProperties({ objectId, ownProperties: true });
      for (let prop of props.result.result) {
        if (prop.name === '__proto__')
        await logGetPropertiesResult(prop.value.objectId);

    async function testArrayBufferWithBrokenUintCtor() {
      await evaluateToObjectId(`(function() {
        this.uint8array_old = this.Uint8Array;
        this.Uint8Array = 42;
      await logExpressionProperties('new Int8Array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]).buffer');
      await evaluateToObjectId(`(function() {
        this.Uint8Array = this.uint8array_old;
        delete this.uint8array_old;

  async function logExpressionProperties(expression, flags) {
    const objectId = await evaluateToObjectId(expression);
    return await logGetPropertiesResult(objectId, flags);

  async function evaluateToObjectId(expression) {
    return (await Protocol.Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame({ expression, callFrameId })).result.result.objectId;

  async function logGetPropertiesResult(objectId, flags = { ownProperties: true }) {
    function hasGetterSetter(property, fieldName) {
      var v = property[fieldName];
      if (!v) return false;
      return v.type !== "undefined"

    flags.objectId = objectId;
    let props = await Protocol.Runtime.getProperties(flags);
    var propertyArray = props.result.result;
    for (var i = 0; i < propertyArray.length; i++) {
      var p = propertyArray[i];
      var v = p.value;
      var own = p.isOwn ? "own" : "inherited";
      if (v)
        InspectorTest.log(`  ${p.name} ${own} ${v.type} ${v.value}`);
        InspectorTest.log(`  ${p.name} ${own} no value${(hasGetterSetter(p, "get") ? ", getter" : "")}${(hasGetterSetter(p, "set") ? ", setter" : "")}`);
    var internalPropertyArray = props.result.internalProperties;
    if (internalPropertyArray) {
      InspectorTest.log('Internal properties');
      for (var i = 0; i < internalPropertyArray.length; i++) {
        var p = internalPropertyArray[i];
        var v = p.value;
        InspectorTest.log(`  ${p.name} ${v.type} ${v.value}`);

    function NamedThingComparator(o1, o2) {
      return o1.name === o2.name ? 0 : (o1.name < o2.name ? -1 : 1);